The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 05, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
n. a jiowii, muor mt rbuhcr.
ir.W. T. WATKIXS, I.oml IMItor.
TheKVICXiyo JIKKALI) hat a larger eir
culnltnn (n Bhcnandtxth thtm any other jMfiir I
pubtithnl, Jtonkt cpm to all,
daily. Mr roar M W I
WM.Wi Per y"
. 1 So
Kntered t in Postoftloe, at HbennodoaJi, P.
for transmission through the mall
wmi1 plam mnll matter.
I'itrures Demonstrate the Popu
larity Of the Resort.
Auk- 0. Evangelical Sunday school of
Mahanoy Olty.
Aur. 7. Welsh Oongregfttionul, Ml
noy City.
Au. 8. M. K. Sunday icbool, Ullber-
Auk. 10. M. K. Sunday school, Girstd'
willo. and Union Sunday school, Lost
Aug. 11. Wolih Uaplltt, Congrega
tional Htid Methodist, Shenandoah.
Auk. 12. Lutheran missionary festival.
" 18. Huisaocal Sunday school of
Mahanoy Oity.
Auk. M. Koformed Sunday school, of
An. 16. KUleddfod.
" 17. Lutheran Sunday school, Gi
Aur. 18. KngUihlJaptinSimdayohoolfLfound''over?llnrs? r,ci1 BC,nS mn?ai '7
,. . " ,,,, R Hior stopinothor, who humid the girl In
a., "in t v q.i.m.i (QUn.
AUi Jtf. Ail lit uununj nuuui vi ...i...
Aur. 20. Trinity Kelormod Sunday
school of Mahanoy City.
Aur. 20. Evangelical Sunday school
picnic, Delano.
Aug. 21. Daughters of llebekab, Malia
uoy City.
Aug. 26. Evangelical Luthoran Sundsy
school, Tamsnus.
Aug. 27. Young Men's Republican
Club, Mahanoy City.
Aug. 22 P. 21. Sunday school, of Gil-
Aug. 2-1. 1 M. Sunday school of Shen
Aug. 2C. English Lutheran, ilabnnoy
Asli Your Friends About It.
Your distressing cough can be cured.
Wo know it beenuso Kemp's Balsam
within the past few years has cured so
many ooutths and colds in thKcommunity.
Its remarkablo salo has been won outiroly
by its gonuino merit. Ask somo friend
Who has used it what ho thinks of Koinp'f
Balsam. Thoro is no medicino to pure
nonoeo effective. Largo bottles 50o and?l
at all druggists'.
Poachos will bo plenty, all reports to the
contrary notwithstanding.
A Ouro for Constipation and
Dr. Silas Lario. whllo in tho ltocky
Mountains, discovered a root that wbn
combined with othor herbs, makes an caj
nnd certain cure for constipation. It is In
tho form of rfry roots and leaves, and Is
known as Lane's Family Medicine. It
will cure sick beadacho. For tho blood,
liver and kidneys, and for clearing up the
complexion it does wonders. Druggisb
soil it at 00 oeuts a packago.
Applosftre plenty this year and tbo crop
of cider will be good,
To Norvous, Debilitated Men.
If you send us your address, wo wil
mail you our illustrated pamphlet explain
Ing all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro
Voltaic Belt and Aimllancos. and thel.
charming oOects upon the nervous do
villi. .. .J i .1 i. ,1 ;ii ,,;l.i. I
lot free.
If you are thus afflicted, wo will
lond vou
a lielt and Appliances on a trial
Marsball, Mich.
Femalo tramps aro said to bo a growing
wostorn institution.
A Mystery Explained.
The papers contain frequent notices of rich,
pretty unn cuuoaieu Kins ciopiug wiui
uecroes. trnmns and ooactimen. The well.
Known specialist, Dr. Kranttllu Mllxv, says all
such girls are moio or his hysterical, nerous,
to heudiiche, ncurulgla, skeplessucss, tin-
moderate crying or laughing. These show a
weak nervous syslfm for vblch there Is no
retnedr enual to ltosiorallve Nervine. Trial
bottles and a line book, containing muny
iiinrvolouH cures, Ireo nt O. II. ilagenuuch h
drug store, who also mil, nnd gnaiantee l)r.
Allies' celebrated Now Ileal! Cure, tbo Buost
of heart tonics, cures flntle.rlng, short
breath, etc.
Dross makers will soon
autumn rigs.
bo at work on
Shlloh's Consumption Ouro.
This Is beyond mieHtlon the most sue-1
cesstul Cough Medloino v e have ever sold, I
a few dose Invariably cure the worst etetxt of I
Cooeh. Croun. and Ilronebltls. while Its wou-
ucnui suoeeMi in me c
without n parallel in t
In the cure of Consumption is I
. parallel in the history of medicine. I
Blnoe It's first discovery it has been fold oil a
guarantee, a test which no other medlulun
can stand. II you have a Li uah wo earnteliy
a,VAi tnln.ll 1 l-l ,11 n .... I I. I-. I ... . I
SU'0, If your I.nngs are sore, t'hest or llackl
lame, use Hbllob's Porous l'laster. Hold by I
O. II. Hagenbuch, N. E. coiuer Muln and!
uoyn Hire is.
Send us "pers -nals" regarding tho com-
ing and going of your visitors.
A Glorious Hocord.
Since the Introduction of the Femons Pan-1
Tina Cough and Consumption Cure in this
vicinity, the death rale Irora Contuniiillnn
Iihs decreased wonderfully ; It never fulls to
eneci a eure, nnu is tue iwbiuoucu meuielne. I
Try it. Trial bottles free at Klrlln's diug
If you feci like doinira good doed, treat
n dozen ttrcot children to Ico cream.
This certifies that my child. Ill months old.
wasattllcted wllh a very bad skin dlseaco of
tneiace, eyes anu in side ortliencse. Tho
face was covered with mattering sores, and
bis eyes were swollen shut ou uccouutof the
f-oresnn the eyelids, and his nosewnidls
charging matter, and was full Inside of the
fcores. I gave him the Cactus Wood Cure lor
four weeks, and to-day my baby Is entirely
well. MHH. J, KENNEY.
1(6 East 126th street, N. Y.
Bold at Klrlln's Drug Btore.Kemuson House
Jllock, Uhenandoab,
Ilorriblo Caso of Brutality at
Mount Carmol, Pa.
Lookad Up In a Collar Until She Beoamo a
Having Moniao,
Tlio Only Clothing She If ml nn Mnilo of nn
Old Halt Hub Her Body Uurned Willi a
nd Hot rnker by Ilor Rtepmothsr nnd
DroUmr-Tlij Wanted til CJlrl's For-
tuna of Fifty Thnusaud Dollars.
JtooNT Catimkl, Pn., Aug. 5. Mrs. Ross
Shcshtnsklo was arrosted hero during tho
day, and this dovoloped a most horrible
There lias boon living with ner,
Amelia, a stepdnuithter, a young woman
of an. Amelia's father died when sbo
was 3 years old, leaving her a large
strip of land worth many thousand dol
lurs. Since then Mrs. Shcshinsklo nnd her
two brothers havo been working to se
cure the property They made the girl
go out and pick, up con
everv night.
She made sevoral fruitless attempts to
oscnne. For many inonins suo nau not
Iiopii Rn tin vesteruav wnen mo out'
zeus of tho town started out to search
for her.
lu a foul cellar In tho Polish part ot
tho town thov fonud the girl. Sho was
locked In the house a ravlnij maniac,
beculnif overvono not to kill her.
The onlv clothlnir sho had on was mndo
of an old salt bag, and on her neck were
many places with n red not. poicer.
Evldonco bus been secured to provo
that the woman and lior brothers nave
tried to poison the girl, whoie property
Is now said to Do wcrtii tou.uuu,
Shcshlnskl was hold In f3,0U0 ball
Important Action Tulicn by
Itlvor Convention.
Fall River. Mass., Aug. G. Tho
National Textile Workora' Association
convention here voted to grant transfer
cards to traveling union monj to refer
the matter of establishing a monthly
journal to the national council, and tc
have regular quarterly roports ol expen
A declaration of principles was adopt
oil, declaring for tho lessening of tho
hours ot labor so tliattuo immense army
ot unemployed men can lllid work
urging tho adoption of moans to protec
employes from acoldonts In faotorlon, and
demanding tho non-employment of chil
dren undor 15 In factories.
The association alms to organize tb
toxtilo workers of America into one
grand and powerful body, and to sottle
all grievances by arbitration, strikes be
ing tho last resort.
Tho methods employed by manufac
turers to evade tho weavers' Ones bill
woro denounced.
Deputy Rliir!lT Oimrdlliff thn Xroparty or
the Veiuvlu Iron Work.
SnAnrsiicna, Pa., Aug. B. The strlko of'
tho -100 memberB of the Amalgamated
Association at tho Vesuvius Iron Works,
at first Insignificant, Is fast developing
Into a contest equal in importance to
any in the history of tbo organization.
About 40 non-union workmen nro
working In the plato mill to-day, So
far the strikers havo not shown any hos
tile feeling.
Every precaution is being organized
by the firm to provent the workmen
from communicating witn tno strncen.
Deputy sheriffs are guarding tho mill
property, Tho statements concerning
tho quantity nnd quality ol work uono
are conflicting.
Died at tlin llrcolifut Tnblo,
pA83Aia N. J., Aug. 5. While In tho
act of taking his seat at tho breakfast
table with tho other guests at Mrs. Guth
buuia yii,u luu uiudi iii ou i.u wto. uk
rle's fashionable boarding house, Wra. P.
Andorson remarked thnt tho damp
weather had mado htm leel dull. Ho
had hardly pronounced tbo last syllablo
of the sentence when bo staggered off his
chair, gasped and died. He was 00 nnd oor
pulent. He belonged la Boston, and
came hero a few months ago to manago
the Passalo Print Works, an establish
ment employing over 000 hands.
bwalloweU u Cillvor llnllnr.
Fisdlay, O., Aug. 0. A silver dollar
lodged In bls-stomach is causing John
uouanu, n young inrmer, mucu uneasl
ness. Yesterday ho was Hipping a dol
lar in tho air and catching It la bis
mouth, when It suddenly slipped down
his throat, flow to be relieved of the
coin Is now the question Dollnnd and his
physician are trying to solve.
is Qnd w ill over l tUi
Remedy tot
TnfliieriBa. Baokaohe.l
Pnlnn In t.hfi Side. Ohoot and"
Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, &o
Before yon. aoefl to lay, obtula
I, tho vslosblo booki "ftside to Hssltb," vlthJ
enaorsements ta prymuiu awuuii
310 Broauway,
n i . iiJ.l- I..JI
esns, rragce, ouiurosiu, uiwn,
iarsmberg, Kcnsttin, Lolpilj,
Oonts a bottle, For Salo 1
1?. 3?. X. ICIITITIV,
ind other dniESuts.
Are Yoii
Next to blood, kidney nnd liver nfTllc-
tlons, nervousness nnd ncrvo Irregularis
tlos nro the most common.
Within tho last twenly.flvo years tho
; number of nervous dlsonses has in
S croasoxl largely, and tho medical frater
5 nlty have given them a great deal of
As to the causes of nervous affections,
; their name Is legion ; high living, dlssl-
S patlon, Irregularities of diet, late hours,
; overwork, great grief, tho high-pressure
g mode of life, with Us ceaseless round of
S activity and oxertlon, calling for con-
stnn t expendlturoof nerve forco, all lend
S to depress and exhaust tho nervous sys-
S tern. The merchants bend for hours over
5 their books, or are whirled at lightning
speed over a oonntiy unknown to their
I fathers ; the student burns freely tho
j "midnight All," while the housewife, In
; her eflbrts to keep pace with the roqnlre
Z menu of modern society, calls Into no
il tlve play every fibre of the nerve system.
S What is thoresnltt All over the land
medical men are battling with nervous
dyspepsia, nervous headache, nervous
! weakness and In many cases wlthgene
I ml nervoun prastrnttnn, oftontliiien di
; veloplng Into paralysis,
To regain health you mast correolrall
that la wrong lu the nerve oomrew. and
i tho'i n'l thavnrlmistronblesarl.iliig from
; tholr dKeahed eoudlMon wlli dlsappenr.
S In BI'iwu'b Sarsapartlla yon have a
S uerve tonic nnd ncrvo food which ip
j plieslhe waste tissues. Remember that
n Ha
At all Drn.-r!it i.Oti. a
DOH'T "tsic fiaii-tliing ei.-
Am y aeuls i Co., : ol?
1 f.
s irM WW mm
Sporting Event.
Columbia Park, Shenandoah,
" Under tho auspices of
Phoanfo Hose Coy
nBir-JHtle Race, Purse $25 ; Entrance Fee, $2.
The following have alresdy entered for tho
raeo-JIarun i-aney, jnomiis inueut,
Ueorge lltncbel-er, George Frost,
Anthony Klynn, Jos. uurvcy,
Charles liluvhelsfr, Goorgo
Glenwrlght and others.
First-class Orchestra bas been engaged.
Pure Ice Cream !
Orders promptly nttcudi d to. Particular at
tention puld to Halls, Picnics,
Festivals, et'.
Kcar Corner of Lloyd, SHENANDOAH, PENNA.
Netv Jbirm.
jSTew Stock.
Green Truck, Fine Groceries,
FRUITS, tec.,
Delaware roe shnd and other fresh fish right
iromine tonis on Tiaays. trcon
GieenB from the tJouth.
Evan's Building;, E. Centre St.
(J. S. WUIta ' old j(aiid)
Everything new and'resb. Goods delivered
Committeemen should bear in
mind tbut the Hkhai.ti oillco
is preimred to do all liiuda.of
Poster Work!
at the most raiponnblo rates,
Give us a oall nnd obtain our
prices. All work done when
promise. anil in a satisfactory
Boot and Shoe Store,
(Maslcller's old stand,)
Corner ConI niulJnrclliiBtH.
.Mr. Hnyder will always keep lu stook a One
line of boots and shoes, .
Custom "Worlt nutl ItcpitlrluRr
done In the best style. He guarantee! to sell
chcaner than comnetltors on Main street who
have big rents to pay, and guarantees a genu
ine uargam on every purcnase.
tho blood, taking up tho sonod material
from tho healthy stomach, foods evory
nerve and fibre of the human body, and I
in no other way can reconstruction and t
Improvements In tho system go on.
Drowu's Bnrsaparllln will deliver tho food I
puro and healthy into the blood.
Jlns. Doucah Btohd, wife of the well-
known railroad contractor, who has op- 2
orated all over New England, became -nmictcd
with that dlsense so very com- 3
mon among women. Bhesays: "Yes, I 5
do know what nervousness means. I g
have hud I tin Its worst fbrms. Iconld i
not sleep, could not follow any line of J
work j the cry of my babe struck harshly J
upon my enr.tho shutting of a door quick 3
or tho fall of n book or nny unusual noise ;
upoji the street wouldglve mo a start. E
It seems to me, now that I look bMk to ;
it, as though I lived for years as some :
hunted animal might live. I mistrusted 3
every one and was possessed of a con- 5
tant and nameless fear. Physicians 3
told me the nerve centre was a fleeted 3
and when my food would not digest; S
when It soured on my stomach ; -when 3
my appettto became eaprloious, they
said 1 bad nervous dyspepsia. I trlett :
several physiolaiis and adopted every
thing suggested by friends, yet my nlghto ;
were wakefal ones, nnd my days those :
of tortore. One day Ilrow's Barsapa- 3
rllta fell under my notice; I began the ;
UBe of it, and as a result tho nerves wero 3
returned to their normal condition, as jj
were also thedlgestIveorgans,andn per-
feet and permanent cure was the result." S
luiiilm ff.ra.nn.'
"jnt as good," IT IS NOT.
Proprietors Bangor, Me.
Capital, $ioo,ooo.oo.
A. W. Leisenring, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenring, Cashier,
S. IV. Yost, Ass't Cashier.
Open Bally From 9 to 3.
Illl(l Oil SnvIllUH IlCIlOHltB.
Tho famous firm of OCULISTS anil 0PTICUSS
Of nm,AiTCM?niA
Havo nrrnnged to send one of their
HpectalUU on the EYE
Saturday, August 15, 1891
He will be at the
Xoi-guLfiioax Houao,
- lrom8.S0A. M. to 6 P.M.
Tuoro wbo&e eyes aro causing discomfort
should call upon our Ppeclallst, and they will
icccive intelligent ana ehikiui aiieniiou.
024 Chestnut St., ThllatUlpUa,
A newlv discovered MINHRAI, WATER.
the nse of which will supply in portant ele
ments necessary to health. It will cure the
jiaiieys, Liver, Miomaen, aDaau uoweiana
lliadder diseases. It will dissolve calculi and
remove mem. it removes ineuno acid from
me uioon ana inns acsiroys Jiainna utic
Chills. It cuies fineht's disease, and is es
peclally lecommeuded for people advanced In
life, and for general debility. For undoubted
proo:s of tn,s fend for pamphlet glvlDg full
particulars. toJ.H. ri'llHY, Water ol Llle
10., m uutu iain t., wuscs-iiarre, ia.
No, 27
Soittli Main StM Sltcnauclonli
Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies.
ttr- A fine Hue of Confectionery, Fine Ice
Cream l'arlors attachea,
First National Bank
Only ecnulne b'ord rurifler known. It euros
Skin disease", iheumat sni, gout, liver and
Kiuuey troubles, nnn removes all srroruious
and specific blood tnlms, Wo mineral, no
juuuiw una no rempsts.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Slcre,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa
Your trade is what we
Tills is how we propot e
to get it.
Uy celling ynu a first
eliibs article; byselllngyou
for lefs than others; by
telliig you furniture, an
organ, a piano, a sewing
machine or anything else
in the lino of houiehold
Wo have a large and va
ried slock lo seltct from.
Ifo trouble to show goods.
.Call, examine and be
I P. Williams (Ik
Sontli ainlu St.,
Lsliigu Valley Railroad.
MAY 10, 1891.
I'assencer trains will leave ghenaudrahfer
Maucb ( nunt. l-ebleblon. H alineton. Cats.
udelpbla and Mew Yorlr. at 6.47, 7.4U, 8.08 a. m,
VtJD.. UU 1 111.
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap aid
niroua5uurguLo.i, h. iu., auu an. m.
Viy r.tiTnbcH.vllln nnt 'IVntrt,.. AIM a tv.
For Wblte Haven. Wilfces-Ilarre and Pitts
lull u.ti, 0,vo. n, ui., iuu uu ill.
For Tunkhanuock , a, m 3.10 and 5.26
P-..m . .... ,
ror Auuuru, iinaca, ueueva sau unu layout a. m., anu D.20 p. m.
For Lacey ville, Townnda, Bayro, Waverly
l.-l ... , 1 , I, ...... (,x It.n... Vnlf.
Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and
S.SH p, m.
For Y Imlra and tho West via Salamanca at
s.iup. m.
For Audcnrled. Hazleton. Btoekton. I.nm
her Yard. Weatherlv and I'enn Haven Juno
tton at 5.47,7.40, 11,08 a. m.and 12.52, S.10 and
lUkO I. ID.
For Jeauesvllle, Lcvlston and Beavei
Meadow. 7.40. 9.08 a. lu. and 5.20 t. m.
ForHcronton at 5.47 U.OK, 10.41 a. in. 8,10 and
ow) p. m.
ForIIaze Brook. Jeddo. Urlfton and Free
land at 6,47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62 8.10 and
5.28 p. m.
Fortlualcake at 5.47 and 9.08 a.m., and
3.10 p. m.
For Wleeans, Qilbertnn and FrackvlUe at
s.tu ana a m., ana 4.10 p. m.
5.47, 7.40,9.08, 10.11, 10,68 a, m.,12.52,3.10,5.2a, 8,03,
w ni'u iv.xi p ui.
For lxat Creek. 31rardville and Ashland
121, 7.48, 8.62, 10.15 a. m., 1.C0, 1.40, 4.10, U5
4.10 und 9.14 p. m.
For Darkwater. Bt. Clair and Pottsvllle.
7.40, 9.08, 10.63 a. m 122,3.10,4.10, 5.2a and 8.0E
For Buck Mountain, New Boston and
Mores, 7.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. n.., 12.52, 3.10, 6.26 and
8.03 p.m.
For Haven Hun, Centralla, Mt. Carmel and
Shaniokln, 8.62, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.4C
uou o.uo p. UI.
Trains leave Bhamokln for Ubenandoah,
7Si 11A5 a. in., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.S0 p. m., arrlvlu;
ai nnenaxiaouu, v.uo a. ni., l&w. o.iv, D.ra an p. m.
For Ixst Creek, Ulrardvllle apd Ashland
S.W.If.lO'm-.- - - - c
For Darkwater. Bt. Clair and Fottsvllle,
IhtAJ, Ol, 17 ,0V tl , HI,, A.J J,, UI.
For Yatesvlllc, Mahanoy City and Delano,
O.W, ll.AtJH, UI.. J.1U, D.Udp. HI.
For Lofty, Audcnrled and Hazleton, 8.01
a iu i.,u , mi
For Mauch Chunk. Leblghton, Blatlneton,
Catarauqna, Allentown, Hetlilehem, Kastoi
auu pew i ors, b.uu a. in.. n, m;
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p.m.
Uen'l Pass. AzL, Bethlehem
Or tlie JUlquor flnblt, iN.Kitlvt'ly Curcu
Uolileii Knrlfl.
It Is tuanufaQtared bm a powder, which can be irlvea
in a glass of beer, a cup of ootfrd or tea, or In food,
without the knowledge ot the patient It is absolutely
harmleos, and will eireot a permanent and speedy
eure, whether the patient la a moderate drinker or
an aloohoUowraok It has been given In thousands
of eases, and In every lust anea a cerf dot oura h&a 1 ol.
lowed. It never Foil, The system onee Impregnafr
d with the Spec! tie,it becomes an utter impossibility
(or the liquor appetito to exist.
43 page book of particulars free. To be hod o
C. H. HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah
All persons are hereby warned
Belonging to the
Slioxiantloah Water Company,
and all parties caught violating this notice
will be
Prosecuted as Trespassers.
By order of
the aoasa:iA.NTir.
hiladelphiaand Heading BailroadJ
timt Table In eJeef Jtifj JO, iiPJ
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
0 5.25, 7.SU n. m. nnd 12.35 IfO and S.&S
, ID. HUMd51v 2.1 1 nnri 7 Jw a m unv kih
YSZkA V? M?h Chunk, week days, 6.25.
.20. a. m. anil I2!tint, ofn .
oin08!!!8 a Philadelphia' week days,
Mi'oW- "V.1""! 1Z 8-SO and 5.55 p. m!
4 . S.UU a. m., 4.30 p. m.
0?5.Mp'.rm?Urg' Wek aay"' -N-'-50 a' n't
m 4?S0 v. m m" 8tmky' 2 10 Bna
Additional tux Mutianoy City, week days ' 7.00
i. n3cll! ana Columbia, weji days,
Ala. m., 2.50 p. in. '
j ot wiiuamspori. snnburyand Lewtsburt,
eek days, S.21, 7.20 and U 3) n. m. 1 .bs. 7.1H
. m. Sunday 32S . m . 8.05 n. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, weea aayn 2.10 2J.
M.J.20 and 11.30 a. m., 12.,, 1.35, xjh, 6.55!
.Ouanc i.j'i r in. Sunday, 2 10, a.2j and 7.48
Ml C H, W ', III.
IT GlrHjdVlllO lltflnT)filinnnnflr Hleflnnl
T'l5,dil!'r8t21"4 S-25J 11-30 a, m,;
1435, 1 85, i50, 0,55, 7.00 and 9.25. p. ra, Hundayi
a-iu, , . a. m., a.nj, 4,au p. m.
or Ashlanfl anrt hha, ,,, ,a&.
1,25, 7.20, 11.30 a m., 135, 7.00 and 9,2S
IjaVe New York Via l'hllnnlnli1n. nrnak
lys. 7.45 a. m., L30, 4.00. 7.30 p. m 12.1S
iwui, nnuuty, d.w p. m., i.ia menu
Leave New Vnrtr vln. MnH I'hnni, .w
lays, 4.90 8.45 a. ni 1.00 and 4.0J p. 111.'
i-eave Pnll, Aeinhin. ww.a ,,au . ir. n
10,l?,n; Jnv I;00 ?nt, 6-" P- " Arcad
ind Callowbill and 8.33 a. m.and 11.30 p. m.
from 9th aac reeu ueet. Hnnday 9.05 a.
m, ll.tO p. m. from Btn am ,.i.u.
MVe Keadlnt, ween days, 1 3",. 7.10. lo.i 5
ufl 11.60 a. m., 5.55, 73T p, m. Buuday 1 .35 and
10.43 a, m.
Leave rotisvllle, week days, 2.10, 7.40 a. m
i. 11 n. m. Hunrtuv. '.' 411 7 ii ,n onri
2.C6 j. m.
iiave Tamaqua, week days, 8.20, 8.4S and
2 '.a. m.. 1.21. 7.18. and 9.18 n. ra. Kunriui. H'.n
7 43 m. and 2lfl0 p. m.
icave Mahanoy oily, wook days, 8.40, 9. 8
ind 11.47 a. m., 1.01, 7.42 and B.4t p.m. Hun.
lay. S.46,8.17 a, m 3.20 p. m.
beave iKahanoy Plane, week dais,2,4 ',4.1.0
1.80, WAS. 11 9 A. m.,l.( 5, J.10. 5 20, 6 26, 7.67, and
l"'Htn. txu Mundav2.4.. .m. mi h.7.u. m.
3 37, 6.01, p. m.
-uau uiraraviiie (uappanannocn Station)
week days, 2.47. 4.07, .3, and 9.41 a. tt. 12.0,
"I u.u., uiw uu ,' lu, MIUIUUI,,,,
,0 , V 33 a, m. 3.41, 5.17 p. m.
ieavu WllllamsDort. week davs. 3.00.S.4intia
a.65a.m.8.35 and 11.15 p. m. UnndayU.15
P. rn.
for jjaiiunore, wasnington ana me west
rla B. A O. It. K., through trains leave Ulrara
l...a ri.llAi. ,11. .,.!.. . I 1. 1 1 1 t .
DMWVU, 1 UllltUVIIIUUl, ,1, H X.,k.fkf
at 4J6, 801 and U.27 a. m., 1.34, 41, 6.55 ani
t.v 11. uj. duuua;, O.U4 ll.I a. Ill,, t.s
.oa ana ..up, m.
Leave PblladelDhla. Cbestnnt utreet vbarl -
nu ooum auei vvnari.
For Ailantlc citv,
Week-dors Exnreu. 5.15. 8 00. 9:00. 10.4S a.
m. and 1 (Saturdays onlv. L301. 2.fu. 3.00.
3.80, V , 5 00, 0.00 iu, Acoomuioiallon, 7 40
a, lu., u oi p. m.
-ron'iys. isxpress, 515, 7.00,7.30, 8.00, 8 30,
9.00, 9.30 it. m. nnd 4 30 p. m. Accouiui , iliou
8.00 a. m, and 45 p. m.
neiaming, leave Atianuo city, aepot corner
'ntloand Arkansas vennw r5lf1a
u.ic.-'n, w, iuu, o W, 17 .W, 1V.W U, 111. HUU O liK
4 00, 5.30, 6.3 ', 7.30, 9 30 p. m. Accommodation
0.00,8.10a.m. and 4.f0p m. Sundays-Kx-
V-rAB t Ai n n o An nvA tnnn . n ,r.
Pies J u,', n.w. w W, u w. U OV. , W. t.iJ. O W. V.UV
P. m. Accommodation, 7 SO a. m., 5.05 p. m.
x. .v. uiviAjij, rres. ai usq'i Aianaser.
Ottoniiarttr Nov. -Si, 1890, traim trtlf lea'
anenanaoan at follows:
For Wlsean. Ollberton. Krackvllle. New
Oastlc, Ht. Clair, and way points, 6.0J, 9.1V
1 m and 4.15 p m.
eunaays, wv, u.i'j a m ana 3,10 p ra.
For PotUvllle, 6.U0," 9.10 a m and 4. 15 p m.
Hnndays, 600, 9.40 a m and 8.10 p m,
For Keadlng, tt.00, 9.10 am and 4.15pm,
Sundays, 600, 9.40 a. m. andSJOpm.
For Pottstown. Pboemzville. Norrlstown
nd Philadelphia (Broad street Elation), 6.CO,
4,iu a iu, auu 4.10 p m eei aays
Husdnys, uou, 9.4U a m 8.10 p m
Trains leave Krackvlllo lor Bhenandoah at
10.40 a ra and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 pm. Hnndays,
11.18 a in and 5.40 p m.
tieave jroitsvuie lor onenanaoan, iv.10 ana
1.48. a m 7.15. 9.42 D m. Kundavs. 10.40 a m
5.15 p m.
1 ,xa T7S. i-ni mnninnin iHman Dtrnpi iiniinrii
for rottavllle tiuaHlisiianaoan, 5.57 10.25 a
3.1D. ana 7.W p m wceH days, Buuaar
Am and 1.10 p.m.
H rT TV Yilr f. S.WI. A llri A dll IS X.S ft SM "7 Vfl
tted expreso, 1.03 and 4,50 p m.) 12.44, 1,40, 2.S0,
4.20, 4, 5, 0..8.30, 6.5q 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p m, 12.01
OU Bundays, S.20, 4.05, 4,40, 5.85, 8.12, 8.80, 9.50,
i m. and 13AV, 8.29 (limited 4.50), 5.28, 6,30, BJ&
7.13 8,12 p m and 12.01 nlsht.
For ilea Qlrt, Hpnner Itke, llelmar,
.icean Grove, Asbury Park, and Long Branch
iSO, U,15na. ra. 4.00 p. m. week davr For
Freehold, 6.V p. m. week days.
Balltmor" and Wasnimnon, 3.59, 7.20, 8,31
9 10, 1023), ) 1.18 a m, 12."5 (limited oxpreis) 8.48
i.umihw'1. p. m., ana s mgnu f OT
ilaltlinore- nly 2.02, 4.1 1, 5 08 and li.SO p. m.
Jn t
Sundays, 8.60, 7,ai,9,lPacd 11.18 a. m. 4.4
67,7.40 p m. 12.03 night. Balt'more only
3.UO UHU 11. (MJ p IU,
For Richmond and the Bouth 7.20 11.13 a. m.,
,i,imiiru p. m., niguuweex
days. Hnndays, 7.20 a.m., 12.03 night.
Trains leave Harrlitonrff tor PituiDunc ana
he west every day at 12.25 and 8.10 a m and
J.00 (limited) and S.40 p m. Way for Altoona,
4.16 a m and 4.10 p m every day.
For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a m dally and 10.20
m week days.
Leave bnnbury for Wllllamsport, Elm Ira,
.Ainandalgua, Rochester, Buffalo and Nlagam
x'ulls 6.10 am dally, and 1.43 pm weekdays.
Tor -Watklns, 6.30 p m week days.
For ICrteand intermediate points, 5.10 am;,
Jally, For Lock Haven, 6J0. and a m.
dally, 14 nnd 520 p. m. week days. For
Kenova 5.10 a m 1.43 and 6,30 p m week days,
"3 HAS. B. P0GH,
Ren. MauT
J. B.WOOfl,
Gen. Pass. AKt,
totes Is
,.71i.. I
Time luun -rjV -
ArK,.no.Jeavo ;i,uing ir. & it. station) ro
uiDraitar, thjsiert, lllnuboro, Joanna, Bprln
Chesler.t hadsford Junction, B. A O. Junction:
Wilmington and intermediate stations, dally
except Sunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 8.15
p. m, Handay only at 3.05 p. m.
For Warwick, St. Peters and Intermediate
statlons,dally except Bunday, at 9.20 a.m., ana
6.19 p. m. bunday only 8.15 a. ra.
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations.
Saturday only, at 12 m.
For Baltimore and Washington (B. 4 O. II.
It.) dally except Bunday at 6.25 and 8.30 a. in.
and 8.16 p. m. Sunday only at 3.05 p, m.
TralnB arrive at Heading (P. it it. fetation)
from Wilmington, H. 4 O. Junction, Mont
chanin, Cbaddslord Junction, West Chester,
Lenape, Coatesvllle, Waynefcbnrg Junction,
Sprlugneld,Joanna,Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey.
fen and intermediate stations, dally except
Hnnday at 10.20 a. in. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m. Hua
day only at 11.24 a. m.
From St. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate
stations, dally except Bunday, at 8.23 a. m.
and 25 p.m. Bunday only at 6 p. m.
From Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
Baturday only at 1.40 p. m.
From Vashlngton and Baltimore, dally ex.
cept Sunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m.
Hunday only at 11.24 a. m. y
. BOWMKSH BHIOGH, Gen'l Pass, Agt.
RUPTURE. iSscfflSJ-a
imriuDg, wew Hinggoia, ra., I. FaDdt, Boutu
I'JlBtOn. I'JL.. li. 1. At O. A . IlPllirtlr Cilar Pn
iv. u. nuinipr. iz nnrnra ml., i i'linnnn i t a
Bcnneiaer. Locust Dale, ra.. J), is. NolI.LIrao-
kUa, ra.( wm. E, IlarienBtlne, Pboenlxvlll&
i ii.. w. ni. i,pinnnrrt wfltninntAn ut
iiejiaintr- i'a.. .1. i t. i .vinn ihiii w iinwntxf Ht
iimusuure, i u,. j, tvnu, .uougiuBeviiie, ra
lif. MAYKK IR fit Tlnlnl lVnn Iforllrtcr Ta
oa me xaa csaiuraay ol eacu montu, call to
mro uiiu.
R. BRIOiqiR, M. D
No'. 9 East Centre Street; Mahanoy City, Fa
Skin and all special diabases a specialty,