SBSTASTDOAH. PA.. WEDNESDAY. JULY 22. 1891. ONE CENT. THE SUREST EOAD TO WEALTH IS THROUGH LIBERAL ADVERTISING VOL. VI.-2STO. Id5. CONVENTION CALL. To the Republican llicctors of Pennsylvania: After consultation and correspondence with the membert of the Republican Mate Committee, and by their direction, I hereby give no((o that Jhe Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duty chosen representatives, wilt meet in State Con ventton at Harrlsburg, Wednesday, August 19, 3B)1891, at 10 o'clock A, M., for the purpose of plac- iny in nomination candidates for the offices of Slate Treasurer and Auditor General, for the nomination of eighteen candidates for Delegates' nt-Itarge to the Constitutional ObntmUon pro-vlded-for in the Act of Assembly apjiroved June 18, l(s91, and for the transaction of stich other business as may be presented. Notice is especially directed to the fact that, in accordance with the provisions of the last men tioned act, each Senatorial dlslrict is entitled to a representation of three delegates in said Con stitutional Convention, two of whom only canbe members of the majority party in said district. The electors ofmeh district are therefore re quisled to make proper nominations for dele gales to said convention, the rules governing the nomination of candidates for S'.ate Senator to be applicable. In this connection the Chairman desires to call the attention of Republican voters to the recom mendation of the Stale Convention of 183'2, that "they allow the greatest freedom in the general participation in the primaries consistent with the preservation of the party organisation," U'lf. Jt. ANDREWS, Chairman. A Mino Flooded. Bcranton, July 22. When John Fly tin fired n shot in tho Jcrmyn initio ut Kendhnm, he was surprised to see - water spurt iu through u hole made by the blast. He had blnwu away tho partition which separated him from a dam Iu au abandoned mine. Tho miners all escaped, hut tho Jerinyn mine is Hooded and it will he fully a month before tho water can be pumped out. TI10 Wllf-cl. Juno 28 Excursion of tho Kentucky Division, L. A. W., from Louisvillu to tho JIatumoth Cnve nnd return. July 2-4 Bace meet of the Hagors town Iiicycle Club, and the third rac ing district, Hngcrstown, JId. July 3-4 Annual incot of tho Mis souri Division, L. A. W., Carthago. July 4 Columbia 'Cycle Club's an nual tournament, Charter Oak X'ark, Hartford, Ct. July 4 The annual I'oormau road race, Cincinnati, 0. July 4 Tho annual race meet of the California Division, L. A. W., Stockton. Athletic. June 30 Host on Athletic Association open handicap fames, Irvington Oval. July 1 St. Catherines (Ont.) AtkletSu Association games. July 4 Lorillard Debating and Afe letio Association summer games, Jerssy City, N. J. ' July 4 Prospect Harriers open amsr .tour games, I!rooklyn, N. Y. JC July 4 Sons of St. George panes, Camden, N. J. July 4 Trimont Athlotto Club cpa amateur games, Boston, Man. 0333STTS per yd for the BEST TABLE OILCLOTH, Bold In other Rtores ror 35c. All floor Oilcloth! roil ace J. Call ror bargains C. D. FRICKE'S Carpel Store, 10 Soulh Jardio SL, near Centre IsTBW CARPETS. Keiter is notu receiving a nciv stoclcof Tapestry and Body Brussels and Ingrains in handsome new tall patterns. ZEsTIEW OIL CLOTHS. Just opened a large assortment of Choice JVeiw Patterns, in all widths. LINOLEUMS yards wide, from $1 tip. IS' A SPECIAL BARGAIN IN SYRUP. He Finest Table Syrup -we Have ever liacl for tlie price. Heavy Body, lifflit Color, Splendid Flavor, Strictly Pure Cane Syrup, Not mixed witli Corn Syrup and Glucose. PRICE TEN CENTS A QUAltT. Also a Fair Sugar Syrup at G cts. "Northwestern Daisy.!" Is a high grade Patent JTlonrMade from choicest Mln nesota Wheat. Makes 1'iour. EASY TO BAKE. Guaranteed Equal in every JBlour in the market, $6.00 PER lor sale only BOLD BANK BURGLARS. TUB K ASTON NATIONAL 11ANK V1S1TEJJ 11V TUIKVES. Easton, July 22. The boldest rob bery ever committed In the Lehigh Valley took place In tho Easton National Hank at high noon to-day. Tho bank ia a handsome structutu, in the very heart of tho business sec tion nf the city, and has double doors, which stood wide open to-day revealing the Interior to passers by, while the large plate glass windows were swuug soastogivean unobstructed view of the counting room. It was thought that robbery in such a place woulu be impossible, and yet $1000 was spirited away in a Hash. Three men were engaged In the a Hair. First n well dressed mall entered tho bank, aud goingto thedlscouutclerk's window asked "What is otir name?" The clerk answered "Hixler." "You are the mau I want to see, then," said the stranger. "I represeut tho Bixler estate of Germany, ".and then ho proceeded to confer with Mr. Bixler relative to a fortune left in the old country for Bixler heirs. After some conversation he left. A few minutes after lie entered a mau stepped to tho teller's window and addressed Chief Bookkeeper Frauk Sletor, who was serving in the 1 absence, at dinner, of Mr. Jacob Holt, u.. nc,i..,.i m ui. ...... uc-ept?80 which he proffered, and hold It for n note which would shortly full due in tho bank, Mr. Sletor told him that it was not the custom to do business in that way, as tho man kept no account at tho hank. However, ho could open an account if he liked. While saying this, Mr. Sletor was 0 Hinting the package of money. He louud it to contain but $78, and told the man he should lake It back to wherever he got it aud have it made right. The stranger got Mr. Sletor to count again and then saying he was satisfied that thopackage was short, he left tho bank. He had held Mr. Sletor's attention about three minutes. A few minutes later Mr. Sletor missed a package of $1 bills which shortly before he had noticed in a safe which was inside of the money vault in therearof tho counting room. William Hackett, tho cashier, returned from dinner at one o'clock, aud Mr. Sletor Informed him. An investiga tion was at ouco made, aud it was found that a package containing $1000, mostly iu 1 bills, was gone. The package was bulky, and how the thief got it out unobserved Is a mystery. Unlike nil other illusions the exhibition in Forguson's thcatro, building will boar tho most searching scrutiny. 7-22-tf Assault on a Polish Woman. George Colson, 20 years,of Mahauoy City, was arrested last night, charged with attempting au assault on Mary Yetsco, a Polish woman. The latter was picking huckleberries on tho Broad Mountain Saturday when Col eon suddenly knocked her down, but was prevented from committing a further crime by her countrymen, who heard her cries aud came to her assistance. Colson made' his escape, but was captured last evenlug. Sie Thauma. She's a wondor, 7 22-tf Advertise in the Herald. more bread thanjordlnary respect to any IIlgh-pYlced BARREL. RUNAWAY GAR ! EXCITEMENT ON THE LEHIGH RAILROAD THIS MORNING. A BRAKE CHAIN OF A GAR BREAKS. An Englnoor'a Raoo Through Town to Provont a Disaster. Ho Suoooeds ia Arresting tho Runaway. At four o'clock this morning the Enipiro freight train on thoLahlgh Valley railroad drawn by engine No. C37, in charge of .En gineer Pole .McCarthy, loft I'aokorton for this town. Whon about two hundred yards from tho red bridge, oast of this town, the onginn was cut loose and was run to tho Emarlck a trout crossing to allow ono of the cars to be sido-trackod. Tho car was detached in cjiargo of a brakoman and anothor brakoman stood at tho switch between tho bridge and tho crossing at which tho ongino stood, roady to rocoivo tho balanoo of tho train. As tho detached car passed under tho bridgo tho brako chain broko and tho man on top of the car lost control. The grade from tho bridgo to tho crossing is quito heavy and tho releasod car was n'tvon additional spood every few yards. Tho onginoor took in tho situation at a glance and signalled tho brakeman at tho switch to allow the runaway car to follow his online. McCarthy thon put on a full hod of stoarn and started westward at a fifty-mile gait, blowing constantly as ho sped along for a eloar track. Tbo freifjht car, with tho, brakeman clinging to the brake, followed on tho same track at a speed of ovor forty miles an hour. McCarthy sped through town, sounding tho alarm, and tho railroad was eoon linod with thousands of people, who wero unable to understand the situation. It was a thrilling race and thoso who knew the cir cumstances wore sure that it would end die- as trcusly. But McCarthy, tho engineer, is a man of good judgment and nerve. Ho stood at tho lovor like a hero, running ahoad of the runaway ear like tho hero on horseback who sped through Conematuh Valley when the Johnstown flood took place. By skilfully manipulating tho speed of his engine ho gradually decreased thodis tnnce botwoon his charge and tho freight car and, Anally, at Shenandoah Junction, whore the Pennsylvania and Lehigh Val ley railroads connect, but few feet separated tho two. A few yards furthor, and tho bumper of tho freight car was against that of thn ongino. Tho speed of both wero thon decroasod. A fow mlnulos lator Mc Carthy backed up to Emorick street cross ing with tho runawav car In charge. Tho car was sido-tracked and McCarthy pro ceeded with the balance of tho train to Mt. Carmol. McCarthy's presen eo of mind saved tho Lehigh Valloy Kailroad Company con siderable loss and, perhaps, savod many 'lives. Tho runaway was ono of the most excit ing events over witnossed on tho local branch of tho railroad. Had tlio runaway car been switched it would have crashed into tho yard of tho Shonandoab Foed and Lumber Company and tho brakeman on top of the car would have been crushed in to a shapeless mass. Had tho ear bon given a freo is hard to imagine what would have beoa tho result. It would certainly havo been disastrous. Tuoro was only one method to avoid tho two evils, ana that was tho ono suggested by .Mc Carthy's prcsencoof mind. Columbia Park Gospel Meetings. The go pol meetings being held at twi light In Columbia Park are increasing in interest and attendance every night. It is expected that additional seats will ho pro vided to-day, as quito a number wore un able to find teals last night. It would be woll fur all who can to tako their camp ohalrs, iu order to insnro a scat. Tho ser mon last night, which wa a very impress ive ono, was by B07. Ephralm Potts, of William Penn, and was aUontlvoly lis tened to by a large assemblaee. This evening Rov. Theodore Stevens, D. D., of Pottsvllle, will preaob. All are cordially Invited. Sorvioes begin promptly at sovon o'clock. Ladies should vlit Thauma and see what a wonderful being ebu is, 7-2Mf PERSONAL. John Gttiifield and Patrick Toole spent to-day at Pottsvillo. John L. Uassler attended to business at tho county seat to-day. Mrs. Ilufus Bulling, of Locust Gap, is visiting relatives in town. Douglass lustier, brother of Dr. J. S. Kiallor, is spending his vacation in town. Miss Brown, nieoe of Mrs. James Bteln, of North Jardin street, Is the gaost of tho lattor. Miss Kitlo McGinn, of Lawell. Mass.. Is tho guest of Mrs. Dav'd Price, of Witt Coal street. 'Squlro J. J. MonBghan has returned from his extonded western trip, looking happy and hoalthy. .Miss Annie Kistler and Morris Troxler, of Wosnersvillo, returned home to-day after spending fow days as the guests of Dr. J. S. Kistler, of North Jardin street. Mrs. William Giles will leave town this evening for Crested Uulte, Col., to join her husband, who has been employed there sovoral months. Mrs. D. Trout and hor two daughters, Anna and JIahala, of Taraaqua, are visit ing Councilman P. D. Ilolraan, bruthor of Mrs. Trout. Kudolph Mock, of Beading, and Artte Brascflold, of Crjssona, are onjoylng tho mountain breezes of Shenandoah as the guests of Mrs. J. S. Kistler. Don't fail to visit the museum in Fergu son's thcatro building. 7-'2Mf A False Report. In somo unexplained nunncr a report was originated at an early hour yesterday morning to tho eiroct that by the bursting of a dam at M. Gretna sevonty-five mem bers of the state militia had been drowned. Postnmstor Medlar was called out of bed and implored to learn tho particulars of tho sad catastrophe. Mrs. AVm. Dry, wife of a member of the Silliman Guards, was thrown Into convulsions upon hearing tho startling nows. To thoso who wore ac quainted with tho character of tho country around Mt. Gretna the report boro its own contradiction on its faco, but naturally tho families and friends of tho soldier boys wero anxious to rccoivo a moro positivo denial. Postmastor Modlar sent a tele gram to Mt. Oretna about 10 o'clock and walled until 1 o'clock before tho following reply was received : Mt. Gkctna, July aj. Val Medlar, We f U right Keport false, luform friends. Andrew Comrey." Tho dispatch was posted up on the window of t'ao post olllce, but in tho moantimo tho fears of tho friends of tho soldiers had been allayed. It would bo in toresting to know who originated the story. Tn-Weekly Record. Thauma, latd of Crystal Palaco, London, and Eden Musoo, New York, is on exhi bition in Ferguson's theatre building. Choral Competition. Tho Mahanoy City Choral Society is malting vigorous preparations for tho Lako side Eisteddfod. Tho compositions upon which tho society is drilling aro tho "Hal lolujah Chorus" (Handel) and "Tho Sum mer" (Gweut). Theohoir numborsajout sixty members. Tho rules of tho compel! tion provido that tho choir shall bo noi more than sixty In number. Tho oillcors of iho society aro: Booso Bossor, leader; part loodTs, Evan "Williams, soprano; Ed ward Mates, alto; Oothon Powoll, tonor; Chas. Snyder, bass; Win, M. Edmunds, SecretaryjGolhin Powell, Treasurer. Tho llaydon Uleo Club, leader Oothin Powell will also partlcipato in tho oisteddfod, and will sing tho "Quarrymon's Chorus." Popular Excursion. Oneofthoraoit popular and cheapest summer excursions Is tho annual llollor excursion over the famous and picturesquo Lehigh Valloy railroad, to Niagara Falls, which takes place this yoar on Sat urday, July 25th. Tho faro is only $8.50. Tickets are limited to 10 days and good to return on auy rcguular train. Stop oil' privilagos are allowed ut Bull'ulo and Ehniru (returning) aft'ording passengers an opportunity to tako in Wat- kins Glen. This is certainly ono of tho best olferings for a summer outing, and as tho furo is very reasonable, within the reach of all. ( 7-ll-2t The exhibition in' Ferguson's theatre building is for ladies and fcenllemen. Seo Thauma. 7-22-tf Fine Crayon Work:. William F. Schoeple, representing Tho Dockwoller Crayon Company, has a largo Panel Crayon on exhibition at Kirlin's drug ktore and all orders for crayons may be left at the above plaoo. 7 17-lw Mlloa' Rerve and Llvor Pills Act on a new principle regulating the liver, (tomaoh aud lowem thtough the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' I'll Is speedily cuie tilllousnew, had taste, torpid liver, piles, oonstlmllou. unenualed lor men. women. children. Mmnllast, mil lent, tmttwtl Sldotes, 25cu. Hampton Free, at O. 11. llacenbucti's arug s ioru. Buy Ke-yslonc. flour. Be oaroful that the name Lutsiu Si Co., Ashland, Pa., is printed on every sack. 3-8-3taw They Are Splondld. Wo mean those Obrviot suits you can get at A. T. Joue' "Famous" Clothing storo for $0.50. TROOPS JN ARMS THE MOUNTAINS FILLED WITH ARMED MINERS. MILITIA ATTHESGENEOFTROUBLE Roportod That a Oall May bo Made for TJuitod States Troops Tho Leaders of the Riots are Not Miners. Kuoxvillo, Tenn., July 22. Tho Bittmtion atthemlnogiu this dint riot is Indeed serious. It Is known that the leaders of the mob were not miners, neither last weidr. nor Monday, Eugene Merritt leading them in each Instance. He In it Hinall merchant at lirlouville, but is said to boa determined man. lie spoke iu ruply to Gov. JJui'liBiian laH week and really treated the Governor with Indignity. Other lenders aro known and the sentiment hero Is that thoy niU3t be arri-sted and taken to Nashville, as the law provides, and punished. The miners havo appointed a com mittee to say what deu patches shall bo sent nut and what not, and this com mittee or some of it are In the (ele graph olllcos all the time and read all tho matter sent out by tho newspaper men. The committee, whether self. appointed or under the miner's organi zation, told the operator on duty at tho Key mat if no uiu not let t lem read the mefct-ages they would cut tho wires. A report has ootno from Coal Creek saying the miners declare that no troops can ue lauuoi mere. There are threats that thov will wreck tho trains or burn railroad bridges. The mou celebrated Its v ctorv hv cheering, carousing uud shooting. A lorco oi ouu men. nronenv inn nneu aud led, could subduo the eutho mob, lor tlie rioters nave no idea or oneulv facing a good force. Thoy know from ine statements made lo them Monday that the troops would not light, but very l loter feels that tho mob has made a mlutake, and that it now will ue Hummed. Wlieu the miners made tho attack on tho camp Lieutenant Chaudle, of tlie luioxvllle Klllcs.ollerod himself to tue colonel us a volunteer to light the mob with twenty men. Tlio convicts in in ues of tho Kuox villo Iron Company arrived hereabout o:du o'ciock. All or the convicts are now iu an old bulldini: under truard. Tiieexi-uement uereilurliiL'tlie ultrlit was intense, .uauy or tlio labor men said tlie miners nad dons right. LATER Coal Creek, Tenn., July 22 Tho mountains about Coal Creel; aro lilled wtth miners and mountaineers armed with Winchesters, It, is estimated that three thousand are In the brush awaiting the turn of affairs. Tenni'Btiee's entire militia and some artillery from Georgia aro expected on tpi'ciu! tiulus within the next six hours. Intenso auxlctv is felt as to the out come of the trouble. Lirgo ijuuntitles of ammunition mid provisions have arrived nc ltnoxvine lor tbo troom I'l,., u'f ,.,,1.o,l,, l (1... ,.ll,. ! The whole of the state militia will probably be called out and assistance from tho United States authorities asked. Big Snako. Pluoky Girl. Li9t year a monster Biiake was seen In the neighborhood of Donnell's mill In North C.uoliim, and Its length wad variously oatlmutea by several parties who saw it at from eight to llf teen feet. An attempt was made to kill it, hut it went into n tnicictton the banks or tlie creek. Nothing more was seep of this monster snake until last 1 rlday, when miss lint ij. uobieon saw a cow, the propei ty of Mr Ahner Kchoolfleld, down and struggling, and went to see what was the matter. Imagine her surprise to see colled around tho m-ck of the cow an immemcsndke some four inches in diameter and at least ten feet iu length. Theeow was being choked lo death, und the bravo girl took hold of the snako with both hands, and, being a strong girl, she with great dif ficulty got It loose, or perhaps frightened it until it uncoiled Itself aud ran Into the tlib ket. Afieruwhile the oow, with aid from the lady, got upou Its foet uud was driven home. The Bimkewasof u brown color and showed no sinus of Ktriklug or biting, as Is common to all our native snakes, hence it is ueiioved lo be an anaconda wuicn has made lis escape from somo me nagerie. What a Prominent Phyalolan and Chemist says Aftor Analysis and Praotioal Tost. x Dr. J. Luster, formerly of HtUrvue Hospital Stedioul College and Long Island Omega speukt m folluivs : M.lff 'n n v- M.trtV.,.- ,00,1 Alvaa Urazlllau HpeUQo Co., -CJouU : The sump e of your Csctus Blood Cure, which I b- nxbt fur onlyU, 1 liave uihJeoMd to a very thorough le t, Hndoun 11 ud not a hluule tiaceof mineral or meroiiriAl firomnokm In It wtmtevtr; and, ks 1 have ittd eootnivrable eiwleuoe In lUconitliu lloaal eft et la oerutlu diseasm already Known to y.m, I consider It the nafetaud uti wictuuie oioou puriaer in the nutrxei xourx rexpeei' any, 1). J. l.yTHH, I'll r,., JI. I). I Hold at Kirlin's Urog tiUM-V.KwidWU iovis Olook, Shenandoah, THE LAKESIDE SAENGKRFEST. Tho Groat Mueluai Event Attend ed by Thousands. The Saengerfest at Lakeside Park yetor lay proved the groatest event ever held on he grounds. Pu lv six thousand pooplo iijoyed It. Kepres'-ntative peoplu from alt narts of this and arTi present. A special train of ton ears oar riml the Llederkranz and their friend' from I olUville; six ears composed Tamiqua'a iiwclahand Slmmokin sent twmiv cars, twelve In the morning and twelve at n.on. Ilasleton sent a train of eight oars, conlalnini? over five hundred people and iiarrisuurg and Heading alio sent largo numbers. It was a great dav for lh Onrmnna .r Kastern PennsylvaniH and Prof. Schmidt, of Heading, who propoed the affiir was delighted. Financially, it whs the best day unce me opening 01 tho park. Dispatchers Hertolelte. of Tmnnn n,l Vtahanoy Plane, had uxrionxl nhrn r,f the ratlwav arntmremnnu nul iha oftrilnsWRs conducted like clockwork. ine management wasadinirsbU. the uancing pavilion and the platform in the erove were crowdd ll dav Th music was furnished hi- il.u -i,.),,,.. orchestra, of town, and Weston's orchestra, of Pottsville. Tho shoollnir trsllerv. merry-go-round, boats, etc., wero kopt in iuh must until wo departure of tho last train. Excursion Manaeer ItHUinhsr Ho- lidhted with the result of the affair. lhe Maennochors will now fnrai i Mr. manent organisation and lirAlmfA for n monster Saengerfest next year, whon so cieties from New York, Newark, Philadel phia and Uliioasto will be present. LAKHSIDE SHORTS. JaCObS. Of Tatimnilrt. knoiva hnw tn anrvn his customers. You always get your money s worth. No Sllcll STOod mimic nr haanl f.l T.aV side before than that furnished yesterday "Jiovelyl" "Ujauilful t" "Did yuu ever r' "A retrular seasidB in l hn mnnn tain!" "Picturesque I" and other expres sions were hoard yesterday. Thou'ands of neonlo first time, aud they'll go again. 'Iho painters aro nearly through with their work. Tho work on the raco oourse Is not yot completed. Smith and Campion, the con tractors, will Imvn tn thoy intend to get through boforo Christ mas. The pollticions wero out In full force Thauma, tho mystifying. Thauma, tbo" wondorful. Now on exhibition in Forgu son's theatre building. 7-2.'-tf TO FIGHT THE INDIANS. Two Sloberly, PIo., Voullm Min t Out on a 1'atrlotlc ?llvlin. Dime novels seem to do their deadly work in tlio West as well as the far Hast. The latest victims of tlio Indian killing mania are John anil illio Parker, of Moberly, Mo. They had hecn' ardont renders of Indian stories and longed to hask in the smiles of Sad wah, tho heroine of the Apache, whoso wonderful strategy in ten seconds saved 0,000 white men from being scalped. They accordingly purchased f. supply of howie knlveb nnd horse pistols and then proceeded on their Woatward journey. Thoy swooped down on the city of St. Louis last week and proceeded to load up on tanglo foot a la "Denver Hill, the meat ax of tho Canon." A St. Louis cop took tho youngsters into oubtody. The latest news received from them Ib to the effect that they had been thoroughly spunked by their mamma, who took them homo to Moborly. If tho exhibition In Ferguson's theatro building does not give satisfaction monoy will be refunded. " 22-lf A Kind Friend. It what they oall Fumoii ltomedy, Hed Flag Oil, ft quIoKly oafiM Rheumatism, NeuraUU, UuU. llruUex, Hums, Korea and all ruin. It Is ood r-r man or beast. Ifi cents. At Ivlrllu's drmc store. Playing Cards. You oan obtain a pack of bast quality laying cards by aendlng fifteen cents In ostagetoP. S. Kustis, Gen' I Pass. Agt., O. & Q.H. B. Cliioo, III. tf i 1 Tho trnrst ilnnuer ubiiul nelctlnira Ooiwb or Cold Is Oonsumptlnn, We oan assure our reuderslbut no mlloin sqoals I'aa-Tlna Ooiuh aud Uonsumptlou Care. Try it. Trial uoillfM iro hi iviriiu h urus Mburw. Fruit Jars, Jelly Tumblers, PRESERVE CROCKS, 1 qt, 2qt, 3qt, 4 qt. Brown Sugar, 4c. Whole & Ground Spices GRAF'S, No. I22 North Jardin Stroot