The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 01, 1891, Image 3

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ft, lZr. V u. WWjfJrtWIilll
Pf-nts In tho most elcgsmt fotnt ,
VUF t AVXTIUC MIlTtttVlrtllO .11 IIB
'aim ninnn Tin in t 110 -m rri i ri nn
neatly cure Habitual Cousti-
pation, ana me many ins ae-
inenainff on a weaK or inactive
Fcoiiditiofl of the
It is the most excellent remedy known to
When one Is lMimn or Constipated
r t-o THAT
Every one is using It and all arc
delighted with it.
John R. Coyle,
Real Estate Agent,
" Cor. Main and Centre Strtett. SHENANDOAH.
-lu A two ana ono-Iiair Ftory double Audio
aweuiug nouK, wun Mro-room ana res
tnurant. Lopaiea on centre street.
A valuable property located on South Jar-
uin hi reel.
3-Bevcn rt welling houses at the corner of Oil
a bertnnd Lloyd streets. Good Investment,
Terras reasonable.
Dr. Grosventrrs
Let J-blU
Gfa$ quick relief
Jrotn pain.
W. Baker & Cos
from which tho excess ot
oil lias been removed, is
Absolutely Pure
and it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
hro used in its preparation. It has
Riore than three times the strength of
Klocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
Br Sugar, and is theroforo far inoro
Economical, costing less than one cent
so cvp. It is delicious, nourishing,
fstrcngthcnlng, easily digested,
cm i
. Jp&Breakfas
' 'and admirably adapted for invalids
-''fas well as for persons in health.
1 I Sold by Grocers evorywrvoro.
' I 'W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
,avo cured many tlit uvin!
d"; ar lea-t two-thtrris rinJ
r IVinpiDlIU aro rrinnvcil,
i frAjubled tfl'h thos tmnfttlni Irresnlirltia ro
Intly f jUo- ti. i tM or - ipor jrn, or trot1 1
Clonal V'nikie89cikior6A.ul4fa-tQtAetr ex. tiuaM
s:a rib. ntirtmiurtR riiai,mii
itLejan Mtr- iB-neni ic t,i 'tic ennrr mirr ; ,apnn
toM, vliror hu . 1 ,t. I. r. - .u i.ll lci.ctaiLu at '-o ' v
Minrfroind. Ihmiu f" t, '-curflftiulwl,! 1. Ad(trow
W you to visit the 'RociIkftTEIt ISUdl
tbOUKb yi uinay le a thousand iiiIIaa uwav.
iBiwtiuB hi 1110 jieau 01 ine UBi or COraraer
Iftl BCDOOls Id lta Chumrlr n& ati prlnnntlnnnl
fin-ft. flW ft intdlUlTl for Blltinlvtnw tlm hnnlnnvu
meu of the country "vrltb trnWtt and capable
ibinoumBua a means oi placing ambitious
cure men and women tsn thn hiirh mnri ia
HiL-t'ttB( muu u me csieu, eitCHUCu ana coat
1 tin rniilnrticitit I'hm-niinl. nrwt! tinir 1
K . , . r. .A. m . K U ....... ..111.
i3i.iLior.B. me iwentyeventu Annual
taiogue will bo mulled to any adrtrees.
. V,
ChlehMtcr. Dtftmond nrftatf.
Orlctnal And Onlr Cernlna.
upe. ktwu;. r Habit, t.ixcv .ik a
Pralri.t for Cftfcftto. Mwlti Vl.
tMd Brarnt la lted mid tlxlX ai.uUWV
boiM. aeaidd wttli Line ribbiD T.U
(ton. o4 imltati. Ai Uinul.ti, r.rad4w
In .turapl for pulloul.ri. iMUnonUi. u4
It.Ubr Tor foair. in Itter. br irtnna
CMc-actf rCiiewlcal Va.,Urtdlcn HnUbr-
lialldlDx corner Mr In tad Onto!
1 Ldbrtift
Bco. 9. The secretary of the com
monwealth shall, ten days at least
previous to the (lay of any diction of
United Hiates or suites oinci rs,
trnnsmlt to the county commissioners
and the ehetift In each county In
which snob election la to be lu lu ittmll
cnte official Hats statin); the nam' Hand
resiliences of and parties or pollcl"s
represented by all oarnlulates whose
nominauou oertiucnioa or papers nave
been tiled with hltn tmherelu pmvldid
for such election, ami nave not bet-u
fnnnil Anil declared lo lie Invalid u- lil'O-
vitled in section 6. anil to be voteil for
at each voting place at each such
county rtspecttvely, substantially in
thbforinof the ballots to be used there
in. The county commissioners of each
cpunty shall also send to the sherlll of
tnur county, at least ten tay prior 10
th day of any eleott n, an ofllclnl list
containing the name?, rt sldences and
party or political appeiiatinua 01 uu,
candidates except tho-e for elect Inn
cllb'ers and r-cln-ol directors,
nomination certllleates or papers have
been filed with the waid commlaHiouers,
as herein provided for such elrrtlon,
and to bo voted for at each voting place
in the couuty substantially in the lorm
of the ballots to be used therein.
Hen. m. "It nhall be the tlutv of the
sherlfl'of every county, a,t least ten dayR
beloreauy election to 00 nem tucreiu,
except for township and borough ofll
cers. to clve notice of the same by
I roclamatious posted up In the mr.t
nub c nlnces In every election district
ami by advertisements In at least two
newspapers, If there bo so many puu
lieued lu the county, representing so
far as practical the political parties
which at the preceding election cast
the largest and next largest number of
votes, anti 111 every huch proclamation
or advertisement he shall v
"I Enumerate tho officers to be
elected and give a list of all the nom
inations, except for election oflleeis
and assessors, madeas provided in this
tictand to be vo'ed for In such county
as far as may be lu the form In whleli
they shall apptar upon the ballots, but
tne proclamations posted in eac.n eiec'
lion district need not contain the
names of any candidates but those to
be voted for In eucli district.
"II Designate the place at which
tho election is to be nciu.
"I II He shall el vo notice that every
person, excepting justices of the peace,
who shall lKiui any oiuce or appoint
ment of profit or trust under the irov-
ernment of the United States or of
this state, or of any city or incorporated
district, whether a commissioned
ofllcer, or otherwise, a subordinate
ofllcer or ncent who is or shall be em
loyed under the legislative, executive
or judiciary department of this state or
oltuo uniceu states or 01 any city or
ilUVWl JIUI Ml V'l ...n..,.., " 1 13'-
every member of congress and of tho
, state legislature and of the select or
liiii,nnrulUi .llcifvlnf n.tfl ila. llit.t
common council of any city or com
missioners of any Incorporated district
is by law incapable of holding Or ex
ercising at the same time the o(ne or
appointment of judge, inspictor or
clerk of any election of this common
wealth, and that 110 inspector, judge or
other ofllcer of any such election shall
be eligible (o any oiuce to be tucii
voted for," except that of an election
Sec. 11, In cose of thodeath or with-,
drawal of any candidate nominated as
herein provided, the party convention,
primary meetluir, caucus or board,
or the citizens who nominated such
candidate, may nominate a substitute
m ills place by tiling In tho proper or
rice at any time before the day of elec
tion a nomination certificate or
paper which shall conform to all the
renuiremcnts 01 tins act in recant to
original certificates or papers. Pro-
Tided, that If the said convention or
citizens snail nave authorized any com
mittee to make nominations in the
event of the death or withdrawal of
candidates the said convention shall
not be required to reconvene, nor the
said citizens to sign a new nomination
paper, but tne saltl committee snail
h a vo power to file the .requisite nomi
nation certificate or paper which shall
recite the facts of the appointment
and powers of the said committee
(naming all its members) of the death
or withdrawal of the candidate and of
the action of the committee thereon,
and the truth of these facts shall be
verified by the affidavit annexed to
the certificate or paper of two members
of the committee and also of at least
two of the oflners of the convention
who made alhdavit in support iif the
original cei till onto or two of the eftlzeus
who made affidavit to the original
paper. And provided, aUo, that lu
oaeo of a substituted nomination pa er
not filed by a committee but signed by
citizens It shall only be necessary that
two-thirds of the sluners of the said
paper shall nave been signers of the
original paper.
Bee. 12. All substituted nomination
certificates or papers may be objected
to as provided in section 7 or this act.
and If a substituted certificate or paper
be filed alter the last day for filing, the
original certificate or paper objections
must no matie within lour uays alter
the filing, and no objection as to form
or eouformlty to law shall be received
after the time set for priuting the
As Boon os any substituted candidate
shall have been duly nominated, his
name shall be substituted by the proper
oillcers lu the place ot that or the
candidate who has died orwlthdrawn.
so far as time may allow, and In case a
substituted nomination be filed with
or transmitted to the county commlp
sloners or township or borough auditors
after tho ballots have been printed,
the said commisslonersorauditorsshall
prepare and distribute with the ballots
suitable sups or paper Dealing tne euu
stltuted nainer together with the title
of theolHce,aiid,havIngadhcslvo paste
upon tlie reverse side, winch snail be
oiiereu to each voter witn the regular
naiior; ami may be mured thereto.
Bee, 13. Tho county commlssoners of
eacn county snail cause an tne uanots
to bo used therein lobe printed, except
for elections of oillcers of townships
anu uorougus ami election oiucers anu
fcchool directors in the same, the ballots
ior wnicu snan tie nnuieu anu uistriu
uted by the auditor who shall certify
the cost of such printing and distribu
tion to tho county commissioners for
flighcst of all in Leavening Tower.
payment as part of a county election
expenses. The said commissioners and
audluirs shall ascertain the cilices to
be filled ami shall be lesponslblefor the
accurate printing of the ballots In ac
ci dunce with tins act ami Itr ine sate
licplnu of the same while In their
possession or that of ttielrsuliordlhatca
r agents.
See 14 The face of every ballot,
which shall be pi i uted lu accordance
with 1 ho provisions of this act shall
contain thotiHnij-iiiiid residences of all
candidates uominalion lor any
t.llk'e specified in the ballot shall huve
been duly made, except such as may
have died or withdrawn. The u nines
of candidates shall be presented in tho
following maimer and order.
In ihe esBoof cerllflcatosof nomina
tions made by a convention uf dele
gates or othurwlse, as deS'Tihed lu sec
tion 2, representing a political party
which at the election next precedina
polled at least 3 pur cent, of the highest
eutlre vote cast in tho state or elec
toral district or division thereof for
which such uomlnatiout are made, as
described lu section '2, the names of all
the candidates so nominated by such
political parly shall be ui ranged In
groups 111 presented In tho several cer
tificates of nomination under the des
ignation of the t'filce, with the party
descriptive words or appo
rtion at the head of each erou p. Snob
groups shall be pt luted lu the order of
the vole poueu by eacn political party
at the last preceding election, begin
ning with the party which secured tho
highest vote. In all otiier cats of
nomination by nomination papers the
names of tho audidates for each ollieo
shall be arranged under the desig
nation of 'be ollice lu alphabellcal or
der according to the surnames.
There shall be left at Ihe end of the
list of caudldates for each dlfferuut of
fice (or under the title of the oflice It-t-elf
ior which an election is to be held
lu case theie be no candidates legally
nominated therefor) as many blank
Bpaces as there are persons to be elected
to such ollice, lu wbicli the voter may
Insert the name of any person whose
nanus is not printed on the ballot for
whom he desires to vote us candidate
for such ollice, and such insertion shall
count an n vote without the cross mark
(x) hereinafter mentioned. Whenever
the approval of u constitutional amend
ment or other question is submitted to
thovotoof the people, such questions
shall be nrluted upon the oallot after
tho list of caudldates.
The ballot shall be so printed as to
clve to each voter a cliar onnortunltv
10 uesignate nis cnoiceoi candidal' B uy
a cross marie ixnnasuiucieuc margiu
at the right of the name of each can
didate, and In like m inner his answer
to the quiailnns submitted, and on tho
ballot may be piluled Instructions how
to mark, and such woius, as will aid
the voter to do t'tis, m 'vote for cue,"
vote for time," "yes," "no" and the
like. Provided, that a voter may desig
nate his choice of all tl)0 candidates of
apolitical party or 0110 cross
mark In tUe margin to the rkbtof the
party irnrne 01 poijtlcl designation of
such gioup, and such mark shall be
eiiulvnlcnt lo a, mark agalutt overv
name lu gioup. , , ,
Sec. j All the ballo'ts used at the
same voting place at any elt ctton shall
be mine, ami Mian ueat least aix inches
long anti four Inches uide; they shall
be printed with the came kind or kinds
or type iwnicu snan nut uu smaller
tlinn the i'1.e known as ".brevier" or
''eight point body',') upon white paper.
without any inipr.s.ilon or mark' lo
distinguish ono from another, except
as expressly authoriz-d herein or by
the constitution of this commonwealth,
Each ball t shall be attached to a stub
or counterfoil, and all the ballots for
tne same-voting place snail no hound
together In convenient numbers, lu
books, in suth manner that each ballot
may be detached and removed separ
A diagonal touting lino shall bo
printed on the right hand upper corn
er of the back of each ballot, anil the
said corner shall be edged with ad
hesive 1 ae, so that the corner when
folded at the folding lino can be secur
ely fastened down over the number
now required by the constitution of
this commonwealth, so that the said
number cannot be seen without un
fastening or cutting open the part so
fastened down. The top of each ballot
shall ha vea margin of equal size ou
both back and face, and the raid fold
ing line shall be upon this margin
hut no tiling else shall be printed there
on except instructions how to matk.
Provided, that if at any lime the sa'd
constitution shall cease to requtro
ballots to bo numbered, the foreuolng
requirements an to the folding line, the
margin anu adhesive paste shun ue
On the back of each ballot, or on the
right hand side of the back, If the bal-
I it la nrlntu1 In ftr tc ti 11 1 11 a fliii'u
shall be printed ns a caption, "olllcial
ballot ior," loiiowen ny tne designation
of the voting place for vhich the
ballot is prepared, the duteof the elec
tion antl a facsimile of the signatures
of the county commissioners of the re
spective couutles who have caused tho
uanots to ue pruned, unless they
have been printed by township or
borough auditor. A record of the
number of ballots nrluted and fur
nished to each voting place shall bo
kent and preserved by the county 00m
mlssloners of thoseveral counties when
It. Is shown by affidavit that mistake or
omission nasoccuneu in tuepuuiication
of names or description of candidates
or in the printing of ballots, the court
of common pleas of the dlstrlot or
county or any judge thereof may, upon
tho application ot any qualified elector
of the district or county, require the
county commissioners to correct the
mistake oromlssiou nrshowcause why
they should not.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug; 17, 1889,
A Now SpitiiUH Knlice,
Lucie Lee Is creating a sensation In
Frisco in a new Spanish dance called
tlie "eitreto," whatever that menus.
Miss Ue is a charming girl, with long
wavy hair and a decidedly Anglifiod ex
pression to ner leatures. nne is tan,
gracoful, and avoids tho sensuous fea
tures introduced by Cnrmoncita. She
is going to Australia for next season.
Swift's Specific is tho great
developer, of delicate child
ren. It rejrulates the secre
tions; i stimulates tho skin to
healthy action, and assists
nature in development.
There is no tonic for child
ren equal to 5 S' S
Send for our trentiso on Blood and
Ekin Diseased.
BwirT Si-iahkio Co., Atlunt, Go,
.IJlnmii I.IlHiifiiiH, ArUniifKiH,
Tfxas, JM7urir ln, I.ouiHlaim,
Culurndu, IHuli, Cnllloriiln,
Oi ;n,1 aHliIi;;toii,!txlco,
New SI., xlco or Arizona,
and will n-rjd me n p slal crrd
or letter stating
Where you are going,
When you are going,
Where you will statt from,
How many there are in your party,
What freight aLd bajgagecu have,
I will write ycu or call at your hoiueaud
liirnlsh yon with tlielullist information
leguidlig jotitey, lowet rates of all
chases, boiois mni t, dttcrlptUe nnrtll
lttMraied land p:,rniLlctH, resort books,
Hot f prlngs guldet, etc.
Cheap Farming Lauds In illsfourl, Arkan
sas, KuoBiis and 'losas,
J. P. MclUNH. Eastern Trav. Ant.,
G. E. P. Agt., 301 II road way, Now York
Iron Mountain Route,
tack Headacho and rolIOTo nil the tronblej lacf.
dent to acinous Etatecf tne jstara.euch aa
Dizziness, Ndusea, Drowslnosa, Distress after
eating, rain In tho Bide, &e. While tbelr moat
remarkable success has boon shown la curh3 4
iloafldcbo, yet Cartor'aHtllo Liver Tills ars
cqnally valuable In Constipation, curing and pro
ventlug this nnno jlcij complain t, white they alau
correct all disorders of the slomach tlmulalo tho
liver and regulate tho bowels. Evcnlf thcjonlj
curoa ct n tSSSI
'Acba they would bo almost priceless to those who)
Buffer from this distressing complaint; but t ortn
uatelyUielrgcodnoss does notendherend those,
Tf hocner try them will find tbeao lttUe puis vain.
lAblelnsomrny waysthatthey will not bo wit
lliugtodawithoutUmin. ButafteraUslckhoail
fl the bane ot so many Uvea that herolawbera
IwemaVeourgniatboast. Oar pills euro It wlillo
I Others do not. ...
1 Carter's Uttle Liver rills are vory smalt anil
very easy to take. One or two pills inalcoa doso.
ThrytrustrlcUy vegetable anU do not gripe oc
purge, but by Uiolrgentteactlon ploasaaU who
uielhem. InvtalsataSceptsi flveforlt. Sold
by drugglats everywhere, or tent by mall.
rijtit r.J Glitil Mi Pare! Ctik ttojuln
epresentd by
120 H, Jaraln Htreot,
TffivER Wmm
"Tlie Hxllcs'' nuil tlio ISxcltcincnt It
fronted III I'rmico Whrti l'lrt l'itt
011 tlie IlonnU II Production In
Vlotorlen Sardou is without doubt the
most supeib realist of contemporaneous
drsmatlo history. It Is Mb fertile brain
which has given to tlm world successive-
ly "The Exiles," "Fedora," "Theodora,"
and "La Touch." The arst U, perhaps,
according to the nomilar idea, his (Treat-
est work, although owing undoubtedly
to its oarly production it has never be
come so well known In tills country 11s
mine of his later achievements. "Tlie
Kxiles" was written nearly thlrttten
years afro before the old l'ar bad been
assassinated by the NUilUstni before
the ltusso-Turkish war: before and
long before Count Tolstoi and Ouorgo
Konnan, the American explorer
ami lecturer, had made known to the
dvillMnl world the terrible horrors
committed under an nutocrouy whose
very existent e was hourly threatened
by the natural growth 01 economic
Ideas In the popular mind.
Still, Udrtecn years ago Is not iv long
time, and men had traveled then, mm
books had leen written, and the world
knew something of the terrible Buffer
ings of the political exiles to that Itus
6ian cemetery for tho living Klliarla.
vicTOMEjf s.vrtnou.
Tho world had known, had talkod, hail
pitied to a great oxtent, and when Vlc
toricn Sardou, not nearly so well known
n nnw.put his vividly and truly drawn
dramatic picturo upon the Stage of ono
of tho leading Paris theaters
tho erratic, mercurial and art-loving
public went wild. "Tlie Exilos" was
was tho talk of Paris in a week: In two
It was the artistic subject of conversa
tion throughout France. The new re
public, hot from its crucial bath of fire,
strong antl confident In Its youth, ac
cepted the play and tho story with a
fervor which, had tho political
situation been a hit dif
ferent, might havo proven
momentous nnd notable in tho perma
nent history of nations. The excite
ment aroused by "Tho Exiles" In
France was to some extent reflected In
America, nnd it is no wonder that
Eugene Tompkins, the young Jtoston
manager then in Paris, should to a cer
tain extent havo imbibed tlio pcpuh.r
enthusiasm. Ho boucrht tho biece
and paid liberally for tho Ameri
can ngnts ot production. It was
given first at tho Itoston theater,
then directed by his father, with a mog
nlllcent cast and nrfincldontal investi
ture which up to that timo had never
been paralleled in tho history of the
drama in America Of course the piece
was a success. It netted a great many
thousand dollars to tho Boston thenlor
so that had that time-honored home of
Thcspis not been patronized for sovcral
years the balance would yet havo re
mained on tho credit side.
Tile story is ono of intenso dramatic
Interest, and brings into its unraveling
Suhelcm, the chief of police, a follow
charncter to that of Scarpia in "La
Tosca;" Wladiinlr, a Uusslnn nobleman;
Do Lussicres. a rich Frenchman, enp
tured by tho St. Petersburg police, and
falsely sent to Siberia; Col. Pnlklnc, a
military vlllian; Cnrcnssin, a faithful
servant; Nadcge, tho sister of Wladimir;
and tho Countess Tatlna. a high born
Russian lady, wife of Wladimir, nnd
with him sent to the loathsome and
irksome steppes of tho frozen north.
Sim Ilon't Cure u Horn About liar
Iloporled l'ortuue.
A queer creature is Nollio Douglass,
a player o( llgut parts in .comic opera.
Nellie is nrettv liovoml dmurlnt1iin.
with large, ravishing dark eyes, from
which Hashes lust ono tinv little ruv of
wlckednebs. The papers havo recent
ly been tolling of how Nellie had fallen
heir to a largo fortune, by r-oason of
the death of relatives in I'Ingland. An
inquisitive Chicago reporter thought
that It would be quite proper to
ut tho Commor
clal in
city. In tho
ZzSs. course of his report
f& V,i ne says mat u ap
Searancos aro not
eceitf ul she doosu't
care a picayune
whether nny money
has been loft her or
not. She luy In a
hammock swung
in room ISO. 1133,
KRLxif nouoi ass. while her pot pug
dog was snug In the big bed with its
Enowy counterpane, rue reporter naa
been told by the night clerk, tho bell
boy, and the elevator man that Miss
Douglass was a "daisy."
"There Is no one in England to leave
me any money unless it be my mother,
and slios not dead," said MHa Ooug
lass. "There's a mistake somewhere, I
guess, but I don't take enough Interest
to Inquire. Yon see I ran away from
my English home when 1 was only 1 J
and left my mother. She's looking for
me mid has been here on lots of trips,
but I have never showed up. 1 w .ih
stage sti u 'k, you know. I ran aw ar
from homo, then from a husband, then
shipped with Wicky MoKee from tuo
'Poor Jonathan' company at St. Louis,
and now even Dicky doesn't know
where I am. You see. It was a gener
al leave alt around and the newspapers
wrote It all up. 1 didn't care wncn
they said 1 left my hnsbund, lrttt I was
angry when they said I threw my dog
turougu the transom. ine wra ut
such abuse! Just look at hun." Mi-s
Nellie pointed t. the sleeping pug In
the bet 1. "It is Imrely pos ll le that
my in.'lher e.iii-ed the rep u t of my
fortune to be .p" n ' so thrt, t would
show up. lull if Unit's the scheme It
Won't work."
A It ANuauwtr. r-
.EATHER.PRiSBNVSn. f " Uilr.
KUSHINU Ktuumuu, j
Um4 bj men. osaenfcnd c,-l-iMffTn
Brother corns out and lot mo be lusido Will m
face and hands be ivd, tool
Of cuarse thr will eiuter, boo&use Papa painted
tuo window with
1ue. A HOTTr.i?
wouy a rtAitDoun, pmodeipnie!
CHEAP AND r.T i-tOfcC.
a) other etj-lea fV-A V . i inll ,
V s,.m, Iu,,.ai,mUIa?"
ArIc tiir mrf-nrx fur W.
If not for sale In jour nlnce imli Tour
, lloualnn Shoe.
.... - - jwiii iw unit 3 II II I
denier to neiul for cnliilaKiie, secure llio
It U nucmnU-iashoe, with uo tacks or wax thread
to hurt tho ft'i I: ninth! of tlm linat flnn sfiir Brvllita
and caMy, aud 6tvauti ue viaku more hoe of this
gmae than ant other manufacturer, it equal hand
si'wed hiKft coattiiK from $ 1.(0 to fci.ut).
lJm Bhoo ever otTere! fur $5.iWi etiuala Freacti
m port od shoes which cost from HS.ixito $12.U0.
'i uu iiuiui-neu-eii w rit minis ""o cair.
"vm uUIItih. comCnrtablti nml ilnrnt.lo. Th linnf.
shoe ever ofTf roil nt this price j name crade as cus-
i.iii iiimicBuiiuituijiiiirf iroiii o.uifio jjif.ui,
CT25 AO lollcn Shuni Fanners, Hallroad Meu
Ullli anil ItLprCnrrloranll UHaetliatro llnannlf
Benmlcsft, smooth Inside, heavy throo boles, exten
sion ctfete. One pair will wear nj ear.
y jti 11 no cull 1 no iietter fthoeever olTpreu ac
.1 this tirliet one trlnl will mnvtrifn thnmi
who want a shoe for comfort and service.
Sp ' una e-'J.uu oriiiiiuiiinn'ri snocs
CUa nra vcrv Rtroncr nnd diiml,l.. riwmrt wUr
have given them a trial wilFwcur Jio other make.
TWIG nml 1.7.1 school shoes nro
U V LJ worn bvlhe bovsnvrwlitvrp; t ho v unit
ou their merits, an the tncreoatnn sales show.
C4U lxmiroia. vervstvllnh: enuaUFrcnpli
imported shoes costlaK frurii g(JAi to $Vj.
Lniltuu' C.TO, Si. 00 nnd 81.75 shoo for
UlHscsarethu best lino Uongola. stylish and durable.
('tuition. See that W. U. Douglas' name and
price are stamped on the bottom of each shoo.
f3JLxoaaiiixca.ol3L JEix
tut n.-ni rrilBli'a sol ivsMfifol
tKiui m tuajiuu w loin
I'M rHS b'otobtf. flmplfi, Ber
Mai It.Thiui'.IrrlttllMW. 8o14
LfCI.IKll., IiIm, MlMtiolj,
Wtfckfieii UnMlitr, TmpAlred M cm i y s&d Dy, btrlotar
til dliestca reku'tloK froru 1 1 mli'A i ron ut Uon onrwwk
Old.YouriK w Mldrtla Aod -louiMffw sf iMr.
r (tvarvtlilac ksewn I
IBJIkl tDlllUIS 01 sCltQOi- ol it lid' lDdftldMM MllfllUtf.
eontttar Who filvJ leHtf at once FrrabOMM 0ti tB 4
lo IS darn 8urti Hopiu .rHrmif in Gcrmtsr, In
lasd, Franot and Au(i la, aa i iiuli tiM and dlploutsa prcv
ana m rvar' i r,lLtion t .run. it in doc cui orea yerir.
l w pa il to in a.M-llaiaaMter, vm
perltno au4 who can tkUan a tnur pBilaaU parstauti
eared a Icaa aftar awairii A aiiertliio doMert 1
irnic ai sr rriasjTii, iiswikji XU
rslaad tfcea. SM'tio aianiji'oi lik "TOUTH" sad swn
taailiDituUUtxfiiio; qt.a.'ki n 1 adiartlitO4e4n with
Uttir ralac an 1 fiau.l cut iju trutr aii'l rMtlontU, tbvtt
tlparivD, thej Uo nut iitMafa) m i tl ir ulifiua of rofuD'llBg
saoavy wr frloi-ity ;U an 1 thrr licap in I waithlta drusa
sollhar ot wlm.a t-u.L uu, bt.t -i ad doeoya and rUi
la ruia of iti;uau u o' ..t i, lf iUi.luia. Orwi Houis,
verydv frui.t t A M V rrlnjaS to. WodntadaJ
ajtd Palm ,1a t F.i uti.i. n , s n lata frnm t to It, F.
UoCtitoi.baa hum. An: t i j. tui iej VftUa. TiSM.
All persona aro hereby warned
Belonging to the
Shenandoah Water Company,
and all parties caught violating this notice
will be (
Prosecuted n XrcHpn'
lly order of
w 'a. - t
.U Trir it.