ipioisria goods -AT Till!- CORNER STORE ! AT ALL PRINGIPAL RESTAURANTS, All kinds of potted niculs, llsh, canned good, oynters, lobBturs, crabs, Kinslun euviar, freh spiced oysters, fluent smoked ltsins, bo lognas und Binokud, bef, York stute full orotitii oliec,Ktnuutlinl,Swlw, Edam, Biipwwn nnd Liniburgei'. Fine ntBortiiitnt of cakes nnd blet cuiU. Q. nU H. plrklos of till klndB. l'icklen by tliedo7. n. You will find Just what you winit. Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. ah Tin: news ron onk cbst. Has a larger circulation In Shenandoah than any other paper published. Circu lation books open to h11. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET! Judge IToa. D. I). Green. Sheriff r.ertfan.n Smith. Jury Commissioner MaJ. William C am, Poor 1)1, color George lietfiicr. Delcgu'es fo the Contll ultonul Con venflon, 8flA VolrloiJo)h J. 1'omeroy, John J . Coylc. LOOAL LUNCHEON. Store rain. Tomatoes ripening. A big chestnut c-op it predicted. Poaches nnd cream are In season. Is your name on the astoisor's JUt ? Quile a number of our citizens are laying in their supply of coal for DOW next winter. 80 fa; Hi is summer the country line been nice and green, the showers savin;; Hie Colds from the burned and parched appenr nnco of sorao summers. Progress. It is very important in this ago of vast material progress that a reruody beVleasing to the taste and to tho eye, easily taken, ac ceptable to the stomach and hoalthy in its nature and effects. Possessing theno qual ities, Syrup of Figs is the one perfect laxa Uvo and most gentle dluroiic known. Coming Events. Aug. 5. Ice cream festival, under tho auspices of tbo "Y's," in Nubbins' opera house. Aug. 15 and 17. Kan and lee cream fes tival, Primitive Mothodist church. Aug. 18. Ice cream and poach fostival, in Nubbins' opera houBe, indor tho auspicos of Camp No. 183, P. O. S. of A. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning? The signal per haps or the sure approach of that more ter rible disease. Consumption. Ante yourselves If you can atlord for tbo sake of Having 50 cent, to run the risk and do nothing fur It. We know from cxpjileucc that Hhlloh s (Jure will Cure your Cough. It never fulls. '1 his explalus whyjuore than a Million UoMIhh wore sold the past year. It relieves Croup and Whopping couh at ouce Mother do not be without It. For Ijimo llaoK, Hldo or Ubcst, useShlloh's I'omiu Plaster. Hold by Lloyd street. Completed to Doadwood. Tbo Burlington Koute, O., Ii. &Q. B. U., from Chicago, Paoria and St. Louis, is now completed, and daily passenger trains are running through Lincoln, Nob., and Custer, S. D.. to Deadwood. Also to New castle, Wyoming. Sleeping cars to Dead wood. If It is a woll known fact that Pan Tina Cough and Consumption Cure has cured Con Kumptton, doughs and Colds when ail else failed. afiandSO oeuts. Tr al bottles liee at Klrlln's drug state. They Are Splendid. Wo mean those Cheviot suits you can set at A. T. Jonos' "Famous" Clothing store for 0.50. Holght of Oruolty. Nf rvnus women seldom receive tho sym- rji'hy they dsscrvo. wtii eoiieiune pioiures i.iolii. rv are constantly aUini. To withhold sympathy from these unfi.rtuuates is the height or cruelty. They have a weak heart, eauilug shortness of breath, fluttering, pain lit side, weak and hungry spells, und n-.iiir raAiitriir nf Ankles. nunrtslou. chok lir urrwtlinrlnir nnd drO'.iav. l)r Mills' New Heart Cure Is Just the thine for them. l'"or thoiruervf.usuess, headaoho, weakness, oic. Ills Itest jrtlve Nervl Is unquulert. fine Jreatlseou "ll-jartuud Nervom Dlseake" nnd marvelous tostlmontnU Irtso. Bold and Buaranteed by 0. II. ll.igenbuch. Best work done at Ureonan's steam laundry. Everything white and spotless. Laco ourtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. in Buy Keyttone flour. Be careful that tbe namo LBia & Co., Ashland, Pa., is printed on everv saok 3-3-3taw WALL PAPER ! A CARLOAD JUST AUKIVED AT MELLBT'S, Blanks Go Gilt 8o Embossed 12 l-2o Window SlutdoB, spring rollers..25o Curtain Tolos 25o IIOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Shenanaoah CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. MA1IAN0Y CUT, PA. Anniversary Celebration. Star of llethluhem Lodgo, A. 1'. A., will celebrate its anniversary tills ovening. Members of tbe orgnnizition and friends are cordially Invited to attend. a& For DOo You can get one duz ti cabinet photos and a fl in Iiame. Iteinembor wo aro on the 8rt fljorj no steps to climb. HiCAdEY, tbe loading artist. 8 6-8in Two-Day SuBpouslon. The Philadelphia & Heading Ooal &Iron Oomnanv has issued an order for tbo sus pension of all Its collieries on Friday und Saturday next. It U understood that the order is in pursuanoe of a policy of restric tion of production fur the month. Fall of Coal. Anthony Gibolsby, a Pole, was seriously injured in the Shenandoah City colliery this morning. Ho was crushed under a slip of coal from a pillar. His right foot was fraolurod and his back was crashed. He was sent to tho Miners' HoepilRl on tbo 1:10 Lehigh Valley train. PERSONAL. John It. Coylc, Eq., is homo again from tho kcashvro. .1. V. Thomas, agent for the Central llallroad of New Jersey, at Lansford, was In town to-day, making arrangements with tbo committee of tho Lakeside eisteddfod to be iKdd mi the 16t.l inst., for a large ex cursion from his section. Wonderful Endurance. Mrs. Pauline lCiuginzinz, tho agod Polish woman who was struck by a Lehigh Valley train near Bowers streot about two wooks ago, has survived tho ordeal attend ing tho amputation of her loft foot and tho chances for her ulllmato recovery aro very good. Considering that tbo woman is over G7 years of ago her ca 0 Is an oxempliflca lion of ro narkable endurance. Tbo patient is under tbo caro of Dra. Hamilton and Kistlor. REPLY TO GOV. PATTISON. If i Iy Appoint n Cnmmltto" to Kiimlu the KnyittollH llnnk'it Hook. Washington, Aug. 5. Mr. Lncey, Comptroller of tbo Currency, has sent the following lettur to Gov. Pattlsou, of Pennsylvania: "I have tho honor to inform you that tbe Secretary of the Treasury h. re ferred to mo for r.-ply your commuuioa tlou. "In accordance with the request there in contjined, I have authorized tho re ceiver of tho Keystone National Buk to permit 11 committee of three or tlvs citi iseni, to bo designated by yon, to xam ino tho books, pavers aud accounts of the said bank, with the view to ascer tain what doooslta of publlo motn-y, in which the Stalo of Pennsylvania had or has any lntorost, wore made lu said 11 mtc bv John Bnnlsley, the -late treasurer 01 the city and county of Philadelphia, ami what became of tho money thus deposited. "In accordance with your sugiJCBtlons, the authorization Is llmltod to nn oxam lnatlon as to deposits of publlo funds Dasslnn throuuh tho bands of John Bardsley it treasurer of I'hlladolphlo nnd wrenl of tho Commonwealth, of Pennsylvania, and of suoh funds us tbo said Commonwealth may be directly indirectly Interested in." or Cal JlcCnilliy'j ChallmiRu to Dlxun, Nkw Yomt, Aug. 0. Cal McCarthy has issued a challenge to Ueorge Dixon for another fight for $1,500 a side, provided that the Granite Club, of Iloboken, will add a puree of $4,000, tbe men to weigh 115 pounds. 'Weather Indications. Wasiiinoton, Aug. B. For Now Ensland Talr woather, except looal showors In Western Massachusetttsi slightly warmer; varlablo winds. Tor Eastorn Now York! Local showers; slightly warmer, vurlablo winds. l'or Now Jonscy: Bllghtly warmer, ocoaslon- al showors-, varlablo 'winds. For Western Now York: Generally fair und slightly warmer; variable winds. NKW VOKK 3IAKUKT.4. New Yoiik, Aug. 4. Money on call loaned easy at xyiu ier cenu I10ND3. Closing Yesterday. JKs. 1801 lte 10OM iSfll Coup lOOJJ i s, 1007 Iteg 1005J 4 s, 1007 Coup ini STOCK MAltKHT. Closlmr Cloflng JUJ 10J 1171 117tf Yestei-day. 80 HI Canadian Pnptne. , tVU.I U i llw.HV.. ., , , --v Chlougo, llur. & Qulncy 82M Central raollle.. Sieiuware a iiuusuu ,..-"4 )el., Look, U Western 13S Jrie 8Ji Kriopret 47 Irfiko Shore '"'Jft Louis & Nash Omi Mlohigun Central 87jS lliwifiiirl PaoIIIo. OKA New J or soy Cent ml 100 Northwestern ?ie.ioii Navigation .. aoiSo Hall ea 33 Heading Hook Island. Villon l'nolfto 41 Western union 1'ltODUCB MAUK13T. Au:r. Bept. Wheat WH 10U Corn 00 OiH Oats mi 35 Oot. w MBUCANT1LK BXCHANOI5. Tlutter Quiet hut firm. State extras, 18a western citias, 17oU nlBo, Cheese Dull and unchanged. Ohio Hats, common to fine, 6t&c aTo, Egg Dull und ensier. State fivah, 17u). 17)l,a; western, 10)saat7lo. fltt KAISEB SELECT EXCURSION To tho Prominent Joraoy Ooaat Resorts. The Pennsylvania Katlroad and Ihlgh Valley liallroad will on August lltl 1801, run a select excursion to Atlantic City, Capo May, Sea Islo City, Oooan City, Ar.glesea, VVildwood, or Holly Heach. Excursion tlokots valid for return trip by any romilar train until and including August 17tb, 1891, will bo sold at rates quoted beow, and special train for Phil adelphia will loavo at hour indicated : Hnoclalloavoi. Bxc. rale. MiamoKln 7.45 A. M. in, Cariuel 8.08 " a m 8 SI 8 fiO II .jU 3 oO :l 50 ceuuaiia b.mj " Raveu linn S.SO " Shenundo.h(L.V.Uepol). M5 " iwauanoy uny am Delano 8.2J '.' I'lillaJolplila Atitve 1.00 P. JI. Passengers will have an opportunity to lake dinner at Philadelphia and proceed to tho scasboro by afternoon trains, from Marltot street wharf, as follows : For Atlantic City, 2:00, 3:00, 8:10,4.10, and 6:20 p. m. For Capo May, Anglotoa, AVlldwood, and Holly Jlenoh, 2:80, 4:C0 and 5:00 p. m., and to Sea Islo City and O.oan City, 2:30 and i'SQ p. m. Transfer through Philadelphia is not in eluded in the rale, but convenient oonnec lion may bo made by street ctrs at a faro of C cents'. Tickets will be good for return by regular trains until and including Monday, Augu-t 17th, 1801. Playing Cards. You can obtain a pack of best quality jlavinir cards by sendinc fifteen cents in postage to P S. Kustis, Gen'l Tass. Agt A.. O. & O.K. II. Chicago, 111. tf SONS OP ST. GEORGE. Notes of tho Convention Now in Town. Tho stato grand lodgo Order Son of St. Goorgo started in upon its second day's work this morning. iVftor tho 'officers wore iustalloJ yes terday afternoon tho Grand Presi dent inado tho following appointments : Thomas J. Itilnor, Philadelphia, Grand Assistant Messenger, nnd James Doll, Al- egheny City, Grand Chaplain. This morning's sossion was taken up by tho discussion of reports submittod by tho committees. Tbo report of tho secretary shows that there aro 73 lodges in tho stato, having a membership of 7,000 members. Tho assets f tbo ordor in cash on hat4und investments aggregate f 75,299 00. Tho receipts during tho year amounted to 501,550.87. During the year 827,520.51 wont to defray sick ben fits, and tho funeral, benefits amountoa to 87 778 50. Last ovoning tho repreeonlattvoa wore banqtuttod in Bobbins' opera bouso. Tho banquet was an ola1 oralo affair and thoro was a lolly time. Kev. Floyd Jl. west, rector of the Protoslant Episoopal church ol town, mado tho a-dress of welcome and bis remarks were heartily appreciated. Lai k of spaoo prohibits tho publication of his addross in this irsuo, but it will bo given onblicalion to-morrow. Tho readors of tho IIkhald will find it mtorostlng. iVlter tho banquet tberp was a musical nnd literary ontortainmont, in which vorol wnll known local nartita nartlci several won Known meat powlitoi putcu. Tho grand lodgo has considerable busi ness to transact, but tho delegates hopo to accomplish all assigned to thorn by to-mor row evening. Died.' BA.0HMAN. On tho Srd inst., atShon nndoah, Pa., Wra. Buchman, Sr., aged 71 johm, 1 month and 5 days. Funeral from his lato rosidonco on North Gilbert street. Shenandoah, Pa at 2 o'clock, -p. m , Thursday, Cth Inst. Interment in the O Id Fellows' cemetery. Shenandoah. JJrieiidk and relativos respectfully Invited to attend The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. Lambert, The Hatter; Carries an extraordinary line ot Hats, Caps anil Gents' Furnishing Goods and makes a speolally of Nellie Illy und Mary Anderson Caps. 8 HjfVST OHNTBH ST. 8 WANTS, &o. "T7"ANTUD For Hrcnnan'i; Htonni TT Laundry, a good girl, 7 2-tf TtTANrua-A lady ngnt to Boll a Vt B io l nrlfole among women, Apply at the Herat,!) oilloc tf T7OU RKMT. A dwelliiiB li'oue A. co imliilug six rotimq. Apply to H. C. Kulght,1t8 East Centre HTeet, 8 4-tf GIRL WANTKD. A. good cx porleuod girl wauted fhr general house work, Noother need apply. Call at IIrhat.d office. Bast Ooal street. 7-S-tf DESIRAHLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of tbe most desirable proper ties on West Oik street, for sale un reasonable lernis. Apply at itowse s grocery store, cor ner Jardlu add Oak street's, SbeuaudoHh, 1'a 1TIOR ItEJfT A cood stable in the X? First wud, suitable for a j lvery or otber purpws. Apply to j. J. IJjbulus, No. 180 N. .11 uu sireet, ileuanlO-Vll. T? ARE ("ill ANOE. Tell f 10) plinres XV of building aud Unn assoela'ion stock for (.ale At a saonnoe. luqvure ai itavw sioam dye works, 110 Has" Ce-.t'e 6tioet. 7 25 If TYPE WRITING. A young lady, a gradual, w nits work at type wrltlnjt. Call ut HisrtAM) olUce, or address Hnu.u.n, ahonandoali, I'a, 8 MI TTVlSSI K ABLE PROPERTY 1 ttalrt Tlic'iti it. liiluir im rarner FOR ou rorncr ot Ocial uuri v.mprirlr Rl.rni't.q. It 13 gull nlormany purines. Apply to o. sjo jikuiuou oii TITAN s'reo -An active reliable man V salary 70 to &8o monthly, with in crease, to represent in his own seoilon a re sponsible New York House, llelereuoes. Manufacturer, Loea Box 1585, New York. TPOR SALE. Razzlo-Duzzle nnd f CioudSwiig, loctted at l.ivohlde (Kust I Mohanoy Junction.) A good chance for a live man. The nresent owner has uot the lime to devote to it. Apply at the odlcoof nnenauuoan Ljnmopr lu, aueuan uuu. 7-SI-lw A DM INISTRATO RS1 NOTICfi XjL Estate ol nnniel Kurabel, deceaed. Letters ot administration uu tne estate or Daniel Ilumbel. Inte of union townshln. fchuvl'tidoountv. Pa . dweased. have been eranFea 10 wiuum it. itumofji, roftiuiu; ui. Hluytowu, ra to wnom an persons laaeuta I tnsiild fwUiteare reo nested to make riavmor.t. i nnd those ' avlnj; claims or demands will make known tue same wit unit ueiny. W1UI.I Ul U HUJlllhilJ, Or to Administrator. H O M IIoi,i.orBTER. Alt'v. July mm, usui. 7-17-ut 8EALRD PltOl'OS L.S will bo receive! at the Architect's oillco l'oltsvllle, until 2 p.m., Aiicrtikt. 15 1W1I. 'nr the eref'lon of ft Inline rhurch for the (Jreck Oat l.ollo congregation of Maiianoy uuy. I'lansand hprcifloitlons to be seen ntthe house of C) Z Smith. 303- West Outre street, hud AroMte-t's olHoi'. All proposals to be marked on envelope. Thoownirs lesjrvo the right torejeetany or all bids. w. u. uilij, Arnmoci. g-l-Gt I'oiisviuc, i-a. POMTC'AIi. pOlt BUBIIIKI', joscpii WOII or i'ott,viijLe. Subject to Ddmoarntle ru!e. JJlO It CON-jriTUTIONAL CONVENTION James J. 5frane. OF allKKANDOAU, Subject to Deoiooratlo rules. SELLING- OUT. Daslrlmr to dispose o( my entire stock of - 1 goods, In order to uoate the store room for "therpurpjws, Iwillstlltheiomainlngsuick t. prniit.lv rcdUAad urluas. TheHS iroods must t o sold within a short time, aud It will benefit you to Inspect the sumo. 1 I. 1AVJS, 0 10 tf 100 PfortlJ JarUiti St. t: v- OTltAWH thow Hie way the wind blows, but they don't Bhov what hard blows wo have Ibten strlklngat straw bat prices. Home hats are dear at any prlee; those bats are cheap al doublslue money, ir wnai ooversyour nesa Is not beoomlng toyou, nil the pains yon take s to the rest ol your attire nroslmply thrown away, (lomenud s how you will Icotln one of our 60o str iw bats. There's no U6e In vine any lurther description of thorn than to say this they are Rtj'lUh. We cut the price dowu because we want to cut our stock down. Another big bargain In hats Is our 1 black stllf hats. 19 S, Main St S0ANLAN Shenand&ah FOB SALE! A farm, containing nearly am ufrD, situate In lllngtown. Nlue-rooiuod house, 0 horns and 1 oolt, bcsldos h faw head ol cattle, can ue una rcasunaoiy. Appiy ui DIES. Si, ItUAniKV, 8-C-lw 545 I. Centre St. IT BEER, Light. tgsjr wftm & Attention, House Cleaners ! Tho warm weather inhere, nnd house-clea'ilng Is the next thing lu order. And fit such times most everybody needs something to brighten up tne Homo, bo it you need innnf mi ov 1 1 nf-t- MrMti I WO OK 1 II5tEE"FJL,Y INGRAK1V, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! You can find a full assortment nt PRICE'S. Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles of all Kinds ! Window Shades, Floor und Table Oilcloths nud Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when quality is considered. No misrepresentation one price to all. 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. We meuu It in every sense of the word. Wo ofler you good ull-wool Bulls for less than their value. . Our light goods must go, regardless of cost; feo If you want to purchase a Men's All-wool Cheviot Suit for $0.60 call on us. Furnishing goods also to be had at lower prices than you will find them elsowhore. We make no boasts merely for advertisement, but what we advertise we will do. CalFand examine our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret it. , THE "FAMOUS" ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, 11 N. Main Street, Shenandoah. A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Loases, Mortgages and Bonds written. Marriage licenses aim iet;iw emiuui promptly attended to. Real Estate, Collection ami Insurance Agency. General Plre Insurance Business. Represents the JNormwesiern i.ne insurance vjo. Office Mnldoon's bulldlne. corner Centre and West Bts., Shenandoah, fa. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. 1. A two story doublo lrame dwelling bouse fiTn'nntirt rnqtiinmut. on East Centre St. 2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre II. Desirable property on corner Centre and Jartlin streets, sunaoie lor uuamesi pur noses. 1. A two story doublo lranie dwelling, on Weet l,tovd street. 5. Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Con- flTum 'Jntnrv dwelling on the corner ol ira RtrpflL. Coal ana cnemui sireois niore room in one. 7. Two-story slnclo house on North Chestnut Rtrpnt witii n lartre warenouse ai iuh rear. 8. Thi ee two-story double frame buildings corner or Lloyd ana uuoert streets. The Leading Photographar, M. 14 M WHITE 8T The work done at this enl'.erv Is fully eniul to that done at tho. larjo galleiies of New York and Flilladcluhlti. Comnarlson is vlled between the spomons of bU two and1 thrie dollarcabluets shown In bis window and the best ot work done ebuwhoro a' five and air dntlard. a-Do not climb lou nleht ol stairs to naiiouizd an oniornils run bvoutoftown putties when better work may be had of your i own townsmen. Ice Cream Festival Under tbe auspices of the 9 ff. a 110BBIXS' 01'EUA IIOUSE, SHENAND0A1I, Pi., Wednesday, Aug. 5, '91. TIOICE1TS, - lOOBNxS. Good for a plato of cream. SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, I HO East Centre-Strett, SUJUN.lNBOAn, etc Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Confectionery! -OF AM. K1ND8,- IIIER D&rk. a giou oirpet ot eittier rvt I rjnnnfnti i-fnimnni New Saloon and Restaurant 1 Newly Failed, Tapered and Rcnovatei No. 115 CEKTHE SXII.I5ET, Three doors above Kcndrick House. BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor.' Mr. Haakev would inform hU manv friends and tho public that ho will cater to tliulr wants lutlienatit. JSona but the bast Liranflq or for elen and domebtlo wine?. Uaiiord nnd clears win uo Bepi iu siock. unoico lemp clrinkH. Fine old slock al: auo viii.iuK uai 13 oupiiiica wi'it c vci j tuiug -JTJST OTJI1- The "HEW BROADWAY" BAHG very t Is Jus it win pay you to come und sso It, - tirices nuntprt- nn roonng oc per root and Tin rooi painting ,0 Tin conductor .........12o 11 Tin hauclnc muter. ...,12o " Galvanized chimney stack 203 per pou juiuiru ior uu slovos asp acidity. WM T? TT?Ariv7i -rem si.,Shf 4 7C-3m LEATHER and SHOE FIHQtl Dealer lu all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supph 18 W. OENTKE ST., Ferguson Housebuilding, SHENANDOAH, The Cheapest Place V -TO BUV. Gents' Furcisbing Goods, Hosiery, Etc,', 18 AT CHARLES : YAROWSKYj 23 West Centre St., Shenandoah. Q 11. HAMILTON, M, D., ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 0lllce2a West Lloyd Blrcet, Shenn