The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 23, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL. VI.-NO. 146.
To the Republican Electors of Pennsylvania:
After consultation anil correspondence with
the members of the Republican State Committee,
and by their direction, I hereby give notice that
the Republican of Pennsylvania, by their duly
chosen representatives, villi meet in Stale Con
'' vention at Ilarritburg, Wednesday, August 19,
1891, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of plac
ing in nomination candidates for the offices of
Slate Treasurer and Auditor General, for the
nomination of eighteen candidates for Delegates-al-Large
to the Constitutional Convention pro
vided for in the Act of Assembly approval June
10, 1891, and for the transaction of such other
b uslncss as may be presented,
Noliceis especially directed tolhefact thai, in
word'ince with the provisions of the last men
tioned act, each Senatorial district is entitled to
a repreientatlon of three delegates in said Con
stitutional Convention, two of whom only canbe
tnembrrs of the majority party in said district.
The electors of each district are therefore re
quested to make proper nomlntUions for dele
gates to satd convention, the rules governing the
nomination of candidates for Sxite Senator to
be applicable.
In this connection the Cialrman desires to call
the attention of Republican voters to the recom
mendation of the State Convention of 1832, that
" they allow the greatest freedom in the general
participation in the primaries consistent with
the preservation of the party organisation."
UMf. II. ANDREWS, Chairman.
- 7 Tho Evening Post complains bitter
tly because the pension roll If) lucreas
ing at ft rate which will carry the
number of names on It "up to about
000,000, or more than four times the
tiital as far back ns 1878," and asks
where Is thlB thing to stop?" It
ought not to stop until every old sol
dier who is entitled to a pension gels
It. Does the Post dispute that propo
sition ? Does it advise the Democratic
party, of which it Is an ally, to stop it
short of that point? Does it advo
cate the repeal of the, present pension
Jaws? Does it advice tho next House
of Representatives, which is Demo
cratic, to refuso appropriations for the
payment of pensions? This ia a fea
ture of Democratic policy, in which
about 1,400,000 old soldiers in the Nor
thern states are deeply interested,
and as to which they want a definite
avowal of the Democratic-Mugwump
Intentions. Perhaps the Post will
lye It to them and then, again, per-
aps it will not. JV. Y, Press,
Tho exhibition in Ferguson's theatre
building is for ladies and gentlemen. Seo
Thauma. J-22-tf
CENTS por yd for tho
Bold In other stores for 35c. All floor
Oilcloth reduced. Call for bargains
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre
ZLnTIEW carpets.
Keller is now receiving a new stocliof Tapestry and Body
Brussels and Ingrains in handsome new tall patterns.
Just opened a large assortment of Choice New Patterns,
in all widths.
LINOLEUM 2 yards wide, j'rom $1 vp.
The Fittest Tame Syrup we Iinve ever had for tlte price.
Heavy Hotly,
X,lfi;ht Color,
Splcutlul Flavor,
Strictly Pure Cane Syrup, .
Not mixed wf "Is Corn Syrup ami Glucose.
Also a Fair Sugar Syrup nt 6 cts.
"Northwestern Daisy.!"
Is a high grade Patent ElourMade f rom choicest Min
nesota Wheat. MaJtes more bread thanZordtnary
Guaranteed Equal in every respect" to any jllgJi-jn'lcod
Hour in the marlcet,
1'or sale only
Lakosldo as Plonsant and Attrac
tive In tho Night os "Well as
Day Time Moonlight on
tho Lake.
Tho man who remarked tho otbor day
that "Lakeside is tho Atlantic City of
Schuylkill county" novor gavouttorancot?
moro truthful words. Lskesido is an
inland suramor resort with all tho advan
tunes for sea coast attraction and when tho
improvement company that has it in band
flnho3 its work Lakosido will ho a resort
without an equal in tho ttato. It will not
only havo the watsr for fishing, balhing
and boating, but will ulso havo tho raco
courso, the razzle-dazzles, merry-go
'rounds, and other agencies of amuse
ments for tho young and old. Hut 'Lake
sido goos Atlantic City, Capo Slay, Long
Branch and such places one bettor. Whon
tho rosorU on tho coast nra storm-beaten
and all tho torrrs of thoir exposed position
havo full swing, Lakosido will be affording
amusement tu the inlanders. Tho lakes
will attract the skators and tho hnraenso
pavilion will shelter tho merry dancers.
Likcside stands to-day tho peer of many
ot tho most famous resorts of the country
Thoro is no placo on tho continent that
possesses more natural advantages and by n
judicious oxpendituro of mouoy tho artificial
advantages can be so added as to mako tho
placo second to no resort in any of tho
Thero is a mint of money in Lakebido for
tho company that has tbo placo in hand.
Tho Pottsvillo Republican describes tho
place as follows : "Lakeside, with its beau5
tiful surroundings, is tho haven of rest in
tbo midst of a wido and stretching grovo
entirely separated from tho busy world
without. Notwithstanding its roughness
of surfaco and goneral storillty, the anthra
cite coal region posaosses many advantages
as a place for rosldenco and pleasure. Its
elevation above the sea levol secures pure
air and a healthy climate, while tho mag'
niflcent scenery with which it abounds is
unsurpassed by anything in tho country,
Much labor las been oxpondod to add tn
tho attractions with which naturo has been
so lavish at Lakosldo Park. Hero and there
through the woods are nlcoly cloarod walks
loading into shady labyrinths, delightful in
their retirement. Tho grounds occupy 200
acres, twouty-slx of which aro covered by
two lakes that produce tho finest spring
water loo in Pennsylvania; during tho win
ter.and.stnckod with bass and salmon.afford
excellont flhlng and boating to oxcursion
Ult during the summer season "
Tho improvement company says that by
tbo opening of the summer season of 1892
it Will havo a largo hotol on tho grounds,
will havo bathing houses bordering tbo
lakes and tho beautiful knoll that slopes so
gracefully to tho beautiful body of water
will be studded with handsome cottages of
exquisite design.
Some farmers who llvo in tho vicinity of
Lskesido and who look upon tho advent of
tho improvement cmpany as tho red moo
viewed tlonrrival of Columbus, savs ''It's
all daru noneenso. What's tho use'n doin'
all them things. We kin al'us git Sunday
skeulelbr, efimo,1jei;9' jwd rjvkat'n uso'n
going ttj All Ml ttfujfnsa," ,, , ' !
On tbe Othgr.fiahd tWo araipmjnore!
far seeing reiitfentsivvrfe aro most Saqguitto
over tho prospects of tho placo. They bo
lievo with the company, that LakosidS can
bo made in timo a resort that will attract
hoaltli and pleasuro seekers, fiom all parU
of this and adjoining" slates. Thoy are
also wise enough to see that overy dollar
spent in improvements at Lkosido
onbances the values of tho adjoining
Fortunately there are no hayeowlors in
tho East Mahanoy Junction Land and Im
provement Company. This is ovidoncod
by the rnco track which has supplantod a
field which somo Aid residonts said was
ouly fit for a pumpkin bod, It is also evi
denced by tho raagnificont dancing pavil
ion that now stands bosido tho old way
back hotel, a pavilion that ranks with tho
most substantial, commodious and beauti
ful structures of the kind in tbo state.
Tho popularity of Lakeside as a resort in
tho day time has been established. On
Tuesday last six thousand pooplo from ail
parts of Kastorn Pennsylvania were thero
and thero was not one who did not speak of
the placet with enthusiasm.
A few days ago it was decided to test
Lakeside as a resort for moonlight parties.
Jlertre. Ilenry Wlederhold, O. A. Keiru,
George II. Krink, John A. Grant, Goorgo
Patterson, h. 0. Walter, Harry Hunter,
II. II, Zulioh and Alex, liutler, a com-
mitteo of arrangements, issued iuvitations
for a moonlight bop and It took place last
Towards dusk noai-ly two hundred
couples arrlvod at Lakotide by rail and
carriage). Tbey were Indies and gentle
man from Mahanoy City, Gllberton,
Girardville, Gordon, Siiamokin, St. Clair,
Mlnertville, Port Carbon, Lansford, Head
ing, Chester, Vhuenixvilln, Poltstown and
Hamburg Owing to the oarly departure
of tho wri',er he wps unable to secure the
names of til who participated in the de
lightful affair. The names given represent
but a portion and are :
Tamaqua Mrs. W. 0. llobart, Mm.
Anna Leopold, Miss Guseie Dreher, Misuse
Millie KreDs, Lizzie Prisor, Minnje Koisor,
Emma Dauer, Mary Glassmyer, May
Boo no, Goorgo A, Jaoubt, Ira Coble,
Itobert llobart.
Summit UUl Miss Mama llobart.
Poltstown Miw A. llobart.
Pottsvillo Miss Xatlo Strauce, Mrs,
Lew. Grant.
Lakwido Misses Katie lirauso, Mary
Krauso, Frank Roth, A. E. L. Leckie.
Philadelphia Miss LeMartro.
Contrails Mis IUchol Reoso, O. W.
WilUarosport-Miss Kditk Clark. ,
Dolano Alex Butler, Krwin Ulakiiloo.
Mahanoy Piano Mr. and Mrs. Welling
ton Hartolotto and daughter.
Lost Creok Fred. Morcur, John Luoas,
P. Iluntzingor.
Fountain Springs Dr. J. O. Biddlo and
Ashland Mlstes Carrie Hunter, Emma
Mauror, Amy Johnson, Harry Salllday,
Harry Hunter, O. O. liurkot, Harry
Shenandiah Mrs. T. II. Fielders, H
Wiodorhold and wife. O. A. Ivnlm nnri
wife, F. 8. Hu.,ter and wife, n. O. Hoyor
ana wire, Aiittes Annio Mann, Sadio Kriok,
Emma Kriok, Sallie Stoin, Jeese Stein,
Bella Grant, Jomo Grant, Emma Wasloy,
Nellie Kellly, Ollie Lewir, John Grant,
Charles Iteeso, H. Zulick, John ltoilly,
Guorge II Kriok, M. L. Stein, ,W. J.
Watklns, J. E. Evans, James Hughes,
Dr. O. M. Burdner, Frank Thompson, Geo.
A. Jonns, Frank U. Smythe, J. I). Martin,
Goo. H. Swonk.
The first thing tbo visitors turnei their
attention to was tho immense dancing
pavilion. Tho structure, in tho language
of somo of the ladies, was "nerfeollv
grand." Then tbolr attention was turned
to the lakes.
Stand upon any of tho knolls surround
ing the lakes at Lakesido on a moonlight
night and watch tho reflection of tho
moonbeams upon tho crystal surfaco as tho
tiny crafte with the marry voyagers ply to
and frj. Just try it some time. Tbo
artist's brush has never pictured naturo as
hodisnlavs herself at Lkiirln DM n miv-m.
"iht night.
Half an hour on the water was followed
by aslrolUUrough the gioyo opposito the
ttotltng park. Then tho preparatory5
strains of the lamous Schoppa orcli9stia
shualled the dancors to tho pvilion aud a
few minuto3 later tho couples were march
ing over tho spacious floor.
Tho intorior of the dancing pavilion pro
sents a splendid appearance whon ilium!
natod. The plan upon which tho building
was constructed is not unlike thoso of thn
long, Queen Ann6tyleof hotels, along Ihe
Atlantio coast. On tbe sido of tho build
Ing fauing the railroad is an outsldo cov
oiod piazza twelvo feet wide and extending
tho entire length of tbo building. From
this piazza a full view of Iho dancing flour
may bo secured by means of largo win
dows, with which the building is plant!
ful y supplied. At ono end of tbo build
ing. Inside, aro two broad stair-cases that
load to a wido balcony extending tho
length of the building, on each sido. At
the opposito ond is a stago for tho orchestra.
A largo Chickering piano rests upon the
stage, which, by tho way, is large enough
for concert purposes. At this end of the
building thero is au annex, which is being
titled up as an ice croam parlor and restaur
ant This parlor is largo enough to accom
modate nearly throe hundred pooplo at ono
The hnp was a splendid tuccess and it
will no doubt bo followod by a number of
liko ovents before the season closes.
Thus the popularity of Lakeside as a
moonlight resort is ostabllsbod. As ouo is
homeward boupd on the train he overhear"
the oozing ot onthusiasm : "Why, I had
no Idea that there was such a plaoe in tho
ooal regloni." "What a delightful placo it
is. I am sure I would like to llvo there."
"I oannot seo .why pooplo want to travel
hundred of miles for a health resort when
thero Is ono at their door. I am delighted
with it."
"Shenandoah," yells tho conductor. As
I stroll homeward I bear the chordB of
"Moonlight mi tho Lake." There it plenty
ot it at Lakoiide.
It. Saqo.
Thauma, the mystifying. Thauma, tho
wondi-rful Nuw on exhibition in Forgu
son's thoatro building. "
Though This ia a Protty Cood
World Thoro aro Bad Pooplo in
it Haro ia tho Criminal Roo-
ord for Ono Brief Day.
Hnnovcr. N. H.. Julv 23. Tlinnoli
tiio feeling ngninst the murderer of
Christie Wnrdeu la u.s deep to-day a it
was yesterday, the pursuit is belim
gindually relaxed In so fur as it litis
been kept up by volunteers.
Clow after clew Iihh been ruu down,
onfy to llnd that tlitro was no basis for
the supposition that tho inurJerer had
been seen as reported. So, as nothing
promised to come of their ofl'orts, men
engaged in the search havo begun to
return to their own bushiest ninths.
As disappointment after disappoint
ment has come to tho searchers, a
theory at first thrown uaido has been
taken up again and grows in ttrength.
This theory is that Ahuy has com
mlttcd suicide.
In Bimport of tills is quoted Almy's
expression when Miss Warden rejected
his suit. "I haven't anything to live
for now."
The Connecticut river is near tho
scene of the trouvdv. aud miiuv heliovn
thalaftercommitting the terrible crime
Aimy drowne I liinihelf.
Asic'o from this the only clew loft at
present wtucu seems to nave any
possibility of fiivorablodeveloiiniant la
Hint which locates Aimy In Canada,
iiuusueen wired neie that a man
aoswurilJir IiIm descrintion was hpoii nt
uerurouue, uui., ana was en route for.
City of Mexico, July 23. Leonard
Uomcz and Eglfano and Carmen
Levys borrowed money of Josa i do!
Jesus Rnvas, in tho village of San'-
Rafael, and they wmild not pay on'
time, nud resenting his Importunity,
planned to kill him.
Gomez nerKiiadi (1 linvim tn ntatuf
htm iu cleaning out his well. THU
wen was sixty feet dtop. When
Itavas reached tho bottom dome,
rolled rocks and adobo on lilm until
the unfortunate creditor was buried
The secret was kept eight days. It
was betiayed by Gomez's little girl.
Bhe went to neighbor's for water aud
was asked why she did not take it from
her father's well, anil replied: "Because
my papa has a mau burled in tho well."
Gomez was arrested and tho ' well
drained. He now awaits trial with
ills accomplices.
News in Brief
Governor Buchanan, of Tennoseee,
held a conference iu Kuoxville with a
committee of the Coal (Jreek mlnera,
and promised if the men wouldallow
tho couvicts to be returned to the
mines pending action by tho Legisla
ture that he would promptly call that
body iu extra se-sloir. The committee
men wb . drew and will nrobablv irivo
an aDHW1 i to day. Itis expected that
a peaceiui settlement will bo readied.
Tlie Ocean Grove Asscclatlou is en-
forclug the law against womeu appear
ing In scant batliinir costumes, and
great indignation in expressed among
Judge McKay, tho Allinuco Judiro
of Kansas, who refused to abide by
mo ruling oi uio aupremo ujurt, has
been summoned to uppear charged with
The ireneral use of uncket dtmn Rav
ing banks has created such a demand
for ten cent picevs that the colnsnro
bring turntd out by tho mint at the
rate of 100,000 per day.
Representative ClatUe.of Alabama,iu
nn interview in Washington, said tho
Alliance people In his state aio Dem
ocrats and lie was in fuvor of trying to
Keep tnern aim tueir reformers inside
the party,
What a Prominent Phyaiolan and
Chemist says After Analysis
and Fraotloal Teat. I
Dr. J. luster, formerly of Jlellevue Hospital
jieutcai iMiiege ana jong jsuina Uuuege
speaks as follows i
Nkw York, October 3D, 18W.
Alva a llrarlllHii Speolflo Co.,
-Gents: Thtmrte of vour Caatua HIikmI
Cure, which I bought lur uualysts, 1 liava
eubjeoted to n very tliuruugti lent, and eau
Had not a Uoglo tiaca of mineral ormeivurlHl
nreiumilun In It whatever: and, as I have
haxl couaMerablo eprIeBce in tUoonHltu
llonal ellVct lu certain dlMXuea ulreaity
knowu to you, I ouiuldar It tbe anient and
best vegetable blond purtrler In the market.
lourx rexpeciMiiy,
D. J. lA'STKIl, I'll L M. D.
gold at Klrlln's DruirUtore.feruiion llnuna
Uloclt, Mhenandoju.
Buy Keystone flour. He careful that the
name Lxssia & Co., Ashland, l'a., is
printed on overv sack. 3-3-8mw
Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills
Act oil n new nrlnohile
refutation I lie
ltver, fitomacb and towels through Ihe nvrret.
A new Utwovery. Dr. Miles' I'llls tpeedlly
cute bUloiisneNH, oad taxle, InipH llvci, plli)H,
constipattoti. Uueoualed lor men. n-ti'imu.
rhlldreil. Hu)tlli(l, mil iekt,aret ! ti'do-es,
'Ooa. Hamiiten Irej, at c. il. UaenbuiU's
d-'mf 6tore,
Indiauapolls, Tnd., July 23. 'Wil
liam Love, who has been making
parachute Jumps at Knlrview Park
here for six weeks past, mot with an
tccldunt yesterday which, though it
may not kill Mm, will come pretty
near doing so.
Love shot up into the air, his bal
loon being hotter than usual, and
when it was half a mllo from the earth
lie tried to shake tho parachute loose.
The ropes wero tangled, however,
aud it wouldn't work right. Ry vio
lent exertions Love nmuoged to shako
It free from the balloon, but thesudrien
s oels from Jerking broke the cords of
the parnc'iute and it turned inside
oat like an umbrella in a wild storm.
Iho aeronaut did not lose his pre
smeeofiniud, however, but kicked
aud struggled until lie succeeded lu
getting patt of It to lill and hold, and
In this way lie descended to about 400
eet from the f.roiiid, when it collapsed
t'ln:ethcr. and lie Hlint in rili in.-n
Ho fell In n corn field nearly a mile
from wliern lin !ui.mlil it.. .....
eoncious when ploked up, but soou re
vived, and, though seriously Injured,
may recover.
Ladies should visit Thauma and son
what a wonderful being she ia. 7-22-tf
Politic and Politicians.
Charles O. Palmer, of this town, has
been suggested as a suitable person for tho
nomination for Sheriff on the ltepubtlcan
ticket. While the Hkkald believes thoro
aro many other available men for tho posi
tion in the party, it must be admitted that
Mr. Palmer would mike a formidable
Ottiididate and oould be elected. Uo is
well known throughout the county as a
hard-working and onsclenlious miner
and, no doubt, he would be accoptablo to
U pirties. Although the IIkkalo is
4ltclind to other matorial at present, it
wouW.'not. WUbhBld it) Kippert' from Mr.
Thert are many- pesuio who Urink that
one of tho Jury Oflmmtatienw ihould be a
IMirth-of-t'ie-mountain man, and ayiienan
ilonhito in particular. Now if any of our
townsmen are ilobing to announce thorn -Sjyes
for tho position tho Rkhald will
Sheorfully insert their catds at the regular
Joo Well, of Pottsvillo, who is seoking ,
tho Democratic nomination for Sheriff, was
it Lnkosido on Tuesday and circulated as
Ane of tho most jovial Germans on tho
grounds. "Joe" made a favorable im
pression, as usual.
Thoro ia no longor any question as to who
tho Democrats will nominato for Judge
this fall. Tho nomination of John A.
Nash, Esq., of Poltsville, is oonooded.
Among tbo.latest candidates nnnouncod
for delegates to the Constitutional Conven
tion is that of John ,1. Coyle, of Mahanoy
City. Uo is popular and no doubt would
add strength to the Republican ticket, be
ldes being deserving f tho honor at tho
hands of his fellow workers.
Tmnarma's young and popular attorney,
J. O. Ulrich, sdems to havo the insido
track for tho Democratic nomination for
delegate to tho Constitutional Convention.
In fact it might bo put down that ho will
1m ono of the nominees, at least thero are
many who are willing to put money on the
Entltlod to tho Boat.
All aro ontitled to tho beet that their
money will buy, so evory family should
have, at once, a bottle of the beat family
remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse tho sys
tem whn ooetivo or bilious. For salo in
60c and ?1 03 bottles by all loading drug
gists. Don't fail to visit the museum in Torgu--
son's theatre building. 7-22-tf
A Kind Friend.
la what they call taut Famous Itemody, Red
King Oil, it quickly enree Itheumatlem.
NeumUla. Cute. Unimex. Hums. Sore and till
pain. It Is rood fur 111,10 or boast. 23 cents.
Aimrun-tf urugsiora.
Thauma ia tbe wonder of the age. Don't
fail to see her. 7-22-tf
Tbo worst dnnver about nejloctluir a Cousrh
or Cold la Uonsumptlou, We en amure our
readers that no medicine equla Pau-Tlufi
Cough aud Cousumptlnu Cure, Try It. Trial
S Thauma. She's a wonder. 7-22-tf
Fruit Jars,
Jelly Tumblers,
1 ql, 2qt, 3qt 4 qt.
Brown Sugar, 4c.
Whole & Ground Spicos
No. I22 North JarJin Street.