SHETAOTOAL PA., THURSDAY, JULY 30. 1891. ONE CENT. THE SUEEST EOAD TO WEALTH IS THEOTIGH LIBEEAL ADVERTISING VOL. VI.--NO. 152. I V CONVENTION CALL. To the Republican Elector) of rennsylv mint After consultation and correspondence with the members of the llepubltcan State Committee, and by their direction. I herebii atve notice that JCX'he Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duty IJihosen representative. Mil meet in State Con- II V. J-1 llf,..,, tfl ventwimt tiurrutjuiy. ir ninwiv "t 1801, at lOo'clock A. M., for the purpose ofplac. ing in nomination candidates for the offices of Slate Treasurer and Auditor Oeneral, for the nomination of eighteen candidates for Delegates-at-Large to the Constitutional Omventlon pro vided for in the Act of Assembly approval June 19, 1891, and for the transaction of such other business as may be presented. ftotlce is especially directed to the fact that, in accordance with the provisions of the last men tioned at, each Senatorial district Is entitled to a representation of three delegates in said Con stitutional Convention, two of whom only can be members of the majority party In said district. Tlte electors of each district are therefore re guested to make proper nominations for dele gates to said convention, the rules governing the nomination of candUlates for S.ate Senator to jjie applicable. ' In Ms connection the Chairman desires to call the attention of Republican voters to the recom mendation of the State Convention of 1SS2, that "they allow the greatest freedom in the general participation in the primaries consistent with the preservation of the party organization." Wf. Jl ASDllF.WS, Chairman. BOARD OP TRADE. Iu another part of to-day's IIeuald' will be found nu article upon tho necessity of some action being taken by our capitalists nuil others, in oiler- lng inducements to outside manufac turers to locato In our midst. Tho B KiiALD lias time aud again called the attention of its readers to this fact, and has done everything in Its power to organize a Hoard of Trade, but to no avail. For the reason that we have no sucli organization in our midst, industries havo been established in other towns throughout the county, that, had the proper efforts been made, could have been induced to locate in Shenandoah. This is a matter that should demand the imuiediato attention of our citi zens; and it is to be hoped that tho meeting culled for to-morrow evening will be largely attended. Go thore prepared to do something in tho way of united action. Let us have a Boaid of Trade. jShenandoth will never bo anything more than a mere coal mining town uuless there is some organized action taken on tho part of Its citizens. Get together. jfft GIGnSTTS por yd for tlte BEST TABLE OILCLOTH, j Sold In other stores for 85o. All floor C Oilcloth reduced. Call for bargains J C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre Kciter is now receiving a new Brussels and Ingrains in. UEW OIL Just opened a large assortment of Choice IStew Patterns, U in all widths. JjUSULiEUMH yards wide, S A SPECIAL BARGAIN X2V SYRUP. Tlie Finest Table Syrup we have ever Had for tlie price. Heavy Body, Light Color, Splendid Flavor, Strictly l'urc Cane Syrup, Not mixed PRICE TEN CENTS A. QUART. Also n Fair Sugar Syrup at G cts. "Northwestern Daisy !" Is a high grade Patent Flour Made from choicest Mln nesota Wheat. Makes Jlour. EASY TO 33 .A. 331 33- Guaranteed Equal in every JBlour in' the market, $0.00 PER Jbor sale only NEWS OF THE DAY. Gold yesterday at Buenos Ayros was quoted nt 81? per cont. premium. The mnrrlngo of Mr. Lincoln's daugh ter to Mr. Ishum will occur In September. William Vornknmp, ot Hobokon, N. J., was found dead on tho railroad track nt Vlncennos, Iud. Maj.-Gen. John M. Sahofleld and wife left Chicago last evonlug for the East. They are In the best of health. Some Danzig odlolals have discovered that hacllliiry Infection can bo communi cated by the "membranes" of telephones. Tho Canadian IIouso of Commons nt Ottawa rejected Sir Rlohnrd Cortwrlght's reciprocity amendment to tho proposed tar I II change. Governor Hill's roprtovo of murderer Wnyman, In Jail at Geneseo, N. Y., is thought to Indicate a final commutation to llfo imprisonment. The Now York "Herald" has been In dicted by the Now York Grand Jury for publishing nn account of the quadruple electrocution at Sing Slug. Louis Itoblnonlcz, a Russian Jew nged 1(1 years, committed suicide nt Now Haven, Conn., yesterday. Despondent over fatluio to procure work. The reciprocity treaty between the United States and San Domingo has boon signed and will bo proclaimed by the President In tho early part of next month. At the Lord Mayor's banquet In Lon don Lord Salisbury complimented Mr. Balfour and congratulated tho Conserva tive party on the condition of nffatr.s In Groat Britain nnd throughout Europe. Tho Big Four Railroad strike among tho union switchmen nt Springfield, 0,. has heeu settlod by the mon going to work at the old wages. The blockade of tho freight, which had assumed serious proportions, has bocn raised. The City Hotel nt Portland, Mo., owned by Mr. E. C. Sweot, Is financially embarrassod. A meeting of the creditors has neon called. Tho cause of the trouble. Mr. Sweet says, Is the liquor law which Is driving away trodo from tho houso. Captain William J. Saunders of the new American "whale back" steamer, Unurles wetmoro, died suddenly at Liver pool during tho morning. Ho was found lying doad In his berth when tho officers ot tho steamer entered his stateroom at un enrly hour. Tho business men of Johnstown, Pa., held a meeting and voted unumlnously to Institute) proceedings at once against tho south fnrk Club for damaaos sua tnlnod by the great flood. Anothor meet ing will be held to-morrow when funds will be subscribed to dofrny the legal ox pen bos. Weiithor Indications. Wasiiinoto.v, July 30. For Now Enfflandi Light showers; stntlonary temperature ox' cept slightly warmer ou tho coast from Port land to llostou; southerly winds. For Eastern Now York, Eastern Pennsyl vanlaand Now Jersoy: Light showers; slight ly warmer, oxoept stationary temperature on tho lmmedlato coast; varlttblo win Is. For Western New York ami Wostoru Pennsylvania: Showers; stationary tempera turc; southerly winds, Tho Doctor and Postmaster were talking about a ease of serious Illness due ton neglectei wht and rapidly going Into consumption which wan promptly cured by l'an-nna uougn una uonsnaipuou uure, Trial bottles line at Ivlrlln's drug store. lluy Keystone Hour. 13a careful that the namo Lessio & Co., Ashland, Pa., it printed on evory sack. H-3-3taw stock ot Tapestry and Body handsome new tall patterns. CLOTHS. from $1 up. ' wltU Corn Syrup and Glucose. more bread thanordinary respect to any Jllgh-prlced BARREL. MAKE AJTART. WILL WE HAVE A BOARD OP TRADE ? A MEETING GALLED FOR FRIDAY. Tlmo 1b Ripe for a Movomont to Bottor tho Intorosts of tho Town Let Our Monlod Men Make a Move. Timo to bo moving I Yes, the rato of speed at which we aro now traveling as an Industrial town la entirely too slow for this advanced ago. While other towns all around us aro tak ing advantage of their opportunities to bring industries within tholr borders, thus giving omploymont to tho unomployod, Shenandoah is still traveling in tho samo old rut, with no appainntsign of improve ment, wliilo hundreds of our citizens aro anxiously awaiting tho establishment of a factory or two of some kind in our midst that will givo them omploymont: and at the tamo timo materially increase tho bank accounts of our monied men. It is, with out doubt, one of tho urgent necessities of tho times that Shenandoah needs several manufacturing industries, and needs thorn now. V Who will make tho first move ? It is only n boginning that is needed, When tho ball is onco startod in tho direc tion indicated Shenandoah will not only bo the leading town in thocounty in rospoct to tho number of its inhabitants, but it would soon bo tho loading manufacturing contra of Schuylkill. W hy should it not ? With its unsurpassod railroad facilities, an abundanco of cheap fuel, and unlimited supply of water, wo havo all tho requisites necessary for the location of outsido manu factories in our midst. Now is tho time. Start tho ball a-rolling, and koop it rol ling. UowBhallwo mako a start, did you say ? By united, action organization. L"t us havo a Board of Trade, and at onco. Shenandoah has boon too long without ono. Even Frackville, with its population of only 3,W0, surpassos us in this respect. Our Borough Council haJ taken tho initiative in passing tho tix oxomplion ordinance. Now lot sevoral of our public spirited citizens got together and doviso somo moans whereby wo can offer sufficient inducements to manufacturers to locato among us. Wo suggest that Dr. J. S. Kistler, John itobbins, A. J. Luborg, P. J. .Ferguson, J. J. Franoy, William Kimmel, 1. J. Qaughan, James Champion, John A. Keilly, Col. J. K. P. Schlofly and others wo might montion get togethor and con sidor this question in all its bearings. It will cost you nothing but a little of your spare time. Gut together, gentloracn I Will you net? Since no ono sootns disposed to tako tho initiative step in the matter, let this be con sidered a notice to the gentlomon whoso nam oa are mentioned above, and all others who aro so disposed, to meot in tho parlors of tho Ferguson IIouso ou Friday evening next. Go thoro prepared to talk business. Organize a Board of Trado at once. Manufacturers aro knooklng at our doors, and it bf hooves us to be proparod to re ceive them. Got togethor, gentlemen. Mino Ventilation. If you wish to inform yoursolf in tho properties of air and gases, methods ot dealing with fire-damp, natural ventilation, friction of air In mines, splitting thn cur rent, ascensional ventilation, meavurement of ventilation, tho water-gauge, safety lamps, to explore tho workings of u mino after a serious explosion, treatment of persons overcomo by gas, treatment of injured porsons, otc, read The Colliery Engineer. Subicrlption price ?2.00. Ad drats TbJ Colliery Kgineer Company, Scranton, l'a , for free samplo copy. Oh, What a Coush. Will you heed the warning? The . Iminl nnr. ba: thn sure appriMoU of that luoro ter. tease. Ooniurnntlon. Asfc voLinalved rlbio dlsente, Consumption If you can ullorcl for the sake or saving 50 tents, to run the risk and do notblmt for II. Wb know from experience that Hhllou' Oure will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This spUliw why more tlwn h Million Motile were sold the pisl year. It relieves Croup and Whopplnit Couti at once Mothers do not be without It. For ljumo Back, Side or Chest, use Shlloh's Porous riaster. Hold by a II. Hageabueb, N. K. corner Main aud Lloyd streets. Lot Up. Ths Chronicle is finding fault with its contemporaries fur using looal matter from its paper without credit. Helms and Fos ter, who run that machine, should not mind llttlo things like that, for they are not slow in doing the samo. Entitled to the Best. All aro ontitlod to tho best that their, money will buy, so evory family should hayo, at onco, a bottlo of tho best family remedy, Syrup of Figi, to cleanio tho sys tem when costlvo or bilious. For tale In 60o and ?l.QQ bottles, by all loading druggists. EAGLE'S MERE. A Popular and Beautiful Sunanior Resort. Havo you ever boon to Esglo's Moro? If not, you havo missed tho ono fair spot on this oartli. It is situated in Sullivan county, about six miles from Muncy Valloy, on tho Wil- llamsport & North Branch Hal'road, at an elevation of '2,200 foet abovo tho level of tho sea. It is a picturesque namo derived from tho beautiful lako which in former years 4vas tho haunt of many eagles. Situated at such an attltudo In tho rarefied air of tho mountains, it is vory healthful, tho Invigorating breezes are not only ever active, but aro impregnated with tho fraeranco of surrounding pines and hem locks, possessing a peculiary cll'ectivo and strengthening power. Whilo Eaglo Moro, by roason of its natural advantages, is a sanitarium for the weary, ailing, or sufferers from malarial troubles, nervousnoss, asthma, or hay -fever, it is at tho samo timo a most attractive family resort freo from tho restraints of ultra fashionablo conventionalities and offoring ovcry feature that could contribute to tho pleasure and happiness of ladies and childron. This attraction and healthful resort can bo reached by taking tho P. & It. it. K, patsengor trains to Hall's station thonco on tho Willinmsport and North Branch K. R. Wo loft Shenandoah with a party of four via Philadelphia & Heading at 7:20 a. in., waiting at Mahanoy Plane until tho ar rival of tho up train from Philadelphia. Tho journoy to Hall's, whore wo change cars, is most delightful. Tho new Beading management has got things down vory fino and it is a real pleasure now to mako the trip when, not many months igo, it was the other way. Tho cars are thn most luxurious nnd tho crow very gotitlumauly and obliging. At Hall's wo chango and board tho train on tho Williamsport & North Branch Ittil road which is in waiting. A run of 20 mllo3 brings us to JIuncy Valloy, tho present terminus of tho road, whero wo tako coaches lor the Moro, a distance of botweon 5 and G mllos from tho station. Arriving at tho top wo mado ourselves comfortable at Hotel Bichmond and ou joyed ono of tho b ,st dlnnora wo havo Bat down to in many a day. Tho improvements noticed sinco our last visit hero is very groat and a genoral air of prosperity prevails. There aro sovoral othor lirst-class hotols horo, and all ol them havo plenty of boardors for tho sea son. Through Messrs. Lawlor, of tho Bead ing, and Welch, of tho Williamsport and North Branch lUUroads, wo aro indobted for many kindnesses. C, PERSONAL. J. J. Dougherty is homo again. Mrs. Iilchard Harington is vory ill. J. P. Williams and wifo are at Atlantic City. Fred. Hoisonberger returned homo yes terday. Max Heoso wont to Wilkes-Barro this morning. Miss Emma Koiper visited Mahanoy City yostorday. Miss Mattio Loo roturnod homo from Gordon last evening. Miss Annio ivimmol visited frionds at Mnhanoy City yesterday. Doctors Diddle and Boylo, of tho Min Hospital, wero at Lakesido yesterday. Miss Mary Miller loft for Mount Camel to-day to visit frionds for several day... Mr. Toby, thoaocretary and treasurer of the Lakeside Company, Is an excellent musician. 'Squire Wm. E. Hay, of Clearfield county, was In town to-day shaking hands with old-timo friends, Silas Gay and William Barker, of town, left this morning for Salt Lako City, Utah, with the Intention of making that city their future homo. POLITICAL) POINT3. The Journal has nominated the stato ticket and tho delegalos oau govern the no selves accordingly by staying at homo. Tho Democratlo literary bureau has commonced to send out circulars, etc. No new candidates have been announced since yesterday. Slato Treasurer Boyor was largely tho cause of all the benofieial financial loglsia tion last winter at Harrlsburg. Paoker Colliery, No. 5, Firo. Tho firo at Packer oolliory, No. C, of tho Lehigh Valley Coal Company, which wss first discovered on Monday night, has been extinguished, but not befuro considerable damage was dono. Tho damagoa will bo repaired at once. The firo was caused by tho igniting ot tho timbers by workmen who had been engaged in removing tho same, by their lumps, Playing Cards. You can obtain a paok of best quality playing cards by sending flftoon cents in pottagu to P. S. Euitlt, Gen'l Pass. Agt. 1!., C. & Q.K. U, Chicago, 111, tf They Aro Splendid. Wo mean thoso Cheviot suits you can get at A. T. Jones. "Famous" Clothing storo for fO.60. QUAY 'RESIGNED ! NO LONGER A MEMBER OP THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE. COLONEL DUDLEY ALSO RESIGNS. Gen. J. S. Olnrkson Solected for tho National Chairmanship. Garrot A. Hobart, of New Jersey, Vico-Ghalrman. Warhinoton, July 80. Behind the clotcd doors ot the room In the Arling ton IIouso whoro tho executive- commit tee ot tho Republican National Commit tee hold lta seasiou last uight, Matthew Stanley Quay tendered his resignation ns a member and chairman of both tho executive committee nnd tho Nnttoual Committee In a note containing the In formation that ho had sent to the Penn sylvania State Committee his resignation as tho representative- of that State in the National organization W. W. Dudley, the troasuror of the National C.mimlttoo also tendered Mm resignation of that office und tho execu tive committee adopted eulogistic reso lutions setting forth tho service of Sena tor Quay nnd Col, Dudloy and express ing regret at tholr nctiou. Tho resignations ot Chairman Uuay und Treasurer Dudloy wero then formal ly laid on tho tnblo and accepted, sub ject to tho approval of tho full Itopubli cau National Committeo at Its next meet ing. Mr. Clarkson wns elected chairman of tho executive committeo, and Mr. Ho bart was elected vlco-chalrmau in tho place of Mr. Clarkson, the chairman bo iug authorized to select n treasurer to succeed Mr. Dudley. Mr. Clavkton will net as chairman of tho nation il committee until a meeting of that body can bo held to elect a suc cessor to Seuutor Quay. The most Important business ot the scehlon was the actlou of tho committee In authorizing ltn chalrm .n and secre tary to call a meeting of tho entire na tional committee, at such place and time in Noveuibor as thoy may select, for tho purpose ol deciding oa tho placo where the next national convention shall be held. WHY ERHARDT RESIGNED. lie KetH nt ltoat All Iluuiurti by Making Mnteuiuut. New Yoiik, July HO. Speculation ns to Collector Erhardt'a reasons for his abrupt resignation was set at rest to-day by Col. Erhardt himself, who made tbo fol lowing Htatomc it: 'I have resigned bocauBe the Collector Is reduced to a position where he Is no longer an Independent ollloer with au thority commensurate with un responsi bility. I have given bonds tor $200,000. I have recolved lor tho government dur ing tho 20 months last past $1)23,091, 185.40 nud am all the tlmo personally ro sponsible for enormous values In money nnd In merchandise. .My duties aro necessarily performed through about 1,500 employes. I am not willing to con tinue to bo responsible lor their couuuet unless I havo proper authority ovor them. "Tho recont polloy of the Treasury Do partmont has been to control tho de tails ot the customs administration of the port of Now York from Washington at the dictation of u private individual, having no oQlcial responsibility. Tho Collector Is practically deprived of power and control, while ho Is left subject to all responsibility. The otUco Is no longer independent, - nd I am. Thoreforo we havo separated." As soon ns ho Is rollovert from the Col lectorship, ho will jolu his family lu tho New Hampshire hills. ficnator Fastntt Appuluti-d Collf'otnr Cafk May, N. J., July 80. Tho Prosl- dent b.iB ucceptod tho resignation of Col lector ot the Port of Aew York Joel II. Erhardt, to tako effect Aug. 1, and has appointed as his successor Senator J. Bloat Fiibsott, of ElmUu, N. Y. PEFFER'S PLAIN TALK. Thn Clrcat lied Dt-uuun In AVall Rtruet Wuntn IU Inuth I'llllud. Sctmcn SrniNOS, Tex., July 80. Sena tor Poller wns tho orator of tho Farmers' encampment horo. Moro tbnu 4,000 peo ple were present to hear the Kansas Seu utor. Ho wanted the government to loan tho peoplo money ut 1 per cont to lift 0,000, 000 mortgages, and to pull tho teeth and close the mouth of tho groat red dragou in Wall Btreet. He proposed to do this with flat mouoy, Issued directly to the people who bad mortgaged their homes. His t-peech lasted two hour"?, and he closed by saying that the People' party would llunlly elect tbo President, House nnd Serinte, and If tho Supremo Court was not with them they would make an other, An Old Couiiterfultor bonltmced. Erik, Ph., July 80. When Judge Heed opened Circuit Court here Chnun cey Marble, tho aged and wealthy lnm liermnn, whose rescue was attempted by Columbus friends, came Into oourt and pleaded guilty to the Indictment charg ing htm with having counterfeit money in bis posseMslou, Marble Is 05 years old. Judge ltetd sentenced lilm to pay a fine of $30 and uudergo u term ot two years in thu Allegheny penitentiary. Want 813,000 tor a richt. San FiiAncisoo, July 80. A telegram was sent to Jimmy C trroll by tbo Paoifla Athlotlo Club last night ollorlug a purse of fO.OOO for Hall and Fltzslmmons to flaht hero. Carroll refused the oner, uo mandlng S1U.00Q. The Callfornl i Club bad offered 0,000. The clubs auuounce that they will uot give 13,000, JR. O U. A. M. What is Transpiring in tho Coun cil Chambers. State Councillor Collins ha, during his tirm of offico, broken tho record of any previous year, having granted charters to 183 now councils, which added fj,6tW mem bers to tho roll. This is an averane of over thirty to each council, nnd many of them lave doubljd their membership since their Institution. Tlie sessions of tho State Council has been changed from August to September. Tlie coming Stato Council will bo hold at Unioulown, Fayotte county. rVugust 19tli will be celebrated by all tbo councils of New Jersey ai America's Day it Ashury Park. Mnjor Jennings Council, of town, nt their last meeting, adopted as parade uniform whlto ack coat with red collar, yaclitiS cap and cane. It will be worn lor the C,'t? time on Amorica's Day at St. Clair. t Tlie total number of councils in thn is nr-w 070. .,,.. Tbe State Councillor is arranging to .'V!!, services, during tho sessions tho Stato Council, to the memory of th. members of that body who have died sinco tho previous session. Several members of Major Jennings Council, of town, will shortly take a trip to St. Clair and endeavor to get ac.mncil started in that town and have it instituted on America's Day. A very handsome monument ha boi n erected at the grave of tbo late Past Statu counodlor, .1, P. Winowor, by his relatives On one side of thn shaft has his name with tho date ot bis birth and death, and on tho other three Asides, respectively, a o tho emblems of the Jr. O. U. A. St., tho P O. S ol A. and the K. of P. Tho emblems of these sccieties wero placed upon tho monument in deference to a wish oxpres cd by him previous to his death. lVich Cnul Ht'rllin. Plymouth, Ph., July 30. In Dodson Colliery, opo rated by John J, Haddock & Co., of New York city, tho Boss volu was struck last oveulug after 12 month driving through solid rock. Eight feet of clem- coal la lu sight, and tho colliery could bo workod for 20 years before) soarclilng for othor volns. Mother 1)1 I'uzzl Unnd. RocnESTEii, N. Y., July 80. Mothor Dl Pazzi died nt tho Convent of Moroy last evening. Deceased wns born in County Claio, Ireland, and entered tho Convent of Mercy ut Providenoe, R. L, lu 1685. She was sent to Rochester lu 1837. Mother Dl Pazzl was oue of ths oldest nuns In tho city. Unluti Mun llcelve Warning. Pottsvillk, Pa., July 80. Qonernl Manager Milllkoti gives: notice iu tho dally papers that unless' the 800 striking hands of the Pottsvlllo Iron and Steel Company's mill return to work within two weeks the mill will be closed to thetu forever, and non-union men will fill their places under police protection. Kllh'd bv Swullowliiff n liu. Pjttbburo, July 80. Whilo lu Paris with her parents, four years ago, Martha fc'rlck, then ago.l two yoars, swallowed a pin. Yesterday alio died at Cresson Springs as the result. She was the daughter of Henry O. Frlck tho million aire ooko operator nud steel manufac turer. Aconpts Uudur I'rntuiit. Wabhinoton, July 80. Tho Westorrt Union Telegraph Company has nccopted $100,000 ou upproved bills at tho rates llxed by tho Poetuiastor-Qeneral, eutor tug a protest uutll the legal questions Are settled. Iluulc Itobbory at Sua Unibor, New Yohk, July 30, During the morn ing while tho employes of tho I'ecouio Bank at Sag Harbor were watolilug the passing of a procession, a thief onterod tho bank nud grabbed n paokage contain ing $3,000 with wbloh he esoapod. H.'crot Cotifprouce of Htrlkers HAnnisuuno, Pa., July 80. Prosldent Woiho, ot the Amalgamated Association,, arrived ut Steeltou at noon and held u seoret oonferanoe with the strike lenders. Nothing regarding the conference could bo learned. Itdllil Ili'HfEg'a Hotly round. IlomoN, July 80. Tho body of Edun Bragg, who drowned hertwlf lu the Charles Illver Friday, w washed aghoro at Cumbrldgeport. lust evening. It was, inuoh ilUooloreil and disllgurod, beln cut by oykter ahull aud pebbles. Advertise in tbe Herald. Fruit Jars, Jelly Tumblers, PRESERVE CROCKS 1 qt, 2qt, 3qt, 4 qt. Brown Sugar, 4c. Whole & Ground Spices GRAF'S, No, I22 North Jardin S treat.