The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 27, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
jr. C. Jiorttn, JMllnr nml I'liMlsftsr.
lIMf. T. U'ATKIXV, Looal Ulltm'.
TltrKVEXUta 11 Kit A LI) ho a larger cir
culation In Wimanrtonfc thnn any other pnpir
publMttl, Hnnk open to alt.
Daily, oar yw ....................II t
WEitKt.r, ir year - 1 Ho
Knterl t Ilia Poatornoe, at 8bMU4nh, P
for transmission through the mitllr
a second nlas ranll maltar.
Figures Demonstrate the Popu
larity of tho Roaort.
.July 28.-Tbe Viliinrton Hook & Lad
riar Horn null v. nf MahantlT OltT.
July 29 Trinity Heformod Sunday
tehool. nf Shenandoah.
July 80. YotinK Men's Itepublieiiri Club
of Mahanoy Oity.
July 81. Vresbyterlan Sunday school nl
JIalianoy City.
An. 1. Welsh llaptlit Sunday ichool,
Aug. 8. Kngjiiu llr.plHtf'iiiid'ayschoo
or Shenandoah.
Aug. 4. M. E. Sunday school of Mali
ntlnv Plana.
Auv A V. TC. Sunday tohool. Ashland.
Aug. 0. Evangelical Sunday ichool of
"Mnhiinnv Oitv.
Auk 7. Weleli OorjjjrcKHUoiiHl, Alalia
noy Oity.
Aug. 8. M. K. Sunday echooUlGilber
lon. Aug. 10. M. E. Sunday choo: Glrard
villo, and Union Sunday school, L't
Aug. 11. Welsh .'IBaplW. ConKrena
tional and MethodUt, Shenandoah,
Aug. 12. Lutheran missionary festival.
" 18. KpiicopnlJ Sunday tchool of
JIahanoy City.
Aur. 14 lleformcd Sunday tohool, of
Auk. 16. Eisteddfod.
" 17. Lutheran Sunday school, (Ji
rar.lville. Aug. 18 EnglisbSBaptitt Sunday school,
JTabanoy City.
Aug. 10. M. E. S-nday school of Shen
andoah. Aug. 20. Trinity) Kctormed Sunday
school of Mahanoy City.
Aug. 22 P. 31. Sunday rchoo, of Gil
ber.nn. Aug. 24. P. 31. Sundaylchoolof Shen
andoah. Aug. 25. English Lutheran, Stahnnoy
Booky Mountain Ouro.
Tho druggists claim that pooplo call
dally for tho new euro for constipation and
eicit hoadach", diwovered by Dr. Silas
Lnno whilo In tlio ltoeky Mountains, li l
said to be Oregon Rrapo root (a groat
rumody in tho far Woat for those com
plaints) coinbinod'wilh simple herbs, and If
"mado for uso by pouring on boiling water
to draw out tho strength. It sells at 50
cents n pachago andj is called LanoV
Family Medicine.
Now celory is already on salo in our
pold It to the Light.
The man who tells you confidentially
ust what will cure your oold ia proscribing
Komp's Ilalsam this yenr. In tho pre
aration of this remnrkablo medicine for
roughs and colds no expenso ia spared t
combine only the best and purest ingredi
ents. Hold a bottle of Komp's Balsam u
tho light and look through it; notico thi
bright, clear look; thou compare with
othr remedies.' l'nce COc. and f 1
Now ia tho seaon tor jars in tho family
To NorvouB, DeblUtntod Mon.
If you sond us your uddress, wo wil
mail you our illustrated pamphlet explain
Ing all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro
Voltaic Bolt and Appliances, and theb
charming o fleets upon tho nervous de
bilitated system, and bow they will quioklj
rostoroyou to vigor, and manhood, l'amph
lot froo. If you are thus afflicted, we will
lend you a Bolt and Appliances on a trial.
Voltaic Bkiv Co.. Marshall. Mich.
Potaloos nro lino and very low in price.
Shiloh'a Consumption Ouro.
TIiib In beyond (iheellou the most sua
ctsslut CoiiKh Medicine we have oversold.
a lew doses Invariably cure the worM Ofseol
L'nugh. Crimp, and Ilroucliltls. while lt won.
flernii aueowa In the cure of C'onsuinptlun i
wiiuuui a lxtruuei iu lue niHKtry or muiicine.
Hlooe ll'n 1 iKt dlMverv it lm been told on a
guarantee, h tent which no other medicine
tiiu Pimm, ii vuu nrtvw v ufiiiuii weeHrpesny
natr ...... 1.. 1. IM. Iftl. K(l ... .. . -
f 1.10. If your l.nngHBreore, L'hfst or IteoPr
lamp, am isnuoira re runs i-iusier. roicl l
V, II. llngeuhuoli, H. K. oomer Main and
L.oyu eireeiH,
If plenty of flies it a sign of n healthy
season, this one ought to bo healthy.
The Seoret of Success.
V. 11. llagunhueh, tin diuuttt,Lelleveathat
the secret of uwi U i eraeveniiiee. Theie
fnid he peralsls tu keeping Uib fin. t Hue of
iiviiiiuivriiM, unifi arucic-H, otwii euc, urnn
andohemteulBon (lie luarhel. Ho Mr eol IV
Invite all iieiaons who have relnlUllou,
. ..... . ,. , . .iuif rjffin,.tiii iu
eld" or anouMer. nr,nre.loii. nlrliimun. i.v
uiib.amoilifrloii, drofwy or liexit dlkoaaa
tu tiyDr. Mileg uueuultd New Heart Our,
he'oie It la too late. It baa the lartett Mile ol
any glmllur remedy. Pine took ofteatlmo
nlul free. Dr. Milea' Iteatoratlve Nervine Ui
uuanrpaaaed for a eeplKnaueaa, neadaebe, flu,
iv . , nm in wuwiu. uw ii.ibiii
Apple -auce Is now seasonable.
A Husband's Mlstnke.
llutbauils lew often pennlt wlve,nd par
em their children, to Miller from hradanhe,
dnzlneaa, neuralgia, sleepier eneM. II t, ner
voiinneiM, wlieu by the use of Dr. .Milea'
lteatorutlve Nervine fcucn (erloua result
could easily be prevented Pruaglats every
where Kay tt gives milvorml nUIWiioilon, and
haiai tinmoiise sale. WoodMortl) Co., of
Kort Wayne, 1 rid.; Know it l o., of Hj rsruse,
N. Y.i J. V. Wolf, lllllkdole, Mlch.i and hun
d edaot others ear "It Is the groeti stkeller
they ever knew." It contains no opi-iiis.
Trial bottles and tine book on Kervuis
jJUeases, free at O. II, ilagenbuch's,
Tho Gntnniarnn Typhon Goes
to l'iccc3.
Distrlot-Attorney Datley of Now Haves
One of the Party.
Ilia Mill" Klrce Itpnciifxl lir Onptnln
Ailitln After ltowlnE I'lva Slllei lit
tVui KIeIiI1 hy SlBiiiuor The Doou
piint nf the Wrockml Hunt alalia a
Torrlhle I'lKlit I'or Mff.
Nbw IIavkk, Conn., July 27. Tho cat
aitiarau Typhon, having on board Judge
Hugh Dailey, lits little uleoe, Captain
Oeorge Auatin, Clnrenoe IJeebo nud
Blinker Unfile Bhepiml, want to pleoes
nlwut four uillea off BranfonlJ Beaoon
about 7 o'clock laat night. The sea was
very heavy anil tho caUmaruu wiw un
able to atand tho strain.
Captain Austin and the little girl took
to the skiff, and after rowing deaperatoly
for five milea, while the little girl baled
the boat, he w is sighted by tho atoamet
Margaret and resoued. It Ib supposed
that all the others are lost.
When last seen by Captain Austin,
Dailey, Heeue and Shepard were dinging
to tho wreok, with the water up to their
necks and tho waves threatening to
carry them under every minute. Tho
Typhon waa entered In the New Haven
Yacht Club two years ago by Commodore
Beecher as n oraok yacht-
DUtrlct Attorney Dailey was a load
ing Hepublleun politician o( the State.
An Kicnpetl Bturilorfir Attacks u l'mullj
VltIi n ISO) tin'.
Luxinoto.v, Ky., July 27. Goorgo Crnlg,
a negro, who was confined In tho Cyn
thlnuiij Jail for killing a negro, made
his esoape by bullying tho juller's wife.
He appeared at tho residence of Nathan
Conway, In Bourbon county, near Parli,
nud asked for u drink of witter. William
Conwuy, the oldest sou, aged thirty-three
years, got him a dipper of water, and
when lu the act of bunding it to him the
negro held op an old rusty scythe blado
and exclaimed!
"flint's a pretty thing for n man to
carry, ain't itf"
Conway looked at tho blado n moment
and replied:
"Yes. Where did you got itf"
For answer tho negro struok him a
terrilio blow on tho head, laying open
the scalp and fracturing tho skull. He
followed this up with other blows until
he had cut the young man all to pieces
and ho fell to tho floor of tho porch
almost dead.
Ills father nt this juncture carao to bis
nssintnuce, but the black brute. turned on
him, auil with tno first blow spilt the old
man's skull open. Ho fell dead bosldo
his bleeding boy.
Old Mrs. Conwny then camo up, only
to bo slaughtered by having her throat
cut from car to ear with tho negro's
scytho. Siio died last night.
Charles Conway, another son, aged 23
vniiiN. arrived upon tho scuna' nnd at
totnptetl to illnarru thw miiiileiei, IIu ttlav
was attacked nnd nearly killed.
The other members of tho family, all
women, ran to a neighbor's house nud
got two men, armed with guns nnd corn
knives. They rushed to the scene of the
murders, to find Charley runulug mid the
negro alter him. A shot Was fired at the
negro from a riflo, but tho bullet, al
though striking his skull, glanced off.
Two loads of buckshot were then fired
iuto his body.
Ho turned on his pursuers and showed
fight, saj ing that ho had already killed
aeveu persons and that ho was going to
kill seven more before he dlod.
The two men drew their corn knives
and tho negro fled. Ho ran half a mil?
to a haystack, whore ho dropped dead.
Her lloil v Kouutl 111 tlio ltlver.
Lakayettb, Ind., July 27. -The bodj
of Jennlo Kurtz, the pretty 10-year-old
uauglitor of Uliurles W. Ittirtz of thlj
city, was found in tho Wabash River
yesterday afternoon. Mr. Kurtz objected
to his daughter recolving the nttontlous
of Klhvood Good, and last Monday even
ing severely chastised her with n strap
for disobeying him. Tuesday morning
she stnrtod for the factory where she
had been employed, and that was the
last her family saw of her alive. She had
removed her shoes and stockings and
sprung into tlio water.
Onr. I'ntllioii Heady an n WItneii.
HAimisuono, Ta., July 27. Governoi
Fattison has written a letter to Council's
Investigating Committee nt 1'hlladelnbla
In which ho says ho has been informed
thnt the chairman of the committee
mailed hi in a letter on tho 22d Instant
requesting his appearance nt a meeting
of the committee on the 21th. The Gov
ernor snys ho has not yet received the
letter. He says that H will give him
great pleasure to be present nt nny meet
ing ot tho committee It given reasouabl
notico as to the time and place ot aucu
Kilted Ills Wife With mi Axo.
. Tonkhannook, Po., July 27. Charlei
Wall, aged about 80 years, killed Ills
wife Julia, aged abaut 50 years, by brain
ing her with nn axe nt his home In
Wyomiuu County. Wall gave himseil
up to the constable. Wall a fow dayi
ago caught his wife and D ivid Bsrlow in
bed together, and the murder resulted
from a quarrel with his wife lu relation
to the affair.
Mix llamiu's ills 1,11ml Knit.
Hahuob, lie., July 87. Margberlta A
Una Hamni, a newepaper oorreaponilent
at Bar Hurlior, will liiBtltutu a suit for
$100,000 damages against die ltoatou Iler
nlil tit alleged H be lions report sent from
liar Harbor by n personal enemy, It it
clatmad, of Miss llamin.
Tuu 'raldut Want to Church.
Oapb May Point, N. J July 27. The
President attended servloe yesterday at
the lleadsU Mauiorlal olmroli in com
pany with Mra. Harrison, Mrs. Eaton,
the President's Bister: Mrs. Dlinmlolt ami
Postmaster-Ueneral Wannamaker.
Ilropprd l)ud nn tho Street.
WnJCEflBAMtE, To., July 27.--Jacob p.
Lolslnnan, a prominent msrob&nt, dropi
ped dead In tho street here of haart disease.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10, 1801.
''Bjuwnger trains will leave Bhetiandoab fi I
lauoh l liiink, Lehlithion, fJJatlnRlon, Cat
aiiqua, Allenlowu, llcllilf brm, KtiMou, 1'bl
UHlphlHnnd New York at S.47, 7.10, tU8
S 62, MO, .3H p. in.
For llelvldere, Drlswnre Wnier Gap ar.d
-trourtitmrg at. 6.7, n. in., nnd 6.20 p. m.
Kor I-enibertvilleaurt TrenUn., tf.ut) a, n
Kit White Haveu, WllkeMterre and Min
or. Ml. tun, I '.tl n. in.. 8.10 unit 5.3B p. m.
Korlunklmnnork, 10,11 a. m 8.10 and 6.1'
. tu
Kor Auburn, Ithacn, Oenevn and nnd lijoff a. in., and 5.W p. m.
I'or Larejvllle, Towanda. Bnvre, Waverl
m.lra, Kocheaier. llnlfalo. Mairsra Kalli
tilcugo and nil )Mfnt West at 10.41 a, ni.,anc
w p. m.
Kor ' Imlra and the West vlaanlamanea et
.10 p. rn.
Kor Audfnrll, llnr.ltton, Hlochlon, l,utr
ner Yard, SVentherly and JPnn Haven June
uiu at 5.47,7.40, 9,00 a. m.anu 122, 8.10 and
M p. in,
I-or Jesne'-vllle, l.evltlon and Beeve
M endow, 7.10, 0.08 a.m. and 8,58 p. ru,
Foreranton at 5.47 U0R, 10.11 a. rn. 8,10 urt
i,2tt p. in.
For Hnale Brook. .It ddo, Drlfton nnd Krf
"nil nt 5.47, 7.40, (U, 10.41 , m., 1UO 3.10 and
5.26 p. m.
r-r Huaaaae at ana a.m., aiu
Kor Wigiinps, Ullberton and KiHCkvIlle M
CU and s.08 a m., and 4.10 p.m.
Kor Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City end UriaDi
.47, 7.40, y.HK, 10.41, 10 58 e. m.,12jyi5.10,S.2fi, 8.0T
.2 m d 10J7 p. lu.
Kor lAt Cleek, Jlrardvlll" and Ashlann
1.27, 7 4, HM, 1 15 a. m., 1.00, 1.10, 4.10. 5
.10 nud 8.14 p. in.
Kor UarkWBler, Ht. Walr nnd I'ottavlllf
.40, .08, 10.66 a. m., 12.62,3.10,4.10, 6.fti and 8.0
. m.
Kor Buck Mountain, New Boston ar.d
vioren, 7.40, 8.08, 1 .68 a. n.., 12.62, 3.10, 6.2(1 and
1.08 p. m.
tor Raven Hun. Ceutralln. Ml. Carmcl and
Hhninokln, 8.62, and 10.15 a. in., 1.40, 4.11
mi ji jii.
Trains leave Bhamokln tor tjlienandonh,
7.1V) llAi 0. tn.. 2.10, 40 and U-KI p. m., arrlvlnt
atttlituaiuiouh, 11.05 a.m., 12.32, 3.10, 5.28 and
11.15 p. in.
Kor lt Croek, Glmrdvllle and AslilnnC,
.P 11.35 a. in., 2.15 p. m.
For Dnrkwater, Ht. Clair and l'ottsvllU.
60, 8.0O, 9.80 H. m., 2.45 p. In.
Kor Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delaui .
i.oo, 11 85 a.m., 1.40, 4.40, 0.03 p. m.
Km lAifty, Audenrled nnd Hacloton, 8.1
i in., 1 40 p. m:
Kor Alauch Chunk. Lehlgliton, Blatlngtor
. utMHiiuqiiH, Alli-ntown, Bethlehem, liato
ind New York, 8.0U a. m., 1.10 p. m.
Kor Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
Oen'l I'sws. Art,, llothle.horu.
, J. H'lSnvMH RnlLROKD.
mandatrr Nov. 31, 1800, traim Mill lno
Shenand hcA a fnUow$:
for Wlgean, Ollbertou, Kraotvllle, Ne.
Juatle, Ht. Clair, and wy rtolnts, 6.W, 9.1
i m and 4.15 1 m,
rtmirtuys, 000, D.40 a m and 8.10 p m.
For Pottsvllte, 6.00, a m and 4.15p in.
rlnndays, 000, C.40a m nnd 3.10 D m,
Kor Ueadliur, 6.00, 9.10 a in and 4.15 pm.
Sundays, 000, 9.40 a. in, and 3.10 p m.
fur I'ottstown, l'hoeni-sville, Norrlitowi
And Khllsdelnhln (Broad street station), 6,00,
.10 am. and 1.15 n m week days
"undays, 600, 9.10 n m 3.10 p m
Trains leave KrsckvlUe lor Shenandoah al
.i.40am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. tdundays
1 1 .IP a m and 0.40 p m.
I ave Tottsvllle lor Bhenandoah, 10,15 and
. ..18, a in 7.15, U.42 p m. bnndays, 10.40 a m
i.15 p rn.
l.vs-vo l'hllsdolrhla (Brond street station)
Pnllavllle nti.4 Hliennudodh, S.7,10.25n m
1.1(1, 4.10 and 7.00 p lnwtet days. HunaayH.a
a p. and 1.10 p. m.
I'or w York, S.20, 4,06, 4.40, 5.85, 6J, 7.S0
-i 208' il.SO, ll.00nndll.15am, 12.00 noon, (Pm
' 3d ejiircsf , 1.06 and 4.60 r m.) 12.44, 1.10, 2.8(1
' A. 1, j, 8, d.80, 6,t0 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 pni, 12.0)
e.u ruudays, 8.20, 4.05, 4.10, 5.35, 8.12, 8.80, 9.60
,'iid 12.49,8.20 i limited 4.507, 5.28, 6 JO. 6.8
7.13 f,12 i) nr. RUd 12.01 ulgbt.
rot hex. tilrt, Hprine Lake, lielmar
te c (4rove, Asbur' Talk, and Long Brunei
20, 11.15, a. ra. 4.00 t. m. week davr foi
- reehold, 5.C; p. m. week days.
tttlnmor" ana Wasblnaion, 8.6(1. 7.20, 8.S1
4 io, P..'), 1 1.18 a to, 12.1"; (liralti-d oxprees)8.4
- 41 1." an' 7.40 p. m., and 12.03 night. Ko'
laltt cort- nly 2.02, 4.1 1, 5 08 nud lio p. m
ju Mondays, 8.5" 7,4u, 9,llund 11.18 a. ru. 4.4.
t.57, ; 40 p m. 12.03 night, BnJt'more only
1.0B ! i 11.80 p m.
oi tltchmond and tho South 7.20 ll.18u.ui.
iritei, K'preas 12.H5 p r".J12.08 nlght.wtek
"vs. Hncdnys, 7.20 a. m 12.03 nlghl.
'trains leave llarrlsburg lor KnunurK axe
west every day atl2.25and 3.10 u :n ant
Irallod) ard 8.40 p m. Way for Altonna,
in and 4.10 p m every cay.
"ir 1'ltUburg ooly, U.M0 a tu dully and 10.2!
v.v.ek days.
- ve Sunbnry for Wllllamsport, Klmlra
mr dalgua, Kochester, UuHalo and Nlaean
lit UOuin dally, and 1.48 pm week dy
' i Klktcs, 5.30 n m week days.
'or K.rle and lnfermedlate points, 5.10 am.
mtty. Kor Ijkjk Haven, 6.10, and 0.53 a m
' illy, l.JS-i and 5.30 p. m. week days. Ko;
' nova 6.I0 a m 1. 13 ana ",3u p m week days,
iliii, ,.i Uundaya.
K KOail. J. R.-ft'OOl).
ea. Man' 'len. Kass. Aal
If you contemplale
juiug uoniaier
Bchnnl. It will
pay jou to lslt the 'IlOCIItbTEK BUHI-
ms UMlVEUHl'll bciore rti elding where,
though yon may live a Ihomano n.lles away.
It stands nt the bead ol the lli-Jot conmier
olnl schools in Its character as an educational
fono, as a medium lor supplying the ImUncta
men of the country with trained and capable
nn-liliuilK, as n means ol placing ninhltlous
young men and women on the high ro id to
siiccfbs, nnd In tho extent, clfgnnee nnd cost
ol Itsrnnlpnient. Thorough COSIJli:U('IAI.,
t'OU i.Bm, The Twenty-seventh Annual
Liimiogue win ue maneq loany aaarcss.
Or (lio JJiitur llublt. I'oiUltt ly Cureu
ilflfit Ntevim.
It Is manufactured aa a powder, which can be irlveQ
In A rl&M of baer. a oun of potlaa nn i n in tA
witboutthe knowledge of iliepntiout. Itiiubaoluuly
harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy
cure, whether the pitient is a moderate drinker or
an aloonolia wreck It lian been given in thousand
' of oaaei, and In every tmtanoe a pertect ouro has fol
lowea It ouitr I'mII. The ay stem onoe luiprpcaafr
ed with Iho 9pooinc,it beooimi&anutterimpoMlbillt?
(or the liquor apppute to exit.
C. H. HAGBNDUCH, Druggist,
A newly dlseoered 11IMHAI, AVATKH,
the iiBt ol whli h will fupply ln.portnt ele-iiieiilen-ci.nylobtHllh.
It will cure the
.iiuitcjii,;r,oiiiiiiiicii, uuami iioweiena
Bladder rHwasea. 11 will dissolve alcullnud
rf inoY 111! in. II, rcllinvea llm iirln onirt frnm
U.e blood and thus destrojs Malaria end
Chills. It curie ilrljclit's dlrease, and Is is.
i-cviuii in-uiiiiiit-iioiHiiorpeoieaavnncoa in
life, nud lor iftnern) ucbllllv. Kor imrlouhliil
proofs ol thf" nnd lor pamnblct eivlng mil, l'JSimV, Wuter ot Idle
t'heu troublM with thoM aunt'fnff itrulb.tth
L-4uentlr follovtlUK -ill ot iH-uro, or frOL' .V
Htuttonal WakueMiHariliurvothetr mis, who A
Uee Dn DuOltOlNC c C-labrntu
' Ueara BLreuniheniiiff tatheeolira jrirf , 4111
cue, vigor and matrnt-ifo forovtosll (noutloaenf t .
ndlDind. Bentbj'ii'.tll,tecurulyiittu)Adll. Aldrer.
r. Hartor Modlolno Co., ST.LOUIS. Wa
front Simple XMmplcn to olintltintc liCXKMAi
also II'CISIMO 1JL,I!($.
7-HencI fur "Sllutfl lor Kltcloit nntl Qtck.
rtooru," a bandy book for tho household. ITlIJi:.
Has n sucretsful liiMors of thitecentuileatn
Brazil and ivo learn' orlilenl list Intlii,
country. r?o!cnce poncunceslt the firm mid
oniy luiaiiiuie ncuirHiizer oi pcioimous ana
specific uiouu poifrOLsyeioucovtrea.
a., Eo!d alJUrlin'tl Drug siore,
Fcrgmont Hotel lilnck, Shcnandpah, Po
irst i auonai tsaiiK
STiiKATKi-; miii.mNt;,
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. W. Leisenrng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. fi. Lcisennnq, Cashier, ,
S. V. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
OpciiDnil- From 9 to 3.
Paid 011 tiavliiirii neposilH.
Your trade is what wo
This is how wo propose
to get It.
By selling you a first
class article; by selling you
for Jess thuu others; by
telllig you furniture, an
organ, a plnno, iv hewing
lmichini) or anything else
in tho lino of houichold
Wo have a large and va
ried tlock to Eelect from.
No trouble to show goods.
Call, exnmiuo and be
Soutlt Itlaln St.,
The Old Court House!
July 31, 1891, at 10 O'clock A. hi
All the pprtonal properly belonging to tho
County ot Schuylkill, In the old Court House
consisting of paitlllone, counter, shelving,
stenm liiatliui npraratui tn separate parts,
the dock and bell In the old Court llouko
tower, bus fixtures, fllenu.deis, tables, clmtrs,
etc., will be fold on the premises In the bor
ough of l'ottsvllle, apd aUo al the sun e time
ana place the r'd Court llonte, excepting and
reservti g the buteund also the two large llacs
or Hat stones, one on each entiance to tbeold
Court House.
El IAB 13. It KU,
AttcstJoiiN H. Snyijkr. 7-11-td
Largest tid Oldest Rsilable Furtlj Cttfa Cjafii'it
' Itoproscnted by
ISO B, Jardln Btted
J II roMKitov,
omce Be4dill'i bnlldisg corner Main as Cer.Ui
County .Convention !
The members of the Ilcmihllrnn nnritr nr
SeliuylKlil conn y are renupanl lo nnscinble
in uifir niipicuvo oecuon in,iricis mine
places win re IholtepubllcnndelPKatceketloim
weie held irexcplwberecliaiige", no
llces of wnlih will be guen through tbonews
Saturday, August 1, 1891,
between the hours of Band 7 o'clock p. m. to
eice doli gn Its nnd attentates toihe Counly
Convcullon lobe held Angust I, at lOo'oloeli
rn.. In Centennial Hall, l'ottslli-. At the
same time ai d place mernb raol tl.e Itrpuh
lean County Committee mil tlHlrnllemnica
wlllbeoted lor In like manner us uelcgntes
to tho Counly Ci nventlnn.
Tho nicmi ers tn m the Twenty ninth Benn
tonal district unending HieCcuniy Cnnven
.louATlll meet August 4th, ntn o'clock p. in.,
in t enicnnlal Hall, roltsvllle, for Iho purroe
of placng In uoinliintlnn to (2 inidhlaies
tone oedfrn uoP gates io the ConMitu
iionnlConvinilon. The mi inbeis Irom the Thirtieth Seunlorlsl
Islilct ntienrilng llioloiinty i onveMlou will
meei August 4lh, ni Uo'cock p in. In I urilen
nlnl Ilnir, 1'otisvilli', lor the purpose of plac
ing In liomlnntlon two (21 uandldatcs to b
oied for ni delegates loliie Constliiitb nal
Coin el, tlou.
'Jhe following pwons and nl'eriiatesliave
lieen HpiHillitnl liiioiiilvict Hip e ectloni
Ashlnnii First waid, David Dayls, A J
boi.silne; allernaies John 15 Ltvens, J CGni
Ashland Sew d waul. Wllllnm Cleaver, CM'
Kenstennsebtr; altemties 8 A Faust, V Jl
Aablaud Third ward, t hrls Mauer, Andrew
Vaughn; alternates Isuao Yurneil, Jr. J G
Ashland P,.urth wnn:, James 1 1 nke, WJ
Williams; alternates J it lit sel, Oeorge I., lb
Asbl mil Fifth ward, Osear l etnerolT, Win.
IliirinUtor; aluruuUs Henry l'.ml, J Hihutt.
Aubuiu, Dr. Chiirh s K Uunll, Jontph Fred
irien; nltorna es, Jarnts Itaui h, T. F. Moj er.
llsiry Hiiat, John Kerry, 1) F Ori'en: alter
nates, Itoberi On en Jr., Henry llojtrk.
11 ,iry Want, a. lln-Mln, John lleinhart; nl
ternatts,. F Iliut, Kphrlam Ynrnall.
HtiHer iiirih, (iwen onroy, M. Costello.
nl enrile. Harrj MfdlnnesK.
Duller Kasl, Klchuid Fiynu, Qrlllltli;
nllemnte, I'niiick Fceney.
Ilutler soiitb. 0 Felterman, U A Kleesj nl
IcrnnlK, John Dukiiu.
Duller Ni.nliwcst. Joel Howenkteln, O B
Mnurer aliemaie. John Sweeny
Uiutn-wlck Knst, II 1) Koch Jnmrs Delong;
nlien.a es, I D Koch, rtcolt Jlllter.
Drnnswlck W-st, Jonnlhau l.elby, Frank
Yost; nit. mate, W Bbocner.
Ulyth. (SllierCrielc). W .1 Mnltliews, More
Fmiey; ailcrnatcs, W Mnrry, D Manning.
Dlytho (Curnbola), J Kcynolds, Daniel
8tonc;-ulteri ates, Hubert 'Jhomas, HTbomss.
Illythe (Ivatka William), John F ll..yer.
Nicholas Tnornt'in.
Drancli, Jacob Zimmerman, 11 F l.tickenblll;
nliernatesC W Dundo, Hano Morgan.
Cass North, l'alrlck Urennan, Michael
lire n mm;
Cass Mouth. Morcan Jones. W Li nch.
CiessoniL eolith. John Denier. C W Mcrkch
nltcmuies O Hollman, ltoberl Asb.
Crc sona North. 1 8 BHger, Oeorge Heed;
alternates I, It Keeier, W Hughes.
Lieiano. k Aiuriin. martin jNieu.
llld-ed. J D Hcplcr. J Hodcnberncr; alter
nates rr li i-iniin, uauiei oi nz.
b-ldred Knst, W )l Heri!, Fremont
l'Vrtlch; alternates J IC Mnurer, LewU Den
si Hirer.
Frallpv. A 1 Hhofslall. O V lintter: alter-
nines nsi nan jvinouger. r.uiu aiuiduu.
Fosler. Joseph llulc idgb John Hay: alter
. HI., .... n n .1... I ...Tu 11... .1
iiii ic3 luuiitnDU'nj, ..t . to . tu u.
t racKviue. j i- i-uce, euinuci ivyuu; alter
nates wm i)i. vi", ji l avails
Olrarovllto Kasi ward, ji.nn Lewis, Al
owoi: nltcrnatoi Nicholas Diio. Thomas
Olrard vine Middle warn, louis mass, uncu
a'Ser.- i ....... .
lilrillOVl IH Wl'Bl WHIU. V H 1 THU V AHJ"
lor; alternates Thomas Hvaus, Thomas
uunurton wesi wara, iviuiuxn uensmger,
W lliL-chouv.
Ollbcrlon Hast ward, 13 Carey, 13 C Murray;
alternates l'F Murphy, W H Fryrnyer.
Ollbertou Middle ward, M A Leary, II II
(Jordan, N ivi I'ratiK, J r eervis, jr.; nuer-
lit gl lis East, Jamts Duukleberger, A D
jtausvr; aiiernme iv jiiuuier.
Heglns west, li KHnycior, j w iiocKer; ni
tein.iteM John Hlckcrl. A. K. Lnuilenkltiirer.
llm lev. W O Ballzcr. lt Gilbert: alternate
a iiowmao.
Kline, Frank Kaulner, Ifaac Phillips, alter
nate J J lirei-n.
Dandlngvllle, Henrj- Drumhellor, J F llaes.
elm ftllprimto. IV Ltlllor.
.Mt. Carbon, Henry i.eii, itoncrt campueu.
Manncim Nor h (Focbt's), John Gerber,
Davy ..chy; alternate Jcre Focht.
Mauhelm North (JlcDerinolt's), A bturm.W
Kline; ulteinale W Yeager.
Mauhelm Nortli (lirowu's), A Mortimer, F
W Weaver; alternate George Wogucr.
Mnniieim North (Melot's), J A Filbert, Wm
Kllilau; alter na'e Frunklln Diddle.
ManhelmBouth(Keber's), D F Iteber, WJ
annuitr; aiternaicc (juaries r isner, anitntue,
Aiauauoy west, iivisi t.TteK;, ueo jonn
son. Gtori:oThojii'.on: alicrnato W Jonts.
Muhauoy AV'est (Haven Uun), TLomaa-D
xweeute, wiiuam Anairsou.
Maha.. oy Wtsl (Diuwnsllle), JaHeutoi
K lir, iu ullernates J l'rlce. J Jitnies
Jlnhauoy IV ebl (Win. I'eun), Thomas May,
John lluirhei: alternate J Mctz.
Mahanoy Bast iLamguu's). B Frost, George
Mahanoy I'ast (Cole's No. 1), Jacob Gillespie,
utuuis vvnaieu.
Mnnanoy Knst (Colo's No. 2), Jas Matthias,
Daniel Thumas.
Mahanoy . ast (Hill's), Anthony Black,
William Wrisht.Jr.
Mahanoy City First ward. J J Coyle, E
Morris: iiltei Okies D Ulln . J 1 o llvu.
i ahunoy Oity Htcoud ward, 13 Barlor, John
Lainaui; uucrua'ts josepu nuguei, tu nun
man. Jr.
Mahanoy City Third ward, Jl 11 Dricker,
v u uritn; aiiernnies jacoo nccEer, tv uen
Mahanor city Fourth ward. WY Weber
A OSbenuan; ullernates J A Bellginan, X Q
Mahnuoy City Fifth ward, A Dower, Geo
I'arllett; alternates Ueese itosser, Ituao
Mlticrsvllle East wird, J Phillips, John
liowman; niieruaie uaiviu i-rice.
Mluersvllle Westward, William Faulkner,
Mid dleport, Thomas Jcnntngs.B W Bausler;
alternuiea F J Ditchey, J Btepuens.
New Castle, New Caitlc, Daniel Weller,
Alonr.o Iteber: alternate Theodore Weller.
New Castle, IVadisvllle, J II Thomas, W B
Thoinns. alternate J. imes iltad.
Norwegian iast, Curry's, W Burton, T
iiiumiey; uiteriiaio v, imam jtougers.
Norwegian West, Uuriun's. .1 Klienburg,
Thomas Keating: alternate J U Kel y.
Norwegian Lusl township, -1 Hufty, IV
vuneu; auernaies james uuiian, v uunuia
New Philadelphia, D W Jones, J Tanner;
uiuriiuiu i uuip jvaiis.
New Hlnggold, David Velter, II BKocli;
alternates Iti llonsbeigcr, li Leiser
Orwtgsburg. J A Dleleuderler, A S Goat:
alternates It n Fev. A C KIsenhutb.
Plurgrove borough. A k Kanweller. a F
uniei; alternates i) .) uensemer. I'oier limey.
IMnrgrove township Ensl, F V Iteber, A
i uuen uiipruuuv, a w oramsn, it n Auams.
i'lnt-gMve township Wist, Fzra Uougbtner,
G U Hiuhl; alurmiles George Adams, K.
1-aloAllo, K T Priest, K Hay; alternates
iioa uovau, v uiiuiii joues.
I on thnton, U 0 Hatch, Kugene Bond; al
ternates, A A Klrllu, A P Hatch.
I'ort Carbon, Wm Wour, Henry Wann'
I'ort Carbon, (Meclmnlcsvllle), Frank Stur.
111UU, nil KDUIIUH
toner East. I N Evans, lllrain Drawer.
Porter West, W Martz, J Urnholiz; alter
nates O W Kchron. Kugene Horn.
Porter North, Edward Houlz. Jacob Uumpf;
allernaies T J Davis, J Htrousser.
l'ottsvllle Bomb ward, Artuursinay.ueorge
Walker; alternate W Whitney, Jr.
Pollsvllle Houthcasl war i, ugistKnecht,
O CBcbrlnk; ailernate J OFrlok.
Pollsvllle Middle ward, Ubert.GeoK
Bmltb; alien ates J T Buydcr. J M Fieck.
PotUvlllo Northeast waid, II II 11111, 13 0
Nlch'l; nllernatcs vvilnat, FF Wado.
l'ottsvllle Northwestward, W Owens, John
Johnum; altorunKs John Ionnrd, II Koon.
l'ottsvllle Beventh waid, Wesley Bailor,
Thomas Pickton; alternates E'Ust Meyers, 0
PotUvlllo North ward, Grorgo Owens, Jos
Davis; alternate Alex Temple.
llnhn, Thomas O Fisher; alter
nates Dnvld Hughes, Thomas Downs
Hush (Haucks), W A Btlttler, Y W Kaup;
alternate Joel Heln.
Hush (I.utz's). KU Job, K F Hampshire.
Itellly, Hei ry Zcrby, ltobert Weir.
Ityan, Albert bills, Joseph Matthews; alter
nates Daniel Jones, W Weaver,
Bcbuylltlll Haven Eastward, JH Sterner,
J It
MlnnlrVi i nlrnmoiea W nilnaHn.. -
Hch. ylklll llnven Kouth vnrrt.rhnaHnrbst.
ijUKoisbner nlterniiteB W Ulcbaaemau. It
If 1 1 U I f '
II in
Hcho'ylMll Haven North ward. II Stcrnor.W
lIllV I.1,CM,A II L. 1, ...... ' "
. ""iiiniuii . lluillu-llll.
Hrlmvllilll ltK..c. Itf.. I ... r. t u,
ur, Thomas Meek, alternate 1) Planner
'chuyiklll township, It Fletcher, flenry
tlmeiz; allernaies Chnrles Deling, FDrocR.
Ht.Clnlr Houthwnrd. Washnrme, J Hos
'ns, tr.,- slieruatt s J lltighes, W II I re
i.. . .i..r .x urui wam.oioiire Hincker, Harry
Kel gmiit,-nl rrnatos John Urch. T. tcej.
alternates J Kwtn", G Ludklnbill
, i if -t w'.w.' i,,n,t warcl. William Ilanse,
i . " -rfi ''rI.i,.i,,oniiiiin i i gers -hetiandi
nli.Bccond wnrd, Charles I'lillllns.
Ipklnt!''' ft"eiunlM llcnry Goodman, 1
ijii nsi'donh. Third wnrd, Dr. .7 Bteio, E K
Daddow. - ..o..i, j y
Mienar.di.iih, Fourth wn.d, JohnAIwls,
dw D Ileddail; nlltmaUB W Bent, Houh
hnii'ns. B
Bbenandoah, Firth wnrd, Ilcrny Warnlck.
nhn Ilniin; alternutts T nwoll, ii Hinel
Tsmnrfitft Pm t ward, John Morsel, IrfwlB
lenry: alternates OTIley, All Olnssinire.
lain, qu N. nh wind, V K Pugli, hdniuurl
,1 yd; nl'einoie A Bailev.
Tnmnque Boulh, V T Davis, .1 C Walt
rs; nliernaleFDelp.
.i.iiiuiii tjv iniii. r.imi, ivHru, ivioore,
rhn.n locklll; altematcs Oil Ilessci, ,
I'remont borough, West ward, J Drover,
l.plnnnn. ulitmnl.. li 111 T n..t.. a i
Mlnnlng. . ' "
Trerront township, D WtfrkTan, Ilnrrs
ITpr er Mshantongo, John Kllneihenv.
IT, , inn TJVn, nm Un.. T.'ii.. .,i . -t.
... . 1 riimi, A'jiiun .inner: uiltr
uaioGldion llei ker.
union nsi. Nelson Dinndou, GcoKiucht;
lieruate LTllnu.ilon
Tllilr... KTnll. Tn1...l, .A
. .V, .1 '"' AJiv.i, j w i.uiz: alter
nate W I'etberolt.
WnlKer. W HKhork, Snnr.iu 1 HelRler; alttr
aleCH Kntorlino.
Wm.1 Pmiii M. ml. ir aii.i.i T ti i .
Jocob Loiignecfcer.
West Pen u Northeast (Mnntz's). W Mnnntz.
'iiv iti tine
WpNt I'nnn VnriliiFul llr,n,.ia m nunii,
man, Henry Tyson.
ousiiitiKiuu (iiaiuori'si, j.ynten u need,
leorgo Bell.
Wbjlilngliin (Hock), John I'ertlp. W I'Mi tz.
Wayne, North, Daniel Yeii li. G D Hefd.
Wayne, Boulh, James A llelloer, Frante
lolfn nu.
Yorkvllle, Ifaac Rich. Henry Becker.
D. D. PHIl.DH'B, Chnlrmau.
ailadelphia and Eeading .Railroad
ItfttM labte in tftttt .lulu ii', IH 1
for New York via Philadelphia, week davs,
2..0 5.25, 7.20 a. m. and 12 85 ZiO and 5.SS
. m. oanuay z.m anu 7.48 a. in. For Now
ork, via Muucb Chunk, weok days, 6.25,
DO, a.m. and 123nud 2.0p. m.
For lteadlns nnd Phllftilninhia dm.
2.10, 5.26, 7.2U, a. in., 1Z85 2 0 and 6.65 p; m.
jnday,210and7.43a. m., 4.30 p. in.
Kor Karrlsburg, week days, 2.1U.7.20 a. m,.
n. ss ii ...
l or Alleatown, week dajs, 7.20 t. in. 12.3S
. 0 p. m.
'or Pottavllle, week days, 2.1. 1m, ru .,
2.3 1 nnd p. in. f-nuday, 2 10 and 1.4H
m , 4.30 p.m.
For iHiiimius and Mahntinv CHv. vjmY
Hys, 2. 0, 6.26, 7.20, u. m., 12 3 2.t0 nud S.5S
i rn. Sunday, 2.10 and 7.48a. m., 4.30 p.m.
Addlllonu iui jahanoy City, week nays 7.00
eor Lauoasier ana coiumma, woex aaye,
DO a. in., 2.60 p. tn.
Kor Wllllamsport, snnbury and Lewlsburk,
i days, 8.23, 7.20 and 11.3) a. m 1,85, 7.U)
m. Bnuday 3:25 a. m., 3.00 p. in.
Tor Mahanoy Plane, wees, days, 2.10 3.21,
V. 7H.I1H 11 5.1 a ... l'l UA 1 fl ll,l H r,fl
7.00 ano 'm. Hun'iay ', 2'lo,' u.25 unci
u. m., p. m.
ror uiraravnie iiuippananuocc tauon)
-un,l,w. o.mi, t.u, 1 .11 UUU 1 J..OJ IV. ill,,
12.33. 1 35 z.tA. 6.56. 7.00 and 11.25. n. m. Bundav.
2' 10, 2 , 7.48 h. m 8.05, 4.30 p. m.
or iumuau huu ouuuiomid. wees nays.
1.25, 55, 7.20, 11.3) a. in., 1.35, 7.00 nnd 0,26
' m. Bunds y 3.25, 8.S2 a. m 8.06 p. m,
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
lays, 7.15 a. m 1.SU, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 13.1&
iliht, Bunday.U.OU p.m., 12.15 nljjut.
Leave Now York via Maucb Chunk, week
lays, 4.S0, 8.45 a. m 1.00 and 4.0J p. m.
U-ave Phllxnelpbla, wees days, 4.10. ar(t
10.00 n. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m., rum Broad
ind Callowmll nnd 8.0.5 a. m. and 11.30 p. m.
from Hthanc ..ioeu streets. Sunday v.05 a.
m. U?0 p. m. from 0th nnd Oreon. Kcadiug, week days, 1.85. 7,10. 10.(5
md 11.50 a. m., 6.65, 77 p, m. Bunday 1.35 ana
.0.48B. m.
Leave Pottavllle, week days, 9.40,7,10 a.m
tiSO. 6.11 p. in. Bunday. 2.40. 7.00 a. m. and.
2.(5 . iu.
i .eave Tamnqua. week days, 8.20, t.48 and
' 2 i a. m.. 1.21. 7.13. nnd U.1H n. m. Bundav 3.IO
7 43 . m. and 20 p. in.
utave Aiananoy cny, wees: anys, 3,40,
ind 11.47 a m 1.51, 7.12 and 8.44 p.m. Bun
lay, 8.40,8.17 a. ra 3.20 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2'4), 4.(0
I. 30,8.35, ll.iUu. tu., 1.1-5, 2.C0. 520, 0 20.7.57, and
' '.'Kin. m. Bunday 2.4 , 4.00, and 8.17, a. m.
3 37,5.01. p.m.
i Ulrardvllle (Itappahannock Btotlen)
itetk Uayu, 2.17. 4.07, .3t, cud 8.41 a.m 12.05,
! 2, 6.20, 8.82, 8.03 and 10.00 p. in. Bunday, 2,47.
.0 , b S3 a, m. 3.41, 5.07 p. m.
louvo Williams port, week days, 8.00,8.45 and
II. 55 a. ni. 3.35 and 11.15 p. m. Bunday 11.15.
For Baltimore, Washington and tho west
'la B. & O. It. 11., through trains leave Glrard
Iveuuo station, Philadelphia, (P. a H. It. H.)
at (.16,801 and 11.27 a. in., 1.S4, 4.24 , 6.55 ami
'.23 p. ra. Bunday, 4.10 8.02 11.27 a. m., 4.24
.65 and 7.2) p. m.
Ltave Philadelphia, Chestnut Btreel Whnrl
snd Boulh Htreet Wharf.
IP or Atlunllc ltv.
Week-days Express, 5.15, 8 00 0:00,10.45 a.
m. and 1 in- (Saturday only, 1.80), 2.1U, 8 00.
3.30, i.'', 6 00, 0.00 v. Aceomuiodatlnn, 7 10
a. m 4.15. 0 30 p. m.
.suiukjo. express, 615, 7.00,7.30, 8.00, 8 30V
8.00, 8.30 n. in. nnd 4 30 p. m. AUi.otniUui.tUon'
8.00 a. m. and 1 45 p. in.
iteturalng, leave Atlnntlo City, depot comer
iHntlo and Arkansas syennen. wect-davi
Express, 7 00, 7.80, 8 00, 0.00, 10.00 a. m. nnd SJSk
4 00, 5.30, 6.3), 7.30, 0 30 p. in. Accommodation
0.00, 8.10 a.m. nnd 4.:0p m. Bundays-Ex-press,
3 80, 4.00, 6 00, 8 00, fl-SO, 7-00, 7.30. 8 00, 0.UO
p. m. Accommodation. 7.30 a.m., 6.05 p. in.
U. U. UANCOOK, lien 1 1 us r
A. A MOLF.OD. ITes. A Gen'l Mananer.
Time table n i Sect May.V), 1801.
Trains leave Reading (P. St H. station) for
lllhrnllnv U.,,1.,1 11IMTV....
v..... u..u. , iivjkii, uiiu.uuiii, .jl ill nun, iiiriug-
"'"I nojiicrumt viui.111111. VUUIDllllli, Y C.
Chesler.Chadsford Junction, B. Jt O. Junction,
except Bunday, at 0.25 and 8.30 a.m. ana 3,15
p. m. Bunday only at 8.06 p. in.
For Warwick, Bt. Peters and Intermediate
Etatlons.dally except Bunday, at 8.20, ana
6.18 p. m. Bunday only 8.15 a. m.
For Ulrdsboro and Intermediate stallons,
Saturday only, at 12 m.
F'or Baltimore and Washington rB. O. K.
It.) dally except Bunday al 0.25 and 8.80 u. m,
and 8.16 p. in. bunday only nl 3.05 p. ni,
Trains arrive at Heading (P. $ li. nation)
from Wilmington. B. & O. Junction, Mont
cbanln, Chaddsiord Junction, West Chester,
lnape, Coatesville, Waynesburg Junction,
Bprlngheld,Joanna,Blrdeborn, Gibraltar, Bey
fcrtnnd intermediate stations, dally except
Bunday al 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m. Bun
ds y only at 11.24 a. rn.
FroiuBl. Peters, Warwick and Intermedlata
stations, dally except Bunday, nt WM a. in.
and 2,26 p.m. Bunday only al Op. m.
From Birdsbtirn and Inlermeoiuie stallorus
Baturday only at 1.40 p. in.
Fiom Vahlngton nud Baltimore, dally ex
cept Bunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 u. uu
Bunday only at 11.24 a. in.
BOWNKSB BHIGOH, Gen'l Pass. Agfc.
RUPTURE, Mnidsss'&
........ hl"1 Itupture by Dr. J. D.
MAYEH, 831 Arch Bt.. Phlla. Thomas l
Hartung. New Hlnggold, Pa., I.s-andt, Bouttt
IftPSt "' Ji H- ' A- Ueturck. Olcy, Pa
It. a. Blauley, 124 Bpruce Bt , Ihanon, I'i , A.
Bchuelder. Loium Dale, Pa..D, II. No,Llrne
?."na. Y"- E- Hanenstlnis Phoentxvlllo.
Pa., W. M. Iiilnbacli, 024 Washington Mt,!
Heading, Pa., J. 0. Lyme. 1310 W. HowardBt.!
Hnrrlsburi, Ph., O. Keehn, Douglassvllle. Pa!
Dr. MAYEH Is nt Hotel Poun, Heading, Pal!
on the 2nd Baturdnyol inch month, call to
see him.
N2L? Ka,?L Centre Btreet; Mahanoy uty, Pn
Hklnandall special diseases a, siieolally,