The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 01, 1891, Image 2

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. " "
Evening Herald.
IT. C Jtomil, Ihlllor nml 1'iitlhhcr.
II'.M". .T. U'ATJCIXS, focal IMltor.
J7ie HVUXIXa JtllllA I.D lias a larger eir.
eulaUm tn Shenandonh than any other im;r
jtubltthetl, llookt .) to all.
subscription rates:
DAILY. r yr W 09
Wkkki.y. tr yr, 1 So
Entered Uthe Postolnoe, ntHbenandomli, Ka,
for transmission through the mails
MMwintl olass ranll matter.
Flsuros Domonetrato tho Popu
larity of tlio Rosort.
Aug. 8. Kng lie)) llaplitt Sunday schoo
of Shenandoah.
Auk. 4 XL. 15. Sunday school of Mith
noy l'lane.
Auk. 6 M. K. Sunday toliool, Aihlaftd.
Aur. 0. KvaiiKolioul Sunday school of
Miilisnoy City.
Aug. 7. Welsh Congregational, ilaluv
noy City.
Aim. 8. 11. K. Sunday toliool. Gilber-
Auk. 10. M. E. Sunday eohool, Girard
ville. and Union Sunday school, lest
Auk. 11. Welsh linpliet, ConErega
tlonal and AInthodUt, Shenandoah.
Aug. 12. Lutherun missionary festival.
" 18. Kniiconal Sunday school of
Jlahnnoy City.
Auir. M Koformod Sunday school, of
Aug. 15. Eisteddfod.
" 17. Lutheran Sunday school, Gi-
Aug. 18. English Haptisl Sunday school,
Mahanoy City.
Aug. 19. M. E. Sunday school of Shen
Aug. 20. Trinity Itoformod Sunday
school of Mahanoy City.
Aug. 22. 1. M. Sunday school, of Oil
Aug. 21. 1. 11. Sunday school of Shen
Aug. 25. English Lutheran, Mahanoy
Rooky Mountain Ouro.
The druggists claim that ponplo' call
daily for tho now euro for constipation and
sick hnadaohp, dlscovcrod by Dr. Silas
Lano while in tho Kooky Mountains. It is
jaid to ba Oregon grapo root' (a groat
remedy in tho far West for thosa com
plaints) comhinod with simple horbs, and is
made for uso by pouring on hciling wator
to draw out the strength. It sells at 50
conts a package and is cnllod Lano's
Family Modicino.
Corn tassels aro now waving in tho sum
mor liroozo.
Hold It to tho Light.
Tho man who tells you confidentially
ust what will cure your cold is prescribing
Kemp's Balaam this yoar. In tho prep'
aralion of this remarkable medicine for
coughs and colds no expense ia spared to
coinbiuo only tho best and purost ingrodi
onU. Hold a bottlo of Kemp's lialsam to
tho light and look through it; notice the
bright, cWr look: then compare with
othir remedies, i'rico 60o. and $1
Now is a good timo to fill up the coal bin
ior winter.
To Norvou.8, Debilitated Mon.
If you send us your add rose, wo will
mail vou our illustrated bamvihlat uxnlttin
Inir all about Dr. Dre's Celebrated Eloctro.
Voltaic Holt and Appliance, and thoir
charmlnir. ofroots upon the nervous do
bilitated system, and how thoy will quickly
restore tou to vieor. and manhood. Pamph
let froo. If you aro thus afllictod, we will
onu yon a uoit ami Appliances on a triaL
VOLTAIO IlKT,' CO.. Uarsaltll, juicn,
An inch of rain moms
on ovory acre.
100 tons of water
A Mystory Explained,
The nil Tiers contain frcauent notices of rich
pretty nml educated glrjs eloping with
negroes, tmmris nnd coachmen. The woll-
Jcnown specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says all
sucn gins are moro or iss hysterical, nervous,
usually subject
to headache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, lm
modprato ervlni: or liiueliliiK. Tliesoehow
weak nervous system for vhicb there Is n
remertv eriual 1o Meliorative Nervine. Trln
Ixitllos nnd a tine book, containing inuny
marvelous cures, free- nt O. II. llogeubuclrH
drill! store, who aHb sell, nnd cunrante Dr.
AilleH' oelehratoil Nbw Heart Cure, Hie finest
of heart ionics. Cures fluttering, short
breath, etc.
Gold glovo hooks aro a new hit of
Shlloh'a Consumption Ouro.
This Is leyond quehlluiiMlie trost suo
ceHSluI Tough Medicine we hnve ever sold,
lew doses Invariably cure tho worst rbpol
Cough, Croup, nnd llrunchltls, while Its won
derful success I" the cure of t'onsumptlon Is
without a parallel Iji tb lilMory of tmdiclna
tlinoH It's II it discovery it has been tola on a
gnantntee, a test which no other medUlne
ran stand. It you have R Count we earnestly
ask you to try it. i'rlm lOeeiils.&Ootnts.Hnd
Sl.dU. If your laiugs ure una. Chest or back
lame, use Hhltnh's Porous I'lestfr. Bold In
I' II. Ilaeonbuch, N. K. corner Wuln aud
Uod streU.
Oily ono person in a thousand d es of
1 age.
"What a Prominent Physician nnd
Chemist aye After Analysis
and Practical Test
Dr. J
Mi i
(I )'
Ii Her. furmtrty nt tlellevue JTotpttal
f '(( (iimI l.wtu Jtluml Oatlege
' f 1 1 lot ninn ;
- i.W Yoke, October JS, 1800.
('.: i -neolflo Co., b Wall Mr ct.
in s mi. i of your Osotus I Hood
1 1, ' i i, in ht f'jr analysis, I have
, - thorough lei, Hurt ran
'i i uii i in, p "i mtueral or mercurial
irer. ai , w, ,t. uimifver, and, aslhavo
bad "u)"-! 1''o nvi'iMieBoe in tin coiistnu
llouu II' ,-t la ciiitiu dlMMMM! already
ltnnwi''y i, I i 'insider It the salrst aud
betv ,ttl i.l'io 1 1 urltlsr In the m kol.
Yi-uis resneetfdllr,
1). J. IjYWKB. Ph U, M. I).
Sold atKlillu's Drue HUrssremusou House
lllook, ritienandoa1
Has no rival In the world. SOD years' sxperlenoe
In lirazil awl two yeara lu this oouutry. It posi
tively curtM all diseases arhlnK from linjiuro
lilood, No mineral, no failures, no relajites,
Allhmmli .Tnlm 1.. I Dime With
I'rlzo-lfltilitliiii llo Will o In for
ii Slnlco Willi Sort :iivo--nie
C'oiitruct I Ileitis Arrnwioil,
Tho nnnouiicemont wnsmnde In these
columns some days ago, thut John L.
Sulllvnn had pormnnently retired from
tlio price-ring, rue Rtntcinent rx .
holds flood. Tho champion or
chum pious will novur enter the- ring afr
n priweflglitor ngiiln. He lro ileeirtfxl
though, to tnko homo of tho concoit out
of Krnnk Sluvin, who Unsi recently ihccn
having things protty much, his own
John Ii. Sulllvnn will moot Slnvin,
with soft gloves, in either Now Yorkoi
Chieiifro, next Soptomher. About that
timo Sulllvnn will nrrlvo home from
his Australian tour with rhtnenn' Har
rison. The two runowned pugilists are
anxious to meet for a knock-out, and
thcro is no longer any doubt nbout tho
match. Sullivan lias authorized
ilamos Wnkoly. of Now orr, and
Charles Johnston, of llrooklyn, two of
his original hackers, to match him
ngalnst Slavln, Tho conditions ho
names call for ten rounds, Queensberry
rules, 810,000 in stnkeS, winner to tnko
nil. and tho matcn to bo contosteu ue-
fore the athletic club which offers the
largest purse. Theso stipulations wero
Included in a telegram which Sullivan
sent from San Jose, Cal., on the night
of .lane 18.
Of all tho men who saw the conte-
between Slnvin nnd kilrnin, nono
wathed It with greater interest than
tlul J nmes Vakel v and L linrlos J olinston
who furnished a good part of Sullivan's
(510,000, stake In his fight with KHrain
at Uichburg. They aro both good
judges of tho sport, and are convinced
tnat. una Muiuvan open in mo ijniu
morean's place there would havo boon
tlireo lieart broken passengers on one
of the big ocean steamers which sailed
for Europe Juiio J!0 l'addy Slavin,
Charley llltchell and George Washing
ton llooro. Wnkoly and Johnston aro
ready to match tho phenomenal Ameri
can pugilist against Kiham's latest
conqueror for 810,000 n side. If this
proposition meets with favor in the eyes
ol Slavin, the matcn, wmcn win uo tno
most important pugilistic event in the
history of the ring, can bo mndo at
onco. Slavin sailed for England on
Juno 10. Sullivan loft San Francisco,
for Australia on J my "S.
rr t- iilvin CIMiTPIf TV
New Haven, Conn., Aug. l.-As the
sleanierEUn City was returning from
en excursion from New York and
Coonev Island, with the St. Patrick's
Total Abstinent e Benevolent Society
on board, the boat caught lire from an
overheated boiler abaft of tho port
wlieelhouse when oil JNorwalK.
There wero about 1,200 persons on
board and for a timo there was the.
wildest, panic among tho frightened
ThrmiL'li the coolness of Captain
Tucker and the crew of the boat, order
was Boon restored, tho hand were or
dered to their places and the fire was
soon extinguished.
One young man fainted from terror
aud several of tho woman had to bo
attended toby their escorts.
. Tho boat arrived here llfteen mln
ules after 1 o'clock in themorning.
7vT0 Genuine I&K v
is nnd will ever bo tho
Bemody for
rihlnii'ln tho Plifln. ChOSt &Il(ll
f Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, &o
B'fore you aeca to Duy, octain
the vela&Ma bwlti "ani.le to B paltli." with
endorsements of proniiouLt pny slolaas. &
310 Broadway,
Prize Medals Awardedl
wopean Hoasssi Bndohtdt,tonaon
Hursmusrirr onstelu, Lsipalo.
50 Cents a bottle, For Balo byS
X. X. 1. IClItLTN,
otner urugsuu.
ft J1"1
Something About llio Women III nil
Aliterlnit llnroin Superb I'ncr nml
Ourseou Cottuiiicfi A Street Sccno
In tho City of Aliilnr.
The position of thb' Arab woman in
Algiers is far superior to that of her
mix In Turkey, nnd the French law,
' li 1" rigiilly enforced, provents her
IiliU In into slavery. Hli is, now-
ctor, "tho victim 6f a brutalizing so
cial code, founded oil hfld Wound up in
a religion whose theory is puro but
WHOM! practice) is bnrbifrous."
Hon a oiilUl Is born to n iloorisii
woman she considers It a blessing If it
bo a hoy, u curse if a girl, and directly
the girl comes into tho world she is
baptized m tlio namo ol imtlima.wniuu
Is tlio namo of tHo mother of tho
prophet. A week after another namo
is given her tho choice lies ljotweun
only nineteen nnmes, uio preuiesi oi
wmohare llimi, Zlua, Zorii and lla-
Tho little girl vnntures early and U
inarrlod at ten or twolvo yoaris of age.
As for her father, It is all he knows of
his ilnughter when some one takes her
from him in marriagu. If the child be
the daughter of poor parents sho grows
up to be L'oaten, overworked anu de
spised. If a rich girl she is neglected
bv her mother and is triven over to tho
caro of an old nogress till sho Is Old
onough to be marViediUnd then her life
is lived out in a harein.
Tho French have tried to suppress
the harems, and in a measure they
havo bilcceodcd, but among the rich
thcro Is no power on earth that can
force them to change their ways of
living. Tho government hns guaran
teed to the natives tho possession of
the civil law, which Is tho Koran, and
tho social code aud civil law are one.
They might as well decreo that tho
women go unveiled or tho men change
their costumes as to interfere with the
domestio arrangements of the Moorish
Tho wives of the rich Arabs aro kept
more in seclusion, than their poorer
sisters, but on Frldavs (Mohammedan
Sunday) thoy aro allowed to visit tlio
cemetery, though accompanied by fe
male attendants, and this is their one
great privilege. Strangers of tho gent
ler box only aro allowed to visit tho
cemotory on this day, and when the
poor veiled creatures look upon their
liuropcun sisters .is it to oe wonaorcu
they realize in a measure their degra-
However, to our eves it really was a
beautiful sight, for thero Is nothing in
tho world more lovely than a beautiful
woman and we had a good ohanco to
judgo of these young women's appear
ance thoy not only threw off their
veils and loidcu tncir imrnousos, out
thoy also took oft thoir shoes aud short
stockings, displaying thoir born ankles
heavily banglod with silver and gold
ornaments, fino enough to turn a col
lector of such antiquities green with
I wonder if you know what wo mean
by pitiful beauty? Thero seems to bo
no other way of expressing those su
perb faces than by saying they wero
pitifully beautiful and tho beauty was
enhanced by tho gorgeous costumes
and glorious jewels glittering in tho
AVhat it contrast we experienced as
wo turned from this place and wan
dered through tho old streets of tho
Arab quarter, writes a lady correspond
ent of tho Washington Star. Tho occa
sional glimpse wo had of tho intoriors
of tho houses showed how differently
tho women of tho lower classes appear
and those we una just left.
If on tho street thoy remain veiled,
but at homo thoir common painted
faees aro exposed to their women
friends. When tho man of our party
I" I Ir VI. 11KAV 11 ."
attempt i-U t-1 iro or look in tho court
yurd whore tho women sat eating their
couscous, ho was rudely pushed aside
by tho furious men and women on tho
Inch way.
The greeting of two Arabs on the
stroet is very prettily expressed. They
clasp hands and then each man lclsseg
his own hand which hit just touched
his friend's and tlioir strong, manly
faees beam with pleasant expressions
so unlike tho grunt nnd nod our Kn
glish cousins give each other as thoy
pass by.
There can bo nothlrur more hrtrmon'
Ions than tho soft colorings, of tho man's
costumes, which thoy wear under thoir
largo white burnouses. Greon is tho
color of Mohamet, and with it thoy
wear soft faded pink wishes und rich
velvet walstcouts, heavily embroidered
in gout.
Aluminium bronze Is rapidly super
seding manganese bronzo for screw
propellors In high speed vessels.
being is renewed ouoe In Mven years,
hut,strunge to say, any foreign substsuco
on It, such as ftmple, boils, tvmo v,
canceft, etc, reftiftui. Tho reason is
that they are dlsoasos and are fed nnd
kept allvoby Impure matter in tbe blood.
It will be seci) at once tlmt a qmto aan
only 1)6 nceampllshed by purifying iho
i.lood. This being done they die for
yantof support. Many of the herbs to
be found In the vegetable kingdom pos
sess the power" to so cleanse tho blood,
awl, whon combined with certain vita
lizing Chemicals aro a power for good.
Thatllrown'sSarsapni-Illats such a com
bination uono can doubt after rcadlug
tho following t
At all Druggists I.OO. o
It lras been said tho bod of n
DON'T take Something else "Just as good." IT IS MOT.
t Aba Waiiben & Co., t'olo I'roprietors.Cangor, Mo.
Lebigh Valley Railroad.
MAY 10, 1891.
I'nsfienecr trains will leave Bhcbandcah for
Jiuucli ("hunk, LehlKhlon, Blatlngton, Cata
Bauqua, Allentown, lit-thl. boiu, Easton, i'hli
adelrhlauiidNew Yort at 5.47, 7,U,,
UJz, a.iv, o.u p. m. ,
For Belvldere. Belowaie Wntar Qan ond
Htrpu(lsburgatS.(7, a. m., and 6.20 )i. m.
i-or uinjiicnvnie aua ireuiou, t.u9 a, m
I''or "White Haven. W ilkes-Barre and Plttf
ton fi.47. D.C8, 1U.41 B m.. 3.1U and 5.2(1 p. m.
f or jumuiunuocK,, m., ana o.i
For Auburn. Ithaca. Geneva and and JLyon
10.41 a. tn and 6.26 p. rn.
lori-acejviiie.'jowanaR, Kajre, waveny
Klrulra. Itochesler. BuQalo. .laeara Falls
Chlcsgoand aUi olut West at 10.41 . m.,aud
6.2Hp. m.
rorr miiB anaiiie wc&l viacaiHiuuocu ui
3.10 p. ra.
ror AoneDritrn, iPKieioD, oiorKioji,
I er Yard, Weattirly and 1'cnn lluvcn' June
lion at 5.41,7.40, tf.Db a. m.and 12.52, iUO and
5,i6 p.m.
or jpnuesvuie, ievisicu uuu iieHYt:i
Meadow, 7.40, 0.08 a. m. nnd 626 p. m,
Forticranton at 6.47 D.W. 10.41a. m. 8.10 and
6:is p. ni.
t or uazie irooK. jeaao, uimou ana rrec
lnd at 5.47. 7.40. 0.08. 10.41 a. m.. 12&2 SJOand
6.23 p. m.
J or iuhkhkb at, una v.uo a.m., rlu
8.10 p. m.
For Wlggane, Gllberton and fTackvllle at
6.60 and tt.08 a m., and 4.10 p. m. -'
for xniesviiie, wananoy city ana jjemuo
B.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41. 10.68 a. m..l2X2.3.I0.5.20. 8.03.
9.2 and 10.27 p.m.
rorj-,obi ureeK, jjraraviiie ana ykHniiuiQ
4.27, 7.46, 82, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, '
8.10 and 0.14 p. m.
For Barfcwuter, Bt. Clslr and Fottsvllle.
7.40, 0.08, 108 a. in., 12.62,3.10,4.10, 6.26 and 8.Cf
Morcii. 7.40. 9.08. 10.68 a. a... 2Jb2. 8.10. 6.26 and
8.03 p. m,
For Haven Rnn, Centralis, ML Carinel and
BhamoEln, 8.62, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.41
and 8.00 p. m.
Trains leave Slifdnoklu lor Bhenandoab,
7.55 ll-6o a.m., 2.10, d.SO and 9.S0 p. m., arrlvlne
at Bbtnandcah, 9.05 a.m., 122, 3.10, 6.26 and
ji.iop in.
For lxst Creek. Glrardvllle and Asblano.
6.50,, 2.45 p. ra.
For DarKwater. Bt. Clair and Poltsvilk,
6.50, 8.00, b.SO 1. . m., 2.45 p. m.
For Yalcsvllle, Mabanoy City and Delano,
8.00, 11.35 a. xn.. 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
for i.oiiy, Auacnnea ana xiazieion, dm.
a-111., 1.40 p. m:
FcrMauch CliuDk. Leblghton, Blatlnjton,
CaUsauquu, Alltntown, Bethlehem, Kasuu
and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m:
For Vhlladelphla, 1.40 p. m.
Uen'l Pass. Agt., Bethlehem.
First National Bank
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. W. Leisenrmg, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennng, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass't Cashier.
Open Dnlly From 9 to 3.
I'nia ou HavliiKtt.ncpoHltH,
MEntDEir, C0NN,J Mny 0,'80. f
Brpwn'H Barsaparllla Is unequalcd as
a purifier, having used It In our own I
family. Yours truly, ;
Anna HicnMOND, .
flj Newton Bt, McrldcHt-Conn. ;
Bevkhlv, MASS., JIarch a),'89.
I will stato to you that 1 havo used
Ilrown's Sarsnixirllln and find it very I
Ijenoflclnl as a spring medicine, nnd
liavo Just commenced with ltagaln this f
spring, nnd most cordially recommend X
It to nil people having nny disease of j
the blood. ' E
Mns. SABAIt C. Stevens, I
No. 40 Stono St, Ueverlyt Mass. ;
Mr. Georgo W. Littleflcld of Orrlngton,
Mnluc, says! -
Every wornait may havo new life, nnd
vigor by using Ilrown's Barsaparllla.
No Woman having Kldnetrduble, ac
companied wllb. those deep pains across
the back, drawing down pains, dizziness,
restloss sleep, etc.', ban expect comfort in
this life until the cause bo removed.
This cause Is disease of tho Kidneys,
nnd can only be reuched tluougli theso
organs. Mrs. W. 1. llcrrlck of Olenburn,
Mc, was soaflllcted, and sought various
channels for help. Hearing of Brown's
Barsaparllla sho tried it, began to rally
at once, and to-day onjoys good health.
Ilrown's finrmparllln Is peculiarly
adapted to Kidney Disease
bottles for 3.00.
Sftrout Simple pimples to otintlutitc EJcaKMAi
also XXCSSING 1'IE.SiSi.
AJrOeiitl for"XTIntn for "Xltct'oi) and SIc.
Kooni," a handy book for tho household. SSIEEJ.
lias a niccefslul blslciy of thre cenlnr)rsin
Brazil aid two )emv (rltlcul UH In this
country, te'ence piociunctslt the flrstnud
only Inmlltble ncutiabzer ortciorulous and
Bpiclllc blood poUoiikjet dlttcvcied,
. Sold at Klrt.'n'e Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa.
Your trade Is what we
This is how wo propose
to get it.
By selling you a flrst
claBs article; by selling you
for ieps than others; by
eellirg yon furniture, an
organ, n piano, n Bewlug
machine or anything elae
in tbe line of household
We have a large and va
ried stock to select from.
No trouble to show goods.
Call, examine and be
Soutli Main St.,
Or (ho .Liquor flabli, K'osltlwly Cuneu
uyauuiiniftieriiiff . iiuiuc
It Is manufactured a powder, which can ba given
tn glass of beer, a oup of coilee or tea. or In food,
without tbe knowledge of the patient. It la absolutely
harmless, and will eifeot a permanent and epeedy
cure, whether the pi' lout la o uudurate drinker ot
an alooholio wraolc It haa been given in thousand!
of oases, and in every iuatancejt perfect cure has fol
lowed. It never r'allsi. The system ouoe Impregna
d with the beoomus ai) utter Impossibility
lor the liquor appstite 10 aitst. , , , .
48 page book of paruoulars free. To ba bad or
C. H. HAGENEUCH, Drucolst, Shcnardoah
Ancwlv dlsrovered MJNtltAL. WATER.
tlierseol wbleh will supply Important ele
ments r-fCCBSNry 10 ueauii. 11 win cure ine
Kidneys, Liver, Btomacli, and all Bowel and
Bladder dlserfles. It will dissolve calculi nnd
remove them, ltrunovcs I be ui lo acid from
the blood and thns destroys Malaria hud
Chills. It cures Brlght's disease, and Is es
pecially ice jminenaeu ior people aavancea in
life, and for general debility, for undoubted
proofs of this send lor pamphlet giving full l'KHUY, Wnler ot Llle
uo., cl bouiu uam Bt., wilKes-jiarre, ra.
dlladolpnia and Boading Eoilroadi
Jims Table in ejieet July 10, JSI'l
s'ftf MW Ynrfcf vlA thlliulAlnhln. vpnk fluvn.
2. 0 5.S3, 7.20 n. In. and 12 35 2.E0 and 5.65
, m. uudaj" 2.10 and 7.4s a. m. For Nrvr
crk., via Mauoh ' chunk, week days, 6.20,
'A', a.m. nnd 12.81 and 2.50 p. m.
Tor ltendlriff ftnrt Phllnilpfnhln tcAk dsvfl.
2.10, 6.2'j, 7.U0, a. m., 12.S5 M0 and 5.66 p. m, , 4.30 p. m.
""T HRrTlHbuig,, week na, 2 10,, .20 a. ni,i
0, 0.5.') i . m. ,
or Allemown, week dayH, 7.20 t. m. 12.33
0 p. ni.
.JrJot,?",eB Week lyj 2.10, 7.,- in.
2.3. S.ffl sndVSop.m. tjnuday, 2 10nnd7.4V
i . 4.30 n.m.
For i'mriauu ond Mahanrv dty, weeK
t.ys, 2.10, 5.25, 7.20, a. m., 128? UO Vnd
nr.. rimiav O til An. 1 t .o .. m i nn .
Additions n.1 Aiunanoy City, wees. Unys 7,00
t or Lancaster and Columbia, week days
M a, ni., 2X0 p.m., .
for Wlilhunsjioil, Sunbury and Ijewlsburg,
otk days, 8.25, 7.20 anil it 3') a. tn.. 1.35. 7.00
sn, Bnctlny 8 21 . in., 8.05 p. m.
Hov Muliiinoy llane, ween days, 2.10 &.2-1,
. 7.20 and 11.30 a.m., 12.86. 1.35. .50. 6.65.
7.00 aur M in. Bunday, 2 10. s.2i and 7.4
a. m i.i'6, 4.30 m.
For UlrHruvllle (llappahannock Htallou)
k davs. 2.1 . 8.2.I. 5.25. 7.20 and 11.30 B. in..
12.35,185 ..jO, 6,55,7.00 ard ".25. p. n Bunday.
: , o, 2 . 7.48 k. in., 8.05, 4.80 p. m.
or Ashland and hnumusiu, week daya,
i.2, 5.25,7.20, 11.3) B m., 135, 7.W nnd 9,26
in. BunOny K.2 8 32 a. m., S.l'6 p. m.
rKAINB 1011 ouKNANl.OAlli
lHve Mow Yort via l'hiladelpnla, woee,J
?j-e,7.45 a. m.. 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.15 11 Htmday, 6.00 p. m., 12.15 nlgnt.
lieuve Wet ork via Mauoh L'hunk. week "
"inj-i, 4.S0, 8.46 a. m 1.00 and 4.0) p. m.
1 save I'hlli OelnlilR, weiz uays, 4.10, anil
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m fr m Broad
in4 Callowtull and 8.85 a. m. and il.dO p. m.
from 9lh anc , ruuu nireots. Bunday 9.05 n.
in, 11. SO p. in. from Pin nc tii.
iave HcAdHig, week diiys, 10i. 7.10. 10.f(5'
-D4 11 10 a. m., 6.65, 7JS1 p. to. Bunduy 1 J5 uuc.
W.4H . m.
lieuve 1'oiUvlIlo, week days 1 10, 7.10 a. m.,
11.10. 611 . m. Bundav. 2.40. 7.00 a. m. anrl
2.(5 ... m.
.eave laomqua, v.cekaays, 3.20, 8.48 ana
2 : a. m.. 1.21 . 7.13. and 9.18 v. in. bandar 8.10
7.43 m, sum Z33 p. in.
. ,-ave Mahanoy City, week days, 5.10, o.ia
ind 1L47 h ra 1.61, 7.42 and 9.44 (i. u. bun
lay, 8.46,8.17 ,u in., 4.20 p. ra.
lioivvu .uuhanov I'lai.e. week days. 2-4 1.4.(0
H.80, 9.35. ll.uO a. m.,1.05, 2.10. 5 20, IS 'X, 7.7, and
ll'HI m. HundavlL4 . 4.00. and 8A7. li. m.
3 37, 5.01, p. m.
uiraraviue iitHpitunHuucvji ntuiiuuj
e'is. days. 2.47, 4.07, 0JW, and 9.41 a. lu., 12.05,
2, n.9fi 0.32, 8.03 am! lo.lis p. m. Bunday, 2,47,
i.O , 8 S3 a. m. 141, 5.07 p. ni.
littve Wllllamgport, week days, 8.00,0.45 ana
1 1.56 a. nx, 8.! and 11.16 p. m. bnmlftj 11.15
i'. m.
f'cx Baltimore, Washington and the west
. lu B. O. K. It., through trains leave Ulrard
vvenne station. Philadelphia, (P. 4 B. 1L It.)
at 4.16, 801 and 11.27 u. m., 1.84, 4.24, 5.65 ana
;,23 p. :u. Bunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 u, m., 4.21
55 nnd 7.23 p.m.
ueave l'hlladelphla, Chcstnat Btreet Wharl
na Mouth Htroet Wharf.
For Atlantic Cltv.
Week-days Express, 0.15, 8 00, 9.00, 10.45 a,
m. and l i (Saturday only, L30), 2.(0, 8.00,
3.80, .." , (i w, u.oo hi. AOJomuiutaiion, 7
n. oi.. 4.15. 0 30 oi.
", axprewi, 5 15, 7.00, 7.3), 8.0O, 8S0
9.00, 9.30 in. nnd 4 30 p. m, aolouiiu.. tuon.
8.00 u. ra. nnd I 45 p. tu,
.ketamlng, leave Atlantic City, depot cornel
"ntlcand Arkansas twenties, wceb-rteva
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 8 00, 9.00, 10.00 a. m. aDd 3 15,
4 (10, 5.30, 0.3', 7,80, 0 80 p- tn. Accommodation
0.00,8.10a.m. and i.f0p m. Sundays-Kx-press,
8 30, 4.00, 5 00, 0 00, 0-30, 7-00, 7.30 8 00, 9.t
p. m. Accommodation, 7.30 a. in., 5.05 p. m.
u. G. HANCOCK, Utu 1 1 iu r JJtH
. A. MoliFXID. I'res. ei Uen'l Mnuaeer
On ami after A'ov. 24, 1890, trains trill lean
Shenandoah at follow:
For Wlgsan, Ullberton, Frac&vllle, Kow
Caatle, Bt. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9.1U
m and 4.15 p m.
Huudays,ti00,9.10amand8.10p m.
For I'ottsvllle, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4. 15 p m.
Bundays, 600, 9.40 a m and 3.10 P m.
. For Holding, 0.00, 9.10 am and 4.15 pm.
Mondays, 600,9.40 a.m. and 3.10pm,
For l'oltstown, l'boeniivllle, fSorrlstown
wd fblladelnbia (Broad street station), 6.00,
I. 10 a ra. and 4.15 p m wees: days
nndays, 600, 9JIJa m 3.10 p m
Traina leave Frackvllie lor Hbenasdoah aU
10.40 a m and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Bnndays,
II. 13 a m aud 6.40 p m.
lava l'oitivllle lor Shcnnndo&h, 10.15 ana
11.48, a m 7.15, 9.42 p ra. Sundays, 10.40 a m
5,15 p m.
leave Philadelphia (Broad strent station),
for I'ottsvllle and Bhenapdoah, 6.57,10.25 a rn
2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Bunday 9.2&
am and 1.10 p.m.
For W Yuri, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.35, b.60, 7.80.
3.20 8.S0, J.50, 11.00 and 11.15a m, 1Z 00 noon, (11m;
ued express, 1.06 and 4.50 p m.) 12.41, 1.40, 2.W.
1.LU 4, 5, 6, 6.30, 6.50 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p m, 12.01
un uuuanys, 5,zu, s.uo,, o.aa. v.ou,
l re. and 17.49. 8,2 (limited 4.60), 6.28,0.80,6,50
(.13 8.11 p m and 12.C1 nli'hu
For Be uin, npring uiko, ueimar,
.ean drove. Asbury BarK. and Lone Branoli
4.20, 11.15, a. ra. 4.00 p. ra. week dayr For
t reenoiu, o.v, i. m. wwjk unys.
Kalttmor" and Wothinffton, 8.50, 7, R,l
9,10, PiJ, 11.18a m, U.'Xlrmlted express) 8.46
l.ll 6.W nm 7.40 p. m., and 12.03 nlsht. Fo'
Kaltluorci my 2.02, 4.1 1, 5 08 ana u.uu p. m.
u Bundays, 3.60. 7.9), 9.1(and 11.1$ a. m. 4.4
4.67. 7 40 n m. 12.03, nli:bt. Ball 'more only
108 aud" 11.80 pm.
For tuenmona ana tne sonin i.m 11.10 a. ni,,
Limited Express 12.85 p, m.J12.03 night, week.
lays. Bonaays, i.m a. in., iz.uj nigui.
Trains Irave 11 arrlsbuig for l'ltutburg ana
in tvst Averv dav at 12ji5 and 3.10 & ra and
.'.00 (llmltd) and 3.40 p m. Way for Alteon a,
16 a m and 4.10 P m every day.
I or Pltlsbnrg only, 11.20 a m dally and 10.
m week days.
Leave Bunbury lor WilUamsport, Elmlra
X nsudolgua, I'.ocbtstcr, Buflaloanrt Nlean
alls 5.10am dally, and 1.43 pm weekdays.
"'01 ;tttklns, 6.30 pm weekdays.
For ICrle and Intermediate points, 5.10 ami,
tally. For hoes-Haven, 6.10, and 9.5S a m.
ially, 1.34 and iSO p. in. week days. Fo?
Benova 6.10 a m 1.43 and 6.30 p m week days
1.10 a. mHouilayn.
11 PUGH, J. R. WOOD,
Hen. Moo'r Hen. lasa. Agt,
Timetable iniffect Joy.10,1891.
Trains leave Reading (1. & It. station) for
Gibraltar, Beyfert, Blrafboro, Joanna, Bprlnp.
field. Waynesburg Junction. Coatesvllle.Wes
Chester.Cuadslord Junction. B. A O. Junction,
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dally
except Bunday, at 0.25 and 8.30 aan. and 8.15
p. ra. Bunday only at 3.05 p. m.
For Warwick, Ht. return and Intermediate
stat!ons,daily except Bunday, at 9.20 a.m., and
6,19 p. m, Bunday only 8.15 a m.
For Blrdsboro und Intermediate stations,
Haturday only, at 12 m.
For Baltimore and Washington (B. 4 O.K.
It.) dally except Sunday at 0.25 and 8.30 a. in.
and 3.16 p. ni. Bunday only at S.05 p. m.
Trains arrive ai Beading (P. & It. nation)
irom Wilmington. B. fe O. Junction, MonU
rhanln, Cbadilslord Junction, West Chester,
Inape, Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction,
Bprlngfleld.Joanna.lllrdsboro, OlErultur, Bey
fen and intermediate stations, dally except
Bunday at 10.20 a. m. 5.52 and 8.17 p. ra. Baa.
d nnly at 11.24 a.m.
From Bt. l'eters, Warwick and lnteimtdlata
stations, dally except Hnnrtay. at 8.29 a. m.
and 2.25 p.m. Bnnday only at 6 p. m.
From Blidsboro and tntermeaiato stations,
Saturday only t 1.40 p. m.
From Washington und Baltlmoie. dally ex.
cept Bunday, 1020 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m.
Bunday only nt 11.21 a m.
BOWlSKbH KKKIOH, Gen'l Pass. Agt.
A. G. MoCA UBLAW U, Bupt.
MAYER, ail Arch t
llnrttinir Naw ltlncrirf
We, the undersigned,
are entirely cuied oi
ltunture bv Dr. J. Tt.
MAYElt, ail Arch Bt., Piilla. Tl omaa 11.
Hnrtnug. New Klnggold, I'a., I.Kandt. South
liaston, I'a,. V. C. A. Delurck, Diey. l'a
liaston, I'a,. ij. V. C. A. Delurck, Diey
K. a. Stanley, 421 Spruce St.. Iebanon, p
Schneider. Loi uki fiale, Pa.. 1), B. Noll, I
kiln, Pa , Wm. E. Hancnstlne, Phoenix
, i-a., a.
I'a., W. M. Lelnbuch, C24 Wntlilngtou Bt.,
Reading, Pa.. J. C. Lyme, 181" V. Howard St.,
llorrlsmrir. I'a., 0. Keebn, Doucla6svIlle, Pa.
ur. waiwv is tn iioiei 1 eim, ueauing, i'a.,
on the 2nd Saturday of each nionlb. Call to
see him,
Sol 9 East Centre Street; Malianoy City, Pa
Skin and all special diseases a specialty.