The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 25, 1891, Image 1

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    , VOL- VI.-KO. 148. SHENANDOAH, PA., SAT UUP AY. JULY 25. 1891. pyE qje3
7 the Republican Electors of I'eiiniylvutiia:
After consultation ami correspondence with
the members nflhe llemihllean State Committee.
anil by their direction, I hereby give notice that
the Jlepub'teant of Pennsylvania, by their duly
pnoim representative, sunt meet tn tattle von?
ventioji at llarrisburg, Wednesday, August 19,
1891, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of plac
ing in nomination candidates for the offices of
Stale Treasurer ami Auditor General, for the
nomination of ' elghtencantltdates for Delegates
ul-Large to the Constitutional Convention pro
vided for in the Act of Assembly approved June
19, 1801, and for the transaction of such other
business at may be presented,
KoliccU especially directed to the fact thai, in
accordance with the provisions of the last men
tioned act, each Senatorial district is entitled to
a representation of three delegates in said Con
stitutional Convention, two of whom only canbe
Members of the majority party in said district.
The electors of each district are therefore re
quested to make proper nomination! for dele
gates to said convention, the rules governing the
nomination of candidates for State Senator to
be applicable.
Infill connection the CViatrman desires to call
the attention of Republican voters to the rccom
mrnil'Uton of the State Convention of 1832, that
"they allow the greatest freedom in the general
participation in the primaries consistent tcith
the preservation of the party organisation."
Wit. II. AXDKEWS, Chairman.
The surrender of tho fishing boats,
which it Is said were Illegally seized
ruy tho Canadian cruiser Dream,
should at once be demanded. The
Canadian Government should be made
to understand that the United States
will not tolerate any sleep-walking
Tiiekf. Is certainly no room for com
plaint on the part of those who desire
to visit Atlantlo City, Capo May,Long
Branch, or auy of the intermediate
places. Everything that railroad ex
perience can do has been done in order
to reach any of tho points named in
tho most expeditious manner and in
luxurious and comfortable style.
Nothing has been left undone that will
o induce to theso obJectB, not even ratio
of fare, which liavo been reduced to
minimum figures. All that is now
needed on tho part of seashore tourists
&is the small transportation fee, tho
time, und enough cash to pay hotel or
board bills.
Playing Cards.
You can obtain a pack of best quality
E playing cards by sending flftoon conts in
postago to P. 3. Eustis, Gou'l Pase. Agt.,
IB., C. & Q.K. It. Chicago, 111. tf
CZBHSrTS per yd for the
Bold In other stores for 35c. All floor
Oilcloths reduced. Call for bargains
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre
tjxelter is now receiving a new
Brussels and Ingrains in
Just opened a large assortment of Choice JVeiw Patterns,
j" in all widths.
yiflVJUJUUMz yards wiac,
LYlic Fluent Tnble Syrup we liavc ever liad fur tlie price.
Heavy Rody,
Light Color,
Splendid Flavor,
Strictly Pure Cane Syrup,
Not mixed witli Corn Syrup and Glucose.
u Fair Sujjnr Syrup fit 6
"Northwestern Daisy !"
Is a high grade Patent JTlourMade from choicest Min
nesota Wheat, Makes mora bread thanlordlnary
Guaranteed Equal in every. resxect to any Jligh-pvicod
Jllour in the market,
or sale only
A Schuylkill Boy Got Tirod of
Boldff Whipped.
Yesterday's N. Y. World cortlalnod tho
following particulars of a runaway boy
whoio paronts resided In Shonatidoah re
cently :
A fourtoon-year-o1d boy ontored tho
Leonard streot pollco station lato Wednes
day night and (aid bo was hungry acd
"I walkod all tho way from Philadel
phia," ho said, "and I haven't any monoy.
Do jou know any place whoro they will
let littlo boys sloop for nothing,"
''You can sleep horo," kindly replied tho
sergeant, "and I will get you something tn
. Ho was detained for tho nlgbt, and in tho
Tombs Police Court yostorday ho told tho
following story to Agont Finn !
"My father Is a farmorln Girard Manor,
Schuylkill county, Vii., and his name is
George Smith. My name is Joseph Smith.
I havo thrco brothers nnd tho biggest one is
twonly-sovon yoars old. Thoy all went
away from homo because father had treated
them cruelly. Nino days ago I loft homo
bicausol couldn't stand it any lonner.
Father had a habit of boating me whonovor
ho felt liko it. 'Joe,' ho would say, 'I
think I will tako some exorcise,' and at tho
samo timo ho would tako down tho whip
and beat mo. 1 thought to mysolt that I
was getting too old to bo whipped and so I
ran away. I walkod here. At night I
would slcop on the cars. I was taken Into
a house ono night and I left there with a
good breakfast in tho morning."
lie wa3 Hold for examination and bis
fatbor was notified of his whereabouts In
tho city. The agent does not know
whether to bollovo tho story, but if found
to bo truo tho lad will bo given employ
ment in tho city.
Spooial Choap Excursion on Fri
day Noxt.
Any of our readers contemplating a trip
to tbo soashoro should take advantage ol
tho clmnco offered thorn on Thursday next.
Spocial train will loavo the Philadelphia
& Heading depot at 10:05 a. in.
Faro for tho round trip, between Shamo
kln and Tatnaqua, 3.60. Tickets good for
seven days.
Completed to Deadwood.
Tbo Burlington Kouto, 0., B. &Q. B. It.,
from Chicago, Pooria and St. Louis, is now
completed, and daily passenger trains are
running through Lincoln, Nob., and
Custor, S. D to Deadwood. Also to New
castle, Wyoming. Stooping cars to Dead
wood. tf
Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the
nnmu Lessio & Co., Ashland, Pa., ii
printod on ovorv sack. 8-3-3taw
Unlike all other illusions tho exhibition
in Forguson's theatro building will bear
tho mot searching scrutiny. 7-22-tf
Waters' Weiss boor is the best.
Uoilly solo agent.
John A
stools of Tapestry and Body
handsome new tall patterns.
from $1 ni.
A Largo Company of Thoir Friends
Enjoy tho Solootions Rondorod
by tho Grant Band Last
Tho hospitablo mansion of Col. D. V.
Brown, the superintendent for tbo Lehigh
Valley Coal Company, at Lost Crook, pre
sented a magniQcont appearance last night
as tho Grant Cornot Band, of town,
marched across from tho Lehigh Valley
depot to furnish tho guests of tho Colonol
and hia very amiable wlfo with instru
mental music of tho standard that domon
stratos that tho inhabitants of the ooal re
gion know somothing mora than that
which is confinod within the area of tho
dusky diamond field.
It was apparent from tho parado of tho
band in town down thocentor of tho streets
and tho flood of admirers on the sidewalks
that tho Qrant Band was about to onter
Into a sphoro by which society strictly
clings. Herr Von Zeitz was in tho center
of tho musicians wi'.li head bowed down
and ear alert. "O .ir Dandy" Drum Major
(Llowollyn, of course), was in the lead,
tho strains wero delightful and many
wishod that the train could have beon de
layed. On thn way to Col. Brown's tho band
spread itself. Lost Crook has a band, but
its popularity, nor tho effloioncy ot its
membors, has not reached that point upon
which "bur own" Grant Band perches.
But novortholass Lost Creek thronged the
roadway to tho magnifloently decorated
grounds surrounding Col. Brown's man
sion. Tno grounds presented a sight similar to
tho scenes depicted in tho representations of
tho beautiful hanging gardens of Alham
bra. Brilliancy was supremo. Tho two
acres surrounding tho mansion woro alive
with artificial illumination and thn smallost
burdou upon tho smallest fruit troa was
brought clear to tho oye. Tbo flowers in
their bods seemed enlivened by tbo sprays
of lights. Chinese lanterns also had a
chanco to exorciso their usefulness, and
thoy presented a picturesque appoaranco.
After tho usual formalities tho Grant
Baud took possession of a largo platform
erected in tho centor of the grounds. The
band consistod of forty piecos. Tho selec
tions wero rondered in a superb manner
and tho members woro heartily applauded
aftor oach selection. Tho following was
tho programme :
moo it AM ME.
(Jrancl Army Starch 1' (ke.
Military overture Moyerelles
Awakeulng of Hpilng Iiacti.
Alto solo by Air. II. Schoppe.
Russian Carriage Kong ...Thornton.
Mwvenlr to Cornwall V. Zallz.
Grand ononis and march Wagner,
From "Tanuhauser."
Something Lovely ..W. Llvnrman
Helpc. lou from opora "ZjrtipV Ilerokl
Cborus lrom opini "Uudino" looming.
T1U -bits, comic opera Medley .Meyci.
Galop "Over stick nnd stone" Strauss.
Good night.
Refreshments woro served the guests dur
ing tbo evening and all who had the good
fortuno to bo prosont enjoyed thomsclvos
Tho Shenandoah delegation loft Lost
Creek at 11 o'clock and arrived In town In
good spirits and unanimous in tho opinion
that Col. Brown and bis estimable wife aro
oscellent entcrtalnors.
Shenandoah sout oyer 100 ot her best
Pottsvillo, Philadelphia, Port Carbon,
Minorsvillo, Fraokvlllo, Mabaney Plane,
Ashland, Fountain Springs, Wnv Ptnn
and other places wero woll represented.
Tho L. V. train was held over half an
hour to.accnmmodatu tho visitors.
O. A. Koim, manager of L&kotlde, I a
faiiuru as a German interpreter.
Tho Board of Control of tho Grant Band
aro all jolly follows.
Prof. Zoite's commanding figure was
tbo observed of all observers.
A special meeting of the stockholders of
the Citizens' Klectrio LVght Co., of Shen
andoah, will be hold August 2flth, 1881,
hetwoan tlia hours of two h nd four p. in.,
at the office of mid company, No. 'ii, N.
Jardin tret, for tho purpose of voting on
tuoquwtlpuof inoraiing tbu capital stock
of said company, By order of tho board,
Joun Gruuxeb, Seo'y.
Thautna, tho mystifying. Thauma, tho
wondorful. Now on exhibition in Fergu
son's theatro building. 7-21-tf
Tho Stone Crusher.
Tho foundation for tho englno of the
ctono cjrjiehw is completed utid-thu fouudu
tioa for the crusher Itself will probably1 bo
finished by to-night. Supervisor Llowol
lyn also expects to havo tho chutos com
pleted by to-qight and have tho plant in
operation on Monday.
Thauma is the wonder of the age. Don't
fail to see ber. 7-22-lf
Fred II. Hopkins, Sr., visited iiahanoy
City to day.
Sliss liamo Crater, of Allentown, Is
visiting frtouds in town.
Jlisa Haltlo Bowman, of Mahanoy City,
is tho guost of her uncle, II. A. Swalm.
Vf. J. Watkins, local oditor of tho Unit
ALD, and his wife left this morninir on an
extendod tour.
Tho Misses Gibson, of Wanamie, Lu.
zorno county, are the guests of their sister,
Mrs. G sorgo Kohland.
Miss .Sadie Ivehler. of North .Timlin
stroet, and Miss Lizaio Kropp aro visiting
relatives tn Ilazleton.
E G J. Wadlinger, the expert toneorial
artist, Is now employed at B. J. Yost's
harbor shop on East Centre streot.
William P. Brown, formerly station
agent at L"st Creek, but now of Philadel
phia, spent a part of the weok in town.
Mr. and Mrs. JeQitrton, who spent the
past few days with friends in town, loft for
their homo In Sandy Hun, Luzerno county,
M. S. Biggs, tho ofiloiont and obliging
manager of tho Chioago meat markot, of
town, and family are enjoying the country
breeze at Bingtown for soveral days.
Georgo Kverett Sprague, ropresontlng
tho ooal dealing firm of Spraguo & Breed, of
Lynn, Mass., spent Thursday and yostor town, the guest of District Super
intendent J. J. Bradigan and visited, for
the first time, the workings of anthracite
Sunday Speolals.
English Lutheran church, Bov. D. B.
Treibloy, pastor. Services Sunday as fol
lows: 10:30 a. m. and G:30 p. m. Sunday
school at 1:30 p. m.
Ebenezer Evangolical churoh. Bov. II.
J. Click, pastor. Services Sunday at
10 a. m. in Oorman, and 0:80 p. m. iu
English. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m.
All aro heartily invited to attend.
P. M. church, oornerof Jardin and Oak
strools. Services Sunday at 10:30 a. in.
and 0:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m.
Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor at 0
p. m. every Sabbath. Classes moot Tues
day and Wednosday ovenings at 7 o'clock
and Sunday at 9:30 a. tn. General prayer
mooting Thursday at 7:20 p. in. II. G.
Itussell, pastor.
Volsh Baptist church, corner West nnd
Oak stroote. liav. D. I. Evans, pastor.
Services Sunday at 10 a. in. in Wolsh
and 0 p, m. in English. Sunday school at
2 p. m. Prayer meeting on Monday even
ing, at 7 o'clock. Class meeting on Thurs
day evening, at 7 o'clock.
First Methodist Episcopal church. Boy.
Wra. Powick, pastor. Divino worship at
10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. in. Morning sub
ject: "Stability of Character." Even
ing subjoct: "Tho Crow" being tho
sevonth sermon of thoj series on "Tho Voy
age of Lifo." Sunday school at 2 p. m.,
to bo followod by tho devotional meeting
of tho Epworth Loaguo. Monday evoning
soclablo and entertalnmont under tho aus
pices of the Epworth Loaguo. Other sor-
v:ces as usual.
English Baptist church, South Jardin
btreet. Bev. H. G. James, pastor. Tho
pastor will preach at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30
p. m. Morning subjoct : "Begcnuration
and tho Second Birth." Evening subjoct:
"God's Lovo." Sunday school at 2 p. m.,
Deacon Jchn Bunn, Superintendent. Mon
day evening at 7:30 tho Christian Union
will meet. Wednosday evening at 7:30
o'clock a general prayor meeting.
No servlco in tho Presbylorian church in
the forenoon. Sunday school at 2 p. m.
Christian Endeavor will hbvo services in
tho evoning.
There will bo preaching at Yatesvillo to
morrow at 3 p. in.
Don't fail to visit tho museum in Fergu
son's theatro building. 7-22-tf
G. A. R. Notes.
Grand Army Day in this district will be
bold at Mt. Carmol, September 0th. Tbo
members of tho order at that place promise
to outdo anything of the kind held In this
part of the state. Our loeal post will turn
out strong and help to mako tho affair a
grand Ettcoess.
Aro you going to Detroit ? If so, tho
fare for the round trip from Shenandoah
will bo but $14.26 As tbo distance trav
eled will be 1,200 miles the rate will not bo
much more than a cent n milo, Tickets
will be good from July 81 to August 18th,
with the privilege of & extension to Sep
tember 80ib.
There are 100,375 ox-Union soldiers and
tailors living in Ohio, and only 40,097 are
membors of tho G. A. B.
Detroit expect to have 100,000 ox-Union
toldiers and sailors, at tho onoampmont noxt
The fight among tho different railroads
In the West is becoming very interesting,
and befbre It ends people out thero will be
enabled to go to Detroit for almost nothing.
He din not golu '01
To tlxht against the Bnuth,
Hut stutd at home without a gnu
A-ihoottuj otr his nioutb.
Ladies should vi'it Thauma and soe
what a wonderful being sho Is. f-ti-t
I It don t do to neglect nature's warning
' aches through the tytti in, cause Hlieumiv
tlaiu, Ni uralgla and lUrlraohe. Try lied Flag
Oil, the famous l'ttlu Cure. 2ieuwnt Ktr
I Un a drug nolo.
Ho Will Fight Slavln-A Baby
ThatWeighB Eut Throe Pounds.
Porhapa Anothor Lepor.
Homo. Dodicatod.
Momngnheln City, Pa., July 25.
An Inquest was hold yestor.lny over
the victim of iv futul prizo tight at thin
There has been bad blond between
two inluers named Harry Boyd ami
John My ford for tome time pisat, and
they finally agreed to fight it out un
der the piize-rlng rtllea ut catch
weights aud bare knuckles.
TIlPV VVfirfl hntli vnilllt otvnnrr mwl
n I " . ..uu
sanguine of their ability in knocking
mo oilier out. auu it was a llerce battle
from start to ilnish, with tho odds
slightly lu favor of Boyd, who exhib
ited more science.
In the first, second and third rounds
it was give nnd tako and until men
wore severely i unshed, nnd when thev
ciuiie to the centre for the fourth round
both were bleeding profusely.
After tv few leads lloyd mude a rush
on My ford aud delivered a tremendous
blow straight from the shoulder,
catching the latter upon -the jugular.
leiung nun UKua log.
My ford was carried to his comer by
his friends, but never retrained con
sciousness, dving an hour later. Boyd
at ouce delivered himself uj) to tho
authorities. lie will probably bo.iu
dieted for niauslamrhter hv the Grand
County Sportlngr News.
A number of Schuylkill countv
epotts have been given "tips" that a
uig cocKing main la on tlie tapis be
tween partios from Mt. Carmel and
Danville. Tho light will take place In
tho vicinity of Brush Valley, tho time
and placo however are kept secret as
me noys are airani ot tlie slierill.
Billy Joues, of Shenandoah, chal
lenges any man In tho county to ent
plea for. 20 a side. Milton Linden
inuth, of Bingtown, is preferred.
Hand ball leads base ball as a noun-
lar sport lu Ashland,
Muhauoy City has tho only regular
organized bicycle club In the county.
'rue sportsmen lu tno western und or
the county have the inanimate target
fever. Hither Shenandoah or Mali-
auoy City would , bo pleased to give
titem a mated.
Joseph Wyntt, of Shouandoah, and
Patrick Sherry, of Wlirtrana. will
shoot a pigeon match for $5J a side at
bt. iNicnojas to-day. Match will com
mence ut 4:30 p. m.
Perhaps Anothor Lopor.
New York, July iio. A report was
current yesterday morning that an
other Chinese leper had been discov
ered, lu the person of Ling Kte, who
keeps a laundry at 33 Bulge Btreet. It
appears that the story was started by
a remark made by Justice Duffy, be
fore whom ICte appeared nsa witness
iu tho K-sex Market Court. Kee is
riufi'erlug with some other disease than
leprosy, nnd his face is covered with
eruptions. This caused Justice Dully
to exclaim: "Are you a leper, too?"
and he added: ' The Board of Health
should look after you." Keo was at
work at his washtub to-day when n ro
porter saw him. Ho paid lie had been
sick for two months, but did not know
what waa the matter with him. He
had no doctor.
Sullivan Puts Up.
Now York, July 25. Charlie John-
ston, of Brooklyn, on behalf of John
Li. tiulllvau, called at tlie JNew York
Herald oflk-e last night aud deposited
$1,000 to biuda match with Frauds
Patrick Slavln to fight for tho cham
pIouBlitp of the world. The money Is
to be held until September 1 for Blavlu
or his backers to cover. Johnston in
sist" that tho fight shall take placo ill
America. Tiio news unit muiii van nan
po-ited tho money was cabled at once
to England
Odd Fellow's Home Dedicated.
Plttrburg,July US. The new homo for
widows and orphausoi Odd Follows, at
Luurel .-liitlon. this county, wasdedi-
cuted to-day. The ceremoules were
conduottd by the Grand Lodge officers
uraod Master w. is. aiarsn auu rust
Grand tAx J. B. Nlobol-on making
do addres-o-. The home has fourteen roonis. some of which cau be
transformed Into wards for children. It
is surrounded by two acres of beautilul
wooded land. The institution has ac
commodations for about llfty persons
run will tie managed by a board or
Anxious For Drow'B Position.
Charlo4 Dangler, head bookkeeper
lor uie l'otiBVllle iron unit &tel uom
nauv. has announced himself ns a can
dldato for ox-Bank Esatnlner Drew's
position. Mr Dangler was a oundldiitu
against Mr. Drew In 18S8. Henatar
Keefor. District Attorney ICnah and
ex-Dletrict Attorney Wtiltehouse are
worklnir for hlui iu Washlucton.
They havo endeavored to obtain the
support of S.-nator Uuay, but were
Bm Thauma. Hue a a wonder. 7 2'--t
From "red-row," a row of houses
owned by the I. & B. oompauy and
situated on Builroad avenue, opposite
the round house, Mahanoy Plane,
eoHifwu gruesome tale of ghoulish
revels and hideous sceues enacted at
the watching hour of midnight with
in the walls of a large double house.
Up to within two or three weeks this
house was occupied by a very respect
able family The sights the members
of the family claim to have seen tlur
itie their rnalilimnu It. .1... i
calculated to make the Hsh of tho
most, inisiiperHiiiious person crawl
I hey say tho nightly revels commnco
at about the hour "when church yards
yawti and graves give up their dead,"
'.. w,ll,?h ll""r "''re emeiiates from
tho cellar liberies of unearthly groans
and walls, after which thern issileuco,
To owed by the i-oimds of ghostly foot
lulls slowly climbing the cellar sfaira
and passing along the hallway. Then
they proceed njmtaiw to the attic, ac
companied all the way by a clanking:
as of nuty chains dragged across tho
door In theattlc. Tim am, u, ,..,.
groans nre renewed with an occasional
uierume or demoniac laughter that
would freeze tlie blood of the bravest
man. This is followed by a sound of
nullled sobs and wails, and then tho
foot rails are heard again comingilowu,
ItasslllLf from rrumi tn vr......
reaching tho cellar, where the per-
ituiimuce eiius wini ti series ol halr
cudling sounds too horrible for descrip
tion. TIlettM 1 1 1 1 1 . nmnln .1 .. -k
- -- - ,...,ui.o .iu lUC limb
of thoglioshihlp did greatly disturb
H1 wiKiiie, uu tuey were becoming
accustomed to Uih nightly pergrlna
tlous when the ghostshlp allowed Its
curiosity to get tho better of Its judg
ment. The tenants objected when it
entered thn uhutnln.r .muvim...!.. ......
under the beds and, huinping itself,
ojiiucu uib uccnpiims upon tlie lloor,
and then disappearing, groauiug hor
rlblv amid a Hiifl'oimilrnr ut,n,u,, ),-,-. .,r
sulphurous fumes. It waa too much
mm inu lumiiy movetl out.
Weighs Throe Pounds.
Chester. July IK. Mrs. Fields, of
Irving Mills, lias followed tho ex
ample of Mrs. Flnley and given birth
to a very small baby. Its weight three
days afterbirth was only three pounds.
The mother is verv unnul . 1. .. u ..... 1 1
ofisprlng, which despite its diminutive
Bi'.e,iB,ueuuuy aim niriving. un idea
of Its dimensions nmy be gaiued when
It is stared if nrma tiro flic llnnl.n.wU
of au ordinury lead pencil. Mrs. Fields
uybh in a pretty country nottso at tho
foot of a hill, tho location being qulto
romautio, with a small creek running
lu tho rear of th house.
If the exhibition in Ferguson's theatro
building does not give satisfaction money
will bo refunded. 7-22-tf
Birthday Party.
Miss Nollio llaugh, of South W.ilto
t-lreo'., on Thursday evening oelebratetl hor
twenty-first anniversary by entertaining a
number of friends at hor residence. Aftoc
an elaborate feast tho guests enjoyed them
telvos by playing various games and ren
dering vocal aud instrumental selections,
and sucooeding iu passing a very pleasant
evening. Among tho guest waro : ilr.
and Mrs. V. K. Phillips, Misses Nollio
liaird, h. Alillorohap, T. Kaw, L. Jones.
M. Parish and L (Jaton; and Messrs. V.
J. Sii.cox, F. Auornley, G. itussell, K.
Davis aud D. Minnlok, of town, and C.
Meadows, O Aikman and O. Pauls, of
Corner Stone Laying.
Trinity ltofornied congregation, of
Pottsville, will worship t)-nlorrjw in tho
Knglieh Lutheran church. A number of
tho ltoforined pastors of tho county and
tho local clergy are oxpectad to be prosont
at tho laying of the corner stone at 3 p. ni.
Thu sermon in tho morning will be preached,
by Bev. J. P. Stain, and at night by Bev.
Prof. K L. Kemp.
Oh, What a Ooiurh.
Will you head the wa'-nlnuT Th ilsial nor.
.laps of t h nure approach of that more tor
rlble (tlteaso, Consumption. Ante yoiirnulverf
if you win ailord for the sake of Hiving SO
euu, in run uie rug ana no uoiouix ror it.
We know from exiMrleuoe thai Hhiloh'u our)
will Cure your Cough. It never falls. Thla
ttXpUtlos why in ore than 'a Million llotlles
were nold the ruwl rear. It relKven Uroun
and Whopplinc Coniti at onoe Motnen du
uoi o wunoiii ii. ror ijarno ttaoa, nine or
Chest, uwHblloh'a Porous Plaster. Hold by
U. it. Ilageubuch, N. K. corner Matu and
uioya airuow.
The exhibition In Forguson's theatre
building it for ladies and entUmen. boa
Thauma. 7-22-tf
Fruit Jars,
Jelly Tumblers,
1 qt, 2qt, 3qt'., 4 qt.
Brown Sugar, 4c.
Whole & Ground Spices
No. I22 North Jardin Streot.