3?ic-isric GOODS -AT TltH- CORNER STORE All kinds of potted meats, fish, canned goods, oysturc, lobsters, crabs, ltnslan caviar, itphIi spiced oysters, finest sinok-il hams, bo lognas und xirioked liuaf, Yorksluto full cream clieese,Kmantlial,8wl88, Kdam, Saiisauo and LliuburKer. Iflno assortment of cakes and bis cuits, G. and It. plrklcs of all kinds, l'lokles by tliolo.n. You will llndjust wbul you want. SEYBEIT'S, Cor. Contro and White Streets. The Evening Herald. AT.Ij TIIK NHWS FOK ONK CM NT. llaq a larger circulation In Shenandoah than any other paper published. Circu lation books open to all. LOCAL LTJNOHEON. Cheap sttjar. l'lenty of fruit. Mid-Bummer days. Icod tea Is teanonable. Applo dumplings aro in order. Tho boy aro now at kito flln(t. The dog day aro moving alotiK. Tho summer peach is gaining in flavor. Hny fover is already beginning to cliim its victims. Iloasting oirs aro beooming moro plenti ful and oheapor. Tho fly and mosquito nre oaoh trying to do their best to bother people. If you would please a woman, pralso lior children; If you would pieaseaman, pribo him. Playing Cards. lou oin obtain a paulc of best quality playing cards by sending fifteen cents In postage to P. 3. Eustij. Gim'l I'ass. Act., 0. & Q.H. It. Ohiosgo. III. tf They Are Splendid. Wo mean those Cheviot suits you can get at A. T. Jones' "Famous" Clothing 6toro for 0.60. LONDON BALLET 'GIRLS. i'lie VIclMiKiKlcN of tlio 'Women WIio ICllll mill Dunce to Aiuuhc llio Public. Itallet girls aro sometimes married women with families of their own, though moro often they nre girls living at home mid supporting their parents, or else lodging by themselves or with borne of their companions. They are frequently children of poor parents, and tho rooms even of tho wull paid, from the few specimens I have been, says a Loudon writer, strike one as being by no means ubovo the average working class home in point of neatness or com fort. Perhaps their constant presence at periornuiueoH or runcurauis n-uvua mem little time or inclination to aucni o, liousetioiu duties, i nose who are sitiu- Those who are skilb fill enough und fortunate enough to get Into the eorps de ballet of a liousu such ns the Alhambra have pretty regular employment all the year round, but a great number can only obtain tem porary engagements in the pantomimo or other busy seasons. I At other times they go on a tour in tho country, live with their parents or turn drcssmnkors and needlewomen, and sometimes, probably, have re-cours-e to less rcputublo modes of oli talnlng a. livelihood. It Is only fair to add, however, that tho appearance of the ballet girls as they leave tho theater very much resembles that "of any other body of young women leaving a re spectable plaeo of business. The corps of one large house bus or ganized a benefit club for the help of Hs sick members. The subscription is tix cents or twelve cents per week, ac cording to earnings. Full sick pay is 33.75 a week, and lasts ten weeks, fol lowed 'by half pay. Any balance in liand at tho end of the year is shared out among the members. This fund lias been in existence for many years. AbIc Your Friends About It Your distressing cough can bo cured. Wo know it becauso Kemp's Balsam within tho past few years has cured so inany coughs and colds in tbisjeommunity. Its romarkable salo has beon won entirely by its gonuino merit. Ask some friend who has usod it what he thinks of Kemp's Balsam. Tlioro is no medicine so puro, none so effective. Largo bottlos 50a and 1 at all druggists'. IUllroad accidonts appoar to bo unusually numerous this summer. Best work done at Bronnan's steam laundry. Everything white and spotless. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. WALL PAPER ! A. OA1U.OAI) JUST AHK1VBO AT MELLET'S Blanks Go Gilt 80 Embossed ..........12 l-2o Window Shades, spring rollors..25o Curtain Poles 25c MOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Sfienanooai, CHA3. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. MAllANOY CITY, Pi To Cloao. Hi ' Shenandoah Uudnrt-s Collogo will oloio this evening to mako BOino necessary improvements. Will roopen August 31st f r fall torj3. Anniversary. Star of Hethjohcin Lodge, A. P. A., will cnloliralo thoir unnivorsary in Columbia Park, Tuesday, August 6th. .Members of tho organization and friends aro Invited. 7-28-8t Plcnlo To-Day. Tho Band of Hope picnicked at Col umbia Park to day, Tho turnout was strong and tho little otioa euj lyed thom solvcs to their heart's contont. Coming Events. Aug 6. Ico cream fostival, under the u?pices of tho "Y'l," in lljbbins' opera home. Aug. 18. Ico cream and poach fostival, in Itnuhins' opera houso, under tho auspices of Cump No. 183, I'. 0. S. of A. Brown-DavlB. The Brown reeidenco, at Yutesvillo, was tho scene of a quiet and interesting wed ding lst evening. Tho contracting parties were William Davis, telegraph opontorat Pottsvillo, and formerly of town, and Miss Sarah Brown, daughter of John BrowD, insido foroman at Knickerbocker colliery, Tho ceremony was performed by Ilev. Win. Puwick, of the 41. U. church, of Shenandoah. Thero wnro present only tho relatives and most intimato fr ends of tho family. Miss Bella Brown, of town, ackd as bridesmaid, and William Brown, of Vatosvillo, groomsman. Tho room whore the wedding took place was elaborately and boautifully docoratod and tho presents wore many, both fancy and useful. Tho newly marriod couple will reside in Pottsvillo, whero n handsomely furnished homo awaits thorn. SEALED IN A CLOISTEH. Niiiih In n Catholic Institution for Idle I'aNlIn mid 1'rajlnc. At the Corpus Christl monastery of tho Dominican nuns at Hunt's Point, a ( community of women were n week ago , sealed in a cloister which they will I never leavo alive. There was little or . no ceremony. Tho women, many 1 of whom gave up bright worldly I prospects, aro to devote their j whole lives to prayer, adoration of , the blosbed sacrament and fasting. Last ; week tho monastery, with its beautiful j chapel, was blessed by Archbishop Cor- rigan, ot xscw lone. J no sealing oi tho cloister took place ut C o'clock in morninc All tho visitors loft that , ... - . a assembled t .,, ,,,! . i,nv wnoden door leads from the cloister to it. This has two locks, one on the insido and tho other on tho outside. The mother prioress turned tho key in tho insido lock, and ono of the sisters, who looks after the outside atl'airs of the monastery, locked the other one. As lonir as tho monastery stands nnd is used by llu nuns no visitors will be al lowed to pass through that door, It will bo opened to receive a new mem ber of tho community. Even Arch bishop Corrigan will go Into the cloister only once a year, when ho makes his annual visitation. Ho must bo accompanied by two . or more priests then. Whenever any of the nuns aro taken sick the physi cian who is to attend tho patient, in order to cntor tho cloister, must have a permit from the archbishop and the superioress. Even when a nun Is on her deathbed her relatives will not bo allowed to r?o into the cloister to see her. After tho sealing of the cloister Archbishop Corrigan gave a benedic tion in the chapel. Cloistered communities, llko that of tho Dominican Nuns of tho Perpetual Adoration, aro very scarce in this country. The CariUcllte Nuns, tho first order of religious Women established lu' this country, und tllo Trapplsts, have rigorous and severe rules like those of this order. TI16 American branch was established ih Newark thirteen years ago by nuns who came from France at the request of Bishop Corriiran. Their superiorebs was tho nrcscnt prioress of the Hunt's Point Monnstery. Tho Newark community hus prospered, and It has its full tiuota of sixty nuns. The llfo of the nuns Is of remarkable severity, Thoy 'rise at 6:30 a. in. and are in tho cliapol at when they uav that part of tho oflieo calted "prime" and "tarce." Sled ltation nnd mass occupy tho timo nntil 8 o'clock, when they have a light break- luut. Kroin that tiroo until ju:bu tney aro engaged in making various articles for use at the altar. As tho nuns nover cat meat and have a long fast from September to May, their diet Is very simple. An hour's recreation after dinner !s followed by an hour of pro found sllcnco. Each nun sleeps on a board about 5 feet 0 inches in length nnd 3 feet in width, The habit is worn during sleeping hours; in fact, it is only taken off for change and for tho bath. Oil, What a Cough. Will you heed the warnlnsrt The slenal per haps of tlm sure apnroieh of that more ter rible dUee. Ooiibumptlou. Ask yourselves If you ran afford for the Nike of saving SO reuU. to run the risk and do nothlnz for It. We know from experience that Hhlloh'K Cure will Cure your Cough. It never falls. ThlB explains why more than a Million Uottlos wero sold the past year. It relieves Yonp and Whopplmt ("onti at once Mothers do not be without It. Kor Lame Hick, Hide or Chest, useHhlloh's 1'orom I'lasU-r. Hold by 0. II. Hagenbucb, N K. corner Main and Lloyd streets. Watora' Wnlss beer i the beat, John A Kollly sole Agent. 6-6-t TSTOW 03ST 1A.:H I AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, KAISER .V llliplillv lltuhie, Actrcn. This Is a picture of Miss Adelo Far rlngton, who lias signed to join tlio Mnttliows & Smyth "Hoss and Hoss" Company next Eenson. Sho Is a cbarm lng actress and possesses a very beauti ful contralto voice and Is one of the most valuable additions to what prom ises to bo by far tbo most important of tbo farce-comedies on the road, in cluding, ns It does, Charley Heed and Willie Collier ns the. two stars; that very clever girl, Louise Allen; May Yohe, uebiucs a number ol others, all very good; and tho subject of this pic ture, Miss Harrington, is nn actress who has made phciiomcnnjly rnpid strides in her profession, for she has only been on tho stage one year and is already among the higher pale. I Was a Fool. Ye., thev ald I was a fool tint. In trv Rut. hur Hitters lor lltieumatlsm. rrorn whtp.h I had suffered over two years: but I had tried so many doctors a' d medicines without gettlug relief that I wis discouraged, lam now on my lounn Dome and almost cured. I was a fool that I didn't trv that wonderful remedy before.- C. O. Pratt, Manchester JV. II. POLITICAL. TOOK BUEUIFF, Joscpli Wot!, Olf POTTSV1LLE. Subject to Democratic rules. JfOR CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION James J. Praiicy. OF SIIRNANPOAlt. Subject to Democratic rules. The undorslirucd. deslrlne to retire from bus Inns, will dlsooKH of his stock ot drv iroods. groceries &o.,ehrnp Purchaser can nlso 1 ont the store room at reasonable terms 'llie stand Is a good one and lu the hands of a live 1m.11 can ue inaao proniauie. T. . DAVIS, G-iotf 100 Kortii jarain ot. W, S. SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller old stand,) corner Coal nucl jnrcItuStH. Mr. Hnvder will always keen In stock a fine line 01 boots ana suoes. Custom Worlt and Repairing done In the best style. He guarantees lb etll cheaper than compolltor") 011 .Main street who hve big rents Ui pay, and guarantees a genu ine oargain on every puruuuho. M. S, SCHEIDER'S NEW iB.A.i:ECi:Kj:R,-5ri AND CONFECTIONERY, , No. 27 Sontli Itlalu St., Sltcnaudoali Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies (JKAUAll BKBAD A SPECIALTY. - A tine line of Confectionery. Klne Ice Cream l'arlors attached. Ctyrljlil.leso,'- The timoua firm or .OCV'sTSit OrTICIiXS Uavo arranged to send ono of their fcptclniuu ou the uvi: TO SIIKNANDOAK, Saturday, August 1,1891 He will he ut the Forguoou Houmo, from 8 30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Thoie wlio4e eyes are causing dlsoomfnrt nhouldcall upon our KpeelalUt, and they will receivoiuieuigeui una skii-iui ttiwuiiua. QUKEET GO. VJi tieiiiu( Ut,, PMlaitliMa, SALVATOE WANTS, Sec. T7"ANTKD For Jireuniui't, Steam T T Laundry, a good girl. Apply at once. 7 z-tf WAN rED. A lady agent U Roll n ,i T. Kotxi nrtrclo among women, Apply at ne iiKiiALU omo.-. tf GIHL WANTED. A good ex perleaced girl wanted for genem) house- lY.!rK' .""Cher need apply, Callal IIi'.hald mice. Kast Coal street. 7-3.tf DESIRABLE l'BOPERTY FOR sale. One of the most desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at llowso'a srocory More, cor ner Jardln and Oak streets. Uheuandoah, Pa I STRAYED To tlio premises, iiOdrt Follows O- metory, a dark brown ojt, Willi high horns. Same can bo had by provluitproiioityanj piylng for this adver tisement, 7-2i3t WANTED. A battery trade. lioy to learn tho Apply at llnrklnrt's 7-29 3t aisery. TTOR RENT A good stable In tho Flist ward, suitable for a ivcry or other pui Ma urposes. A pply to J. J. llobblns, No. 130 N, .nn street, Hiienanooiii. BARIS CHANCE. Ten (10) shares of bnlldtngHnd lotu atRocmtton stoelc lor ulo.it a sacrifice. Inquire at Davis' steam dye works, 111) Kat' Centre RtreaL 7 2.5 tf ITfAN iln-An ftlve reliable man- VV BJlary S70 to 880 monthly, with in- crease, to represent In his own so'loa a nonsioie ew xotk ttouHe, tteiereuces. JANtJFAOTTjnBtt, Loo Boilf85, New York. "XTO'irc13"-Afler August 3, Beddall JJl A Zimmerman w II withdraw tbeli stal lion. WILKIK f'OLI.IMH. Jn fiom theslu . to put III rondlllon for fall nicln?. 1'frsot s micros ted should. gjvtrn thcmstlves novrd ingly. 7-2Wt FOR SALE. Razzia-Dazzle and Cloud swing, located at Lakeside (East Mauiinoy Junction.) A good chance for a live man. '4he present owner hRH not the tiinetodovolato It. Apiily at the oltlceof Shenandoah Lumbor Co , bheiiin oah. 7 31-lW A1 DMIN1STRATORSS' NOTICE. Kstate ot Tanlel Uumbcl, deceabed. Loiters of lUlmlnUtrailou on the estate of Daniel lluinbel. late of Untou township. Schuylkill county. Pa , dcead, bavo beou xramed lu WHl am II. llumbei, rcs'dlng at ItlUKtown, ra to wiom nil persona luuebua lo wild etitalo are rtq.ieeied to make paymei.t, and hoe 1 avln ilalms or demands will make known tho same without delay. Y 1L.LU lai 11 uuMniuu, Or to Administrator. , U M IIot.i.orETEn, Att'y. July lrt'h, 181)1. 7-17-0t CII VltTEIl NOTICE. Notice is heioliy given that nn application will lomadalo tha tioveruor r renn-yivania ox liethltdttiy orAueust. ISOl.hy J. M. Ollck. Mnqp.i .Mnrvine. thiriftlan Kbcrlo. Htmon Hwoyi r.ZieiuryT. Trout nii'iJ. U Hoelmnit. utiaer the aci ot As.se'noiy euiiiie u hui to provide lor tho Incorporation ami icgula t'.on of certain corporations anprovfd April IS). 1871." aud .Uo supp'emcnis thereto, for the charter of uu Intruded eorp'.ra'lon to he pilled Knllon Water Comranv." tho cnarao 'er ana ooject. 01 vnicn is lue hiitpiyiug.i watpr for t tie ntihll.' :.t the borough of ulrard vill", In the county of .Hohuylklli, and to ner ons, partnerships nn 1 nnocliilous residing thefn ah ttiav de.lre the same, and for tluse mirtir.flH In have, itogess nnd enlovall me rights, benetlts ana privileges of aaldActof AS)emDiynousunni'mni 'nere. QiBARTJVlT.T.K, July 7, 1E91. 7.7-td .1. il. I Ufll I. OOIIU'UJI. CTIt AW8 fhow I lu- way the wind Wows, but iIihv ilnrL'L slmwr wnat hurd blows wo liave bcon strlKiugat Mr .w Jidl pi ic". Bpmebats are dear ut any price; thee hats are cheap ut double ihnwonuy. If what covers jour uesd Isnot broom. i'i ujr n. nil the pti us you lake as lo the ret 01 your attire "relmply thrown away. Come and fee how you will loot in one ol onr 60o fctriw hats. There's no use lu slvlng any lurther description of them than to sy this they a.o stilUh. We. cut the price down becsiu" we wanttoeiHour btock down. Another bl bargain I o hats Id our $1 black stiff bats 3 S. Main St. SOANLAN .enanJoih New Ji inn.. jtfeiv Stock. Green Truck, Fine Groceries FRUITS, he, Delaware roe shad a'nd olher fresh fish right Irotn the ooau oa Fridays, r rean Ureous from theHouth. Evan's Buildinf,', E. Oontre St (J. & mtlla ni' old itanif) Everything new and resti. Goods delivered to any pirt or town. R. C. ICNIGHT &. SON. Lambert, The Hatter Carries tp extraordinary line ol Hats. Cans and Oeuls' furnishing Goods and makes a specialty of Nellie Bly and Afary Anderson Caps 1XP0BT BEER Attention, House Cleaners ! The warm weather la here, and houae And at such times most everybody needs soiiio'liln to brighten up tho homo, ao if you neml a g md oirjiet of either Veuet, Moquelt, Body TWO OK T5IUK13.E1W INGRAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! You can find a full assortment at PRICE'S, ice Curtains, Curtain Window Shades, Floor and Table O'l-'-ulm and Mnoleimi" of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when nuulitv i considered. No misrepresentation one pilco Uj all. j, J. PRICE'S Old 113 North Main Streot, Shenandoah, Pa. We mean it In every sense of the word. We offer you good all-wool suits for leas than their value. Our light good? must go, regardless of cost; so If you want to purchase a Men's All-wool Cheviot Suit for $6.50 call on us. Furnishing goods nlso to be had at lower prlce3 than you will find them elsewhere. Wo make no boasts merely for advertisement, but what we advertise we will do. Callnd examine our bargains regret It. ,11 A W ONE raiuuuo I'l N. Main Street, SJienandoaJi. A. J. GALL AGHEE, Justice of the Peace. Deed)!, Leases, Mortgages and Uonds written. iuarrlage licensee ana legal claims promptly attended lo. Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. General Fire Insurance Iluslness, Represents the worm western i.ue insurance w. Offiok-MuIiIoou's bullrtlue. corner Centre And WoaUSiB., Shenandoah, la. Good Hroperties of All Kinds For Sale, I. A two story double Irame dwelling house store and restaurant, on Kast Oenlre tit. 2. A dwel'lng aud restaurant on 13ast Ceutro eireet. t. Dcilrable property on corner Centre and jarain sireeis, suiiaoie.ior Business pur. noses. I. A two story double lrame dwelling, on West I.lovd street. ?. Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen tre Bireet. a. Two 2slorv dwelllnen on the corner ol ,uoai ana uueiinut, streem nujre rom in one. 7. Two-story single house ou North Chestnut street with a lariro warehouse at tho rear. 3. Three two-story double frame buildings corner or Lioya ana uimert streets. ID-ABB The Photographer Is locaUdat Ko. 14 North White Street Having nan his gallery greatly Improved, he IB nownetter preparen tuau over to tneci the wants ol the pub"- In ine pnoto graphlo line. The 'wsi t i olo graphs at lowet'irlwt Crnyon "Work a Speoinlty. Ice Cream Festival Under the auspice) of the 6 -is--m 0 99 ROBBING OrEIlA HOUSE, S11ENAND0AI1, Pi., Wednesday, Aug. 5, '91. TICKETS, lOOHNTS. Qood for a plate of cream. SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, SO JSaaf Centre Street, SlIXtfAXDOAll. Oread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Coifeeliontryl -or XLTj KINDS, 4 . Light. Iff JW MUflJ BWCMBEPk sJnkTV. Dark. - elea Inir la the next thine In order. or Tapestry Brussel$ Polos of all Kinds ! Reliable Stand, before purchasing and you will not New Saloon and Restaurant 1 Newly Pabated, Tapered and Renovated. No. 115 KAST CENTRE STREET.. PRICE CLOTHIER TUreo doors above Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor" Sir. Ilaskev would Inform his maDY friends and the publtn thai he will cater to their wants in me same nrsi-ciass Btyio mat ue nas aone Inthenast. None hut the best brands of for eign and domestic wines, liquors aud cigars win oe epi in siock. unoico lempeianco drinks. Fine old Block alo. The eating bar is supplied with everything Intheeatln line served In tlio. beslslylo. Meals seived at all hours, Flue private ro jtns attached. -JXJST OUT- The "HEW BROAQWAY: BAHGE tt beats every thing' in .the market, nnd, the price is juu right to Bultthe times, it will pay you to come ' and see lt. J '- I i am prepared to do the following at the prices quoted: Tin roofing ..- .bo per foot and up Tin rojf painting tyo " " Tin ArtitrfnMir I'M .1 Tin hantrlnir irntter .12fl Galvanized chimney stack 20o per pound ibejMirs lur uu blovcs a specialty. "WM. JR. PBATT 7-0-3m 331 S. Jardln St., Shentndos LEATHER and SHOE FINDIIIfo- DP. J. CLEARS, Dealer In alt kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and flrsl-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. OENTItE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA. The Cheapest Place ! TO 11UY ' Gents' Furnishing Gojds, Hosiery, Etc , CHARLES : YAROWSKY'S, 23 West Centre BU, Shenandoah. M. HAMILTON, M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlce-28 West Lloyd Btreet, Bbenanaoij