LAKESIDE .DATES. JTlguroB DomonBtrato tho Popu larity of tho Rosort .luty SI. Presbyterian Sunday school of Miihntioy City Aug 1. Welih Baptist Sunday schoil Halmnoy City. Auk. 8 Hnglttli llspllit Funiisj tchno of rihoimndoah. Aug. 4 M. R. Sunday -school of .Mali anoy l'litno. Auk. 5. M. K. Bunday school, Aflilshd Aur. 8. BTMnKolicttl Sunday school ol llahanoy Oily. Auk. 7. Welsh CongrexdtlonMl, llalm noy City. Auk 8. M. K. Sunday school, (JilWr ton. Auk. 10. M. B. SithfUv school, Glrard villn, Knd Union Sunday school, Lir Creek. Auk. 11 Welsh ltopUtt, OongreK ti-iiBl and Mothodlst, Shenandoah. Aug- 12. IrtitbcMn festival. 18. Kpiscopal Sunday whool o' Mahanoy Oily. Aur. 11 Reformed Sundsy fchool, o' Tamfiia. Auk. 16.-Kiteddfod. . " 17. Lutheran Sunday school, OI-ranlvillo. Auk 18 English Bspl.ltt Sunday school, Mnhnnv City. Atig 19. M. K. Sinday school of Shen andoah. Auk. 20. Trinity Keformad Sttndnt school of Mabanoy Uity. Aur. 2 1. t. Sunday school, of Gil- -ton. auk. 24. I. II. Sunday school of Shen SC. English Lutheran, Malinnriy The. strootf.ork That Never Hiiiin Down. 1,ol!us L. (Joff, of 1'nwtuDhut, It. I., I"1 iiin a fnney for mechanical curios- pofwessea a clock that In anld never Jo run down. Throupli an iiiifonloiia contrivnnce it is kept wound by tho himile oponiiif nnel closing of the front door of the house. Mlectrlcnl appliances, operated by the running of the cloclc, xai-v the pas jet in tho liallntdusk, and lower it at bed-time; rlnir nn early-ris ing bell for tho serranta, a Inter one for the family, and, an hour later, the break fiint bell; nnd when' the hour ib btrm k. mtiHiciil cathedral chiiues re spond in the chambers of the house. Hoys and trirls wear the hair In curls or waves, und in front bunged, with mat al tlie sides lulling- over the ears. lilnek silk stockings nnd low bucklod pateiit-leutlier allocs aro correct for Bin h ilressy occasions as parties anil mntii..'es. Vi'h'te or cream-colored Chlnu silk 1b considered the most anuronrlatn nif elaborate dresses for little girls, finished wio necu nuu wrist with u irui aj 100. Rocky Mountain Ouro. Tho druggists claim that pooplo on' daily for tho now euro for constipation, ani sick headache, disovored by Dr. Bila' Lano whilo in tho Itocky Mountains. It, I said to bo Orogon grapo root' (a grea remedy in tho far' "West for thoao com plaints) combinodwith simplo herbs, and li mado for uso by pouring on boiling Wfitoi to draw out tho strongth. It sells at 6ti cints a packago and,; is callod Ltino'i family' Medicine. Protty nearly evory cloud latoly carried with it a supply of rain. Hold It to tho Light. Tho man who tells you confldentlallj ust what willjcure your cold Is prescribing Kouip's BaUam this year. In tho prop- aration of this remarkable, niodicino foi coughs and colds no expanse is spared to combino only the best and purest ingrodi- onts. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam tc tho light and look through it; noticu tin bright, clear look; then compare witl othsr roniodies. I'rico 50c. and ?1 Tho whito high hat is not very con spicuous this summer. To NorvouB, Debilitated Mon. If vou send us vour address, we wil mail you our lllustratod pamphlet oxplaiD Ing all about Dr. Dye's Colobratud Electro Voltaic Bolt and Appliances, and their charmlnz eflecU upon the nervous de bilitated syetoni, and how they will nulokly rostoroyouto vigor, and manhood. I'ampb let free. If you are thus alllicted, wo will sond you a ueit ana Appliances on a tm Voltaic Bkiv Co.. Marshall, Mich At this season of tho year a vogctablo and fruit diet is the bust. Shlloh'a Consun'iptlon Ouro. Tins Is beyond eioesllon the most suc cessful cougn Medicine wo nave ever som, a jew uoses invnriauiy core ine woim ease o derm! success In the cure of tonsumptlon is without a parallel In tho history of midiclua. Since It's first discovery it Iiob been sold ou a guarantee, a test which no other modiolus ran staud. Ji you lave a Cough e earnestly auk you to try It. Price 10 rents, 90 ex nls. aud tl.10. If your I align Bre tore, Chest or Hack Inme, use shlloi's I'orouM Piaster. Sold bj V. 11. llagenbucli, li. corner tlaln and A reaction ha set in against lavish table decorations. The Saoret of SuooeBS. O. 11. Hagunhuoh, th drilsUt,leil. vex that i ue mcrei 01 buccbhs is i ersevcaiice. j iit-ro no persist lu kwinlug the tit. stlluoo ri riumerlBB. tolleUarfielMi. eosn etlos. lrn nnd clieuilnalson (lie UiMrkeU Hemreflttly lmlto all ueisons who h've tmlni.ioinn vli at breath, weak or hungry iif IK pinn In fcldo or shoul'ler. iDnrt,riHlun. nlurhlniu... . rt.v r. agh, Miui'herlug, dropy or heait dltwg i'i uy nr, miibh nnequaiea ew n. art i:ure, be nre It Is loo lata. It bus tue laxuuil sain nl any similar remedy, flue book ol tustlroo free. Dr. Miles' HestoraUvo Nervlnnli unsurituiuiHl for eeplwuesa, uwdaebe, tits, eie., auu li uu oiuaies. Kustain home inletesU by buying from home murobants, A Husband's Mbstako. Hii'xnd lixi often permit wives, pnd par ents their children, to Hitler irom btaduehc, cliKxIueiw, neuralgia, sli i plei snem, flti-, nei-voi-inrss, when by the use of Dr. Ml led' licloirtlvo Nervine Mich serloua rennlts eor'd easily be prevtutrd Drncg sts evtiy whe.e say Itglves unlverKnl satlsinoiloi , and )mia Iminoiise xale Woodvo th Uo., ol Kort Wayne, I ml ; Know & I n., of Hj nieiiM., N. V.; J. V W. It. ItillKdnle, Mlrh.; and liun. d edsot others voy - it in the kieatot teller ti.ey ever knew It contai.ia no oplln. trial bottles and tine bi k on Kelvins Diseases, free at I1. II. lit genbucli's. BASEBALL SCORES. Ilrnoklyll I)nfets llin I'lllllks III Tin. Ilinlliff Contest. AT HOSTOV. Ilnstou.N'cw fork wme noatnonal on no. oouui of wet KroutKls. AT MHOOKI.rW. Ilnmklyn S OOloOOOll-t l'lillndHprllH....l 0 100800 0- lisltorloe -lxivett ami KIuslow; dlcaaou am1 Clemen U. at prrrniuno. I'M! shin o oooooooa-a UlHoliirmtl 0 0104801 0-8 flallprini llKlilertii and Mack: Mul.ane and UariiiiRtou. Tho Nntlennl Lougtlu Kcrord. thtr Pur ctiiirt. mm. tjnri rrt cWit. "hn. 6nt, n Chlopi....4i .800 lhllMcl,..M 41 .401 .uw vork..4U an mib llnioklyn .tta lkisinn ....41 31 Mil Linolnuatl .36 40 .439 Cleveland ..41 41 .500 PltUblir ..31 47 .337 AfiMiclntlolt (lmtieft. AT BA1.TIMORB. IToston 1 OOoOOOOl-S Usltlniorn 1 010 3 300 0-8 1 latteries-Had look, ritniemld and Murphy; Moslationand Koblnsou. AT PHIbAOtLraU. Athlctlo-Washliiirtoii traoio ostpoiied on aoeount of ruin; Tli Aftsoclullun Huooril. Per r aula. trim. Tjnt. Ot CtiM. IPVm. Twt. CI JkMton....B7 87 .071) ColumhiH. .43 41 .4(11 St. Ix)uls..,7 31 .018 Cinolnn'tl. 37 4U .130 llltlmc,iM4H 34 .AHA Ijhi vllln....3l) 01 J)3C Allilotle..M 4'J .500 Wasirtotl.,.87 S3 .StW lJllsti'l'li l.PitKilo. AT ROCHMWEK, ltoeheter, 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0-4 Lebanon :o U010000 0-J llxttorto-Cushruun and Urquliart; Goudal' and lvurz. AT STHACUSa. Syraouim. ...o o 0 a 3 0 o 3 .1-1! 1'rnvldonoo 0 0 0 u 1 0 1 4 0- t Uattcrles Mnk and Qnlun; Shea and Murphy. AT BUrFALO. Iluffnlo 1 030SS10 0-S Troy 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0- S llHttoi-ies-Cullllmti mid MoKeoh: Ilrnlmrj Dertiy. AT ALBANY. Albany 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0-4 Now It avail 'J 0000000 . x 5 MiittciK -Dovllu nml Hess; Honisr and xietseu. ROMANTIC MARRIAGE. Tlin Nuptial Hunt llil by a Justlou on the htiMpellMloil ltltdi;e. Niagara Falls, N. Y., July 30. Henry Bird ot Newark, N. J., aged about 50 years, and Jliss Carrie Souddor, who onn not be more, than halt that, were the coutraetiiiK parties iu a romantic mar riage Iwt, night. As tho sun waB sinking tho couple, to gether with Justice ItuBsoll and a curious crowd, repaired to tho center of the Sus pension Bridge where, nmld the fulllny spray and the thunder of tho cataract, tho Justice tied tho nuptial knot. A buutiuet at tho Cailno followed, whore ovoryono who called was mado wolconio. YELLOW FEVER IN CANADA. Two lleutllH mi the Norwectwu llarlc Nt'liltine, rrmu Hlo Jtinell'o. Montiucal, July 80. Tho Norwegian bark Neptune, from Itlo Janeiro for Que bec, wan picked up in tho Gulf ot St. Lawrence short handed, with yellow fever on board, and was at oucotowod to Qooao Islaud Quarantine, There were two deaths ou tho passutfo, yet Capt. So renzoti wout Into 3,, fluey, 0. B., without reporting having had sickness on board. There lie received orders to proceed to Quebec, and was allowed to depart unin spected by the health ofllcorn. Au inves tigation will bo held by the Dominion government. Culvort Washed Out and Train Wrecked. CiiAitLESTOW.v, Md., July 30. Groat damage was done to cropn lu this sec tion by the washing out of tho eulvort on the l'hilndolpUia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad. South-bound freight train No. 177 ran into the wash out and wns wrecked. Win, SetterAeld, ot Philadelphia, head brakomau was thrown from tho tp ot n car aud his skull was fractured. He will die. The washout was caunod by a cloudburst. lleuth uf Ilov. Dr. Kidder. AsnuiiY 1'aiik, N. J., July 30. Rev. Dr. Dauniol P. Kidder formerly ot thin place, died at his homo at Evanston, 111., yesterday, aged 70 yours. Ho was n member of tho Now Jersey auuual Con ference of tho Methodist Episcopal Church. Ho was also editor of Sunday School publications of that church, aud for many years was a missionary to Brnzll. Grnml T,o(b Election. Look Haven, l'a., July 30. Tho Grand Lodge Good Templars ot I'onusy lvauia elected tho following officers: Grand Chief Templar, W. II. Morgan) Vics Templar, Laura Rudy; Grand Secretary,0, K Steele; Grand Treasurer, Annie J, Welchmnnj Oram! Counselor, Hon. T. K. Stubbs. The uext meeting ot the Grand Lodge will bu held ill Pittsburg. Will Favor Senator Gnrinan. Baltimohk, July 30. It Is generally stated here that the Democratic State convention in ssslon this afternoon will adopt resolutions pledging tho support of the party in tho Suite Legislature to the re-elvctiou of United States Senator Gorman. Left Knrllinp nf 8U,t)nn,000. Miudlktown, Conn., July 30. Hon. Henry U. Hubbard, president ot the Rus sell Manufacturing Company and the Middletowu National Bauk, died last eveuliitf, aged 77 years. He leaves a for tune estimated at $0,000,000. Iluaaluu 1-iiitluriuita Cannot Land, ""'i uuv "w uuBiuuiii numwi- lttvA llHVe lfUSll tO parmit 30 Hussiail A. i., i i Komeumu. to land. The cinlrauU aro thought llkly to boomo n publlo oh a rye. Dtlliiusu by lllixh Surf. Lono DliANOti, N. J., July 80, Tb heavy snr( Inu untou Into the blulT here, and fully three lest of tlio rondwny 1ms CHVd In directly In front of tlio llowlnnd Hotol, where recent euorouebmeuts of tbo ua bud ulreudy made it very narrow. Hutulretls Dylu from Clinl.ra. London, July 80. Advices reontved from Mecca stnto thnt the death rata Irom cholera Is 140 a. dy at that ploco ana at vjeaaau uu aauy. tj n WILL conE EVEnY FORM Lehigh Valley Railroad. ARHANUCMKNt OF I'WtBllUK TRAINS. 3IAY 10, 1801. I'aMenier trains will leave Khnnnndi ah li I .vtaueh (liunk, Lehliliton, Blatlngton, OnK tHUqiiH, Allenlown, Iletlilebem, liaeton, I'hP delphlaaud New York at 6.47, 7.40, i, 8.10,5.211 p. in. ' Tor Helvldere, Delaware Water Oap and -itroudsbury at J.47, a, in., and 6 85 p. m. For Lttmbrrlvllle and Trenton, 9.0H a, in For While Hoven, Wllkes.Itarre and Fltu mi 6.47. 9.m. 1U.41 ft. m.. 3.10 and 6JW p. m. For TtiiiRhHnuock, 10,11 a, in,, S.IU and 6. i. n, Kor Auburn, Ithaoa, Ueueva and and. Lyow 10.41 a. in., and 6.38 p. m. 1'or lx-5 vine, Towauda. Ueyre, Wsverly i-'Jrulra, nochmier, Iluffnlo. fIacara Kall i lilcaifj aud all points West at 10.41 a. m.,bd Ffir f liulra and the Wt vlaHRlamanoa at 8.10 p. in. for Audenrled, llazleton, HtoeUton, Luni er Yard, Weatherly and rmn Haven Jnnc i oa at 6. If, 7.40, 0.08 a. ln.aud 1S.6S, 8.11) ai d VHJ p. tn, (or JnaueavlUe, Ixivlston and Beavei Meadow, 7.40, O.OB a, m, nnd 8,99 p. tn, KorroraiilonatS.47 0W, 10.11 a, m. 8,l(iRi rt p. ni. For Hade Brook. Jeddo, Drlflon nnd Free ml nt 9.47,7.40, 10.11 a. m PUS .10 and 6.89 p. m. rVr Quahake at 6.47 and 0.08 u. m and I. 10 p. m. For Wlgsans, Ullbeiton and Frackvllle al .6tl anil d.08 a m., and 4.10 p. m. For Yatesvllle, .Mahanoy fjlty end Ijeiano 47. 7.10, 9.08, 10.11, 10.68 a. m.,l6S,S.10,',26, 8,03, ,a ') rl 1(1,87 p. m. For Lol f.Teek, iJlrardvllle and .shlauu ( 27, 7.46. 8.52, 10.15 a. ra., l.CO, 1.40, 4.10, (UI6 m. i-'fir Darkwalvr, BI. Clxlr und lttsvllle. i .40, H.W, 10.5R a. m., 1Z.52, 3.10, J.10, 6.90 aud 8.t ... in. Kor nock: Mountain, New IJostou ai d Moreu, 7.40, f.08, P .68 a. n. 12.62, 3.10, 5.i at.d 4.US p. ru. Kor Haven Itun, Ccntralla, Jit. Oarmel ai.d -Uiamolcln, 8.62, and 10,15 a. ni., 1,10, t.i1 nut 8.0S p. m. Tratni lenvo Hliamohln for Hhenamlo-in. :.Sl ll.,l5a.m.,V.10, 1.30 and 0.80 p. in., nrrlvli g at Hhenainioab, 0.05 a.m., 12.52. 3.10, 6.28 ami II. 15 p. in. HUNDAY TKAINH. For Ijost Creetr, Ulrardvtlln aud Ashlauu, 1.00, K10 11.35 a. m., 2.45 p. m. Foi Uarkwater. h. Cialr and I'oltsvllli Ut, 8.0-', 9,:w ii. m.. 2.45 p. m. For Yatesvlllb, itahanoy City aud Lielan UK), 11.35 a. m., 1.40,4.10, 6.08 p. tn. . For Lofty, AudeiirleU and Ilatleton, 8,1 i m 1.40 p. m: Foi iViauch Chunk. Lehjlehton, Hlatiugtor. i ntHsauqua, Allenlown, nethlehem. tfiask and New York, 8.00a. m., 1.40 p. mi Kor Philadelphia, 1.10 p. tn. K B. UYJMUTOM, Uen'l Pass. A(rt Bettilebeni i.SNr'7LVyA RAILROAD. r aounviaiij.L division. (.-im alter Nov. 24, 1880, Irniru uill Im Shtnttndoan at foUoum: For Whjeau, Ullbenon, FracltvlUe, Kc aatle, Ht. Clair, ttid way points, B.O.), 9.1 ip und 4.16 n m, uadays, imO, 0.10 a m aud I'JOjp ni,- l"otlvlllo, tf.lo a m and 4. 15 r tr. -iindays, 600, 0.40 a ui and 3.10 n in, ci Readme, 6.00, 0.10 n m una 4.15 pm :.days, WJ, 9.40a. m. and 3.10 pm. : ur l'oltstown, l'lioenlxvlllc, Korjlslot ad I'biladeljihla (Brfiad atreet statlom, 10 a rn. ana 4.15 p m week days 'ur.days, WO, 0.40 a m 3.10 p m i'ralim leave Fraokvilte lor Hher.nnfouh i. l.ita!L and 12.14, 7.42, 10,00 p m, Hmiduyu ..IH a m and 5.40 piu. ' mvii Koitisvllle lorHheuandoah, in,l5anr .48, a Ol 7.15, 0,42 p m. f'Ul.daju, 10.40 a D .,15 p la. jive Philadelphia, (llroad eiicet matlon Pottsvlllevndtihenandonfa, 6.57,10.'J5a tv i.10, 4.1ii and 7.00 p tn week days, t.undnj-9.a r l nd 1 10 p. m for w York, 3.20, 4.06, 4.40, S.R5, S.5I), 7J '.n.i. J.50, ll.00andll.15am. 12 00 noon, (lun td exiiress, 1.0b and 4 Ni p ra.) 12,44, J,4;i, 2..K1 A 4,5, 6, l.30, 6.50 7.13 H.lii and 10.00 ptn, 12.0) nffl'l. Oi- Sundays, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 5.86,8.12. 8,80, .5t m. knd 12.19,8.211 (llmttPd 4.50), 6.28, 30, 8,f n m and 12.01 night, for bea tint, Bprm Lake, Belma; . ean drove, Astiury I'orfc, and Long Brand .20, 11,15, a. 10.4.001), m, weeli davf' Fo freehold, 6.C . p. m. week oayn. ailliiinr. and Wnehintton, 3,50, 7.20, 8,3. j , !'..20, ) 1.13 a in, 12,"S (iirallMl expreas)8.4 1 )i a i,;.v 7.10 p. m., and 12.03 nlgbL Fo i!ilti-of my 2,02, 4.1 1,6 08 nnd li 80 p. ir in Hnudays, 459, ?.). SUt'und 11.11 a. m. 4.4 .5", 1 40 i m. 12.011 night, Ball'iore' only .08 mil 11.80 p m. or ttlchntond aud thetsontli 7.2011.18 . m. . tuitted Kxpress 12.35 p. ni.,)12.03iiljrbt,week i..ya. ; uuQah. 7.20a.iu 12,Ulnlf;hl IrainsltMVe hlarrlsbnrt tor l'lluimrs anc ie 'vest every day at 12.26 and 3.10 a n anc "i Ctmlted) aud 8.10 p m. Way for Alloona. ; . m and 1.10 P m ovary (lay. For Pittsburg on ly, 11.80 a ni Catly andl0.2i fenk days, .nave Hnnbiny lor WllUaTOsport, Klmlia 1 HUdalgnn, lUichester, Iltiflaloaud Nlanen ill 5.10am dally, and 1.4S pm weekdayr " "at Ktns, 5.30pm week diys. "or Krle and lnlermeillnto points, 6.1tiant. ally. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 0.58 a tn wily, 1.M and 5.30 p. tn. week dsj. Foi nova 5.10 a in 1.43 and 5.30 p m '(ti days .10 a. t riun.lAys. '-K i J7LU3. J.lLWOOl), 'en Vai'r I4hu tv. Akt APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. PERFECT III FORM 1-MA7CIIIESS IN WAR! Bfl KDXloui wert lti Koelauu far lUlwfcrt mca tbU puny vojt M wm wrt pat to ilf tth. Etiit MAN eta t STEOHQ and VIOOKOns In HI roipectB. YOUNG MEN OR OLD, inffirlDfJ from HEavouB SB SILITY. Loit or rUJ.uir Man. hood, Phytic ii Etctiati, Mattta.1 Worry. Stunted Bavaloptatnt, or anr PERSONAL WEAKHEgS. can bo reatorad to PERFECT UEAL'flt aid a NOBLE VITALITY Ol 8TE0MQ MEN, th PriJe and Power of Nations. Wo claim by years of practice by our yc1u1v methods a uniform MUHoroLY or bocoebs" in treat AClletlonaof Men. Tostlmoniala ' frr m fjOHtatea and Tprrltntles. OUR NEW BaOKo'alK'ifSiM.1; ltwblltjoucm. Full ZipliDitlonitorHOUB TREAT Mini'. Yon cm t FULLY RESTORED M Thomtsdl tftrttatrBi. Btad.artiatlmoQUla. Addraif fttones ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. H.Y. DRUNKENNE! Or U10 Liquor Habit. Ourcu JLy auuiliilMtri'liiv lr. Ilulutsa" It Is manufaoturcd a a rowdor. wbiah can ba crlvon in a glaaa of beer, a cup of coflee or lea, or 10 (bod without the kncmlodee ot be patieut. It ta absolutely harmlow, and wiJl effftot a terutanont and sbeedy euro, whether the pHtieut In a moderate drinker or an alooholtowrjck it boa been Rtvn tn tbouaaodt aaaea and ia every suetance a peruHrt oure sMfbl lowed, it never Fall The yalcwonolwpM edwith the beoumeeuu utter impoealwIUjr t lor U9 liquor p pec lie to exisr. o yaite imuk vt yar iiuuAtird true aw U9 iuu v C. H. HAGENDUCH, Druggist, Sheiirdoah WATER OF LIFE. A newly discovered MINI HAL WATKK, tlio ii(e oi wlilcli will supply Important ele ments nf Cf i-snry to licnllli. It will euro the Kltlnejs, Liver, Htoinncli, andr.ll Dowel and llladitrr disuses. It will iIIsmiIvo calculi and remove them. It removes the urlo acid from tbo blood and tbns destruys Malaria scd Chills. It cures llrlRbt's disease, and Is es. peclally recomniended for people advanced In life, aud for KcnemJ debility. Kor undoubted proofs or Ibis send lor pamphlet clvlne full nnrll.nlarfl. fn.l It PVllltV W.l.i. nl III. i Co., SI boutb Main Bt., WUkes-Ilarre, fa. i. BKM DISEASE OF From Dimple I'lrnplcB to nlmtliinlc ICCItSIAi alao IXCIIIMC; 1'IJ.IiB. wneml f .r " Illtitn for ICitcVcii nnd Otclc. Kooni," a handy book for tho household. I'KttE. Has a luccetaful hlstrt of three ctntuiles In llrnifll and two years' critical list In till" countiy, Holence piom unctslt the llistaml nnly Inmlllhle ncutrnllser ofteiolnlotis and sptalno blood poltoi sjet dhcovcied. Sold at Klrlin's Drug Store, Ferguion' Hotel Block, Shmandouh, Pa Your trade Is M-hnt wo Willi t. This is Iiow we projioee to get it. Uy Belling you a flrst clnRs nrtlole; by selllngyou for let-s thim others j by pellli g you furniture, nn organ, a piano, a mwIub machine or unythiug else in (ho line of liou ehold goods. Wo hnven Inrge nnd va ried fltcck to select from. No trouble to show goods. Cull, cxHiuiue mid be convinced. EH H b H in THE OLD RELIABLE, . P. Williams iBro. Soitdi Main St., Firs Bank TIIGATKi; IIUILniKO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. A. W. Leiscnring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenrmq, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! Paid ou UnviiiKB DepoHltH. PUBLIC SALE The Old Court House! July 31, 1891, at 10 O'clock A. M. All the personal properly belonging tn the county oi scnuyiKiu, in ineoia couri iiouso conslsilnc of nnitltlons, counter, sbelvlnir. Kteam bcattno nnparatus In separate narts. the clock and bell In the old Court House tt'wcr, gas nxtures, nieno.aers, tables, chairs, etc., will be sold ol Hip premises In tbo bor ough ot rottsvllle, nnd also at the same time anctplacetbe eld Court Il'iuse, excepting and reservlrg tbo baieand also I ho two larto lluss or flat sti lies, one on each entrance to tho old uouri House. HA.VVKI, a. Dr-TUKK, JAMKH J. U0WE8, ELIAH IS. It KI), L'ommlsslorcr. Atttst JoiinB.Hntdeb- 7-tl-td FIRE INSURANCE I Liiiit ui BWh! hMt Ptrtlj Cub Cfciuki Ueprsntd by OAVlDFAUSTl 120 H, Jardln Blrect HHENANDOAH.I'A J H POMXllOY, A TIORNET'A T'LA '. Otrct-XeddsU'i tslldlix corner H.losniS Ceclr REPUBLICAN Comity Convention ! The members of tbo licpnbllcnn pnrtyor Schuylkill conn y arc reqtiesif-d to nsseinblc In ibolr rtspfctio election dlntrlots nttlic places wlim the ljepubllcn 11 iUlefmteclectlom wore held 1 'St ypr (except where cnttnges, 110 tlces of will, h will be glve'n tlirotigli the news pper)iin Saturday, jtit(N.t 1, JS01, lielween the hours or 3 and 7 o'clock p. tn. to bipoi (lel.gHle nnd nlie liates to the County ronvpiillim tobo lidrt Aiim st I, at lOo'elock n in.. Ill Centennial Hall, Pe.ttm 111. . Al tin same tlmr. nnd place momb rsot tie Itertili County CoiniiiltUeHiid llittrnllernnits will be voted for Id like innnueras uelegntes to the County Convention. Tb memiers rn m theTwerty nib Sena tonal district ulteiullng tbeCcunty Conven ilouwill meet Augtit 1th, his o'c'ock p. tu In entennlAl Hall, rnltsvtlle, for the run osr ofplacuglu lioinlimllon two (2 lai.dtriutes lobe voertfira Oel gates .0 the Coustltu tlonal Convtntlon. Tbo mi mhnrs from the Tblttletb Hennlnrliil Islilot attending the Cmiuiy l onvm lion will meetAtigUBt lib, ai 'In'v m k p in,, In Centeu niHi nan, l-oiisviu', lor Hie pnrnofe 01 plac ing In nomination two '21 caidldatcs tube veiled fnrna rielcent Ciinentloii. Hie following penons nnd al ei nates have bee,. appoiiiteei.toeoiif'Urt thee ectlon: Ashlnn'i First want, Iiavlel 1M" Is, A 1 Lnu teiBIIue; alteinntes John E Lvcn, J OGnr i er Ashland Weco' d waid.Wlllliun Cleaver. CAV Fcnsierimichtr; nltenm'es H A Faust, W M James. Ashland Thhel ward, t hrls Manor, Andrew Vaughn; alternates Initio Yurneil, Jr, J Cl Geneel. AslilHnd Fourth wnn;, James I lake, VJ WlllUims; ulternnte. J It 1) sol, Oeeirge I.elb Asblund Fillli ward, 0cor Fe-tlierotT, Win. Eoruilsler; nlltmntes Henry l'ul, J Schutt, Auburn, Dr. Charhs H (JuaH, Jomph Fred ncn; alturim e. Jhiii. b llHlifh, T. F. Aloie. liiury Kast, John lleny, I) F Onen; nller UHtes, ltolieit (in en Jr., Henry lloilck. ll.rry Vet, G. Ilreklln, John Iteinlmrt; al lenmies, .1 F Hart, Kphrlnm Ynrnall. Uutler North, Owon f onroy, M. Costcllo: nl f mute, Ifarr jMcffti lies. uuiierrtsi, niciuiru r lynn, j.Jiu uruuiu; nltoiunto, 1'ntrlcl: Feeiiicy. Butler Mintli. O I'ettennau, U A Klees; nl tcriiutx, John Diignii. Umlcr Ne.rihwcst, Joel Howentteln, Q H niHurei- areriiaie, jitnu r.weeny. lliuiivwlck East. II II Koch J. litis Dclonc: alien. il as, I II Koch, .-(cult Miller Brunswick Wwt, Jeirntlmu i,elby, Frank Yost; alt. mute, W bhoiner. liiytii. tMiuer ijrteBt. w ,i .iiaiinewa, iiiore Finicy: ntternates, W Mlirry, D Manning. l,t.l... r.. ... I,..t.. T l.,pn..M, (V.hUI bti'tie; tilleri atc, Hobert Thoinai, U Thomas. iiiyuie iivaiKii iv ijiihui;, jouu v jjuycr, Nicholas Tnomtnn. Branch. Jacob F I.uckenbllh alternates U W Daudo, Itanc Meirguo. uasH xNortu, rnincie lirinuau, xuicnaci Breuunn. Cutshoutli, Moigan Jones, v i,yiicti. ciesooi n t-outh. John llertor. O W Merkel: Rlternaics () Hudman, Itobert Ash, Crc sona Nnrlli, - H Hfrger, Oeoigo Itecd; nltnmte I, II, W Highes. uemuo, ie. n ,iiireiii, ,iariiu mtu. lildied. J D Honlcr. J Hodenberker: nlttr- natos I) II fmlth, Daniel S ltz. feidreci East. W H hcni8ir.ser. Fremont Fortlcb: nlleruates J IC Maurer. i,ewls Bou singer, Frullpy, A 1' Wiolstull, O W Htittei; alter nates Nitihau Kli-eufcr, Emit Aielinnn. Fe.ster. Jeweph ltutu edgo John Hay; alter nates Thomas Gray, lewts Ite d. Frnckvllle. J F .Price, Samuel Wynn; nltor nates Wm D..V1-, II T Evans uirrtrovuie Easi wuru, ji.nn .uewis, ai Howei: ullemules Nlchulus Bias., Thomas DavlM. Glrurdvllle illeiaio wnra, i.ouis mass, uuas. OrangeT. Gliuidvlilo Wesl waiet, v li 1'rlce, v lay brj alternates Thomas Evnns, Thomas iir.'cpy, Gllberlou West ward, William Bensluger, W Bitchony. Gllherton East ward, E Carey, E O Murray; alternates V F Murphy, W H Iryinyer. ejiitrerion jiiuuie waru, in j ijcury, an Baker. Gordon, N M Frank. J F liervis, Jr.; nitcr- natoa F E Hreher, G B Bench. . Hcc ns KhM. James uunkieberccr, A 11 Klnuser; alterna'o W Mnuicr. lleglns West, H IC Hnyeler, J W Ileckcr; al temntos John Hlcktrt, A. K. Laiutoiishiger. Hmipy, W OBallzer, Its Gilbert; ultimate 8 Bowman, Kline, Frank Kautqcr, Ifaac Dillllps, allcr uate J .1 Biem. . . Iiiindlnirv 1 o. Henry Drumucuor. J iiacs- elor; alternate, W L,(lller. Mt, carbon, iienry Ken, iioneri, uainpDen. Mannelm Nor li (Fochl'sl. John Gerber. Unvy Achy; iillcrnato Jere Focht. Muuhelm North (Mcl)ei mott's), A Sturm.W Kline: attninate W Yeaerer. Manneim JNortn ii'rowu s), a jicnimer, n W Weaver; niiernaio ueorgo wagner. Mniibtim North (Melot's), J A Filbert, Wm Kllllan; alieuiuto Fmnkllu lllddle. Maiibelm South IKcbei's). B F Iteber. WJ HhaeUtr; altpinatet Charles Ftsber, SH lthtne. Muuanoy wesi iijOsi i,tck, uio v joan. sou, Georise Thompson; nlteruato W Jones, .Mabanoy West (Haven Uuu), ThomaB B Twpehle. William Audi rron. JIaba oy Wist illiownsuile), Jas Hcoton, S Brown; alternates J l'rltv, J Jnmtia Mabanoy West (Wm. I'cnn), Thomas May, John Hughe; alternate J Mctz. Mabanoy East (hau'guu's), B Frost, George nichaids. Malianoy Esst (Cole's No.l), Jacob Gillespie, Di.nnlfl Wnalen. MntiBiioy East tcole's No. a). Jas ftinuuias. lanlcl T homas. Mahanoy i usl (Ulirt), Antiiony stack, wiiuam wrigni.jr. Mnhauoy City First ward, J J Coyle, E MnrrlK: iillei iihlna II . Uu . J 1 e llva. nbarioy City Second wnrd.E Barlor, John minnm; uuernaies joscpn iiugne?, . nun man. Jr. Mabanoy City Third ward, H 11 Brlcker, i i. uriro; aueruuies jacou uccaer, i uku uls. Mahanov cltv Fuurtb ward. W Y Weber A U Sherman; alternates J ASollgman,TQ Thomas, , . .. i . 1. 1 . Tim. ..... n - n.n .tinii'iliuj. 111 I'll!,, nniUi, uunvi, uiu I'artlett; alternates lleese Kosser, Isaac iuorgan, Mlnersvlllo East wird, J Phillips; John Bowman: alternate Calvin l'rlce. Mlueisvillo Westward, William Faulkner, Edward Shlssler. Mlddleport, Thomas Jennlngs.H W Bansler; alteriiutes F J Hltchey. J Steniiens. New Castle, New Caille, Uunlel Weller, Alonzo Iteber: allomnto Theodore Weller. Now Castle, Wade svllle, J D Thomas, W S Thomas, nlteruato James tltad. Norwegian Inst, Curry's, W Burton, T .uiumiey; aueii.nte wiuiam leoagcrs. Norwegian West, Curran's. .1 Eleenbnrg, Thomas Kcatinir: altcrnato J B Kellv. Norwegian East township, MHafty.TW Cullcn; alternates James Cellan, W Dunald son. New Philadelphia, B W Jones, J Tanner; alternate 1'hlllp Evans. New Klnggolil, David Vetter, II B Koch; alternate J ri Honsbeiger, u Lelser. Orwlgsburg, J A Dielendeifer, A 8 Gost; alternates K H Fey, A J Klsenhuth. 1'lnegrove borough, A s Munweller, G F imei; auernaies u j ueiiKemer. reier iviney. 1'lnegrove township Fast, F V Iteber, A Voder: alternates M Workimm. LH Adams. l'lne'gfiive township West, Fzru Iloughtner, G B sinbl; alternates George Adams, E. Kllnger. 1'aloAlto, E T Priest, E Hay; alternates Alex Gnvau, William Jones. I'oit LUntoc.O C Hatch, Kugeno Bond; nl ternntes. A A Klrlln. A I' llaich. I'ort Curbon, Wm Wentz, Henry Wnnn- juuurr, l'ort Carbon, (Mcclinnlcsvllle), Frank Btur man, Fra k Sands. runur rjabi, i vi cvuuh, liiruui inunrr, 1'orterWest, W Martz, J Urn bolt z; alter nate u ttcnrop. Eugene jiorn, I'orter North, Edward Houtz. Jacob Ilumpri alternates T J Davis. J Htrotl&ser. I'ollsvllle South ward, Arthur Shay, Georgo wainer; auernaie w wnuuey, jr. rottsvllle toutlitnst war', ugistKnecht, G CSchrlnk; alternate J U Frlck. 1'oitsvllleMldd'e watd, Ebsrt, Geo K Rmlth- niter, ntos J T Snvder. J M Freck. rottsvllle Northeast waul, II II Hill, E 0 Nlchol; alternates W Hast, F F Wndo. l'ottsvllle vorthwe st word, XV Owens, John Ilnlt-nUlo UAnonll, u,u,,l U'.bIou ij (. In, Thorans 1'lckton; alternates E:ust Meyers, li Buechley. Fottsvllle Nejrth ward. Oforge Owens, Jos navi; aiieruaiu Alex luiupie. Itahn. Thomas llrudtmiy.ll G Fisher; alter, nates David Huebes. Thomas Downs. Itush (HauckV). WABtlltler, WWKaup; Hush (I.utz's), V V Job, K F Hampshire, Jiriijf , iiui y Mxiy, ivuurrb weir, ltyan, Albert Ellis, Joseph Matthew; alter nates Daniel Jones. W v eaver. Schuylkill Haven Eastward, J II Sterner, J H MInnlch; alternates W D Uncntler, J II MiUKiey. Hchi ylklll Ifnven fouth wnrd.Chas llnrbst. Knaire' r'" nUcrnK,es W lllebsaemnn, l Hchuylklll lfavcn North ward.H Sterrer.W O lluey,- altf-rnnlo II V lloblnsori. ' Hcliuyllilll Haven Wistwunl, GeoAHbnef. Rr.Ti.oirins Jlrck, alternate I) Flnnucry. Fcbtiylklll tuwntbln, 11 Fletcher, Henry miu M"erlll"es ClinrltsUeLoiiB, Fllrock. Sl.ClsIr Bontliwnrd, Wash Ormo, J Hos. kins, 8r.; altei nates J Hughe., WH l!ect M. f intr North wnrd.Uroiye lllncker, Harry Sellginni.; al ernnlos Join, Urch, T. i-tc v nirl'?'.r '."g?'! r?r. .5 " te C IhS err . . n" i'ustwira, William IlArjKn Jelin lliiir'.by,- lie,nale8'niue" !., geri ' i- benand. nil Second ward, Chsrles Phillip., Hr.rtblnB ' Slii nn doah. Third ward, Or. J Stein. E K llltlerniaii; nlKmates John Thou J W Daddeiw. 1 .tfufi?r'':, Von'h wmel. .lolin A I,, wis, wlU,lli Bl"'ats W Ucni, Hugh Shenandoah, Fifth wnid, Heniy Wnmlck, John Hunn; alternates T I'oncll, li lll.fl ramarnia Ka'twnrd, John Mei get, Iwls Ilenrj-: iiltcrnntes OTIley, AH Olussinlre. lam qu Nrih w,.rd, W E I'ugn, Edtuuud r.l..yd; uPernate A Butlev, Tamannn 8outhwid, XV T Davis, J C Walt, ers; alternate PDalu, ' licmont bo eiugh. Fast wnrd, W Moore. llhotnnH took 1 11; nlternnlos OH Hesser. si Gi'srttier, ' Tremont borough, West wnrd, Jllroner, O W Lehman: alternates Dr. W J liuln, A lt Mlnnlng. Neiu'"0111 ,"wn,,llP' D Worknnn, Harry Uprer Mahnnlongo, Johu KUnclbeny. .,.Vi';0.".,,'",;,cllM,;"!i''r Kllss Miller; slier, nate Gldeou Bei'Ser. Union tat. Nelson Binudou, GeoICnecht: al'ernate- 1,T llrai.elun n,2ilPv'.Vh'iolm11 Dails' 3 N I'" nil" nt W Felberoll. V1m,cV. u,llt'cki SaiLUilIleisloi; nlter uato C H Kntorllno. IeDn ,Kmh (Leiby'sl, JBMnunlz, Jocob Longnecker. West If mi Northeast (Mantz), W Mnuntz. Iinvidt'he ' Weft I'pnn Nortluvest (Wren's), TtosBIIl ninn, Henry Tjiu. Goorg'e Se'i0n (Uatdorrs' Lyon G Heed, wiutiington (Hock), John Fertlir. W FMstz. IVnyne, Nortn, Daniel Yetth. a I) lietd. Wayne, South, James A IleUucr, Frank: Yotkvllle, Ifnnc Rich, Henry Becker. D, D. 1'HII.LIl'S, Chairman. t'iiiiiweipiua and Eoading ftaiJrosd. li-jnt lable in effect July tt 181 1 iUM LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS. ffVil. Smo Vnrlr rtn Uhllalnhi.. j. 2. 0 5.25, 7JU n. m, and 12 85 20 mm c.s4 i. tu. nuuuuy 2,iu ana i.vs a, m, Kor Hew ...,., vim diuiiuu uiiuaK, ween aavs. 5.. For Kftfldlnir nilfl Vl-lla,lolr.'hln um, 2.10, 6.25, 7.2(), a. m., 12.35 20 and p:m. 'K Hairlsburg, week aay, 2 1U..20 a. m, .'0, 0.55 p. in. or Aflentown, week days, 7.20 . in., 12.3ft . 0 p. ta. or l'ottsvllle, week days, 2.1 e 7.1, m 2.3"i tSO nndti.Mp. la. Pnnday, 2.10 and 7.4 m , 180 p.m. For iuiuauiiR and Kalmnoy City, wee ls, 2..0, 6.25, 7.20, a. m., 123 20 aad 5.68 ' TVi. .Htiiirlnv. 9 lll,-i,l 7ld to .1 tn Additions! !or iiananoy Oily, week eiavs '7.00 p.m. for juincancr ana columula, wclc days, 90 a. ni..2.60p. m. v,k days. 3.2i, 7.20 and H..U a. m 1.S3, lM . m. dunelay 3.25 . m.. 3.O.1 n. in. tor Mahanoy Plane, wees, elays, 2.10 8.25, 1 2S, 7.20 und 11,30 a.m., 12.35, 1.35, 2.W, 6.55 7.0uann . m. Sunday, 2.10, 4.23 and7.4i H. Ul. 4.'.t, -l.OU It, 1U, nor uiraiuviuo (Kappaiiannoco: station v.vik days, 2.10, 8.25, 5.25, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m 12.aj. 1 35 2.60. 5.65. ..00 ana ".25. n. m. Hondas 2-10, 2 1, 7.48 a. jo;, 8.06, 4.30 p.m. roc inumuu auu DiituuiiKiu, wees: eiays, l.2i, 5.25, 7.20, ll-3'l a. m,, 135, 7.00 and 0,25 ,. ui, Sunday 3.23, 8.32 a. m 3.05 p. m. ritAIIJS FOtt SHENANDOAH : iisave New York via Plillaelelphla, week lays, 7,45 a. m., 1.30, 4.00. 7.30 p. m 12.1& light. Sunday, 0.00 p.m., 12.15 nlgnt. ljcnve Ke York via Manch Chunk, week lays, 4.30. 8.45 a. m 1.00 and J.0J p. m. Ijeavo Philadelphia, weex days, 4.10, and 10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. ni., from Brtad vatl Callowhill and 8.S5 a. m. and 11.30 p, m. from (Ml am. e.roou IroeU. Sundav 0.05 a. m. 11.10 p. m.from Sth and unvu, jxave KeaQiug, week anys, 1.33. 7.10, 10.15 ad 11.50 a. iu.. 6.65. 77 n. m. Sunelav 1.S5 ana 10.13 a. m. Leave Pottavllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m VlfV. 8 11 n. m. Sundav. 2.40. 7.00 a. m. and 2X6 o. sn. ijeaveTamaqua, week days, 8.20, 8,48 and 2 1 a. m 1.21. 7.13. and 9.18 n. m. Sundav 8.2a. 7 43 m. and 2.50 p. 1)1. ijave Aiananoy uuy, weeK aays,, w.j xnil 11.47 a. m 1.61, 7.42 and 11.44 p. m. Bun. Jay, 3.40,8.17 a, lu., 3.20 p. m. Leave Alulianov Plane, week davs.2'4) .J0, ll.iO a. m.,1.05, 2.C0. 5 20, 6 26, 7.57, and 1 mill. m. Sundav 2.4 . 4.00. and K.7. m. 3 37, 5.01, p. m, x HtB uiraiavuiB titappanannocs uiaiion rftHi rtuyB, 2.47, 4.07, 6.3J, and P.41 a, m 12.05, i 2, 5.V, b.82, 8.03 and 10.00 p, m, 3unday,2,47, l.0;, 8 33 a. m. 3.41, 6.07 p. in. iaso Wllllariibport, week days, 8.00,9.45 ana .1.66 a. no. 3.86 and 11.15 p. m, Sunday 11,15 p, m. For Baltimore, Washington and tho west la B, & O. it. H., through trains leave Ulrard Wenuo station, Philadelphia, (P. & It. It. it,) at (.16, 801 and 11.27 a. m1.34, 4.24, 6.55 ami 7.23 p. tn. Sunday, 4.18 8.02 11.27 u. m., 4.24 ..55and7.2Jp.m. ATtiANTIO CITY DIVISION. i.iave Philadelphia, Chsatnut Street Wharf ind South Street Wharf. For Atlantic Cltv. Week-days Express, 5.15, 8 00.9:00,10,43 a. m. enali (Saturdays only. L301. 2.C0. 8.00. 3.30, i.i , 5 00, 0.00 p. iu. Accommodation, 7 4t M, Ul., 4,10, O iRI p, m. -tunnb. iJipreas, 615, 7.00,7.31, 8.00, 8S1V 9.00, 0.80 a. m. nnd 4 30 p. m. uaiu;iaoa 8.00 a. m. and 45 p. iu. iveiurnlng. leave. Atlantic City, depot corner Aailoand Arkansas svoimeB.-.Wek-dflvs Express, 7.00, 7.30, 8 00, 9.00, 10.00 a. m. and 8.15, 4.00, 6.30. .3'i, 7.B0, 9 30 p. m. Accommodation 0.00, 8.10a, ru. and 4.1:0 p m. Snndays-Ex press, 8 30, 4.00, 6 00, 0 00, 6-30. 7-00, 7.30, 8 00, 9.80 p, 111. Accommodation, 7.30 a. m.,5.05 p, m. u. U. HANUOeJK, Utu i rat r Jiitl A MOI.EOD. Pres. 4 Oen'l Manager. Yy'ILMINaT0N NOUTHEKN K. It. Tunc table in tffect May, 10, 1891, Trains leave Heading (P. at It. station) for Gibraltar, Seyftrt, Bireuboro, Joanna, Spring, deld, Wayuesbuig Junction, Coatesville.West Cbcster.Chadsford Juuctlon, B. A O. JuuctlonL Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dally except bunday, at (1.25 and 8.30 a.m. und 8.15 p. m. Sunday only al 3.05 p. rn. " For Warwick, SUPeteis and Intermediate statlons.dnlly excpt Sunday, at 9.20 a.m., and 6.19 p.m. Munday only 8.15 a. m. For ana Intermediate stations, Saturday only, at 12 m. For Bultlinore and Wachlneton (B. A O.K. H.) dally except Sunday at 0.26 ami 8.30 a. m. and 3.16 p. 111. huuday only at 3.06 p. ra. Trains arrive at Heading (P. A H. etatlon) from Wilmington, B. & 0. Junction, Mont rhunlu, Cbaeldsiord Junction, West Chester. Lenape. Coalesvllle, Wayneburg Junction, Sprlngueld,Joannn,Blrdsboro, Gibmltar, Sey. forvund lmermedluie stations, dally except Sunday at IO.20 a. m. 6.52 nnd 8.17 p. m. bun day only at 11.24 a. m. From St. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate stations, dally except Sunday, at .H a. uu and 2.25 p.m. Sunday only at 6 p. m. From Blitlsboro and luurmidiati itatlons. Saturday only at 1.40 p. rn. From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex. cept Sunday, 10 20 a. 111. 6.62 and 8.17 p.m. Sunday only at 11.21 a. m. BOW NESS UltlUOH, Gen'l Pass. Act, A. O. MrCAUSr,AND.Bupt. 6 RUPTURE, pdo It u 1 I UliUi Hupture by Dr. J. 11. MAYEIt, 831 Arch St., Pblla. Thomas II. llnrtuug, New HlnggWd, Pn., I. nndt, Soma Etisiim, Pu I., p. a c. A. Deturck, O'ey, Pa,. It. G, Stanley, 421 Spruce St, , Lebanon, Pa , A. Schneider. l,oe Uft Ilalo, Pa., D, II. Noll. Lime kiln, Pn , Wm. E. Har.enstlne, Phoenlxvllle. Pa W. M. Ltlubach, 024 Wuthli gton St., Heading, Pa., J. O. Lyme. 131n W. Howard St., llarrisiiurg. Pa., O. Keebn, Dounlassvllle, Pa. I)r. MAYEH Is at Hotel Peun, Heading, Pa., on the 2ud Saturday ot each month. Cull le see him. it. BRICKER. M. D p'ff YHIOIAN AND SZROEON, So; 9 Kast Centre Street; Mabanoy City, Fa Skin and all special diseases a specialty. , vVlu,co iimif uouamau, b