The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 27, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL. VI.--rO. 140.
To the Republican Electors of Pennsylvania:
After consultation ami correspontlenee with
the members of the Ilepubltcan Ulate Committee,
and by their direction, I hereby give notice that
inn Jtiepuuilcailv nj j-e.tfjii-uriu, uy ubi
chosen rejresenlaltves, will meet in State Con
vention at llarrisburg, Wednesday, August 19,
1891, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of plac
ing in nomination candidates for the offices of
State Treisurer and Auditor General, for the
nomination of eighteen candittates for Delegates-at-Large
to the Constitutional Convention pro
vided for in the Act of Assembly approved June
IB, 1891, and for the transaction of such other
business as may be presented.
Notice is especially directed to the fact that, in
accordance with the provisions of the last men
tioned act, each Senatorial district is entitled to
a representation of three delegates in saul Con
stitutional Convention, two of whom only oanbe
members of the majority parly in said district.
Tlie electors of each district are therefore re
quested to make proper nominations for dele
gates to said convention, the rides governing the
nomination of candidates for S ate Senator to
be applicable.
In this connection the Chairman desires to call
the attention of Ilepubltcan voters to the recom
mendation of the State Convention of 18S2, that
"they allow the greatest freedom in the general
participation in the primaries consistent with
the preservation of the parly organization"
If!. IT. ANDREWS, Chairman.
Yellow fever Is raging In Vera Cruz.
Mrs. Annie BcoIlolJ, the oldest restdont
-at Stamford, Conn., Is dead, aged Or
Police statistics show that 130,000 nor.
sous are dependant upon chitrity subsis
tence in iNapies.
The New York State political cam
palgn has opened In Washington and
Erio counties. Tho Cleveland Democratr
are making ctronuous efforts to defoa
the Hill contingent.
D'vers from the torpedo station at
Newport, R. I., have dUcovered In tho.
outer harbor tho remains of an undent
sunken vessel, supposed to he at least
100 yours old, from which thoy h ivu taken
A nalinln nf aims. Thnv hiivn linnvnj
the vessel for further search.
Maxinio Jean, a prominent contractoi
of Fall River, Mass., has been missing
for the past few days and it Is said he
has left a number of debts behind him,
besides tho wages of a number of men
who have been working for him remain.
lug unpaid.
Tho announcement has just been made
In London that Miss Murv Lincoln, eldest
daughter of tho United Status Minister
to Britniu, Mr. Robert T. Lincoln,
hits entered into an engagement to marry
Air. Charles Ishaui of New York. Tin
wedding will bo solemnized in Loudon
during the coming Autniu. The pros
pective bridegioom va, formerly privata
secretary to Mr. Lincoln.
Weather Indication.
Washinqto.v, July a7. For Now Euirlnml!
Generally fair; stationary temperature, oxcepl
ellghtly wanner at Iloatou. southnosi winJs.
For Eastern Now oris. Vain statloimrj
tcmnoraturp Roiitliwest wind'
OIB3STTS per yd for the
Bold In other stores for 85c. All floor
Oilcloths reduced. Call for bargains
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre
Keiter is now receiving a neiu
Brussels anil Ingrains in
Just opened alar ye assortment of Choice New Patterns,
in all toidths.
IilNOLEUM2 yards wide,
Tlie Finest Table Syrup we have ever liatl for tlie price.
Heavy Hotly,
Light Color,
Splendid Flavor,
Strictly Pure Cane Syrup,
Not mixed witu corn syrupnuu uihcubc
Also a Fair Sugar Syrup at 6 cts.
'Gortlxwestern Daisy.!"
Is a high grade Patent FlourMade from choicest Min
nesota Wheat. Malees more bread thanlordinary
Guaranteed Equal in every
Hour in the marltet,
$6.00 PER BARREL. -
Jiov salo only
To Employ From Thirty to Fifty
Mr, EutTOB : I notlco in your paper of
tho 21th an article about offering induce
tnonts to persons to Btart difloronl kinds of
manufacturing industries in your place.
Thoro aro several parties that aro looking
for a place to dart a factory to manufac
ture different kinds of furnituro. I do not
think tho parties would ask a bonus, only
Sufficient ground along tho railroads for
the plant and a loan of $12,000 or 15,000
for from 5 to 7 years at a roasonablo ralo of
interest, to bo secured by mortgage and in
surance. This business will employ from
30 to CO hands, and perhaps mure.
Please lot mo hear from you through
your paper,!if satisfactory. Wo moan busi
ness. " B,
Mahanoy City expects to organize a Dem
ocratic club.
From now on county politics will com
mence to sizzlo.
"Joo" Nlchtor, of Pottsvillo, wants to
try his hand at tho Poor Directorship this
yoar again,
Tho Chronicle Intimatos that Hon.
Charles N. B.umm will bo a candidate for
Congrossman-at-Largo next year.
Ex-Poor Director George Heffner will
bo n candidato boforo tho Republican
county convention for his old position.
Tho candidacy of John J. Coyle, of
Mahanoy City, for delegate to tho Consti
tutional Convention, moots with much en
couragement. Mr. Coylo is a good Repub
lican and a very popular gentloman.
Ilore is a good ticket, sugg- sted by a
town Democrat, who thinks it can win
without half trying perhaps : Judge,
John A. Nash, Esq., Pottsville; Sheriff,
Job Wool, Pottsviliej Director of the Poor,
Josoph Nichtor; Jury Commissioner, Jere
miah Seitzinger, Pottsville.
Tho announcement thst our townsman,
'Squire Cbarlo3 O. Palmor,' would likely
bo a candidate for Sheriff on tho Repub
lican ticket, has caused considerable un
easiness in Eome circloi. We admit that
he would make a formllablo opponent to
any of those named by the Domocrats.
Mr. I'almer nas not yet consented to an
nounce himself.
Pictures for Summer Roadorn.
Frank Leslie's Illustrated A'ewspaper for
tho wcok onding August 1st has special at
tractions for summer readers. Ono of iU
striking pictures U entitled "Back at tho
Old Farm for the Summer :" another
depicts "City Folks at a Country Church.'
This number has a page of character
skolchcs in Washington, drawn by Ilamil
ton ; it also illustrates tho visit of the
Emporor William to London, and has
interesting articles on tho Weather Bureau
and tho big trees of California. The load
ing editorial contribution Is from tho pen
of Miss Mary Proctor, daughter of tho late
Richard A. Proctor, tho eminont astrono-
mor, andjhas as its subject, "Tho End of
tho World."
St. Paul called the Cretaus "slow bellies, costive,
lH-aisnoaed and mischievous." Cactus Wood Cure
woul J have remedied all that. Ills of the flesh
vanish before pure blood. Scrofulous and speciflo
Diooa poisons are now curuuiu.
stocUof Tapestry undBo'dy
handsome new fall patterns.
from $1 up.
respecl to any Hlgh-prlccd
Mine Inspector Stoln Has Ono In
His Ofllco "What Becomes of
tho Garbago? An Exciting
Qamo of Base Ball.
Tho Foventh of tho ecrios of eormons on
the "Voyago of Life" was dolivored last
night in tho M. E. church. The toxt was
from Prov. 13-20 : ''lie that walkoth with
wise men shall bo wiso, but a companion of
fools shall be destroyed." Tho subject was
Tho Crew." An account was given of
tho number of men required to navigalo
our large steamships and tho duties they
aro required to perform. Tho dut 03 and
responsibilities of tho captain and his males
wero explained. Then came tho engineers
and firemen, of which thoro aro about two
hundred. Over fifty furnaces noed to bo
fed with coal at tho rate of throo hundred
tons a day. The flro rooms look more like
tho accounts of tho bottomless pit than any
thing else ho had seen. It is a shame that
bettor provision is not mado for the comfort
of tho firemen, lie had seen them draeged
moro dead than alive from thoir quarters.
Then thoro are the stewards, cooks, otc.,
who have charge of tho culinary and sani
tary arrangements. They numbor over a
hundrod, so that the whole crew musters a
little army of about four hundrod.
As the safety of tho ship and welfaro of
the" passengers depend upon tho skill and
care of tho crow, so tho wolfaro of the
mariners on tho pea of life depends much
upon tho charactor of thoir social crew
their companions. "Tho companions of
fools shall be dostroyed." Men aro judged
by tho company thoy keep, and very justly
so. They aro no hotter than their compan
ions, or thoy would not associate with them.
Wo cannot prevent birds uying ovor our
heads, but we can prevent thorn from build
ing their nests in our hair. So while wo
cannot avoid contact, altogether, with evil
men we can refuse to receive thorn into our
boBom. Wo need to guard our reputation
as well as our charactor, or our usefulness is
at an end. AVo should, therefore, avoid
thoso of questionable or unsavory reputa-
tion. Tho condition of tho wives of,
irreverent, profane, lecherous and drunken
men was doscribod and att3ntion callod to
tho fact that multitudes of marriageable
girls aro being led to such a slaughter be
cause they wink at lax morals and easy
virtue and tippling habits in tho young
men from whom they rccoivo attentions.
Cajsar's wifo must bo immaculate or suffer
eternal ostracism but Ctosar himself may be
spoltod all ovor with floshly lusts and social
pastiness and be coddlod ior it. No young
woman has any guarantee that eho will
not become a drunkard's wife unljss she
demands as tho price of her oarlicst friend
ship total aUtinence from all that can
intoxicate. The Eermon, which occupied an
hour in delivery, was listened to with the
closest attontion by a crowded house. The
subject noxt Sunday night will bo "The
Machine Received.
Mine Inspector Stein has roceivod ono of
tho Shaw mi no machines, used for detect
ing and measuring gas in air currants,
which he has put up in his office for experi
menting and inspection. Tho machine is
costly, tho price being $500. It is very
much liko a pair of delicate scales and is
covered by a glass ease 18 inches high by 2
feet square. It differs from ordinary Ecales
in that it measures tho quantity instead of
weighing it. Tho machine is made of brats
and composition and will measure to the
ono thousandth part of an Inch. It is not
to bo taken into the mines. It romains in
tho office of tho mino inspootor. This
official gathers tho gas by means of rubber
bags, which havo a pnmping apparatus at
tached. This can bo pushed up in tho holo
where tho gas is the lightest and the bag
illlod. Tho idea of tho machine's tests is to
find out how near .to tho explosive point tho
nir current is charged with gas.
Exciting Game.
At Lost Creek, on Saturday afternoon,
tho bate.ball club of that plaoe crossed bats
with tho "Famous" of this town. Many
difficult pUys were made, and I'm n tho bo
ginning until the last man was declared out
tbo spectators never lost interest. The
principle foaiuros of the game were tho
pitching of Mack and the terriffia halting
done by Home. A few costly errors In tho
first three innings lost tho gamo to the
homo team. Following is tho score:
HbenandoaU 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0-S
Lost Creels 10 2 0 0 3 0 0X-0
Ob, What a Cough.
uui vnn lifitvl thn warnlutr? Tho slenal uei
tiniwof the sure approiioti of that more ter
rible disease, Consumption. Ask yourselves
If you can afford for tho Bake of saving B
cents, to run the risk and do nothing for It,
We know from experleuce that Hhiloh'i Oiu 9
will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This
explains why moro than a Million iiotiles
were sold tho past year. It relieves Croup
and Whopping Cougb at once Mothers do
not be without it. Kor Luoie Baca, Bids or
Cuest, usabblloh's Porous Master. Bold by
a il. UagonbucU, N $. wruer Main and
Uoyd streets.
Mrs.Jano Grant visited Frackvillo yester
Miss Mattio Griffiths, of town, is visiting
frlonds at Gordon.
Watt. Watklns, of Jit. Carmol, was in
town on Saturday,
II. E, Dangler and wifo aro visiting
friends in Pittston.
Georgo Folmor, Sr., wont with the ex
cursion to Niagara Fallson Saturday,
Arthur Richards, of Royorsford, circu
lated among town friands yostorday.
Mrs. Rich, of Ashland, is spending a few
days with her sister, Mrs. J. F. Finnoy.
F. J. Portz and Max Roose made u fly
ing trip to Ilazleton yesterday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, of town,
circulated among Pottsvillo friends yester
day. William Dettrey lea for Mt, Carmol to
day to attend tho funeral of his brothor's
Walter McGuinnos, who is at pro ont
stationed at Shamokin, ppont Sunday in
town with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sneddon, of Woi-t
Lloyd street, spent Sunday in Mt. Carmol,
tho guests of relatives.
John C. Soltzir, manager of Swift'B
Chicago moat market at Ilazleton, trans
acted business hero Saturday evening.
Miss Annio Midgoly, of St. Clair, noic
of Mrs. T. J. Davis, of South Whitostreet,
is spending a few days as the guest of the
Mr. and Mr. James S lliman, of Maha
noy City, spent a fow hours in town on
Sunday at tho residonco of tho lattor's
Mrs. E. O. Iirobst and son, after spend
ing sovoral days tho past week at tho
parontal mansion in Minorsyille, returned
to town yesterday.
Rudolph and Clayton Swank, formerly
of town, but now of llluefle d, W. Va.,
arrived in town yostorday and will spend a
few weeks hore with their former ass ciates.
What Becomes of tho Garbage ?
Mn. Editor : Can you answor tho
above question ? Iain unacqualntoJ with
any town that approaches Shonatidoih in
eizo which is so utterly destitute of any
public, effort to roliovo housekeepers oi
thoir garbago. We havo a wholo deca
logue of prohibitions on tho subjoct wo
cannot put it here, and woohftll nob ,,u. l.
moro, ana woo ootiue us it wo throw it
yonder. In tho namo of common senso,
what shall we do with it? Wo cannot oat
it. We don't want to burn It lost it put our
fires out or mako our housi to stink. If wo
wero having an old fashionod summer with
the tharemometor singing its song of ninety -and-nino
wo should surely havo pestilence,
With such a heterogenous population of
various degrees of cleanliness and unelean-
liness our present mode of dealing with
this question is a monace to tho public
hoalth. It places a premium on tho habit
of hiding it away in somo nook or corner
to rot. Let us havo garbage carts a la real
Secret Society Tlpa.
During the past month nine now camps
o the P. O. S. of A. have beon chartered
and instituted in this state.
Up to date 511 somi-annual roports have
beon rocoived at P. O. S. of A. State Camp
headquarters, showing an incroaso in tho
state of 3,617 mombors, and a total mem
bership of 10,872, with CO camps to hear
At the annual session of tho State Camp
ol tho P. O. S. of A., T. II. Jackson, of
Scrinton, will bo a candidato for tho office
of State Inspector.
Last week flfteon now councils of tho J r,
O. U. A. M, wore instituted, tho largest
weekly number Binco its organization,
Efforts aro being mado to instituto o new
council oi tho Jr. O. TJ. A. M. at St. Clair
on America's Day, and tho indications are
very favorable,
Post No. 211, Q, A. R at Uulivar, West-
moreland county, was mustered in last
weok, and Post No. 402, Darlington, Beaver
cunty, disbanded on Juno 30.
Sent to Jail.
Yostorday Constable Boland and special
oilicor 1'halqn took Enoch Kegolos and
Peter Saponis, two Polandors, to Pottsvillo
jail for assaulting, with intent to kill, Fen
ton Coonoy Sunday a week ago. They
had boon at largo until Friday when thoy
wero apprehended and taken before Squire
Dailey, who sent them to jail in default of
bail. Kegoles is an old offender and has
been in jail before.
Demands Attontion.
Tho several accidents that have occurred
in tho vicinity of the Emerlok street rail
road crossing should occupy the attontion
of both tho railroad officials and tho bor
ough officers. In the majority of cases of
such accidonU it is mainly tbo fault
pedestrians, but the rate of speed at which
trains enter this town is ontirely too fast
and contrary to tho rate of speed Bpocllled
by the borough ordinances. Tho engineers
should be given a pointer in this respect.
It dou't do to neglect natore's warning
aches through the system, cause Hhcumu
ttsm, Nturafgla and llackaclie. Try Ued Klag
on, mo 1' unions i-uiu cure. cents ai ivir-
Uu's drug store.
Waters' Wolss beer w the best, John A
11 oilly solo agont, 5-5-
Parle Exoursloniata Mangled In an
Awful Railroad Wreck Ovor
Twenty Thousand Peoplo at
tho Scene of tho Accident.
By National Press Association
Dayton, O., July 27. Tho accident to
the Cincinnati, Hamilton & D.iytou Rail
road excursion train at Middletown
caused the death outright of tho follow
ing named persons, all of Dayton:
Miss Lydia Freyer, aged 23 years.
William Matthews, aged 13 years.
Frank Simonor, aged 17 years.
Four persons aro In a crltlcnl condition
at St. Elizabeth Hospitnl, Joioph B. Cle-
val, mechanical draughtsman, loft arm
crushed oil at shoulder: Frank Patter
son, aged 21, left arm amputated above
tho elbow; Joseph II. Sweeverly, aged 23,
of Pottsville, Pa., spinal Injury, and
James Murphy, aged CO, terribly injured
in small of tho back. llisi Mnrv Reese
of Osboru, O., was badly Injured. Thoro
are 17 moro with brulBCH and other slight
It has been learned that alter lonvlng
Woodsdale the oouplerH of Borne of tho
cars became damoged and the train was
delayed in order to patch this up. Again
at Middletown the train was stopped to
further repair tho damgo. There Is a
curve lit Middletown which hides a train
Btaudlng nt the depot from the view of a
train approaching from the south.
A flagman wim tent uncle to stop tho
oncoming freight, which was moving at
high ruto or speou anil was heavily
loaded. The engineer of tho freight saw
the flagman. He put on brakes, reversed
his engine and apparently did all in his
power to Btop his train, but the impetus
wn too gro it, and a moment lator tho
awful crash sounded.
Hath Wero I.onileil With People Ont For
n Holiday.
Paius, July 27. A terrible railway ac
cident occurred during the day near tho
village of St. Maude, In th Doi.aumeut
of the Seine.
Two excursion trains collided, owing
to somo error on tho part of tho driver
of ono of tho trains.
Both wero loaded with peoplo out for a
holiday. Tho coltislon was followed by
a scone of frightful confusion.
Three carrlnges wero entirely wrecked,
and many persons wero crushed and in
jured in tho ruins. About fifty wero
rescueU more or less nun, nnu owing io
the greatuesu of the confusion, tho ex
tent of tho calamity is not kuown.
l'lilm'ii Men Killed.
Later advices show that of the sixty in-
lured in the collision fiftoeu are dead, in
eluding two childreu mangled beyond
Most of tho bodies recovered aro with
out legs, through tho seats being Jammed
tosetber and cutting off the limb.
Twenty thousand peoplo assomnica at
the scene, including many rolativo of
the Injured and dead. Tho scenes wore
most heartrending as the victims were
extricated. The driver and fireman of
the second tralu wero burned nllve.
The station master, on whoso oversight
the blamo is now placed, has, it Is re
ported, gone mad and disappeared,
Later Thirty Undlci Ilreovei-ed.
Paius. July 27. Thirty bodies havo
been recovered from tho scone of tho St,
Maude disaster, and the search continues.
Flvn Itrporti'd Killed.
Cincinnati. July 27. A brief bulletin
from Gallon, Ohio, nays nnother roar col
lision occurrod near thero, and that five
people aro roported killod.
Au Unalnn Turned Completely Over on
Its Side.
Ciiattanoooa, Tenu., July 27. The
suburban train ou the Chattanooga,
Rome & Columbus Itallroad, which left
heio 1-st oveuiug, met with n terrible ac
cident boyond Mission Ridge,
The engine was ahead of tho train, but
running baokward when it struok a cow,
which turned the engine completely ovor
on its Hide. The fireninu, Lewis Potts,
was buried beneath the engine. Engineer
Thonfiis Burchell was Injured about the
head ami shoulders.
A wrecking train left here for tho scone,
and it took several hours to clear the
A Prominent Odd Fellow Arrested.
AbBUliY Park, N. J., July 27. Freder
ick Couley, a prominent ineroliant ol
Farmiugdule, N. J., was arrested nt
Ocean Grove on a charge of bogging on
the beach. The odlcor brought Couley
before Chief of Police Patterson, who in
tfuntly icleasod htm. Couloy, who is
Noble Grand ol the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, Counsellor Junior of the
Order of Americau Mechanics and olork
of the Judiciary Committee of the Now
Jersey House of Assembly, is very Indig
nant and declares he will sue the Ocean
Grove Gump Meeting Association for false
arrest.' He belives that a fellow member
of ouo of his lodges caused his arrest as
a Joke.
They Aro Splendid.
Wa moan those Cheviot suits you can
got at A. T. Jones' "Famous" Clothlpg
store for f0.6O
Advertise in the I1icram.
Pennsylvania Railroad's Doublo
Lines to Atlantic City.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad's twin linos
to Atlantic City tho West Jersey and
Camdon nnd Atlantic Railroads now
operated as a doublo track line, and famed
far and wide as the Pennsylvania's Duublo
Linos to tho Sea, havo long been known as
tho old and reliablo route to Atlantic City.
Tho Camden nud Atlantic Railroad was
tho pionoor, and for a long tinio tho only
route, to what has now beeomo ono of tho
most popular and attractivo seaside citios of
iho world. Many Phlladelphinus woll re
member how in tho earlier years of tho
first railroad thoy traveled slowly and in
inforiorcars t Atlantic City, when ono or
two trains a day more than sufficed to nc
commodato the entiro volume of traffic,
and many oi them may also recall tho III
siiccess of the railroad venture, which was
so pronounced, that at a meeting of tho di
rectors tho proposition to take up tbo rails
and sell thorn for scrap iron was gravely
disuised. Wiser counsel prevallod, how
over, and from this humblo origin sprung
what is to day the most completo and best
appointed systom of railway loading to any
seaside resort in this country.
The West Jersey and Atlantic from
Nowfiold to Atlantio City was built and in
augurated with conspicuous success undor
Pennsylvania management, tho Camden
and Atlantic was acquirod, and tho two
lines consolidated into tho Pennsylvania's
Doublo Lines to the Sea. These lines aro
now operated with that skill and vigor for
which tho Pennsylvania Railroad is cole
bralod. Tho roadway of each Una is in ox
collont condition. Laid with stool rails.
stono b.illastod, fitted with that greatest of
tuno-sayers tho track tank protectod by
tho block-signal system, its physical con
dition can only be compared to thoso bluo
ribbon soctions of tbo main line track that
attract the admiration of tho chance trav
olor and provoke tho unstinted praiso of
tho railway expert,
t or tho completo equipment of this splen
did road-bed tho trreat rnannrcBa nf thn
Pennsylvania System aro frooly drawn
upon. Tho choicest paseongor coaches, par
lor cars constructed oxprossly for this ser
vice, and stalwart hard coal burning
locomotives, designated us tho Ponnsyl-
"'- yUndnrd, aio proyldcd. Tho tpnnd
of tueh trains on Such a road-bod is wnai
ovor tbo managomont chooses to mako it,
but in the ororciso of a wiso and conserva
tive judgment the maximum of sovonty
fivo minutes for tho run from city to sea
has boon adopted. This is as fast as tho
fastest trains in regular servico in lhia
country or abroad, and is quick onough to
meet the wishes of tho avorago travolor.
Thoso trains spood down to tho sea ovor
ono track and up on tho othor, with na
obstruction, but with a clear cloun svteop of
track always ahoad. Safoty is tho primo
essence of this plan, and comfort Is assurod
by reason of substantial equipment, a clean,
woll ballasted, firmly established road-bod
without dust, and locomotives without cin
ders. These characteristics, briefly out
lined, form the basis of tho wide and well
earned popularity of this the first-class
routo to Atlantio City.
The high favor in which this routo is hold
is by no moans local, but extends to all
sections of the Hud where tho influonco of
tho Pennsylvania Railroad is felt. A largo
number of trains from tho south, oast,
west, northwest, and southwest doliver
thoir passengers in Philadelphia at varying:
hours each day and all of them may find a,
convenient connection at tho foot of Mar
ket street (tho central seashoro station of
Philadelphia) for prompt conveyance to
Philadelphia's groat seaside suburb.
iiy tho provision of thoso unsurpassod.
facilities of travel, tho Pennsylvania Rail
road Company has not only developed in
greater measure than any othor agency this
city by the soa, but has nationalized it.
Large Funoral.
Tbo funeral of William Shecklor, who
was killod on tho Lehigh Valley railroad at
Delauo on Friday morning last, t jolc placo
yesterday. The luuoral was in ohargo at
the Knights of tho Golden Eaglo, of which
the deceased was a member. Interment
was made at Tamanend in thepresonco or
a large conuourje of people. The doceascd.
was one of the oldest railroad men in the
employ of the Lehigh Valley company.
Buy Ktyttone Hour. Be careful that tho
name Lumia So Co., Ashland, Pa., is
printed on overy sack. 3-3-3taw
Fruit Jars,
Jelly Tumblers,
1 qt, 2qt, 3qt, 4 qt.
Brown Sugar, 4c.
Wholo & Ground Spices
No. I22 North Jardin Strnut