(Eh r VOL. VI.-NO. 153. SHENANDOAH, PAi, FBIDAY, JULY 31. 1891. OKE CENT. THE SUBEST BO AD TO WEALTH IS TI-1BOTTGI-I LIBEBAL ADTE BTISIJSTGr i 1 "1 fh CONVENTION CALL. To the Republican Electors of rennsytvania: After consultation and correspondence with the members of thCtfepubllcan Stale Committee, and bii their direction. I hereby give notice that the Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their dulu "ehosm representatives, will meet in State Oon- ) ventlon at Ilarrlsburg, Wednesday, Auguti i 1891, at Wo'clock A, M for the purpose ofplac ina in nomination candidates for the offlces of Slate Treasurer and Auditor General, for the nomination of eighteen candidates for Delegates' al-Large to the Constitutional Convention pro vided for in the Act of Assembly approved June 19, 1891, and for the transaction of such other b usiness as may be presented. Notice is especially directed to the fact that, in accordmce with the' provisions of the last men tioned act, each Senatorial dltlrict ts entitled to a representation of three delegates in said Con etitutlonal Convention, two of whom only can be members of the majority party in said district. The electors of each district are therefore re quested to make proper nominations for dele gates to said convention, the rules governing the nomination of candidates for S.ate Senator to be applicable. In this connection the Chairman desires to call the attention of Republican voters to the recom mendation of the State Convention of 1832, that "they allow the greatest freedom in the general- participation in Vie primaries consistent with the preservation of the party organization." Wil. It ANDREWS, Chairman. QUAY'S RESIGNATION. Senator Quay has resigned the chair manship of the Republican National Executive Committee. The new chairman has a thankless task before him, Senator Quay won one of the moat notable victories on record In '88; and, as a result of his success, ho has been the target for the Democratic nbuso ever since. The Democratic papers of New York have fairly out done themselves In coarse Invective and mud slinging. Their intention was to drive Quay out of power and to prevent him from conducting another campaign. They succeeded In forcing him to retain the chairmanship for months even years after he Intended to retire. It Is no secret that he wished to relievo himself of the dutlesof chair man right after the Harrison campaign but he refused to go out under flro. and he has held on to the present time. That much the free traders haveaccom pllshed. Now that their fire has practically ceased he ha3 declared his '--'Intention of severing his connection rvith all olllclul management and " another is to take his place. Mr, Clarkson will succeed Senator Quay. A better selection probably OE3STTS per yd for the BEST TABLE OILCLOTH, .Sold In other stores for 35o. AHioor Oilcloths reduced. Call for bargains C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin SL, near Centre OATS, t Twentyrflve hundred bushels Choice Old White Oats. Guaranteed OLID ) L m'fim tint mlauil tiil.th.ttf.m. STETJJ?.. r New StoclcPure Goods. , Not mixed or Adulterated. A Pure Sitfiar Syrup at 6 A Choice Syruj), JBlno Flavor, lirlyht Color and Good Body at 8 cents. The Finest liable .Syrjip 10 cents. AT KISITER'S. could not have been made. Clarkson Is intimately acquainted with tho duties of tho committee. He has a knowledgo of men and politics. Ho has the ability to conduct a campaign such as tho next will be. Peculiar fltiHBJ is necessary for the otllce. He has it. The Democrats won't like tho selection for that reason. They will continue to cry corruption. iThe freo trade mud batteries will open and no matter how honestly he may direct the campaign he must expect to bo plastered from head to foot. This Is the only idea the free trade papers of New York have of conducting a campaign Hinging mud. Tho resolutions adopted In recogni tion of Mr. Quay's services as chair man are true in every particular and are a deserved trlbuto to ability. Croakers may croak and Democrats may sneer, but the resolutions tell the truth about one of the greatest political leaders of the age. PhHa. Inquirer, t The Democratio press continues to insinuate that Auditor General Mo Camant is in theBardsley mire. The Auditor General has denied the charges made by Uardsloy under oath and his oath should be accepted in preference to tho irresponsible slurs of political organs. During his career In public olllce Auditor General Mo Camant has demonstrated to the peo ple that he is not only an honest and upright man, but that lie Is fur abovo tho level of such men as Iiardsley and would never allow himself to be smirched by the doings the convict attempts to lay at his door. The Democratic press, iu its political view, Intimates to the contrary, but the Democrats should not full to remember that if they accept Bardsley's charges as true, they put the btnnip of guilt upon Governor Futtison, Alexander McClure.Slngerly and like men, whom they hold out to the people as tho embodiment of purity. The shining Democratio lights stand charged with McCamautand thus far they have failed to make u denial. That Mo Camant Is innocent there can be no doubt. The Dootor and Postmaster were talking about a case of serious Illness due to a neglected cold and rapidly golnz Into consumption which was promptly cured by l'an-TIna Cough and Consumption Cure. Trial bottles li ee ut Ivlrlln'a drug store. Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the name Lkssiq & Co., Ashland, Fa., 1: printed on every sack. 3-3-Staw OATS. to be strictly i OATS, STETJR cents. wo have Extra Quality at I ARE YOU GOING ? A MEETING- CALLED FOR THIS EVENING TO ORGANIZE A BOARD OF TRADE. It Behooves Every Publlo-Splritod Citizen to Sparo tho Time and Attond tho Mooting at tho Ferguson Houso. Thoartiololn la?t evening's IIkhald, balling for a public meeting for tho pur poso tit organizing a Itoard of Trade, was favorably commented upon, and sooms to fnoot with tho hoarly approval of a largo tuajority of our citizens. Hut the matter should not bo allowed to ro?t at that. Son- timant is very well, but just now It is action that is wanted. It boboovos every publlo-sptrlted citi zen of Shenandoah In attund tho meeting this ovonlng In tbo parlors of tho Fergu son Houso, for the purposo of organizing a Hoard of Trade. Let no excuse koop you away.r Inquiroof tho majority of tho business men in this borough us to tho etato of busi ness to-day, and the anwor you will ro Ceivo is dull, vory dull. And why is it so ? No work for tho laboring classes. Wo are all awareof the oyil effects felt hero wbon there is nothing doing in tho coal trade, and yet our business men tho ones who will reap tha greatest amount of benefit to bo derivod from tho location of industries in our midst are apparently doing nothing to remedy tbij evil. It is useless for us to onumorato tho many Instances in which the organization of Bo-.rJs of Trade in certain towns and cities have been the moans of building up thoeo localities Our readers aro perfoctly fa miliar with tbat fact. Tho IIkuald, wo beliovo, has presented sufficient evidence to prove the urgent necessity for a Board of Trade in Shenandoah. V There aro a uumbor of gontlemon in this town who havb on several occasions pub licly oxpreseod thomselves as In favor of tho organization of a iioard of Trade. They bavo also boastod of their willing ness to put their money in almost any en terprise. To all such wo say, now is your opportunity. Bo, on hand this evoning, and bring our neighbors with you. Do not depend on tba "other fellow" to do tho business. Every ono Interested in the wel fare of Shenandoah and its citizens should make it n point to bo present. If this meeting proves a failure, then wo might as well abandon all hopo of evor'sooing Shen andoah a manufacturing town. Now, lot one and all givo tho project a (tart. Will you bo there? ' Notico. A special meeting of the stockholders of tho Citizens' Electric Light Co., of Shen andoah, will bu held August 2Gth, 180l between tho hours of two and four p. ru., at tho office of raid company, No.1 24, N." Jardin street, for tho purposo of voting on the question of inceasing tho capitul stock of said company. ;By order of the board, John Ghuhlkr, Soc'y. G-23.Thur-$w What a Prominent Physician and Oh'emlst .saya Afto'r .Analysis and Practical Test. Dr. J. Lyster, formerly of llellevue Hospital Medical College and Long Island Cullege speaks as follows : New Youk, October 25. 1800. Alvas Brazilian Hpecltlo Co., 0 Wall n net. Gents t The samp e of y6ur Cactus Blood Cure, which I bought for analysis, i have snbleoied to a very thorough lest, and cjn Qnd not a slnglo trace of mluenil or mercurial fireparatlou In It whatever; uud, as 1 have iad considerable experience In lUconelllu. tlonal effect , In certain diseases already known td yhu, I oonslder It the safest and, best vegetable blond purlfieMn the market. Yours reKpectrally, , u. j. i.YHTEii. rn ta, ir. n. Bold at Klrlln's Drug Hlore, Ferguson House Block, Bhenaudo'.. Notice, All members of Shenandoah Lodge, No. CO, Order Sons of St'. Goorgo, are re quested to bo present at their next regular meeting, Tuesday evening, Aug. lib, to at. tend in a hod y alio reception banqu:tof tun Grand Lodge officers in Robains' opora houso. Ily ordoruf tho lodge. Joun Poomn, W. P, Attest: E. I). IIisddaix. W. S. 2t Entitlod to the Best. All aro entitlod to the best that their money will buy, so every family should bavo, at once, a bottla of tho best family remedy, Syrup of Flgi, to cleanso the sys tem when custivo or bilious. For calo in 0c and $1.00 bottles by all leading drug gists. Ho I for Lakeside, Tho English Baptist Sunday school ox- pect to take ut least COO people to Lakeside on Monday. Tho train will lcavo the local 1'. '& li. It. depot at 8 a. m. An in teresting tinio is promised all who attond. Don't fail to go. It don't do to neglect nature's warning aches through tbe .yttera, cause Kbeunia ttsm. Neuralgia and' llaokuche. Try lted Flag Oil, the Famous l'uH Cure, j3 cents ntKlr- lln'a flrliff ctnrA. ' b - v THE HOMEOPATHS. Mot at Pottsvlllo YoBtorday and Elected Officers. ThoSchuylklll County Society of Homeo pathy mot at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon at tho Pennsylvania Ilall, i'ottsvllle. This was tho annual meeting at which tho offi cers for tho yoar woro elected. Dr. D. W. Straub, of town, tho presi dent, occupied tho chair. Thero wore prosent : Drs. J. S. iCistlor and brother, Douglass, a student, of town; Drs. II, A. Klock, Mahanoy City; L. A. Snyder, Ashland; Deilz, Uazloton: Droher. Ta- insqua; W. S. Kistlor. Jlinorsville: E. L Straub, Alinersvlllo; Woist, Schuylkill llaven; Kiefor, Frackville; Stcckol, Or wlgsburg; Hashoro, l'inegrovo, and Bovcr and Swalm, of l'ottsvillo Essays prepared by Drs. D, W. Straub. Francis W. Boyor and Wclst woro read and discusscid. Tho subject of opidomlo Uisoasos was trotd by Dr. Bashoro. It was an ablo paper and brought forth gen eral approval. Ono of tho most Interesting parts of tho day's programme was tho reading of Dr. John -S. ICi.tlor's "History of Homeo pathy in Schuylkill County." Dr. Kistlor had spent much lima and gono to a great deal of trouble in tho preparation of this articlo and it will bo preserved by tho so ciety as authentic. Copios will bo sont to tho o.tbor societies of tho state. Tho president, Dr. Straub, of town, road an essay on tho papors preparod during tho eight years of the socioty's oxlstonco. Dr. Boyer's paper was on tho "Uses of I'cr- oxido of llydrojron." Ho dwolt particu larly on its application in casos of diphtheria- POLITICAL POINTS. Republican primaries to-morrow. John F. Grossang, ot I'oltavillo, will not bo a candidate for shoritl this year. So says tho Chronicle. Tho Shenandoah candidatos for sheriff on tho Democratic sido have not given up hopo butaro making a vigorous canvass. Tho fight for tho Judgeship between Lawyers Nash and Wadlingor is becoming ihtoroftiug, so much so tbat Congressman Ueilly has boon suggestod as a compromiso candidate. Nash says Wadlingor "isn't in it" and tbo inferonco is thrown out that Wadlingor's connection with Ex-Congressman Brumm in tho law business has given him a black eye. Lot tho band play; tho circus will soon commonco. Tho politicians wero out in full forco at tho Young lion's Republican picnic at Lakeside yesterday. Ex-Postmastor Maurice Litsch, of Mah anoy City, has joined with Lawyor Rinck, of Tamaqua, in tho fight for delegates to tho Constitutional Convention on tho Dem ocratic ticket. ,1. O. Ulrich, of Tamaqua, and J am ns J. Franoy, of town, ts tho other combination. Hon. Klim Davis, who has boon so often favorably mentioned by tho press and people for sheriff, has not consented, as yet, to bo u candidate. IIo can huvo the nomination if ho wants it, judging from tho comments hoard on ovory sido. From prosent appearances thoro will bo plenty of harmony in tho Republican con vontion on Tuosday next. There ought not to bo any difficulty in nominating a good, strong ticket, ono that will win in November, unci mako way for another and grander victory in '92. Delano Viotorioua. Tbo return gamo between tho Delano and Uazloton clubs was played on AVod- nasday at Hazleton, and was ono of tbo most hotly contostod games of tbo season In this soctlon. At tho start it seemed as if It was to be a walkover for Delano, Uazlo ton making a gooso ogg in tbo first inning and Delano scoring six. At tho third Inning Uazloton bogan to mako up and at the beginning of tbo 7th inning tho sCoi o was tied. Uazloton came first to tho bat and scored another goose egg while Delano got in throa runs, thus making the ecoro for soven Innings 9 to 12 in favor of Delano. On tho' return to Delano the olub was met by the enthusiastic townsmen at tho depot, with the Delano Cornet band and escorted In triumph around .tho town, NOTKH. Tho deciding gamo will bo arranged to bo played at Asbland at a near date. Mulvey,, who Is suffering from a strained ankle, hit a hard ball between center and right, and Roilly, who ran for him, mado a circuit of tbo bases; Mulvey then recog nizing tho fact that the captain of tbo op. posing team didn't signify bis willingness for Rellly to run, started out with his game leg and.mado 2d baso, virtually making 0 baso hit. It was one of tho longest hits ovor mado on that ground. Mllos' Norvo and Liver Pills Act on a no principle regulating tho liver, nomacn ana uoweis mrougn me nerves. A new discovery. l)r. Miles' 1'llls speedily cute blllousnew, bad tiude, torpid liver, piles, constipation, uuequaled lor men, women, children. rJinallesl. mil Jest. BurenU dldosna. A"ct8. Samples Free, at C 11. llage-nbuch's drug eiuru. Completed to Dotulwood. Tho Burlington Routo, O., B. & Q. R R., from Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, ia now completed, and dally passenger trains are running through Lincoln. Nob., and Cutter, S, I),. to Deadwood, Also to New castle, Wyomjug, SloypiuK cars to Dead' wood, tf NEW BALLOT LAW- A FULL TEXT OF ITS PROVIS IONS GIVEN. HOW YOU ARE REQUIRED TO VOTE. Tho "Herald" Prosonts to Its Many Roadors'tho Now Elootion Law Kocontly Adoptod by tho State Legislature. An act to regulate tho nonihuitinn and election of uubliooftlrersreiiulriiii; certain expensed incident thereto to he nam Dytlioiseveraleouutlesatul certain other expenses to be paid by the coiu- niouweaiiu anu ptiniciiing certain of ficers in rtirard to ouch elections. Bee. 1. lie It enacted by the senate nntl houso of representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, In general assembly met, and it U heieby enacted by tlioautliority of the nme. That from and after March 1, 1692, all imllois cast in elections for nublio of ficers within this commonwealth shall be printed and distributed at public expeuse as hereinafter provided. Die lirlntlnir or the ballots and of the cards of i list met ion fur the elections in each county and the delivery of the sanio to the election ollleera, as hereinafter pro vided ; and ull other expenses Incurred under the provisions of this act shall he a county charge, unit as herein otherwhe provided, the payment of which enaii uo provided for in tho name manner as the payment of other election expenses. It shall be the duty of thesecietary of the commonwealth to prepare forms for nil the blanks mado litfcswiry or advisable by this act, ntid lo liiuueii copies ni llio panto to tho comity commissioners of each county, who bhiill procure further cop ies or llio same at the co.-tortliecountv and furnish them to tho election olll cers or other persons by whom they are to be used In suidi quantities as may bo necessary to carry out llie nrovli-lous of this act. Btfc. 2. Any convention of delegates or primary nleetlug; of electors, or caucus held under the rules of a political part v. ornny board authorized to certify nom inations representing a political party, which, at the election next piecedlng polled at least!! percent, of the largest entire vole for any olllce cast in the slate or iu the electoral district or divi sion thereof, for which such primary meet I nc; . caucus, convention or board desires to mako or certify nominations may nominate one candidate for each i fllce which Is to be illled In tho state or iu the mid district ordivision at the nexteusuiug election by causing ".certi ficate of nomination to be drawn up and filed as hereinafter piovlded; provided that any political party which polled 3 per cent, of the entire vote In tho. state at the election next preceding at wnicu a aiute oincer was voted lor, may nmUo uud certify nominations ac cording to the provisions of (his section for any electoral division or district of the state, notwithstanding that such political party may huvo polled less than 3 per cent, of tho entire vote at the last preceding election In mid electoral district or division. Every such certificate of nomination shall be signed by the presiding officer and the secretary or secretaries of the conven tion or primary meetings or emeus or board, who shall add thereto their places of residence and shall be sworn ornlllrnied to by them before an ottloer qualified to adminsteroaths, to I true to the best of their kno-vledg and belief, audacertllicntoof the oath shall be annexed to tho certificate of nomi nation. Bee. 3. Nominations of candidates for any public olllce may also he made by nomination papers signed uy quali fied electors of tho state or of the elec toral district or division thereof for which tho nomination ia made and Hied In tho proper olllce. as provided In section 6 of this act. Where the nomination is for nuv olllce to he filled by tho voters of tho Btato at largo the number or quaitneu electors or me Btato signing such nomination paper shall be at least one-half of 1 per cent, of tho largest vote for any ofllcer elected In the state at the last preceding elec tion nt which n state ofllcer was voted for. Iu the case of all other nomi nations the number of qua'ifled electors or the electoral district or division signing such nomination paper shall be at least 3 p r cent, of the largest eutlro vote for any olllcer elected ut the last preceding election in the said elec toral district or division forwtiieh said nomination papers are designed to be made. Each elector Blguingu nomina tion paper shall add to hissignaturehls place of residence ami nccupatiqu, and no person may subscribe to more than ono nomination for each olllce to he filled. The signatures to each nomina tion paper and the qualification of tho signers shall be vouched for by the alllduvltof at least five of the signers thereof, which ullldavlt shall acoom pany the nomination paper; provided that nomination papers which are not signed and made out In strict com pliance with all tho requirements of tins act snau uo invalid. NOMINATION l'AVEKS MUST 11R KX- ITiICIT. Sec. 4. All certificates of nomination and nomination papers shall snonlfy One (1). Tho party or nollov whfih such candidate represents expressed in not more than three words j lu the ea of electors of president and vice president of the United States tho (Cbnlf f rf m third txige.) MAHANOY PLANE. A Budget of Interesting Artioloa on nil TopIcB. Thursday was pay day at Bear Itidge collieries. Messrs. William Smith and Hvan 1" vans returned last week from a visit io relatives In Wulos. Patrick Hrennan, brother of Ex--I'rothouotary Hrennan, left for Phila delphia on Tuesday to engage in business In that city. Pediigoguo J. A. Klynu Is spending a week or two among friends and relatives In Philadelphia. It is hinted that ono of our "Pa9t Grand" school ma'am's has matrl moniat intentions which will material ize tsoiuo tluio next fall. Misses Aniilo L. Ilertolott and Jleltha I.emater leavo to-duy for Kagle's Mere-liy-the-tlver, where they will spend two or three weeks araoutr friends. " Ed. Donuhoo, shuto boss nt Gerber's Washery, had a narrow escape from having a hand torn oft on Wednesday. He was putting a belt on o pulley, while In motion, uud had ono hand caught between the belt and pulley, and whirled around several times. For tunately, the belt was looae uud ho escaped without injury other thun the lo-s of u little skin from his fingers. Last TlleHdnv n Pnh ,i,i,,..1 rnuI,ni. HUielitus, wliife drunk at Muizevllle, Indulged iu the exhilarating amuse ment or pelting a neighbor's house with rocks, breuklog doors and win dows, and driving tho occupants out into the cold, cruel world. Our gallant police forco wero quickly marshalled on the scene and mult lug a skillful Hank movement descended upon tho enemy iu a body. Tho suddenness of tho movement threw Joseph into con tusion, and beforu ho could recover ho was heavily iior cd and marched oft to 'Squire Reynolds, who promptly sent him to jail on tho charge of house breaking, Tho Continental Hose Company, of Glluerton, has determined to have a steam lire engine and is actively engaged in tho work of raising the necessary funds. A picnic will bo held nt Gilberton park on Aug. 22d to help tho cause along. There is no mt-sou why they should not have a. steamer, us the water pressure at Gilberton Is hardly sulllcient for lire service and it would bo well for Malzevilloand Mahunoy Plane to Join hands with ailbulon and make tho steamer a certainty, for It Would undoubtedly bo of groat service to all towns iusido of Gilberton borough. Tho water supply from Mud Rim has been steadily tailing ofl for two or threo years, owing to increased con sumption, and as this iucrease is likely to continue, the pressure will ulti mately fall below the limit required for elllcient fire service. It will thus be seen that a steam lire engine will bo a necessity, sooner or later, and might us well bo obtained now as at some future time. On Tuesday last, John McAudrows, u miner living at Rappahannock, was fatally hurt by u fall of rock. IIo wn immediately taken lo hi home where ho died shortly after arrival. IIo leaves u wife and soveral children iu destitute circumstances, for whom It is pioposed to lake up a collection. At about tho same time as that at which the abovo accident occurred, but in another part of the mine, u Pole, whose uume wo could uot learn, was seriously burned by an explosion of powder. He was preparing a blast ut the time uud It is supposed Hint the powder was igulted by a spark from a pipe which ho was smoking. IIo wus taken to tho hospital where ho now lies lu a precarious coudltlon. Wrchlllii-r Noivh. BJMiss Alice Willlamn, of Baltimore. Aid., tho female champion wrestler, en gaged in a wrestling niiitch nt Staple ton, S. I., May ao, with Louis Scully, the light weight ehumpion of Stateu Island, Tho conditions wero Ortoco Roman, best two in throe falls for a purso of SSOO. Scully was the favorite, and the majority of tho audience did not bellevo Mum Williams would stuud a ten to ono chanco of defeating niia The mntoh was u very exciting one, and to tbo surprise of nearly everybody 511h Williams won the first fall by a front half Poison and half strangle, lock In live minute, and tbo tccond fall by the hammer lock in eight min utes. .Max Lutbeg, tho wrestler, was reforeo. The prico of now potatoes ii now within oating distance. Advertise In the Ukuald. Fruit Jars, Jelly Tumblers, PRESERVE CROCKS 1 qt, 2qt 3qt 4 qt. Brown Sugar, 4c. Whole & Ground Spices GRAF'S, Nj. I22 North Jardin Street.