'jpzcc-nsria goods at Tin: oisr ta: COMER STORE AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, All kinds of potted menls, flsli, canned goods, oystera, lobsterw, crabs, lliitHlun cavinr, frwh pplcod oysters, lluost smoked hama, bo lognas uud kmiuUlk beef, York state full croani nlieio,Kiiiiintl)ul, Swiss, 15d.ini, Bnimneo mid Lltnbiirger. Flno assortment of cakes and bis cuits. G. nnd H. plrklos of nil kinds. I'leUUs by thodoz-n, You will find Just what you want. SBYEBIsT'S, Ej, m b m: m M lii or lit. warn mmaiEaBn yv fnaxj a!a "Tf" MtJi lUjMHitm mpmn atratjk TTY "B III! CITY, Pi. Anniversary. To-morrow a Festival, Str nf llth1nlim Lodiro. A. V. A., will The festival and entertainment to be n..4-.. .1 tin.54- Ctn( l,.niukrain iVioir nnlvnrniirv in Clolumbla eivon by Silvor Wavo Custln. A. O. K. of JVL-, UIU1U-0 ttUU W1ULU OU.UUUS. . ' iTu -t f u n .,,... i.. s- ivmj .. 1,., It'atK, .lueaaay, aujub uhi. iunw tho organization and friends aro invited. 7-28-81 WANTS, &o. Attention, House Cleaners I The Evening Herald. AI.I. THIS Nl'.WS l'OK ONK CUNT. Has a larKr circulation in Shenandoah than any other paper published. Circu lation books open to all. M, 0 , takes placo in Itobbins' opora house to-morrow, A good Unto is in prospect for nD who attond. WAN "iD. A lady nrr-nt to sell a IT rood nrtfcle amnnir fviminii. Annlv nil i ho Hkiiai.o office, tr ! Tlin warm weather la here, and lionse.i'len .Inir Is th nest thine In onler. LOCAL LUNCHEON. Excursions. Gron corn. I'ear plenty. July ii on llio home slreloh. Older will be plenty and cheap this year. Apple and peach dumplings are now ripo. One weekof oamp in a year is enough for the average eitlzin soldier. Wo are now in the dull teuton, but the bIrm are auspicious for a god fjll trade. The niRn who can Invent an office boy who will always be on bund when wanted has a fortune within his roach, July Is nearly none and with It the greater part of the summer. Though a native of a warm climate the devil never lakes a vaoation. Tho Croatian at tho west end of Main und Coal street Is being ropaircd. Sheriff's sale of tho George Kottlg prop erty hns again been postponed until August 3. Tried to Do up tb.8 Town. A gang of toughs camo to town from Oilberton last evening, and after drinking a few glusies of beer, tbey, together with u young man of town named Mike Murphy, raited adbturbtnoo in front of Jon Wyatl's saloon on Went 0k street. Upon tho arrival ofjan officer tho crowd dispersed. Plonlcs. Tho Trinity iteforniod Sunday school will nicnic to-morrow, 29lh inst., at Lnlto- ide. Siiecial train will leave T. & It. depot at 8 ' clock a. m. The English Lu theran and I'rosbyterian Sunday schools will accompany them. A big crowd and a good time is expected. Tho nionic of tho T. A. B. 11 ind, at Lakeside, yestorday, was largely atlundod. Entitlod to tho Beat. All aro cntlilod to tho best that their money will buy, so ovory family should have, at once, a bottle of tho boat family remedy, Syrup of Fig, to clcanso tho sys mm when oostivo or bilious. For salo In 50c and 1 00 bottles by all loading drug-gists. ONE WAY TO DO IT. Obituary. Sun lay evening Martin King, father of Miohaol and 1'ntriok King, of town, died from miner's asthma nt his late residence on Wost Lino stroit. Tho deceased wa- sixty years of ao. Tiirili WANTED. A irood ex- VJ porlcuced girl wauled fr general 1ion-. worn, jMootuer need apply. (Jail at hkiials mice. &nst uoai sireei. 7.3-tf DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR Kale. One of the most desirable rtrnnmv ties on West Oak street, for Kale on reasonable terms. Apply at Howso'n grocery store, cor ner Jaraiu and. Oat streets. Mheuandoab, Ph Lskesido is rapidly forging to the front as cow. with high lioms. Hnmo can bo bad by . ., , Z provlug imiperty and paying for Mils alver- Tho Ono Think Lacking. a popular summer rosort. Tho now trol ting and baie ball park will bo romplelcd in a few weeks, and alter thn various con templated improvements aro made this will be the centre of attraction for lovnrd of genuino pleasure. Th only fiit.g lacking is a newspaper box or headquarters, where tho wenry reporters might go and rest uwblieand prepare thoir "copy," i crimps whotiovor any big event is on tiiu tupia? Tho press members havo no convonionces, Is this as it should be? Republican. TTi.STRAYED JLHOdd Fellow' To the nretnlsen. O' metory, a dnrk brown And at such times most everybody jieeds some lilnrf to brighten up mo Home, so it you uvu a g iou c irpei of eitner Velvet, Moqueii, Body , on Tapestry Brussmk TWO OR THHKE-PLV INGIiAIIV, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS You can find a full assortment at PRICE'S. moment. 7-23 3t 17IOR RENT A pood stable' In the U First ward, Kullnhle for a lvery or otbnr purposes. Anply to j. j. liobbins, No. 130 N. .nam sireei, Biiciiauaoan. KARIC tiKANtJE. Ten (10) shares nf btnldlog and tonn nssoclniion filock I roi faleiUiifu -nncs laquireai unvis' steam aye wirus, iiu vmv uoiuro sireei. 7-si tr IT'OR RENT Store and building fl now occupied by tho Shenandoah Ilakpry Oo. lor mn iiifacturltis aal rebil' and.v bushier. Two floors 01x20 eat. Apply in j . j . r muey. U'lou Lace Curtains , Curtain Polos of all Kinds ! Window Shades, Floor and Ttble O ! ''-itH aii'l Linoleiinm ! all trades. l'rlees cannot be beaten when iiunlity ii ronsHeretl. No miarepresentatlon oue price to nil. PRICE'S Old Reliable Stand, , ' Coming Events. TnltOaili TfiMtlval and nnlflrlnlnmnilt.'. Bobbin.' opera house, under the auspices I'laco. will suit Shenandoah as well : How "Waybnok Towns Are Boomod Successfully. Tho following, taken from the Ilazleton Sentinel, by changing tho name of the of Silver Wave Oastle, A. O. K. of M. O. Aug. C Ioe crnam festival, under the auspices of tho "Vs," in Itobbins' opera houso. Aug. 18. Ico cream and peach festival, in KobbW opera houso, u-idnr tho auspices of Camp No. 188, P. 0. S. of A. Completed to Doadwood. The Hurlington ltoute, 0., B. & Q. R. H from Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, is now completed, and daily passenger trains are geries. running through Lincoln, Hob., Rnd Custor, S. D., to Daadwood, Also to New castle, Wyoming. Sleeping Ours to Dead wood, tf Ifow can this town be boomed ? Well, how are other towns boomed? Did you over hear of Sudbury, Canada? You didn't ? Well, thoro isn't much thoro. Onlv a nicklo mino worth about hulf aE muob as a Shenandoah mino. Three years ago thoro wore only WK) people in Sudbury. They were all squat ters. Their idea of a Iioumj was a log cabin: and of a town a collection of cabins with a straggling stroot and a few grog- XT.!C i'F,n-An wtlve reliable man 1 aaKrv bto to 38 monthly, with In crease, to n-preceut in bis own section a re sponsible New York Il.mne. References. Manufacturer, Locii lloi 1685, New York Reddall A Zimmerman w'U withdraw tlieb' Hlnl- llou. WIl.KIK L-Oli MNH. Jit., from Ihostu t. to put In eondltiou for fall rncln;;. IVrsona tuturested should irovrrn themsflves nowra- ingly. 7-15 3t A DMINISritATOHS' NOTICE. XJL Ustnleoi I 'nnlel ltumbel, deceased. Lettera or namlnlstration on the estate of I i.iY u.,iijv I ciHiyiRiucoiuiiy. iii'Peu'WMi, navo ueeu vraniea 10 winiam ii. itnniii'ji. reiiainz ai lllnelown. ra.. to whom all uersoos luueblea lo said Ohtate are requested to make paymei t, imrt lho.e ' nvliu rliilms or demands Will Aiiotlir Aliaiolilsl Briiro, St. Petehsburo, July 28. The pollco hero havo been much excited over a re port that Anarchism dlsguUed as sailors of the French fleet Intended an attack on bo life of the Czar. Tho consequence "VTOTICE. After August 3, has oeen mat rrouenmen are waicueu more closely than Nihilist, and while to outward appearance all la hnrmony nnd fraternity, the boat pollco agents ol at. Petersburg are Keeping survclllauce over the visitors. 113- North Main Street, Shoiiandoali, Pa. man Vrf c2Z3n vssn Bs&taocaxa Jack IlaAullfTo lias Hljnod. Playing Cards. You can obtaiii a pack of best quality playing eards by sonding fifteen cents in pottage to P. S. Eustls, Gen'l PasB. Agt., B., 0. & Q.K. 11. Chicago, 111. tf Thoy Aro Splendid. We moan thoso Cheviot suits you can get at A. T. Jones' "Famous" Clothing storo for ?0.TO. It don't do In ueclict nature's warning To-dav it is bicuor tn Suennndorb. Thoro aro dozens of big streets. There aro big, sky-scri.plng buildings. Four cornor lots aro worth as much as tho nickle mino. Tho groggeries havo put on style, They are gilded places, brass, nicklo and mirror (Deckled. Tho boom is on. The 'quatler tine retreated into tho woods. Stovc-pipo hats and dross suits aro sien where tho mining hat and ovorall long hold sway. How was it done? Simply by advertising. Some fow on1 ortretic citizons thought that if advertising would sell a patent medicino it would soil town lots. It did. It was a burething. It the lightweight champion, has signed nr tides for a light to a finish with Austin Gibbous lor a atako ol $1,BUU a side, n purse of $4,000 and the lightweight; chnmpionalilp. Both men ore to weigh Yii'j pounds. McAullffo having waived the 15-round clause, it is expected that Gibbons will now sign the artloles, and that the fight will take plaoo boiore the Granite Club, Uoboken, Sept. 11. I.ouIsv111a'm Datobalt MmUllv. Louisvuxb, Ky., July 28. At a meet ing of the stockholders of tho Louisville Ilasoball Ulub next inursa ly tno presi dent aud directors will veslgn in a body. make Ifmiwti the Name without (lelav. VILLilM II. HU.UH1SL,, orto S 0 M IIoLi.oi'ErEB, Alt'y. July Klib, 1SU1. Administrator. 7-17-0t Wo mean it in every sense of the word. We ofler you good all-wool Bulls for less thnu .their value. Our light goods must go, regardless of cost; so if you want to purchase a Men's All-wool Cheviot Suit for 88. CO cull on us. Furnishing goods also to be had at lower prlce3 than you will flud them elsewhere. Wo make no boasts merely for advertisement, but what we advertise we will do. Call'and examines our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret it. CHARTER NOTICE. Notice is hereby glvon that an nppllratlou will be made in the Governor of l'piinylvaulnin tliethlrd day of August. 1601, by J.M. (ilietr, Mobpr Mervlue, Christian Ebcrle, Hlmon Swoyer. K tcbnry 'I'. Trout and J. H lioelmun uuaer ma aci oi vvsiieuiuiy emiue'i -rxu uu. lo provide lor lue lucorponvuou auu reguia tioo nr ceruiin covnonnions approvfu jvprii ai, ivh, aoa iuo &uppeinen' ineriu, iui urn i fATTP "Fill f) PRICi i cur HIE The purpose is to give the stockholdern a climlcr of au litendet corporation to be chance to vote approval or disapproval of. Sg'Sd2? WlcffWhKiwoI the mauagemcnt. Twu llaym Urotrnod. Aiaentows, Pa., July 28. Two hoys, William Peacock, agsd 8, aud George Ilronhv. axed 0, wero drowaod in tho Le high at Cnta9iio.ua durlug the morning. wnterforttio nubile at the honuich of Olrard- vllK in the county of Soluiyiklll. and to per- i-ons, partnerships an 1 nisoel lions reildlng therein as may de-ire the hamo, ana for uitso 11 N. Main Street, STicnaniloa7i. curnoss to have, liosiesij.amlienloy oil the rights, beueflta and prtvjleswvjald Act ol Awembly and bupiilememij OIRAH11V1T.I.E, July 7, 1801; EJTOaBBullcItor. Bt1- 7 7.td t.smrNeuTXardK K oul it iu tho right Oil. tho Famous l'alil tin's drug storo. way. Cure. 1 cents at Kir Haven't wo some advantages that might Tho Excursion. bo set forth by advortliiiig7 Shenandoah Fontovor twonlydvopassen- Did you over notice tho kind of adver sers with the P. & K special chonji ox- Using wo get abroad? When you soo tho FOB S-A-XjIE! Thounderslcned. dclrlnK to retire from bus- inesi, will dlsiiiK-eoPOn stock: ol dry goods, groceries Ac, cheap, l'urch-isercannlto'cnt lue store room ai reasouaDie icrius xuo stand is a good one and In tho hands of a live man iuu oo maae proniaoie. T. H. DAVIS, (MO tr too worui jaruiii i. POLITICAL. cursion to Atlantia Oily this morning. Fell Dnnril Stntrs nnd Itrolcn Ills Neek, I'ATEnsoN, N. J., July 2. Noah Hamp, eon, aged 00, formerly a sailor but for the last fow years proprietor of a tene ment houso known as "Noah's A'k," fell down stairs last night and broke his naek. Death was Instantaneous. Neiu llvm. New Slock. Green Track, Fine Groceries, $ FRUITS, fxc. Delaware roe shad and other fresh fish right from the noais on ( Tinays. i-rcnu Greens from IboHuutU. In the Way ttl u III or riun, Baltimohi:, Md., July 28. -At the Siege of. Vera Cruz" last night Oeorge Itluglab, an Amerlo.tn ptcout, got in the May of one of tho big guns Just as it was being dlecherged and had his whole side torn away. He wil 1 die. Miles' lioive and Llvor Pills Act ou a new principle-regulating the liver, ttomach and bowels tlnouqh the nertvj A new discovery. Dr. Miles' I'llls speedily cuie biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Unequaled lor men, women, children. Hmsllest, mlli1est,surwitl oldix-os, aScts. Hamples Free, nt O. II. Hagenbuch'i. drug store. Tho Doctor and PostmaBtor weie talking about a case of serious illness. namo of Biienanuoan in mo nows ui- pvchos it is in connection with an Italian murder, a Hungarian brawl, or some other sonsation that comes from tho unchecked and unhiudorod correspondent of the irrceponsiblo city pspor. That's bad advertising, thoso stories ol cave-ins, of murders and lawlofsnoes Everything is charged to Shenandoah. Jut to go back-why shouldn't it pay us jrjvan's Buildinf ', E. Centre St. -.i e IU .wl,,,, n(nna V II it tiufu I Sudburv un in desolate Canada, If it makes u "w """' - i i bii- towns snrlntr ud in a night on tho rocky Everything new nnd fresh. Goods delivered coast of ilaino and tho Texan Wastos why shouldn't it boueflt Shenandoah hero in the lnostaccessiblo part of the groat Keystone stale ? But who Is going to pay the bill you say ? Well who nays it in Sudbury for in- stanco. Tho newspapers nf thiB town aro willing to do thoir eharo f-r tho common good. They bavo persistently worked for tho (own and will for they are moro interested than any in tho progress of tho placo. Wo mifKOst that tho Board of Trade be jjiOU 8UEHI1T, josepii. won, OB roTTaVILI.l. BubJot to Democratic rulei. 17011 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION James J. Frnjicy. OF SHENANDOAH, Subject to Democratic rules. A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice, of the Peace, Deed", Leases, Mortgages and Honds written. Marriage licenses ana legal claims promptly attended to. Real Estate, Collectioa and Insurance Agency. General Fire Insnranco Ituslness, Hepresents tneiNortuwesiern i.ue insurance to. OFFicE-Muldoon'o bulldlmr. corner Centre and West His., Shenandoah, fa. New Saloon and Restaurant! Newly Pahled, Papered and ltciiOvat,d. No. 115 KA8TCENTRF,8TREim Three doors above Kendrlck IIous'Qa BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. to any port of town. R. C." KNIGHT & SOH. M. S. SCHEIDER'S NS!W- Good Hroperties of All Kinds For Sale, 1 A two story double Irmo dwelling bouse stoioand restaurant, on East Oentre Bt 2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre 3. Desirable property oo corner Centre and jariim sireeis, snuaoio tor uusmusi purposes. 1. A two story double Irame dwelling, on West IjIoto street. ' -Two 2 story frame dwellings on yest Cen tre street. 0. Two 2 story dwellings on the corner ol uoai ana unesmui streets more room id one. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut street with a large warehouse at the rear. 8. Three two-iory double framo buildings corner or Lioyu aua miueri sireeis. Mr. llaskey would ln'orm his mat v filendil and the publlo that be will cater to their wanwl luuiesamo nrsi-ciass siyie that ue nai m nil la the oast. None but the best brands of for I clgn and domestic wines, liquors and clga will be kept lu stock. Choice tempciancl uriuKH. i'ine oiu siock uie The eating ba' Is supplied with overytblnil n me eiiinir line served in me oesistviej vi.-ais servtaaiaii uours. iinc nrivaio l uiwcuea. DABB, The PliotograxDher Is located at -73iS stum Smuty tj0. i4 orti, white Street -AND- ilun Inn neirlecterl eold and ranldly eolni: lnlo consumption which was promptly cured by J,rnucht back to 1 fe, that tho wembore Tan-Tina Cough and Consumption Cure. I , , . , , . ', , ... Trint hnttinsfrtont Kirlln's drni- store. take a frosh bold Bnd give a vigorous lm- CONFECTIONERY, No, 27 CTR AWB show the way the wind blows, but they don't show what hard blows we hare beeu striking at tt raw hal prices. Some bats aro dear at any price; these bats are cheap at double the money. If what covers your head Is not becoming to you, all tho pains you take Having nan his gslUry greatly lirfprovorl. he is nowoener preparou iiiau ever louieei. the wants ol ihe pu""- mite photo graphic line. TUh wat holo graphs at lowct i riM H. Best work dono at Brennan's steam Uundry. Kvorytbing white"and spotless. Lace curtains a specialty. Allwork guar anteed. WALL PAPER I petusto town affairs and improvement, I Hoittll Itllllll St.. SliennttrtoaU as to the rest ol your autre nreslmply thrown CraVOH. Work a SCCinlt'( adopt the western wayot booming a town Wo can't all bo Methuealehs and livo for u hundred moro years in a big vlllngo like this without decent streets, with a primi tlvo form of local government and dozens of other disadvantages and bo at the moroy of ono form of mouoy-raaking, coal min lng. Fresh Bread, Calces and Pies. GUAUAM II It GAD A SPECIALTY, A fino line of Confectionery. Kino Ico Crenm I'arlors attached. A OAKLOAD JUST AKBIVED AT MBLLBT'S Blanks Do Gilt 8o Embossed 12 l-2c . ,, , , IsubJeotedlo a very inorousn iet, ana can Window SlmdOS, Spring rolIorS..2Co ftuil not a single trace or mineral or mercurial I preparation in It whatever; and, as I have 'flt.T.lftl I'rklA.4 An I E.nrl n,Blr1ar,lt1n nvnprlnnivi In UNcmiRtllll Illonai eui-ct ui ceriaiu aiea,es aireauy Known to you, 1 consider It tho safest und best vegebible blood purlfler In the market. mnvim TO I Yours lespectrally. ItIO ISW U I). J. LYHTEU. I'll U, M. I). I Hold at Klrlln's Drue Btore.f'erkiuson House 22 East Centre St., Sienanooafi,uloeK-aatDanl0 Waters' Weiss boor is the best. What a Prominent Physician and OhemiBt Bays After Analysis and Praotlcal TeBt. Dr. J. Lyiter, formerly of Beltevue Jfotnital itedusat College and Long Jtland Oullege tpiaU at follow : Alva's llrnnllian Hpeoltlo Co., OWnllHr.et. Oeuts: The samp e of your Oaotus Illood Cure, which I bought for analysis, I have CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. Rollly solo agent. John A 6-5-t r-atlu Oi.ltl.1. DamnnnnllV Rofltored. IVeukness, 'crTouiic., Ileblllly. and all the train of evils from oarly orrorsorlater excowes. the reaults of overwoili, sloluiesa, worry, etc. I11U streogth, development, and touo Ktven to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Immediate improvement Been, failure Impossible, tf.ux) references. Hook, oxpumstloni vid proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address CRIB MCD10A1. CO., DUFFALO, M. Y Lambert, The Hatter, Curries an extraordinary line ot Hats, Caps and Oents' Furnishing 'Goods aud makes a specialty of Nellie Kly anil Mary Amlereon Capo. Q BASX OHNTRH ST. away. Come and see now you win loocin one of our fiOo strw hats. There's no use in giving any further description of them than to say tills they are stylish. We cut the price down because wo waul to cul our stock: dowu. Another big bargain In hats is our 91 black Mill" bats. S, Main St SCANLAN Shenandoih Ice Cream Festival ' Under the auspices of Iho 6i W, S, SNYDER'S R0BB1NS1 Ol'EllA HOUSE, SHENANDOAH, PJ. Boot and-Shoo Store, WedneSiay Aug. 5, '91. (Mastelier's old stand,) corner Conl anil JnrItiiBta. I TICKETS, - lOOBMTS. a nod for a plato of cream, Mr. Bnydor will always keep in stock a flue uuooi uoois auu suues. Custom Work and Uepairlujr dnnn in the heat stvle. He iruarantees to sell cheaper Ih-tn competitors on Main street who I uave pis reais iu auu Hiiumuitia b kvuu- ;ne uaruiu ou every purcuute. SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, SO llatt Centre Street, 8UVXAXDOAJI, Bread, Cakes, Ice Crcaia and Coaftctioaery -OF ALL KINDS. - 3 roomer ii -JTXJSO? OXJT- The"HEW 8R0ADWAY" RAKI It beats everything iu the market, and price is juhl riant. 10 una me limes. It will pay you to come and see IU I am prepared to do the following at tig uncut, uiitiLp.n: Tlu roofing ...,6c per foot unci rin ro.r naintlnir u.n Tin conductor 12a Tin liaoglne cutter 12o " uaivamzeu emmnoy suok 'jjo per pod Mepuirs xuruu ciuves a specially. WM. B. PRATT, 74-3m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenand LEATHER anil SHOE FIsM Bcalor In all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies! Largo and fi rst-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supphel 18 W. CENTKE BT., Kergusou Hause building, SHEfiANDOAH, Pl The Cheapest Place TO BUY Gents FunisMng Goods, Hosiery, Etc , ia at CHARLES : YAROWSKY'l 23 West Centre ft., Shenandoah, a 001 oc M. HAMILTON, M. IJ., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 23 West Lloyd Btreet, Bhenj