Evening Herald. FuilMHHKI) DAILY, SUNDAY BXCKITKI) jr. C. JlOYHlt, lidltnr nnd I'llhllnhrr. If'.V. ,T. WATKIS', r.nml VMtor. ALL THE NEWS FOR ONE CENT The Jil'KXTXa limiAI.l) htua largereir eulnlion in Nhcnnmloah thim (my olhrr paper publlfhut, llmiki tpm to nil. SUBSCRIPTION rates: DAILY, 'ier year Wkkklt, per ymu. J80 1 M Entered u the I'lWUilBee, t BhAnandoah, P. for transmission IhronghUie malls an se-wmd olas mail matter. FlgureB Demousttati tho Popu larity of tho Resort. July !). Young Men's HipulMlcaii Club nf Mahanov Citv. Jub :il. Presbyterian Sunday school of Mtihnnny City. Aug. 1 Weir-h Baptlit Sunday kuoiI, Miilmnoy City. Aug. 3-l?rg!iih Df i tht Pum'iy schco nf .ihcnandoah. Auk. 1 M. 15. Sunday school of Mnh nnu IMhiio. Auir. 0 M. E. Sunday school, Ashland. A is 0. KvHiigeUcHl Sunday school of Mahanov Citv. Aug- 7. Welsh Congregational, Malm- rinv Citv. auk. B. 31. K. Sunday school, (Ulber ton. Aug. 10. M. K. Sunday school, Olrord v; le, and Union Sunday fccbool, Xr st Ureok. Aug. 11. AVolsh Baptist. Congrega tional and Jlolhndist, Shenandoah. Aug. 12. IiUthoran missionary fHtt.nl. " 13. Episcopal Sunday school ol Mahanoy City. Aug. 11 Keformed Sunday school, ol Taninqua. Aug. 10. Eisteddfod. " 17. Lutheran Sunday school, 01 Tar lvilli. Aug. 18 Er gliah Baptist Sunday school, JIahunny City. Aug. 11. E. Sunday school of Shen andoah. Aug. 20. Trinity ltuiormcd Sundny school of Mahanoy City. Aug. 'J2 1 M. Sunday school, of Gil bcrton. Aug. 21. P. M. Sunday school of Shen andoah. Aug. 25. English Lutheran, ilahanoy City. Rooky Mountain Guro. Tho druggists claim that ponplo cull daily for tho now euro for constipation and .k headache, discovered by I)r. SI1a Lano while in tlio Kocky fountains. It is said to bo Oregon grnpo root' (a great remedy in tlio far;,, "West for thoso com plaints) eombinod;with simple herbs, and is made for uso by pouring on boiling water to draw out the strength. It soils at 60 conts a package andi is called Lane's Family llodicino. The rush of work ovor, tho tramps will begin bothering tho farmer. Hold It to tho Light. The man who tells you confidentially list what will'cure your cold is proscribing Kemp s Balsam this year. In too prep aration of this remarltablo medlcino lor coughs and ooids no oxponso is spared to combine only tho best and purest ingredl onts Hold a bottlo of Komp's Balsam to tho light and look through it; notice the bright, clear look: then comparo with oth'ir remodios. Price 60c. and $1 July has beaten showers this yiar. April's record for To NorvouB, DoblUtatod Mon. If you send us your address, we wit mail von our illustrated iiamuhlet explain Ine all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro. Voltaio Belt and Appliances, and their oharrtnni' o fleet uuon tho nervous de billtatcd pystem, and how they will quickly rostoroyouto vigor, and manhood, l'amph let frea If you aro thus attlictod, wo will lend you a Bolt and Appliances on a trial. voltaio ubit CO.. Alarsnau, Mcu Milk will tako fountain pen splotchos oil' a shirt front. Shlloh's Ooneumptlon Ouro. TIhb la beyond quehtlon the most aue- cehhlul Cough Medlcino w e have ever sold, a lew doses invariably cure the woiKt cuces ol derlul BuccofH Ii the cure of Coiibumptlou Is without n parallel In the hlMory of mt dlelnc. Ulnce It's llrntdlbcovery it baa been Mild on a guarantee, a lest which no other medicine can gland, li you have u Cough we earnestly asis you lo iry n. jtic in reuii', DurtniH, Him 61X0. If your l.mifs me M)ic. Chcfct or Back lame, use Hhlloh's I'orous l'latltr. Hold b.i O. II. Hagenuuch, N. li. corner Main und Lloyd streets. Tho lay that tho farmer most eujoyg is thai of tho lion. Tho Secret of Success. (J. H. llagoubuch, the driigglst.bplleves Hint the secret ur succoas Is i eieveiance. There fore he persists in keep'ng the llm bt lino of pernuuerles, toilet articles, CDSineltcs, drugs atd cbemleaUon the market. He treda ly Invite all persons who have palpitation, tdinrt breath, weak or hungry pell.t,t.n In Btdt nr atioulder, oppression, ulglituiHre, dry reugh, smothering, dropsy or heart i'Imim to try Dr. Miles uuequaled New Heart O ro, before it U too late. It lius tho lnrct so", nt any similar remedy. Flue book nCtestlt ulalHrree. Dr. Miles' Kestoratlve Nervlui is unsurpassed fur s eepleMness, lieaducho, fits, etc., and it oontalns no opiates. Bemnrse of conscience doesn't begin to gall the sinner roal hard till after ho has been found out. A Husband's Mistake, lluilmmts too often penult wlvtu, and par ents their children, lo sutler from headache, rA!r.z'..--, neuralgia, sleeple sneke. Iltn. ner. voii'-ness, when ny the ne of Dr. Mllos' llestoi ative Nervine such serious results could easily bo preventod Drticelsta every vliern say it gives universal sntlsfioilon, and liaa immense sale. Woodorth C).,of Fort Wayne, Ind.j Snow & l 'o., of Syracuse, Jf. Y.;J.l' Wolf, Hillsdale, Mleh.j nnd liun-d-edsol others say "it is Hie greatest seller they ever knew.'' It contains no oplil's. Trial bottles and fine book on Nervous Diseases, free at O, II, Ilogcnbuch's. BASEBALL SCORES. Itnston Crowding tlio Now Yoiks Heooiiri IMnce. AT nOSTOX Iloton 3 3 0 .1 0 0 0 0.0 0 3 0 3-D 1- 3 Now York 0 1 Batteries -Nichols nnd Dennett! Dunning, Koefe nnJ llucliley. at, imoOKtrff, Brooklyn-Plilladolnh la name postponed on nceouiil of mln. AT riTTillUHO. Pittsburg 0 Clnoluimtl 0 0- 0 Batteries Kceuuii. King and Muck: Undbourue and AT CLEVELAND. Cleveland 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0-- 3 Chicago 0 0 a 1 0 0 1 1 x- 0 llnttcries-VlKU and Zliuinen Oumliert and Klttiltlge. Tho Nntimml Loilguo Itecnrd. Per Clu)n. iron, fiil. (Tt Cliloniro....48 !M .flOO Now Vork..4S 3S MH Boston ....It 31 .501 Cleveland ..41 41 .SOU anfn. Won. !(. m l!hll'del'u..3R 40 .487 Brooklyn ..So 43 .455 Clnclniintl.fll 40 .4113 l'lttburg..31 40 .403 Association (Initios. AT BAt.TlMOBB. Ilmton a S 0 1 2 0 IMItlmom 0 0 U 0 0 1 0- 8 1 3 llatloiiag lliimntou nnd Jturphyj Cunning, hum und Townwml. AT I'llILADeU'UIA. AthletlOT o a 0 3 0 0 0 - 15 Wnslilnuton 0 7 0 1 0 a 0 -10 Ilatteiloo Chamborlaln and Crow: nteljorg and .Molluire. (Inmo vailud nt oud of eighth luuing on ac count of diU'lunuB. The AKsnolutloll llouord. Per Ctvtn. Tl'nn. Ist. CI lloston....B7 ifO .087 tt. I.ouK.57 ill .018 nuh. tfon. tosf. (Tt ColumhiM..4:i 44 .404 Cinoliiu'tl. 37 40 .430 lla!tlmorot7 31 .M0 AlldotIo..43 4'J .500 Lou vllle.... 30 Waah'toii..!!7 III 53 -wo ICaiitfil'il L.t);igu. SY11AC08K. Pyruciiso. 0 1 New Haven E 1 0 0 1 10-4 1 x-11 ll.itterles Couxhlln and Qutnn; Chirkson ami 11 ul nu.eii. AT BOFKALO. llUITnlo 4 5 0 0 1 0 Lebanon a 0 10 0 0 0 0 3 0 llnttcrlos Darr and Wockbeckor; Taylor and MeCaltiey. at alhanv. Albnnv 3 a 0 0 x- 7 I'lovldeneo 0- 3 Jlatterlos-Vlilto and Hoss: Stnlb. Lyston and Jiurko. AT HOCIIESTKlt. Hochcstor-Troy name nostiionod on account oiwetgrounua. WALL STREET RUMORS. lleuvy Opi.rutors In Itlohlauud Tormtnnl Siuld 1i 1 liiiiburratidpd. New Yonx, July23. Tho "atrcot" hai boeu full of runiors that heavy operators in Illoliiuoiid Terminal nnd other South eru securities had bocomo ombnrrnssed, and It is now reported that one of them has failed to mako his accounts good nnd an assignment is looked lor. An effort is being made, howover, to liuvo a syndicate tako up the nccouuts, and II this Is done no formal aunouuee mout of embarrassment will be made. It was reported that a loau had been called yesterday on the Btchmond Ter minal Company, but the oMcors say that the loan had matured and was paid. 3Iuvylnd l)emocrtn In CoimultHtlon. Baltimoue, Md., July 29. Senator nor mal! is registered nt tho Cnrrolton. Hon. Murray Vandlver, secretary of the Demo cratic Central Committee, and a numbor of prominent local managers were closeted with him during tho day. Hon. Hobert F. Brattan and Marion D. Smith, rival candidates for tho Coinptrollorship, woro also registered at the Cnirolton. It is probable that Frank Brown for Goernor and John P. Poe for Attornoy Ocnernl will he nonilnntod by acclama tion. Hon. L. Victor B.mghman will probably be chairman of tlio State Con vention and Hon. Murray Vandlver sec retary. The Wire Trust AV1U Advanoo rlooa. PuitAUKU'lliA, July 21). All details for n combine of tho b irbod wire manufact urers of tho United States havo beon ar ranged ami the result Is tlio formation of n who trust that will oclipso all other combines. The trust or combine, will In future be known ns tho Columbui Patont Company, and their first niovo will be to advauco tho royalty on tho manufact urer of wire from $1 to $3 per ton, u n ndvatice of 200 per cent, on preiont rates. Alblhi lllet In Hliytl. New Yobk, July 29. Tho AtlaB Line steamer Alvo from Haytiau ports is in port hero. Her captain reports affairs quiet in Hay ti. A few of her passengers informed a reporter that they regarded the present lull as tho calm bofore tho storm. The rebel leadora havo their headquarters at Jamaica, and reports from there aro that thoso leadora are continually active. Deputy Shrltr Kill 1 mi Kunrd. Haiuusbuko, Pa., July 29. Tho Billot mill at tho Pennsylvania Steel Works at Steelton has been started with uuffl clout mon to make a day and night turn. There aro a largo number of ap plications for work, and other depart iiiouts will bo startod this weok. Al though ever, thing la quiet, BO moro deputy sheriffs have boon sworn In, Tmi Indtktn llucli) Flsht ii Dual. Weua Nev., July 29. Two Shoihouo bucks, Spruce Aleck and Laughing Churloy, fought a bloody Uuol at an Indian camp near hero yesterday. Tlio trouble was about a a squaw. Tlio bucks woro hobbled togethernnd fought with knives. They wero horribly m ugled, and Aleck will die. DUguated With Jem Kill I tl. London, July 29. Abington lialrd, the rich lover ol Mrs. lauglry, and backer of Jem bmith, wib so disgusted with Smith's exhibition of cowardice that he cursed him, and declared that ho would not back him again. Arrested fur Alllt'lltirliig uu Kdltur. Butte, Mont., July 29. William Deony, .ugeue lveuy anu rim iiictoy, nave been nrrected here charged with the murder of Editor Penrose, The men are all members of the Minors' Union, and had been assailed by Penrose In his paper, Chill's New President. London, July 29. A dispatch from Santiago, Ohill, says that Claudlo Vicuna has been eleeted President, lid rrlll assume the ollloe on Sjpt, 18. It has been ald the body of n human being is ronewed onee Jn wvon yeurs, but,strange lo say, any foreign su balance on II, such as pimplen, boils, tumo cunwrt, He,, remain. The reason Is that they are diseases and aro led mul kept alive by impure matter in tho blood, tt will be seen at onee that n cure can only bo-aceomplished by purifying tho ' lood. This being done they dlo for .-nt.of support. Many of the horbs lo ; l a found in Uio vegetable kingdom pos i so?a the power to so olennse the blood, ! and, when combined with certain ita ; lizlng chemicals are n power for good. ! Thatlirown'sSarsaparlllals such acorn ! bluntlon none can doubt alter reading ; the following: At all Druggists I.OO. O 'f DON'T tako Something clso "ju-t as good," IT IS NOT. t Aba Warren & Co., Sole lroprletors,Dangor, Me, ''"tun lliiiiiin aiM.iiiigiiijgiteiitaiitstaiiigEiaiiicsicis.ei'issiiin'' Lehigli Valley Railroad. ARHANIll'iMKNT OF 1'ASHltNOKli TBAIKB. MAY 10. 1801. '.winger trains will leave Shenandoah fir 'dnuch Cbmih, JLehlghlon, Slatington, Cata lan! im, Allentowu, Bethlehem, Kaston, i'hll idelphtit and New York at 5.47, 7.40, 9.0Sa.tn. 12.52, 3.10, 5.M p. m. 1'or itelvldere, Delaware Writer Gap ai d -droudsbiirg at 5.47, a. in., and 5.2U p. m. For Lamberlvllle and Trenton, u.UD a, m lor White Haven, Vllpes-Barre and l'lttf. 'on 5.47, B.08, lii.41 a m., 3.10 and 5 p. ra. ForTunkhauniick, 10,41a. m., 3.10 and 5.2 p. m For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and nnd Lyout 10.41 a. m and 6.26 p. m. ForLacejville.Towanda. Bayre, Waverly Klmlrn, Huchesler, lluOalo, f-'ingara Falls rliiCBgonud all points Wet nt 10.41 a. m.,and .2p. m. For Umlra nnd the West vlaSalamauca nt 3.10 p.m. eor iMinenncu, itazition, niocaion, num ber Yard, Weotterly and Fenn Haven Juno lion at 5.1f, 7.40, tf.naa. ni.and 12.52, 8J0 and 'ia p.m. tvi jeaneivuie, ijovision ana uuavei Meadow, 7.40, 0.08a.m. andfi,2p. rn. ForHcrantonat6.47 9 08. 10.41a. m. 8.10 nnd :2(ip. m. For Hnzlo Brook. Jeddo, Drlfton and Free land at 5.47. 7.40, 9.0b', 10.41 a, m 12.52 3.10 mid 5.20 p. m. p i r i.uaiase ai. o.tt ana v.va a. ui., uuu 1.10 p. ill. For Wlgcnns, Gllberton and Frackyllle at i.50 and a.OS a in., and 4.10 p. m. For xaiesvine, aiananoy uny ana ueiano .47. 7. 10. .. 10.41, 10.58 a. m.,12.62,, 8,03, 1.2' ol d 10.27 p. m. r or 1.0S1, ureeK, jiraraviue ana siiiunu, 1.7. 7.40. S.52. 10.15 a. 111.. 1.00. 1.40, 4.10, 0.B0 S.10 and l.14 p, ra. For Darkwater, St. Clair and l'ottsville. 7.40, D.Oti, 1U.5S a, m., 12.52,8.10,4.10, &2H and 8.03 P-"- lor liuca jyiouniain, new iiosuju uuu Moren. 7.40. 9.08. 10.58 a. n... 12.52, 3.10, 6.28 and 4.BI p. m. For Haven Kun. Centralla, Mt. Carmel and Hnamokln, 8.52, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.41 inaK.uep. m. Trains leave wuamouin mr oncnanuoHi., .55 11.55 a. rn.. 2.10. 4.80 and H.30 n. in., arrlvlni! at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52. 3.10, 6.2U and lus p. m. For Umt Creek. Glrardvllle and Ashland. U.50, 9.10 11.35 a. m., 2.45 p. m. f or uarkwaver. ni. uiair ana jt-oivsvuio, i.50, VJX) . m 2.45 p. m. For Yalesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano, 4.00, 11.85 a. m.,1.40, 4.40, 0.03 p. m. For Dolly, Audenrled and llnzleton, 6.1X m 1.40 p. m: For Maucn ununE. Jjcnigmon, tuaungion, Oatasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Eastoi and New York, 8.00 a. in., 1,40 p. m; For f uuaueipnitt, l.iu p. m. li. B. BYINGTON, Uen'l l'ots. Agt., Bethlehem. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 8cntnri.KiLi, division. 3n niirf atter Nov. 21, 1860, traim will Itai Shenandoah as follows: For Wiggan, Ullberton, Fraekville, New 'jiatle, St. Clair, and way points, 6.6), 0.1 1 mand 4.15 pm. Sundays, 600, 9,40 a m and 8.10 p m. lor l'ottsville, 0.00, tf.lu a m and 4. 15 p m, amidays, COO, 0.40 a m and 8.10 p m, i-or Heading, 0.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 pin, Sundays, tw, 9.40 a.m. and 3.10pm. For 1'ottstown, Phoenixvllle, Norristowi .nd Philadelphia (Broad street station), 0,00. M0 a m. and 4.15 ii m week days Sundays, W0, 9.40 a m 3.10 p m Trains leave FrucBvilie lor Shenandoah at .1.40 am and 12.14 , 7.42, 10,09 p in. Sundays '1.13 a m and 5.40 p m. Have FoLlsvllle lor Jhenandoah, 10.15 and 1 1.48, a ra 7.15, 9.42 p m, Sundays, 10,40 a m i.lo p m. lave Philadelphia (Broad street station) Fotuvtlle and Shenandoah, 6.57,10.25 a ir ?.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Sunday 9.28 m nnd 1 10 p. ni. For w York, ., 4.06, 4.40, 5.86, B.50, 7.30, s J0H t)..l'. ll,ouandll,16am,12.00uoon,(llm lied expiess, 1.0(1 and 4,50 n m.) 12.44, 1.40, 2.80 i.i4, 5, tl, t-.H0, 6.50 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 pm, 12.01 "'fin Sundays, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.S5, 8.12, 8.89, 9.91. m. and 12.49, 8.20 lllmlted 4.50), 5.28, :A 6.5C l.Yi 8,12 n m aiid 12.01 night. For '- Ulrt, Spring Lake, Belmar, rean l-ruve, Adbury FarK, and Dong Brunei 190, 11.15, a. m. 4.00 p. m. week davr Foi Freehold, d.l' p. m. week days. fcaltuuor- and Waetiingum, 3.50, 7.20, 8,3) 9 10, Ji.20, ll.loa in, lUimiled express) 3.41 1.41 8.W anf 7.40 p. in., and 12.03 night. Fo Urtltlmoro uiy 2.02, 4.(i,5tand UM p. in in Sundays, ISO. 7.K.lhina 11.18 a. nu 1.57, 7 40 p in, 12.03 night. Balt'more only i.uiaiid 11.80 pm. For tUcbmnnd and the South 7.2011.18 a. m. i Limited Kxpreas 12.85 p. m.,)12.03 nlgbt,week days, Sundays, 7.20 a. m., 12.03 night. Trains leave Barrlsbnrg for jVUunurc one .be west every day at 12.25 and 3.10 a m anC i.u0iiluilted) and 8.40 p m. Way for AJtoona, .ib a in and 4.10 p m every day. For l'tttsbery only, 11.20 a ni dally and 10.2 - m week days. 1 ave Srmbury lor Wllliamsport, Klmira Jadandalgua, ltoohester, liudaloaud Nlagars talis 6.10 a m daily, and 1.43 pm weekdays P'o' Vatklns, 6.80 p m woek days. For Brie and Intermediate points, 5.10 a m. dally, For Dock Haven, 5.10, and U.53 a m dally, lt and 5.30 p. in. week days. Foi ld-nova 6.10 a in 1.43 and 6,00 p m week days, 1.10 a, m Sundays, uau, m vuuh, J.n. wuou, Men. MatiT Gen, Pass. Agt MEniOEN, Conk., May 9,'BO. Brown's Barsnparllla is unoqunlcd ns a purifier, having used .It in our own family. Yours truly, Anna Uichmond, 3G Newton St., Meridcn, Conn. BEVKnLY, 51 Afis., March 2G,'S0. I will state to you that I havo used Hrown'a Sarsaparllla and find it very beneflolnl ns a spring medicine, nnd have Just commenced with ltngnln this spring, nnd most cordially recommend It to all people having any disease of the blood. Mbs. Sabaii C. Stevens, No. 40 Stone St., Beverly, Mass. Mr. George W.LIttlefleld of Orrlngton, Maine, says: n til "IT MADE A NEW 'WOMAN OIT MV WIFE" Kvery woman mny have now life and vigor by using Brown's Sarsaparllla. No Woman having Kidnoy trouble, ac companied with those deep pains across the back, drawing down pains, dizziness, restless sleep, etc., can oxpect comfort In this life until tho cause be romoved. This cause is disease t)f tho Kidneys, and can only he reached through these organs. Mm. 'W. P. llerrick of Glonburn, Me., was so afflicted, and bought various channels for help. Hearing of Brown's Sarsaparllla (he tried it, began to rally at once, nnd to-day enjoys good health. Brown's Sarsaparllla Is peculiarly adapted to Kidney Disease. bottles for 3.00. OINTMENT nwrSOF SICI DISEASE From Simple Plmplco to nliHtlsiaie HCiKSSBIAi -8enc! f r"K!itH far RitclPii and !cte. Boom," a handy hook for the household. I'lCKK. Has a successful history of threcenturlcsin Brazil aid two ycors' crlticHl test in this country, science piom unets it the flrstaud only inlalllble neutrallzer of FcrolulouB and specino biooa poisons oiuicocica. Sold &t Klrlln's Drun store, Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa. WE'REMTEHYOU! Your trade is want we waut. Tills Is how we propose to get it. By selling you a flrst class article; by sellingyou for less than others; by eelllrg you furniture, an organ, a piano, a fcewlug machine or anything else in the line of household goods. We have a large and va ried stock to select from. No tioubletoshowgoods. Call, examine and be convinced. 4 3 H H el THE OLD RELIABLE, South main St., PUBLIC SALE The Old Court House July 31, 1891, at 10 O'clock A. M. All the personal properly belonging to the county ol Schuylkill, in the old Court House consisting of paitltlons, cc-uiucm. shelving, steam hentlnoiinruratus in separate parts. the clock and bell In tho old Court House tower, gas fixtures, nleho.ders, tables, cbnirs, etc., will bo sold 01 the prtmises lu the bur ougii 01 1'ousviue, anu niso anno same um and place Hie c Id Couit House, exceptlm: nni reservli ir the baseaud also the two lar&e 11am or flat stcnes, one on each enliunce to the old court iiouse, SAMUED G. DaTUItK, JAMES J, HOWES, FA IAS E. Ill ED. Commissioner. Attest John S. Snydkb. 7-11-td J." POIIKROY, A T70RNEY-A T-LA Yf, oriloe Etddsll'i bending corner Mtn and Uenui I P. 11 lanis k Bro REPUBLICAN County Convention I Tim moinlipm nflbn Itemibllcnn tiartv of I " ... " ' . . ... m'lluyiKlll rouu uro ri'iluuBiru n iibbuiiuii -i in IllOir rcSp-CIIVO OICCUUll uminviB hiiiiv it urra w if r ine icpmiuitraii uMi'iHiueie(;iiuiir i weio held List ear (except where change, no I ices of wlilih will be given through the news papers) ou Saturday, An punt 1, J891, between the hours or .1 and 7 o'clock p.m. to eiec dolegates and nltemales tolho County Convention to be held August 4, i.t 10 o'clock a m.. In Centennial Ilnll, l'otbolll". At the same time and place menib rsortlic Itepub limn County Committee and their alternates will be voted form iikc manner as aeiegiues to IheCouuly Convention. J lie menu ers in m nieiwe.'i.v unnii c?eiu tonal district attending theCcunty Convcn Hon will meet August 4th, at it o'clock p. m In 1 nniemilnl Ifnll. l'nttRvllle. for lho puri-ose of ldno'iig In nomination two (2 ini.dldaics lobe voeuit.rns cen gnies 10 me. ousiuu- i Innnl (Vinvf ul (nil. The tin inborn from Hie Thltllelh Senatorial tstrlrt attending the Couniy eonvei Hon will meel August 41 n, ai o cioea p m., in v.eiiien nlnl Hall, Pottsvllle, tor the purimto ol j.lac 1111? In nomination two (21 candidates to bt voted for as delegates tothe Constllutb nal Convention. 'J he following perrons nnd aVernates have been appoimca loioucuci inoc cciion: Ashland F'lrst ward, David Da' Is, A J Lnu- 1 onstlne; Blteruaics Jolili e, l. evens, j v uur her Ashland Keeo' d watd William Cleaver. CW Fenstermsclur; nlternutos H A Faust, WM James. Ashland Third ward. I hrl Mailer, Andrew vni'gnu; niteinaits isuao larnen, jr, J u Oeusel. Ashland Fourth ward, .Tames 1 1 ake. W J Wlllliimt.! ulternRtcN.T It B." sel. Georuu i.( lb Asblnlid Filth wind, Oscar letlierou, Wm. Bornilstcr; alii mates lleniy I'biiI, J Hehtilt. Auburn, Dr. Charlis E Quail, Joseph Fred i rim? ulteriin'ep. Jnlilis ItitUSh. T. I1. Mo.ei Baity F.nst, John lieriy, D F Green: altei- nates, llobeit Grien Jr., Henry lioitcK. II .rry Wc-t, G, Br. slin, John Hemhart; al turtmii.u. .1 HiLil. Knhrlnm Ynrnnll. Butler orth, (jwen tonrny, M. Costello: al eui te, Harrj MeGlrnewt. Butler i;ast, ItlcliHrd Fiynu, J"hn Gilfllth; illnrnnlp I'lilrtrl: Keeliev. Buller South. G Fellerniau, U A Ivlecs; al teruatH, John Dugan. Butler Northwest, Joel Ilowcnsteln, G S Maiiret al'erimie, John sweeny. Biunswlck East, 11 D Koch Juinf s Delongj aneriia'es, i ii iocu, fcoii. turner Brunswick Wet, Jonathan Delby, Frank Vital, nit. mfilo. W Slioe.ller. lliyiin-lller ijrteKi i j .,uv,n;(., wuiu Fl n ley: alternates, WMurry, D Manning, niviho (Combola). J Heynolds, Daniel Kioii; altnrr,ntes. Itobert lliomas. a Thomas Btythe (Kiinka Wlilluin), John F Buyer, Nicholas Thornton. .... . ... Ilrancb. Jacob Zimmerman, n i' i.ucKeuuiu; alternates C W Dando, Isaao Jlorgau. Cass Noilli, 1'airiCK lirennuu, luieimei Hrennan, rjiwsiiii h Mfiio-nii .lones. v i.yneii lrmsoiinM.ntii. Jnhn Belter. C W Merke): alternates G llutlnian, itonert ash. cre-pona jNoriii, Merger, oubo uwu. llemates LBKetier, W Hughes. Ouinmi ,e. 4 , run. iMiirLii, nn'u. l.tiibed. .1 n Henler. J Hodenbereer: niter- ..fnc 11 irstTrtlth. Tlanlel Ki llz. ludred East. W H KergsirefRer, Fremont Fertlch; alternates J K Mnurer, DewU Beu i,vuii,.v. a PSbnlstall. G W Uutter: niter. natesNnihan Klrtenger Einlt Aidtuau. i.'.,(:tj.r. .TRenh Itiite tdiru. John Hoy; alter- r.i..,i,,fiQ llmi. I .t.wiu Iteeil. FraCKVHie. J e irice, aumuu iv jiiuj hilci nni., ww, n..vl-. tt r Kvans Glrai'lville i?.asi waru, ji uu eis. i Hiram: alternate-i Nicholas Biass, Thomas Davis. . . , , Glrardvllle Middle wara, i.ouis cuius, vuus Granger. lor; alternates Thomas Evans, Thomas Drncey. , ,. unuerion wesi. waiu, u nunjii utuu6W W lhecuouy. . , Gllberton East ward, E Carey, E C Murray ni... .it(. i v MiiniIiv. W II Krwnver. nttherton Middle waid. M A Leary, II II Baker. T . ... Goidon, jn iurrana, j r oeivis, oi,, unci- .n,r.a l. rf Tlr.lipr. fl It ltruetl. Hemns East. James Dunkleberger, A B Klnuser; alternato vy Maurer. llCginS VV ISl. II JV nilJUVl, o j.vnv., . ir.rn,iiB .tniiii ltie.LerU A. K. I.nii' euslaKcr. IIui ley, W O Saltzer, 11 S Gilbert; alternato S Bowman, ,, Kline, FranK liantner, Isaac r-inuips, uuei- n.ia T llrn.n. Dandlueville, Henry Drumhcller, J F Ilaes- eloi; alternate, SV Delllcr. Alt. carbon, iienry nen, ivouert uuiiii'ueii. Mnnneim Nor n (Foebt's). John Gerber, Davy Achy; allernato Jero loclit. Manhetm North (McDormotl's), A Sturm.W Kline; alternate W Yeagtr. Maubelm North (Brown's), A Mortimer, F W Weavei; alternate Geoi-go Wagner. 3Iau helm Norm t.ueioi sj, jai iu.tri, iu Kllliau; anernaieFruukllii Diddle. Maubelm South (Keber's), B F llcber, W J Sbaeiar; alternates Charles Fisher, SMthine. Mahanoy West (Dost Crtek), Geo W Jonn- son. utoree mumi'siu mici uio , uuum. Mahanry . West' (Itaven un), Thomas B Tn.ncl.lu V!IMni Aliflrsnll. Malnn oy Wist (Biowusvllle), JasIIcaton, S Brown; alternates J 1'rlce, J James Mahanoy West (Wm. i'eunl, Thomas May, John Hughes; alternato J Metz. Mahanoy East (Lnn'gnn's), S Frost, George Jtvicli&ircls Mahanoy East (Cole's No. 1), Jacob Gillespie, rttSl" (Col,8No-2J' JBS MaUh,aS' Sfahanoyfast (Hill's), Anthony Stack, William Wlght. Jr. . , , uennis wuaien. Mahauov City First ward, J J Coyle: E Morris; alternates D 1- lln , J T 0 ilva. h nlumnv Oil v Second ward. E Barlor. John Ijitham; alteruaies Joseph Hughes, E fcllll man, jr Mahanoy City Third ward, H It Brlcker, F U Grim; alternates Jacob Becker, W Den Xll8. Mahanoy City Fourth ward, W Y Weber A OSheimau; alternates J ASellgman.TG ' ill mHH. Mahanoy City Fifth ward. A Dower, Geo I'arllett: alternates Ileese ltosser, Isaac Moigan. ... . , , , Minersviiie iasi wiro, j x-iuiups; jouu Ilnwmnn. nltprnttle ITalviU l'rice. Mlnorbvllle Westward, William Faulkner, EdwaidShlssler. Middleport, Thomas Jennlngs.8 W Bausler; alternates F J Dltchey, J Btepbens. New uastie, xsew t.asiie, uauiei wener, Aionzo iteoer; auernaio lueouoro wener. New Castle, Wudtsvllle, J DThomas, W S Tlininns. nltemate James litad. Norwegian Fast, curry's, w uunon, x Biamley; nliernate William Ilodgers. Norwegian West, Curran's. J Ehenbnrg, Thoinns Keatinir! alternate J B Kelt v. Norwegian East lownshlp, .Ullafty.TW Cnlleu; alternates James cvnan, w uonaia son New Philadelphia, B W Jones, J Tanner; alternate l'hlilp Evans. New Itlnggold, David Vetter, II B Koch; alternates J Honsl.oiger, 1J Delser. Otwlesburer. J A Dieienderfer. A S Gost; nlteriiates Its Fev. A U Elsenhuth, I'lnegrove borough, A S Mnuweller, G F Thlel: alternates 1) J Gensemer. Feler Ktney, I'lnegrove township East, F W lteber, -A Voder: alternates M Workmnn, D S Adams, t'lntfjfdve township -west, l.zra iiouguiner, G B ntahl; alltmaies George Adams, E. iviinger. l'ali'Alto. E T I'rlCBt. E Hay: alternates Alex Govan, William Jones. I Ul, v'llliiti v HBu, ajwu.i, f leiutiicn. n. 4 rvintu, . a jiuiii, Port Carbon. Wm WeMz. Henry Wana. maker. Port Carbon, (Mecuanlcsvllle), Frank Slur man, Frai k Sands, t oner Fust. I N Evans. Hiram Brewer. Porter West. WMnrtz, J Umholtz; alter nates G W Bcbrnp. Eugene Horn. Porter North, Edward Hontz. Jacob Uumpf; nllprtmleB I1 .1 Ilavls. .1 SitrOllSSer. PotUvllle South ward. Arthur shay, George wamei; alternate w wuituey, jr. Poltsvllle touthiast war ', uii st Knecht, fl llHelirlnlr illtermlla J G FrletC. Pottsvllle Mlddiowaid, Ji.hu Ebert.Geo K Smith; niter, ates J T Snyder, J M Fieck, Pottsvllle Northeast wuid, II II Hill, EO Nlchnt; auernaies v uasi, v r ivaun. ItU'll, UIIGIUU". "'l - l'otlsvllle - orthwtst ward. W Cwens, John jounson: anerunies juuu x.eeinuiu, ji ivuuu. l'ottsville Bevemu waia, wesiey eauor, Thomas Picktou; alternates E nst Meyers, 0 llueelitev. Pottsvllle North wnrd, George Owens, Jos Davis; alternate Alex 'temple. Bahn, Thomas Bradbury, II G F'sher, alter, nates David Hughes, Thomas Downs. Bush (HnuckSi). W A Blltller, W W Kaup; alternate Joellloln. Bush iluu'), F O Job, K F Hampshire. Bellly, Hei ry Zerby. Itobert Weir. By a n, Albert Ellis, Joseph Matthews; alter naten Daniel Jones, W Weaver, Schuylkill Haven Eastward, J II Sterner, JH MInnlch; alternates W D Ouentlcr, J U .DKcishner; alternates W Hlcbsaemau, li Kiiatr. Schuylhill Haven North ward.HSterncr.W J liur, Mllt-lllltlU It r ItOUlUFUn. Schuvlklll Haven Wtatwunl. ncn A Hlmol. f"r, Thomas Aleck, alternate 1) Flnunerv. Knlmvllrlll n I, Vim.i ft H(. ,, jietiiy """ - i .nwti,n-n vriiauioiiAJUKil' JI1UCH .. Mt nlnlr U..1. 1 1 ,1 W r . , kins, sr. allcrnates J Hughes, WJ1 Lee. ht f-lul Mnptl, n.l l Sollgman; nlicrnalcs John Urch, T. tco y. . uiitiuiu wnni, n it i.t c, li, u lioi er. alternates ,1 Evans, G liudklnhlll shennndonh. First ward, wtiiinm itn John Thurlby; ultimate Samml In gers. i,iii,iiui.uii oeuuuu wuru, unaries I'nuupi, OA Kiln. aiternnles Henry Goodman, F Sliinsi doah. Third ward, Dr. ,T Stein, EK' Blttermau; nlteinntts John Thon as, J W Dadduw. Hlienandonh, l'ouithwaid, John A lit wis, t-dw D Bcddnll! nllirniiltH W Item. H.,r.l, Tlitinius. Shenandoah, Filth ward, lleniy Warnlck, John Bunuj nltermitts T I'owell, 11 Blsel. nimnuun en-1 warn, John Jiergtl, Lewis Iienry; aiternnles GTIley, AH Glassmlie. lam nil jMirtnwurd, v K l'ugu, Edmiuid I.lnydj nliernate A Bailey, TnmnoiiH South wurd. W T Davis. .1 fl Walt. ers; altcrunte F Delu. Iremout bo ough. Fast ward, W Moore, Thomni cock 111; alternates OHHceser, H. V1"! me, . Tiemont borouch. West wnrd. J Brower. O W Dchinan: allernatts Dr. W J Haln, A It J Ualn, running Tremont towusbin. 1) Workn an, Harry limn. ITpter Miihatitongo, John Kllnelheny. Union. Frai e.U SeitK. r. Kilns Miller, niter. uate Gideon Beeker. Union Kant, Nelson Biandou, Geo Kutcht; nliernate l.Tllrni.don Unlnn Norlli,,fohull Dais, J N Dutz: alter nato W Felheroll. wataer, w sshoclc, Saneuil Ildsler; alter ile c H Entcrllne. Weft Pnnn Sl.llttl M.etliv'sl .1 II Mnnnl. Jocob Dongncckcr. eireuu inonnensi (Mama's), w jiiauntz, Diivide.he West 1'onn Northwest (Wiun'al. 'll osBlll. man, Henry Tyson. wnintneion (iiaiuorrs), l.yinan u need, Genrgo Sell. wasiungion (KOCK), John Fertle.AV FMatz, Wayne, Norlh, Daniel Yehh, G D Heed. Wavnc. South. .Tallies A lletlner. Frntr Hotrn.au. Yorkvllle, Isaac Itleh, Henry Becker. D. D. l'HILLIl'S, Chairman. f'tuiadoiphia and Heading fiailruad 5Tlme Tuble in etfert July JO Ibf 1 SRAliNS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS. For New York via Phlladelphis, week days, !. 0 5.25, 7.20 a. in. and 12 85 2.C0 nnd 5.5& ,i. m. Sunday 2.10 and 7.18 a. m. For New i ork, via Mauch Chunk, week days, 5.25. .20, a. ra. and 12.Si and 2.E0 p. m. Hor Koadlne and Philadelphia week davs. 2.10, 5,25, 7.20, a. m., 12.35 Zf-0 and 5.55 p: m, '.lUllHy, .lULUUU i.lQlL, Ul., 1.3U I). IU. For Hairlsbnrg, week aaya, 2.10,7.20 a. m, .'0, 6.55 p. in. "or AlleHtowu, weok cays, 7.20 . ni 12.3JS . 0 p. m. or I'otusyitie, wees: days, 2.io,,.20, m., 2.3i 2.ro nnn 5.55 p.m. Sunday, 2.10 and 7.41 .. ,n , 1.80 p.m. For 'I'ninauua and Mahanoy City. woeS l ijs, 2..0, 5.25, 7.20, a. m., 12.3 2.50 nnd 5. Mi m. omiaaj, &iuana 1.19a.m., so p. in. Additional tor JliUianoy City, week days 7.00 p.m. for .Lancaster nnu. inumum, weeit uuy) 30 a.m., 2X0 p.m. For Wllllamvport, Sunbury and Lcwisburt, uk days, 3.23, 7.20 and 11.80 a. m., 1.35, 7.5) ra. Bnuuay 3:2) 4. m., 3.05 p. in. l or Mahanoy Plane, weeK days, 2..0 3.21, 25, 7.20 and 11.30 a.m., 12.'!6, 1,85, 2.60, 6M, 7.00 anc i.i-- em. Sunday, 2.10, 3.23 and 7,18 a. ra. 3.05, 4.30 p. m. For GlraraviBe (Happahanuock Station), days, 2.10, 8.23, 6.2a, 7.20 and 11.30 a. rn., 12.35, 1 85, 2.&0, 6,55, 7.00 and 1.25. p. m. Sunday, 2-10, .2 ., 7.18 a. m 3.05, 4.S0 p. m. t- or Asliland and buaiuoicin, week days, J.2i, 533, 7.20, 11.3-f a. m., 1.85, 7.00 and 9,25 . ra. Sunday 3.23, 8.32 a. m., 3.C5 p. m. rilAINS FOH SUKNANHOAH! Doave New York, via Philadelphia, wee lays. 7.45 a. m., 1.80, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.18 aight. Snnday, 6.00 p.m., 12.15 ulgnu Leave New York via Manch Chunk, wee lays, 4.80, 8.45 a. m., 1.00 and 4.0) p. hi. luvo i'hlladeiphla, wees days, 4.10, and 10.00 a. 'a. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m., from Bread md Callowhill and 8.35 a. m. and 11.80 p. m. from lithunc u idon streets, Sunday 9.05 a. in. 11.S0 p. m. from 9th an Green. iavo lieadlni:. week days. 1.35. 7.10. 1U.C5 .ind 11.60 a. m., 6.55, 7i)7 p, hi. Sunday 1,85 and 10.48 a. m. Deave PottavlUe, week days, 2.40, 7,40 a. ra., 12.. 6 11 p. m. Sunday. 2.40. 7.00 a. m. and. 2.16 ,1. ui. Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48 and 1 a. in., lm, 7.13, nna .i p. m. ouuaay ij.iu- 7 43 ..m. and 2.50 p. m, neavo Mahanoy City, week days, 8.10, LU PiJU bnn .nu ii.11 a. m., 1.01, i.raanu v.n p. m. lav. a. ni.. 3.2U u. m. Leave Mahanoy Flane, week days, 2-43, 1.10? l.liO, 93. 11.19 tt. m.,1.05, 2.C0. 6-20, 6 28, 7.57, and ' '.nil p. m. Sunday Z4,-. 4.00. and 8.S7. a. m. 3 37 5.01 p. m. . .MMfc ., n-et.2 days, 2.47, 4.07, 6JSti, and 9.11 a. ni 12.05, J.12, 5,!H, 0.82, 8.03 and 10.08 p. ni. Sunday, 2,47, I, 0.', il.33 a. m. 3.41, 5.07 p. m, i-eave WUllamsport, week days, 8.00,9.45 anet II. 65 a. 111. 8.85 and 11.15 p. m. Sunday 11.15 v.ia. Dor Baltimore, Washington and the west la 11. a o. it. a., through trains leave otiard aV4!f8r,SUSdnt .23 p.m. Sunday, 4.18 8.02 lixi a, m 1.21 'fUVtTmvr,ru, ATDANTIO CITY DIVISION. Leave l'hUadelphla, Chestnut Street Wharf ,na South Street Wharr. For AflautlcClrv. Week-days Exprewi, 5,15, 8 00. 9:00, 10.45 a, m. and 1 is (Saturdays onlv. L.301. 2.(11. 3.00. 8.30, i.i , 5.00, 6.00 p, ju. Aocommolatlon, 7 10 a. ui., 4.10, uau (j, 111, lunn.tyu. Elxoress. 5.15. 7.00. 7.30. 8.00. 8 SOL 9.00,0.30 a. in. nnd 4 30 p.m. Acooiniuuiiua 8.00 h. m. and i 45 p. in. r,eiuruing, leave Atlantic uiiy, depot corner 1 'aatieand Arkansas vennes.--Wek-davn Express, 7.00, 7.30, 8 00, 0.00. 10.00 a. m. and 3.16V 4.00, 5 80, 6.3'), 7.30, 9 30 p. m. Accommodation. 0,00,8.10 a.m. and 4i0p m. Sundays-Ex-press, 8 SO, 4 00, 5 00, 0.00, 6-30, 7-00, 7.80, 8 00, 0.SO p. m. Accommodation, 7.80 a, m.,6.05 p. m. V. U. -HANCOCK, Wen-1 jt-oo I xsgll 4.. A, MOLEOD. Pres. 4 Gen'l Maneser. "TTTIDMINGTON A NOUTUEKN It. K. jiniciuuir 11, ricit itiuy, ju, lOOlt Trains leave Beading (F. &. 11. station) for uiuiuiiur, dojicii, iiirusouro, Jouuua, Dpring- ueiu, wayuesuurgduuciion, uoaiesvuie, west fhr.c,ar I ,.. A tfnml Tnn.Kn I, . t T.....lnnl UWOWI,l.UHU.,u,U , UllVIIUU, ... I. U, . UUVlUUf Wilmington and intermedia le stations, dally c.nAtit. Stnnrla v. at ft S ol U Hfl o n nQlS p, m, Sunday only at 3.05 p. in. For Warwick, sUFcters and lntennedlato siaiiuns.aaiiy excepi nunaay, at v.M a.m., ana 6.19 p. m. Sunday only 8.15 a. m. For Blrdsbtiro and Intermediate stations, Saturday only, nt 12 m. For Baltimore and Washington (B. & O. It. it.) dally except Sunday at 0.25 and 8.30 a. ra. and 3.15 p. m. Sunday only al 3 05 p. m. Trains arrive at Beading (I. A. It. station) from Wilmington, B, Sc O. Junction, Mont rhanln. Chuddslord Junction. West Chester. Denape, Coatesvllle, Wnynesburg Junction, KnrlriPfleli1..Tniinnn.l!lrdshnrn. Glbrallnr Hbv. fen and intermediate stations, dally except I miUUUj US IV.vl U. IU, U.U. UUU O.lt P. 1Q. DUU , uiiy only ut 11.4 a. in From St. Peters. Wanvick nnd tntennedbitn stations, dally except Snnday, at 8.2J n. m. and 2.25 p.m. Sunday only at (i p. ni. From Blrdsboro and intermediate stations, Saturday only nt 1.40 p, m. From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex cept Sunday, 10 0 a. ra. 6.62 and 8.17 p. ra. Sunday only at 11.21 a. m. B0WNK88 BltlGGS, Gen'l Pass. Agt. A. G, MCOA UBLAND, Supt, RUPTURE, We, the undersigned, are entirely cured ol llunture liv Dr. .1. It- MAYEB, 831 Arch St., 1'hlla. Thomas B, Harluug, New Ulngguld, Pa., I.Sandt, Soutb, l,.B..n I,.. T. 1 1 . , A 1,.l..l. I UfiniUU . Mt, U. ( U. U, A, VCIUIUX,UUV, I'll,, It. O. S auley. 421 Bnruce St.. lbanon. Pa.. A. Schneider. Locum Dale, Pa.,D, B. Noll, Lime kiln, Pa., Wm, E. Hanenstlne, t'hoenlxville, Pa W. M, Lelnbach, 024 Washington sti. Beading, Pa., J. 0. Lyme. 1810 W. HowordBt., Harrlsburg, Ph., C. Keelin, Douglassville, Pa. Dr, MAYKR is at Hole! Penn, Heading, Pa., on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Call to see him. jP It. imiCKKR, M. X., PHYSICIAN AND SLRQEON, C Not 9 East Centre Street; Mahanoy City, P tikis and all special diseases a specialty. r