The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 03, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
a. a Jiormt, muor tmi pawiiher. .r. watkixs, miinv.
The IlVnXIXO 11 Kit AIM lutt a larger cir
culation in Shcttanitoah inim any ;pr
publWieil, Jl'iblu t,)tm to all.
DAILY, tr year 8 V
Webklt, por year, - m I Po
Bntered it the PostofflM, at Btmuaoiiofth, Pa.
for transmlKslon through the mills
as ninil olas ninll matter.
Figures DemonAtrute the Popu
larity of tho Resort.
Auk. SI. K, Sunday school of Mull
nnoy l'lsno.
Auk. G. M. E. Sunday school, Ashland.
Auk. 0. UvaiiRolieal Sunday school of
Ilalianoy City.
Auk. 7, "WoUh ConRreKatlonnl, Maha-
noy City.
Aug. 8. M. K, Sunday school, Gilber
ton. Auk. 10. M, E. Sunday school, Girsrd-
ville, and Union Sunday tchool, host
Auk, 11. 'Welsh liapttst, ConRrejza
tional and MelhodUt, Shenandoah.
Aug. l!i Lutliorm missionary festival
" 13. Kpitoopnl Sunday school ol
Mahanoy City.
Auk. 11 Keformed Sunday school, of
Aui. 10. Eietoddfod.
" 1". Lutheran Sunday school, Gl-
Auc. 18. English llaptiel Sunday school,
JIahanoy City.
Aug. 19. M. E. Sunday school of Shen
Auc. t!0. Trinity Keformod Sunday
school of Mahanoy City.
Aue. 22 P. 31. Sunday school, of Gil
Auk. 2-1. 1'. M. Sunday school of Sheii
Auj?. 2C. English Lutheran, Mahanoy
Ask Your FriondB About It.
Your distressing courIi can bo cured.
"Vo know it hocauso Komp's Balsam
within tho past few yoars has curud to
many coutrhs and colds in this.eornmunily
Its romarkahlo salo has been won ontlrelt
by its Ronuino merit. Ask somo friend
who has usod it what ho thinks of Komp'
Balsam. Thoro is no medicine so pure,
nonoso offoctlvo. Largo bottles 60o and $1
at all druggists'.
Watormolon is becoming moro palatable
as tho season advances.
A Ouro for Constipation
Dr. Silas Lane, whilo in tho Rocky
Mountains, discovered a root that wl'mi
combinod with other herbs, makes an casj
and cortain cure for constipation. It is in
tho form of dry roots and leaves, and l!
known as Lano's Family Medicine. It
will cure sick headache. For tho blood,
llvor and kidneys, and for clearing up the
comploxion it does wondors. Druggists
sell it at 50 conts a pnekugo.
Tho days have lost M minutes in longtl
since Juno 21st.
To Norvouo, DoblUtatod Men.
If vou sond ub vour address, we wil
mail you our illustrated pamphlet explain
ing all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-
Yoitaic uoit anu Appliances, ana wen
charming ofleots upon the nervoiiB d
bilHatod system, and how they will quickly
restore you to vigor, ana maniiooa. rampu.
let freo. If you tiro thus afllictod, wo wil
ionu you a llelt ana Applmncos on a tris,
VOLTAIG i.JGiv o.. juarsuau. juice
Wo could readily do without rain now
for a woek or morn.
A Mystery Explained.
The nailers contain frcaueiit notices of rich
pretty ami educated girls eloping with
negroes, tramps anil coaebmen. Tim well
Known specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says all
such girls are moro or less hysterical, nervous,
to lieudache, ucuriilgla, sleeplessness, lin.
moderate crying or laughing. Theseeliowa
weak nervous system for which there Is 110
remedy equal to ltesioratlve Nervine. Trial
bottles and a linn boo', containing many
marvelous cures, free a' O. II. llagenbueh's
drugstore, who also sell, and guarantee Dr.
Miles' celebratot Now I loan Core, thorniest
or heart tonics. Cures fluttering, short
breath, etc.
Tho annual fuir timo is not a very great
dlstanco off.
Shlloh'a Consumption Ouro.
Tills Is lieyond question the most suc
cessful Cough Medicine we have evi r sold,
a lew doses Invariably cure the worn csfcs ol
Cough, Croup, and llronchltls, while Its won
derful suecefs In the euro of Consumption Is
without u parallel lu the history of mtdlrlne.
Btnoe It's first discovery It has teen t-old on a
guarantee, a test which no other medicine
can stand. Ji you luvo a Cough we earnestly
anlc yon to try it. l'rtoe 10 rents, 60 cmts, and
J1.W). If jour Lungs are sore, I best or Illicit
lame, use Mljlloh's Porous l'lnster. hold b.
O. It. Ilagenbuch, N. K. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
Summer Btorms have no respect for pic
nic partlns.
What a Promlnont Physician and
Oheratst sayB After Analysis
and Practical Tost
Dr. J. I&ttcr, formerly of fiel'rvue Ifo nUal
MnlwU CMIeie ami Long Itlund Outleae
ptalu at olowt :
NKW Yohk. October 2T,, lslW.
Alvas llrazlllan Hptuino Co.. II Wall nr. el
Oenl: The samp e of yi.ur Cactus lllood
f'uio, which I buight for analysis, I have
sunleoted to a very thorough iwt, audoan
find not a single truce of mineral or mercurial
preparation In It whutover; nud, us I have
bad ooiisWerablo ouperleuoe lu UscouitUu
tlonal olfut In certuln diseases already
known Ui you, 1 consider It the BHfestand
httvegetuhln blond purifier In tho ma'ket.
Yours respertrdlly,
D.J. I.YHTKIt, 111 l, Jl.D.
Hold at Klrlln'B Drug Htore,Kergusou House
lJlook, hhenandoa' .
A Glorious Booord.
Blnce the Introduction of the Fhiiious I'nn.
TlnaCoiiKh and Consumption Cure m this
vicinity, the death rate from Consumption
liss decreased wonderfully j It never falls to
eirect a euro, and la the pest Cough medicine
Try It, Trial bottles freo at Klrlln's drug
Conalflsrslilo Kxcltemsiit Ornr this A p-
proaolilnc ICxIilhltlmi.
Londo.v, Auk. 0. Tho approaching ex
hibition of tho Holy Coat of Troves Is
causing considerable excltemont not only
In that olty, but throughout Germany.
The garment Is said to be n veritable
soamloss umbtle that wni worn by Jesus
Christ, ntul It has boon an object of ven
eration for oenturlos.
Tho commit exhibition will bo the first
lit this generation, and only the fourth
time the garment will hnvo lwen shown
within tho past threo oeuturles, mid fin
event Is naturally awaited with great .
tcrest by Catholic lu all parts of the
In tho year 1810 tho first Xapoleon
ASsonted to the garment being shown
ptlblloly for the second time, but lu gtv-
UK tils sanction lie ndtleu tliat tne wont
ing of mtrnclos war to be forbidden oil
that occasion. The last exhibition rai
In 1831, and the mantlo U said to hnve
ben tho medium of numerous miracles
at that time.
Tho German authorities will not per
mit any utterances reflecting on tho
relic, and the assistant editor of a news
paper published lu Silesia has boen sen
tenced to imprisonment for two weeks
for remarks that wore pnlillshed, alleged
to bo disrespectful, In regard to tho Holy
The people of Treves nre making Im
mense preparations for the Influx of pil
grims. Tho railway authorities liavo
already Imd three new temporary sta
tions emoted, with spacious waiting and
refreshment rooms. Extra rails nave
been laid by the tramway companies, and
about 1,300 citizens have applied for
licenses to start temporary heer saloons
and public houses. The police of Treves
hnvo requeitel the police of foiling
cities In Km ope to send expert detei. Wn
to assist In tho detection of thieves and
purlolners. Many pilgrims are expected
from America.
A CurluiiA Ctiftn tif Smaimii1,m1 Animation
In rimiM.vIvuitlit.
I'liiBXixviLUi, Pa., Aug. 3. Mary Brad
ley, u pretty 10-year-old daughter of
Farmer Bradley, of F llsol Fiouoii Creek,
locontly lay In 11 stnto of suspended ani
mation for live days. At first sho was
pronounced do id, but her family hoped
otherwise and resolved to watch over her
until they ware sure. In the course of
time, a lifo-like tlut overspread the girl's
faco anil then relays of watchers were
supplied nt tho bedslda night and day
without cessation.
Fiunlly, on the nttornoon of tho fifth
day, tho watchers noticed hor bosom
heavo slightly and hor lips tremble.
Next hIio breathed a long-drawn sigh
and then tossed her arms about and
slowly opened her eyos. At first sho was
dazed, but gradually hor sensos returned
to her. She seemed to hnvo awakened
from a refreshing sleep.
"I've had such a wonderful dream,"
Bho said. "I dreamed that I bail died
und bad gone to Heaven. Oh, It was
such a beautiful sight I Sweet music,
angel voices and happiness there. All
seemed so blissful. It was like sitting
In a uront cathedral and listening to
dlvlno mnslo with one's eyes shut. An
gels caressoil mo anil lloutou about me.
I thought I swum lu tho nir. The lights
were not bright and dazzling, but soft
nml low. Oa, I wish I could have re
mained there alwnys."
Miss Bradley has now fully recoverod.
The doctors ascribe her catalepsy to
physical conditions tuvorablo to siupeud'
cd iiiilmation.
Death from Hydrophobia.
Saoinaw, Mich.. Aug. 3. Morris God
frey, tho 17-ycar-old boy uflllcted with
hydrophobia ns tho rosult of a dog bite
on July 4, tiled vesteruiiy In great agony.
Ho was conscious between (Its of raving
until an early hour yesterday morning,
when the spasms Increased lu length nud
violence, finally producing deuth. From
the first ho called frequently for water.
but no sooner was it brought than he
was seized with convulsions and ho was
unable to take a drop. A dog bitten by
the smnu animal that attacked Godfrey
Is now sick, and, with the offending
bruto, has been shut up and will bo used
by physicians to experiment on.
Iiittcr CarrlorB Convention.
Nitw Yong, Aug. 3. The second an
mini convention of the National Associa
tion of Lettor Carriers will bo held. In De'
trolt Aug. 5, 0 nnd 7. There nre 283
branches attached to the association, rep
resenting n membership of H.UUU. Each
branch is entitled to at loast one dele-,
gate. The larger branches aro entitled
to one dolegato for overy 00 members.
An ICntlrnFlru Department Uftftlgns.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 3. Evory mem
ber of the .Fire Department here has
resigned. A potttlon was circulated and
was signed by all the members. This
action was brought about by tho action
of tho retrenchment comniltteo of the
council In reporting a cut of $15 a month
all around. All engineers 1110 cut $20,
The reduction to take effeot Aug 15.
. 'to
la and w ill over bo tho
Remedy for
Gout. Tnflnonwi. Bnokache.
Pains In tl o Sido. Chest audi
Joints, Weuralgut, Bprains, &o
Bofoni yoa a4 to luy, obtain
the valuable bcei 1 "CklUe to Hf altb," wilill
endorsements 01 pi 01111110115 yojuiuiaai,
AU liKISll
a I O Broadway,
Prize Medals Awartlsdl
CsropesnHuusestRuduletsdt, London,
Vienna, tragus, nottraaiu, tuteji,
llorambertt, Eonstetu, Iieiuato,
ou vjonta a bottle, a or Saio
i. J. i. iciitivriv.
C. II. nAGl.NlUIt ll,
tnu etner crugEiKs.
The I'onnsilTnnlft 8"ittnra H!flt find Ills-
ms tlm rolltleal situation.
Mount Joy, I'a., Aug. 8. Senators
Cumorou and Quay spent Saturday night
nnd Sunday very quietly at Donegal,
where Senator Cameron owns 800 acres of
as productive land as can bo found. It
Is the same old farm house- nmdo famous
by the many Important conferences held
there when old Simon Cameron look such
a prominent part In I'ennsylv .nla polltlos.
The distinguished gentlemen had a
number of calls during the day from
political and business acquaintances, but,
t- nil, they were alilo to enjoy n quiet
uu , . -1 1 time. Both, while exceed
ingly pleusKiit, refused to tell Just what '
they nere doing, but yuay adintttcil tliat
they had lieeli talking of Pennsylvania
politics. He was asked In reference to
the report that Thomas Dolau was to suc
ceed Dudley as treasurer. "As to what
the members of the committee Intend to
do," replied tho Senator, "I have not tho
slightest idea. I do not know ot any sucli
arrau go incut, but nevertheless It may bu
Jlr. Quay was also asked regarding the
proposed resignation of Chairman An
drews and tho selection of his successor,
but ho claimed to kuow nothing ot th ,
organization of the committee.
Every one who called at tho houso ,
asked the Senator about tint Washing
ton dream, of which he talked In Phila
delphia lust week. He then said that he
droamod that "Blaine was coming."
Thl.i remark, taken lu connection with
tho now well knowu preference of tue
Senator for the Maine muu, was n theme
ou which overy 0110 took occasion to
speak. The Senator Binllod pleasantly as
he simply lemnrkeds "iuuny urenm,
wasn't ltf"
Scuotor Cameron refused so talk of his
conference with Quay, but from one of
tho Lancaster polltielaus, who dropped
lu and out dm lug the day, it was learned
that tbo two men aro In perfect accord
in rogard to a Presidential candidate;
that they are both for tho sume man. It
xvns also learned that Quay and Cameron
have arranged for another conference in
Washington some time about bept. 1.
Senator Quuy left for his noma In
Beaver early this forenoon.
She Was a Wlitow of nn 1813 Vrtornu and
ANa a Dependent Mother,
I'Otwtown, Pa., Aug. 8. Mrs. Mary
ilasteustlue, nn aged widow of a veteran
of tho war of 1812, und mother ot a
soldier for tho Union, has become in
volved lu a novel legal tnnglo through
drawing two different pensions from tho
government nt tho s mo time. I'orover
half a century sho has been receiving a
liberal pension ub the widow of John
llnitenstlue, who served in tho war of
1812, and in addition, since 1879, sho has
been steadily drawing a second pension
as the dependent mothor ot Eli Haston-
stlne, who fought lu the suppression of
the rebellion.
United States pension ofllclnls hnvo
been here looking up tho f.icts in tho case.
Mrs. Hastenstlno herself admits them.
She claims, In defense, that persons whom
she trusted Informed her prior to 1870
that Bho was entitled to two pensions,
and that she followed their suggestions.
Tho peustou ofllclnls, wishing to deal
leniently, havo requested that she refund
to tho Tre.isury about $2,000 surplusage
within three weeks, otherwise tho case
will be placed In the hnnds ot n United
Stntes marshal for prosecution.
A Girl Arrcated as a Hotel Tlilnr.
LocicroiiT, N. Y., Aug. 3. Guests at
nearly all the principal summer hotels at
Niagara Falls have been missing valua
bles lately. Yestord iy Chief of Police
Dentin, of the Falls, arrested Jennie Mc
Elroy, a handsome niid stylishly dressed
young lady, on tho chargo of being the
thief. Articles wore found that she had
takon from the International Hotel,
Porter nnd Hotel Atlantique. Sho ac
knowledged her guilt, and was sent to
jail here for two months.
Tho ItloLiiiighllii Murder,
New YonK, Aug. S. Tho pollco think
they hnve a further cluo to the murder
of William McLaughlin, who was shot in
front of 410 East Eighty-ninth streot Sat
urday night, and aro now looking for
George Hallisoy, son of William Halllsey,
who is now under arrest. It is alleged
that McLaughlin while in Hallisey's house
offended tho latter's youngest daughter
and was taken to task for It by George
Halllsey, whose disappearance leads to,
tho suspicion that he did tho shooting.
Drowned In Chaiituuqiia I-nUe.
Bradford, Pa., Aug. 8. A special' from
Jamestown says: James Gormerly, ageut
for the High Explosive Company, of
Bradford, was drowned In Chnutauqua
Lake between Lnkewood nnd Green
hurst. Gormerly was out boatrldlng
with n lady. Tho boat overturned.
Whilo tho lady clung to the boat,
Gormerly endeavored to swim ashoro for
assistance, but went down. Tho lady
was rescued.
lresldnt Clink May Oo.
New Haven, Conn., Aug. 3. The ru
mor Is being persistently circulated that
President Clark, of the New York & New
Haven Itnilroad, will resign on his return
from Europe. The story is that a large
number of the more couservatlvo stock
holders are not satisfied with Mr. Clark's
financial management, or tho dividends
of 10 per cent, which they are receiving
under his regime.
tio Traceof Muideier Alniy.
Boston, Aug. 8. It Is now more than
two weeks sinoe tho murder of Christie
Warden at Hanover, N. II., and the as
siduous labor of the most skillful detec
tives h .s been altogether lu vain. Had
Frauk O. Alniy, tho murderer, flown from
tho scene oil wings he could not have
battled bis pursuers more effectually.
Died feuildrnly at Nana toga.
Saiiatooa, N. Y., Aug. 3. James Har
vey ltausom, a retired Now York dry
goods merchant, died suddenly at his
summer cuttiige hero last night ot
apoplexy, aged 05. Ho mado his home
11c the Uiley House while In Now York.
Secretary Illalne Gaining Strength.
Bar Hauhor, Me., Aug. 3. -Secretary
Blaine is showing much improvement
lu health. He takes long walks and
drives nud is rapidly gaining strength.
He seldom visits the village.
Gov, 1IIII Starts for Albany.
Beabiuout, N. J., Aug. 8. -Gov. Hill
left Normaudle-by-the-Sea for Albany
early this iuorutug.
An 1 let llrprnitilctlml ( tlm Oi l Con
runt Where Coluniliii hiuppml.
Vsi!maTO!, Aug. 0. The Commit
tee on Foreign Exhibits of the World's
Columbian Exposition have recommend
ed tho erection nt Jucksdil Park, Chicago,
of on exaol reproduction' of the old Con
vent of La lbiblda, l'.ilos, Spain.
It will be remembered tmtt this con
vent Is more closely assuuniiad with the
Ufa of Columbus than any other build
ing in tho world It w.'.s here that ho
applied for brosd and wnter for his
child, and It was hero th t ho was fur
nUlied shelter for two years while he was
developing his tneory of a western pas
sage to the Indies; nml it was here that
ho lived while prep lng (or tho Voynge,
nnd In tho llttlo chapel uttaohed, to the
cuuvont ho attended m-ss on the morn
ing he sailed. Here, too, ho sought
refuge again Upon his return from the
discovery, rind hero he nlwayM found a
comfortable and hospitable refuge lu tho
days of his troub.e and anxiety.
It Is proposed to uiako tho reproduction
exact. It will be of the same dimensions,
of similar material, and wherever there
is a blemish or a broken tile In the orig
inal they will be reproduced. Tne work
will be dono under tho direction ot Mr.
Fruuklln AV. Smith, a wealthy and en
thusiastic amateur archlteot, who lives
In the Moorish villa "Zoraydn," at St.
Augustine, Fla., during the winter, and
lu the Pompellau villa at Saratoga dur
ing the summer.
Mr. Smith has had more experience in
the reproduction of auclout archltecturo
than any other man, nud tondors his ser
vices without cost to tho Exposition,
Workmen Driven Outliy it 91 oil.
Omaha, Nob., Aug. A mob has at
tacked the Omaha and Granite Smoltlng
Works and Is driving out the workmen.
The police are powerless. Groat damage
Will result, 11s tho tiros aro unprotected.
Tho mob Is several hundred strong and
under the influence of liquor.
Blood is thicker than water,
Mid must bo kopt pure U
Insure good health.
Swift's Srr.cinc is natures t&aoij
tor this purpose.
(t never to falls elimnate the Imps
ties and build up tho general bestlt.
Thoro is only one Swiff s Speclflo,
and there Is nothing llko it.
Be suro and got the genuine.
Treatise on lllood and Skin DJseaaeM
mailed free.
Tho Swift Spociflo Co., Atlanta, Ga
THKATHK itmi.niNR,
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. W. Leisenring, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrinq, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dally Frcm 9 to 3.
I'nUl ou HnvlnuH DepoHltH.
QUEEIft! & OO.
The famous firm of OCULISTS snd OPTICIASS
Have nrranirert to send one ot their
Ptlullt on the V11
Saturday, August 15, 1891,
Ife will be nt the
Forgusoxi. Houao, A. M.lofiP.M.
Thofo whoie cyis ere causing discomfort
should call Um our Hreclallfct, and they will
receive Intelligent and skillful attention.
& CO.
OS J I hat nut St.,
A newly discovered JlINHtAI, WATER,
the use ot which Will supply important ele
ments necifssry lo health. It will cure the
Kidneys, I.lver, btomach, and all Vowel and
Uladder diseases. It v. Ill dlsfolve calculi nnd
remove I hem. It n moves Hie urlo acid from
the blood and thns destroys Malaria and
Chills. It cures flrluht's disease, and Is es
pecially recommended for people advanced In
life, and for t-eneral debility. For undoubted
proofs or this send lor pamphlet giving full
particulars. toj.jl. PKIUIY, Water ot Life
Co., St Bouth Main Bt., WlUes-Barre, Pa,
Firs National Bank
Has a lucccfsful hblc iy of tlirtecentnrlrsln
llrsrll aid two Jjsrs' rrlilcBl list In till'
rfiiintrv. Heiei.ce moii uncts it tlir flrittniid
only Infallible ncutiallrir oficicfulous and
specie c Diopn poifoija jci uiPcoirca,
Sold nt Klrlln'f. Dnitj Slore,
Ferguson's Haiti Block, Shenandoah, Pa
Your trade is what we
This 1b liow we projioeo
lo get it.
By silllilg you a flret
closs article; by Bellhigyou
for lets tlinn others; by
felling you furniture, nn
organ, u piano, a sewing
machine or anything el&e
In the line of homchold
We have a large and va
ried stock lo select from.
Ko trouble to show goods.
Cull, examine and he
J. P.Williams & Bro.,
8 until Main St.,
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10, 1891,-
I'asseneer trains will leave Bhenandoah fe.r
juaucn t.nuna, jemcnion, aiaungicn, kmim
sauqua, Allentown, llethlehem, Kaston, mil
udelpbiaand New Vol It at 5.47,7.40, tUHft.m.
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
SLruuunuurK hio.ii, h. iu auu o.up. ill,
or Lambertvllle and Trenton, a.Ui a. m
For White Haven, Wllfces-liarro and Fltt
U.1,, P.UOi ,VI1. . Ul, a.iu UUU UAi '. lu.
For Tunkhaunock, 10.11 o. m., 3.10 and 6,26
p. tu.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyons
iu.-u a. xn., ann o.o p. m.
ForLaeevvllle. Towanda. Havre. Waverlv
Elmlra. Hochester. UuIIhIu. Mocnra Falls
Chicago and all point West at 10,41a. iu.,and
5.26 p. m.
For y Imlra and the West vlaHalnroanca at
8.10 p.m.
For Andenrled. Tlszleton. Stockton, bum
tlount5.4,7.10,8,08a. m.and 12.52, 3.10 and
56 p. m.
hor Jeanesvllle, bcvlston and Beavei
Meadow, 7.10, 9,08 a.m. lindS.VfJp. m,
ForUeiantou at 6.47 U.U8, 10.41a. m. 8,10and
OIaO). ui.
Furliasle lirook. Jeddo. Urllton and Free
land at 6.47, 7.40, &.(, 10.41 a. ni., 122 S.10 and
6.28 p.m.
For Qunkake at 6.47 and 9.08 a. to., Uid
u.iu p. m.
For Wlgsans, Gtlberton and Frackvllle at
o.bu ana e.uoa m., bus p. in.
For Yatesvf lie. Mahanoy CUT and llrinilo
5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10,68 . m.,12.62,3.10,D.J8, 8,03,
For bost Creek. 31rardv!lln nnd Ashland
1.27,, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.10, 4.10. H.S5,
8.10 and 0.14 p. m.
For Uarkwater, Bt. Clslr and I'otUvlUe.
7.40, V.0S, 108 a. m., 122, 3.10, 4.10, 6.26 and '8.05
For Buck Mountain, New Boston and
Morea, 7.40, 9.08, 10.63 a.n.., 12.62, 8.10, 6.26 and
8.03 p.m.
For Haven Hun, Centralla, ML Carmcl and
Bhamokln, 8.62, and 10.16 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
uuu o.uo y. ui.
Trains leave Bhamokln lor Bhenandoah
7.65 11.65 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.S0 p. m., anlvlne
ui. outiuHiiuuatj, v.uo a. in., iicijic. o.w, o.m ana
For bost Creek, Glrardvllle and Ashland
6.50. 9.10 11.85 a. m..'2.46n. m.
For Darkwater. Bt. Clair and Pottsville,
K Kj a rt. ,t on .. M o is 1
U.W, B.VI, BJiV t. JU.j .,11, y. ui.
For Yalesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano,
O.v-, AX.txj n. ui,, A.IU, U.IA) ,, HI.
For bony, Andenrled and llatleton, 8.IX
ForMauch Chunk, beblghton, Bl&tlntlon,
Catasanqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Jiastoi
nuuiiew iiiiji, o.uu a, in., p. m;
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
Uen'l Pass. ArU, Bethlehem,
Or llio l.liiuor llnbli, l'liullltely C'urcu
wuuuiiiiiMioriiiir jir. imiiics'
(ioliloii hpecllle.
It Is mannfoetured ha a powder, which can be clven
In a glaea or beer, a cup of ootTee or tea. or In food,
without tne knowledge ol the paUent. It li absolutel?
harmlewi, and will elfect a permanent and apeody
enre. whether the patient la a moderate drinker or
an aloohollo wreok It ha been civen in thousands
pf easea, and In every Instance a perfect ouro haa fol
lowed. It ii.Tcr Tall. Thtayatem onoe lmpretrnab.
ed with the Bpeoifle,lt booomea an utter ImposalbUltji
lor the liquor appetite lo exist. v
la page book or particulars free. To ba had o
C. H. HAGENBUCH, Drufjclst, Ehenardoah
All persons are hereby warned
Belonging to the
Bhenandoah Water Company,
and all parties caught violating this notice
will be
Prosecuted ns Trespassers.
By order of
. iilladolphia and Beading Eailxoat
nni Table in ejlett duty 10, 1HU1
. For New York via Phlladelnnia, week duv
1. 0 5.25, 7.20 s. m. and 12 85 2.60 and b.
m. nunnay z.iu and 7.4s a, m. For fit
ork, via Maueli Chunk, week days, h
, a. m. and 12.3'innd 2.C0P. m.
cir Itoadlnir anrt IihllartArnhin j. -
2.10, 6.25. 7.20, ft. m., 12 85 'iSo and B.5.-, i ?,
i.iday, z lOand 7,48 a. ni , 4.30 p. m, I
n SRA i,
or AlleH'.own, week days, 7.20 i, m
0 p. m.
; 4 so h. m.- p-m' Muunay' 2 10 na 71
1 .ys, 2. 0, 6.4 7.20, a m.. 12 31 Xf.O and 6.1
POl tttfllHUUM ntin Mnhuhntt ('tin
tn. BUUdav. 2.111 nnd 7 iUb m A itn
tldltlone. jsananoy Cltv. weett ii'hvh 7.i
n. m
or baneaeler and Columbia, week dayi
Ma. m.,2.60 p. n.
Lnr 1 . 1 1 1 . . ... . u .... i . . . .
. "I"'"', rlUUUUIJ' UUU UW1BUU1I
etk days. 3.2 7.20 ant "8') ft m 1.5,7.0
m. Bnnday 3.25 . in , 3.08 p. in. i
... .uuue. uy ...uv, nni uujro, .tu 0, m
M.'JJIanrt 11.30 a.m., 12.16, 1.35, nfio, 5AJ
7.00 anf in. Huuday, 2 10, 8.21 and 7. I
. m 1.06, 4.30 .. m. I
ror uiri-ruvnie t HurnanannncK Hintinnr
- K dsvs. 2.1 '. 8.2,5. 5.25. 7.211 nnd ll.R'lo m
liSI, 1 K ..i-O, 6,05, 7,0(1 nni 't.VS. x. m. BuuilaM
!-.0, 2 , 7.18 h. m 8.e5, 4.30 p. m. I
nr Ashland and Suiu.iitin, wtek d,
.2i, 5., 7.2y, 11. .'I) a m., i 85, 7.00 aiiCaP
to. Hnnduy a.2i, 8 82 a. n. ., 8.U5 p. m.J, 1
ieiiVe MeW orK VIA Hhllnrlplnhln.. wad
iys.7.46 a. ni LSO, 4.0U, 7.30 p. m., 12.1
'.ol. Bnnday, a.tiu p.m., 12.15 nlgnu .,
Aww ,uii4 vin iyiuueu 1.UUUK, W06A
V"! "..j ty.ixj n ui,, . .AJ UUU t.V V. in.
I UlEO Pllll.,n . ..n,u . ,1.
0.00 a. m. 4,00 snd ii.oo p. in , fn m Broaf. !
irl tnllowltlll 1111,1 R .t. a. m n.wl II in . m
from 91 ham ia i .-eets. Uinday 9.05 a!fS
m. ii. i. in. uuin -e n ri u.
jAHVe tteaaiiia. ttfeH. days, 1 8. 7.10, 10.(
rid 11 50a. m., 5.85, 77 p.m. Bundnj 1 Mr.
1.48 a. ui.
bevo Pollsville. wetk daM'. 'W.7M . it.
.'.K.611 c. m. Huudnv. V.4H. 7 IK) n. ni. unit I
11 3 ' ' U
save 1'Uiiiaqua, K days 8.f0, B.48 a u
2 , a. m.. 1.21. 7.13. and 9.18 n. in. Bnndav h.'.i
i 4J m. imu p. m.
e&0 Mahanov On v. week dus. 3. m. . .
.ad 11.47 a m bol, 7.42 and 9.41 m. bu. 1P
My. x. in.. u. ui. 1 1
ijcave .Mahanoy PJa c, week dnys,2"4 ,4.I0
. tti uit 11 iO. m i r.r ) i R .nn i .r .
'"'in m. ' BiiiidaV2.4'.' a'nd 4.17. L. m
3 37,6.01, p.m.
,. .,ve uirurtiviiie (ivuppaoannccK oiaurn
vek. days, 2.47, 4.07, lUtf. and 9.41 u. m., 12.0 w..
2, 6.a. fi.32, 8.03 and Iti.OS p. m, Bunday, ,47, '
.0 , t-,83 a. m. 8.41, 6.07 p. lu.
i .do i. in, o.ud auu p. iii. uuiiuay it k
. In.
or Baltimore, Washington and the west j
la B. fe O. R. It., throueh trains leave limrn I
iveuno station. Pniladelphla, (P. A It. K, K.) 1
it, cui ana u.- a. m,, i.m, o.oo anr
.23 p. m. Bunday, 4.10 8.02 11.27 n. m 4.24
oo ana i.&tv. ui.
,Mo Philadelphia, Chestnut Btreot Wharf
iad Bouth Btreet Wharf,
Fnr Atlantic Clir. ft,
Week-dsyo Express, 5.15, 8 00. 9.00, lO.JCsi
tn. una 1 ') (Saturdsva onlv. 1.301. 2.iu.
3.30, i.i", 500. 0.00 y. vi. Acotni-iolatiou,74e
nn.i ,. express, 5.15, 7.00, 7.30. 8.00, 8 30,
9.0i), 9.30 it. ui. nnd 4 30 p. m, .v.oeuuiu ..dun
3.00 m. m.and 45 p. u..
Ketiu-ulng, leave Atlantlo City, depot cornel
''Aitic and Arkansas verne. wc k-1s
Kxpress, 7.00, 7.80, 8 (X), 9.00, 10.00 a. m and 3 15,
4 00, 5 30, 6.3 ', 7.10, 9 30 p. m. Accommodation
(1.00. 8.10a. m. and -!.:,0t m. Bunduvs- Ki.
press, 3 30, 4 00, 6 00, 0 00, OvIO, 7-00, 7.80. 8 00, 9.SO
d. tn. Accommodation. 7.311 a. m..5.05 n. m.v
U. UANCJbK, Hen i irtvM I a ('
v. a. aiuLii'.ijii. j -res. k ueo'i Manaser jf
On and after Nov. 21, 1890, Iraim trill lean
H7ietin(i(!oun at follow):
For Wlggan, Ullberton, Frackvlllo, Kow .
Jaslle, Bt. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9.10
tu and 4.16 v m,
Bnndays, 600, 9.40 a m and 3,10 p m.
Kor PotUvllle, 6.IW, 9.10 a m and 4.15 p tn ,
Bundays, (100, 9.40 a m and 3.10 n m,
For lloadlne, d.U), 9.10a m and 4.15pm,
Bnndays, 600, 9.40 a, m. and 3.10 p m.
for Pottstown, Plioeniryille, Korrlstowur
and Philadelphia (Broad street station), 8.09,
i,10 a m, and 4.15 p nn week days
Bundays, 600, 9.40 a m 3.10 p m
Trains leave Prsckvllie lor Bhenandoah ac
10.40 am and 12.14, 7.42,10,09 pm. Bundays,
11,13 n in and 6.40 p m.
lrfave Poitrsvllle lor Bhenandoah, 10.15 ana
11.48, a m 7.15, 9.42 p m. Bnndeys, 10.10 a n
5.16 p in.
bcave Philadelphia (Broad street Mistlnni.
(or Pottsville aud Bhenandoah, 6.57,10.25 ivro t ,
2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Buuda1
For w Vork, 3.U0, 4.05, 4.40, 6.35, 6.50, IKj' 1
8.208.3O, ,l.6U,11.00andll.l5am,12.00noon,(llnic 9
Ited express, 1.08 and 4.60 p m.) 12.44, 1.40, 2.30, I
S.20. 4, 6, S,.6.o0, 6.60 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p m, 12.of I
US Bundays, 3.2U, 4.05, 4.40, 6.35, 8.12, 8.80, 9.50,
a m . and 12.49, 3.20 (limited 4.60), 6.28, 6.30, 6,&Q
M3 8.12 p m and 12.01 nlyht.
For Ben Dirt, Bpring bake, Helmar.
Oeoan Ornve, Ashury l'ark, and bong Branch
$30, 11,15, a. m. 4.00 p. m. week davr For
Freehold, 6.0 , p. m. week days.
Halttmorx and Wasninitton, 8.60, 7.S0, 8,81, lt.20, 1 1.18 a m, lS.- (limited ezprees) K.43
4.416t,7an(.7.10 p. vo., snd 12.03 night. Fo
Balttmorei my 'J.02, 4.1 1, 6 08 and li.30 p. m.
OnBtndays,8.50, r.20,9.1land 11.19 a. m. 4.U
6.67, 7.40 p m. 12.03 night, ilalt'niore only
6.08 and 11.80 p m.
' For .Alchmond and the Booth 7.20 11.16 s. m., ,
; Limited Express 12.85 p. m.,)12.03 nlght.week?'
days. Sundays, 7.20 a. m 12.03 night.
Trains leave llamsburg for Pltisburc anoT
tho rrost overy day at 12.25 and 8.10 a nt and
3.00 (limited) and 8.40 p m. Way for Altoona,
4.15 a m and 4.10 p m every day.
For Pittsburg only, If.20 a m daily and 10,2(1
i w week dsiys
beavo Bunbury for Wllllamsport, Elmlriv,
'iantiudalgua, Kochester, Bunaloand Wlagans
alia 5.10 a m dally, and 1.43 pm weet days,
for Vatklss, 6.S0 p in week days.
For Krle and Intermediate points, 6.10 a m;
dally. For bock Haven, 5.1(3, and 9.63 a ni.
daily, 11 and 6.80 p. in. week days. Foi
Itenova 6.10 a m 1.43 and 6,33 p m week days,
1.10 a, m Bandays.
Osn. Man'r Hen. Pass. Agf.
lime table in effect Jlfoi, 10,1891.
Trains leave Heading (P. 11. station) fax
Gibraltar, Beyfert, Blratboro, Joanna, BprlnrX
Beld, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle,WeVK
Chester.ChadsforoT Junction, 11, A O. Juuctiod,' '
Wilmington and intermediate stations, daily
except Bunday, at 6.26 and 8.80 a.m. and 3.15
p. m. Bunday only at 3.05 p. m.
For Warwick, Bt. Peters and Intermediate
stations.dally except Bunday, at 9.20 u.m.,ana
6.19 p. m. Bunday only 8.15 a m.
For ttlrdtboro and intermediate stations,
Baturday only, at 12 m.
For Baltimore and Washington iB. A O. It.
It.) dally except Bunday at 6.26 and' 8.30 a. m.
and 3.16 p. m, Bunday only at 3.05 p, m,
Trains arrive at Heading (P. & H. station)
irom Wilmington, B. t O. Junction, Mont
cbanln, Chadilsiord Junction, West Chester,
benape, Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction,
Bprlngfleld,Joanna,Blrdsboro, UlCraltar.Bey
fen and Intermediate stations, dally except
Bunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. in. Bun.
day only at 11.21 a. m.
From Bt. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate,
stations, daily except Bnnday, at 8.23 a, m. ,
and 2.25p.m. Bunday only at Up. m.
From lilidsboro and intermediate stations,
Baturday only at 1.10 p. m.
From Washington and Baltimore, daily ex
cept Bunday, 10 20 a. in. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m.
Bunday only at 11.21 a. m.
B0WNKS3 imiaus, Qen'lPan. Agt.
A. G. McOA UBbAfU), Bupt.
D II I1TII n P Wo 11)0 undersigned,
H II r I II H r . nre entirely cured of
II U I I U II Ll Uupture by Dr. J. II.
MAYKIt, 831 Arch Bt.. Pblla. Thomas B.
llartuug, New Itlnggold, Pa., r.Pandt, BoutU
Kaston, j'u., b. P. & c. A. Deturck, Oley, Pa
It. U. Btanley, 421 Bpruce Bt , Ibanon, Pet , A.
Behuelder. bocutt bale, I'a.,1), II. Noll, Lime
kiln, Pa., Wm. E. liar ensllne, Phoenlxvllle,
Pa., W. M. beinbach, 624 Washington Bt.,
Heading, Pa., J. O. byme, 1310 V. lowardBt.,
llarrlsburi. Pa., O. ICeelin, Doueiassvllle, Pa.
Dr. MAYEIt is at Hotel Penn, Beading, Pa.,
on the 2nd Baturday of each month. Call lo
see him.
Not 9 East Centre Btreet; Mahanoy City, I'a
ojlui auiu au apeeuu aiseaseis H uptKuxjj,