1 AT THE CORNER STORE AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, All kinds of potted meats, fish, canned goods, oystere, lobstorti, crabH, RutHlun caviar, freah epleod oysters, llnest smoked hams, bo lognas und clunked beef, York state full cronm clieeseCiiiiuitliul, Swine, Edam, Samaio und Llmburgur. Fine HMortnifiit of cakes and bis cults. CI. and 11. pit Ides of nil kinds. 1'leklcs by the dozen. Yon will find just wlint you want, SBYEEIT'S, cms e DCTBal yv pnnstKiaix-A unuufs mixjimm sumjumiui Manama Tf T )m&aa BstsVm caLanJ nana trm nrLa Vans' aGV mhuim mXinaAt&aZiJto jm JLQX MAUANOY CITY, Pi. JU. JKU.J6U. mCIJU.Jll JU. JiifJ JUaidl Xil ai 13 i m u urm nr . htm. Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. ALL TH13 NKWS FOR ONI-i CKST. Has a larger circulation In Shenandoah limn uny other pnier puttllshed. Ulrcu. ration (iptti to nil. LOOAL LUNCHEON. Ueautlful nights. Camp meeting montli. Vegetables ate abundant. Hard to keep meat this weather. Vacation days are rapidly pasting away, Keep on umbrella near at hand these days. People pug dogs now with considerable suspiolon, Drowning accidents and lifrhtinK acci dents are frequent this sutnmor. You can be ure that tlia man who is put down as a religious fanatic was a fanatic before hu jfot to be religious. Girls whole sweethearts doto upon them may prepare for the vort. Time is a great anti-dote. Thoy Are Splondld. Wo mean those Cheviot suit you can rtat A. T. Jones' "Famous" Ulotbing B', re for $0.60. Nenrlngr Completion. Michael Uefron, the stone mason, has fltilshed tile part of the work of altering the foundations of the Union street school ImildinK and in a fow days Oontraotor John Conney will turn the building over to the School Hoard. Fine Orayon Work. William F. Schoeplo, reproienting The Dockweiler Crayon Company, has a large Panel Crayon on exhibition at Kirliti's dniK -tore and all orders fir crayons may be left at the abofe place. 7 i7-lw ITS BITE NOT FATAL. Kelly's Attractions. For neat, cheap nl stylish millinery ladles should not fail to visit Kelly's mil linery, on South Main ,-lroet. Tho slock is a lane and varied one and tho prices are suitable to the limes. A 1 irgo slock of in fants' christen! tij- robes and long and short coats mav also bo found there. It is also the agency for the tolf-snpporting octet, which is a boon to all ladioi. Joint Solloll Did Not 11 from (lie lille or it (11 In. A great deal lias been said and writ ten alxnit the Cihi monster, a Heard, the bile of which Is said to bo Instant death. There is a morbid demand for htories about members of the reptile i,;"dly which of course la responsible for the popularity pf thp Gila us nil ob ject of dlscuhaioii. The reptile has had a chance to prova the death of its .Hug a lid failed. John Sonell. New York, was " bitten by one several days ago nnd is still ullve, or was at lust acquaintance. Dr. T. SlOver Allen, of Now York, is en gaged with experiments with poisonous snakes nnd other reptiles, and for this purpose has a laboratory wheru Konoll takes care of tho snakes for him. The snake charmer brought to the labora tory What ho ciiUa a (Jila monster the ugly lizard. In transferring the lizard from the basket in which ho carried it to a box Soiioll lifted it by the tail, lie turned his eyes in another direction for a moment, and the liard, which is alxnit eighteen inches long, turned and fastened Its teeth in I be middle linger of his Vaft hand. Si uell was taken to Jfellovne Hospital ami put under tho care of Dr. Walter II. nsel. Dr. Uensel found the hand gwolb n to nearly twice its normal also, but cou id discover no evi; dence that the snake charmer was pois oned;Simcll, who hud previously faintod was ifi a borlous condition of shock. To ai-t respiration Dr. llensol adminis tered atropine hvpodermienlly, simul taneously injecting whisky and digi talis to counteract the effects of any Iohhlble poison thut he might have re ceived. Vivo minims of digitalis were administered at a dose and the doses were kept up for somo time. The swelling of his hand, which Dr. Rensel havs may have been caused by inflam mation or the bandage tliat ono of the other physician put. ahout his wrist. did not subside. The hand showed slight discoloration, and Sonoll seemed dazed. He answered questions vaguely nnd with dlttlculty, but soon fully re covered his seiihos. Coming Events. July UOlh. Foslival and Hnlertainniont; Kobblhs' opera houso, under the auiploes of Silver Wave Castle, A. 0. K. of AI. 0. Aug. 0, lee cream festival, under tho auspices of tho "i"s," in Kobbins' opera bouse. Aug. 18. Ice cream and peaqh festival, in Kobbins' opera houso, undorthetitupiees of Camp No. 18. P. 0. S. of A. PERSONAL. A uirl Tortured A fow days ago Lottie Vanco, a pret ville, Mo, blie nctrlected to tell her ty girl of 111, left her home at tlreon- paronta of her intentions and tho oitv was conseiuiently greatly alarmed at her sudden disappearance. Tho mys tery Was cleared up by tho St. lyonis pollco, who recently found tho girl a prisoner In a questionable rosort of that city. She had been looked up for several days by the matron of tho place who had sold hor into slavery. She was linally compelled to submit u tho most horrible outrages. Sho had been outioed from home by Lenu Ainaron, a woman in the employ of the house from which tho hapless girl was luiren. J6.000 offered for tho equal of Thauma. See her in tho exhibition in Ferguson' thoatro building. 7-ii2-tf Advertise in the IIbrald. WALL PAPER A Uahload juirr arrivmd at IsL BLLET'S Blanks Go Gilt Emboasoil 12 l-2c Window Slimlas, spring iollors..26o CurtnJn i'oloa, 25o eovi: TO 22 East Centra St., Shenanooah, CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. ARIZONA'S STAQE ROBBER. MissHer.ha GriffltlH left for "Wilke Ilirre yesterday to spend a few weeks with I Hands. School Diroctora N. J. Owons and A. J. Gallagher made a business trip to ill. Car- inel to-day. Mrs. Hugh liTOinis, of Wilkes-Barre, who spent tbo past month with her paroals here, left for homo la-l ovoaiog. Mrs. J. F. Finney, son and daughter, who huyo been vUiling friends in Phiiadel nbia the nast two weeks, returned homo last evening. "W. T. Graham, M. D 1st Assittant Sur- nmn nt the Miners' uospuai, rouiuaiu Bpring!', was the guest ol Dr. jr m. Ham ilton, in town, yeHerday and W-day. Tho Lost Greek Cones rt. Owinirto tho unfavorable weather tho open-air concert by tho Grant Cornet Band at Col. D. P. Urown's ro!Uenco, JjOji Creek, was not given. If tho weather per mits tho concert will bo givon this evening. oo following will bo the programme : VKoailAMME. Ar,v Mnr.t, lue. Mllllary uvortuve Woye jlles. AwahenlnR of Hpi.Dir l' ci. Alio sou) cy iir. 11. cunuityw. ltushlan nirlae Houg .Tlioinlpn. H mvculr to Cornwall r. .eiiz. isTitr.MisatoN. Grand chorus and roaroh .Wagner. From "Tauuliai'ser." SomellilriK Lovoly V. Llverraan Sclpciion liflin opera ".amp" .leroiu. unorui. irum ortra -uiiumu xj.j."s. Tld-blls, comic opera Medley .yMeye. ouiop uver bvich anu muuc ... UUUU lliyUl. NEW AND LARQE JIG HOUSE. Tlio illoxt Noted ISIbIiwiijiiihii Slnro llliirk Hart's 'Mute Noiv In I'rliaoii. Henry II. Miller, the noted Arizona stuge robbor, who Is said to be the mobt uespernte ii 1 g h-1 way in an since lllnck Hart's time, is now In Kan Quentln prison. While waiting on the rond to rob a stage about three years ago ho halt ed tho coach of Dr. Hurley, of Flor ence, robbed him of S52 nnd then compelled hint and jikshvii. miu.kii. Ills coachman to assist him in robbing tho stage by tying their hands, masking them and standing them In the brush by the roadside. Then a man named Saxe, who drove up, was robbed of S25 nnd compelled to join the doctor and his coachman. Tho stuge came along and was stopped. The driver saw tho supposed confederates of Mil ler, threw out his mall pouch and box nnd drove on. Millor released his "as sist unls" and sent thorn after the singe. The alarm was given at Florence and a posse soon arrested -Miller, who was sentenced to twnlva years in the Yuma prison. Ho said ho roturned the amount stolen from tho mall bag to a United States postal inspector on con dition that the ease againsthlm should be dismissed, and ho was pardoned last fcpring. lie was subsequently arrested and sentenced to ten years in Snn Quentln for robbing tho mails, but he escaped from the deputy sheriff on his way to prison and started across the desojt, drinking his own blood on tho way to quench his burning thirst. He was recaptured while ill. WANTS, Sco. YXTANTED.-A my nKel,t to g0 n .1 I. good article among women. Annly at the 1Ikuai.ii ollloe. GIRL WANTED. A good ox pcrleneert girl wanted for eencral house. w.irk, NootUer need apply. Call at IIkhamj nfllce East Cual street. 7-3-tf DESIRA1JLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One or the most desirable proper lies oa West Oalc street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at llowso's grocery store, cor ner Jardln and Oak street, bhcnaddodh, l'a LOST. On Jnrdln street, between Oak and L'entro, a Ave dollar gold piece Kinder will he suitably rewarded by returning same to Katie Ijeonaid,180S.JardluSl.7-21.1w 170R RENT Store nnd building 3 inw occupied by the Slienandnab ISakery Co. lor mamfacturlug au I retal' randy business. Two floors 0 'x20 foet. Apply J. J. l' rauey. 8.10 tf TITAN I'lIO Au active reliable man Vt salary nn to 6S8o monthly, with ln- creae, to rnprasent In his own sec.loa a re- ninsiuie new lorn 11 iune, ueierences. ANUFAOTUHER, LiOOZ. UOt NeW JOfK. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Estate ot L'iillk-1 llumbcl, deceased. Ije'tern or admlnlstmtfon im theesttenr Daniel llumbcl. late or Union town&hln. Kcliuylltlil county, l'a., deceased, have becu Bran cd to SVllbum II. llumbel, residing ai ltlUKlown. Pa., to whom all Persons Indebted In mid estnto are requested to make payment, md thOf;e lavlnn olftlins nr clemutirift will make known the name without delay. WILLIAM II IlUilflEL, IIorMPUIiIpped Her Trn.lucer. At Waterbury, Conn., tho other daj j'amos Flnnerty, one of tho witnesses In the Cump divorce case, was horse whipped by Mrs. Laura Peursall. Fln nerty nt the trial gave sensational tes timony about the actions of Edward Camp, the defendant In tho cuso, and Mrs. Poarsall. Sho said that sho would horsewhip him, and when she met him an the street she gave him a sound thrashing. CHARTER NOTICE. Notice Is hereby elven that no nurllcnllon will be made to the Governor i f renn-ylvunlft on thethlidday of Augut, 1801, by J. M. (Hick, 31 ones Mervlue. IJiirlstlau Ebtrle. Hlmon Hwoyer, Z ioU iry T. Trout and J. II If oclman. unuer iuc Act oi Assemoiy euiiiie i " n net to provide lor the Incorporation nud tcgula tlou of certain oornorallons anuroved April 29, 1871," and the supp'ements thereto, for the chnitcr of au Intended corporal lou to be culled "Fullon Water Company," the charac tcr and objoct of whlrh Is the supplying of waier lorine puuucaiiue uorouguoi uiraru vllw, In the county nf Sohuylxlll, and to nei odk. Dnrinersmns auj associ-iiiouH resiuin herein as may delre the same, and for th'se minw!.H8 to have, nossess and cnlov nil the rights, bencllts ana privileges of said Act of iYSbcmojy nnasuppn-jneuis mere. j. it. ruAiutLUY. oiicuor. QiBAnnvii.i.it, July 7, lb'Jl. 7 7-td Entltlbd to tho Best, Allure entillod to tho best' that their money will buy, so every family should havo, at once, a bottlo ' of the bost family remedy, Syrup of Figi, to cleanse tho sys tem when oostivo or bllfc-u?. For sale in COo and ?1 0J bottles by all leading drug gists. ' Tbo worst danger about ueglortlnga Cough or Cold Is Consumption, Wo cun assure our readers that no medicine equals I'-n-Tlun Co-mh nud Consumptluu Ciue. Try it. Trial bottles free at Klrlln's drug store. FOB S-A-IjS! Theunderslene-d. desiring to retire from bus- Inesn, will dispose of Ins stuck oi dry goodi, groceries &c, chfap. I'nrchnser can alto 'ont the store room at reasonable terms The stand Is a good ono and In the hands of a live mull can ue maue proniauie. Uest work d6no at- Bronnan'a stoam laundry. Everything white"and spotless. Laco curtains a specialty. Alljwork guar-tntoed. Arrangements for a Largo Plant at GUborton. Beddall Brotiit rs & Company havo con cluded arrangements for tho construction ofalaigojig lVJUfo at Gilberlon that will give employment to a large forco of men and boys. Tho plant will not only bent-fit tho ptoplo of Gilberlon, but will spread torJhenan donh and Frackvillo as well. The company lias had the undertaking undor consideration for a long time and to carry out tho arrangements now perfected will nccessitato tho ogpoiiduuro of several thnuands of dollar. The jig houso will bo an immense struo turo with all the modern Improvements and will havo a capacity of COO tons per day. Upwards of 200.000 foot of lumber will b uiod in the construction of tho plant. It will have an iron roof and everything in and about it will bo first class. Thero will bo flvo iigs, five screens, four large I oilers and throo onginoe. A large ioroe of masons and other work men have commenced work on tho founda tions of tho largo structure and another large force is busy making a gi ado for the siding from tho Philadelphia and Itoadiug railroad, which will havo tho tonnage What a Prominent Physician and Chemist says After AnalysiB and Praotloal Test. Dr. J. Lyter, tormrrly of IteVevae ITotpUal Meutcm Lwieye anu umg J nana vwieoe tpealvt as foUowt : Mew Yobk, October 26, 1890. Alvfls Brazilian speolflo Co., OWulUtrtet. Omit: The samp e of your Caolus Illood Cuie, which I bought fur analysis, l luve subleolsdto a very thorough tct, andean find not a single trace of mineral or mercurial preparation In It whatever; aud, as I have bad consyeruble eipurlcuoe In ltsconilltu Uonal ttiP-ot In certain dUentus already known lo you, I consider it tho safest aud best vegetable blood purliler in the maiket. Yours reapeotrully, , . i. J. LYSTKK, Pit U, M. 1). Bold at KlrllnH UrugHtoru.Kerguiiou Upute Moult, Hheuandoan. POLITICAL. pOU 13 II EU IFF, joscpn won i OS lOTT3VII.I,E. Subject to Democratic rulei, Oft CONSTITimQAlj CONVENTION Jnaiics J. Fraitcy. OK S1IKNANI10A1I. Subject to Democratic rules. M, S. SCHEIDER'S NU W B.ICEK;3ri! AND CONFECTIONERY, Soutli nialti St., Blieuaiidoall Thauma, late of Crystal Palace, London, and Kdon Museo, Now York, Is on exhi bition In Ferguson's theatro building. Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pigs OUAIl.VM 11P.EAD A Hl'KCIAXTY. " - A fine Hue of Confectionary. 1'lne lee Cream l'nrlors attached. Tho famous firm nf Of I'l.ISTS snd OPTICIAXS Of PIIII.ADHI.PIIIA Havo arranged to scud one of their ripiclaiuu ou the UVK TO SHENANDOAH, Saturday, August 1, 1891 lie will be at the lorgusoxi Houso, Irora 8 30 A. M. to ft 1. M. Those Whose eves nro OAimlntr dlnnnmrnrt should call upon our HpeolalUt, aud they will revuivDiubuifeui iiuu saiiuui aiumiion. UKEEJ & CO. om ihciinut at., NTow Is the time to oh inge yo ir uuda wo ir. Von o in getat Soailan's a sultolgjjd Stiiiiiucr Undcrwenr at 50c Utile bet'or lor 80o. Qool Mummer Ou'lug Shirts, 21o to JL Q j to 'oanU'i's und gel the new Century Brace tin iwt Mummer lira o in the market. At oanlan'syou can get a good SOn Hill for Sic. No more bother with bais that do not nt, as fcan lan Inn a uew tretchor fo? Shaping Rati ollt tho head. Ouly two dozen more aid neckwear left. Scaulauwlll st.ll you cheap lints and caps, latest styles aud colors. Cheap Ovemlls and White aiiirts. jo Sotitlt Main St. Or to Q. Al. Hor.T.OPETER. July 16ih,18!)l. Alt'y. Administrator. 7-17-0t Phe warm weather Is here, and hotise-oleauing Is the next thing In order. Ann ut such times most everybody needs something to brighten up the home, so if you need a giod carpet of either Veuet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brussels TWO OR THSIEE-PX.Y INGRAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS ! 10 if T. O. IAVIS, 100 NortH Jarrtin St. EATHER and SHOE FiHDIUGS F. T. CLEAEY, Dealer In all kinds oi - Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and flrst-olass slock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 T,V. CENTRE ST Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA G-XS.k.3N3"3D Ice Cream Festival Under the ausplcos of the I10BB1NS' Ol'EllAllOUSInEXiNDOAU, PJ. Wednesday, Aug. 5, '91. TICKETS. lOOBITTS Good for a plato Of cream, DABB, The Photographer Is located at No. 14 North White Street Having ban his gallery greatly Improved, be in uowueiier pirjuireu niuu uvur uj meei. tue wauiH oi ine puuue in lue puoto graphic Hue. The best photo graphs at lowest prices, Crayon Work a Spooialty. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store (Mas teller's old stand,) Corner Coal unci jnrdliilUlu. Mr. Bayder will always keep lu stock a fine IIUDUl UUUIS IU1U HUUCH, CtiHtoiu Worlc nud Ilenulrliig: done la the best st vie. He guarantees to sell i nave uig renin uj pay, ana guarauiees a genu illtulclphta-' lae bargalu on every purchase. vftgi lcS.f?l'l Attention, House Cleaners ! Gurta Y'ou can find a full assortment at PRICE'S. ' Nil , iiuttam roie S nil Turi'lci (I "Window Similes, Floor and TVible Oilcloths and Linoleums of all gtadea. Prices cannot bo beaten when quality is considered. No misrepresentation out) prico to all. 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Ve mean It In every sense of the word. Wo offer you good all-wool suits for less than their value. Our light goods musi' go, regardless of cost; so If you want to purchase a Men's All-wool Cheviot Stilt for S6.50 call on ua. Furnishing goods also to. be had at lower prices than you will Und ' them elsewhere. Wo make no boasts merely for advertisement, but tf what we advertise we will do. ' ' Cnlljand examine our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret It. T5. JOSESi THE "FAMOUS" ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, 1JL 2V Main Street, ShenandoaJi A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages aud Bonds written. juurriago licenses nnn legal claims promptly attended to. Heal Estate, Collection and Insurance igeccy. General Fire Insurance Business, Ilepreseuts lue jxonnweswrn i.ue insurance uo. Office Muldoon'i bulldlnir. corner Centre and West Bis., Bheuandoah, l'a. Good t'fcperiia ct All Kinds For Sale. 1. A two sto y double Ir.uno dwelling house, sloeand realaiiram. on Kant i,ntrn St. 2. A dwiLing aud rentauranl on Kast Centre bireev. 3. Desirable property on oruer Centro and juruiu Eireeia, sui.auie lor uusines pur-noses. I. A two story double (rame dwelling, ou West Lloyd strert. 5. Two2-story frame dwellluut. ou West Cen tre street. 8. Two 2 story dwellings ou the corner ol win iinu uuownui au eets niore room in one. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut street with a large warehouse at the rear. 8. Three two-siory double frumo buildings corner 01 ijioya anu uimeri streets. New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Pahted, Papered and Rcnovaled. " No. 115 EAST CUN Tit 13 8TR1JKT, Three doors above ICcndriok House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Haskey would lu'orm bis many friends aud the publlo thai he will cater to their wants In the same first-class stylo that he has done lu the past. None but the best brands of-for-eign and domestic wines, liquors aud ctearF will bo Kept In Stock. Cholco temptrauci drinks, line old slock ale A. Theeatlugbar Is supplied with every tnW In the eatlmt line seryed In tho best style Menla served at all hours. Fine private-ruoraV attached. -J"XJST OTjr'P- SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, HO Hast Centre Street, SlIllXdXliOAll. Oread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Confectionery OF ALI KIHPS. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ol Hals, Caps and Gents' furnishing Goods and makes a specialty or Nellie Bly and Mary.Andersou Caps, O BAST aBNTKH BU. Q. M. HAMILTON, M. IJ., PHYSICIAN AflO SUH0E0H. omce-ai West Lloyd Btreet, BUeaaudoah Ik "M .BBOADWAY" RANGE It beaut every thing In the market, and the price Is Just right to suit the times. It will pay you to come and see 1U I am prepared to do the following at the prloes quoted: Tin roofing....... 6o per foot aud up Tin rouf painting 140 " Tin oonductor via ' Tin hanging gutter .12c " " Galvanized chimney stack aoo per pound Hejailrs for all stoves a specialty. WM. H. PRATT, 73m 33 s. Jardln Sl Shensndtah The Clieapest Place ! to uur Gents FurnisMng Goads, Hosiery, Etc., 18 AT OHARLBS : YAROWSKY'S, 23 West Contra Ht., Bhenandoab,