The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 22, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
IT. 0,110V Hit, Hilltor nnd VuMlther., ,T. U'ATKIXS, Jonl lldllnr.
TTir WXXtttO lIKItALDhuna larger Hr
culnHan in Mienandnan thtm any oilier jmjier
pulHihiil, Hook ipen to all.
DAH.T, per year -
AVkekt.v, per year
1 Sn
XuUrrd it the Pontofflea, at Shenandoah,
for trsnnmliwlon through the mulls
m uneoml oiw mall matter.
Figures Demonstrate
the Popu-
larity of the Resort,
duly a! Win. l'etm Sunday Kihool.
" 21 St. Nicholas Sunday icliool.
" '11. Temperance Band, Shenan
doah. July 28. The Washington Hook A lad
der C"'in'ny, of Mslisnoy City.
July i.0 Trinity Heformed Sunday
echO"l, of Shenandoah.
Jtitj 30. Young Men's UepuMIcanOlul'
of SUt anoy City.
duly 31. Prwbyterian Sunday tcliool ol
Slalianoy City.
Au. 3.Kngllh llsplUt Sunday tcliool
of Shenandoah.
Auit. M. 15. Sunday school of Mali
nnoy 1'hine.
Aug. 5. M. K. Sunday whool, Aililand.
Aur. 0 MvaiiKflllcal Sunday school of
Mahanoy City.
Aug. 7. Welsh Congregational, ilalia
noy City.
Aug. 8. 11. E. SunUuy school, Oilber
ton. Aug. 10. SI. K. Sunday scliool, Girani
villo, and Union Sunday scliool, Lost
Aug. 11. Welsh Uaptist, Congregn
tional and Methodist, Shenandoah.
Aug. 12. Lutheran inltjlomiry festival.
" lit. Ktilsoonal Sunday scliool of
Mahnnoy City.
Aug. 11. M. K. Sunday school of Asli
land. Aug. 15. Eisteddfod.
" 17. Lutheran Sunday school, Oi
Aug. 18. English llnptid Sunday school,
Maliimoy City.
Aug. 10. M. E. Sunday school of Shon
Aug. 20. Trinity Koformod Sunday
school of Mahanoy City.
Aug. 22 1. 11. Sunday school, of Oil
Aug. 21. V. II. Sunday school of Shen
Aug. 25. English Lutlioran, Mahanoy
Rocky Mountain Ouro.
Tho druegists claim that pooplo call
dally for tho now cure for constipation and
sick headache, discovered by Dr. Silas
Lano whilo in tho Kooky Mountains. It ie
sid to ho Orogon grape root'(a groat
rcmody In the far West for thoso com
plaint) combinod with simplo herbs, and is
mado for use by pouring on boiling water
to draw out tho strength. It sells at 50
osnts a package and is cidlod Lano'e
Family Medlcino.
A rainy day reveals a good many holes
and btid places in thu sidewalks.
Hold It to tho Light.
Tho man who tells you conlldonlially
list what will cure your cold is proscribing
Koinp's Balsam this year. In the prep
aration of tliis remarkablo medicine for
coughs and colds no expense is spa rod to
combino only tho host and purest lngredi
onts. Hold a bolllo of Kemp's Balsam to
tho light and look through it; notico tho
bright, cloar look; then coinparo with
other romodios. I'rico 60c. and $1
From ten to twolvo hundred watornv Ions
fill a frolght car.
To NorvouB, Dobllltatod Mon.
If you sond us your addross, wo will
mail you our illustratod pamphlet explain
ing all about Dr. Dyo'c Celebrated Kloctro
Voltalc Bolt and Appliances, and their
charming oflccts upon tho nervous de
bilitated system, and how they will quickly
rostoroyou to vigor, nnd manhood. Pamph
let free. If you are thus allllctod, wo will
lend you a Ifolt and Appliances on a trial.
Voltaic Hbia Co.. Morsuall, Mick.
Buttormllk an 1 skim
samo pur cent, solids.
milk contain tho
Shlloh's Consumption Curo.
TIiIh 1h beyond nutlon the tnoft suc
ccsMul Cough Medicine wo hsve ever sold,
a lew doses luvurlably cure the worfet otifce ol
Cough, Croup, and Ilioiiehllls, while II" won
derlu! MicceH in the cure of Consumption is
without a parallel in the lilxtory of uirdicfnn,
tiluce It's ilrst dtfeomery it bus been sold on a
guarantee, a lekt which no oilier medicine
can Niuna. 11 you iiab h i uuku wutwrutMiy
mti yuw lu llj Jl. J IIUC 4V 1 vuir. M" W UIBi HUH
S1.I0. If yourl.ungxarotoip, ChcH or Hack
lume, urn Hilloh's I'oioub 1'laster. Hold by
I). (. Ilaiienbucli, N. IS, .comer Muln and
Liioyu sireem.
Tho markets aro now excellent.
The Seoret of Success.
V. II. llHgenbuch, the diugglkt.liellflvwi that
the hocrtil of .ui('CoM in l erMtveiHiicti. Theie
fore lie peinUle lu kmplng I lie tlmstllueof
jn'riiuneriuH, loiiti urucu-K, conn etiu, ornno
miu cnciniraib on me nturseu lie MipeciA ly
Inute all peixina who Imve pvlpluillon,
sbort breath, eMk or hungry Hd", pain In
fildi oi- Mhouluer. omteiiloii. lilsblmRre. div
ciugh, xnioilierlng, ilrowy or fieai t dlkeate
HtlJ i'l. MUM UI1T.,IICU flOIV aitlllt lll'U,
be io 11 1m loo IhIh. u 1ms the largHit Hale of
any simllMr reu.tdy. Kine book ofleidliiio
iiIjiIh liee. Dr. Mile' llonKiisllve Nervine U
uusurpaswd for eieepletwuewi, headuehe, flu,
Poaches ripening.
A Husband's Mistake
Tlubanda loo often penult wlos, pud par
nii their children, to Miller fioin btadaehe,
niinetu, ueurMiKiH, hiffjuw hiii'mi, iii. iter
vfir.KUeNn. when by the Uhe of l)r. Allien'
KiNiointlvo Morvlne kueh serious rektilu
eould easily bo prevented DrueKlsls every
where my It give universal sallMnoiloii, and
Jin - ai Immense sale. Woodworth Co., of
l'ort Wuyue, Ind.; Hnow & lu, of Byraruse,
II YjJ C Wolf, lllllMlalp, Mich.; Biid bun.
d edaol others say ' It Is the greaiist seller
they ever knew.'' It contains no oplitts.
Trial bottles and flue book on Kcrvous
jJlfctusee. free at u. Jl. iiugennuch's,
lUrtmnrii Wlio Would OccnuloHiilly
reir.o u Klciinicr anil Millie It tlin
Berne of Their Wild lleliimcliorlon
Tin "Ills Nnnily Hollar."
Tlie mountaineers who live nlong tho
Jliff Sandy river, which forms the
dividing line between West Virginia
mid Kentucky, mid their neighbors of
northeastern Kentucky, who nave ooen j
so prominent for many years in feuds, 1
vendettas, and bloody buttles, are most
peculiar people with a History running n mjr wny f accomplishment, as scv
away back Into the '3i's, Mil's and SO s j ertti railroads are projected and more
and venerations preceding, whlol
published would throw into me snauo
the beat efforts of 1 he Texas frontier in
the days of Its greatest notoriety. Tho
ltlg Handlans proper, the men who
eoinposo the corps of the llatllelds and
Mot'oys. owe their peuullnr character
istics, their vengeful disposition, and
their undaunted bravery to tin ances
try dating back to the time when the
foothills of the Cumberland mountains,
the streams and valleys tributary to
tlie Sandy were nrst settled by a race
of intrepid Indian hunters and trap
ors, followers of iloone, Kenton Ar
biickle, and other leading spirits.
Many of these men married Indian
squaws captured In raids, or purchased
from tlie different warlike tribes which
then Inhabited this region, and tho
blood of these feminine branches of
tho klngllest Indians (for tradition and
documents still In existence show thai.
tho white hunter of that day was still
something of an, and seldom
condescended to mute wiin me com
moner members of the tribes) is lit this
late day plainly apparent in the tall,
straight forms, the keen eyes, nnd
long, black hair of many of the older
Tho lllg Snndy raftsmen became
known throughout tho country as tho
wildest, most dangerotiB class of men
on the Ohio river. Their carouses,
their love of lighting or anything
which partook of desperation and
deviltry is still a familiar theme from
Pittsburg to Cincinnati. Hundreds of
stories of their dare-devil scrapes are
still told along tho river, and it wasnot
an uncommon thing when several hun
dred of them hud sold their timber,
which thev had lloatcd down to Cin
cinnati in immense rafts and llcets, for
them to get on board one of thulargcst
boats which at that day piled tho river
on their up trip und tako tho captain,
pilots, engineers, and other ollicers
prisoners and then run the boat to s it
themselves. Every other craft in the
legitimate trade gavo tho "pirate" ns
wide a berth as possible, running into
tlie banlc If necessary to got out of the
way. When a town or landing was ap
proached tho bell was kept clantring as
fust as stalwart arms could pull tho
rope, while tho whistle was blown loud
and lung enough to awaltcu tho seven
sleepers. Tho citizens of the towns
seemed to know by intuition that tho
rattoinen had taken possession ol a boat
long beforo she cumo in sight nnd
crowds of them would congregate
along tho bank to witness the htrango
scene. There wur no Ubo to rchist, as
stenmboatmen soon learned, nnd tho
only way to savo the boat and property
was to elleet fcomo sort of compromise,
which generally ended in tho dare
devils running tho steamer half a day
or such n matter, when they turned
her over to the proper owners.
Although these men were known to
uo dare-devils nnd fond of fight or any
thing which partook of excitement
thoy were not all bad by any means.
Along in tho ' I0's and 'CO's the coun
try for hundrcdR of miles nbovo and be
low was filled with counterfeits, prin
cipally silver dollars. Tho irovcrnment
of tho United States scut out a number
of its best detectives and after a long
timo they locatod their manufacture at
Sandy, but the manufacture was not
suppressed until a long tlmo after
everybody know as well ns tho ofllcers
tliomsolvos that tho counterfeit was
manufactured soiuowhero up the
stream. Thu "Big Sandy dollar," as
the counterfeit wob denominated, was
is common 'as it more legitimate
brother from the mint at Washington
or New Orleans along the Ohio valley,
ind It was claimed openly and I be
jlovo frequently udmltted to this day
by the older people that the "lllg
Sandy dollar" contained as much silvor
Ind was an handsome a piece of money
is the genuine, liven long after tho
31scovcry of the eonlackers' den in tho
mountain the bogus dollar remained In
irculatlon. To uccouut for this tho
writer has been often told that the
counterfeiters had discovered n vein or
mine of silver in the mountain, and
that they were "using pure silver and
tnoro of it than was contained In thr
genuine, llo that as it may, the tradi
tion still exists that a silver mlno ex
isted nnd was long worked at soma
point on tho Sandy.
This Is tho character of tho countvv
wild, mountainous and almost Im
penetrable, nnd thinly populated by a
people who are loo years behind tho
times and who to-day nro living over
again in a somowluit modified form tho
lives of their ancestors of u, century
ago. Is it any wonder, then, that tho
llatllelds and McCoys, tho Tollivcrs,
Underwoods, and ethers of like ilk can
and do defy the laws and laugh at the
efforts of courts, backed as they often
are ly companies of (soldiers anil even
batteries of artillery?
.Nothing but a
greater civilisation can or will remedy
these troubles, but that seems now in
than one commencod through tho hills
nnd ralloys of this rich but at present
almost valueless country.
I.j din 'J'liuiiipiom Und n Tlirllllnc
Itxpet-leiicv Out West
A good story is told about Lydla
Thompson, the. burlesque actress, who
first visited this oMinlry in the early
fceevntles. At that period there waH no
railway to Cheyenne. To "make" that
city the famoUB burlesqucr wan forced
to cross the plains by stage from
Deadwood. She only took part of her
company along. Jt was on a cool
August evening mat mo uoacn ion.
DeHdwood. After u two-days' rido they
were attacked by road a cents.
who were disgusted to find
that all the occupants of the
conch woro of tho gentler box.
The outlaws seldom attack or rob
women. Yet they didn't liko to tell
the driver to "go on" on such occasions.
As they hesitated on this occasion, tho
burlesquors, who wcro rendy to hand
out their valuables, wondered what it
nil meant.
"What do you want?" asked llisa
Thome-son, who had thrown an old
red shawl under her arm and other
wise changed her appearance to that oi
nn lrlsli woman ol meagre means.
"I want a kiss," demanded the leader
of the road agents.
"lint sure, yez don't wnnt to kiss an
nuld woman like mcself," said the fair
"lou may lie lrlsli, m am, but dem
Hps is just too lovely fur anything; so
irit down, an uo mighty quick nbout it.
nd the leader whipped a dangerous
loolclng gun out ol ins pocket.
Lydla alighted without further ado
and delivered a kiss to tho outlaw with
unerring aim.
And so did all tho other mombcrs ol
tho company, who wondered what the
noxt move would be.
'Fhwnt le yez wnnt now?" asked
Lydin as tho lust member of hor troupe
had given up the coveted kiss.
"ou can git now, the leader
nnswered, "and be kinder careful, not
to tell any body that yo met us. Sec."
The last woril had hardly been
littered when tho burlesquors wcro la
their seats. They never told any
body, nnd the secret only leaked out
onito roPTltlT-
What the Druggists say
of Hciskcll's Ointment:
When we nre afeked to recommend a prepara
tion for ftklu hatirl out IIkiskklis
Ointment, Willi every coiiilJence of Unsuccess
ful treatment or tlie LlUeunc."
J. C. lliiuit-K, 5 Main St., nutlcr, Pa.
"I havobeen selling Hkiskkll's Ointukmt
for eleven yi-urs. 1 1 alves uut erbul satlsfoctlos
It will curo Tkttrii.
O. W. lUcKKNiiKnoKR, Balnbrldge, r
Wo have evidence of the curatlvo properties
of 1kikkli.'8 Ointmknt here. It lit a gouV
reliable ointment." A 1-ler, Tarenlum, Ta.
"In all skin disease I Invariably recommed
J. J, Kgil, Flmrpsburg, Ta.
miTeiskfm.'s Ointmrkt cures wlien all else
fulls." McClullan & 11 bxd, Fieeimrt, Pu.
" Heisklll's Ointiiekt sells on Its own
merit " II II. Hilton. Kluauulng, l'a.
is and will ever be tho
Komedy for
rnrnit . TnAiianea. Uaokaoho."
Il-Pafna In thA Kfrln. Ohest nndl
I Joints, Meurnigia, eprwu, oso
Before you need to ooy, otitaln
the viduaWe tnoki "Gnljle to Hfjlth," with!
4 oadwoiuioU of proraluout I'Bjsioliss, M
310 Broadway,
Prize Medals Awarded!
Vienna, l'ragno, Kottordam, OHeBi
Unrambere, onstelni Lelpalo,
50 Cents a bottle, For Salo byj
T. I. J). KIllIilN.
Sjgana otner arugGisii.
Backache with a Drawing-down Tain,
5 Weary, Tired Feeling, Disinclination to
Labor, Bcanty nnd High Colored TJrlno?
! Ifyouhavoanyofthcuotroublcsyoufnny
" be mi ro you have Kidney Dlseano Aro
; yon bilious? Ilavo you Jaundice? Do
2 you linvonsnllnwconiptoxlou? Arovou
troubled with constipation? If no, you
have Mver Complaint niul.shonld road
i the following teatlraonlals i
: Mrs. Ciiah. IIathorm, CI Pearl 8t.,
; llangor, has been very low with Kldne'
; lilaease; the has been confined to her bed
! for some time. Had n comdnntnnd ln
; tense backacho with all other symptoms
2 of Kidney Dlfcasc. Iter husband bought
: Brown's Sarsapurlllaj she was cured by
It, and Is now lu better health than for
S years. Her friends say Drown'a Barsa
S parllla saved her life.
J John 1'nn.i.tpsof Taylorstown.Wash-
lngton Co., Pu., sa! I hud suffered
S drendfdlly from Mtomneli and IJver
S trouble and was reduced to 117 pounds,
; when 1 commenced to use Rrown's Bar
; SHimrllln, and now weigh 140 pound. I
S consider It tlie beri Medicine lever tttecf,
and had tried a Teat many, without ro
'; llof before taking Ilrown's BnranparlllH,
S You may refer to me whenever you
i please.
I The railroad mon of the United States
are among the mnstuupahle, Industrious
I end faithful of her citizens. T them
At oil Druggists 1.00.
DON'T tako Soraethlug else
Aha WAnnEH & Co., Solo
Brown s Sarsaparilea
Loliigh Valley Railroad.
JIAY 10, 1891.
raescneer trains will leave Hlif imndoah fc r
Mauch Chimb, LehlEhton, Hlallngton, (iiUv
eauQiia, Alleritowu. Brllileliem, 1-iihton, l'hll
artolphia and New York at D.17, 7.40, 9.08 a.m.
122, 3.11), 6.211 p.m.
For Helvlclcre, Delaware Water Gap and
alroucHbiirg at 6.7, n.-m.. and 0.26 p. in.
For Lanibertvllleand Trenton, D.Os a, is
For Wlilte Haven, WllkesJlarre and Fltl
ton 6.47, .l, 10.41 a m., 3.10 and 6.20 p. m.
For TunahHiinoclt, 10.41 a. m 3.10 and 6.
p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Qenova and and Lyonf
10.41 a. in., alio p. ni.
r nr i Jicei vine, xowiiuan. cayre, averiy
Klmhn. Itochcaier. lliitlulo. lairaia Fulls
Clilcapo and all.olutB West at 10.11 a. in., nnd
6.2p. m.
For j-lmlra and the West via 8lmanca at
3.10 p. m.
1' ur Auueitrieu, xiuy.iviuii, (ju,,-niuu, .uiu
her Yard. Wcathirly and Fcnn Huven Juno
lion lit 6.41, ".JO, U,0S n. in. and 12.62, 8.10 and
5.20 p.m.
1'or Jennesvllle, lievlston and Beavei
Meadow, 7.40, l).08a. m. end 6.28 p. m.
r or ecraijion. at o.i vua, iu.4iu. xxi. o.iuiuiu
M p. m.
Knr Unzle Brook. Jcddo. JJrlfton and Free
laud at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a.m., 122 3.1U and
6.28 p. m.
ruruuuuHiie ui 0.11 uuu v.v-o . iu., .wu
8.10 p.m.
r Or IV IgUHU:, uuuci urn nuu f luvviijo ...
6.5U and D.0S a m., and 4,10 p.m.
For yaiesvuie, Aiananoy uny nnu ueiauo
6.47. 7.40. 9.C8, 10.41, 10.68 u. m.,12.62,3.10,5.26, 8,03,
9.2- ardl0.27 p. m.
Pn I ...t P.c.1, -Slrarritrllla .nil A rhlanil
4.27. 7.W.8.62. 10.15 II. m., 1S, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35
8.10 and 9.14 p. m.
For UnrKwater, Bt. Clair and I'ottsville.
7.40, '.OS, 10.53 a. m 12.62,3.10,4.10, 5.26 and 8.R
fOT riQCK illllUUIHlll, JliW JXISIIIU UllU
Moren. 7.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 5.26 and
8.03 p.m.
For Haven Ilun, Centralla, ilt. Carmel and
filiamokin, 82, and 10.15 a. m., 1.4U, 4.41
and 8.0(1 p. m.
Trains leave Huamokln for Bhenandoab,
74 11J15 a. m., 2.10. 4.30 and 9.30 p. m., arrlvlne
at ucnanaoau, u.eo a. in., o.iv, dm tuiu
11.15 p. in.
For I)st Creek, Ulrardvllle and Ashland,
8.50, 9.10 11.85 a.m., 2.45 p. m.
For Darkwatcr. bt. Ulatr and Pottsvllle,
O.DU, O.W, VXJ K,Ul.i X.ltJ l't 111.
For Yatesvllle, Stabanoy City and Delano,
B.W, a. In., tw, p. rn.
For Lolly, Audenrled and Ilazleton, 8.01
a- m., 1.40 p. m:
For Mauch Chunk. Lehlghton, Blatlngton,
Catasauqua, Allcntown, llelhleliem, Kastor
and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m:
For I'liiladelnhla, 1.40 p. m.
Uen'l lafs. Act., lletLlehcin.
Urgtil ui Oldest Reliable Fsrel Cut Cttnjtilu
Bepreaented by
120 B, Jardln Btreci,
A newly discovered M1NFHAL WATEIt,
the use of which will tupply important ele
ments necemury to heallh. It will cure the
Kidneys, Liver, Btomnch, and all Bowel and
Uladder diseases. It will dissolve calculi and
remove them, it removes the nrlo acid from
tho blood and thus destroys Malaria and
Chills. It cures DrlRlit's disease, and la es
pecially recommended for people advanced in
life, nnd for genera) debility. For undoubted
proofs of this send for pamphlet giving full I'lJnnY, Water of Life
Co., SI Houtli Main Bt Wllkes-Barre, Fa.
fill ill OMLYI
ror i.U3i'orriuno haiihodd
iVcUnecf Body andMitiJ, CfTeett
of ErrfiraorExeMset in Older Younr.
llvbu.l, flcl'l BliMIOOU TullJ llmortd. How 10 onUrfO ami
ibioionir Dofiiilon iioiia niuriiiiNT-H.Miii.
Ron Ir.lfrr rroa &oSLIi-iaad)orlf BCaantrl... Writoll..i9.
Du.orlLtl.o Hok, ftpt.Oftlloncnd tirooli la.ll.d (..tlcdlfrr.
ljJr... ERIS MECtCAt. CO.. BUFFALO, H. V .
New Jblrm,
Ifeiv Slock.
Green Truck, Fine Groceries,
Delaware roe chad and other fresh fish right
from the boats on J'ridays. Fresh
Greens froni thetjoutb.
Evan's Building, E. Centre St.
U.S. mtllam'oiatland)
Everything new und .resh. Goods delivered
to any part of town.
'A ties tnjublM with thoae e.nnoyin; irrt,fii.i.ieF
rp.iuentlr fullowin'jo ful.torxpn-UPe, or frou'on
utituUonal WtMtkne4.en bo pwruiUt to thuir hbOQlt
Uo DR. OuCHOINU'S O -luUrmet,
Titer urtt BtrenBthenlatt tftho entlrB sril.f . i.ii
toua, vliforatid roatfuttio foiatu alt fanrtioaaor tol
tod mind, Beat briar,!, eemrolyt , ..laih J.
i)r. Hurtor MoUlclnoCo..ST.LOUIS. MU
immense Interests nro Intrusted, nnd
without them we should innko little or
no progress. In their dally toll, there In
called good Judgment, honestv, fidelity,
qulcknoss of thought, hand and eyp, ami
coupled with those, they are required tf
donn immense amount of labor. lu
Is Hltlobr no work connected with ','
building and maintaining of a railroad
that does not bear heavily on the K'd
noys. On tho track, In laying rails ami
lit grading J In the shops where the mar
velous engines, and palatini cam aro pu
together; in the baggage room, at the
desk, on the engines, or wherever the
rnllrond man may be, his work opens a
path for KUlnoy trouble Ilallrond men
therefore, cannot fall to be Interested In
tho statement of a man, who, for 40 years,
has been a rondmnsteron thehlg lloston
ft Maine llnllroad.and now hnvlngclutrge
of over 800 miles of roadbed. Head the
following i
a iirat Falls, N. H., May 10, 1887.
Gentlemen 1 have used Brown's Sar- ;
sapnrllla for Kidney and Liver troubles, i
and can truly say It lias done more for 5
me than all the doctors I ever employed, ;
and.I have hid occasion to require the S
services of the best physicians fn the jj
male. My wife has nl&o been greatly z
benefited by 1U use. Itcspcctfully, S
Headmaster Boston & Maine It. It. ;
O bottles fur S. 00.
"Just as good," IT IS NOT.
I'roprietora.Bangor, Me.
A snfennrt Inrallibl" neulrnllzerand elmlna-
loror inipuro fioca, one a raaicaicuin lor
ilirimiHllnn. cout. and skin dltcates. Cuiea
FpeclUc reltcninaffw rronths and eating
ulcer in as many weeks. No luilurcs and nu
Soli) at, KIrlln'fi Drufj Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa.
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. W. Leisenrinq, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
R. Leisenrinq, Cashier,
S. V. Yost; Ass' t Cashier.
Open Daily From 9 to 30
Pnia 011 Hnvlncs Deposit.
Your trade Is what wo
This Is liow we propose
to get It.
By BelllDg you a first
class article; by selllngyou
for lets tbau olliers; by
eelllcg you furniture, an
organ, a plnno, a sewing
machine or anything else
in the line of household
We have a large and va
ried stock to select from.
No trouble to show goods.
Call, examine and be
Sotttli Dlalit St..
she nsr.asrnz oah.
First National Bank,
Philadolpuiaond Eoading Bailroad;
Hn 3Vi5!e in ejfeel July 10, 1801
mm lEAY snmrooAH as follows
j. m. Bunday 2.10 and 7.48 a. in. For New
-.ork, via Mauch Chunk, week days, 5.85.
-.20, a. m. and-12.35 and 2.60 p.m.
otn" JRd!K nnd 1'W,",ne'p,1,n weekdays,
2.10, 6.24, 7.20, a. m 1285 2W) and ',55 P.m!
jnrtaF. 2.10 and 7.4S a. m , 4.30 p. m.
?!nr. g!'rrtrifi week aa, 2.m,;.20 a. in,,
0, bjao p. m.
or Al lea town, week day, 7.20 i. m. 12.35
. 0 p. m.
nr PotUvIlle, week days, 2,iu. m..
12.3, StW 1 .ml 5.55p.m. Buncay, 2 OMfl"
m , 4.80 p.m. .u.w
t iuuim and Mahanoy city, wee
JV", 2.10, 6.35, 7.20, a. m., 12 35 2.e0 and 6.55
P m. Hnnday, 2.10 and 7.48 a. in., 4 80 p. m.
Additional oi iatinoy City, week daya 7,00
ur XiHnoater and Columbia, weok dayn.
.JO a. m.. 2.60 p.m. '
Jot Wllltamsport, unbury and ljcwtbnrR,
ek day, 8.25, 7.20 and 113.1 a. m 1.3.1, 7.5J
. m, Sunday 3-25 a. m., 3.05 p. in.
t-or Mahanoy 1'lane, weekdays, 2.1O S2i,
1 28, 70 and 11.3J a. m., 12.S5, 1.35, 5.65,
7.00anc .a 1 . m. Hnnday, 2 10, i 2i and 7.48
a. m. 1 eg, 4.30 ,. in.
ror uinuravuie iHappauannocK isietlon
vflk da-VS. 2.IU. 8.2i. 5.SS. nil 11.8 1 m..
12.35. 1 85 H.IKI. 5.56. 7.00 aril H.'JS. n. m. Hundav!
2-iU, 2 v 7.48 a. m 3.i, 4.30 p. rn.
or Aniuana aun uhiuokiu, week days,
3,21,5.24,7.20, 11.31 n m., 135, 7 (U Mild 9,28
ui, eunoay k. 1x1., s.ui p. in,
ritAlNS bOti 1-ja.KNAMJOAii .
liMVO New York via Fhlladeinhla. week
ly,7.45 a. m., 1.80, 4.00. 7.30 p. ui , 12.15
nt. ManajiV , u,uu p. 111.. 12.15 ulgnl.
eave Nei Vor!; via Mnn.-b t'linnk. week
lays, 4.80. 8.45 a. m 1.01) aud 1.0) p. m.
1 eave l'lilludeiiibia. wia imv.. 4.10. Annl
10.00 a. i. 4.00 and tt.UO p. in'., ft ui Broad
ad calio-winll and 8.35 a. m.and 11. .a) n. m.
from 9inam .r,,u ttts. Hunday 9.05 a.
m. 11.10 p. m.from Mn niir u.
Jjeuve xteftdltig, wX days, I3i. 10.15
nd 11 60 a. m.. 5.65. 7 XI n. m. Bundav 1.35 ana
1U.4H a. 111.
Lrfiitve i'ottsville. week davs. V4H. V.40 h. m..
1,611 p, 111. Bunday, k.4(i, 7.00 a m. and
iavo Taraaqtia, wik days, K.fO, 8.48 and
1 21 a. m., 1,21, 7.13, and 9.18 p. m. Huoday
7 A3 m. HuaifiO p. m.
iieave Mahanoy City, week days, 8.10, 9.! 8
inn 11.47.1. m., 1.51, 7.42 and 9.41 y.m. Him.
iay, 8.40,8.17 . 111., 3.20 p, m.
L,eave iulianoy Flai.e, week dnyii, 2-4 ',4.10
11.30, ;. 11.1 9 a. ui.,1.1'5, 2.1 IS. 5 20, b 26 7 7, and
t"i 'i p. ru. Handay 2.4 4.00. and 8.i7. a. m
3 87, 5.01. p. m. uirarunue (nappauaunnca rHuuunj
wves. .days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.3d, and 9.41 a. in., 12.0,
1 '2, 5.), 6.82, S.03 aud 10.0H p. in, Sunday , 2,47,
I. 0:, 8 33 n. m. 3.41, C.o7 p, m.
Jjsave Wllllameoori, week daye, 3.00,9.45 and
II. 66 a. m. 8.35 and 11.15 p, m. Hunday 11.15
For Baltimore, Washington and the west,
via B. a O. It. K,, through trains leave Ulrard
Avenue station, 1'hlladelphla, (!'. A 11. H. 11. 1
at 4.10, $01 and 11.27 a. In., 1.81, 4.21, 6.65 ant
7.23 p, rn. Bunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a. m 4.24
1.55 and 7.21 p.m.
tavo rtilladolphla, Chestnut Bt eet W lmrl .
aaA Boulh Ktreet Wharf.
Per Atlantic tint,
Week d ys-Kxprefs, 5 15, 8 00 9 00, 10 45 a.
m. audi 'i' (Saturday! only, 1.30), 2.i, 3 00.
3.30, .. , 5 00, 0.00 i . u. AooonimuJatiou, 7 40
u. in., 4.15.0 30 . n
-ii,.iyo. -t,xpresR 615, 7.00, 7.31, 8.00, 8 30,
9.00,9.30 4, m. and 4 30 p. in. Aouoan.t. uion
3.00 a. ni. nnd i 45 ... u..
wturulng-, leave Atlautlo City, depot cornet
vitlcnrtit Ai-kanapa veres.--i w k-dn 1
Express, 7 00, 7.30, 8 00, 9.00, 10.00 a. m. and 3.15,
4.00, 6.80, B.3i, 7.50, 9 30 p. m. Accommodation
B.00, 8.10a. m. and 4..0p in. Sundays-Kx-prebS,
3 SO, 1 00, 6 00, 0 00, 0-30. 7-00, 7.30. 8 00, 9.S0
p.m. iiccommouauun, .ua.m.,D.u p.m.
i. A. Ml I.KOD. 1'rea. ct Uou'l Manaiter.
EOUUXtKILI. Division.
On and after Nov. 24, U80, frafni u-ft! lea
Shenandoah as follows:
For Wlggan, Gllberlon, Fractvllle, New
Caatle, Ht. Clair, and way points, 0.(11, 9.19
4 in and 4.1pm.
Hundays, 000, 9.40 a m nnd 3.10 1 ni.
For I'ottsville, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 1.15 p m,
Sundays, 000, 9.40 a m and 3.10 n in.
For Keanlinf, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 pm.
Sundays, 600,9,40 a.m. and 8.10 pm.
For Fottstown, Fhoenixville, jHorrlBlow-n
ind Fhlladelpbla (Broad street station), ",09,
J.10 a in, and 4.15 p m week days
Sundays, 000, 9.40 a m 8.10 p in
Trains leave FrsckvlUe lor Bbenandoah aft
10.40 a rn and 1U.14, 7.42,10,09 pm. Sundays.
11.13 a in and 6.40 pin.
Leava FoUsville lor Shenandoah, 10,15 ana
11.48, a ci 7.15, 9.42 p m, E-undays, 10,40 a m
5.15 p in.
lieave Philadelphia (Broad stteet ttatlon),
lor I'ottsvlUo aud bhenandoab, 5.57,10.25 a m
2.10, 4.10 und 7.00 p m week days. Bunday 9.23
am and 1.10 n. m.
For w lorn, a.vj, i.iu, i.iu,, t.ou,,
i.lffl8.80, J.50, ll.00andll.15am.12.00 noon, lira1
tied express, 1.00 and 4.50 p m.) 12.41, 1.40,2.80.
i'J), 4, 5, 6, 6.80, 6.&07.13 8.12 and 19.00 pm, 12.01
On Bundsys, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 5.35, 8.12, 8.W, 9.60,
n t.i. llLia.S.IO lllmltfd 4.BH1. fi.2f. K.H1. K.Ni
7.13 8,12 P in and 12.01 night.
For uea uin, Bpnug iaae, ueimar,,
,,-f ean drove. Asburv Fare, and Lone Branch
8.20, 11,15, a. ra. 4.00 p. m, week davf For
Freehold, s.v , p. m. week aayo.
Baltlmom and Washlneion. 8.60. 7.20. 8.31
9.10, JU20, J 1.18 a m, 12.1"! (limited cxpiess) 8.49
l.ll anf..iu p, m., anu i.iu mgnu hot
Baltimore, my 2.02. 4.1 1, & 08 nnd li.iiO p. m
OnKundays,3.60, .fti. 9.11-and 11.18 a. m. 4.41 v m, 12.03 nlEhU Baltimore only
5.08 aud M .SO pin.
i-nr tticnmondand tne uontn 7.iun.iH a. m,.
(Limited Express 12.35 p. m..)12.03 mcht,week
days. Sundays, 7S a. in., 12.03 night.
'xraina leave xiarrisourg lor l-nisnarK ana
the wcht every day at 12.25 and 3.10 a m and
3.00 (limited) and 3.40 p m. Way for Alloona,
.15 a m aud 4.10 p m every day.
For Flttsburg only, 11.20 a ni dally and 10.20
in week days.
Leave tmubury lor 'Wllllanisport, Klmlra,
'.'anandalgua, llochester, Huflaloand JSlagara
e'ulla 6,10am dally, and 1,43 pin weekdays.
For Vatklns, 5.S0 p m week days.
For Krle and Intermediate points, 5.10 a mi,
lally. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.53 a ra.
dally, 1.84 and 6.30 p. m. week days. For
ntnova o.iu a m l.m tmu otv p ui wees uayn(
1.10 a. m Sundays.
'HAH. K l'UUH.
pen. Man'
(Jen. Pass. Act,
Timetable in iff eet May, 10,1891.
Trains leave Reading (1 & 11. station) for
Qlbraltar, Beyfert, Dlratboro, Joanna, Bprlnsr
field, Waynesbure Junction, Coatesvllle.West'
CliCHter.CliodBford Junction, II, t O. Junction,
Wilmington and Intermedial stations, dally
except Hunday, at 6.25 and b'.SO a.m. and 3.15
p. m. Hunday only at 3.05 p. m.
For Warwick, HUFetem and Intermediate
fetatlons,dally except Hunday, at 9.20 a.m., and
6.19 p, m. bunday only 8.15 a. in.
For Birdiljoro and Intermediate Etatlona.
Saturday only, at 12 ni.
For Baltimore and Washington iB. & O.K.
It.) dally except Bunday at 0.25 and 8.30 a. ta.
and 3.16 p. m, Hunday only al 3.05 p, in.
Trains arrive at Heading (P. & li. station)
from Wilmington, li. & O. Junction, Mont
rhanln, ChaddBlord Junction, Wt-M Chester,
Inape. Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction,
Hprlngllelil, Joanna, lilrdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey
fen and lmeimedlate stallous, dally except
Bunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. in. Hun.
day only at 11 24 a. m.
From Bt. Peters, Wafwick and intermcdlato
stations, daily except Hunday, at 8.2J a. m.
and 2.25 p.m. Bunday only at 0 p.m.
From llirdsboio and Intermediate ttatlons,
Saturday only at 1.40 p. ra.
Fiom Wakhliigton and Daltlmoro. daily ex
cept Bunday, 10 20 a, in. 6.62 and 8.17 p. in.
Bunday only at 11.21 a. in.
II 1 1 fi T 1 1 II C We the undersigned,
11 II r I II M t . nre entirely cured oi
II U I I II i I. i(UptUre by Dr J. B.
MAYKR, 831 Arch Bt., Phlla. Tbomaa U.
llarlung, New lllnggold, Pa., I.iandt, Bouth
iiieton, Pu., L. P. li O. A. Deturck, Oley, Fa
It. G. Bfanley, 421 Spruce Ht., Lebanon, Pa., A.
Hchnelder. Lotut Dale, Pa.,D, II. Noll, Lime
kiln, Fa., Wm. E. Ilar enstlne, t'hoenlxvllie,
Pa., W. SI. Lelnbach, 021 Washington Ht '
Heading, Pa., J, 0. Lyme. 1310 W. HowardSt.,
llarrlsburg, Pa 0, Kechn, Dounlassvllle, Pa.
Dr. MAYER Is at Holel Penn, Reading, Pa.,
on the 2nd Saturday of each mouth. Call to
see him.
Not BEaat Centre Street; Mahanoy City, Ptk
Uklnandall speolal diseases a specialty.