The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 24, 1891, Image 1

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    ?ffiWmiliUIBBIIMiM '.. ' 'III 1 1 IIIH III! Hill '
VOL. YI.-KO. 147. SHEKAITOOAn. PA- FRIDAY. JULY 24. 1801. nvrB! mvT
I IV Z A 7Jp6(oan Elector of Pennsylvania:
V -tIr conjugation nnd forrenomfeiee tttft
tB t'e meroters oMe Republican State Committee,
mjf and by their direction, I hereby give notice that
r the llejmbitcans of Pennsylvania, by their duly
I jk cftcmn rereaentaltve, ivill meet in Stale Con-
ientm at Itarrisbusg, Wednesday, August 19,
1891, at lOo'elock A. J., for the purpose ofplac
ing in nomination candidates for the offices of
Slate Treisurer and Auditor General, for the
nomination of eighteen candidates for Delegates-at-Lurgc
to the Comtituttonal Convention pro
vided for in the Act of Assembly approvetl June
19, JS91, and for the transaction of suoh other
business as may be presented,
Xo'.ieets especially directed to Vie fact that, in
accordance with the provisions of the last men
. ttoneil act, each Senatorial district is entitled to
a representation of three delegates in said Con
stitutional Convention, tteo of whom only can be
snembrfs of the majority party in said district.
The electors of each district are therefore re
qudsled to make proper nominations for dele
gates to satd convention, the rules governing the
nomination of candidates for S'ale Senator to
be applicable.
In this connection the Chairman desires to call
the attention of Republican voters to the rcoom
snendatlon of the State Convention of 1882, that
"Ihey allow the greatest freedom in the general
participation in the primaries aonslstetU with
the preservation of the parly organisation."
TlMf. H. AXDREWS, Chairman.
Two IUobprly, Mi.., Youths Start Out
on a Iatrltl; Mltmlon.
J$ Dime novels seem to do their deadly
vork In the West us well as tho far
.Gust. The latest victims of the Indian
Jiilllng mania aro John and Willie
Parker, of Moberly, Mo. Thoy had
been ardent readers of Indian storios
and longed to bask in tho smilos of Sad
wah, tho heroine 6f tho Apaches, whoso
L ,-K wonderful strategy in ten seconds
Rjivod n.nnri ivi,u,. ma. -rnn. i.i
sonlpod. JThey accordingly purchased
a supply of bowio knives and horso
pistols and then proceeded on their
Westward journey. They swooped
down on the city of St. Louis last week
nnd proceeded to load up on tuuglo
foot a la "Denver 15111, tho meat ax of
the Canon." A St. Louis cop took tho
youngsters into custody. The latest
news rccoived from them is to the effect
that thoy had been thoroughly spanked
by their mamma, who took them home
to Moberly.
Miles' Norvj and Liver Pliitr -
Act on h new nrlnclnle reenlatlnz the
I liver, stomach and bowels thsowgh the nerves.
a newoiscovery. ur, nines' jriun apeeuny
cuie ulllousnesB, "ind taste, torpid liver, piles,
constipation. unequaled lor men, women,
children. Smallest, nillncst.surestl aldoses,
Zicts. Samples Free, at U. II. IlaKMibuch's
I dmi; store.
Unlike nil other Illusions the exhibition
Un Ferguson's theatre building will bear
Lth moit searchine scrutiny. 7-22-tf
John A
sj ' " "
lo illy solo agent.
CEJ3STTS per yd for tho
Bold In other stores for 85c. All floor
Oilcloths reduced. Uull for bargains
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin SI, near Centre
i Keiier is now receiving a netv
1 Brussels and Ingrains in
Just opened a large assortment of Choice iVcit Patterns,
in all-widths.
LINOLEUM 2 yards wide, from $1 vp.
- 'EUe Fittest TaUle Syrup we Itave ever ltacl for lite price.
Heavy Body,
LijrM Color,
Splendid Flavor,
fc, Binciij j-urv .iiiie riuiJ,
Not mixed
Also a Fair Sugar Syrup at 6 cts.
"ITortli-western Daisy !"
Is a high grade Patent Flour Made from choicest Mln
nesota Wheat. Makes
Guarantecd Equal in every
Hour in tha market,
$6.00 BEIl
It or sale only
Ho StruggloB With a Constable
and Throatons Him With Death,
Had Not "Worked for Two
Yoara Committed.
At n tato hour last night Constable Sel
ler! obsorved a man actlnir nanlnlnnilv
about tho rosidonco of Casper Hnrim Ills, nn
Strawberry alloy. Tho man disappeared
upon catching sight of tho Constable, who
hid near tho placo to awuit fu-ther dorol-
opmonts. A few minutes later tho man re
turned and ontorod tho house of Mrs. An-
nlo AlbmU, rosiding next door to IUt
nulus' house. Ho was discovered bv tlm
woman, who cried out forpollco protection.
Iho burglar ran out of tho house and, at
tho cornor of tho buildintr. nickod tin hl
thoes, ho having loft thorn thero so ho could
walk about barefooted. Coustablo Solhert
gave chaso and overtook tho man on Llovd
Street. Ho walked him Imok (. Ihn A I.
bustaiind Bornutus houses to soo if he
boarded at either of them, but nobody
could recognize tho man. Tho burglar
then became aggrossivo and when askod
why ho had oponod tho door and removed
window sashes of the two houses mentioned
ho replied, "Not you piznois you
. I smash you hoad for you, you
. You swear for mo I kill for yon."
A struggle followed, tho Cpnstablo finally
overpoworing the man and landing him bo
foro'Srmiro Walker. Thoro tho burglar
said his namo Was Miko Kockehock; that
he was a Huiicrarian 28 voars nf mm. hnH
wifo in Austria, Hungary, and that ho hud
not worked for two years, Ho was sent to
tho Potlsyillo jail in d- fruit of 1,030 bail.
Town Capitalists Aro Letting Op
portunities Slip.
Tho Hazletdn and Mauch Chunk papers'
aro now turning their attention to tho dis
cussion nt niathu!,. t,p uil.Iok.
independent of coal mining may bo estab
lished in tho anthracite Hold For Bovoral
yoars past tho Hkr ald has kopt tho subject
before the poople of this section and what
has boen laughed at byour poople is now
taking root in adjoining sections.
Why should the proposition to have
large factories in and around Shenandoah
bo scoffed at? Because wo liavo tho coal
bods hero Is no reason why the industrial
field should be rostrictrd to tho mining and
preparation of coal. Tho great manufac
turing industries of England aro located in
the very centre of tho coal fields. A
factory with an abundanco of coal at its
door has a good foothold upon which to
compoto with the factory that must pay
iho cost of hauling fuel soveral hundreds of
miles to its furnacos. Labor i3 plentiful
hero and tho railway facilities aro of tho
best. Why, then, should nnyono say that
tho coal fields aro not proper placos for
stock of Tapestry and Body
handsome new tall patterns.
-with Corit Syrup and Glucose.
more bread thonjordlnary
rcspect to any High-priced
factories and that tho indilstrlos cannot ho
made profitable outsido of tho cities.
Tha Don-progreeivo peoplo hold full
sway in this town for a numbor of yoars,
but the local government was gradually
traniformod by tho infnsion of now blood
until finally, on Decomhor 4ih, last, tho
Uorough Council took an advanced step by
passing a resolution that all new industries
employing a number of hands created or
startod in tho borough of Shenandoah be
exempted from payment of taxes for
borough purposes for n period of ton years.
This step should havo been followed by tho
organization oi a Board of Trado and a
liberal diitribution among capitalists and
mnnfacturers of circulars containing a copy
of therosolution pawed by Council, together
with a description of the town, its location
and its advantages. For some unknown
reason this was notdone.but it is not toolato
to do so now. Capitalists aro moro likely
to step into a town that shows enterprise
than they aro to Intorest themselves in a
p'aco that shows indifference.
Thero is an industry not far from Shon-
andoah that can bo brought into tho town
with little effort. It is located at prosont in
a placo whero botli fuel and labor is scarce.
If brought hero it will give employment to
a largo numbor of men and women and
boys and girls,
Mabanoy City has struck out ahead of
Shenandoah in tho establishment of n largo
browory. A prominent gontloman of town
says that tho browory will bo watched and
if it provos a paying investment one will
bo slartoi hero. This is oncouriming, but
not altogether satisfactory. Whilo our
people are holding oil to let others show
what pays they are losing tho advantaees
that fall lo the lot of those who reach the
field first. Shenandoah has hold back too
long ulready." Tho establishing of a
brewery here was agitated years Bgo, but
peoplo winked and smiled at the idea.
Now Mahanoy City has one and some of
our people aro siying, "Thoro must bo
money in it after all." Lot some of tho
moniod men of tho town bestir thomsolvos
and try to get to tho front.
Thautna, tho mystifying. Thauma. the
wondorful. Now on exhibition In TWn.
son's thoatro building. 7-2i-tf
A Town Traveler.
Editor Herald : Oiir nartv left Shj
nrlrtfth nn-th-3f lum.t. via tho Philadelphia
and Heading llailroad, ono of the best
equipped and best logulated lines in the
country. Lovers of naturo do not find the
two hours' which they are compelled tb
wait at Mahanoy I'lanoin tho least monoto
nous. Tho villago is f mall, but tho sur
rounding country at this season of the year
is boautiful. Miles of woodland with Its
soft, green foliage; bills with their rough
and ruggod edges, making a picture that
would entrance tho oyo of an artist. Our
train arrives and, within a fow minut03 we
aro again on our way, leaving far behind us
tho dusky diamond region, soon finding
ourselves surrounded by beautiful farms
What a beautiful picture 1 Fiolds of wav
ing corn and golden grain ripening that
the harvest3r3 may go forth and reap what
thoy had sown. And what a plossuro it U
to view this delightful sight from the com
fortable scats in tho luxuriously up
holstorod cas tho Philadelphia and Head
ing itailrond Company placos at tho dis
posal of tho traveling public. Shortly aflor
dinner hour wo arrive at Willlamsport
whero many of us chango to tho Fall
Brook Coal Company's Hallway to Corn
ing. 1 was agreeably surprised by the
trip on this lino. The coaches uro fitted up
for complete-comfort and convenience ot
tho pasionger and the crews of tho trains
are perfectly elegant. Thoy aro kind and
courteous to both old and young and ono
oxpononces an inexpressible sense of pleas-
iiCtt while under their caro. Arriving a.
Corning we loft tho Full Brook lino, re
gretting that it did not extend to our desti
nation. Wo aro now touring in Northern
New York and hope to be in Shenandoah
again before long. K. J.
Thauma is the wonder of the age. Don't
fail lo see her. - 7-22 if
Doing Well.
1. J. Clcary, tho young man whora
omtly omharked in the leather findings
ud shoemakers' supply biminois and
opened a store on Weit Centre street, has
'already built up a very gratifying trado.
Mr. Cleury dealt in tho best stock in his
line the market affords and hi prloes are us
low u those maintained in the cities. Give
him a call. An examination of bis ttovk
will he of benefit to those Interested in the
the goods he handles.
If the exhibition in Ferguson's theatre
building does not give satisfaction money
will he refunded. 7-22-tf
Oh, What a Oough.
Will you hoed the warning? The signal per
nans of 11 e HUie amirotich. of that more te
rliile dUeuse, Consumption. Ask yo imelveg
If you can a (lord for the fiuko nf auvliig 60
rruiv, 10 run ino iiiit huh uo uutuiuif lorn.
We know from experience that HhlloU'a Co
will Cure jour Cough. It never falls. This
explaiui why more limn a Million Dotting
WorosoJd the past year. It relieves Croup
and Whopplns Coiub. at once. Mother)) do
not be without it. for Lame llactt. Side or
Cht, usaBhtloh's l'orous i'laster. Bola by
0,11. llagenbuch, N. 13. corner Main and
Liioya sueew.
Tho exhibition in Ferguson's theatre
building is for ladies and nontlemon. Seo
Thauma. 7-22-tf
The Knoxvillo Minors Mako an
Agr'eoment for Sixty Days.
Rev. Sutherland, of Hazle
ton, Couvlotod.
Plymouth. July 31 While as vet
Iheru has beta no troublo with the
Plymouth collieries of tho Lehigh &
iVHKes-JHirre Coal Coinniiiiv lipvnml
the sfrlke of twenty men at Nottlun-
unm, as hi rend v renorted. tlmrn la
every reaeon to fear that gravo trouble
will shortly arise.
The men have two grievances, first.
LlltJ 1 III IIIJI LHLI11II fir I'Dlldll filifl 14 II.
garlan labor and, eocomlly, the
announced lutentiou of the compauy
to pay no atteutlou to the two weeks'
pay bill which goes into force to-day.
Itis certain that within ihn nnsttwn
U'ppkct lipturnan inn atwl .Inn tl..l...l
and Hungarians have been brought
hnrpfhrMilanrniinanir 'Pl.nn ...n..i.i
- , "J HCIO ttUUIll
seem tobeonly ouetxplantitlou of their
Tho company hnvln? deoided not to
comply with tho two weeks' pay bill
are prepared for any attempt on the
Dart Of the llllntra In nnnma tliavn I... n
RtriUfl. Tills lintiirnlU. n.i..,,
ii Ti -"""-"J "SSiiimi inn
dissatisfaction of the men. While no
organization worthy of the namo ox
IhIa tn.llnv nlruailu II, c..1,1...
....j, .......... . .i.i.u w r, iiiuLiura
of preparation for tho forming of one.
It has been decided tooull a niawmeet-
ing oi me miners and intiorors of Ply
mouth finmi' limn unci u-b .i l,,.,,
tho question will bo discussed, and
What action si mil linlnUnn will l,u
clded upon.
Parts, July lit. Horrible scenes
have been witnessed during the past
week on aud about the Place de la
Reciuette, where criminals are executed
lowest of the low have assembled thine
every evening and have passed the
uitrht waltlnc to witness the execution
of the murderess Ilerlunil and her
accomplice Dore.
On t-aturday morulug the execution,
was postponed on account of tho mar
riage of Kxeculioucr Doibler's son and
assistant to the daughter of a pro
vincial executioner. Since that time,
Sunday morning excepted, the voyous
and their consoits, as well as a number
of people of a httter class, havegath
eied each morning, eluglng, shouting,
llghtiug and using obscene and pro
fane language. This morning the
crowds were more riotous than usual,
and the police charged the crowds,
making many arrests.
The gargottes, cafes, nnd other pub
lic n sorts of the neighborhood have
throughout the week been dolug a
booming business, aud when the po
lice had clean d the streets they had
quite a tnh In clearing out the most
disorderly of these drinking places.
.Here, again, many arrests weio ma e,
and hideous diunkun men aud drink-
sodden women, yelling and lighting,
were escorted to the police stations.
A Convicted Olersjnuin.
Erie, July 24. The protracted and
highly sensational trial of Rev. H. 13.
Sutherlaud, the Huzlelon preacher,
resulted to-day in a verdict of guilty.
Sutherland, who had sent tho alleged
obscene circulars through the mail.
wns so certaiu of acquittal that he went
back to Hnzleton last night. Suther
land, as it whb shown, had pursued
his presiding elder, Rev. John Don
ahue, unrelentingly with a merciless
and heartless series of circulars signed
"Nemesis." He did uot spare the In
nocent family of his clerical enemy,
but attacked Mis. Donahue in the
mostheurliesa manner.
Will Hold off Sixty Days
Knoxville. Tonn.,Julv ii. To-uicht
brings tho state olliclitlaaud miners of
East Tennessee tweutt-four hours fur
ther along than yesterday, but the
public has no more definite now
about what is to be dono than hereto
fore. All day to-day the Special
Aimers' uonimmee uas nren in oon
stiltation with the men It lopresents.
Ijaie tins afternoon u decieion was ar
rived ut whereby the miners agreed to
submit to the return of the convicts to
the mines for sixty days, provided the
tioops were pot, sent wun the prison
Completed to Deaclwood.
The Burlington Route, 0., B. & Q. K. It.,
from Uhioago, Peoria and St. Louis, is now
completed, and daily passenger trains aro
running through Lincoln, Nab., and
Custer, S. I)., to Deadwood. Also to Kew
oastle, Wyoming. Sleeping oars to Dead-
wood. tf
Playing Cards.
You can obtain n pack of bett quality
playing cards by sending fifteen cents In
postage to P. 8. Euitls, Qen'l Pats. Agt.,
I!., 0. & Q. It. it. Chicago, 111. tf
Buy Keystone fluur. Be careful that the
namo Ljtusio & Co., Ashland, Pa.,
printed on every sack.
Items of Intorost From a Regu
lar Correspondent.
-SlBn T.-Ml- 1-.. . . .
fiim I'tiusr, oi AgllllltHI, was
me guest oi jj r. and iMrs. Jacob Hies
lerover Siindav.
M. J. Wright, one of our gay young
" j inuu, ib iiouio irnin a live
nech s vacation at William. rt.
Heading railroad employes will re
ceive their Jtiuu pay on Monday, July
, Rev. Otho Rraut, D. D., spent Tues
(1BV at tho Gordon nnnm moulln.r
where ho delivered a very Interesting
ir tuo uuuuren's nieeltug.
American Ho e Co.. No. i!. will linbl
a monitor pieulo at Ililhoad park, foot
of 1' rackvllle road, ou Satin day, Auir
usl 1st. No eflorta are lielnir iun.ii t..
make It the biggest ever held In these
iiio annual picnic of Malianov
initio Al. i,. Sunday scIkmiI will be
item in jjaKwnie (is, M . Junction), on
"usi i'.ii. ii gees wiiuout saying
iinv incj win jiiuku a preai iaj' ol It.
It Ii expected tliat tlie Sunday school
of brnoKviUeand Oilberton will take
nan. Aiiaie invited to come aud en
joy a day In (he woods.
The Sunday school of St. Mary's
Roman Catholic church will give a
lawn party on (ho lawn back rf the
church on August loth. Everything
possible la oeing done to make it one
of (lie most enjoyable allUirs of the
sen soo.
The P. &R. Co. are bulldlug two
new side tracks on the Gerber siding
which exiend from tho depot to the
cignal tower. An addition has been
built to tho stone bridge to widen it
siilllciently to take the now tracks
When completed (hese tracks will be
used for Btoring the laid-over cars
which aro at present left standing on
the town (racks iu the centre of Alain
street, whoie they are u nuisance, as
theycompil people to (ake quite a
walk aroiiml to cross the street.
Atiispe. ial meetiug of the School
hoard on Wed oceday eveniog all of
the teacheis wete ie-appnluted aud
two vacancies, Grammar school nud
Primary school at Gilbeiton, were
.u' tlle "PPoiutmenU of Joe
O'Jioyle aud Miss Lillie Evans, ro
fpectlvely. MIs3 Julia Parrel, Prl
niaryBchool teacher at Gilbevton, ws
trausferied (o (he Primary school in
West Eud. made vacant by tho lellre
niont of NU Eeruley.
On Sunday, July !20lh, there
win be special servict In tin.
iJ;.?JiIirch at 9:50 ni. An eXDeri-
the regular church services, o nducted
y ttie Jtov. 1'jphraim Potts, of Win.
Pcnn. who will nreuch the sermon, at
the close of which the sacrament will
be administered. In (ho eveulne:at7
o'clock tho pastor, Rev. Otho Draui.,
1). JJ., will de'iver one of Ills excellent
sermons. A cordial Invitation is ex
tended to all.
Kentucky Is famous for whiskey and
snako stories not (hat thero is any af
finity between (hem, although a drink
of Dluo Grass bourbon Is said lo havo
a sdmulating elleet on the drlnkei's
visual powers. The followlug story,
told by a delegate (o tho l.aptlst As
sociation which met in Kentucky last
fall, (o a reporter for .(he Crawford
(Ga.) Herald, Is given as the best
snake yam extant, and one can almost
seo the bouquet of the bourbon in it:
ne ana ms unoio were siuinir uv a
cnek-side, in the State of Kentuuky,
fishing, and weie surprised by seeing
a black suuke out of a thicket.
and running to a weed standing nwu
tiieni, bite a leaf from It and quickly
return. This he did soveral time,
wheu. their cuiioslly belnir excited.
they followed hhn to tee what he
meant by such Btrauge conduct, and
found him eugaged In a fearful light
with a moccasin several times his own
size. As often as his autagonlsi suc
ceeded In biting him he run to (he weed
lor ins antidote anu was ut mm again.
At length the uncle pulled up aud
removed the weed to see what the
snake would do. Ileeoou came again,
and, fludlug his remedy gone, he
looked eagorfy from side to side a per
fect picture of despair, and fell stono
dead on the spot. Tho moccasin, al
ready badly disabled, they dispatched.
On the banks of tho Cedar River,
about one mile northwest of Gladwin,
says the Detroit iVeu, a farmer keeps
quite a number of hogs aud pigs,
which run lu (he Held at (heir pleasure.
A short time ngo he begun to mine
some of hU young hogs. Night ulter
niunt some or tnem would onme up
mhfilug. Ho searched the neighbor
hood, but to no avail.
Then he shut them tip in a tight
pen. butstlll tliedeprfdatioiiH went on,
until at last ho pu, ii guard to watch
for the thief.
Night wore nway nud no one mo
lested the Dies. It was hint at thu
break of day, aud as tho watchman
was about to seek rpce, he heard a
commotion among the lions, and on
approaching near to get a sight of the
uurgiar ne saw a monster snake crawl
inn awav from the lien with i n)int
With a stout lrunwood hand spike he
Hiiieuine snake, anil wiien measured
it wb found to bo nineteen feet seven
Inches long. The snake will bostulled
and present ed to the Dt troll Exposition
An Agocl Polish Woman Struolc
in Town and Amputation Fol
lows Death Will Very
Likely Tako Placo.
William Sheokler, employed as extra
llreman on the Lehigh Vnlley rilroad,wa,
msl-ntly killed at Delano this morning
.heckler had turned a switch fnr hi. Mi
andstepiied from one train to another with-
uit noticing the apuroaoh of a ol.on n,i
engine. He was knooked down and
crushed beneath tho wheels of the engine.
nen his body was picked up it was a
horribly mutilated nnd unrecoffni.,!.!,.
mass. The deoeased was a widower thiriv
years of age.
Lsdios should visit Thaunm ,! .
what a wonderful being she is. 7-22 .f
The Viotlm's Life Probably Lost for
n Ohicken.
'Irs. Pauline Kiiirinslnm. .n .i
Polih woman residing in RobbW r
opposite the end of Coal street, to-day met
.m mi miciuent wnile trying to save tho
life of a ohicken that may cot her hor life.
Tho chicken was on the Lehigh Valloy
railroad as the 7:i0 a. m. east-bound p'lssen
ger train was leaving the Lohigh Valloy
depot. Tho wonun ran udoo thn trnt in,
drive the ohicken off and as she did so Ihn
west-bound passenger train due here at 7:
rounded the ourve at Knerick strest. The
woman then tried to reach 11 lilnr'H nf uF..l
hy recrowing tho west-bound track and
struck. Tho train WttJI not rnnninn f.m t
the time nnd it simply throw tha oom.n
one side, bat ai she struck the ground she
roueu over and her left foot fell over one of
tho rails, the wheels of the first oar passing
over it.
Drs. J. S. Klsller and O. M.'Amilton
crushed below the ankio and tho scalp was
gashod in two or throe places. The scalp
injuries were not of a serious charScror.
Tho doctors decided, after a consultation,
that Iho only chanco to save tho woman's
llfo ro-ted in tho immediate amputation
ot tho foot and tho oporatlon was per
formed, but thu advanced ago of womaD,
coupled with tho shock occasioned by the
accidont and operation will, in all prob
ability, result in death.
At It o'clock this morning Drs, Hamil
ton and lvistler completed the amputation
of the foot and at last accounts the victim
was doing us well hi could be expected.
Tho woman Is 07 years of ago. Sho ar
rived from Poland only three months ngo
and lived in Bobbins' row with her hus
band and son.
Don't fail to visit the musoum in Fergu
son's thoatro building. 7-22-tf
Reokless Poople.
It is surprising how. somo women are
carried away by curiosity. Whero tha
most danger hovers there thoy seem to
flock in rfckless haste, neglectful of tho
safety of themselves or thoso guided by
them, This morning no lees than half a
dozen accidents wero barely averted alter
tho aged Polish woman was run over at
the Einerick street crossing, Women and
children flocked in droves over the tracks
to ltobhins' row, whero the victim waa
being cared for, and Oateman lfawloy and
tho crews engaged in switching freight and
oilier ca'S on that part of tho roud wero
kept busy warning them against crossing in
front of engines and oars. There is no
moro dangerous section of the Lehigh
Valloy railroad than that between Kmorick
and Bowers streets, and people should
exercise the greatest caution when crossing
the rails of that seotion.
A Kind Friend.
fH WlMt ther oall Ihnt Kumnui ItaniMlv. lit A
flag Oil, ft ijulokly oares ftlieumutism,
NeuraUU, Cuts, HrnlsM, Hunts, Korea and all
mmiu. uhhnm tur lusnuruwH, so -mil.
At Klrlln's drugstore.
S-e Thauma. She's a wondeO 7-22-t
Fruit Jars,
Jelly Tumblers,
1 (ft, 2(jt, 3 qt, 4 qt
Brown Sugar, 4c.
Whole & Ground Spices
No. i22 North Jardin Street