The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 28, 1891, Image 1

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YOL. VI.--NO. 150.
one CENT.
To the Republican Electors of Pennsylvania:
After contultatlon anil correspondence svllh
the member of the Republican State Committee,
and by their direction, I hereby give notice that
the Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duty
chosen representatives, sMl meet in .State Con
vention at Ilarrlsburg, Wednesday, August 19,
1891, a 10 o'clock A. it., for the purpose ofptac
ing in nomination candidates for the offices of
State Treasurer and Auditor Oenerat, for the
nomination of eighteen candidates for Delegates-at-Largs
to the Cbmtltuttonal Convention pro
vided for in the Act of Assembly approved June
19, 1891, ii(J for the transaction of such other
business as may be presented,
A'otice is especially directed to the fact that, in
accordance with the provisions of the latt men
tioned act, each Senatorial district is entitled to
a representation of three delegate in said Con
stitutional Convention, two of whom only canbe
Members Of the majority party in said district
The electors of each district are therefore re
quested to make proper nomination for dele
gates to said convention, the rules governing the
iionmtaion of candidates for Slate Senator to
be applicable.
In this connection the Chairman desires to call
the attention of Republican voters to the rtconi'
snendatlon of the Stale Convention of 18S2, that
"they allow the greatest freedom in tlte general
participation in the primaries consistent with
the preservation of the jtarty organisation,
ir.lf. It. ANV11EWS, Chairman.
Iu an interview with Hon. James S.
Clnrkson, recently assistant postmaster
general, that Benutor Quay's resolve to
resign the chairmanship of the Repub
lican national committee is not a now
fangled Idea, but one long entertained
and only prevented by urgent requests
of members of the national organiza
tion. While the-senator -cannot bo
blamed for wish lug to surrender the
trust wo again repeat it is not for the
interest of the party that ho should
retire all the criticisms of the Mug
wumps to the contrary notwithstand
ing. The warfare on the senator has
been waged by Democratic journals
for the express purpose a securing his
retirement and for the reason that they
are mortally afraid of his energy and
generalship. Iu fact, It Is the boast of
the Now York World that the opposi
tion to Senator Quay originated In its
columns and of course the inspiring
cause was Quay's ability as a leader.
Democratic opposition could bo expect
ed, but when so-called Republicans Jolu
in the attack it looks very much like
a rule or ruin polioy a policy on the
George William Curtis order which
0333STTS per yd for tbo
Sold iu other stores for 3So. All floor
Oilcloth reduced. Call forbatgalna
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin SI, near Centre
Kelter is now receiving a new stock of Tapestry and Body
Brussels and Jny rains in handsome new tall iatterns.
Just opened a largo assortment of Choice Iieio Patterns,
in all widths.
LINOLEUMS yards wide,
Tlic Finest Table Syrup we have ever liml for tlie price.
Heavy Hotly,
Light Color,
Splctitlul Flavor,
Strictly Pure Cane Syrup,
Not mixed
Also a Fair Sugar Syrup at C ctu.
"Northwestern Daisy.!"
Is a high grade Patent Elour Made from choicest Min
nesota Wheat. Makes more bread thanordlnary
E-A-S"" TO
Guaranteed Equal in every
Xlour in the market,
$0.00 PER
lor sale only
prefers Democratic victories to Repub
lican successes unless, forsooth, ho
can do all the bossing. Well, the groat
leader who won the light against such
heavy odds in 1883 will doubtless retire
and the reins, when surrendered, will
probably be tendered to Mr. Clarkson,
who Is able and well qualified for the
arduous duties of the position. In fact,
next after Senator Quay, Clarkson Is
tho best fitted for the position, and
with tho loyal support of tho Republi
can host ho will make a magnlllcent
fight provided ho should bo chosen
to lead in the great contest of
next year. A Republican victory Is
notouly po33lblo but probable prov
ided, of course, tlie Republicans of tho
Union enter Into the light with spirit
and courage. The light cannot bo won
with divided ranks, or with factional
disturbances; thero is but one road to
victory and that lays through tho velo
of unity. There must be forbearance
all around the board. The rule of the
hour should be forgive and forget.
Let each Republican resolve to ac
quiesce In the wishes of the majority;
In other words, to do all his fighting
before and not after nominations have
been made and victory In tho state
and nation will bo assured. The graml
old party of progress has redeemed all
its promises and long before 1802 rolls
around the fruits of the wise tarifTand
other legislation of the Fifty-first con
gress will be so apparent that none,
short of full blown Democrats, will
oiler the sligheat objections to a con
tinuance of Republican rule. It is
tlmo for factional diilorences to cease
ami from this hour forward lot there
be peaeo all along the line. Victories
can only be won by united action and
hence tho wisdom of getting together
of rallying under one common banner
for vigorous campaigning against those
who advocate tho withdrawal of tho
barriers erected to protect American
The eight plato-glass factory in
America, with buildings covering live
and a half acres, Is now being construct
ed at Irwin, l'a. Before tho Industry was
established in this country, plate glass
cost $2.25 a square foot. American
competition, under protection, has re
duced tho price to 75 cents a foot, and
improved tho quality. The new
works will glvo employment to 500
Advertise in tbo Hkhald.
from $1 up.
witli Corn Syrup ami Glucose.
respcctl to any High-priced
Gossip That is Dlshod Up to tho
"Newspaper Man in His Sanc
tum Mingled With Scraps
Caught by Himself.
The othor day I wus convoking with ono
ot our moat influential and prominent citi
zens, whoso opinion on most any subject of
publio interest 1 hold in high ostoom. Dur
ing tho courso of our talk tho members of
tho W. C. T. IT. and its raid upon tho
whiskey tratllo was brought up, und tho
gentleman in question procooded to criti
ciso its mombers very severely, and went
so far as to stylo them as nltogotber too fa
natical and visionary.
Now, this is all wrong. Whilo I am not
a member of tho Union, yet wo must recog
nize tho great fact that tho women who
compose it are an earnest, gonorous and
philanthropic body, working in tho best in
lereuot society. Uhoy do not act upon
tho theory ot tho revivalist, who drives re
cruits into enmp. No. Thoir's aro tho
calmor and moro Golf-conviuoing uioihods,
and they'll win by theso if tho gauio is to
bo won at all.
Don't imagine, dear reader, from these
romarks that I am a temperauco man, in
the sonso usually accepted by tho VV. O. T.
U. I am not. But, novortholess.the fact re
mains that tho noble work voluntarily ac
cepted by the3e wonion is for our indi
vidual good. Every crltic of tho Union,
whon pinnud right down to it, ha3 been
forced to acknowledge that ho or shn had
not gone into anything like a caroful con
sideration and examination of tho thoorios
oxpoundod by tho W. O. T. U., and that's
jut whore tho difficulty lies, and what
makes their work tho harder.
A pointer to tho membora of tho Union.
Turn your attention to tho fair sox.
Wore their battorioa directed with the same
amount of onorgy that they liavo exerted
in tho causo of tomporanco in tho elevation
of fallen women, I think they would bo
crownod with a greater degrco of success.
And it would bo no new departure, oithcr.
I am informod that tho womon of Wilkoa
Bsrro oxerted thoir i-fforts in this respect,
and met with a great dogroo of success.
What a grand field for them in this town,
l'roloct our girls from tho human serpents
that infest society. Our courts aro too
loniont with tho wrockers of female virtue.
It judgos will not moto our proper punish
ment, thon lot tho laws bo made so vigorous
that tho criminal will not escape just pun
ishment. .
And juit boro a quostion arises.
It is this: "What shall bo dono to sheltor
tho fallon woman? It is not enough that
they shall ba shown tho orrojof thoir way,
but thero must be tomo sort of provision
for thorn alter their reformation. Tho
social systom of our various churches
should throw its protecting arm about
llut will thoy do it ? Thai's the question.
On tho train tho other day I overheard
two prominent Domocrnts Discussing tbo
political situation, from their remarks,
and tbo inferenco to bo drawn therefrom, it
seems quito probable, if not a forcgono
conclusion, that the coming Democratic
convention will endorso Judgo Oroen for
renomination. From a Kepublican stand
point I don't boo what difference It will
make, for thero la no doubt of his election
If bo securos tho Kepublican nomination.
But why bring tho judiciary into par
tisan politics?
Every talr-mlndod citizen, with the
probablo exception of tho political office
holder, wUl agroo with me that tbo quali
fications of n candidate for tho Judgeship
should not ba estimated from a political
standpoint. Thoro aro other attainments
necessary, and which should Influence tho
cltizon iu summing up tho qualifications of
a judicial candidato.
Judgo Croon's ability as a lawyor has
never boon questioned, even bytho men
who dluor with lilm politically. But, on
tho othor hand, I bavo nuvor beard any
thing but tho highest pralso for his attain
ments as a practitioner at tho bar. Hinco
his olevatlon to tho bench, ho has honored
thatoxaltod position, and his derisions will
bear tho closest scrutiny and criticism of
tho most learned deciplo of Blackslono
now at the county bar. There Is no Demo
cratic candidate who has boon mentioned as
his suocessor that Is his equal In legal at
tainments, and his social charactorUtlca are
of tho highest order.
Honestly, I think It would b-j a shrowd
move on tho part of tho Domocrats to en
dorso Judge Green for renomination.
Hon. Klias Davh, of Wadosvllla, was In
town yesterday.
Miss Maggio Connor spent part of tho
day at l'ottsvillc.
Reuben Qlick, ol Girardvillo, was a
town visitor to-day.
Ed. 'NVestervolt will loavo for Wheeling,
W. Va., in a fawdayr.
Miss Edith J. King, ef Philadelphia, is
visiting friends in town.
Miss Uoso lvolser, of Watiatnlo, is visit
ing at (leorgo Hohland's.
Miss Katio Gross, of North Jardin trt,
visitod Ashland yesterday.
1'. J. Ferguson returned homo from
Atlantic Oily last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hassler enjoyed
a rido to Roaring Creek yesterday.
Mrs. John S. Fre-ior and children, of
Philadelphia, aro visiting at Mrs. J. F.
Finn- y's.
Miss Ella Connor, ono of AshlandWair
daughters, spent part o( yesterday in town
with frionds.
Miss Saiio Slattory loft for Hazleton this
morning, whoro sho will spend a fow weeks
with relatives.
Harry Price, a studont at tho Girard
Colleg", Philadelphia, Is visiting his rela
tive in town.
Dr. Ooviiny, who went to Colorado some
tlmo ago to seek a now looation, is back
again to .Shenandoah.
Miss Lizzie Carroll, a school teachor of
Chicago, III., formerly of town, is visiting
hor parents in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Roberts and Mr. and
Mrs. S. D. Hess left to-day for Atlantic
City, whoro thoy expect to spend a week
at tho soa shore.
Uolonol "lorn" Mckoit, who lias had a
largo contract in tho wostarn part of tho
stato, wa9 in town yoUorday, having .com
pletod his work. His men also returned to
tho county.
Michael F. Conry, M. II. Iiritt, John B.
Schcuhing, Jamos 11. Lawis and M. J.
Whitaker left town to-day on nn oxtended
trip to Philadelphia, Atlantio City, Balti
more and Washington.
Charles Woldy, ono of Tamaqua's bid
ing citizins, was in town yostorday ind ox-
amined tho stono crusher. Ho tested it and
was surprised to And it a success. It will
crush 150 tons por day.
Somebody Eloo's Ox Gored.
Tho Daily Republican hits Joo Powell,
et al., in tho following playful strain. It
fits to a nicety : "A couplo of yoars ago
Claudo G. Whotstoiio camo to Pottsvillo
for tho avowed purpose of showing coun
try odltors how to "run a city Journal in a
country town," Tho newspapers, from tho
Philadelphia Times and Inquirer offices up
through Hazleton, Wilkos-Barro to Scran
ton, couiu not sloUDor too much tatty over
his young head, which at that timo, lacked
only oxporlonco in tho business of news'
papor making. But a mighty chnngo has
all of a sudden coraoovor tho Luzorno mid
Ltckawanna frionds of "Dear Claude.1
Thoy aro now telling him to "go soak hi
head," that his "brain is addled," "his
boots are too big for him," his "hatband
plays too loud," "take him to Danville
(aylum) and install Major Warron in his
place." Not ono of tho Pottsvillo papers,
whoso annihilation was prodictod by his
coming to this town, died or ovon got sick
over his coming, noither did ono of tho
Pottsvillo nowspapors ovor say nn unkind
word of him. Nov that his old timo
friends aro oponing thoir batteries of wrath
upon him, wo shall oxpoot to sea his now
Scranton ontorprisa flourUh llko a Green
Bay Ireo or perish like a Suequebanuu shad
Narrow Escape.
Yostorday morning, at tho Suffolk col
liery, whilo a mine car wa3 being run out
on tho landing at tho hi'ad of tho shaft,
through soruo unknown cause it again de
scended tho shaft, making a complete
wreck of tho cago and doing other damage.
Had not tho mon at the bottom hoard tho
noiso of tho wreck thero would undoubt
edly have been several lives lost.
Shooting Match.
A pigeon shooting match took plaeo at
tho trotting park this morning. Following
Is tho scoro :
Pave Owens t)
J. 11. Davis 5
(liw, Dillomnu 8
Bum Major 0
Oh, What a Cough.
you heed the warning? The fclgnal per
r the fcure approuob of that moro ter-
haps (
nuie uiu.u, uonainupuon. ask yoursHlvos
If you win atlont for tho sake of wwlng SO
cents, to run the risk and do nothing foriu
We know from experience that Hhlloh's Cure
will Curo your Cough. It uever falls. This
explains why more than a Million llottles
were sold the past year, It relieves Croup
and Whopplnc Uouku at once Mother do
not be without It. l' or Lame Hack, Hide or
Ubest, unoShlloh's Porous Piaster, Hold by
O. II. JIagenhucb, N. K. corner Main and
Uoyd streets.
Tho National Executive Commltteo
to Meet Iu Philadelphia Ex
Prosldent Cleveland Will
Not Stump Ohio.
By Xatlonal Press Association.
PniLADELrniA, July 28. Senator Quay
U expected to arrlvo in town to-day to
arrange for tho meeting oC tho National
Republican Executive Committee, which
meets hero to-morrow, uud enough ot the
other members will be ou baud, It is said,
to make n quorum.
Vlce-Clmirmau Clarkson will arrlvo to
night and Col. Dudley la already (on
the way. Thero is llttlo business to
come before this meeting, the most im
portant matter being the probablo resig
nation ot Quay as chairman nnd the
selection of Clarkson a his successor.
It is a fact that as yet none of the poll
tloiaua J;now whether Quay really In
tends to drop out, and every ono figures
It that bis chaucen ot doing so are junt
It Is known that Famett, tho Now
York member: Dudley, New nnd Conger
favor his retention, and It may bo that
the committee will refuse hia resignation
it It 1h oITered.
A Republican vory olose to Senator
Quay says that It certain things happen
at tho meeting ho will retire, and if
these certain thluga do not happen he
will stick. these "certain things"
aro no ono Heins to know.
Ila IIhs Valid UonHoni for Not Talcing
tlio Slump In Ohio.
Boston, 'July 2B. A morulng papor
prints au Interview with ex-Pre9idont
Cleveland, in which he says: "I have
beou requested by tho Ohio Domocrnts to
make speeches in their State during tho
pending canvass. I do not expect to take
part In tho campaign thero, nor in any
Htuto, audi lmva novor given tbo slight
est Intimation of an Intention to do so.
"I am convinced that Governor Camp
boll and nil other fatr-intuded political
friends will understand that if I decline
to go upou the stump there are perfectly
good and valid reasons for my action en
tirely consistent with a most earnest de
sire for the success of nil Democratic
cundldato In Ohio, or elsewhere.
"Of courpe, I anticipate tho cry will bo
raised in certain qunrters if such a re
quest Is made nnd declined that I am
selfl.ih und indifferent to the success ot
the uomtno of my party, but such 111
nuturcd accusation's I do not expect to
escape In any event.
Nominations Mudu hy tlio X'atrlotlo Sons
of Alum leu.
Boston, July 28. It is reported that
Lleut.-Gov. Hale was put In nomination
tor Goiernor at a secrot meeting of the
Patriotic Sous of America hold lu this
city. Councilor Arthur V. TufU was
nominated for Lleuteuaut-Govornor.
It Is understood that A. E. Pillsbury
was favorably mentioned lu councotlon
with tho Attornoy-Oenoralshlp, but only
the nominations mentioned above, were
determined upon. Tho organization is
Oeu Ilrapur's N'arrnffutuutft Dinner.
WoliCEBTER, Mass., July 23. QonorAl
Draper, on his arrival here from Narrn
gansett Pier, wus asked about the sensa
tional reports in referonce to the Narra
gausctt dinner. He did not consider
them worth discussing, "You may sny,
however, that the dlnnor was not givou
to any one lu particular; being simply
an Informal gathering of my porsottal
friends. Miss Wiunto Davis was ono of
tho guests, and t took in Mrs. Carlisle,
wife of the Senator. Thero was nothing
unusual ubout It In any way."
Throe Months for "ohceuy Al."
London, July 28. At the gonernl ses
sion ol the criminal court held at the
Old Bailey, Edward Pinter, alias
"Shceney Al," the American "alchem
ist," who is charged with having at
tempted to abtaiu $40,000 from Edwtu
Stroetcr, the Boud streot jeweler, entered
a plea of guilty and was sentenced to
three months' Imprisonment. Pinter
claimed thnt ho bad discovered the
"Philosopher's Stono," anil could con
vert a sovereign into a pleoo of gold
three times its weight.
Tut lu Two by r Train.
RocintSTRB, N. Y., July 28. Theodora
Jauard, agd 24 years, a brakeman ou
the New York Central, residing nt
Savannah, N. Y., was thrown from the
tap of n cabuose on Byron grade last
night while his train was being pushed
up the hill. He was cut lu two nnd hor
ribly manglad.
Mrs. Statins' KunerHl To-morroir.
Lawiusnck, Mas., July 23. Tho into
Mrs. Mark Hopklns-Searlea' funeral will
be held to-morrow afternoon at St.
Thomas' EpUoopal Church, of which
Mrs. Searles was a member. The Inter
tueut will be In tho family Yault recently
erected lu tha small graveyard opposite
the Searles residence iu Methtien.
Tiiiau nr.ooi) was kviiTLntia hi.
Bt Paul called the Cretans "slow bellies, costive,
111-dlsiiOscd and mlM'hiovous," Cactus Ulaoil euro
would hare remediiHl ull iliat. 1M of the Dish
vanish before pure blood. Ki-rof ulous and specllio
blood poleons are now curable
llrrUmt t-truL-gloil lliirnlilr Willi IIIsJ
lxpcul loners In Pari.
Pabm, July 2S. Tho double execution
of young Beriand nnd Dors was a most
exciting nnd horrlbln soeno. When Bert
land was being taken to the gulllotlnt
ho fought the prison guards like art
luonrnate demon, pounding, tearing and.
scratching them every foot ot tho way.
from tho condemned cell to whero tbV
Khadow of tho great knife fall upon th
still struggling group.
Even after tho miserable wretch had!
been forced Into n recumbent position
ho made furious efforts to break away.
The united efforts of three assistant
were necessary to hold tho young mur
derer still long enough to permit of the
oxecutiouor doing his duty.
When the bl do finally rushed down
ward It did so to send out of tho world
one who left it shrieking, cursing and,
struggling to tho last.
Doro submitted quietly to Ids fato.
Three hundred policemen on foot, 250
infnutry and 100 mounted olllcors sur
rounded tho guillotine.
No sooner had the hoadi of the mur-'
derers rolled into tho basket than tha
crowd surged forward nnd with a mighty
rush broke through tho cordon of sol
diers nnd policemen stationed around
tho guillotine.
An American who was anxious to sea
nn execution by tho guillotine paid $400)
for the use of n window commanding a,
good view of the place.
Ilo Built tho Li To ri'linimr Onelit to !
London, July 28. In the Houso oj
Commons, upou tho vote for the support
ot tho prisons, Mr. Parnell argued that
certnin convicts under life Benteuce, and!
especially John D.dy, ought to bo par
doned, or treated as political prisoners.
Ho said thero was every reason to boliova
that Daly was guiltless of having dyna,
mito lu his possession with intent to.
cause nu explosion.
Sir William Vernon Hnrcourt, tbo Lib
eral leader expressed himself opposed to
any relaxation of Daly's punishment.
Homo Matthows said that
tho alleged proofs of Daly's innocenco
hnd biou examined, and found to bo in
ventlons. Tho sentence, therefore, must;
Ted Prtlchurd U ln tlio Contest ll Ted
London, July 28. Tho boxlug match
last night between Jem Smith and Tod
Pritchsrd for $5,000 was easily won byi
Prltcbard lo ton minutes, Smith b
having In a cowardly manner.
No surprise was shown at the result,
which had been anticipated, Smith'
backers having dono all they could tq
put tho light off.
It wiib not thought, liowevor, that
Smith would be beaten so easily.
Iiussln Is ngalnaendl ng gold to London.
Surplus In tho Treasury this morning,
George Friz, aged 42, was attacked, by
n bull in a pasture near Cortland, N, Y.,
and gored to death.
A cablegram fromj Paris announco
tho death of Rev. J. McDermoot, rector
of tho Sacred Heart Church ot Spring
field, Mass.
Conductors and motor mon on ths,
Rapid Transit Railway, Newurk, N. J.,
are on strike against Increased hours at
tho same wages.
Tho Italians at work on tho sowers In
Orange, N. J., have struck fornn iuoreass.
of 21! cents a ib.y. They wero receiving
$1.25 per day. Troublo is feared.
An cnulne nnd throo cars of n passom
ger express on tho Chosapealto nnd Ohla
railroad wero wrecked nt Staunton, Va.,
by u switch designedly loft open. N5
one was lujurod.
Tho Navy Department has rccolvod 8
dispatch announcing the arrival of ths;
Peusncoln at Acapulco, tho Enterprise;
at Bar Harbor and the Yantic at the
Brooklyn Navy Ynrd.
Tho body of Sophia Handrlok, agod 20,
was found lu the cellar of her homo la
Fairbanks, near Toronto, Ont., ou July
10. Yesterday tho parentis weie arrested,
churned with tho murder.
Hon. Paul Dillingham lsdoad at Water,
bury, Vt. He would huvo been 02 year
old uext month. He was n member of Con'
gross In 1811. and was Governor of Ver
mont from 1805 to 1S07.
Anarchist August Spies' widow, Nlnsj
Van unit, who two weeks ago married
Raphael Malato, U In New York with
hor husband and is vory unhappy. Tho
husband, though but a boy, Is some
thing of n.tyruut.
Buy Keystone Hour. Be careful that tho
name IjKsbiq & Co., Ashland, Pa., Is
printed on every sack. 3-3-3taw
Fruit Jars,
Jelly Tumblers,
1 qt, 2qt, 3qt 4 qt.
Brown Sugar, 4c. 1
Whole & Ground Spices
No. 122 North Jardin Strati!