The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 29, 1891, Image 1

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' i i i ' 1 . -
rh the TlentLhlttvtn Kteetnrs at Pennsvtvuilta.-
J After consultation and correspondence with
'' the members of the Republican State Committee,
and by their direction, I hereby give notice that
the Republicans of l'ennsytvania, by their duly
chosen representatives, will meet in mate Con
vention at llarrisburg, Wednesday, August 19,
1891, at 10 o'clock A, if,, for the purpose ofplac
ing in nomination candidates for the offices of
State Treisurer and Auditor General, for the
nomination of eighteen candidates for Delegates-at-Large
to the Constitutional Convention pro
vided for in the Act of Assembly approved June
19, 1891, and for the transaction of such otlier
business as may be presented,
Police is especially directed to the fact that, in
accordance with the provisions of the last men
tioned act, each Senatorial district is entitled to
a representation of three delegates in said Con
stitutional Convention, two of whom only can be
members of the majority parly in said district.
The electors of each district are therefore re
quested to make proper nominations for dele
gates to said convention, the rules governing the
nomination of candidates for S.ate Senator to
be applicable.
In this connection the Chairman desires to call
the attention of Republican voters, to the recom
mendation of the State Convention of 1832, that
"they allow the greatest freedom in the general
participation in the primaries consistent with
the preservation of the party organization,"
WM, IT. ANDREWS, Chairman.
1876 the Republicans cnrrl-id four
counties In Maryland; in 18S9 tuey car
ried eight; In 1884 they carried nine; In
18SS they carried twelve. This shows
their progress towards victory. In
1892 they should carry the state.
It is announced that ex-I'resldent
Cleveland will make six speeches in
the Ohio campaign. The Baltimore
American thinks that If he does, it
will be worth the price of u circus tick
et to see bim walk arouud that free
silver plank In the Deinocratio plat
form. It begins to look as though ' in this
age of progress wo are likoly to have
the laws of nature reversed, and the
rains, the heat and the co'.d regulated
by human devices. Tho government
has sent au agent to Texas for lie pur
pose of ascertaining the possibility of
having rainfall at command, and now
ponies another project from Knusaa
City, by which the temperature of our
houses can be regulated from 70 to
zero. It may be that these Inventions
may prove successful, and that the
wisdom of the creator may be thought
to be unwisdom. We may have rain
OEISTTS per yd for the
Sold In other Rtorc9 for Boo. AU floor
Oilcloths reduced. Call for bargains
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre
JCeiter is now receiving a new
Brussels and Ingrains in
,Ju8t opened a large assortment of Choice 2tew Patterns,
W) in all widths.
LINOLEUM 3 yards ivlde,
Tlie Finest Table Syrup .we Iiave ever lmd for tlie price.
Heavy Body,
Light Color,
Splciultd FInvor,
Strictly Pure Cane Syrup,
Not mixed
Also a Fair Sugar oyrup at 6 cts.
"Northwestern Daisy !"
Is a high grade Patent Flour Made from choicest Min
nesota Wheut. Makes more bread thanf ordinary
Guaranteed Equal in every
Hour in the marJiet,
m $0.00 PER
lor sale only
when we will, and to an extent that to
finite minds may bo deemed needful,
and wo may succeed In lnving the
temperature of our houses under such
thorough control that wo can have
arctlo cold or tropical heat, or any of
the Intermediate points as we may de
sire. But after all, It may he found
that the proposed regulations ofllie
temperaluro and the measure of the
rainfall, if successful, may not p'-ove
blessings. However that may be, it
will do no harm (o try them.
It has been generally supposed that
the Hebrew associations of Now York
organized for the purpose of affording
assistance to Russlivu emigrants ex
patriated from their homos by the
Czar would he able to meet most of
ttio existing contingencies, but It
seems that they are already encounter
ing serious difficulties, and that oven
the aid of tue Hirsch fund prevents
them from carrying out thelrgeuerous
purpose. With the usual liberality
(and chatlty of tho lace, however, we
believe that before this problem
has been solved, means will be sup
plied for the relief of the poor people
who have been so suddenly thrown
upon tho bounties of the world.
TttuiiY our country is becoming au
asylum of the poor, the lame, the halt,
the blind, the pauper and the crim
inal, as least such seems to be the Idea
outertalned of it by Europeans, If we
ae to judge by tho character of many
of the Immigrants sent Ibkber. The
latest demonstration is the announce
mcnt that arrangements are being
made to have brought to the Uulied
States the persecuted Hebrews of IJus
sla. A number totally destitute of
means have already arrived and have
been detained by the Now Yoik
authorities. It may seem cruel and at
variance with humanltarlanlsiu to
deny these poor people nsylum here,
but the laws -will havo to be oboyed,
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you lieed the warning? The signal per
band of tbe sure nnoroaoh of that more ter
rible disease. Consumption. AsK yourselves
If you can allord for the mike of saving 60
cunts, to run the risk and do nothing for it.
We know from experience that Million's Cure
will Cars your Cough. It never falls. This
explains why more than a Million llotlles
were sold the past year. It relieves Croup
And Whopplns Couuli at once. Mothers do
not lie without It. For l,ame Back, Side or
Ohost, use Hhlloh's Porous Waster. Bold by
O. II. Hagenbucb, N. IS. corner Main and
Uoyd streets.
Buy Keystone flour. 13o careful that the
namo Lessiq & Co., Ashland, Fa., is
printed on evorv sack. 3-3-3taw
stocUof Tapestry ami Body
handsome neio fall patterns
from $1 vp.
with Corn Syrup and Glucose
respect to any Jllglt-prlced
Many Ooourroncoa of Much Inter
est Gonoral and Local Affairs.
Personal Mention A Reply
From the W. O. T, U.
V 111 our local monied mon novor give
up the old luno "Down in a coal mino,
underneath the ground," and do something
by which thoy may bn onahlod to swell
their bank accounts und help their fellow-
residents without relying solely upon tbo
A littlo push and onergy would result in
the accumulation of a fund that would in
duce outside manufacturers to como Into
tho town and give it somocolorof stability.
It is not nocossary to raiso $100,000, nor
$75,000, nor ovon $50,000.
Tho Deinorest Maohlno Company, tho
Gardner Steel Co. , of Massachusetts, and tho
woolen machinery firm of Furbush &
Sons, of Camden, N. J., aro awaiting
With, say $30,000, Iho tlx exo-nptlon
Council has declared, plenty water, tho bost
rjilway facilities and an abundance ol
labor and cheap fuel, couldn't Shenandoah
mako a showing in bidding for such con-
Now is tho time to act and tho mon of
town who want to got under tho tree when
the plums fall must got .there quick.
Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and little Maha
noy City aro giving us tho go-bye in tho
industrial lino.
Lot a live activo Board of Trado bo
orgauized and, with harmonious, poraistont
action, wo will eventually got towurds the
THE W. O. T. TJ.
What a Member of the Local Or
ganization Has to Say.
Mr. Editor: Having read tho articlo
In this evening's Issue of your papor, in re
gard tojjio W. C. T. IT., tho thought camo
to mo, that if those persons, who condomn
tho work of the W. O. T. U., know moro
about tho work that has and is being bc
complished, they would not be so severe in
thoir criticisms. Our timo, enerelos and
money are not spent alone in trying to re
form thoso whq aro tho slaves of strong
drink, but our work, Stato and National, is
divided Into thirty-throe departments with
an active and efficient superintendent in
charge of each. No ono Local adopts ail
thoso, but each selects those departments
which thoy think best adopted to tho local
ity in which tho Union exists. Thoso de
partments come undor six different head?,
namely: Organization, Preventative, Edu
cational, Evangolistic, Social and Legal,
It Is very evident that our organization is
sot lookod upon in othor places with the
disfavor it is in this rum-cursod county, or
it nevor would havo roached tho vast num
bers it has in the sixteen years of its exist
ence, thoro boing in the United Statos
membership of 113,971. In Pennsylvania
wo have n membership of over 15,000. Nor
Is our work confined to this side of the
water, as will be seen from tho following
takon from tho roport of our missionary,
Mary O. Lcavitt, who has encircled tho
globe with tho white ribbon,
"In her oight years' absenco sho held
ovor 1,000 meetings in China, Japan, In
dia, Northern and Southern Egypt,Au8lra
lia and tho Hawaiian Islands, talking in 17
different languages. To do this sho em
ployed 231 interpreters.!'
Sbo not only organized unions in these
places, but a'to introduced scientific tem
perance instruction in tho schools and
secured the regular study of temporance
literaturosuoli as recent laws havo Intro
duced into the curriculum of tbe public
schools in our own state.
At a convention of teachora, held In
Copenhagen at which was gathered all the
leading teachers of Scandinavia, Mrs.
Lcavitt was one of the principal speakers.
Tbe outoomo of her address being the tub
sequent passago of laws compulsory in tho
schools throughout Scandinavia, including
Denmark, owoden, 1' inland und Norway.
Tbero is no way Ip which humanity can
bo benefitted but what there Is a depart
ment roaching out to holp along. Wero
one to try to do horo for orring girls und
Mien women what has been done in
Wilkes- Barro and other places, wo would
bo dubbed busybodios and rcqueslod to
stay at home and koop our houses clean, as
wo wore lu former times wbon efforts wore
niado to protest our boys and girls from
temptation and a lowering of their morals,
for when the sacred n ess oj God's day is
disrospocted tho road to ruin Is very oasy,
The indifl'eronce of mothers on this subject
l greatly to bo regretted. They stand
aloof and then whon their boys and girls
fall prey to temptation find fault with the
W- O T. V. for not do'ng more. But re
gardless of croakers and fault finders, we
shall still wage our peaceful war for God,
Home and Native Land,
Mkmbbr W. O. T. U.
Shenandoah, July 28, 1891
A. Simpson Sllohter, of York.
Without a Poor In Hla Lino.
In York city thoro reside many peoplo of
musical talent, but there doubtloss is nono
in tho state who is capable of manipulating
so gracefully so many different musical
instruments as A. Simpson Sllohter, of thHt
pi a co. Ho plays thirteen different musical
instruments and is mnstor of them all. His
favorito Is a small harmonica, and when in
his hands it becomes an instrument of great
interest, producing tho finest muslo and
most beautiful sounds. With it ho can
porfectly Iraitato bras3 binds, bagpipes,
concertina, mocking birds, cat calls, crying
babies, railway trains and various othor
sounds. "Sim," as ho is popularly culiod,
is also without few equals when it comes to
manipulating a guitar. Ho onco performed
tho feat of playing tlx mouth organs nt one
time. IIo was born in Schuylkill county
July 8, 180-5, Is a nophow of Q.n. J. K.
Sliifriod, of Pottsvillo, and began his pro
fession at tho nfte ofsix-yoars. Ho has
challenged Dash William, of Sunbury, to
play on tho harmonica or guitar for 500 a
ido. Tho contest will probably take place
n Sbonandoah, as soon as arrangements
can be completed.
Four of ShenandoaU's Democratic
zens aro seeking the olUco of Sheriff.
Our local politicians, especially thoso in
the Damocratic ranks, are very activo now.
Constablo Jorry Tooraoy wants tho Dem
ocratic nomination for Jury Commissioner.
The A'etoi Intimates thul "Hilly" Nois
wonter may ho a candidate for Sheriff on
tho Kepublican side.
William Wragg has boon snggoatod for
tho position of Jury Commissioner on tho
Kepublu'nn ticket. ' '
Col. Harry Itoyor, of Pottsvlllo, will bo
tho Damocratic nominee fur tho Constitu
tional Convention from tho 29th Senatorial
John F. Urojsang, of Pottsvillo, who has
boon "knocked out" so frequently, is tho
lattst aspirant for tho Kepublican nomina
tion for Sheriff.
Tho big head is seizing upon some vory
small fry politicians in Pottsvillo, and tho
Shenandoah postofilce guido Is issuing froo
copies to advertise them. Kepublican.
No bettor oyideuco of Judge Oroon's
popularity, fltnoss and ability is wanted
than tho attacks mido upon him by tbe
Chronicle. It will not help tho Demo
cratic n9 pi rants ono whit.
Our Polish citizons want a enure, of the
spoils this your. Sinco thoy are to furnish
from COO to 1,000 votes thoy seem to think
thoj aro entitled to snmo recognition from
tho Democratic party to which they mostly
The Democrats intend to mako it a rule
that no ofllco holder, excopt Judgo and
Congressman, will bo eligible for n socond
term, This rule will suit tho "outs" very
woll; but wait until they get "in" thon It
won't soom to bo the fair thing aftor all.
For delegate to the Constitutional Con
vinlion from thn upper district, tho namo
of Joseph II. Pomoroy, Esq., is most gen
orally montionod, and ho is willing to
accept provided tho Republicans nominato
but ono candidate. Major M, M. L' Voile Is
talked of also but It is doubtful whether ho
would care to accept. Journal.
E. F, Smith, Ei of Pottsville, was in
town yesterday.
Assistant Postmaster Dengler is homo
agnin and at hla post.
Doputy District Attornoy Shay was ii
town yesterday on Important logal but!
John A. Keilly, who has been us fur
west as California, rolurnod homo last evin
ing, looking hale and hearty. II u bad a
nice timo.
Mrs. Fairchilds, Misse Mahala Fair
cbilds and Lillio Ilousor returned from
Audenriod yesterday where they spent two
or three days visiting frlonds and rolativos.
Charloy Shaw, coal Inspector fu the em
ploy of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company,
etatiorrod at Pittston, was In town yester
day, swapping stories with his frlonds.
J. H. Pomeroy, Btq., lofttown thij morn
lug far Nantaiket Beach, noar Boston. He
Isadeli'gato from the Schuylkill County
Bar Auooiation to the National Bar Associ
ation, wliioli aweinulM at that plaoe.
Everybody likes to got tho most tpr the
money. This desire is quickutt accommo
dated by an investment of 20c. in a bottle
of Wolff's Aome Blacking, Ask some of
your neighbors if thoy have not found
more profit, comfort and pleasure In a bot
tle of Wolff's Aomo Blaokfng than in any
ptlior article thoy could obtain for a liko
amount. It is profitable bocause It pro
servos loather; It is comfort and pleasure
giving bocauso it is easily applied and re
quires but ono application a month on
ladles' shoes und onco a week on men's
Atlantic City Excursion.
When tbo Atlantic City excursion train
reached Shnmokin yesterday it had llvo
I cars with overy seat taken. Five cars
moro wero added and boloro reaching
Tumaqua these were filled,
Waters' Weiss beer Is the best.
John A
Itoilly.kolo agont-
-t :i:Q-tf
Tho Colored Lad Merely Toyed
With tho Imported Pugilist.
Rounds of Applause for tho
Feathorweight Champion.
Ity National Press AssocUtltun.
San Fhakcibco, July 2sJ. Tho prize
fight betweeu Oeorgo Dixon of Boston
nial Abe Willis of Australia took place
at tho gynaslum of the California Ath
letic CI ah lust night for n purso of
$8,000 and the b.-intnm-wolght cham
pionship of tho world.
Willis wan practically unknown horo
nnd tho betthiH bofore tho fight began
was In Dixon's favor, ranging from 100
to 70 and 100 to 00. Cheat Interest was
takon in tho fight and the club room
wns well filled.
The contestants appeared lu tho ring
soon after 8:40 o'clock. Both mon woro
In porfect condition. Dixon's seconds
wero Tom O'ltourko, Mitchell and Billy
Akors. Willis was seconded by Mirtin
Murphy and Billy Smith. Hiram Cook
was referee. Timo was called at 8:40.
Tho Ilnttlv.
First round Tho men sparred caro-
fully for fnlly a minute, Dixon showing
to groator advantage in reach. Thon
Dixon led nml caught Willis on tho jaw,
Bending him down. When ha roso thoro
was tho liveliest kind of a rally, tho
men slugging each other at close quar
ters. Dixon plainly had tho best of it.
Willis huggi-d ns much as possible.
faeconil vounu Altar lighting cautious
ly for n minute Dixon planted n swing- '
lng lelt on tno Australian's Jaw. bev
eral sharp rallies nnd much clinching
followed. Then thoy kept up a see-saw I
on each other's Jaws at the closest possl-
ble range. The round closed with oheors
tor both. I
Third round Both mon wero very
wary nt first, Dixon then landing his loft
on Willis' eye and his right on the Jaw. .
Neitlior blow did much dnmago. I
Fourth round Aftor two minutes of 1
sparring Dixon lundcd on Willis' jaw 1
and body several times, rocolvlng two I
sharp raps m return. Both were very I
quiet and saved themselves by dodging.
Fifth rouud It was opened like tlie
others, neither seeming disposed at first
to rush nnd force matters. Towards the
close there wns n sharp rally noar tho I
ropes, lu which It wns give mill tuko for
u moment, though Dixon was plainly
landing harder and oftenor. Prosoutly
Dixon caught tbo Australian on the jaw
with his loft and. sent him down. Willis
roso to his hands'and knees and took his
10 seconds ou tho floor. He roso a little
weak, but whoji Dixon rushed him ho
stood prepared to rcceivo tho attnok. I
Ho could not do much, however, In the
rally that followed, and Dixon's right ,
soon came into contact with Willis' Jaw !
and tho latter wont down flat on his j
back. He fell heavily nnd lay like n
log. When tho 10 seconds had expired
Willis' socondB had to life him from tho
floor, and Dixon was declared tho winner.
Tho colored boy sfonicd as strong as
when the fight commeucod.
Tho Boston boy was cheered to the
echo as he left tho ring. H'i Is rogardod
horo now as the wonder of the uge.
Temiy and Lousatreer. to Meet for a
rriz or I
New Yonic, July "9. Great crowds
aro expected at Morris Park and Brighton
Beach this afternoon, ns it is the greatest
day of the year for racing enthusiasts.
Everyone has hoard of the proposed
matohes to-dny, aud everyone has talked
of them, Tenny, the popular idol, and
Lougstroet, a horse that his owner be
liovos is tho peer of any ever foalod In
this country, will moot at even weights
over a mile and a quarter nt Morris Park
for a prize of $12,000, while at Brighton
Beach KlngBton, the best son Spend
thrift ever hud, and Tulltt Blackburn, a
mare that bus suffered but three defoats
this year, will fight for a $3,000 purse
ovor a mile and a furlong.
Custom Uoiuo Kmploye Dlnohnrgod,
New Yokk, July 30. Tho Jottors
sent to Collector Erhnrdt by Secretary
Foster regarding the discharge of Cus
tom House umployos havo been made
public. Ninety employes are ordered
discharged, and numerous roduotlous In
salaries are authorized lu various de
partments. The movement Is for the re
duction of expenses. Many of tho oflloos
are abolished.
Tin, Trains ColllUo.
Amjancb, O., July 29. Tho second qoc
tlon of freight tra u No. 83, west-bound,
and loo d freight No. 70, east bouud, ou
tbe Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago
Kail road collided with a terrible crash
near Salem, O., last ovenlug. Two on
glues and 11 cars of freight wero demol
ished, bovornl memuors ol tho orowa
wero severely Injured but nous fatally,
Consul William IS. Sliua Head.
Wabiiinuton, July 20. A private
cable dispatch receitod heie from Colon,
on tho Isthmus of Punan.n, nunounoos
the death of William K Hlms, of Vir
ginia, United htntes Consul nt that port,
He was n leading h'.iiubllcuu politician
of his Slate, and figured as tho central
target in the Dauvillo rlor of 1843.
Happy and content is a home with ' The Ho-
thesterr a lamp with the light of the mornioa
FtrialiileruitViriti H-cttlltr j auttCt.fea Vtr
Startling IHarloMiioi llrKar(llnir h Pnn
ftrlrnnlii luxui-miflH Company., Pn., July 20. In tho Court ol
Common Pleas of IWks County n bill it
equity has been filed signed by a num.
bor of policy holders of the Standard
Mutual Llvo Stock Insurance Comp.iny
of this city.
Tho stnrtling ohargo Is made that
tho company was organized for fraud.
Tho company got luto trouble about
two years ago, anil as a result of tho fll-r
lug of a bill lu equity by Anron B, Wood,
tho Court of Common Pleas of Berks
County appointed Peter W. Fishor re
ceiver. Wm. Blghter Ffshor wns retained tut
attorney by the petitioners and othei
policy holders about a mouth ago. Ho
says that during his investigation one of
tho reasons that mndo him suspect fraud
was tho discovery that ono of tho mana
gers of tho company had been dipping
Into gravoyard Insurance.
The Mutual Company was started lax
1830, nnd is now said to havo outstand
ing policy holders, who rcsldo prluclt
pally in Philadelphia and neighboring
portions of Now Jersey and Pennsyl
vania, to tho amount of $000,000.
Tbo first Mull to I'ut "rho Sear Bpnnulrd
ltsnnor" Into Tjpo.
Baltimore, July 21). Samuel Bands,
one of the oldest cltlzeus of this city,
is dead, aged 02 years. For a long period
he had probably boon tho oldest living
printer, being lu uninterrupted sorvlco as
printer, editor or publisher slnco his ap-
pronttccship In 1811. Half n contury ago
bo published the American Farmer, thq
first agricultural pnpor lu this country.
When nn apprentice boy in 1814 In tin
ofllco of tho American In this city ho pti?
into type fresh from tho author's hands,
the song of "Tho Star Spangled Banner. "
Loft alone In the ofllco on account of hit
youth when tho other hands went Into
the trenches on tho attnek by tho UrltUhV
on tho city, ho put the stirring poem into J.
print in tho shnDO of a broadside whlohV i
no uistnuutou throughout tho city.
No Report Vet on the Solzure of Amorlw
cau Klslituir lloutn.
Wasiiinoton, July 29. A dispatch
from Ottuw.t says that the Hon. O. H.
Tupper, Ministor of Fisheries, has re
ferred to tho Department of Justloe for
consideration tbe roport on tho)
recent selzuro of soven American fishing
boats in British watom near Eastport, Ma.
Tho captain of tho oruter Dream hat
forwarded to Ottawa au Amorloan chart,
from which ho trnces the conclusion that
tho Americans woro trespassing at tho
time ho pounced upon them.
Tho United Statos cruiser Woodbury la
patrolling tho wntors at Campobello,.
whore tho fishing boats woro seized.
The World's Fair Commissioners an
rived In Paris to-dny.
Tho New York Stute convention of th
Knights of Pythias Is In session nt Cort
Willis Heed, aged 73, an lnvontor o
mill appliances, was killed by a fan in ii
tank at Danbury, Conn.
The Boston Safe nnd Trust Company
has begun n suit for $7,445,000 against
tho Charleston, Cincinnati & Chicago
Stephen A. Kynn, who failed at Atlanta
for $2,000,000, has been put In jail for re
fusing to turn ovor $120,000 said to be in.
his possession.
Tho British taxpayer is groaning nt ths
prospect of un addition to tho family of
Prlucets Beatrice, wife of Prince Henry
of Battouberg.
The factory of tho Folter Shoo Company
in Now Brunswick, N. J,, was destroyed
by lire yesterday, also two houses be
longing to tho Willow Qrovo Comotery
F. C. Allen, the well-known publisher
of Augusta, lie., died yesterday of pneu
monia at the Parker House lu Boston,
Ho was taken 111 on the steamo. return
ing from Europo.
Tho tie-up In Newark, N, J., on tha
rapid transit branch of tho Newark:
Passenger Iiallw.iy Is practically onded.
The road is running with nearly Its full
complement of oars to-day urnnnod by
new hands. None of tho strikers will hi
taken back.
A fire Involving a loss of $25,000 In;
buildings and stock occurred In tho buai
uossp rt of Talwrtf, N.Y., at au early hour,
Tho losers are Miss Tompkins, building
und millinery; Peter Coyle, store and ho
tel barn; A. E. Hurt, tlu shop and dwell-i
lng; W. W, Harbor, store bitildiag; W. I).
Craves, general store and building; W.
C. Armstrong, store building and dwell
ing; J, J. Dooley, geueral store.
Advertise In ths Herald.-
Fruit Jars,
Jolly Tumblers,
1 qt.t 2qt, 3qt 4 qi.
Brown Sujar, 4c.
Whole & GrounJ Spicos
No. I22 North Jardin Streot