Evening Herald. rUIHilBHM) DAILY, SUNDAY BXCBPTM) JT. 0. ItOYUll, TMttor ami I'ubUihrr. ii'jr. .r. wATicnfs, Lomi Mitof. ALU THE NEWS FOR ONE CENT TlieKVXNTXa HKllALDhma larger eutatian 4n Shenandoah than am other paper publUhed, Jtookt epffl to all. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY, per yer Wekklv, per year,. ..v v ... 1 So Entered t the Potofflo, at Bhouanrtoab, Pa. for transmission through the malls an mnml olfts mull ninlUr. LAKBSIDB DA'l'BS. FltrureB DornonBtrato tho Popu tho larity of tho Heeort. " SI. St. Nicholas Sundny-Mbool. " 27. reinneriiiice Hand, Slionan doah. July 28.-Tlie Washington Hook & Lad' dor Company, "f Mahanoy (JIty, July 29 Trinity lUformod. Sunday echool. of Shenandoah July 80. Young Men's Uepubllcun Club of Slahanoy City. July 81. l'resbyteiiim Sunday school of Mahanoy City Aug. 8. Ungllsh llaptit Sunday school of Shenandoah Auk. 4. M. E. Sunday echool of Mali anov l'lane. Auc. 6 M. K. Sunday school, Ashland Aor. 0. Kvanselical Sunday school of Mahanny City. Aug. 7. "SVolih Congrpgational, ilnluv noy City. Auir. 8. JI. U. Sunday school, Gilbor ton. Auk. 10. M. E. Sunday school, Glrard villn. and Union Sunday school. Lost Creok. Aug. 11. Welsh Baptist, Congrega tional and Methodist, Shonandoah. Auk. la. Lutheran missionary festival " 13. Episcopal Sunday school ol Mahauoy City. Aug. 14. M. E. Sunday school of Ash land. Aug. 15. Eisteddfod. " 17. Lutheran Sunday school, Ui rardville. Aug. 18. English Ilaptist Sunday school, Mahanoy City. Aug. 19. M. E. Sunday echool of Shen andoah. Aug. 20. Trinity lteforinod Sunday echool of Mahanoy City. Aug. 22 1'. M. Sunday school, of 011- borton. Aug. 21. P. M. Sunday school of Shen andoah. Aug. 25. English Luthoran, Mahanoy City. A Ouro for Constipation and Headache. Dr. Silas Lane! whilo in tho Kocky Mountains, discovorod a root that whn combined with other horbs, makes an oasj and cortaiu euro for constipation. It ia in tho form of dry roots and leaves, and Is known as Lano's! Family Modicine. It will euro sick hoadacho. Tor tho blood, livor and kidnoys, and for clearing up tho comploxion. it doas wonders. Druggists coll it at 50 con la a package Tho griping greon applo is now twisting up the small boy. Ask Your Friends About It. Tour distrossing cough can bo curod. "Wo know it becoUBO Kemp's Balsam within tho past few yoars has cured so manv couehs and colds in this community, Its romarltablo salo has been won ontlrely by its gonuino merit. Ask somo friend who has usod It what ho thinks of Kemp's Balsam. Thero is no modicino so pure. none so effective. Lurgo bottles 60c and $1 at all druggists'. Not a grumble camo from tho farmers nbout tho rains. To Norvous, Dobllltatod Mon, If you send us your address, wo will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explain ing all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-, Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and thoir charmine eQects unon tho norvous de bilitated system, and how they will quickly rostore you to vigor, nnd manhood, i'amph- let iroo. it you are tnus aimcteu, wo win lend you a iioit ana Appliances on a trial, Voltaio Bklt Pp.. Marshall. Mich. Baby carriages ara numorous upon tho streets. Shlloli'H OonBuxnptlon Curo. This 1" beyond question the most snc ccsslul CoiiEli Medicine woliaveeversold. n tow dotes invariably curo the woist case ol r?rttifrh. Ilnuin. flml llrnlii-lilllfi. while It A vnn. dernil succeis In the cure of Consumption is without a parallel In the history of mi-dlclne. Hlnce It's nrst discovery Jtbns been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other meaiciuo can stand. li you have a Couch we earnestly MK JUl, IU II, X IIW lui.uir. w Winn, hum HI. t(l. If your 1. tings are tore. Chest or Back l rice ju rem, ou ccauh, huu lame, use f liuoti'a j-orous nasier. uoia uy V. 11. Ilagenbuch, N, K. corner Main and Lloyd streets, Tho littlo folks enjoy tho Sunday sohool picnic. The Secret of Success. O. II. IlHsenbuch, the drugglt,bolleveii that the seeret of success la perwi ernnoe. Theie tore he peraisu In keeping th lliKSt line of perluinerles, toilet arflclea. own ttos, druaa and ebemloalH on the u.arket. lie espcela ly invite all petsons who have pfriplUitlou, short breath, wek or hungry tpeilit.palu In fide or sliouldcr, oppretston, nightmare, diy reugh, sniotherliig, dropny or ncait disease to try Dr. Miles untuualrd New lli art Cu', beloie It Is too late, ft lma the largest wile ol any similar rietly. Fine Imote orteatiino nluls free. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine la nnsurpiiasc-d for BieepleaeneM, headache, llta, etc., and it contain no opiates. You can't get the best of a dry goods .clerk in his line of lusinoss. A Husband's Mistake. Husbands looolleu penult wto, ind par ent their children, to Miner from headache, Alzslueag, neuralgia, 1 ph !, Ut. ner vousness, when by the use of I)r. Mil Itesloratlvo Nervine such n-rlons rexulta could easily be preented Druggist eviry whore i-ay it given universal tutlht ci Ion, and has at Immense sale. Woodvtoilh Co., ol Fort Wayne. Ind. : hnow & Co., c f Ryrariuie, N. Y.i J. tt Woir. Hillsdale. Mlcli.t and linn. dredsot others say "H is the gieaitstseller they ever knew.1' It contains no oiHtis. Trial bottles and line book ou Nervous .Diseases, ireo at C. II, upgonuueh s, AS TO SUNDAY GA5IES. SOME SOUND PHILOSOPHY ON THE SUBJECT. t linn n Hint I'liiuncliil IIHect oil tlio IIiiIiiiki J'oiii'l" Mill Attend to ttio lUclilMon or All Otlior 1)11)14 In nil tlio talk pro nnd oon on the subject of Sunday amusements no one on cither star tins as yet inmoiou wiine fact tlml they no pay and nence n la foolish to have thorn from a monetary point of view. Hiinilay base ball uau rntni-il the irnme financially all over the country) miy man of Wihe wlll'sce 11 if lie stops to thlnlc a lnoiflens. tsvery Sunday draws largely It ia true, llut It In alwnts nt the expense of the other days o tlie week. If people can go mint uv rncv won t fro any oiner wine and we are such orpatttrea of habit that if the public arc taufrht that there is uvtn uttin.flrtti nn HmirltiV thev won't go any other time, WhWeau if thev irct in the halit of (toing week davs thev will sro heveral limes In the week. Where the Sunday trame Is the Me event, ti collide of rainy Sun days bankrupts the treasury for it era phatlcally taifes ,turee weeics- receipts out of the fund, this is true an oyer the country. It holds for.. In parks, In theaters nnd in all plnoes of amuse ment. It Is true tc)0 In the newspaper work. Sinee the newspapers began to use sneh tremendous edi tions thev havo driven their ad vertisers larirelv Into them to tho exclusion of tho other days. Tho Now York and Chieniro papers say openly that they do not begin to make tho money now that they did before they began to develop this poiioy. this is not a question of morality or religion or nnvthlnir but irood, bound commou sense. The fact of it is Suudny bust noss doesn't pay; there is nothing in it. All that is put up into .Sunday Is otherwise sprond over tho other days of the week. Any ono who will take tho facts and gather the statistics and look into tho matter will he Impressed b- it tho more and more that he studies It. Just In proportion as tho Sunduy business is boomed the other six suffer. It isn't a moral reason at ull that induced Moses to establish ono day of rest. Like most of the old phil osophers he noted from sound monetary and hygienic motives. We wonder that those who preach on this subject have never stopped to gather tho material facts, but like most preachers, they start from the hypothesis that -wrongdoing Is always pleasant nnd proflt nblo.whcn the fact is that it is neither, but quite tho reverse. THE SPALDING CUP. tt Wan Iteccntly l'rexrutcd to Cliumploiik ol' liiiKlultil. the Three weeks ago the mayor of Pres ton (Alderman Galloway, .1. P.) pre sented tho Amateur lfaso Kail Cham pionship Cup of England to the lirst winners, tho Preston Amateurs, at tho Shelly Anns. This is the flrst trophy ever won by n ball team in England. A. G. Spalding, of Chicago, gave the English clubs tho cup for competition. Spalding twice had a team over in Eng land to introdugo base ball, but it was not until last summer that a proper" start was made, and now thero are somo seventy-eight clubs in England, amateur and professional, in fairly satisfactory progress for fif teen months. In Scotland, too, thero has been good work done, for thero they had somo seventeen clubs to com pote for tho Scottish Championship Cup, Then, airalu, In the Cleveland1 district thero Is nn association with at least ten or a dozen clubs, and a cup of their own to compete for. The profes sional league, which was organized last summer and consisted of four clubs, is going to bo run again. Tho game Is being pushed all round tho world, in Australia they nave some thing Hlce ninety clubs, and tho gamo Is progressing thero without tho slight est interference with cricket. Huso ll.ill. The University of Virginia team de feated tho Pastimes of llaltlmorc, Juno 10, at Charlottobvillo, Va., by a s,eoro of 9 to 0. It required twelve Innings to decide the contest between the Salem and Lowlston toaras, played Juno 10, nt Salem, Mass., when the former won by n sooro ol l to .). The college contest between Colby and llowdoin played June 10, at Water vllle. Me., required eleven Innings be fore a result was reached, Colby win ning by a scorn of J 'J to 11. The Chicago Club, of tho National Loaguo, has bought a nleceof ground at the corner of Polk and Wood streets, whioh Is to be the permanent home of tho club when its leases on the West and South Side grounds expire. The Uoitton uiul Athletic clubs, of tho American Association, played June 2J nt Hocky Point ami tfimes will bo played tin-1-.- c-vi i-y Sunday whilo the llostons arc at lioim- The St. Louis llrowns will plaj ti amines with tho liohtons there during July. A singular feature in the content be twei n the Cniversity of Pennsylvania ana Ui-owus university tcnns June 11, at Providence, was tlit.t tlio forraei mado only two hits and scored one run. while tho Hruwns made four safo hits STRATH ME ATH. Sketch or the Winner or the Aineil- ciiii Derby Strnthmnuth. winner of the Chicago derby, wns raised on tho Orathtno sttid races, lie opened witn a lourin in ma Jersey Central Stake at Lliwibetft which Eclipse won. At the Now YOrK meeting Stratlnneath was second to Dr. Jlnsbronuk In the Jnrciimont sinues. lie won the Hprlnfl stukos at Coney Island, lientlng fc'nlry, Anibuhince, and La Tosea in l:i'J-. for th short and straight three-quarters. BTRATHMRATII. Strathmeath was second to Russell In the Double Event at Coney Island, lie won the Tyro Stakes at Monmouth, beating Bolero, Ilus8ell,and Ambulance in 1:15 lor the six nmongs. Then the colt won tho Junior Cham ninn stakes nt Monmouth l'ltrk. boat ing eighteen. Including Potomac, Sallie Jlct'lollnnd, lfussell, lloy tioi iteyes, KUdeen. and Sorcerer. Ho was third to Potomac and tho Masher In the Fu turity, but won the lVirtridgo Stakes, three-quarters on the grabs, beating Lord Jlarrv. Ilussell, and Eclipse, In 1:15 3-5. Then he ran second to I'oto mac in tho Flntbnsh, and closed tho season bv vt innintf the Algeria stakes at llrookland, thrco-quarters, in 1:17, nnd boating Cleopatra, ltussoll, and Uray lioclt. lie ftoile Mratlinicuth. Georire Covington, who rode Strath meath to victory in the American Derby raco at Lincago.wns uorn at aietropons, 111., Aug. 12, twenty years ago. Three- scoro days bof ore no renchos his major ity nnd yot he has been racing for oleven years. Cov ington was first started In riding at Gay lord, Kan., and rode his first stake race at Dallas, Tex- ub, eight years ago. lie was engaged at OKOnGr, covinqton. a congressman b Hnlary to rido for tho Greon Morris Btablos at tho commencement of the prosont racing season. In build ho Is short and well unit, weighing in at from 108 to 110 pounds. Although ho- waB up on several winning mounts nt WoRtcheater just prior totuo American Derby, he has not yet recov ered from the accident he met with in the Brooklyn Handicap. He has a rep utation of riding to win at all hazards, nnd has a record In good accord with his reputation. Ullllnrdft mid fool. Alfred Do Oro sailed for his homo In Cuba June 10. William Clearwater has returned to his Ohio homo. Charles Manning Is domiciled In Washington, D.' C. Samuel Thompson, a veteran room keeper of New Haven, Conn., died on June 2. The Ives-Curtcr match, which was made during the recent visit of Schae- fer, Ives, Carter, and Cutton to Milwau kee, has been declared oil. A grand tournament at eight ball, pyramid pool, for money prues and a championship emblem, entrance fee S100 each, will be hold in Chicago in October or Novombor next. Albert G. Ppwors Is now in Denver, Col. Previous to leaving Chicago ho withdrew his challenge to Do Oro and the forfeit money ho had deposited with the II. 11. 0. Co. What the Druggists say of HeiskelPsOintment: When w o tire asked to recommend ft prepara tion for tkin tlhKv.u)ti, wo liaml out JIkiskkli8 OINTMENT.WUU HMTV COlllldUm't Of Ha &UCCCS ful treatment of tlio iUmciisc." J. C. llemcjc, 3 Main Pt., Eutler, ra. I have been Bellini? JIeiskf.ll's Ointmknt for eleven years. 1 1 kIvcb universal satisfaction It will cure Tgtteu. 1 G, V. Hack end Enema, Balnbrldge, r M We have evidence of the curative properties of Heiskkll's ointment here. It 11 a gootf rtllable ointment." IXeuino & K8LER, Tarentum, Fa. Mln all Bktn diseases I Invariably recommed HtibKKLL'H Ointment." J. J. Keil, fiharpsbarg, To. "TTeiskicll'r Ointment cures when all tls falls," McClellan it Heeu, Freeport, To. 'Hfiskell's Ointment se!ls on Its own merit ' H. ii. Hilton. Klttuunlu.', Tu. la and will over bo tho best Boinody for n, Tflnon!i!a. "naokaollO. " -Dni.,a in thn sirtn. oheat ancll Jolnte, Nouralgla, Sprains, &o Before you awd to tay, orasla mvcRce riF CHARGE! tuo yalosWe book. "Quids to ' Hpalth." wWlJ i eidorioments of proiumeat pbyslclasE. M F.AD.RICHTER'&COi 310 Broadway, HEW YORK. 28 Prlza Medals Awardod! European Houseai ItndolEUdtonoon, Vieina, I'ragne, Bottetdjufl, OHea, Mnremberi;, Konsteia, LsipslQ. 50 Oents a bottle, For Salo byE x. i. r. icutr.TTV. 0. H. II AClI;r WTJClI,i SHENANDOAH. PA LAKESIDE! Tho finest 'in tho interior of tho State. Only available healthancl pleasure grounds it i 1 1 , Anmracite in mo Anmracite region. The natural nttrsctloua and magnifi cent scenery of (ho place .are un equalled, and a day of recrea tion nnd pleasure may bo spent in it to advantage. There Is good fishing nnd bathing In the twin lakes su r rou n d i n g tl i e grou n d s. Boat houses will bobuilton the lakesldo and rcgattnswlll bo frequent this season For Sunday Schools, Lodges, &c, The grounds nie most euUnble for ple-nlcs Information, call O. A. KEIM, Leliigli Valley Railroad. AEllAHGBMENT Of PABSKKOrit TBAINB. MAY 10, 1891. . Pas scdki' tralnR will leave Shenandoah ft i Mauch I'minR. Ltmeuiou. FiaiiBEton, Cats- sauqua, Allenlown. Hetblt htm, Huston HrtelrhtK and 3Sew York at B.17, 7.40, 9.08 FW1 a.m. 0.il, 0.U 1. Ul, For Belvldero, Dflr.ware Wstei Gap ai d stroudkburg at 5.17, a. m., ana 5.26 p. m. ror I.smbcrtvllle at:d Tientoi., V.VS a, n Kor AVblte Haven, W llkts-Barre and ritu ton 6.47, 9.C8, 10.41 a m.. 8.10 anil 5.E6 p. m. ForTnnkbannock, 10,11 a. m 3.10 and 5.2t t. . m. For Auburn, Itbnca, Geneva and and Lyor.t 10.-11 a. m., and 6.26 p. m. For 1-acfJ vine, iowanaa. rayre, wavt-rij-Kiniini. llc-.rhcster. Duflnlo. Maearn Falls Chicago and all joints Witt at 10.41a. m.,atd 6.J6 p. tn. For J- Imira and the West lay alamanca nt 3.10p.m. , , . T ror iiucirnrieo, iiazit iuu, oil-vhiuii, uutu ber Vprd, Wtathtrly and Fcnn Haven Juno Hon at 5.4, 7.40, 9.08 a. m. and 12.62, 8.10 and 5.26 p.m. For Jeancsville, Leviston and Beavei Meadow, 7.40, 9,08 a. ro. and 6,20 p. ro, ForHerantonat5.47 t)!K, 10.41a. ra. 3.10 and 6;26p. tn. For Haile Brook. Jeddo, Urlflon and Free land at 5.47, 7.40, 9.0f, 10.11 n. m 12.62 8.10 and 5.2G p. m. Fortiuakake at 6.47 and 9.03 a. m., aid S'For Wi'gcans, Gllberton and Frackvllle si 6.60 acd D.08 a m., and 4.10 p. m. For Yalesville, HauaDoy City ar,d Heiano 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10,68 a. m.,12.62,3.10,5.28, 8,03, 9.2' aid 10.27 p.m. For Lost Creek, 31rardville and Ashland 4.27, 7.46. S.62, 10.15 a. ro., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 0.35 8.10 and 9.14 p. m. For IlarRwater, Bt. Clair and Pottsvllle. 7.40, IMS, 10.68 a. m., 12.52,8.10, 4.10, 6.16 and 8.0; '''For Bock Mountain', New Boston and Mores, 7.40, 9.08, 10.6S a. m., 12.52, 8.10, 6.M and -8" For Saven Hnn, CentralIa,Mt. Carmel and Bhamokln, 8.52, and 10.15 a. m., l.tv, i.Ji Trains leave Bhamokln for Bhenaudoab, 7.55 11.55 a. m.. 2.10, i.su ana .u p. m., arnvins atShenanaoab,9.05 a.m., 8.10, 5.28 and 11.15 P PI. l.II.l II . V t'l J . TTQ For Lost Creek. Girardvllle and Ashland, a y). H.in 11.R5 n. m.. 2.45 1). m. For Darkwater. St. Clair and Fottsvlllf, 5.50, 8.00,90 a.m., 2.45 p.m. r Or I HiehVUie, itiuiuiuuy Ulty uuu uuaiiU) 8.IX), ll.Bo a. m., i.iu, i.iu, o.ua p.m. POT IjOliy, Auutruutu buu ubiwimu, o.u in., 1.40 p. m: For Mauch Chunk. Lehighton, Slatlngton. Catasauqna, Allentown, Bethlehem, Mstoi and New York, 8.00n. in., 1.40 p. m: For l"nilaaeipuia, i.iu p. m. K. B. BYINGTON, Gen'l Paf s, Agt., Bethlehem. Uit nt Oldest EBllalle Ptrtlj Ciii Cinjnln Represented by OAVlOFAUST; 120 B, Jardln Street .SHENANDOAH, PA WATER OF LIFE. A newly discovered MINKRAL WATER, the use or which will sunnlv important ele ments nece tsary to health, It will cure the Kidneys, Liver, Btomar h, and all Bowel and maimer aiseases. n win Dissolve cuicnu anu rtmovethem. Itrfmoves the uric acid from the blood and thus destroys Malaria and Chills. Jt cures Bright's disease, nnd Is es. peclally recommended for people advanced In life, anil for ceneral debllitv. For undoubted proofs or this tend for paruphlet giving full particulars, toJ.lt. IEimV, Water ol Hie va., m ouin Main hi., wiiues-iiarre, ra. flFor LOST orrAllIHO MAMHOOrji Wanrral and HEBV0O8 DiEILIXYl ivlinti3cr uadyannmind, naecta lnf Vrrr,rHflrSzreBHfltn Older Younff. ,, ttvMe nAMUmllfollr llMlorrd. Ilow tn tnlarf kl , ,,.,;i;i!i,lM.ni!i.oiniHii:mNSirin3ui 7idt)i, 1. 1 in fktllir HUSB TWUTBIM' UrBfiU 1 R CiJ. t .Illy r-um hti fiUlfk Bud Foreign tonBtiltf. ITrlU Itouu ,,:!, Knk, rxpludlouan.l proofs uklll (ltd) frea. ' CMC iWblCAl. CO., EUFFAUp, tl. V- New Itrm. New Stoclt. Green Truck, Fine Giocevies, FRUITS, ice. Delaware roe shod and o'.lier fresh fish right Hum too Louts on triuaye. Fresn Qreeus nom tbe South. Evan's Building, E. Centre St. (J. & mutant' olditand) Ever tiling new and rcsh. Goods delivered to any part of town. It. C. KNIGHT & SON. SINBt1 4 . mi.ln.l it. ihooa i.unnvino TrnwiQlft Itlii- i ally foJIcinrin n -A ui . xpo-ure, or frou; To t'oniij W 4kDiie f ipHpulinr to their Mf, ilu'ui Use OR DuOHOIUE'S OSebratoci MALE REGULATING PILLS re Htroogtlieii.uu to the eBtirji Pr !. t.KOjf an5 raagB tio fortetoaUfoncUoaiofboit i (tuna, etmiuyniti r wunij .?JV. n ir. Hartnr Modlclpo CO..ST.10UIS. MO Summer Resort, Pic-nic and Pleasure Grounds I LAKESIDE (East Mahanoy Junction) mid way between Mahmioy City nnd Taroa qun, now managed by a now sloclt com pany, will be open to the public within a lew weeks, and dates can now bo fecurcd. A number of societies have already been booked and others wishing dtslrablo dates should make application without delay. Under tho newmanagpmeut many Improve. menti will be made, some of them being now under way, that will make It the plc-nloand pleasure grounds of the region. A lrrge dancing pavlllion and a trotting park are among the new additions. Tbebest horres la tbe State will be secured to run or trot this season. and outings. For dates and other on or address, Excursion Manager, A-safe ana Infalllblo neulrnllzcrand clmlna lorol imiiuro Mood, nntl a rndlciilcnin for rlici nietlHn, gout, and ekln rtlitstes. Cures fpecillc j oiton in h frw lroQlliv, niid callng ulcer In us many weefce. No lallurcs and no relapecs. Sold at. Klrlln'sDruo Store, Ferguson's Iloiel Block, Shenandoah Pa THEATRE mjII.BINO, SHENANDOAH,' ?EENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. W. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisennnq, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST I xnlil ou envliisrs DepoBltH. Your trade is what wo want. This is how we propose to get it. By Belling you a first class article; by sellingyou for lets than others; by selling you furniture, an organ, u pinno, a sewing machine or anything else in the lino of lioutcliold goods. Wo have a largo and va ried stock to select from. No trouble to show goods. Call, esomino and be convinced. D H H ft H Cl THE OLD RELIABLE, South Main St., First National Bank WE'RE AFTER YOu J. P. Williams & Bro Philidolphla and Reading .Railroad! Time -Table tn r0cctJuli 18 18V1 riiAlNS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS ForlNew .Ynrk vIa PI,llaAiv,hia .... 2. 0.5.25, 7,20 a. m. and 12 83 itO nnd S.tA v. m. Huuday 2.1U and 7.43 a. m. For .New Vork, via Mauch Chunk, week dnvs. s.m. .W, a. m. and 1235 nd 2.C0 p. m. 10, SJio, 7.20, a. m., 12.85 2 0 nnd 5.56 p!m ti' m. nnaar.2.10atid7.48a. iu . 4.S0 ti. m. .HUH Kor . JJarrlstiura;, week aavK. 2.1U.7.2D a. m.i 0, 6.6S r. m. 'or ADeolown, week days, 7.20 i. m., 12.33 o p. m. . Ol PottfivlllA. Irpnlc ilova y It, t 'jr. w 12.3. .W nndlS.55p.m. Buhdav. 2 iti art 7 Vi a , 4 80 p.m. For ituuauua and Mahitiiftv rutv ays, 2.10, 6.2,5, 7.20, a. m., 12.31 2.60 nnd 0.03 p m. eunaay, z.iu ana 7.1S a. m., 4 IW n, m. Admtlontu tut Muhanoy City, week days 7.00 for J.ancnter and Columlilu. wnnir rto. ,20 a. m.i 20 p. in. ' Tftk days. 3.25, 7.20 and i!3 a. m 1.33, 7.M . hi, tsunnay :i ii 1. m., ;i.i p. m. For Mahanoy l'laue, ween days, 2.10 8 25. 29. 7.20 and 11.80 a. in.. '. l ar, v. u r. t& 7.0(1 anc 'U1J "in. Hnnday, 2 10, d.25 and 7.48 a, m. i.i B, 4.80 ,i. m. ror GlrHl'QvlllH IHannnhnnnru-lr HUllnnt 12J3. 1 86. d.UO. 6.56. 7.00 l.lid M.2B. n. m. Hlinrtav! 2'iO, 2 i, 7.48 a. m., 8.1 5, 4.30 p. m. nor Aeuiana nnn miiuujukiii, week dayx, ?.2, 5,i, 7.20, H.8'1 a in., l 80, 7 00 and tf,2S i. in, ounaay n.jn, i. jii., a.(o p. m. XKAIJNB 1'UU 6UlfiiNANUOAH I Ijtave- New York via l'hiladclphia, week wye. 7,15 a. m 1.80, 4.00, 7.80 p. m 12.18 iitilil. Hnnday, li.00 p.m., 12 15 night. tieuve Hoc York via Manch :hnnlr. tosr taye, 4.80. S.45 a. m 1.00 and 4.01 p. m. tave l'hilKcleitihtH. niwz iiuvn. a ii aw 10.00 a. ra. 4.00 and .00 p.m.. iV m Broad Mid Callowhill and 8.35 a. m. ami n. m. fttnn Othano wretm itreets. Sunday 0.05 a. ra. 11.S0 p. m. from Mn uno i-,.u. ixaio Jteadlng, week dayii, 1 35. 7.10, 10.! & nd 11.60 a. in., fijfc. 77 ti. m. Ktunrtuv ) as nrt I0i4.-m. Leave I'ottflvlllc, week days, ?.40, 7.40 a- m 1180. 8 11 n. m. tinndav. 2.40. 7 io a. m. and 2X6 p. ui. jrfaveuamftqna. weok aays, 3.50, h.is ana ; 21a. m.. 1.21. 7.13. and l).18n. m. UvmdavX.it 7.43 . ro, and 2.&0 p. in. ave Mahanoy City, week nays, 8,40, .: & ind 11.47b. iu l.tl, 7.42 and 9.44 p.m. Hun. lay, 8.4(1,8.17 a. m 8.20 p. m. Lieavo lutthanoy riai e, week days, 2-4 , 4.10 4.30,9.35, 11.19 tt. m.,l.(5r2.l. ft 20, 0 20. 7. 7, and in (inn. ra. Mnndav2.1 . 4.00. and B.V7. a. m. 3 37, 5.01; p. m. Mve uiraruvme (uappanauDocK iaiioni week days. 2.47, 4.07, UM, aud 0.41 a. m:, 12.05, ; 2. 6.VH, 8.82, 8.03 and 10.00 p. m. Bunay,2,47. i.O', 8 83 a. m. 8.41, 5A7 p.- ni. irtave WllllamBiiort, week days, 3.00,8.45 and 11.66 a. m. 3.85 and 11.15 p. ra. UundaylllS P.m. For Baltimore, Washington and the west l li. it O. H. It., through trains leave Glrard 4. venae station, riilladelphia, (P. A B. H. K.) at 1.16, 801 and 11.27 a. ni., 1.51, 124 , 6.55 anl 7.23 pLra. Sunday, 1.16 8.02 11.27 a. ill., 4.24 ..65 and 7.23 p. m, $ ATlAriXlOCITYDIVIBION. ' i.eave 1'nnaauipuia, uncnmutmieei wnari m aa Bouth Btreet Wharf. .'Xj & For Allautlctcitr, f Week-days Express, 5.15, 8 00 100, 10 45 m. and loi (Halurdaya only, 1,30), 2.io, 8.00, 8.30, .( , 5.00, 6.00 Ai. Aoromaioaatioii, 7 40 a. m., 4.15. 0 30 j. va, iu, '-.. fcipress 5 15, 7.00, 7 30, 8.00, 8 30, 0M, f)$0 tt. m. and 4 30 p. in. Aucoiniuu .ailon 8.00 a. m. and 45 ). iu. Ketnrning, leave Atlantic City, dei ot corner t 'antic ana Arkamaa vennfl.Wic'k,avi F.xpress, 7.00, 7.30, 8 Oil, 0.00, 10.00 a. m. and 3 15, 4 00, 5.30, 6.30, 7.C0, 9 30 p. ni. Accommodation 0.00,8.10a.m. and 4.10 p m. Sundays -Ex press, 3 30, 4.00, 6 00, 0 00, 0-30, 7'00, 7.30. 8 00, .30 p. m. Accommodation, 7 30 a. in., 6.05 p. in. V.. U. 11.1 it tUlvIi , Ut!U 1 JTUMn I AH l v. a. Mr.J.liOl). 1'res. A Uen'l Manatmr. , OENHS7LVANIA KAILROAD. i. HUiiUi J.Kli.lj iiiviuion, On and, after Nov. 24, 1890, frainj itfll la Shenandoah as follow): for Wlggau, Qllberlon, Frackvlllc, New Oastle, 8t. Clair, and way points, 6A), 0.19 i iu and 4.15 p m. Bundays, 600, 9.40 a m and 3.10 p tn. For 1'oitsvllle, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15p m. Bundays, UOO, 6.40 a m and 8.10 p m. For Ileaiilnsr, 0.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 pm, Bundays, 600,9.10 a. m, and 8.10 pm. For Fottstown, 1'hoenlxville, worrlstown ind Philadelphia (Broad street station), b.W, 4,10 a mi anil 4.15 n m ween days Bundays, 600, 9.40 a m 8.10 p m Trains leave Fracltvllie lor Bhenandoah at, 10.40 am and 12.11, 7.42,10,09pm, Bundays, 11.18 am and 6.40 nm. ljavo 1'oitsvllle lor Bhenandoah, 10.16 and' I 1,48, a m 7.16, 9,42 p in, Sundays, 10.40 a m I 5.15 p in. 1 jjeave Philadelphia (Broad street station), tor Pottsvllle and Shenandoah, 5.67,10.25 a; nf 2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m wcclc days, Sunday 9,2v am and 1.10 p.m. w .Clll V . Ull., t.V, ,W, V.U, U.vil, V , 8.208.30, J.60, 11.00 andll.16am.l2.00 noon, (Um ilea express, i,m ana .rxi p m.i m.ii, i.w, z.u, 3.20, 1, 6, 86.30, 6.60 7.13 8.12 and 10,00 p m, 12.01 nlsiit. . On Sundays, s.w, i.vo, s.iu, csa, ts.iz, e.su, v.ou, 1 1 . nnd 12.43. 8.B1 (ltmtted 4.601. 6.28. H.SO. B.SO 7.13 8.12 p m and 12.01 night. tor sea uiri, spring iase, iseimar. Ocean Hro ve. Asbury Park, and Lone Uranolj 1 8 20, 11,15, a, ra. 4.00 p. m. week davr For l Freehold, 6.0 , p. m. weex days. Bulttmor and Wr.shlngvon, 3.69, 7.20, 8.81 9.10, 10.20, 11.13 a m.U, (limited express) 8.40 1.41 6.67 ani 7.40 p. m., and 12.03 night. For Baltimore, niv. 4.1 1. 6 ui ana ii.hu r ,02, 4.1 1, 5 Otl and 11.80 p. On Bundays, 8.60, 7.20, 0.H'and 11.18 a. m. 4.4 Nf.l.Af, O.IM111U ll.ift U. ill. ..Ti 12.03 night, Ualt.'more only 5.67, 7.40 p m, 1Z, 5.08 and 11.30 pm Hi. h or ttlchmond and the Bouth 7.20 11.18 a. m.. Limited Express 12.35 p. m..)12.03 night,week. days. Sundays, 7.20 a.m., 12.03 night. 'iirams leave oiairisDurg ror i-iiuonre asu the west every day at 12J5 and 8.10 a m ana 3.00 (limited) and 3.40 p m. AVay for Alloona, i.ia a ra ana i.iu p m every aay. ror 1'iiiflDurg oniy, iwm a m, uany ana iv.jtj ti m weekdays. Jcttvo DUltuui y iu, inuuu.njiii .uii. Uanondalgua, Boohestr,Bu Halo ana Niagara 6.10 a m dally, and 1.43 p m week days. cor vatKlos, t.su n m wees oays. For Erie and Intermediate points, 6.10 ami. dally. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.63 a ra. dally, 1.34 and 5.30 p. m. week days. Vat Kenqva 6.10 a m 1.43 and 6,30 p m week days, 1.10 a. rn Sundays. ""HAS. B. PtJUH, - J. B. WOOD, Hen. Man'r lien. Paus. Agt, yiLMINUTON & NORTUEUN It. K. luaeiauie mtneci Aiay.w, leai. Trains leave Heading (P. a. 11. station) for uiDranar, eeyien, jurat Doro, Joanna, epn field. Waynesburc Junction. Coatesvllle.W Wllmlncton and Intermediate stations, rtslly except Sunday, at 6.23 and 8.80 a.m. and 3.15 p. m. Sunday only at 3.05 p. m. For Warwick, KU Peters and Intermediate statlons.daily except Sunday, at 9.20 a.m., and 6.19 p. m. Sunday only 8.16 a. ra. For Ulrdsboro and Intermediate stations. Saturday only, at 12 m. i' or jiaiiiroore ana wasuingion in, re u. a. . It.) dally except Sunday at 0.25 and 6.80 . la. and 8.16 p. m. Sunduy only ai 8.05 p. in. Trains arrive nl KeadliiR (P. It. station) Irom Wilmington, II. & O. Junction, Mont. chanin, Uhaddslord Junction, West Chester, Lenape, Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction, Spr(ugneld,Joanna,Eirdsboro, Olbraltar, Bey. fertand lutermediate stations, dally except Sunday at 10.20 a, ni. 6.52 and 8.17 p. ni. Suu dny only at 11.21 a. ra. From St. Peters, Warwick and intermediate stations, dally except Sunday, at 8.23 a. m. and 2.25 p. m. Sunday only at ti p. m. From Ilirosboro aud intermediate statlontv Saturday only at 1.40 p. ni. , I'rom yahlnKton and Baltimore, 'dally ex cept Sunduy, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m. Sunday only at 11.21 a. m. BOWNKSSHIUGUS, Gen'l Pass. Agt, A. G.McOAOSIiANU.BupU nil riTII 11 r We, the undersigned", II 1 1 H I 1 1 H t . ate entirely cured ol II U I I U IS ti uupture by Ur. J. 11. MAYEI1, 831 Arch St., Phlla. Thomas 11. llartuug. New KlDggold, Pa., I. faudt, South Easton, Pa,, I.. P. & O. A. Deturck, Oley, Pa It. O. Stanley, 421 Spruce St., Ibanon, Pa., A. Schneider. locut lialo, Pa., D, B Noll.Llme. kiln, Pa., Wm.K. Harienstlne, l'boenixvllle. I'u W. M. relnbach, 24 VVaehington St., Heading, Pa.. J. O. Lyme, 181(1 W. Howard Bt., Harrlsburg, Pn O. Keehn, Bouelassvtlle, Pa, Dr. MAYEU is at Uotel Penn, Heading, Pa., on the 2ud Saturday of each, month. C all to see him. JJ It. BRIOREB, M, JD PHYSICIAN AND SLRGEON, No'. 9 East Centre Street; Mahanoy City, l" Hklnandall special auwoses a speolalty. and yet were shut out without a run