-.Tuninid In Front nf nn ISngtne. Susquehanna, Pd., July 27. la tin Erie yard a man jumped In front of i moving engine mid wns instantly killed It la thought from several pawn tlckoti found In his pockots, one from William Simpson, 181 Bowery, New York, datoe July 13, that ho vs St. O'Brien, of No York city. He wns evidently insane Will Move Their l'lnnl. Wheblino, W. Vn., July 87. Tho Fos i. torln Glass Company, of Fostorln, Ohio, has decided to movo their plant ti Mouudsvlllo, W. Vn., on nccoutit of th Irnstnrta nenlilu rufusltiLr In filrtiUh them 1 fren rrnB. neeoril I M tr t n mil I m pt. Tho nlnul . employs about SOU men. and the company Will invest about JoO.UW. Twu Mull Guillotined. Pams, July 37. Tho woman Berlnnd sontenccd to death for tho Courbevoii murder, has bean reprieved. Her son, nlso named Borland, and Dore, his cpm panlon lu guilt, wore gulllotlued at 3 o'clock this morning. Hank Itubbnl-s 'Culight. Bes Moises, la., July 37. A plot t . rtli tlw AlimHrnli fiavlnn-a limit- un murder tho cashier was f rust?ited by Jh arrest of the gang, who confessed the crime. Knrthqlinlco sliot-k Lust Ntctit. EVansviixe, Ind., July 27. At 8:2J Inst night a Blight shock of onrthqliak, Tas felt in this city. Thoro was somi was felt in this city. Thoro was som alarm, but so far no damage is reported Prcsi-nts in the most elegant (orm THE LAXATIVE ano NUTRITIOUS JUICE CP THE FIQS OF CALIFOKNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure HabUual Consti pation,' and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIUERAHD BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEWSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Ililious or Constipated - so I MAT PUHL BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP. HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR S-STEtXTE OUT" MANUFACTURED ONLY OY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE. KV NEW YORK. N. Y. I John R. Coye, frtorney-at-Law AN I) Real Estate Agent, OFFICE BKlrAI.i.'B B0II.DINO, Cor. Main and Cer.tie Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA. PROPERTY FOR SALE: untiliuj liuucu, .villi nk'HClUUIll UliUltMl taurant. Located on East Centre street. IS A valuable proreity located on South Jar. din street. M-Beven dwelling houses ul tho corner ofQU. bertand Lloyd Mreets. Ooodlnvestment. Terms reasonable. Dr. GrnsvRnnr'55 BELfcSU nil Deii-cap-sic "3S2a?v PLASTER. uum utnuini lor bjwu vj oil u ruftgiFU. 1 GOLD MEDAL, PAIUS 1878. W. Baker & Co.'s nan from which tho excess of oil has boon removed, Is Absolutely Pure audit is Soluble. No Chemicals aro used in Us preparation. It hns more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and Is thoroforo far moro economical, costing less than one cent a cup, It is dollcious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons In health. Sold by Crooors ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & GO,, Dorchester, Mass. Have mred tv.irv 1 . i . , .aiii. (ir lpe.s Y l" 1 ' I''1 ' " ,,l,m h,:t " "OH " fellydi appv it I m lui ia . Jt lat twit thli.d ol i'l 4B t uni an nm i ni JFREB Rttl1t,C!,Iu LUlOUl i"Ul. TEti BAYS FREE ,DU ocilrl tiul. tend ten tonl in jt'tnipt 10 ihj psiBifc miftwtH iJlL H. II. CUKE-. rl. ATLAMaTSa mm TROUBLE IS FEARED A Qonornl Striko on tho Big Four Systom Tlircatoneil. MANY OP THE YARDS BLOCKED. Police Offions Asked to Bo in Ewicllnest in Caso of a Blot Oonnrnl Complxlnt All Alnnsr the Line nl ttio Itnnil Grant Rxcltvliltmt Anionic the Strtlieri at Steellon, I'a. The Comimny'l Funniccs Stnrtoil with Cnlorott atoii Orcantzlnir for it 111c Strike III llniton SrHiROFiELD, Ohio, July 27. A general strlkej of the entire Bl Four Bystofti U threatened. Tho trouble originated here In tho stilklng of forty yardmen fori Cincinnati wages. Thoy went out two days beforo on striko becauso the alleged labor agitators, Knox nnd Qrcery, were discharged, Tho yards are blockod hero ho as to bo almost impassable, and side tracks for forty miles out aro filled. It will bo impossible for trains to get through by to-morrow. Mattors havo become so sorlous that General Superintendent l'eck is on the scene. He will remain until the trouble cuds. A oarload of Cleveland scabs ar rived here to-day lu addition to special officers appointed byOovernor Campbell. The chlof of pollco aud Sheriff IVtJjer have been nsked to bo in readiness twlsMst in caso of a riot. Rillroaders sny that a general striko Is Imminent. Peoria and Cincinnati divis ion men are hot becauso of lengthened schedules which almost prevent over time. Sandusky men are growling be causo of not gettin tho Big Four standard wages. Delawaro employes aro recalci trant because they are required to haul fifty loads with but two brakeman. EXCITEMENT AT STEEUTON. Strikers Angry llpcauio Colored Mud llnvo lleon I'nt to Work. Harrisbuiio, Pa., July 27. Word hai boeu received hero that there is great ox cltomont among tho Hungarian and Folnnder strikers at Stcolton, aud trouble is feared. Iho compauy started Up No. S furnace with colored men. This angered the strikers and thoy threatened to raid tho furnace. The company's officials sny that 1,-tOO men will bo at work in the mills to-uior rowh The men at the Loclilel works aro still out. Organising For a Striko. Boskw, July 27. Tho omployoa of the West End Streot Hallway aro organizing a Union against tho company's new fcchcdulo, which the men claim reduces their wages by requiring extra trips for the old pay. Over 2,600 employers have signeu tne membership role of the Federal Libor Union within tho last 48 hours, and it is expected that eventually all tho railway employes in tho city will join. BIG BANK FAILURE. IluslneM In Duenoi Ayres l'lirnlyxod nnd Millions or Hollars Involvod. Buenos Ayiies via Qalvestps, July 27 English bank checks aro quoted on the Bourse at SO per cent discount. It is believed that all of the depositors will eventually be paid. Millions of dollars aro Involved In the failure. The rnn on tho other banks is lnslgnluonnt. Business in this city, nnd, for that mat ter, throughout the couutry, is para lyzed. Sovoral well known firms havo already suspeuueu. Gold has advanced to $3.00. A cur roucy issue of $100,000,000 Is expected. The lloston Club's Position. Boston, July 27. Tho two games whlob tho New Yorks are to play hero to-day and to-morrow will bo very important, for It Boston takes seoond place they will not Do contout until they jump to the top of tho ladder. Unliko the Giants, tho Bean Eaters aro strong all around. Clarkson is pitching in Setter form than for several years, and Nichol never made o uner record. As lor Utaley, ho has ul ready demonstrated that his arm is as strong as ever. Behind these pitchers are Bennett and Ganzel, as backstops aud a c&panie in ana outllclu. Dld Suddenly of llnart Fulluro, Pbovidexce, It. L, July 27. John T. Stevens, Assocl ited Press operator in th office of the Eveniug Reporter at Woon- socket, and one of the best known telo graphers in tho country, died suddenly at his home there of heart failure. lit was for a time, during the administra tion of Prosldent Arthur, doorkeeper ol tho press gallery lu the National House of Kepresontatlves. No Acoldent at Callno, WAsmNOTO.v, July 27. Navy Depart niont officials are inollued to believe that the reported killing of flvo of the crew of the U. a. a. Pensaoola by a tor pedo fired by tho Chilian vessel at Arlcu, Chill, Is not true, and Assistant Secretary Soloy, who hns made an Investigation, makes the positive assortion Hint ho be lieves the report has no foundation in laot, round tho MlifltiH Mutt' Watch. Glek House, N. II., July 27. Twc young men walking on the southeast slope of Mount John Qulnoy Adams found the watoh which belonged to Ewald Weiss, the Mount Washington violinist who was lost lust summ-r while on hli way from Glen House to Mount Washing ton, A party has started from the Glen House in the hop of finding tho remalui of the unfortunate man. A New York Olrl Drops Dead. New Haven, Conn., July 27. Hiss Etti Joneif, of New York, came here a week ago to visit friends. Yesterday aftoruoou, while apparently in perfect health, sh dropped dead on the streot while out walking. She was 21 years of age. Killed In u Hnlooli Fight. Tbot, N. Y., July 27. During tho pro gress of a free-for-all brawl in South Troy early in tho morning Daniel Barron wa stabbed by Edward Aurellus. He diej half an hour later. Aurellus is in jail, Tweuty llulldlnes Ilnrned. Fort Honuoe, July 27. Fire at Newport News destroyed more than twenty build ings, consisting of stores and dwelling The estimated loss Is $50,000. ilfghest of all in Leavening Power. ABBOLUTEfQf NETTLETON MAY RESIGN. Tlio Aatlitnllt flrci-tnry Him Trouble with Su(rliitritniit Ovvr-n, WAsmxtiTON, July 27. A illsagreemeno Is reported between Mr. Owen, superin tendent of the Immigration Bureau, and AsiKmit Secretary Nettleton of tho Treasury Department, under whoco supervision the Immigration Bureau has been placed, and which m.iy result in Goner il Nettleton's resignation. Tho report says tint some time ago General Nettleton and Commissioner Owen locked horns over t'10 manner In which tbd bureau should bo run. Mr. Owen Is a personal friend of President) Hnrrlson and author of tho bill In which tho Immigration Buro m was creatod. Naturally Mr. Owen thouaht he know how the bureau should bs run aud how the law should bo administered; and It is Bald he reentod the attempted Inter ference of Assistant Secretary Nettleton. The latter Is supposed tc have gono to Secretnry Foster about the matter, nnd receiving no support from tho official, appealed to tho Prosldout. Hero ngaln Mr. Nettleton failed to get consolation, and naturally felt chagrined. Another matter which mado Mr. Net tleton uncomfortable was the refusal of his superiors to allow him to nppolnt his son as his nrlv to secrctnrv. Tho scan dal In tho Pension Office growing out of tho doings of Mr. Green B. Baum, Jr., is said to havo disgusted tho Prcsidont with nepotism lu tho Departments. BLOOD ON THE BILL. DlokSFrnmcs Convicted of Mannlnusliter After n Week's Trial. Springfield, O., July 27. A few min ute red spots which tho tell-talo micro- scopo Bald wero blood had much to do with convicting Dick Frames, a Spring field tough, of the crime of manslaughter noro. The trial had been in prosrresa for a week, nnd attracted widojproad attention from tho mysterious nature of tho crime. Tho murdered man, William Hambrlght. was a night watchman and Ills skull was ciushed in like nn eggshell just ns ho was in tho act of turning In his record on the alarm box. Tho murdered man's pockets had been rifled. It was found tha the murderer had chanced a f 10 bill soon after tho crime. This bill was examined by a microscope nnd mlnuto snots of blood found on It. It wai alleged that Frames once said that it would boeasv to perform a Jesso James net on tho watchman some nlaht. On this slender basis and the bloody mi tuo jury louiui lor manslaughter. CRUELTY TO SEAMEN. Put lu Irons by Clilll'a Trenlilxnt When They AMked lor Wagei. London, July 27. Cnptnln Armlt, ro. cenlly nu officer on board tho Chilian warship Prc&ideuto Pinto, wrltos to the, press wurnilng Englishmen not to accept tno ollsrs m. He by tho agents of Dal maceda. Captain Armlt says that he servod for throe months in tho Cuillan Navy under. Admiral Latorre, and that ho was unabla to get paymont fur his serviees. Ho adds thnt sailors who niked for their pay were put in irons. l.lheraU Will Olipoto Homo Utile, London, July 27. -A prominent Libers 41. 1. crenicci sometning or n surprlso lu Irish circles, by his opinion openly ex pressed to tho effect that the recent Liberal success boiled no good to the cause of Irish Home Ifule. and that not withstanding Mr. GIndstono, tho Liberal! in thu noxt Parliament would not show n majority for nny bill giving Ireland 0 separate government. lie snld substam tially thnt English Liberals were resolved to provent the Itomnu blerurohv lu lre land from ruling that country, and that only deference to Mr, Gladstone prevent! eu a lormai ueciaratlou on tho subject, jj l'oat Truder Flnliiy lHtmlnsrd. Kansas Citv, Mo., July 27. Ex-Alder-man James Finlay of this city, for a long time post trader at Pino Itldge and ona of the whites there during the ghosl unnco troutues, nas boon dismissed by the government. This Is tho culmination of tho recent charges of immorality agalnsj Finlay brought about by the death of pretty Traoy Kirtzberger at tho Leland llotol, Chicago, after having glvon birth to an illegitimate child. The Fileltlve Wnm't Almy. White Riveh Junction, Vt. The man Who was followed so olosely from West Burke to Montreal beoauso ho was sup posed to be Almy, tho murderer, provoj to be a Frenchman named Edward L: Proe, who was arrested here for an assnul upon some women nnd who oscaped from jail 011 Thursday night preceding the. murder. The description of the fugitive, and especially as to his speaking broken English, leave no doubt of his identity. Judgement ifcould be displayed In buying medV line above all things. In selecting ti remedy for nny disease, you should tx positive that It contains nothing inju rious to the health. Many remedies on the raarkot leave the patient in much worse condition, than beforo taking thorn. S- s. s. Is purely Yegetablo, and porfeofl harmless ; U10 most delicate ohlld can tako It with absolute safety. It contains no mercury or mlnorals of any kind, and yet It never falls to cure tho dis eases It Is recommended for. Book on Blood and Skin diseases frea. Swift Spoclflo Co., Atlanta, Q U. & Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. ft bwder SUIT FOF5 A MILLION. L'tufciiUB Miinn r In Wh.tili i Itiic Net Ym-k I'nNti M Overheard. Owamo, Midi., .tiilv 27. Imposition in a case Involving over $1,000,000 havi been Wkun Ht the Nat ion nl Hotel hero daring tin pi four davs. Over forty wltumwes have been examined, but ns nc reporter was allowed to enter the i-oqiu 110 Inkling of the nature tit the ae could be seoured. A stovepipe, becoming (lis contieotcd in the room above the follow ing details were ascertained: Sldnvy Smith died in an asylum foe the liwane in New York city In 1886. He never realised that he waw worth cent, but at his death left his heirs over, $1,000,000 in real and personal property. Adou Smith was appointed administra tor, nnd, sb the complainants allege, formed a copartnership with his brothers and oo-helrs, J. F. D. unci IIurlHU P. Smith, and bought up all the other claimants, alleging that they were not heirs In full, and that the personal prop erly only amounted to $523,000, Believ ing this thu others settled for $50,000 pec family. Tho defendants claim that thoy bought on speculation. Thoy nil live lu New York iity, nnd aro represented here bj William JIanun of that city. The Wost. rn heirs are represented by S. D. White, of Hamilton, N. Y., aud Judgo Daboll, oj St. Johns, Mich. DEFIED BRADLEY'S ORDER. Clear Stores und odn Water Sluuds Open at Anbury 1'ark. Abkuhy Park, N. J., July 27. Tho hotels here kept open house all day yesterday and sold cigars aud soda water ns usual. The clerks in charge, of tho cigox and candy stores of tho hotels also sold to all comers. Tho boys iu chnrgo of tho Saratoga water stauds on ona of the lots owned by James A. Brudloy, tho founder of tho town, were busily en gaged all day iu serving their customers. Air. Bradley's employes rented bathing suits to all that applied for them, und among their p.itrons were many young men aud women from Oceuu Grove, The proprietors of the various livery stables did 11 big business tho entire day nud nowspupors were sold. Tho beach is owned exclusively by Mr. Bradley. Tho only porsous who seemed to be frlgbteued by Bradley's ulaiiii that ho would stop Sunday selling wore a number of thu vlltavo storekeepers. THINU THEY HAVc ALMY. The Muu Ai'icnted In Alton Held for Idenilflaiillon. Hanover, N, H , July 27. Tho police havo received a startling story regarding tho mrrrdjrer of Miss Ci-r silu Wardon, which is claiming nil their intention. A woman, whose homo is in Springfield, Mass., has writtou that horilaughtor was murdered .1 low yearj ago by a uinu who answers exr.etly Aluiy'jilc3cvlptlon. The man mado his eBo.ipo aud was never ap prehended, and tho mother desires to know whether C:irUtlo Wardun'j slayer Is tho sumo man who munloivd her own child. 1 From Liconla oomes tho news that a body of armed men hnd recaptured the man who was urrested at Altou aud then released. Thoy were so convinced that tho lunu was Almy that they followed him into the mountains and held him up at tno muzzics 0: tuoir rules aud shot guns. Mr. llliilne Takes n I.on Drive. Bab Haiiiiok, Me., July 27. Secretary Blaine drovu out in an open carriage with his sou Emmons at 10 a. in., t ho Secre tary holdlug tho reins. They returned toStmwoodln about two hours. The recent reports of Mr. Blaine's serious ill-1 ness and likelihood to retire from public , life wero llatly deuted by n member of 1 the family to-day. Mr. Blnluu expects to remain nore until tlio cool wenther sets iu, when ho will return to Washington and resume his duties. Kxeltviniiiit lu u Church. Ghee-sville, Ph., July 27. During a heavy thunder storm hero yoterdny the tall Btoepiu or tne united Presbyterian Church was demolished by llghtuing. Rev. Soouller was just Qulslilng his ser mon nnd about 200 people wero lu the building. Tho greatest excitement pre vailed for a while, nud u pauio wns only averted by the mo.it strenuous exertions. No one was lujured, and tho congrega tion dispersed after offering a prayer of thanksgiving. . ol. Thft eecret of roy happlnou U, I tun uahig Wolfl'sACSEBIacking And haye ,W ATHIt I'UIMIF HOOTS neau. Illully I'ulUhed wllhout l.ulior. ABK IN ALL BTOKES FOR HK-EON Will 0riN Old New FunNiTuns Will STAIN GLASS ANO CNINAWAHC Will Stain tinwahe Will Stain youn Old Baskets Will stain babv-s Coaoh (i ml ?'artsA at lhe tame time. WOUP U BANDOLPU, ftulsdalphla, amng BTMANGLED THE WARDLN. Terrible Crime In n (iernixii I'rl.nn Ily Murderer Wnlllnif liteeutlon. London, July U7. From Dortmund, Germany, comes the news of n horrlblo event. A native of Silesia named Mlchalskl, having been convicted of n brutal murder and sentenced to death, had valuly petitioned for n commuta tion. He was lu the Dortmund prison await ing the arrival of the executioner to carry out the sentence. He behaved In'a moody manner, but nobody suspected the terrible design which ho h.td evi dently formed. lhe warden treated the man witu tne consideration usu illy shown to those about to die and p dd for his leniency with his life. The prlsonor suddenly seUed the warden unawares, and, notwith standing the struggles of the latter, suc ceeded before assistance could arrive, in strangling lilui to death. When the other keepers got to the scene the warden wns beyond help. One of the offlolnls was with difficulty restr lued from killing Mlohalskl on the Bpot. He will bo executed as soon as possible. RAILROAD WAR, A Ohiijc of Workmen Armed AYlth lto pentlujr Ilines. Diirotn, Col., July 27. The Denver, Golden ft Lnkewood Hallway officials last night sent nn armed force of twenty men to Netdnle, eight miles from this city, to prevent the Denver & Western people from building a Hue over two nnd a hull tulles of its right of way on the side of Table Mountain, which Is now about tho only remnluinu pass through tho mountains which a railroad can use. Tho men are armed with repeatin a rules. The Denver Ss Western people hove four hundred laborers on the around. awaiting the arrival of teams with ties aud mils, Tho Like wood officials de clare that they will shoot down the first man who rises a pick or u shovel, A hard fight is looked for before night, TRAGEDY AT A PICNIC. A Young Woman ttliut llend nud n Mull Terribly Wounded. Wu'eklino, W. Vn., July 27. There was a picnic yesterday at Woods Run, ten miles from here. Andy Illto enmo aloug with a gun and stopped to see tuo sport. Barney Fahey took tho gun, asking if it was loaded, and being told no, fired directly toward where Sarah McOowan, Georgo Weitsell nud Anuto Kinney wero sitting. Miss McGowan screamod and fell dead, aud Weitsell put his hands to his fnce and sank down. The second girl was not hurt. Woltsell is dreadfully mangled about the face and may loso both eyes, Fahey gave himself up. - He is dis tracted. DENIED BY QUAY. no Has no Intention of Ileslnlng III, Mont In the Kelinte. PrrrsBuno, July 27. Senator Quay, nt his house in Beaver, was shown the dis patch from Philadelphia which Btated that intimate politlcul friends of the Senator's throughout tho State said he was determined to resign his sent In th United States Senato upon the meeting 01 Longress in uecemuer next. When asked If tho statement was true, Senator Quay replied 1 "It's a fake pure and Blmpla. I have not bo much at thought of It, nnd really I don't see why the story was started, for thore Is no foundation for it whntover." J ml so Illmm C. Clark Dead, Pkovincetown, Mass., July 27. Judga Hiram C. Clark a weH-known lawyer oi Jamostown, N. Y., died at tho Pilgrim House in this place inst night In his 70th year. For many years during the rule ol the Vigilance Cgmmlttoo ho was a Judge in California. lie nlso pructlced law Id Virginia uity, utiea, Lockport and Toledo. Yoars ago he wns Wnshlngton correspondent for California papers and for six years was London correspondent of tho Now York Express and tho Altn Callfornlnu of San Francisco. His fathei was Lot C. Clurk, of Niagara Falls brldg I fame. Shot Ills Wiro nnd Iltmsoir, Rawd City, S. D., July 27. Last even ing J. W. Saultry, a merchant, ,shot hli wifo three times, and thinking ho had killed her blew out his braius, Mrs Saultry will probably recover, only one of her wounds being serious. The couple havo not boen living togothor for somo time on account of S.iultry's jealous dis position. " Seized by the OruUor ltush. VicroniA, B. 0., July 27. Tho sailing schooner & D. Marvin arrived last night, boring been seized by tho Americas cruiser Rush iu attempting to onter Do br ing Sea aftor she had been warned by the Rush nt Sand Point not to do so. Tin Rush pursued her into Ounnlaska, seized her and turned her over to the British, warship Nymphe, which ordered ho) home, Chuueei lii the WniKlustoii Club. Washinoton, July 27. Catcher Loll niau and First Baeman McQuery have been released by tho Washington Club and Mannger Snyder will bo released Thursday, MoAuley, who covered first bale for Omaha, will replaoe McQuory, and Shannon will succeed Snyder iu addi tion to acting us captaiu and playing shortstop. From Weutlh to Poverty nnd Death, Bucharest, July 87. Barou Erwin von Sohoiisteiii, formerly ous of tho wealth iest residents of Vienna, has just died in u liospitHl here. He was ruluwl by fast llviug and speculation and was employed here as a driver of a trauioar whon at tacked by his last illness. The Anoldeut to Stanley. London, July 27. The laUst teleurama state that Usury M. Stntiley Is suffering with a fruoture of the left ankle joint. The pain has osused and lie Is pi'ogrsss favorably. Mui-tlereil hy nn Itallitn Baltimohk, July 27. Frederick Buch ner, a cignrmaker, yh shot nntl k 11 lei In the fruit store oC CannuUllii Somella nt noon. It 1b alleged, und probably true, that Somella nhot Buohner la tbd beat of a dittpute over tho shortage of flro cents lu Buchner'ft cbange, but Mrs. Bemella. who had the revolver In bei hand when the police arrived, declares that Bucbner assaulted her and he tired In eelf-defense. Bomella nnd bU wife were locked up. Have you a Pittsburgh, Rochester, Duplex, or a Stu dent Lamp? Do they work satisfactorily? Do your Lamp Chimneys break? You get the wrong sortl The right ones are the "Pearl Glass," made by Geo. A. Macbeth & Co., Pitts burgh, makers of the cele brated " Pearl-top " lamp chim ney, which have given univer sal satistaction. il . fft in , "S cusap AKi :t:.;.::c. "iO other style 6-A Ntl, , 1 li 'i him all ,Aiimlni i, !!! , H.Liu.A. t-ou t v i 1! a i'r Wk n.lr!irir KeelHh Wmmni Bp.nJ. ITNHYRQY&l FILLS Original eerf Onlf Otmlne. id Prind In II, ti A r On i , r s,M wlili liM rt. in Trttie Inn nll,P. Mil, ti iha.nnu ,i,J ililu. f oi, mill if,u!liu I 1,-iipuIjI . -A ' Il flump. (U J QUI ll. . J. I.-"IH ,ni-u J", M..II. Kt.onli , ,,,i. V . wJBra m.,. I....! r.u..,...i,-.. .. ''l"i. oM tfl- lf Urunuu. J?MI 32." VS i$k.mL2Fn t,r w- ! H iocs. llJ"i lav mt,eJ' V l'lncf nu t j our denier to eeiid for cu mlomii-, et-eui-e tha nBoney, nud get llieiii lor )"u. "-':,"B ,uo WTAKE NO SLKSTITUTK. jgj WHY IS TUC W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE centTeVn .HE BEST SHOE IN THE W0I1L0 FOR TffE MONEY? io hurt i i.,vr..r.,r r,.,.7,;. v.e " ? r mid e,w, and mi ia. mnn- ,hn-i v ihll euoil slioi'4 nntliiK from sl.H) to t). SS "SS " 1 ll'ii.it-Hre,, thollntcalr aJ. Bhui. ,-u-r oirore.l ri.r futii ennuis treucU Import-.l Hl;..oa l.l.-n ,.,,t fronie-ij'itVshiuif $4'S,M.!,t,r,y,':',',.v','.'.!n". ?.i'f shiHi over olTrn-d nt IhN nrleoi sainn trade n e! tniiinuiilosluHMeostlni from ,.IKI to SS.L v ,I.i;:.vP',,v,f.,.L seamless, sinoutl. liiskl,- iieuty three soles, exteiii "Kliio. OiiDpnlrwIllwearujcnr. "5 !"" ,' ""1 "o lienor moo ever ortorod nt 3t..2r.,b,ii Prk'?' "' trial will couvluce thoso wliowantnahiiefiireiiiiifortaudservlco. 'S2 - '""t -" WorklngmniiVi shoes i?1". a" very strong nnd durable. Those who Iijl-o Klveiithein (i trial iviii wear no other inn ke. RnUR' - "nd .Wl.7.1 school shoes aro ,irT- worayytneliojseverywlierei theysell on their merits, as tlio increasing sales show. I ?Hfllf5 tS',", Uniid-eeHcd shoo, best iiiiu itij DoiiKoln, terystyiisli; onualsl-rcnch Imported shoes costliiKfrnm ).() to .at. I.n.llps ,t:..1H. J.(IO nud 81.75 shoo for Mliwesnro the host line Inmgolu. Myllshand durable. Cu n I Ion. -See that W. I,. Douglas' namo and prleo are slampcil on tho bottom of eaeh shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, Druclttou, Mass. 1) onnn.c3.oli 3o, THIS SEASON FOR PIC-NICS m.ixa at iiaxh, Committeemen ehoulil bear lu mind Hint tho Hriiald oflleo Is prepared to do nil kinds of Poster Work! at the most roosonnblo rates. Give us a call nud obtain our prices, AH work done when promised nud lu a satisfactory mnnuer. 538 MEM Tie uiimL itiliavbls) ftikd sttirMaiftil tlll rr alldvatei iitUlk Special D!sascs,Btood Toin I li r u biftioh. Pin !, Sr ti.. Tin Ltt.lrrIit(aM Soft li iiili luilt'itrtiktlJii, Kldof tlaMer,LMt 1 iiUIJ, Wk btek, UiciicihIt. FIIm. Utltuohoir VtlkDM Da.llllT Impair, , M- mors- uu DMAr.fitrtoMirfB ItdtiMMirtMH'i.uK irutu ) iui 'm wrun ur rrom orrerX Olds Young ur Mldt'Io Ad nff"j "; tir .arliu, ooriptritu nt 1 1. .7try ihlas knwR U BMdlOftlaerJUri.fklaoieuo nl -I naUtP'tOiaWtMllcll4l, Miktir who filled it liei .tt uk' dum eurctt In i ! II dsVVtl lumu an IliiA.t.iil ii.fI.ikia In i'l.itiHan. aTsib ld, Frsnn and Auitii, as -ertiUutix dlpIoiuM profet Wis TP lira. i if si til rivlit'F in USU CMM HUrtQ Tril. tJlOiUUUu.hrote a. fclPiWH, kuowldgt Mil tMriDM and mho rati ih..w tvj ni.nr BAllanti Mi-matienUr etid m Iota ftur aiuok nnl fivcitialBf doeton hn. rained theid. fleud to -t jiuiWir l... .k TKtu'H" nnl worn lMUiuoa.aV.aixio.U4 quack- ml advfriiilui doctor wltfc tbtlrralaaandf-raudalautKuat i.k an -I iMiTmonlaU, thrtr a ftt law , IB" y do ii t 1 ttifir bcbruiit) af rufnnJlD nouer or frlvt. Ij -alk an. I Mu-1- h-p aud woMBlM rtruja naiiher if Miiieli ou.ta ju ) n it, ned aa daoojra and ratulk In ruin of thrun 1 of .m in, lotuiu Opmoi Hiiuma.- tr dy from A U ir.i 1 ticer.hitii io. Wcduuaday vadaaiurdaf hi iUUttU9h aaa K aJuu rr rt ta nui tav from 9 toll, r. IMPORTANT NOTICE I All persons are hereby warned NOT TO F1SI1 IN Till! DAMS ! Belonging to the Shenandoah Waler Company, aud all parties caught violating this notice will bo ProHcciitctl ns Trespassers. Ily order of THE aoiv-rivTM-v. t8 FLY f,U OLa i.r