The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 25, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
IT, C. 110VEH, lldltnr and J'ulillnher,
jr.v. ,t. ir.i riaxs, Local mitnr.
The lSVXXlNa 1IKRA I.D has a larger cir
cumtion in Shenandoah than any other Jiflfier
publltheit, Jlovkt open lo all.
mailt, oer vear W 0"
WKRKLt, per yxnt 1 Vi
Sintered t the i'MlofflM, at BheiMHidoali, Fa
for transmission through the malls
m aewrad clan mull matter.
Figures Demonstrate the Popu
larity of the Resort.
" 27. I'emperance Hand, Shenan
doah. July 28. The "WMhlnnton Hook & Lad
der Company, of Jlahanoy City.
July 29 't'rinity lleformml Sunday
echo'.l, of Shenandoah.
July 30. Young Men's Republican Club
of Mahanoy City.
July 31. Presbyterian Sunday school of
Mahanoy City.
Auk. 3.KnKllh Ilaptitt Sunday school
of Shenandoah.
Auk. 4. M. K. Sunday Bchool of M.nh
anoy l'lane.
Aupr. 5 51. K. Sunday school, Ashland.
Aur. 0. Kvangolical Sunday echool of
Jlahanoy City.
AUR. 7. WeUh Congregational, Jlaha
noy City.
Auk. 8. M. E. Sunday school, Gllbor
Aug. 10. M. K. Sundav school, Oirard
villo. nnd Union Sunday school, li-ist
Aug. 11. Welsh Baptist, ConRrofift
tional nnd Methodist, Shenandoah.
Am. 12. Lutheran missionary festival
' 13. EpiscoiialkSunday school of
Jlahanoy City.
Aug. 16. Eisteddfod.
" 17. Lutheran Sunday school, Gl-
Aug. IS. EnglisbilJapliet Sunday eohool,
Mahanoy City.
Aug. 19. 11. E. Sunday school of Shen
Aug. 20. Trinity Kelorniod Sunday
Ecliool of Mahanoy City.
Aug. 22. 1'. SI. Sunday school, of Oil
Aug. 21. P. M.. Sundayrschoolof Shen
Aug. 25. Englieh Lutheran, Mahanoy
A Ouro for Constipation and
Dr. Silas Lane, Jwliilo in tho Uocky
. .Mountains, discovered, a ,'C0ttJiat when
combinocf'with'other borbs, makes an os.Sj
and certain euro for constipation. It is in
tbo form of dryfroots land leaves, and Is
known as Lane's! Family Medicine. It
will euro sick headache For tho blood,
livor and kidnoys.Jand for clearing up the
complexion it does wonders. Druggists
Boll it at 50 cents a package.
Wo havo heard of no frost having fallen
in any of tho outlying dhtricls lately.
Ask Your Friends (About It.
Your distressing tough can bo cured
Wo know it because Kemp's Balsam
within the past few years has cured so
many coughs and colds in IKiPicorornnnity,
Its remarkable salo has been won entirely
by its genuino merit. Aek some iriend
who has used it what ho thinks of Komp'e
Balsam. There is no modicino so puro,
nonoso effectlvo. Largo bottles 60c and f
at all druggists'.
Why don't tho flies go off on a summer
picnic? Wo can spsre them.
To Norv'ouB, Debilitated Mon,
If you send us your address, wo will
mall vou our illustrated pamphlet explain'
ing all i0out Dr. Dye's Celebrated Kloctro-
Voltaic Bolt and Appliances, and their
charmina eflocts UDon tho nervous de
bilitated system, and how they will quickly
restore vou to vicor. and manhood. 1'aniDh.
lot froe. If you aro thus afflicted, wo will
iona you uou ana ApniianoeB on n trial, liKLT Lo.. ilarsnaii, Mich.
An cschango says Jnobody ever taw a fly
asleep. That's so.
Shlloh's Consumption Ouro.
Tins ik beyond question the most sac-
ccfcsiui uaigu jvimicine wo huve ovtrsola,
a lew doses in variably cure the woist oaneHoj
i.iijuit mm iiroiivuiiiis, vuuv iih won
dorlu' sncoeMi In the ciuo of Cousmnptlon is
without n parallel lu the history of nii-CUcine.
Bluce it's first dUoovery it, has been tolrt ou a
gnnrnntee, a tent which no other medicine
can bland, li yon haven Cough e earntstiy
ask jou to try it. Vile 1(1 cent. 60 ct nts, and
81.10. Jf your l.unKsare sote, Chfbt or llock
Inme, use shlloh's Porous l'Jasttr. hold by
V. H. ilaeenbuch, N. K. cormr llalu and
iiioya m i eel h.
And still the palm loaf fan is kept awing
ing vigorously.
The Secret of Success.
C. H. Ilageuliuob, the druwlst.bellevcw that
m-i ii-i ui huixi,ii in i.em'vejuni'e. J litre
lotv II1 Iittl-BlHtK lu Liu.nfntf III., si III... .,i
pi rfumerlei, tollst Rrflclen, cosir etk. drucs
....... ... ii. lvm uii mo uiaiMHi. lie esiecia ly
lnHt all oersnua wlici Iibvd nalt.iiuii....
slmrt breath, weak or Imnnry tpella.tialn In
Mil or i.hc,uli!er, oiirei.Rlon,
oi ngii, siniitiiering, dropsy or heart dUease
tonyDr, Miles' uuequnled New Heart Cure.
Iw'or- It Is uio late. It haa tbo largeklHSle oi
siny similar remedy. liue book ortestlmo
nUlHfrMB. Dr. Milen' IlesUnatlve Nervine Is
iiLiBiirituiHtu mr 'eepieMiit'ss, neaaacue, nty
A horse wants his meals as regularly "as
th rest of us."
A Husband's 'Mistake.
Jluiliunds loo olleii permit wive, mid par-
. win mi'ir cuiiiirf'i, io Miner muu neaaacue,
ciz.inFiiii, neuralgia, slepler sneu, flt, ner
ve n .new, when ny the use of I)r, Allies'
Ilrxturative Mervlue surh serious resului
coma eiisny oe nreveniea iirnscisis eviry
uheM D,l It i,nln.r.nli.K.I.,.ln,,
ha- lmrneuse sale. Wooduoilh A tx., of
run UHyuc.iliu. nnuw IK I II., 01 oyracuse,
N Y.;J. I' Wolf. Hillsdale. Mich.: and huu!
0 cdsot others sav "11 Is tberreatpstsflllpr ever Knew." It contains no oplilis. I
Unal bottles and fine took on Nervous I
Ulseoses, free at U. it. Hagenbucb's. I
Ilo Itodo n Illcyclo to Kxliort nx n
"Vile" l'lcnlc.
Th Ttnr. 9. L. Cotnlo. tho cccontrlo
prencher who liiisbeon tlieYitlmo mover
in so lnnnv sonntional cruaudos at
Ilockfonl, 111.4 mid
who In ut present
without a congre
gation, stniolt out
on n new lend one
Sunday recently
and lias ngiiln set
the town Hgog. A
new vileattim) re
sort has been open
ed in tho suburbs
called Harlem
1 n r hi anil tho
worldly in 1 u 1 e l
n o o p 1 i' rather
there eveniiura and itEV. B. I cosnn.
SundavH uiul ride on a switch-baolt rail
way or a merry-go-round or listen to n
lHiiwl nminnrt. ut ice-cream, or row on
the river. On this particular day the
ltev. Mr. Comic Iiustleil inraseu
out there on a bicycle, and
mounting a Mump, began to ex-
l.nrt. tlu i-vnwrt to turn irom uiu
urror of their wu vs. Then he produced
a livmn-lmok and suiuralivmii in a lull
. a . m, i..- i rr
strong voice, men ne uu
di'iimiuced the stocUhnhlers intlio I'arU
nml nrominent church members, anu
ulil that a recent aoeident In Which
one of tho former hud three ribs broken
was dimply a warning for his Hypoc
risy, and ll he eoimuueuuhuppon.Huisii
unhallowed and saliimui-m'etiKing in
stitutions, he would be Wiped out.
What the Di'uggists say
of HeiskeM's Ointment:
' Whfn wo are ivtkttl to ri't'ommenil u preintm
tlon for skin iIIwhbii, e Imml out IIkinkkll's
OINTMKNT, Hllll I'Vtry conHilcnct' ol ttssucews
ful treutuient of tho tliwum'."
J. C. ltfcuiiK, 5 Mnln RL, Itutler, To.
"I lmvelK'ii soiling IIriskki.i.'h Ointmrnt
foreloven yeuin. Jtlves uiilversul satlBructlo
it will cum Tic tteh.
O. W. IIackknukrokr, Italnbrlitge, r
w We have evklenco of the etirnllve propertlK
or Hbiikei.l's ointmknt here. It la n gooi'
rellablu olntinfiit."
Fi.BiiiNii A Ehler, Tnrentum, To.
'In nil skin illsemiefl T Invariably recomtnod
fc J. J. Kkil, fAbnrpfiburg, rn.
'irmsurtis Oi.vtmkvt curpB Hli-n all elsa
fulls." McCr.BLl.AX & KKfili, Freeiirt, Pa.
"IfSlSKBLL'S Ol.VTMRNT Sells On Its own
merit " II. Jl. Hilios. KUUudIui. I'u.
soRim.Kii.t. I)IVIoIo.
On olid after JVbv. W, 1SS0, traint mill it -
tthmamwah at follows:
For Wlirean. Gllberton. liYaokvllle. Hov
Castle, Bt. Clair, and way points, 6,(K), I '.
a in and i. IE r m.
Sundays, ou, w.iuam aDai.!0p m,
Kor I'oltsvllle, .(), H.IUr mum .16l vu
Sundays, WO, M'juui and 3.10 u n),
For Heading, .W), .I0 a in and 4.15 pm.
Biuidays, WW, 9.41) a. m. nndS.lUpni,
"or lottJBtown. fsonnixvtlle. JHorrloto".
nnd fhlladelphla (Broad Btreet utatloni, i,a
i.jj a m. ana i.ia p m weeK aays
Eiur.uaB, v io, u. w ii in o,iu i ra
Trains leave Knickvlhe lor Hhonarjdimh r-- am and, 7.42, Jil.OOp m, HnsdayF
li.lS a m and 5.40 1 m.
i.fve l'oiuvuie ior oueuauaoan, iu.ifti.uf
11.48. in 7.15. 11.42 1 m. biindav3. 10.40 a n
l.tavo rniiaoeipnia iririinu buem siatiom
r i'ottevlUeand Hbenandoah. 5.S7.10.2S& rr
2.10, l.l'i ai d 7.IW p m week duyB. Bucday .
a in and 1.10 p. m.
Kor wYorli,g.lW,4,05J 4.40, 6.S6, 0.60, 7.A), i., 11.00audll.l5aiii,l2 (K)uoun,(Uro
lit d eipieHF, l.Otl and 4.EO j m.) 12.44, 1.40, 2.:
i.i, 9, t, c, o.iiu, o.ihi v.i.t tt.u ano pm, ux:
On rinudays, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 5.SB, 8.12, 8.S0, 9.5C'
t r.i. end 12,49, S.20 lllnilted 4.60), 6.l3, II. SO. 6.5(
7.1 1 8, IV o m and 12.01 nliflit,
i' or bea dirt, Hpnng Jake, liclm&i
ican (srove, Asbury 1'nrt,
ao, 11.16, a. m. i.m p. m. wrek davr to)
freehold, 5.1 i p. m. week days.
baHiiuor- and Wnebiuaton, 8.50. 7.20, 8.3)
) 10, lb.20, J 1.18 a m, IS.11! ilimltKl eipresB) S.4t
HI i W am 7.40 p. m., ncd 12.08 night, t'o
ilaltl-lior my 2.02, 4.1 6'lig and lj.30 p. r
i)u K iuun.ys,;1.50. 7.20, H.llwnd 1U a. m. 4.
;.i7, 40 v m, 12.0S night. Ball 'more only
508 nd il TOpm.
t or Hicnmora ana uio outn T.w a. m.,
Muilwd Kprt 12.35 p. m.,)12.03 night, week,
liiyu. Knndaya, 7.', 12.0HnIght.
Tnilns leave Harrlsbnrg lor lliuiburK anc
.no west every day at 12.25 and S.ili a ru apfl
MX) i llmltfcd) and 3.40 p m. Way lor Alloona, a u. auit 4.10 p m every day.
For l'iil.bur(r only, 1J.20 a m dally and
ii weelc davs.
Leave Bnnbury Jor Wllltanispurt, Kim I re,
anaadalKua, Kochester,lluRaloHnd Nlagti
.-Mi 6. lu am dally, and 1.43 pm weekdays.
ioi . axKina, can p m weoa uays.
Hoi- I. do and ImH-niedlatepoluU, 5.10 am.
..all.. Kr Ldcic Haven, 6.10, and 0.63 a m,
:allv. l.Dl snd 6.31) n. m. week duvs. m
tnova 6,10 a m ,) and b,7il j m weofc dayn,
H M. f VVUli. J. K. WOOD,
ilen Man'r en, Paw, All
ynilMP RflAM K.5-pl',couteniplate
pay you to visit the MtOCHKhTKlt 1UJS1
JVKHS UN1VK1W1TY befoiBdielillnB wlinm.
though ymi may live a thoiuand miles away.
It stands at the head ot tho list of commer
cial scnools lu its character as an eduoatlonal
lon e, ad a medium tor supplylnu the business
men of the country with mined and capable
atshtauts, as a means ol placing ambitions
young men and women ou tho high ro id to
fcun-ebB, hiiu in me exieni, elegance ana cost
oi ii rnuipiiipni. 'JnorougniOiiMl!l(i'lAl,
COUKHK-4. Tho Tweuty-Heveulh Annual
uaiaiogue win be mauea tonny address,
nm Ex?r.u.Efs
la and will over ho tho
Remedy lor
rOout. Influenza. Backoohe,
FPaiiis in the Sido. Chest and!
I Joints, Keui-algia, Sprains, &o
Befors yon aod to tray, ontaln
k the valnaMs booki "GuWe to Healtli."wltIiJ
eaaoriliuiiais OI urcoilins liayoiguuui,
3 1 0 Broadway,
Prize Melils Awarded!
ViBcai XlWit Uottordam, OltWi
Bn;siiitor, Kou' tiu, Xielpslo,
50 Oenta a uottle, For Bala by
X. P. I. JCIllTIN,
kC. 1J. llAOl:NHt'CII,
and other drnegisti .
Uncltncho with n Drawing-down Tain,
Wwtry, Tired Keellnp, Ulslucllnallon to
; Ijibor, Bennty nnd High Colored Urine?
: If you hnvonny of these troubles yon may
S hosuro you hnvo Kidney Disease Aro
; you bilious? llavo you Jnundlco? Do
S ou lmvo nsnllow complexion? Aroyou
; troubled with constipation? If so, yon
; have Liver Complaint nnd should road
Z Uio following testimonials'
S Mm. Cham. IIatmoiin, 61 Pearl St.,
Bangor, has been very low with Kidney
; Dlnease ; she has been condned to her bed
for some time. Had a eonstnnlaud In
j tense backache with alt other symptoms
: of Kidney Disease. Her husband bought
S Brown's. SarsBparlllai she was cured by
; It, and Is now in better health than for
S years. Her friends nay Hrown'a Harsa-
paiilla saved her life.
I Jolts I'Hii.i.tPgof Taylortown,Wash
; luftton Co., I'a., says: 1 bad suffered
S dreadfully from Btomnoh and Liver
S trouble and was rodaood to 117 pounili,
when 1 commenced to nse Urown's Bar
I saparllla, and now Weigh 140 pounds. I
consider it the butt Medicine I ever used,
S and had tried a reat many, without ro
'X lief before taking Hrown's Sawaparllla.
5 Yon may refer to me whenever you
I Tho railroad men of the United. Rtntes
nre among the most capable, Industrious
I and faithful of her citizens. T them
At all Dnigglsts 1.00
, DON'T take Something else
Aha AVabbeh & Co.. Sole
ff"B?Si!IPDflie3SSlf ail(lirStC5?tI,1Ja"t0IIl(f llEIBIIBIflf IIISSIiiflBtt
Lohigh Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10, 18'Jl..
Passeufer tialns will leave Bhenandoah Ii I
Monch Chunk, Lehluhton, Blatlngton, Cate
saifqnn, Allenlowu, Jiethlehem, i'-nston, l'hli
sIlelplllaandew York at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08 a.m.,
122, 3.10, 5.28 p.m.
For llelvldcre, Delaware Water Gap ai d
strond'burg at6.47, a.m., and 5.20p.m.
For Lambeitvllle and Trenton, W.08 a, m
For White Haven, WilkeR-llarre and Fitt
on 5.47, H.WJ, 10.41 a m., 3.10 and 55fl p. in.
ForTunkhalinuck, 10,41 a. m 8.10 and 5.24
p. m
l or Auuiirn, xuiHuti, uciiu muu huu ujuui
10.11 a. m., and 5.241 p. m. at
For Lace ille, 'lowando. Bayre, Waverly
Clmlra, Hcchtsier, lluflalo, Niagara Fall"
ChlcaKO and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,ai d
5.21! p. In.
For ) Imlia and tho Wet-t vlaBalamanea at
3.10 p. m.
For Audenrled. Haaleton. Btockton. Lum
ber Yard, WeatLirly and Fenn Haven June
tlon nt5.4f,7.10, 0,08a. m. and 12.52, 3.10 and
5.26 p.m.
hot Jrncvll1e, Levlston and Beavei
Mtndow, 7.40, 9,08 a.m. and 6,26 p. m,
Forucranton at 6.47 9.08, 10.41a. in, 3,10 and
5:26 p. m.
For llajile llrook. Jeddo, Drlftou and Fre
land at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. m 12.52 S.10 and
5.20 p. m.
lnr v(uaaae at o.i anu ivo a. iu., uuu
8.10 p.m.
For Wlgpans, Gllberton and Fraclivllle at
6.60 nnd n.08 a m and 4.10 p. m.
Foi Yatesvllle, Mah8noy City and Drlano
6.47, 7.40, 9.1, 10.41, 10.58 n. m.,12.62,3.10Hi.20, 8,03.
9.2 ard 10.27 p.m.
For Lost ( reek, 3Irardvllle and Ashland
4.27, 7.48, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.85
b.10 and 9.14 p. m.
For Darkwater, Bt. Clair and Foltavllte.
7.40, 0.08,10.58 a. m., 12.62,3.10,4.10,6.26 and 8.0E
For Dock Mountain, New Doston and
Moreii, 7.40, 0.08, H .58 a. in., 12J12, 3.10, 6.20 and
8.03 p. m.
For Haven ltun, Ceutralla, Mt. Carmcl and
Bbamokln, 8.52, and 10.15 n. m., 1.40, 4.40
and 8.08 p. m.
Trains leave Shamokln for Bnenandoah,
7.56 11 J5 a. in., 2.10, 4.30 nnd 9.30 p. m., arriving
at Hhenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.32. 3.10,- 6.26 and
11.15 p. in.
For Lost Creek, Uliardvllle and Ashland,
6.50, 0.10 11.85 a. m., 2.-16 p. ra.
For Darkwater. Bt, Clair and 1'ottsvllle,
6.60, 8.(l, 9.30 . m., 2.45 p. m.
1' or Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano,
8.00, 11 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 0.03 p. m.
bor Lofty, Audeniled and llazleton, 8.W
a- m 1.40 p. m:
For N'auch Chunk. 1 ehlghton, Hlatinelon.
t'elasauqua, Allentown, llethtehem, KnsUi?
and New York, 8.00 a. in., 1.40 p. m;
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
Gen'l l'asfc. Agt., Bethlehem,
The Old Court House!
July 31, 1891, at 10 O'clock A. M.
All Die personal properly belonging to the
County ot Schuylkill, In thoold Court House
consisting of paitltlons, counter, shelving,
steam heatluo nnnaratus In senaiate nans.
the clock and bell In tho old Court llout-a
tower, gas fixtures, iilobo.ders, tables, chairs,
a, ...It, l. .... . I.n ,,,,-.
ongh of 1'ottsvllle, and also at the Ban e time
and pin eo the old Court House, excepting and
reserving the haseand also tho two large flairs
or juii Niones, one on eacn entrance 10 mo oiu
uourc iiouse.
131 IAB K. It-ED,
Attest John 8. BNYnEn- 7-11-td
Whn truabM vt'h tboitftunnnyinK Iirenuln. ttu ,
rKuenlly foliowlntin t'ill or pu- it., oj froL- i
nm,aliuuai Weukiieatx ..6 fntuh r to tVelr mox, hf
Una DR. DuCIIOJtlf.' 0'49bratt?a
ti'ie, vinjor mid tntu'n tic f to nil f tuu Moan of t
hd niiiitl. Rt4nt Uy -.'i.'l, n- 'y mo'i-il, l, AcVw r.
r.r- Mnrtr " fT (O'hc -
litjtit ni DMetl Wit Purely Cut Cti!i!(i
Iteprewmted by
120 0, Jardln Btreet
A newly discovered MINERAL WATHlt.
the ute of whhh will supply important ele-
jiifiiis nfriifcBiy io neaiili. it will cure the
Kidneys, Liver, Btomach, and all Iinweland
Uladder diseases. It will dls.olve ealcull and
rtmovelhem. It removes the uric acid from
the blood and thus destroys Malaria and
Chills, It cures Drliiht's disease, and Is eg.
peclally recommended for people advanced In
lile, and for general debility. For undoubted
proofs of this tend lor pamphlet giving full lKUltY, Water ot Lile
Co., 31 Booth Main Bt., Wllkes-Barre, Fa.
Ottoe-BedtUU'r bnlldlng corner Main and Oenlu
Immense lnterosts nro Intrusted, nnd J
Without them wo should make little or f
no progress. In their dally toll, there IS f
called good Judgment, honosty, fidelity, ?
quickness of thought, hand nnd eye, unit
coupled with theao, they are required to
donn Immense nmount of labof. Tlic ;
lsllttluorno work connected with t.i '
building nnd maintaining of a rallroud
thatdoeo not bear heavily on the Kid-
nevs. On the truck, 'n laying rails and
In grading I lu Uio shops where the m-.r- f
volotis onglnos, nnd palatini curs are pat
together; In the bnggngo room, at tim
desk, on the engines, or wherever the ?
railroad man may he, hi work opens a
unth for Kldnoy trouble. Hallroad men
thorofore, cannot fall to bo lntoresled In
tho statement ofnmnn, who, for 40 years,
has been a roAdtdosteron the big Ilotiton
&MainoHnllroad,nnd now having ohaigo S
of over 800 miles of roadbed. Head tho ;
following : S
Qkhat KAtlA N. H., May 10, 1887.
Gentlemen 1 have used Itrown's Bar
saparllla for Kidney nnd Liver troubles,
and can truly say It has done more for
me than all the doctors I ever omployed,
and I hare had occasion to require the
services of the best physicians in the
Btnte. My wife hai nlso been greatly
lieneflUJd by Its use. llospectfully,
K. A. BMiTir,
Koailinaster Hostou & Malno K. It.
f bottles for 3.00.
Just as good," IT IS NOT.
rroprietOfB.lianijor, Me.
Has a successful history of Ihrte centuries in
llrazll and two years' critical test iiithls
country. Bcience pionounctslt the flistnud
only lnlalllble ntutrnllzer of fcrofulous and
specific blood poisons yet discovered,
Sold at Klrlln'tl Drug Etcrc,
Ferguson's Ifotel Vloclc, Shenajidoah, Pa.
First National Bank
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. V. Leisennng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennng, Cashier,
S.W.Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Daily From 9 to 3.
Paid 011 Hnvlnca nejioHltH.
Your trade 1b wliat wo
Tills Is how we propose
tq get It.
By Belling you a flrst
class article; by selling you
for lees than otliera; by
telllcg you furniture, an
organ, u, plnuo, a sewing
machine or anything else
In tho line of household
Wo havo a largo and va
ried stock to select from.
"Ko trouble to show goods.
Call, examine and be
Sou Hi Main St.,
J. P. Williams & Bro
County Convention
The members of the Republican party of
Schuylkill conn y aro requesif d to nssemblo
In ihelr icspi olive elect Ion districts ntthe
places whtre the llepubllenndeleKnle elections
weio held last j ear (except where changes, no
tlcts of whlih will be given through tlunows
Saturday, Axiyust 1, 1891,
between the hours of 8 and 7 o'clock p.m. to
ciee' deli gates nnd nltoinate to the County
Convention to ho held August 4, nt 10 o'clock
11 m.. In Ccnlenntal Hall, roltsWlh. At the
Same time and place inemh rs 01 the llepub
hen 11 County Commltne Mid tliilriilteriiuien
will be voted for In like manner as delegates
to the County Convention.
The n-'nu eis rn m the Twenty ninth Sena
lorlnl district attending theCcunly Conven
tion will meet August. 4th, nta oVloek p. in.,
In ( enlennlal Hall, 1'ottsvllle, forthe pnrrose
ofplae. ngln nomlunllon two (it laidldates
lobe voiedfirai oehgntcs 10 the Constitu
tional Convi niton.
The lm mbers Irom the Thlitleth Benalorlal
''Istrlct attending the County Convention will
meei August -Mi, ni !i o'clock p 111., liiCeuten
nlnl linir, rottsvllle, lor the purpose ot plac
Inir In notnlnaiion two 12) candidates to be
voted for ai delegates 10 the Coustitutii nal
The following pcrions and nl'crnntes havo
ui-u iiiipoiiiu u loioimuri. me e ecuuu;
Ashlnnti I'.inl-Hard, David Dals, A J Lau
tensilnc; allemales .loiiu K Lt n,c, J C Oar
n er
Ashland Scco- d wnrd.WlIUnm Clea er, CW
Fensiermacbii; nltcrnwtes B A l-'ausl, WM
Ashland Tblul ward. ( hrli. Mauer. Andrew
Vaughn; alternated Isaac Yarned, Jr, J G
I.l,n I?.... -IK l.mMTT.I.. Ill 1
Williams; nheriinte" J ll ili-.sel, aeorco'lK-lb.
Asiuiinn j'liiu waia, uenr i-etneroii, wra
liormislcr: nlli rnatea lleniv I'nul. J Bi htitt.
Auburn, Dr. Clinrles K Quail, Joseph Kred
irlca: alternate. James ltnusli. T. K. Mover.
llaiiy liust, John lierry. D !-' Urten: nltei-
nates, Honeri urten Jr., Henry lioiu-K.
Ilnrrj' Wekt, G. Hn-slln, John Iteiuhartj nl
lernates. J F Unit. Knlirlam Yarnall.
llutler orili, Owen onmy, M. Coslello;
nhernjte, Harry Mctllnnest.
Duller Kast, Klclmrd Flynu, John Griffith;
niteiunio, twricK Keeniy.
Duller South. G l-'elterman. U A Ivlees: al
termite, John Dugan.
Hutlcr Northwest. Joel Howcnstcln. G h
Mnurer- al'enmto, John Kweeny.
Ilnmiwick Knsi, II D Koch James Delong;
nllernaies, I II Koch, Bcoll Miller.
liruiiMvica vit, juiiaiuau ieioy, rraua
Ynt; alt' mate, W Bhnener,
Hlyth.- (BllverCriekl. W J Matthews, More
Fin ley; alternates, W Murry, D Manning.
Dlytho (Crmboln), J ltcynolds, Daniel
Stone; alteri ntes, ltobert 'J homas, S Thomas.
Dlytho (Katkn William). John F Jluyer.
Nicholas Thornton.
llraucli, Jacob Zimmerman, u r L.uciienDiii;
alteruatoa O W Dumlo, Dane Morgan.
Cass North, l'atrlct Uri-uusn, Michael
Cats Bouth. Jl organ Jones, w Lynch.
Cressoi a Mouth. John llerter. O W Merkel:
altcruaiCBG llollmau, Robert Aah.
Cii-soua North, - B Ilerger, Gmrgo Reed;
iilternatea LRKeeier, W Hughes.
Delano, it .Martin, martin jnicu.
Eld-ed. J D Hi ider. .1 Rodenbereer; alter
nates D 11 t-mlih, Daniel Hz.
Lldred Fast, w H hergsi reiser, l' remoni
Fertich: allernntes J K Mauler, lwli lieu
Frallcy, A I "hofslnll, G W Ilntter; alter
nates Nathan Klrfcnger. F.mll Aidmnu.
Foster. Joseph Rute tdgo John tlay; alter
nates Thomes Gray, Lrwis Itei d.
1- racKvnie. j e j-rice, nmue i ivyuxi, auci
natea Wm D.'Vl", H T Evans.
Hiraiuvllle isust wera, jonn Lewis. ;vi
Howoi: alternates Nlchilas Dlass Thomas
Olrardvllle Middle ward, Louis Mass, Chas
Gf'V'S"-.. , ,r n...
Ulllliuviua tL wmu, y n i mohj' j.t.j-
lor; alternates Thomas Hvans, Thomas
Gllberton West ward, William Benslnger,
W Iliechony.
Gllberton Kest ward. E Carey, E 0 Murray;
alternates I' F Murphy, W H Frymyer.
Gllberton JUlditie waru, JU A Leary, 11 u
Gordon, N M Frank, J F Servls, Jr.; alter
natPH F K Dreher. Gil Dtncll.
Heglns East, Jamts Dunfcleberger, A B
Khiuser; alteruaio W ilnurer.
Heglns Wist, ii iiMnyucr, J v riccKcr; ni
iDrimii-H John ltickert. A. K. LauiionsIniri.r.
Hutiley. W O Baltzer. R B Gilbert; alternate
S Dowman.
Kline, Frank Kautncr, Isaac l'hllllps, alter-
natoj j iiremt
Landlngvllle, Henry Drumhcller, J F llaes,
elor; alternate, W Lelltcr.
mi. iTnrhnu. ncnrv Hen. ltouert i;amDben.
Maunelm Nor h (Foeht's), John Gerber,
Davy Achy; ulteruate Jero Focht.
Manhclm North (Mcllermott's), A Stnrm,W
Kline; altornate W Yeager.
Mnnhelm North (lirown's), A Mortimer, F
W Weaver-, alternate Georeo Warner.
Miinheim North (Melot ). J A Filbert. Wm
Killlan; alteinntc Franklin Diddle.
Mauhelm Boulh (Rebel's), D F Reber. WJ
8ha-irer; nlli-rnatet: Charleb Fisher, BB Rhine.
Mnbanoy West (Lost Creek), GeoWJoun
son, GtorgeThompton; nlleruate W Jones.
Mahanoy West (Raven Run), Thomas D
Tweeble, William And. mm.
Mahai.oy Wtst (Riownsvllle), JasHenton,
Slliowu; alicrnates J l'rice, J James
Mahauoy West (Wiu. I'eun), Thomas ilay,
John llnghei,; alternate J Mclz.
Mahanoy East (Lunigau's), B Frost, George
Mahanoy East (Cole's No.l), Jacob Gillespie,
Denuis Wnalen.
Jtauanoy East (Cole's No. 2), Jas Matthias,
Daniel Thomas.
Mahanoy cast (Hill's), Anthony Slack,
William Wright, Jr.
Mahauoy City First ward, J J Coyle, E
Morris; altei nates D Klin -, J 1 e-llva.
.uuhutjov Oitv Beeond ward. E liarlor. John
'Latham; alteruaus Joseph llughes, E Hllll-
ranu, jr.
Mahauoy City Third wnrd, H II Drloker,
F L Grim; alternates Jacob flecker, W Deu
Mahanoy City Fourth wurd. W Y Weber
A U Bhenuanj alternates J ABellgman, TO
Mahauoy City Fifth ward, A Dower, Gto
I'arOett; alternates Reese Kosser, Isaac
Mliicrsvllle East wtrd, J l'hllllps; John
Bowman; alteruaio Calvin l'rice.
Mlnersvllle West ward, William Faulkner,
Edward Bhlssler.
Middleport, Thomas Jennlngs.S W Bausler;
alleruutea F J Dltchcy, J Btepnens.
Now Castle, New Cai-tlo, Daniel Weller,
Alonzo Reher; ollernate Theodore Weller.
New Cast.,c, Waditvllle, J D Thomas, W B
Thomas, alternate Jumes Head.
Norwegian iast, Curry's, W Rurton, T
Bramley; alteinnte AVtlllam Rodgofs.
Norwegian West, Currun's J Elsenburg,
Thomas Keating; alternate J It Kelly.
Norwegian East township, M Hatty, TW
Cullen; alternates Janus Cullan, W Donald
son. New Philadelphia, B W Jones, J Tanner;
alternate l'hlllp Evans.
New Ringgold, David Vcttcr, II BKochj
alternates J B Housbcrger, 1) Leiser.
Orwlgsbuig, J A Dlelenderler, A S Gosl;
alternates R B Fey, A C Elsenhuth.
Finegrove borough. A B Manweller. G F
Thlel; ultcriiatos D J Gcnsemer, Deter Klney.
l'lnegrove township Fast, F W Reber, A
i odor: alteruatos M Workium, L 8 Adams.
l'lntJfove township West, Fzra Boughlncr,
O B Biahl; nliemaies George Adams, E.
Dai.. Alto, E 1' l'llest, E Hay; alternates
Alex Govan, William Jones.
1 on C'luton, O 0 Hatch, Eugene Bond; al
ternates, A A jtlrllu, A 1 Hatch.
l ort Cat bo u, Wm Weniz, Henry Wnna
maker. Vort Carbon, (Mechanlcsvllle), Frank Btur.
man, Fra k Bands.
oner East. I N Evans, Iltrnm Ilrowcr.
Toner West, W Mnrtz, J Umhohz; alter
nates G W Bchrop. Eugene Horn.
l'orter North, Edward Houlz. Jacob Itumpr,
alternates T J Davis, J Btrouhser.
Fottavllle Boulh ward. Arthur B,hay, George
Wnlkei; alieruate W Whitney, Jr.
Dullsville Boulheast war ', Mijust ICnecht,
G CBchrlnk; alternate J G Flick.
1'ottsvllle Middle ward, John Kbert, Geo IC
Bmlth; nltcr ales J T Buyder.J M Freck.
1'ottsvllle Northeast watd. II 11 Hill, E O
Nlohol; allernatps WBil, F F Wade.
JPotlsville j.orthweswaid, W Owens, John
Johnson: alternates John Leonard, II Koon.
1'ottsvllle Seventh wa-d, Wfsley Bailor,
Tliomaa I'icktoii; alternates E nst Meyers, O
Fottsvllle Northward, Gi orye ( -wens, Jos
Davis; alternate Alex icmi It-,
ltalin, Thf inas llrudhmy.H u F sher; nltcr-
naten David Hughes Th'uuaH 1,,w,m
Rushtllauck's), WAbliilar, W W Kaup;
alternate Joel Ileln.
Rush iLntx's), KC J.ih, 1- FHan pshiro,
Rellly,Hei ry Zoiby.Robi rt Weir
Ryan, Albert Ellis, Joseph Matthewv alter
nates Daniel Jones. W i puv r.
Schuylkill Haven East ward, J It Sterner,
J H MInnlch,- alternates W D Uuentler, J H
Hchnylklll Haven Houth ward, dins Harbst,
LDKcisbner; alternates W Rlcbsacman, li
Behtiylklll Haven North ward, II Storner.W
C Huey,- alternate R F Robinson.
Schuylkill Haven Westward, GeoAShaef
fcr, Thomas Meek, alternate D Flannerv.
Bcblivllllll tmriislilri. II 1,' ll...
Bllmbtz,- alternates Charles Delxmg. FDrocli.
Bt. Clnlr South wnrd,
klns, Br.; nllernates J Hughes, WH Leo.
Ht. Clair North ward.Giorge Blacker, Harry
Sellgmai.,- ahernatcs John Ur h, T. fe y,
r-l. LlnlrMlddlo wmd, B II Le, R 0 Iloyer-alternate-
J Enn, G Ludklnblll
Bhenamli.nh, First ward, Wllllnm Rauso,
John Hitirlby,- idlernaio Samuel Kogera.
-iM-ii,,iiuiuii, o.uuiiii vuru, utiancH l lumps
OAKilin; alternates Henry Goodman, V
Bhenei donn, Third waid, Dr, ,T Sleln, E K
Illltermam nlleinntcs John Thnn .. .1 v
Kheiiandnah, Fourth watd, JehtiAlwIs.
Fdw D Ueddail! altirnali-s W HmH
Bhcnnmlonh, Fifth wnrd, Henry Wnrnlck,
John Dunn; alternate T fowell, 11 Ulsel.
T.m.f1, n Wa I n-nw, tnl, t l
Henry; allernatos G Tlley, A H Glassmlro.
Tnmnqu Ni nh waid, W E Fugh, Kdmund
x,iiui HiiLriiiuu a iiaiiey,
inmaqna soutu wnrd, W T J
? Davis, J C Walt-
ers; nlternnto F Delp.
'Iremout hnolluh. KhrI. word. W Mnnra.
'Ihonuu tocklll; ulteinntoi OH Hesser, s.
Trcmont liornugh, West ward, J Blower, O
W Lehman; allematis Dr. W J Huln, ,A U
.Tremout township, D Work" nn, Harry
ITpi er Mi.hanioiigo, John KllneJbeny.
Union, Frai els Beitzir, Ellas Miller; nller
uate Gldion Uci-ker.
Unton-Fnl, Ni-lson Binmlon, GeoKnEchti
al'ernate LTRramlon
tlulon North, John H Dais, J N Lulz: alter
nato W Fetberoll.
Walker, W B Bhock, Bamuil Helsler; alter
nate t'H Dutorllne.
Wet l'enn Bi.uth (Lelby's), J D Mauntz,
Jocob Longneckor.
WetFeun Northeast (Manlz's), W Mauntz.
David iihe
Wctt l'enn Northwest (Wren's), Ties Bill
man, Henry Tyson.
WasnlUBlou (Batdorfs), Lyraon O Reed
George Sell.
Washington (Rock), John Fertlg, W FMulz.
Wayne, North, Daniel Yelih, G 1) Reed.
Wayne, South, James A llellner, Franlt
YorkvlUo, Isnao Rich, Henry Becker.
D. D. l'HILLIl'S, Chairman.
i'ttiladoipliia and Beading itoihoad,'
Ute Table in effect .July JO Jdt J
for New York via Phlladelchin. wees aara.
2..0 6.25, 7.20 p. in. and 12 35 iUO and 6.53
p. in. nunoay z.iu ana 7.13 a. m. or New
York, via Mauch Chunk, week day3, 8.25.
i.V), a. ra. and 12 S3 and 2.0p, m.
or Readimr and PhllAripfiihliL VMb ilnvn.
2.10, 5.2n, 7.20, a, m., 12.35 and 53 p: m
iDouuy, 2.iu ana a. m., -i.uu p. m.
for Harrlsburg, -week aays, 2.10,7.20 a. m,
!,"0, 5.55 p. m.
eor Ailealown, week day, 7.20 I. m. 12.3S
.0 v. m.
Cor Pottevllle, week dayB, 2.10. 7.1fj,. m.,
2.3 nndr,.55p. m. Sunday, 2,10 and 7.U
. tr. , ISO p.m.
For miiiuNUu and Mahanoy City, wee:
lys, 2.10, 6.25, 7.20, a. m., 12 3 2.E0 aud 5.68
i m. Sunday. 2.10 and 7.49 a.m.. 4 30 n. m.
Additional ,ui Munanoy City, week nays 7.00)
P'.m- . . . . . .
tor uancasier ana (,-oinmnia, wecK aayn,
.'Aia. m., 2.E0 p. m.
For Wllllamsport, Hunbury and Lewisburfc,
vt,ek days. 8.25, 7.20 and 11.31 a. m., 1,33, 7.55
u m, Sunday 3:23 a. m., 3.05 p. m.
For Mahauoy I'laue, Vicen Uays, 2.10 3.25,
. 25, 7.20 and 11.30 a.m., K.1S, 1.35, 2.60, 5.55,
7.00 anc w, n ra. Sunday,-2.10, J.23 and 7.13
a. m. 4.H5, 4.S0 p.m.
For Glraravllle (Itappabannock Station)
ink days, 2.10, 8.23, 6.25, 7.20 and 11.30 n. m
12.35, 1 85, iuo, 6,55, 7.00 and m.25. p. m. Sunday,
2-10, .2 1, 7.18 a. in., 3.05, 4.30 p. m.
Kor Ashland and Shamokln, week days,
3.23,5,25,7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00 and 0,50
i. m. Sunday 3.23, S.32 a. m 3.05 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
lays, 7,45 a. m L30, 4.00. 7.30 p. m., 12.16
nght. Sunday, tf.OO p.m., 12.15 night. -
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
lays, 4.30, 8.45 a. m 1,00 and 4.0J p. m.
Leave Fhllndelphla, weeai cays, 4.10, ana
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m., lrora Broad
md Callowuill and 8.35 a. m.and 11. SO p. m.
lrom uthano i fou mreeta. Sunday 0.05 a.
m. 11.10 p. ra. from th no Wi-en.
Leave Keadlng, week days, 1.35. 7.10, 10.C5
ud 11.50 a. m., 6.55, 77 P, m. Bunday 1.35 ana
lO.Oin. m.
Leave Rottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.,
UM, 0.11 p, m. Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m. and;
2X6 i. in.
I ave Tamaqua. week days, 8.S0, B.43 and
2 1 a. m., 1.21, 7.13, and 0.18 p. m. Bunday 3.20 -7
43 '.. in. and 2.50 p. m.
..nave -Mahanov Cltv. week davs. 8.40. 9.18
aid 11.47 a. m 1.61, 7.42 and 0.41 p. m. Ban.
lay, 3.40,8.17 a. m., 3.20 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2-40, 4.10
j.30, 0.35. H.i.9 a, m,, 1.05, 2.00. 5 20, B 20, 7.57, aua
1'i.Hlp. m. Sunday 2.,. 4.00. and 6.S7. a. m.
ii oi, o.ui. p. m.
:.0,'. 8.33 a. m. 3.41. 5.07 u. m.
ueavc Wllllamsport, week days, 3.00,9.45 ana
HJb5 a. m. 3.S5 and 11.16 p. in. Sunday 11.13
:. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the west
. la B. A O. R. K., through trains leavA Glrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & R, R. It.)
It 4.16, 801 and 11.27 a. m 1.34. 4.24 , 5.55 ami
123 p. m. Bunday, 4.16 8.02 lli7 a, m., 4,24
1.65 and 7.2.1 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharl
nd South Street Wharf.
For Atlantic Cltv.
Week-days Express, 5.15, 8 00,9:00,10.45 a.
ra. and 1 (Saturdays onlv. 1.30). a no.
3.30, i.m', 6 00, fl.OO p. ai. Accommodatton, 7.40
m., 4,io, ii oj p, rn,
lunrtayS. KxnreRR. 6.15. 7.00. 7.30. 8.00. 8.30.
9.00, 0.80 A, m. aud 4 SO p. m, AvcomiuoaaUon.
3.00 a. m. and i 45 p. in.
Ketv.i nlng, leavo Atlantic City, depot comer
Ma-itlonnd Arkansaa svonnes. Weekiav
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 8 00, 0.00, 10.00 a.m. and 3.15.
4.00, 5.S0, 0.30, 7.30, 9 SO p. m. Accommodation
0.00,8.10a.m. and 4.:.0p m. Sundays-Express,
3 30, 1.00, 6 00, 0 00, fl-30, 7-00, 7.30, 8.00, 9.S0
p. m. Accommodation, 7.30 a. in., 6.03 p. m.
o. G. jiaN COCK., Ueui mu r Agt
A MOLF.OD. l"reo. ife Gen'l Manager.
iri.. J. ,in., in icni
Trains leave Reading (P. is It. station) foi
Gibraltar, Seyfcrt, lllratboro, Joanna, Spring
deld, Wayuesburg Juuetlon, Coatesvllle, West
PliocU. r.inilLrnp,l l,,.,.lln II . t ....... I
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dolly
except Bunday, at 6.25 and 8.80 a.m, audWtf
p. m. Sunday only al 3.05 p. m.
For Warwick, Bt, Peters and Intermediate
statlons.dally except Sunday, at 9.20 a.m., ana
6.19 p. m. Bunday only 8.15 a. m.
For Blrdkboru and Intermediate stations,
Saturday only, at 12 m.
For Baltimore and Washington (B. A O. It.
R.) dally except Bunday at 6.25 and 8.80 a. in.
and 8.16 p. m. Sunday only al 3.05 p, m.
Trains arrive ai, Reading (P. iS li. nation)
from Wilmington, II. & O. Junction, Mont
chanln, Chaddbioid Junction, Win Chester,
Lenape. Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction,
Bpringueld,JoHnna,Blrdsboro, GIbrallur, 8ey
fertaud Intermediate stations, dally except
Bunday at 10.20 a. m. 5.62 and 8.17 p. in. Sun
day only at 1121 a, m.
From tit. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate
stations, dally except Sunday, at B.2d a. m.
and 2.35 p.m.
From Blrdsboro and Intermediate .tatlon.
Saturday only at 1.40 p. m.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex
cept Bunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m.
Sunday only at 11.21 a. ra.
DOWN EBB URIGOS, Geu'l Fata, A fit.
A. G. MCCAUBLAND, Bupt, "1I"""au
We, the undersigned,
are entirely cured oi
Iluntnra liv Hp T M
MAYER, 831 Arch Bt., Phlla. Thomas B.
llarluug. New Ringgold, l'a I, Pandt, Bouthi
Easton, Pa., L. P. A C. A. Deturck, Oley, Pa..
R. G. Stanley, 421 Spruce Bt,, iAtianou, f-a., A.
Sehuelder. Locust Dale, Pa.,D, B. Noll.Llme-
iiu, rn., .v in. r.. iiarieuBiiim. i iioeuixviue.
I'a., W. M. Iielnbach, 624 Washington Bt.!
Reading, Pa., J. 0. Lyme. 1810 y, HowardSt.,
Hnrrlsbiire. Pa., O. Keehn, Douglassvllle, Pa.
Dr, MAYER Is at Hotel Penn, Reading. Pa..
on the 2nd Saturday of each month, Call lo
ace mm.
Not East Centre Btreet; Mahanoy City, Fa
Bkln and all special diseases a speolalty,