zpic-nsrxc goods OTvr np A icb -AT T1IK- CORNER STORI All kinds of potted menls, llsli, canned good.", oyHliTB, lobsters, crabs, Ktimliui caviar, fresh vpiced oysters, flneat Hinok-Hl hums, bo logiiHB Hiul &nilod beef, York state full cioani o)ieuM!,li.iiiulitliul,Swls, Kduui, BiiiHiitr unci LlmburKcr. Fine tuuortmuil of enlun mill bis cultH. O. am) H. pickles of nil kinds, l'lokles by tliodoZfii. You will find jut what you want-. Cor. Centre and White Streets, The Evening PlERALD ALL TItK NKWS l'OK 0NI1 CUNT, Has a larger circulation In Shenandoah than any other paper iuniulid. Circu lation tiooKn open to all. LOCAL LTJNOHSON. Applet pi only. UiK fruit ftiiuon. Plenty of rain this month. There la too much profane talk on tho streets. 1'olatoosare Una and large and a big crop this year. The law against company storos will ro into oileet on August let. Tim morning and evening during July hnvo boon delightfully pleasant. It required ten oars to take the picnickers to Ijaketido from town thia morning. Y ju can't size a man's reliidon up by thci size of the prayor book heoarrios un der Mi arm. Upon the whole this summer the rain .11110 when most needed, and in iucIi quan tities to meet the approbation of the most critical. An excursion to Glen Onoka pasied through town yoslerday. It was made up fruin Ashland, Girardvlllo and othor points. Shenandoah furnished a small delegation. They Are Splondid. We mean thojo Cheviot suits you can git at A. T. Jones' "Famous" Clothing st ro for J6.fi0. II don t do to negltct nuturo'B warning achcB throuuh lie n'Mem. alum Itlicuittu- tl ,m, Neuralgia mid Backache. Try llti Klnfc tj.i. tne I'ttinous fain Lime, cents anvir Uo a drug stove. Wrullinr Indications. Wabuinoton, July SO. l'or New England and Eastern New Vorlc: Showers; stationary temperature; southwesterly winds. l'or KaMurn Pennsylvania nnd Now Jeix-yi bhowen: slightly cooler, oxocpt stationary tomporature at Harrteburg: southorly winds, Tor Western Now York anl Western Pennsylvania: Showersi stationary terapem- turo, oxoept sltuhtly cooler at Itochottui- nii.l Bllghtly wni iner at Pittsburg: southerly wlnilj, N15W VOliK atAKKBTS. New Yoiik. July 88-JIonoy on o.ui loanoil cosy ut 1 ana per oeni. 110ND3. Closing Yesterday, 4Us, 1801 lloif. 100i iiii, 1H8I IXiup 10iH 4 s, 1UOT lte lOOj 4 s, 1WT Coup U7 STOCK MAItKKT. Closlnpf Yostorday. Canadian raeino SU Ceutial Paoillo 30 rtiliomo. Ilur. & Oulnov Hi I Closlnj To-day, 100U 100W looyj Closllli lotiuy. 80 30 t-0 1U8 Ih.lnwmo !c llodsull I'i'iV Vol.. look, ic Wentcrn 130,1: Erie is Urio nrr -is 1H 4HU An Unknown ?Inu Futnlly Injlircd. H0CHE8TKR, J. Y., JUly SU. All un known man, about jeara old, was found with bin skull fractured on tho Central track at Churchvlllo during tho ruoruliig. Uo H at tiio city liospiiul and will die. It in thought that bo jumped from n truln. fircrctnry Itnk for lSmldent. ItlMVAUKKE, W1k,, July 20. Uucle Jerry Hunk 1b tho latest candidate for tho Presidency. He will in all probability go to the next national convention with VlsconsIn'H solid delugatlou at his back lUiisiH. Spooner and Pawio look favor ably upon Mr. Husk's candlduoy. Tito Men KUIfd br IdKlltnluir. Warren, Ph., July 20. John Lumasou and Edward Oaldwull wore seated under a tree watohlug a bull game. Lightnlus struck the tree uu'l both men were killed. Miles' Kervo and Ltvor Plllu Act on a new principle regulating the livar. Mninacli and bowlH thiouuh the iieriwt A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Kills speedily cuie bllloimnew, bad taste, torpid liver, plies, cousUpMtlon. uuequaled ior men, womeu, rlilldren. HinallfHt. mil iwt.biireatl S'doww. XtCVi. HampleM l'rt, at U. 11. llageuburli's nnig store. The Dootor and Postmaator weretalklmcaluiut 'n ease of serious IIIuoho. due to a neglaetou ,ld and rapidly going Into oomftumpuun wuicn was promptly eureu oy Trial bottle nee at Klrun's drux store, WALL PAPER ! A OAULOAI) JUST A71UIVKD AT MELLB.T'S Blanks fio Gilt 8o Embossed 12 l-2c Window Slmdee, spring rollors..25c ' Curtain I'OlOd 25c MOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Shenanooah, CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. MA11AN0Y (E Fi, Large Picnic. The Trinity Iteformed, E glisli Lutheran Bnd PriMbvterin Sunday school', of .own, and the J.uthoran Sunday schools of King town and Krnckvllle are holding their pio- n'c Rt k-keld8 to-dav. Anniversary. Star of IMhlehem liodgo, A. 1'. A., will cclobrato their nnivernr.v in Columbia l'ark, TuoMlay, August Oth. Members of the organisation and friend aro invited. 7-28-81 Playing Cards. You can obtain a pack of bast quality playing Oards bv fending lilteou cent in ooslagoto 1. 8. Kostis, Gon'l I'asi. Agl., (J.. 0. & O.K. It. Ohioigo, 111. tf Train Notice. Persons going to the Young Men's Re publican Club picnic to-morrow, 30.li Inst., can leave Shenandoah on the 12;50 Lehigh Valloy train and arrivo at ilahanoy City 1:00 p. in. A special train on the P. & H will leave tho latter place at 1:30 for Lnke- side. EntlMod to the Boat. All are entitled to tho best that tboir noney will buy, so erory family should oave, at once, a bottle of tho best lamily remedy, Syrup of Fig', to cleanse tho sys turn when coslivo or bilinu". For sale in 50c and t 0J bottles by all leading drug gists. Gomploted to Deadwood. Tho Ilurlington Houte, O., 1!. &Q H. K rom Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, is now otnploted, and daily passenger trains are unnine throuzh Liucoln, Neb., and Cuslur, S. D., to Deadwood. Also to New ovtlo, Wyoming. Sleeping cars to Dead wood. tf Notice to Minors. Notices lmvo been stuck up in different purts oi tiio county warning minora to stay away from Shoshono and Aldoreon, Indian territory, as tho men in that regl n aro on tiftriko. The companies are tunning in colorod men and thes work so cheap that tho w ito people nro forced to strlko in tho hope that the ubcctionublo onos would bo out homo. Coming Events. July 20th. Festival and entcrtiinment ltobhins' oper.t home, under tho nutpices .f Silver Wavo Castlo, A. O. K. t M. 0, Aug. 5. Ico cream festival, under the auspices of tho "Y's," in Kobblns' opera house. Aug. 18. Ico cream and peach festival in Hubbln' opera house, tndur the auspices of Camp No. ISi, V. O. S. of A. Own a Coal Mlno. Tho first Elep toward accomplishing this is to prepare yo.irself to perform tho duties of a rnino foreman. You can do this by n-adine The Coliiery JCwjineer and by studying IVie Colliery K.igineer Pocket Hook. Tho price of tho journal lor mio year is $i 00, and with tho Pockot-llook fc8 50. Address Tho Colliery Engineer Com piny, Scranton, Pa. Samplo copies frco. Theatrical Topics. The coming season is going to Vo an im pruvement upon last, if wo are to behove Col. Gibbons. Lillian Kennedy has a now company this season, buo ts to be backol by mo iiasson lorder Safe & Lock Company. Tho Improvements boing mado on th thoatro building will bo great. Tho bookings for tho coming season are pretty full. Gettysburg. The Passenger Department of the Phila. delphia and Heading lUilroad Company has Issued an attractive little book i "G.'lt y.bttrn : Its Uatth flelilj, Its lien nnd Its Monuments," which is an illustrated guide lo that Mecca of patriotic Americans. and gives full information as to how it may be reached over tho now and direct route via the Philadelphia and Reading K ill road. Tho book j;ivos a clear nnd succinct iu'0 unt of the great batllo, contai portraits of eomo of the commanders on either sldo, with views i f msny interesting points of tho IShUIoIIbM and illustrations of a number of tho handsomo monuments which have been orocted to commemorate tho heroism of the troops engaged in the noted struggle The book is neatly printed and bound in illuminated covers, and Is issued freo ut tho various ticket olllcos of I the company. What a Prominent Physician and Ohemlst says After Analysis and Praotloal Test. Dr. J. loiter, formeiflu of Jttllwue Hotpltal Jeth'fltif (yjlteg anil iMny ItUnul Outlege ijmikt ill foUumt i Mkw YoitK, October 36, 1800. Alva h Brazilian hpuiiflu Co., I) Willi Mr et, (lent: Tbesampe of your Cactus lllood Cuie, which I b light fur analysis, 1 hnvo uiild'lfcd to n very thorough twt, audean dud not a single trace of mineral or mercurial prewimllou In It whatever; uud, ns I have uonai it ct iu oen n in I known to yn, I omldcr it best wgeluble bltHut purlller In md ooiii"erauio eximnenoe in us coiutuu- uisea'ox aireaoy the Barest and the market. 11. J I YkTKH, I'll . .,M-1. Sold at Klrlln s UrugHtore.fi'cruUson House Block, iheuaudoa Best work done at Urennan's steam, laundry. Everything whito and spotless, Lace curtains a spocialty. All work guar-sntood. AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, A Ntay for MoKlvnlna titul Trezztw Slxa Smo. N. Y July 20. Tho cases of Murderers JIoElvalno mid Trczza hnvo been taken to tiie United Stntes Supremo Court on appeal. They were to have been oxecutcd this week. Arguments ill not ba heard until October. Mtnhttcr Grubb's Iluturn. Camden, N. J., July SO. Gen. E. Butd Grubb, Mlulitor to Spain, will sail tor this country Aliffun m Tho I'hil Kearney brignde will have a reuulon at his residence, Kdijowitter Park, Sept. 14, at which ho will ba present. Coileulor Hllllirdt UvbIku. New YonK, July 69. It was reported among Pi-publican politicians this mot-u- ua that Colli-ctor Joel 11 JSrh. rdt had cent bis renlguutloa t4 Collector ot tho l'ort to -President Kiirrijon, The Si oap that Cleans Most is Lenox. POLITICAL. -JJlOU allEUIFF, josepn wou, or rorrsviLTiK. Hulijpct to llemou'ratlo rnloi. ITlOIt CON-lTlTOl'lONAlj CONVENTION Janice J. Franey. OF SIIBNANnOAU. Subject to Democratic rules. FOB SA.TjE I Theunder-lcned. desliini; to retire from bus lnH", will dlsp ise of li s sbioti ol dry Roods, groceries Ao., eluap. rurcluisercan also 'ent the store room at reasonable terms Tiio eland Is a goo 1 one and In tho bands of a live mini can uo m.'iuo pronutoie. T. I. WA.VIS, o-io tf ioo Noiiii jaram New lirm. STetv Slock Green Truck", Fine Groceries, FRUITS, be, Delaware roe slind.nnd o;ifr fresb flsh right iromtho boats on f'rliUys. Kresh Greens from the South. Evan's Building, B. Centre St. (J, S. WlUia ' old ttand) Everytblnj new and reali. Ooodsdellvcred to any p irt of town. R. C. KHIGHT & SON. M. S. SCHEIDER'S ZBl-A-liaiKllIR,!--!! -AND CONFECTIONERY, No. 27 Soittli aialn St., SliciHuulonli Fresh Bread, Cakes ani Pies. OKA1IAM IIBKAD A Hl'IJCIALTy. r-T A One line of Confectionery. Kino Ice Cream t'arlors attached. Tbo famous firm of 0(TMST8 snl OITICIAXS or piiii.Aniir.pniA Have nrrnnired fo fond one of their Hpetlallsfs ou the KY13 TO SHENANDOAH, Saturday, August 1, 1891, He will be at the S'orEuaon XZouao, IromSSDA. M. to 5 P.M. Thoso whoe eyes aro causing dlseomfort vliouitl call upon our Specialist, and they will receive intelligent ana skii mi uucnuou- VI 1 Cheat mil 61., VhlUnlelplda, "WANTS, &o. WANTED For Brennnn't Btpuni Laundry, n good girl. Apjily at. once. 7 ZMf WANTED. A Indy npent to ecll n nond nrlfrla nninnir trnvrinii. Aimltf nt thoHKltAI.n offloc. if GIHL WANTED.-A good ex peileuofd girl wauled far general houeii. worlc, Nootueruoed apply. Caliut Hkhai.d nice ramuoai sireol. 7-3 tr DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR Pule. One of UlQ ninst Onulrnhln nrnriMr. ties on West Onk street, for sain on reasonable term. Apply at Itowso's grocery store, cor ner Jiudlu and Oak streets, Shenandoah, Pa E. STRAYED To the premises, Odd Fellows' C-metery, a dark brown cjW. Willi blgU horns. Knmo can belied by nnmuit prjpoity anl narloe ior tlilsadvcr. tlsemcnt. 7-2i8t WANTED. A bakery trade. I akory. boy to lenrn tho Apply at llurldMrt's 7-21) ,'!t "7OR RENT A prond stable In the JJ First w-ird, sultatde for ii lvery or other purposes. Apply to I. J. Iljbblus, No. 130 N. Main street, i-iuoiiauaoiii. BARE CHANCE. Ten (10) tharcs j ',f building and loan assool itlon slok fur t.ilo at a m Title-. Iaqulro at Davis' steu u dye works, 110 Kas Centre street. 7-25 tf ITOH RENT "tore and building V n iw ooouoied by the Hlien.mdoan Hakery Co. tor ma nfucturlng au i retal' 'nndy business. Two floors fix20 feet. Apply ti J. J. Praney. 5-'8 if '.FIN'ED-Au ictlve reliable man V salary ma to Silo monthly, wltn ln- creaft', to rrpreceut In bis own section a re sponsible Vow York House, Kelerencs. MANUFACTURER, HOX IK, BOW I orK "VTOTICE. After August 3, Redtiall Jl Zi umtrman w 11 withdraw tbeli stal lion. W1L1UK i:OJjl.l.NH. Jit., from tbostu!. to put In condition forfait racing. 1'ersons uiierusieu suuuiu tf JVtfrn memsi'tves nomni. lngly. 7-2V3t A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. XJL. K'stateot i nulcl Humbel. deceased. Letters of administration on Iherstttteof Daniel Ilumbel. late of Union township. Sclmylklil county, I'a . diceaseil, have been sraired to Wl'ljim U. lluinbi", residing at WrjKlowu, Vn lo wnom all persons li debttd toenld e late are rtq.icsteil to mnke pnymeit. auu those ' avln ilalms or demands will make knuwu the same wlttir ut diday. WILLI M 11 UUMItEL, Or to AdmlnlBtmtor. 8. O M Hoi,i.oi'ETKn, Att'y, July ltltb, lb'Jl. 7-17-Ot CHARTER NOTICE.-Notice is hereby given tlmtau apidtcatioii will be made o tho Governor I lVnu-ylvanla uu tliethliddny ofAugii'-t, lS!)l,by J. Al. allele, Moses Meiviue, Cnrlstlita Koirte, Hlmoii Swoycr, Z .en ry T. Trout and J. II Hoelnian under tba Act of Anse.ubly entitle a " . n oot to provide lor the Incorporation and regula tion if ceruitn cornoratlons nnniovfd April 31, 1871." and ilie Bupp'emeuiH Uitivto, for the cliaitir of an Int. uded eorpnratlon lo be caiieu "I'liiton water uompauy," mocuarno. ter and oblect of whlr-li in the ninnlvliie of wafer u,r tne public m tho borougUof Olraid vlll", In the county or Hcbuylitlli, and to jier sous, partnprsliips au 1 .wsocliilons residing therein as mav dclre the samp, and for thso purposes to have, possess and enjoy all tne rignis, iieucnts nnn privileges ot s.uuacioi cS'Omuiy ana suppifinnins uienj'e. i it t'li.iii.jttuY. uiiaitor. aiBAr.nvii.bE, July 7, 1691. 7-7-td W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe, Store, (Mastnller's old stnr.d,) Corner Coal anil jlnrdiitJUlH. Mr. Hnydor will always Keen In stoelt a Una line of booln and shoes, Custom Work nnd KScpnU'Iiitr dnn" In the heel style. Ho guarantees to sell cheaper tlmi competitors on Alain street who nuve nig tdis i'i pny, nnu Kuai intfcs i gcuu ne burifaln on every purchusf. 0 HlQ SRi-tjSm C ntAWB elv.w the way tUe wind blows, but they don't show wuat hard blows we have been strikiogatktr.w bat prions. Borne hats are dear at any price; those hats are cheap at double Hie money. If what covers your head )s not Incoming to you. all the pains you take ns to the rent 01 your attire areslmply thrown away. Come and te how you will lnoitln one of our GOo str wliats. There's no use In giving Hny litrthor description of them than to sy this they me st.illsh. Wo cut the price down beoausc wo want lo cut our stock down. Another big baigaln In liats tsour tl black stilt' bats 13 S. Main St, SOANLAN Shenaadsah Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an exiraoidlnary line ot Vafs, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods und makos a speolalty of Nollle Bly nnd Mary Andcrnon Caps 0 EAST aIsTTHU SI, BT MEM Attention,- House Gleaners ! Tho warm weather Is here, and hoii!e-clea -Ing Is the next thing In order. And nt Midi times moat everybody nveds Borne liing to brighten up the home, so If you nasd a g toil c irpet of either Veuet, Moqueii, Body or Tapestry Brusse, TWU OR T35StEI3-Il,V INGRAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! You can find a full assortment nt PRICE'S. Lace Curtis, Curtain Poles of all Kinds ! Window Shades, Floor and Table O ' '. 'hi nnd Linoleum's of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when nullity is considered. No misrepresentation one pilco to all. 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. We menu it In every sense of the word. We oiler you good nil wool suits for less thau their value. Our light goods must go, regardless of cost; so If you want to purchase a Men's All-wool Cheviot Suit for $6.60 call on us. Furnishing goods also to bo had at lower prices than yon will find them elsewhere. We make no boasts merely for advertisement, but what we advertise we will do. Call'and examine our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret It. TEE "FAMOUS" 1-11 CLOTHIER, 1.1 JV. Main Street, Shenandoah. A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deed?, Le-ucs, Mortgages aud Bonds written. Marriage licenses and legal claims promptly attended lo. Real Estate, Collection anil Insurance Agency. General I'lrd Insurance Business, Ueptesents the northwestern I. lie insurance co. Office Muldonn's building, comer Centre and Vol Bis., HlieunndiiHli, I'a. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. 1 A two story double irarae dwelling house Rtornnnd resbiunint. on Kast Centre St 2. A dwel lug aud restaurant on Kast Centre street. .1. Desliablo property on corner Centre and Jardln streols, suliable for business pur poses. 4. A two story double frame dwelling, on Wmt IJnvd street. 5. Two 2biry frame dwellings on West Cen- irn tnreei. (1. Two 1 story dwelllng ou the corner ot coal aua unetnuisueeis more room in one. Two-story single house ou North Chestuut format wit.b a ittr.ru warehouse at the rear. 8. Three two-story double frame buildings corner of l.ioya aou uuuert streets. Tlie Pliotograxolier Is located at Jo. 14 North White Street Having hipi bis gillery gronlly Improved, he Is nnwbettei piepured iuai.ever to meet the vanU of the jmi. in tuo photo graplilo Hue. Thp eil n olo graphs at lowest - rices. Crayon Work a Specialty. Ice Cream Festival Under the auspices of tho 0 99. HQBBIXS' Ol'Edl HOUSE, SDEXANDOAU, M.,: Wednesday, Aug. 5, '91. TICKETS, - 10 0BNT8. Good for a plate of cream. SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, 30 JSust Centre Street, 81I11XAXI10AU. Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Coafcctioaery! -OC ALL KIHOS,- - DABB, Li&lit. leigaoie New Saloon anil Restaurant ! Newly PaLted, Papered and ltcnovatod. No. IIS KA8T CENTKK STIIKBT, Threo doors nbovo Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Haskev would ln'orm his mnnv friends nnd tho public that be will cater to their wants in trie same urst-ciass style mat ne nas uane InthoDast. None but the best brands of for eign and domestic wines, liquors and cigars win ue sept in sioca. unoico tempeinnce drinks, Kino old stock ale. The eating bar 19 supplied Willi everything In the oitlmr line served In the best style. Men Is served at all hours. I'Too iirlvato rooms attached. -0TXJST OTJT- The "HEW BROADWAY" BAHGE It beats every tiling In the market, and the price Is Just right to suit the times. It will pay you to come andeee It. I am prepared to do tho following at the nrlftim minted Tin roofing Go per foot and up Tin rojf palutlug , tyo " " Tin conductor lfa " ' Tin banging gn'ter 120 " " (Jalvanlzed chimney stack 29a per polijflB Iiepalrs for all stoves a specialty. U WM. K. PEATT, 7-0-3m 331 S. larjin St., Shenandoah LEATHER and SHOE HUGS UP- J". Dealer In nil kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and ft rut-claw stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTHE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA. The Cheapest Place ! TO BUy Gents' FuruisMng Goads, Hosiery, Etc , 18 AT CHARLES : YAROWSKY'S, 23 West Centre Bt., Shenandoah. I) Q M, HAMILTON, M. 11., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. IV.