The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 28, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
Jt. C JtOVllll, ltillnr utiil fulitlnlier.
HMf. . WATK1XS, luteal lUllnr.
Th' l:VEXIXl Jl KRA1.11 hat a tarutreir
tv'ntiim li Hhmandnnh than any other paper
putihnhnt, Jhmta r.ptn to M.
subscription rates:
DAILY, ier yer, lt 0"
WEitKLr, per year 1 6n
Kntcnd t the Pimtoinoe, at henndoh, P,.
for transmission throwihtue mH
ai saeond elMn mull matter.
Fifuros Demonstrate the Popu
larity of tho Resort.
Jn'y a9 Trinity ltelormed Sunday
ec'h' ', of Shenandoah.
July 30. Youtiji'Men'i lUpublicah Olub
of Mulmnoy Oily.
.1 ii 1 v 31. 1're.bylorian Sunday school of
Mnl'unoj Olty.
1 Wchb Hnptiel Sunday schwl,
Jl .nmoy Oity.
Auk. 8. Ki.glitli lleplUlFuDdsyicboo
o' .ii m.undoah.
Aiitf. 4 M. K. SuDdny tohool of Mali
a ..,) Plane.
Aug. 6 M. K. Sunday school, Aililand.
A ir 0 Hvatigellcsl Sundny school of
Mahanoy City.
Auc 7. Welsh Congregational, Jlaha
noy City. . M. K. Sunday ecliool, Oilber
9lon. Aug. 10. SI. K. Sunday school, Girsrd
v!Uo, and Uuion,Sunday school, L'.tl
On ok.
Aug. 11 "Welsh! Baptist, CoiiKrcfin
tlonnl and Slctlipdlst, Shonntidoah.
Aug. PZ Lutheran missionary feet'r id.
" 13. Kpifoorall Sunday school of
Milmnoy City.
Aug. 1-1 Iteformf d Sundny eoliool, of
Au(f. IB. Klsldddfod.
" 17. Lutheran Sunday school, (!i
rar 'villo.
A'ir. IB. English Baptist Sunday school,
M:ilianny Oity.
Aug. 10. M. K. Sunday sohool of Shen-
nn loRh.
Aug. 20. TrlnityJ liolormod Sunday
school of Mahanoy City.
Aue. 22 1'. JI. Sunday tchoo, of Gil
hor in.
Ave. 21. 1. M. Sunday school of Shen
andoah. Aug. 25. English Lutheran, Mahanoy
City. ii
A Curo for Constipation and
Dr. Silas Lane, while in tho Kocky
Mountains, discovered a root that whn
combined with other horbs, makos an oaj
and certain cure Tor roiiMtpallun, It in In
tho form of dry roots and leaves, and is
known us Lane's Family Jledicino. It
will cure sick headache. For llio blood,
Hvor and kidneys, and for clearing up the
Complexion it does wondors. Druggist
sell it at CO centB a package
Flio at this season havo tho agility of
floii3 and tho vornoinudiios of vulturos.
Aak Your Prionds About It.
Your distroef iriK coiirIi can ho cured
"Vo know it bfcanso Kemp's Ualsarri
Vfltbin tho past lew years has cured ec
many cnunhs and colds in thlslcommunity.
IU remarkable sale bas boen won ontirely
by its gonuine merit. Ask some friono
vUo has used it what he thinks of Kemp's
Ualam. Tbeie is no medicine so pure,
none o effective. Lare bottles 6O0 and $1
st all druKn'idW.
"Warm oveninK croato a run on soda
fountains and ;co cream parlors.
To Nervous, Dobllltated Mon.
Tf you send us your address, wo wil
mali you our illustrated paraphlot explain
ing au alwut Br. Dye's Colobratod Klootro
Voltaic Uelt and Appliances, and their
charming eOecU upon tbo norvous de
billtatod system, and how they will quickly
res-tore you to vigor, and manhood. Pamph
lot freo. If you are thus afflicWT we wl'd
lend you a Belt and Appliances 011 n trial.
Voltaic Hkvk Co.. Marsball. Mich.
I'rofpocU are good for a lino Jaur-krout
crop this fall,
Shlloh'a Consumption Curo.
Tills 1 beyond quehtlou tbe most aniv
vtbBiiu uougn iiieniciue we nave evt-rBoia,
a lew doxoH Invariably cure tlie Moist crsonol
Couli, t'roui", mid Droncliltls. wlille t wim.
derlu' miimb In thu cure of Consumption m
wltliont a parallel 111 the history of medicine.
Blnn lt'a first dlKxnery a Pua ben Mild on a
gunnuteo, a test wlileh no other medicine
tan aiaud. Ii ytm have n Cough we earnestly
ask you Uitryll. l'il(ell)tenU,6(iixiits, and
tl.10. it (ir LuiiKBiiiOKiie, Lhtsl or llaek, use Hhlloli'a I'urons l'loster. fold hv
C. II. liHgenbucli, N. IC. cuincr Wain and
uioya strBeu.
Sun tanned and
or J i r.
freckled faces aro in
The Seoret of Success.
O. II. HagCDliueli, (he drugnli.t,bolltves that
In v-MTft of sueceKH in t ersevpiauoe. Theie
fiH h-iwralau lu Hoping the ilm st Hue of
pi ruimerlen, toilet nrfieles, eosn etles, dinga
iiudciiemlealknn the market, lleesrcelaly
lii'it" all pemom ho huve palpiutir.n,
t ii.rthri'Uth. weak or hungry spells, pain In
Kid' nr Huiulfler, oiipiewlon, nlglitinure, diy
c ii!li,inii herlug, (lrop.' or hetut dUouhe
Jo ny Dr. Miles unequ iled Mewlleart Cure,
he 01 It In too late, u lixs tlie laren wle ol
am similar reimrty. Fine book uf tonllnui
111 ils free. Dr Milwi' Iteslorutlve Norvlue is
uiisun.nssed for a eeplessnesn, neadaoUe, lltti,
tc, and It oontHlus no opiates,
Some Ktand sunsets these evenings.
A Husband's Mistake.
Husbands too oAen peimlt wlvea, and par
ent" their children, to sutler from ht ndbche,
cjzziikss, uuumlgfa, blecplesueH, llu, ner
vounes, when ty the use of Dr. Miles'
JteHtomtlve Nervine ancli fetlous resnlla
cuuld easily be prevtnti-U DrnagUU bkry
where my It gives universal satlsruoilon, and
littHAt lmmeose sale. W'oodwortli Co., ol
Kort Wayne, Ind.j Bnow 4 Co., of Hyraeuse.
N. Y.;J. O. Wolf, Hillsdale, Sllch.; and hunl
drods 01 others y -it Is the greatist seller
they ever know." Jt contains no oplitts.
Trial holtles and tine book on Kervous
Diseases, freo at C. Jl, JlsgeubucU'a.
Tim IlcMtons Defeat the New York Gland
With KaSf.
nostOH O 0204100 1-1
New York 0 0 S 0 0 O 0 1 0-1
Ilntterles-Btaloy and (laiMWlli Woleli anf
Brooklyn... 0 000(100 0-1
J'Mlttilelphln 0 X U 1 0 o 6 3 0-1
Batteries Ctirruthoi nnd Dalley. llommlnj
and Klnslow; Ulensou ami Clemmont.
AT CI.KVkl.ANl).
Chloajro 0 0 5 0 0 0 4 0 S-l
Cleveland...-. 0 10SBOOOO-
I'nttorlos-Hutchinson and KlttrldirQi Oru
bor ami Zlmmor.
at Pimmuno.
PltUbitnr 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 1-11
Cincinnati 0 0000010 0 J
Batteries llsldwln mil Jlnukj Khines und
Tlio Natlouul LttugiiQ llfteord.
1'tr i'tr
diicniio....47 rta Am i'itirdra..a8 40 .435
NnwYork.. HI .57.5 Ilrooklra ..iM 43 .4ft(
IkWton .,..43 ill .6511 ClirollilMll.aS 46 .411
ClvolniU..-tl 40 .500 1'lttsburjf ..31 4fi .40)
Aksoelittlon OuntM.
Atliletlo 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0-1
0 1 0 x- i
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 li
Iltutcrlen Veyhln(r and Cross; Carsey ani
IteUlmore 0 O a a 0 0 1 0 0- f
lloston 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-1
llatterios -Madden and Ilobluson; Itaddocti
ana Murpny.
Clnelnnatl 0 0000131 n-J
Louisville o oaoooooo-i
llatteries lloll and Vangliiii Stratton nnc
Columbus 0 0014301 0- I
bt. Louis 1 UOUUSiOOl
llHtlorles-Clsrk and Donaluios Duryea ru
Thu AsAuututlou Ueeurd.
rr P'T
ntito. ICnn. Tsrt. P CiiIh. IVim. XjvU C(
lloston....B0 M .01 Columbus. .4!! 41 .404
PI. I,ouK.iV7 :il .04H Ciuclim'tl. -'17 40 ,4.'IC
laltlinor17 :W .805 Ij)irvlllo....30 (II A'lC
Albletiu..41 41 .fi'M U'iMli'tun...!20 S3 :M!
Jlunti'i'ii Lentfiio,
Albany 0 0 4 1 0 fi 3 0 0-15
l'rovl'lenee a 11 000011 0-5
llntteries-O'Hourke nnd llrown; Stnlb and
noclicster 0 in 01110 0-7
Troy 0 00001 10 0-a
llatteries Illauvolt and Collins; Taylor and
Syraouse. 0 0000011 08
Now Haven o o o o a o o a o
llatteries reraou and Myers; Dor.m and
unoisou. '
nuITnlo 1 0 !! 0 1 4 0 4 6-17
Lebanon " 1000400 07 and Wockboclier; Gool
dall and Klirho.
Two TliotiHitnd Ainu l.lnten to Aildresaoi
Near the hlettcin Works.
I'lTTSBUno, July 28. The Steelton
strikers to tho uurabor of 2,000 p traded
tho principal streets und halting near
the works addresses were made by J. M.
Kreitor and L. P. Knst, of Havrlslmrir
nnd J. W. Jones, dlatrlot orenlzer. The
apanKora counseled qulotuesa nnd pa-
lleucennd propliosleil victory for the mon
Blast furnace No. 2 nud No. 2 open
ho irtn lurnace are lu operation, six
teon men were ready to go to work in
tho frog, switch and signal department,
but they were turnod away until tbe
force la largo enough to liuiko n itlgbt
and day turn. The lilllet Jlill No. 4 will
bo started to-morrow.
Both sides confident of victory.
Secretary Truey Hint Wurntir 31lllor tho
Lutetit ArrlvalH.
OAris Hay, N. J., July 23. Secretary
Traoy, ox-Senator Warner Miller ol New
York, and S. D. Horner of Oiiio, tho hi
otnlllst .dvocates, urrived lust evening.
The Secretary will be the President'
guent whilo here.
Executive clemoucy was extonded to
John O'Douuell of Philadelphia and
John 11. AUlburne ot Mississippi.
Tbe President received tbo Philadelphia
naval veterans at nis couiiKf. aim will
receive the Do In ware Odd Follows at tho
Sboroham Hotel.
Tho White House family took thel
usual suit bath at noon.
Cardinal Qibbons loaves for Baltimore
this afternoon.
I.ltlciitlon Over 8137,000.
Westbouo, Mass., July 28. A sorlou
controversy has arisen between the re
contly suspended Livingstone Cycl
Manufacturing Company and their
oflicers. 1 he matter has boen placed In
the hands of attorneys and litigation
concerning the $127,000 assets will follow.
The officers claim tho trustees have
failed to f ulfll their agreement and that
they have uo nuthority to dispose of
property to protect the money they put
In, but must tako their chances with the
rest of the creditors.
is nnd will ever bo tho
Kemofiy for
Oon. Tnfluoniiti. Bockaohe.
PniiiH in tho Side. Chest and
Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, Sso
Before yon aoed to boy, oljtRla
the vslaablo booki "ftuMe to Ki a'th," wll
eaaortuuoiits ot proiuineui pnysiciaaj,
3 ' 0 Broadvay
Prize Medals Awarded!
Horeiabergi Kaaatela. Xi&lp.lo,
50 OentS a bottle, For Salo 1
X. X. I. IClltrTTV.
ana omer anicst
EVEny FonrJi
Lobigli Valley Railroad.
MAY 10, 1891.-
t'fusrntrer trains will IChVo Hherinndnali h i
Mnuoli (iliuuk, Lehlublon, Blatlnglon, Oil
uuiun, jr;viiit iirjn, uni,ut i ni'
idelphlaiod New York at 5.47, 7.40, O.U8 a.m
For Belvldere, Delaware Weter Gap ni d
tiroUsbnrgat5.47, m. m.,ani) Gftlp. in,
I'ur uuDurrivninHuu irenioii, a, li.
or White Haven. Wllttes-Uarre and Plttj
on :..I7. H.C8, 1 '.41 s m S.ll) and 5511 n. m.
KorTunkbannoek, 10,41a, m 8.10 and 5.2(
Knr Auburn, llliaca. Geneva and and Lvnrt
10.11 a, in., nnrt 5J p. in.
ror iAoevnie,'iowaiiam, ayre, waveri'
Klmlra, Itochesior, lliidalo, MngarH Kalb
blcagtiMnd all lolnts Weot at 10.11 a. m.,and
Pur Imlra and the West la8alnmanea al
8.10 p. m.
ror Auoenneu, iiar.'etim, Biocitton, Ltnr
ir Yard, Weatherly and Penu Haven Jnnc
ion at o.r,7.u, u.uon. m, anu, mo slo
sse p.m.
por jeanosvuie, iiviwon ana itenvei
Meadow, 7.40, 6,08a. lu. andS.Mp. ni,
P or Hcranton at 5.47 U0D. 10.41a. m.8.10aud
ran p. m.
ror nasie iirnos, .iraan, urinon ana rrr
nud at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.11 a. in.. li&2 and
5.26 p. m.
r vtuaaaae ai o.n nna v.os a.m., aio
(.'Op. m.
tor wtgvans, uiitiertnn ana l'rscKVIIle st
.60 and DOS a m and 4.10 p, m,
Pol Yatesvllle, Mabamiy Clly and Deiam
-.47, 7., 0.0B, 10.41, 1(1.58 . m.,12.5S,3.10,8.88, 8,08
2 ii d 10.27 p. in.
For lxjst Creek, Jlrardvllle nnd AshiftnO
'.2T, 7.46,8.68, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, HA',
10 and 0.14 p. in.
For Darkwater, Ht. Clslr and Pottsvlllr
.40, i.08, 10.88 h. in., 1168,8.10,4.10,6.26 and 8.U
For Duck Mountain, New BoMoti and
.loree, 7.40, U.uB, H M a. u.., 12.52, 8.10, 6.26 and
.03i. m.
For Haven Hun, Centralla, Ml. Car m el and
(hamokln, 8.62, and 10,16 a. m., 1.40, 4.41
lid 8.00 p m.
Tialus 'hmvb Hlmir.okln for Shtuandonl..
AiUMa. m 2.111, 1.80 and 0.30 p. m., arrlvlne
it ShBtianooah, 8.05 a. m., 12.52. 3.10, 5.20 and
'1.15 p. ui.
For Lost Crerk, Ulrardvllle and Ashlauo,
..W, !).10 11.35a. m.,2.11 p. m.
For Darkwater. SI.. Clair and Pottsvllli.
.50. 8Ji, 0.80 1 . in., 2.45 p. m.
tor Yalosvllle, MahnnoyClty and Delain
.(i, 11.85 a. m.. 1.40, 4.10, H.03 p. m.
For Lony, Audeurled and Hasleton, b.u
. m 1.40 p. m:
For Mmich Chunk. Lehlshlon, Blatlngtou
alasauqua, All. mown, Jiethlsliem, Kasto
.ml New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m.
For Vhlladelphla, 1.40 p. in.
Oen'l Pass. Agt., llethleliem
-Mitt alter Nov. 24, 1MKI, tratnt will i
Hhenwida-fi at foilmett:
or Wlggan, OlloerUm, Fraokvltle, Ne
.slle, Ht. Clair, una way polnlo, O.W, 9.!
:i and 4,16 pm,
undays, 000, K.lJHroaud UOp m.
. t j Potlnvllle, 6.0O, tf.lo a m and 1.15 p na
-uudujb, 000, 8,40 h m and 8,10 n in,
or Beading, 0.00, 8.10 a in and 4.J5 nra,
I'b.layf", 600, 9.40 a. m, andS,10pm.
i ui Pottslown, Phoenixville, Nonlstov. -jO
Philadelphia (Urocd. street station), B.ff
10 a m. and 4.15 p tn week days
uedttys, 600, 9.40 a m 8.10 p ui
rmlns leave Fraekv'lie lor Bhenandoah at
i.40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,08 p in. undays
a to anrt 6.40 p m.
eave Poitsvlllo lorahenandoab, 10.15 anC
.is, n, m 7.1S, U.43rm. K4lndasrb, 10.SO a Mc
.16 p in.
Leave Philadelphia (liroad street station)
i i't tlsvllle and Bhennntfoah, G.67,10.23a rr
..15, 4.10 and 7.00 p ra vitek rttij s. buimoy U.S
'i audi, 10 p.m.
u. v..t- .jam , nr. . jii e a En d.
Ci'l TV 1UIIV,.U, w, T.-mv, v.t.., I .OU
itu-.M i.ot), 11.00aiiilll.l5am,liL00iino3,(llin
ed uui'tM, l.Od and 4.50 I) m.) 12.44, L40, 2.80
. X, 4, 5, 0. b.30, 6.50 7.13 8.12 end 10.00 pm, 12.01
.IS. 'I.
UU nUUUttJri O.-Vl I.UUt UiOJ, D., OitW, O.iAJ
u. nd 12.49, 8.20 (limited 4.50), 6.28, 6.80, 6.6(
.18 i,Vi a and 12.01 night,
e'.ir Hea Ulrt, Urfins; Lake, Belmar
. enn drove, Aebury Paik, and Long llransl
20, 11.15, a. m. 4.00 p. ni. week dayr Po.
reehold, 5.P p. in. wsek days.
l-l"raoro and WasDinglon, 8.50, 7.2U, 8.8'
i ni, n.,iW, H.lKa ni, 12.". (limited ozprese) 8 4'
, U i1 7 au 7.10 p. rn., and 12.08 nlshL Fo
Jf.llt aorc. my 2.02, 4.1 1, 5 (Sard U30 p. in
'n H ndays,S.5!. 7.20, e.lliand 11.1S a. m. 4.4.
, 40 u ui. 12.08 night. Uall'ruoro only
08ii.d 11.80 pm.
r or ittlcUrjiond and the Booth 7.20 11.18 tt. tn.
lscltflrt Express 12.85 p m.J12.08 ulgbt.wcet
,j,s, ecadays, 7.'J0 a. an., 12.08 night.
Trains laavo Harrlsbure (or P,to,BurK one
e west every day at 12.25 and 8.10 a ra am
) "ailted) aid 8.40 p in. Way for Altoona
is ii m and 4.10 p m every day.
hor V Ittsbnrg only, J 1.20 a si dally and 10.2i
tu v, bsk days.
i rave tionfjnry "t Wllllamepoil, KUtnlre
mandalena, ltochester, Butlaloand Nlaear,
vis 5.10am dally, und 1.43 pm weekflayf
' if VatKlns, 5.80 n m week days.
H or Ki le nnd Intermediate points, 6.10 a m,
tally. For Lnce Haven, 6.10, and 9.5S a ra
'.Ally, 1.84 and 5.30 p. m. week days. Fn
i:-noru 5.10 a m 1.43 and 6,30 p m wceb days
10 a. ui P undays,
ms.f I'UOll, I. H.WOOO,
'len. Mnrj"' (leu. Pans. Asl
If you contemnlate
atlendlmr Commer-
I clul KchiKil. -It will
pas; jou to visit tho 'ItOCHfchTF.K HUai-
r.on umvuuhu i oeioreoiciaiug where,
though yf u may 11. e a thonmnd miles nway.
ltstanda at tho bead of the list, nr
olal scnotils In Its chatacter as an educational
forte, as n medium (or supplying the business
men of the country with trained und capable
assistants, as a means ol nli clnir ambitious
young men and women on tho hlehrotdto
tucceKB, anu in me extent, eieenure una cost
, ol It, tnulpment. ThoroushCOMMKUCIAL,
COUkBKx. The Twenty-seventh Annual
uatnioguo win be mailed to any address.
. v.
Or tUo Usliiiior IB ubtt, lwltUtiy Cui'cu
juj- uuiiiiiiihieriiiR Mir, ituIliCA
aiItloii Siefltlc.
Itlamanufacturedanapowder, which oanbeeiTeQ
la a gloss or beer, a cup cf cofteo or tea, or In tood.
without the knowiodffo of vbo patient, it la absolutely
harm lew, and will effect a permanent and speed?
rure, whether the patient is a modeiale drinker or
an aloohollo wrack It haa been nivuu in thouaanda
of cases, and In every .ntanoe a per foot cure has fol
lowed. It e rr I'ttfltw ThesyBUm once iinpreanat
ed with tbe bMoioos au utter impossibility
lor the liquor appetite to pt tst. v
48 pace book of partloulari. fr.h To bo bad
C. H. HAGEfiBUCH, Drugelsi, fchenapdoah
A newly discovered JIlNtltAL WATKK,
tbe use of wbli h will supply In.portant ele
ments n etsi.ry to health. Jt will cure the
Kldui'jH, Liver, Klomscb, and all Bowel and
Hladder diseases. It will dissolve calculi und
ruiKive llimi, It remove the uiloaeid from
the blood and thus destroys Malaria and
I b'lls. It cures Jlrlahl's disease, and Is es
peclally recommendetl for people advanced In
Hie, and for genera) deblllly. For undoubted
proofs 01 this send lor pamphlet alvlnft full PKHRY, Water ot Lile
Co., 84 Houth Main Ht., Wilkes-Bane, Pa.
Lu tiyubUtl with tb,,tinc.
, ttsj:u)u;ttlt m
ita or froi. Co
(juenui ibitowini, H.'1'l or
JOiifteili jl - it! iiir ttx wlirnil
ItUiironl UlraattaiiUA Ui tl.'i e- r Arl. , .itilir,
. 1' ? tnuin t( Ton- uli InnottOiM oFKvl!
nd lulnil. Bwturi aii.MH.iitalf MMlkl.aL AadrtM
Qr. Hartar rrtoiilclntjCOuST.lfllIS. fl
A'.vicfiuiiou-iiHii;ii in oiiHiiiintc iSKZcniai&i
tllHO 1TCIIINQ 1'JI.ia.
fnr"lllnn for KltcKc-n una Oleic,
nooai," a handy hook for tho libmehold,
Has a tugptfaful lilMcrj of time centime In
Jlrar.ll nnrt two itars' rrllknl ttsl li. Hik
country. Foiouce pTnnttinnslt the flislaiul
only Infallible ncuttallzr r or rciolulous and
spf oioe uiuuu iwiwi b yei a if ct.vtrea,
Eo!d at Klrlln't Drug Slore,
Fer sunn's l'joitl Block, Shenandoah, rt
First National Bank
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. W. Leiscnrng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Lciscnnnq, Cashier,
S. IV. Vast, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Daily From 9 to 3.
Pntil tm HnvInjiH IicpoBltH.
Your trade is what wo
This is how we propose
lo get It.
By belling you a first
cluss article; uysellingyou
for lees than others; by
telling you furniture, an
organ, n piuno, a sewing
machine or anything else
In the line of houfchold
We have a large and va
ried stock to select from.
No trouble to show goods.
Call, examine and be
J. P.Williams & Bro.
Roiitli itrnluSt.,
The Old Court House
July 31, 1891, at 10 O'clock A. M.
All tho perronnl properly belonging lo the
County ot Schuylkill, in the old Court Homo
consisting of paitltlons, coumer. shelving,
si earn beuHnoapraratu' in separate pans,
the clock nnd bell In the old Court House
tower, eaa fixtures, niehu.dois, tablts, chairs,
etc., will be sold at- the premUtw in the bor
ough of Pottsvllle, andnlto atthosan.etlnie
and place tliet Id lourt Hni se, eiceptlngand
reservti g the btn-ennd also the two large tlass
or flat sti nes, one on each entrance lo tho old
Court House.
Attest John B.Bnyiieb. 7-11-td
Itiitit ui DUtil Etlliil! Ptrtlj Ctti Caii!ti
Represented by
120 B, Jardln Slreoi
j n roMEiior,
OtBoeBeddsll'i ballcUng corner lU!n and Ocnui
County Convention !
The members of tho llenuhltenn nartv of
Hchujl'.lil rounynre renues'rdlo assemble
11 iiiuij- ifiiic!'vp e'eenon uioiricis at ine
laces whtrr IheHcmittltran ilrliLNiteelertioiin
wote held lust jrnr (except where ohaiiges, no
k e ot mm u win 00 given inrotigu inenews
Simirdny, August 7, 1801,
between the hours or 3 and 7 o'clock p. tn. to
eieu; dob gules and nilomates tu 1 lie Counly
Convention tube held Aiikusl 4. at 10 o'clock
it in.. In Centennial Hall. i'oltlll . At the O
sme time and place meinb rs ol tbo Itepub 11
nnu toniiiy i oiiiiniiice nm iniir niieinnica
wtllbevoteel lor In like manner as oeleeates
to the Counly Convention.
Theiuemieisfn m the Twenty ulnlhHenn
tnrtal-dlstrlct BiienillnK tin-CVuniy Conven-
ion win meet Aiieusnui, ni a o cock p. m.,
1 1 enietiulnl Hall. Pottsv lie. for I be nurroMi
of placing tn nominal Inn two (2 imdlilaics
iu oe vii ra ii r uei oaies io Hie uousutu-
The nn mbers from the Th'ttlelh Senatorial
Islrlei MticcriliiB tbeCoiiiny l ouvei tlon will
tneei AtiKUst4ih, ni 20'oloofc p in., Inl euleu-
iiiiit jinn, 1 cinhvnif, Kir me purpose 01 juiio
Ing 111 noinlimtluu two (2i on 1 dldntos lobe
olod for 111 delegate) tntfie Coimlliiitl mil
the following ntrtoiiH nnd nl urnnteti burn
beeu Bi'ixiinmi to oxmiet. tb' e ectlon:
Asiiinn' I' imwBiii, David DaMs, A J Lnu
loi.sili,e; alleinales John K Lt-veus. J (Oar
Antilnnd ffero d wntd Wllllnm rlur nw
KensKrmsebii nltfrnftinji K a Fnniti. w M
ASlilnnd Thlid wnrd. t lirln dinner. Anrirew
Vanithn; allemaies lsano Yarneil, Jr, J U
Gei sel.
Ashin-id Pi.urtti ward, James 1 1 nlte. V J
Williams; aPernntix J it 11- sel, Georie Ilb
inui'inu i' 11111 wnru, iww reiiieioir, wm.
l.'ormlsler; alltruates Heniy I'nul, J Hi hult,
Auburn. Dr. Clmrhs K Ounll. Jutcnli Fred-
tr.rn; nlietna nn, Jitmis lUiush, T. F. ,Moer.
Hairy Knst, .Tolin lleny, D V Green; alter
HHli'6, itobeil On on Jr , Henry llollck.
U.iry West, G. Unlin, John Heiuhntt; al
ternates, J P Hail, Kphrlam Ynrnall.
Duller Ivorlli, Owen 1 onroy, M. Costcllo:
I eiiihte. Hsrr Mcdlnnes'..
llllller KhhI. Klelmiil Fivnil. .t bn Drlmtli.
ulloiniuo, I'nirli k Feeney.
Duller Houlh. G Feliermau, U A Klees; al
ternate, John Dugau.
junior iHorinwuei, .loci uowemiein, u n
WHtirel al'ernuio. John Hweeuy.
Ililiulrli F.ukI. II 1) Kooh jHtniH Delnnc;
alien a en, 1 11 Koch, rcolt Miller.
Hruni-wlck West Jonathan Lelby, Frank
Yost: alt. rnnle. W Bhoener.
ijiyin. (Sliver ok), vt J .11 nil news, Jiore
rnuey; nueruaiep, Slurry, u .Manning,
lllvilio (Combolal. J ltevnoldH. Iunlol
bti nc! ulten aien, Itobcrt '1 homos, fcs Thoman.
Illytho (Kiu-ka William), John P Hoyer.
Nicholas Tnornt in.
liranoo. Jncob Zimmerman. U F Luckcnblll:
alieruateRC VV DanJo. Dune Morcuu.
uasi norm, I'airicir. urcniuu, wicnaei
Cms t-outh. .Mm era 11 Jones. W Linch,
tjiestouu oulh. John Beruer. (J W Jlerkel:
alterimles G Hulluinu, Hobert Ash.
Cre soun Norlli. 8 Hueer. Geoiee Heed:
uiieruuiee li a lveuior, vv iinguea.
uniiiuo. iv n 1UU11111. jiiiriiu m eu.
Kkred. .1 D Under. J HtKlenberecr: niter-
uaies D it Pimm. Daniel Seitz
ividred East, W H nergsiruser, Fremont
Fertleh; alternates J IC Mnurer, Lewis Deu
Hi nicer.
T.e..,,in,, . i ui,nf.i..ti n xr rT,,44a.. nii..
naieeiNa'tiau vireetiger. uiiiu Aiamnn.
; Poster. Joseph Hntu tdge John liny; alter.
nates Thomas Giuy. Lewis Hot d.
Prackvllle. J F price, B.iiuUtl Wynn; niter
nate Win D..V1'. 11 T Kvans
Girarlvllle Knst ward. J. hn Lewis. Al
Howci; allernutei NtchUas lliass, Thomas
uav is.
Glrardvlllo Middle ward. Louis mass. Ches
Ohmrtville West wsid. W H Price. V Tay
lor: alternates Thomas Kvnns, Thomas
Gllberlon West Wind, Wllllem Ilenslnger,
W 11 tcbony.
Gllberlon East ward. 11 Carey, B C JIurrny:
alternates ,P F Murphy, W Jl Frymytr,
Gllberlou Middle ward, M A Lcary, 11 11
Gordon, N M Frank, J P Bervls, Jr.; alter
nates e r. urener, u ii xieuen.
Heglns Knit, James Dunkleberger, A B
KlauHtn altcrnno W Maurcr.
Heglns West, II IC Hnydcr, J W Hcckcr; nl
ternales John Itlekerl. A. It. LntMensIscer.
Hut ley, W O Saltzvr, IIS Gilbert; nltcmate
a nowmnn.
Klliie, Frank Kantner, Ifanc Phillips, aller-
uhibj j met 11.
LandlLgvlllc, Henry Dmmheller, J P ItacB'
eioi; uuernate, v ijt mer,
Mt. Carbon. Henry Hell. Hobert Campbell.
Mannelin Kor h (Pocnt'iO. John Gorber,
Daw chv: alternate Jere Focht.
Munhelm North (.MeDermott'n), AHtnrm.W
Kline: altcrnale W Yenctr
Maulielm North (brown's), A Mortimer, P
vv weaver; alternate ueorgu ivitgner.
Mnuheim North (Melot's), J A Filbert, Wm
xviiiiuii: unci nu'ti i' lujitviiit u'uuio.
Mauhelm South (ltebei'fc). H F lteber. W
Buni'lltr; ullernatee Charles Fisher, s Hhlue.
iviauuuoy esi uis(,vrteK;, upo vv jonn
son. GtoreeTlioumton: alternate W Jones.
Mahanoy West (Haven Hun), Thomas IS
Tweeble. William Andrrcon.
Mh oy Wist ill. uWLSVllle), JasHcaton
S ltr wu: ullernates J Price. J James
Mahanoy VYcbt (Win. Peun), Thomas May,
John Hughes; alternate J Metz.
Mahanoy Past (Lamgnn's), S Frost, George
Mahanoy East (Cole's No.l), JacobOlllesple,
xeuuiH vi jiumu.
Mannnoy Knst (Cole's No. 2), Jas Matthias,
Daniel Thomas.
Mahanoy 1 ast (tllll's), Anthony Black,
William Wright, Jr.
Mahanoy Clly First ward, J J Coyle, 15
Morris; alternutes D 1 lln , J ' e livn,
nhuooy O.ty Becoud ward, K Barlor, John
iatuuin; uiieruavia juicpn ixugue, i'j 01111
iii,.n. Jr.
Mahanoy City Third wnrd, II U Pricker,
e ij unm; alternates jacou uecaer, iv uen
Mahanoy City Fourth ward. WY Weber
ACNhe'iunu; allernalcs J AHellgman.TG
Mnhnnoy City FlflU ward, A Dower, Geo
l'.trirelt; alternates lleee ltosbei, Isaac
Mlncrsvlllo Kast w ird, J Phillips; John
Bowman: nltcrnulo Calvin Price.
Mlneiiivllle West ward, WHllum Faulkner,
.uvvhiu Biuesier.
Middlepoit, Tbomnt Jennlngs.B W Bausler;
allerimlei F J Dltcbey. J Stephens.
Now Castle, New Caitlo, Daniel Wtller,
AlouzoHeber; tilternatoTheodore Weller.
New. Custie, Wadisvllle, J DThomat, W B
I1UIHU4, nnviuuiuuiijiira lit uu.
Noiweglnn hnst, Curry's, W Burton,
Biamley: nMeinale William Hodroru.
Norwegian West, Cunun's J Elfenburg,
Thomas Keating; nllcri nto J B Kelly.
Norwegian East township, Al Daily, TW
viiiiuu, iiiicoiuitia juiutu u uau, vv XJOUUlU'
ew Philadelphia, B W Jones. J Tanner;
alternate l'lilllii l.vuns.
New Klngold, David Veller, II 11 Koch
aneruaiea j n nonsi O'ger, 11 l.eiber.
Orwlgsburg, J A Dleioiideifer, A S Gosl
aiiernuies uh rey, a u ltmeninilli.
I'luegtove borouth, A rt Manweller, G
; alternates D J Gcnsemer, Peier Ktney,
eirrove tnwnfthln Knal. V W llt-hpr. a
. t'uuiiiiriuuioM vi wuiitui.ill, ij n AUams.
I'ineSTdve township West, I zra Boiigbtner,
va u niuin; uiierjuuitm ueurge Anatus, tu,
I'al.'Alto, 15 T Priest, 15 Hay: alternates
Alex Gnvan, William Jones.
1 ort Clinton. U C Hatch, Kugeue Bond: al
ternates, A A Klrlln, A P Hnlch.
I ort Carbon, Wm Weiilz, Henry Wua
niuUer. Port Carbon, (Mrchaulcsvllle), Fianlt Btur
man, Frit k Bauds
t oner Kasi, I N Kvans, Hiram Brower.
Porter West, W Martz, J Umhuliz; alter
naien G W Hebron. Eugene Horn.
Porter North, Kdw rd Houtz. Jacob Ilumpf;
alternates T J Davis, J hlrousser.
Pottsvllle South ward. Arthur ibay, George
Walkei; alternate W Vvhltuey, Jr.
Pollsville t-outluastwart. ug. st Knechl,
G cBcbrlnk; alternate J O Prick.
Pottsvllle Mldd e watd, John Kbert, Geo IC
Bniltb; alien ntes J T Sujder. J M Preck.
Pottsvllle ortheast waid, 11 II 11111. EC
Nlclml; alternates W limit, F P Wado.
Pottsvllle 'sorthwi'st watd, W uwens.John
Johnson; alternates John Leonnrd.II Kooo.
Pottsvllle Beveulh waid, Wmley Bailor,
Thomas Plcktou; alternates Pi est Meyeis, (J
Pottsvllle North ward, George Owens, Jos
Davis; alternate Alex 'I emtilo.
Itahn, Thomas Bradbury, II O Fisher; alter
nates Havld Hughes. Thomas Downs.
Hush (Hauck's). W A Sllltler, y Y Kaup;
alternate Joel Heln.
II tub iLutz's), FO Job, KPIIampsliire.
Hellly, Hei ry Zerby, Itobert Weir.
Hyan, Albert Ellis, Joseph Matthew; alter
nates Daniel Jones, W vv eaver.
Bchuylklll Hnvea Eastward, JII Bterner,
.T It
MlntifMi. allernulna W n l..MM1n. T u
- . , ............... , , vuucuucl0 AI
Hchi ylklll Haven Houtli wnrd.l'hns Harbsr,
.DKeiBhner; alternates W IMebsacman, II
ainir. '
Kehiiylllll Haven North ward.IISterner.W
) Hnty; alierualcH F Itoblncoii. '
Hchuylklllllrtven Weslwartl, GcoABhaef.
r.llinrnaa Meek, nllernale D Flnnnerv.
"chuylklll townlnt., It Fletcher, Jlcnry
llmeiz.' n IrmiilM l'l,..i,.li,.i. .. fa. "S
man. ' Bl .
Bt.CInlr Bontli wnrd Wash Ormc, J Hos
ins, Sr.; allcrniites JIltiEhee. WH Leo.
u u l'alr Ward.OeoriiH lllnokcr, Hnrry
Hel gmnn nl ernsies John Urch, T. mov,
m t iHii J(id(iIe wnrd, H 11 Un, 11 C Hover
nernate J Kvan. . u 1 udkinbill ' '
-Itnilllllririlltl. Pilot trrn-.t IIMIII -1
In T h ir 1 i.'.."!,, S V Itn"B0
. .... ...u.,u., ..iiviuuiu rwinuei ivi gers.
t-henandonh, Second wnrd, Charles Phillip,
mil..."' ttl,l,lla,c ""'ry Goodman, !
(liens i tPl.trl .a. ....
Dnddow. in,,a, j W
.! nn itiirt.1'.!. 0 S."h wn'd. loliu A Uwls,
ThomHS. """"" " "cm' "D1'"
Bbennndoah, Plltb wnrd, Henry Wnrulck.
John lliinnj allernuUs T i-owoli, 11 IllmsL
nintitjiin us iTiini, jonn jierset, Lewls
nenry; ailcrnntes GTHey. AH GIuwitnlrR.
'irjm. fin Ni nh wnnl, V a lhigb, Kdliiund
.loyd; alierhaieA BaJov.
.............. ,inlu, iwinu V VV ttlb
ers; nliernnte P Delu.
iiunigni uo ounll. ebri wnru, vv Moore.
ltntnnj rnrtblll 1, lAriinlr nil u.a. si'
.... .....t j a uwnci. u.
'iremout borough, West ward, J Brower, f
W LehniRli: aiuruntts Dr. W J Haiti, A H
Tremont township, D Work'i nn, Harry
Hpfer Mebanlongo, John Kllnelluny.
ITaitAin V.V. . ..( . t.,,. . T." 1 1 .. . ..Til . , 1 .. -
uv.uh. . sn t. ..lint:, ; itiii'ro-
nate Gideon Becher.
ITtAlnn l.'nui,.n ll. .. .. .1. ... , v...
w..'uu L .w, ..viu ujl.llUAJU, V1W JVIItL-lll,
nPernSte LT Brni don
union nnriii,.iniiu H Davis, J N J.nla: nller
nale W Fetberofl.
V Hiser, vv u tnocK, satimiHcHlcr; olter
nloCH Enlerllne.
WAtt llllt Ml,llt1, rll.,.V T T .1...,.
Jocob Longneckor.
Wentl'enn Noitheast (Mnntz's), W Mauntz.
westi'enn Northwest (Wren's), Tibs Bill
man, Henry Tyson.
Wasnlnelon (UntdorPs), Lyman G Heed,.
George Bill.
vvHsiiingion (iioen),John Fernet. W FMstz.
H'syne, North, Daultl Yelth. G I) Herd.
VA'cr.,, Mnlt, tnn.ui A T I. ,, 1.l.
"J .s, UUM.U, .......... AV AAA'AIIAl-1, 1 1 L.J IS
i oik vine, ie-nao men, Henry Becker.
D. D. PHILLIPS, Chairman.
. taJadelpiiia and Beading Bailrcma
lto inlite in cjjeel July id tail
"or New York via Flilladelnhm. woeh iImvo.
2. 0 5.23, 7.20 a. m. and 12 So ZCO and 5.3S
. m. ouuaay ..iu ana 7.4s a. m. t or now
i oik, via Aiancn cnunk, week days, 5.25.
.20, a. in. nnd 12 3i and 2.0 p. in.
vor Hondlntf and Phllailelnliift wesnlr ithvu.
2,10, 6o, 7.20, a. m., 12.33 2.W and 6.50 p; in.
unuay, zau nun e.o a. w., 4.30 p. m.
Kor rlarrisburg, week uajn, 2.10,7.20 a. m,.
,'0, 5.53 p. ra.
tr AJUeslown, week days, 7.20 . m., 12.3I
. 0 p. in.
1 or I'ottsvllle, week days, 2.10,7.20,. m.,
2.3i indMp,in. b'nurlay, 2 10nd 7.4n
ui , 4.30 p.m.
For tuiutxiua and Mahr.noy City, weeH :
lvys, 2. 0, 5.55, 7.20, a. in., l2Si 2.E0 and 6.55
j m. riunda;. 2.10 and 7.4Sa. m.. 4 30 n. m.
Additions, tui Mnanoy City, wees uuys 7.00
p. m.
ror .uancaMcr ana iotamoia, wee aaya.
iOa. r.,2.0p, m.
Tor WlUlamsporl, Snnbnry and Lewlsburg,
. i-ek. days, 3.25. 7.20 and U.3J a. m 1,35, 7.00
m. Sunday 3.25 , m., 3.05 p. m.
l or Alabanoy Plane, wubk days, 2.t0 3.25,
36, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m.. 12.'15, 1.85, 2,50, 6.55
7.00 anc i.T " m. Sunday, 2 10, a.25 and 7.48
a. m. 1.C6, 4.30 ... m.
bor GlraruvlUo (lteppahannock. SUtlon)
"vk days, 2.1U. 8J25, 5.25, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m
12.35, 1 S5 oO, 6.66, 7.00 nnd H.25. v. in. unday
2-10. 2 , 7.48 a. m., 8.05, 4.30 p. m.
or Ashland and Hi.uinouiu, week days.
v.2 5, 5.25, 7.20, 11.3) a. ni., 1.35, 7.00 and ,25
in. Sunday a.25, 8 32 a. m 3.U5 p.m.
Lsavii Ne.v York via Phllndelpnia, weeK
.ays, 7.45 a. ui 1.30, 4.00. 7.30 p. m 12.18
light. Sunday, 6.00 p. m., 12.15 nigut. .
Leave Note York via Maueh chunk, week
lays, 4.30, 8.45 a. lu., 1,00 and 4.01 p. rn.
Leavo Ptillnaoiplua, weei days, 4.10, snrt
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and tt.OO p.m.,llfjruBroad
nd CullowhiU and 8.33 a. m. and 11.30 p. m.
from bthttnt rauu mirtels. Sunday V.05 a.
ra. 11.S0 p. m. from tttb ant ("ven.
uoitvc Keadlng, week anys, 1.85. '7.1". 10.(5
.ud U.C0 a. m., 5.65, 77 p, m. Sunday 1.33 ana
n.48 a. in.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40,7.40 a. m.,
t usu, H 11 p. ni. Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a, m. onA
2.( 5 i'. in.
otaveTamacpiB, week days, 8.20, 8.48 and
2 ! a. m., 1.21, 7.13, and U.18 p. in, Sunday S.iO
7 43 . rn. and 2M p. m.
irfave Mahanoy City, week days, 3.40, B.1Q
.ud 11.47 n m., 1,61, 7.42 and 9,44 p. m. Ban.
lay, 8.40,8.17 a. m 3.20 p. m.
Leave .wuhanoy Plane, week days, 2'40, 4.(0
5, 11. U a. m.,i.05, 2.C0. 5 20, 0 28, 7.57, and
"in m. Sunday 2.4, 4.00, and 8.i7,a. m,
3 37,6.01, p.m.
.. d ulrardvllle (Happahnnnock Station)
,b Unys, 2.17, L07, e.39. and t.41 u. m.. 12.05,
I. 2, 5 9, a.32, 8.03 and 10.08 p. m, Sunday, 2,47,
.0 , 33 ,t. m. 3.41, 5.07 p. m.
-eave Wllll&mport, weekdays, and
1.66 a. ni. 3.S5 and 11.15 p. m, Sunday 11.15
. m.
tor Baltimore, Washington and the west
ta B. & O. It. K., through trains leave Glrard
v. venue station, Philadelphia, (P. v li. It. XI.)
U 4.18, 801 and 11.27 a. in., 1.84, 4.24, 6.55 an i
.23 p. m. Sunday, 4.10 8.02 11.27 a. m 4,21
65 and 7.23 p.m.
lAoave Pnlladelphla, Chestnut Street Wharf
nd South Street Wharf.
For Atlantic Clrv.
Week.duys-Expres, 5.15, 8 00 9:00,10.43 a.
m. and 1 (Saturdays only, L30), iM, 3.00,
8.80, .' , 5 00, (1.00 j,. at. Aooommolation. 7 40
a.m., 4.15.0 30 ,. m.
tuiota. express. 5 13, 7.00, 7.30, 8,00, 8 30,
0.00, 9.30 a. m, anil 4 SO p. m. a.CsO,nao,auou
3.00 h. m. and i 45 p. iu.
'teiurnlng, leave Atlantlo City, dopot corner
alio and ArkantiAs venng. Week-davs
Express, 7.00, 7.S0, 8 00, 9.00, 10.00 a. ra. nnd 3.15,
4.01 , 6.S0. (,.3 1, 7.30, 9 SO I), m. Accommodation
O.W', 8.10 a. m. and 4.f.0p m. Bundays-Ex-preis,
3 80, 4.00, 5.00, 0 00, 0-30. 7-00, 7.30. 8 00, 9.30
p. in. Accommodation, 7.30 a. m., 6.05 p. m.
v.. (J. il AN COCK, ueu i jtum
. A. MoLEOD, Prea.Aaen'l Mananer.
7me table in iffect May, 10. 1891.
Trains leave Reading (P. s li. elation) for
Gibraltar, Beyfert, Blratboro, Joanna, Spring
Held, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle.West
Chester.t hadsford Junction, II, O. Junction,
Wllmiugtouand Intermediale stations, dully
except bunday, at 6.25 and 8.S0 u.m. and8.irv
p. m. Sunday only at 8.05 p, m.
For Warwick, sLPcioib and lnlermedlataaHfc'
statlons.dally except Sunday, at 9.20 a.m., and
5,19 p. mi isunday einly 8.15 am, . -
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate Btatlons,
Saturday only, at 12 m.
For Baltimore and Washington (B. 4 O. It. ,
It.) dally escept Sunday ut 6.25 and 8.80 a. in. i
and 3.15 p. m. r-unday only al 3.05 p. rn. tI
Trains arrive si Beading (p. t It. nation) i!
irom Wilmington, B. & O. Junction, Monl
ebaulu, Chadtlslord Junction, West Chester,
Lenape, Ctiatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction,
spiiugneld.Joanna.Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey.
fen and Inteimedlate stations, dally except
Sunday at 10.20 a. in. 6.52 and 8.17 p. in, Sun
day only at 11.21 a. m.
From St. Peters, Warwick and lntermtdlatei
stations, dally except Sunday, at 8.23 n. xa.
and 2.35 p. m. Sunday only at 6 p. in.
Prom BlidHboio and intermediate stations,
Saturday only nt 1.40 p. m.
Prom Washington und Baltimore, dally ex.
cept Sunday, 10 20 n. m. 6.52 and 8.17 p. m.
Sunday only at 11.21 a. m.
BOWNKSH B1UGGS, Geu'l Pass. Agt.
A.O.McCAUBLAND.Supt. " 1
II D T 1 1 D C We tlle undersigned,
H U r I U It 1 1 f,ro ,tnt'rely ""ed of"
tlUIHUiD U3 i-r J. II.
MAYEH, 831 Arch St., Phllo. TLoraas B.
llarluug. New Klnggold, Pa., I.fandt, Soutti
Eastun. Pa.. L. I', a V. A. Deturck, Oley, Pa
It. G. Stanley, 421 Spruce St., Lebanon, pi., a!
Schneider. Lorunt Dale, l'n..D, 11. Noll, Lime
kiln, Pa , Wiu, K. Harieustlne, Phoenixville.
l.l W Ttf T.LtnSnnl. HOI UT..1.I . ... r9
Iteadlng, l'a.. J, 0. Lyme, 1310 W. HowardSt.,
, .h.. .q.jM. e, a..., A. IVCCIIII, AJUII1BD!1V111(, rS,
Dr. MAYKU Is at liolel Penn, Iteadlng, Pa.,
V.A4 A..AVA UHlUIUUf it VIAVil U1UUU. tUlt lO
see hlni,
R. liKIOKBR, M. 1).,
No'. 9 East Centre Street; Mahanoy City, Pa
biaaaa miu uu eiwcitu aiseofies st specialty.