The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 21, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.-NO. 144.
To the Republican Vieclors of Pennsylvania:
After consultation ami correspondence with
the members of the Republican Stale Committee,
find by their direction, I hereby give notice that
'he Republicans of 1'ennsylvania, by their duly
'', tgfcn representatives, will meet in State Con
pkm at Ilarrlsbut a, Wednesday, August 19,
an, at 10 o'clock A, M., for the purpose ofplac-
ing In nomination candidates for the offices of
Slate Treasurer and Auditor General, for the
nomination of eighteen candidatesor Delegates'
al-Large to the Constitutional Convention irro
vtdedforin the Act 0 Assembly approved June
19, 1891, and for the transaction of such other
business as may be presented.
i Notice it especially directed to the fact that. In
accordance with the provisions of the last men
tioned act, each Senatorial district Is entitled to
a representation of three delegates In said Con
stitutional Convention, two of whom only canbe
members of the majority party tn said district.
The electors of each district are therefore re
quested to make proper nominations for dele
gates to said convention, the rules governing the
nomination of candidates for Siale Senator to
be applicable,
In this connection the Chairman desires to call
the attention of Republican voters to the recom
mendation of the State Convention of 1882, that
"they allow the greatest freedom in the general
participation in the primaries consistent with
'.he preservation of the party organisation,"
Wit. IT. AXDREW3, Chairman.
Aiiciiuisiioi Ikeland nud other
Prominent members of flin Tlnmnn
itnthollo Church in St. Puul, Sunday,
jlcuouuced In unmeasured terms the
LF9 light anuounced to tako place
lo-liiorrow In that city between Fltz-
slintnoua nud Hall, aud have petitioned
(the authorities to prevent it. If a like
Icourse were pursued in every city
where such brutal exhibitions are an
nounced there would bo fewer of them.
Quite a number of pauper Immigrants
have been sent baok to their native
lauds by the authorities of Boston and
New York, which is precisely aB it
?liould be. Wo have had an ample
ufUcIeucy of that kind of uudealrable
fcnaterlal. We havo paupers enough of
mr own without calling for an add!
Llonal supply from abroad. Tho fact
of the matter Is that nearly all of this
pauper immigration Is duo to tho cu
pidity of tho ocean steamship com
panies. Kcgardle3s of aught save the
securing of the passage money, thev
een in the habit of accepting
apussengers all coiners, aud until
tllfi"'reccut amendments to the immi
gration laws, could do so with im
0233XTTS per yd for the
.Sold In other stores for 35o. All floor
Oilcloths reduoed. Call for bargains
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St., near Centre
iKeiter is now receiving a new
Brussels and Ingrains in
mist opened a large assortment of Choice Jeto Patterns,
in an tv laths.
YjINOLBUM2 yards wide,
'lie Finest fable Syrup wc Have ever liutl for tltc price.
Heavy Body,
Light Color,
Splendid Flavor,
Strictly Pure Cane Syrup,
Not mixed Willi Corn Syrup nud Glucose.
llso a Fair Sugar Syrup at 6
"Northwestern Daisy.!"
s a high grade Patent Flour
nesota Wheat. Makes
Hour in the market,
$0.00 IEll
or sale only
punity. But that, has all olianged.
1'aupere brought over by them mutt bo
taken back whence they came at the
expense of the vessels that conveyed
them to our shores, und as that Is far
from being a profitable business, a few
practical lessons as U1030 referred to
will satisfy the owners that it will pay
to havo a thorough Investigation made
before passengers of the immigrant
class are accepted. Slar.
Tm: St. Louis Globe-Democrat says
that Mr. Cleveland is a Bicker man
politically than Mr. Blaine Is physic
ally becauso ho Is suffering from cancer
of the hopes, Brlght's disease of tho
expectations, consumption of the
chances, paralysis of tho delegations
and a general breaking down of tho
wholo system. Palpitation of tho
heart whenever the Democracy Wost
and South donouueo his silver views.
The Miners' Journal is and alwnys
hns been opposed to tho genuine mush
room clubs. Miners' Journal. Does
the Journal wish to be understood as
saying there are two kinds ot mush
100m clubs nud that It favors the
bogus article-?
Blaine himself will come in for
abuse from tho brevct-Democratlo
newspapers as soon as he is positively
announced for the Presidency.
With Quay, Andrews and Robin
son out of the way, what will the
brevet-Democratic sheets do for thuu
.der? It is said that Bardsloy has tho
paresis. That is as good a name as
any if he can get out of tho prison on
Quay will be missed in tho next
campaign. Democrats are already
building their hopes on his retirement.
In a Nut Shell.
HialzeU must be President.
AndrliWH must resign.
"I'ree Press" of Easton.
ITUss" of Philadelphia.
QuAy must resign,
"DoylesTown Intelllgeuger."
A platform with planks showing on their
ftico a conspiracy to defeat tho Ilepublican
Entitled to tho Bost.
All are ontitled to tho bost that their
raonoy will buy, so ovory family should
havo, at onco, a bottle of tho boat family
remedy, Syrup of Fig", to cleaned llio sys
tem when costive or bilious. For sale in
50c and 1.03 bottles by all loading drug
gists. stockof Tapestry and'Body
handsome netu fall patterns.
from $1 vp.
Made from choicest Min
more bread thanZordtnary
A Numbor of Accidents In tho
Minos Yostorday Ono Man
Mangled An Aged Section
Boss Injured.
Tho pooplo of Turkey llun were thrown
into a state of excitement last night by tho
suieido of a resident of tho place named
John Kelly, whoso body wai found hang
ing cold and stiff in tho shanty at tho rear
uf his residonce.
Tho body was dlsoovorodjjby tho wifo,
whoso shrieks of terror nnd dismay at
tracted the attention of Oliver J. Zurby
nnd other neighbors. Whon tho body was
found it was cold and stiff. It was cut
down and Mr. Zerby hastened to ti wn to
notify Doputy Coronor hronnan, who said
ho would attend to tho matter to-day.
Sir. Kelly was a man about forty years
of age. Basides his wifo ho loavos three
small childron. The onlycauso that can
bo assignod tor the aot is worrimontj on ac
count of a lack of work to earn a liveli
hood. Kolly was omployed in tho Gilber
ton colliory as a minor, but for months
past work there has bean very scarce aud
ho found it difficult te mako both ends
moot. This is supposed to have proyod
upon his mind.
Thore was nothing unusual in his man
ner when ho roturnod from work last night
and his disappearance aftor suppor caused
no surprise
Tho neighbors say tho decoasod was a
temporato, etoady and industrious man,
A Miner Mangled by a Pall of
George Burns, a minor rosiding on liar
kot alloy, near Oak street, was torriblv in
jurodbyafall of coal in a broastoftho
idengowan colliory yesterday afternoon.
His two legs and ono of his hips woro
Iracturod. lie was taken to his homo in an
nmbulanco, but subsequently sont to tho
Miners' Hospital at Fountain Springs,
Seotlon Boas Struck.
John McDonald, an old citizon omplovod
as a section boss on tho lool division of
tho Lehigh Valley rairload, mot with an
accident yesterday by which ho nartowly
escaped losing his life. Ho was walking on
the track and did not heartho signal or no
tico tho approach of tho passenger train
from tho roar and was struck. Fortunately
tho spuod of tho train had been consider
ably reduced. McDonald was thrown to
tho opposite track. Dr. S. 0. Spalding was
summonod to attend him. Tho doctor
jald thore worp no fractures and that ho
anticipated no serious results.
Popular Excursion.
Ono of tho most popular and cheapost
summer excursions Is tho annual Hnllnr
excursion over tho famous and picturesque
rjemgn valley railroad, to .Niagara Falls,
which tikes placo this year on Sat
urday, July 25th. Tho faro is only
J8.G0. Tickots aro limited to 10 days
.ad good to return on any reguular
train, stop ou privlleg03 aro allowed at
Buffalo and Elmira (returning nff.irdini?
passengers au opportunity to tako in Wat
Kins uion. in is ucertalnly ono of tho best
jffering3 for a summer outing, and as the fare
is very reasonable, within tho reach of all.
A Driver Squeoaod.
Anthony llundner. a l'ole omnlovoi as n
driver in tho Ellengowan colliery, was
qvoroiy squeezed about tho body yostorday
uftornoon by being caught botweon an
empty car and a running chute. Iio is a
resident of this town.
Pine Crayon "Work.
William F. Schuepl, reproeniing Tho
Dockweller Crayon Company, has a largu
Panel Crayon on exhibition at Kirlin's
drug store and all orders for crayons may
bo left at tho above placo. 7 7-lw
May Save tho Tooo.
It was at first thought that John Wil
liams, of West Cherry street, who had hi.
loft foot crushed botweon cars In tho Maple
Dale colliory yostorday morning, would
suffer tho amputation of the toes, but tho
doctor in attondanco now hopes to avoid
tho operation.
Mlleo' Norvo and Liver Pills
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, htomacb and bowels ihiouah the nrvs.
A nowillsoovery. Dr. Miles' lllls speedily
cuie blUoiMnei, had tatle, torpid liver, ))ll.
cmbtlpillon. Uneuualed lor men, woman,
children. Hmullesl., mllJeot, utironU Sldoseti,
25cu. Hamplog Froo, at V. 11. llagenbuch'ii
Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the
name Lkbsio & Co.. Ashland. Pa., it
printed on ovory sack, 83-3taw
How Young Goodrich Met His
Doath To-day.
Daniel, tho sixteon-year-old son of Wil
liam nnd Elizabeth Goodrioh, of Wost
Cherry strcot, mot his death by drowning
In the Maple Ualo colliery this morning.
Thore are tw Btories ns to tho manner In
which the boy mot his death. Tho one
told tho family is that as tha came de
scended tho shaft the buy jumped off be
foro it reached tho bottom and full into tho
sump. Tho other is that tho boy's lamp
wont out and ho, supposing the cage to be
at tho bottom, loll into tho sump when at
tempting to cross.
Excitomont at the Lehigh Depot
This Morning.
As tho Lahigh Valley train from Ash
land arrived at the local depot at 9 o'clock
this morning, amiddlo-agod woman dressed
in mourning and carrying an infant in her
arms, was lod from a car weeping hysteri
cally and oxclaimlng, ".My mother! Lt
me havo my mother! Oh, my mother I"
Tho woman soemod tn hayo completely lost
her mind and when an aged lady who had
been a passonger on tho train approached
her sho grow wnrso and shrloked "There is
my mothor. There is tho vory imago of
my mother, as if sheoamo from tho gravo."
Meanwhilo n lady had removed tho infant
from tho distressed womin's arms, bovoral
ladies who stood upon the platform
wept bitterly at the seme. It was a touch
ing one tha mother appealing hysterically
for the return of tho departed ono and tho
infant crying bitterly In tho arms of a
stranger. O. & I. Tolicemun Kreigcr and
Geiger Anally induced the woman to O iter
tho ladies room in tho depot. Aftor a rett
of a fow miuutas tha w-man Kcovorod her,
Tho woman proved to bo Mrs. Uonry
Nieman, of Wost Lino street, this town.
She had just returned from Ashland, after
atti-nding tho funeral of her mothor, who
died thero on Sunday. Sho said that whilo
on tho way to town a lady bearing a strik
ing resemblauco to her mother got on tho
train. After that Mrs, Ninm in seomed to
loso control of herself, l'olicoman Kroigor
and Mrs. Michael Voter took Mrs. Nio
man and her child to their homo.
Tho Important Work to bo Dono
in a Two-aDyB' Session.
Tho Stato Convention of tho Patriotic
Ordor of Truo Americans convonod in
Heading this altornoon at 2 o'clock. Tho
officers aro: Stato President, Cora A.
Iviuiblo, Delano; Assistant Stato President,
A. O. Compton, Plymouth; Stato Vice
I'rosident, Mrs. W. II. Coons, Scranton;
Assistant Stato Vico President, G. T.
Brown, Philadelphia; Stato Secretary,
Thoodcro Harris, Mahanoy City; Assistant
Stato Secretary, M. II. Harris, Mahanoy
City; btato Troasuror, Sarah O. Martz,
tteading; Stato Conductor, Katie Hen
dricks, PotUtown; Assistant State Conduc
tor, A. J. Mutz, Beading; Stato Guardian,
Carrio Korschman, Heading; Stato Sen
tinel, Jennie Llliot, Alleutown, State
Chaplain, L zzio Niece, Pottsvillo. Tho
delegates to tho convention from Camp 0,
aro Mrs. John Bittler and Miss Lizzio
Jonos, and Camp 40, Miss Surah Brown
and John Fishburn, of town.
Tno convention will be in session until
lo-uiorrow evening, and tho Important
part of tho work will ho tho report of tho
Committee of Iteyision of the Constitution
and Kitnal. This evening a hop aud ban
quet will bo tendered tho visitors at Library
hall, and to morrow ovonlng arrangements
havo been made for a trip over the Gravity
Hev. Lloyd B. West visited th o county
seat this morning,
Mrs. T. J. Davis was a visitor to Maha
noy City to-dny,
"1'im" Grim, of Mabuuoy City, spout
yesterday in town.
Edwin Griffin, of West Coal Street, has
been made tho fathor of a buunclng girl.
John Senior and daughter left town to
day for Now York, from which placo they
will sail fr England.
Goorge L. Haffner left town this morning
as a delegate to tho state convention of tho
P. O. of T. A. at Heading.
O. W. llbiriline, ono of tho Adams' Ex
press messengers ou the looal branch of the
U V. H. H., is enjoying aone-wook vaca
tion at Eton.
Children's Day at Fowler's
Tho Childrou's Day services in Fowlor's
M, E. Sunday tohool last Sunday were of
a very impressive and interesting character.
They roileotad much credit upon Super
intendent James Patterson and his able
assistants. No small amount of credit is
due to lsauo Skelton for tha taslu ho ex
hibited In tho decoration of tho school
room for the occasion.
Head and Hands Out.
Anthony Levitsky, a Polish laborer, had
his bead mid hands badly out this morning
by coal flying from a shot in the Tunnoi
Hidga colliery, near Malnnoy City,
Levitsky is a tingle matf 26 yi-usj of ugo
and reside.- in this twn. His injun are
Tho Minors Peacofully Disposed
But Woll Armod No Blood
shod Looked for Getting
Ready for tho Big Fight.
KllOXVllIo. Tt'llll.. Julv 21 Tim
labor trouble at bricevilln
to-dny In the withdrawal of dm con
victs iroin llio minus of the r-nnasBen
Coul Company and of tli iu tlm
Knoxville Iron Company's in n. At
the latter placo tliey lmvab worked
without (rouble for fourteen years.
Tho mlnos at Urlceville aro in a
pocket formed by three mountains.
On all sides tho site is commanded by
wooded hillsides, from which sharp-
mooters could pick oft tho militia ona
by one. Tho total number of oflective
militia was as, aud opposed to them
was a fighting contingent of from 1.500
to 2,000. This nnrnlng an armed and
thoroughly organized body of miners.
numbering not less than 1,000 men. as
sembled at Coal Creek, and iu a com
pact column marched to Hricoville,
llvo miles away. Before tho march
began every man was Bearclied, aud
those having whisky were excluded.
Tho mlneict asked Colonal Sevier if
ho would r' uiovo Ills troops aud tako
the con view with him. Ho asked
what would be dono to tho mining
company's prop-rty, which was also
under his protection. They replied
Hint if. wnnlil nnf !.. u..
also asked if au attack would be made
on the Kuoxvillo Irou Company
stockade, just below Bnceville. If
such was Intended, he intended to fall
bauk here and light it out regardless
ui uuuHtipiuuces. ine leauer replied
that no attack would be mude.
'llio trnopa then marched out, car
rying with thorn the couvlcts, all the
commissary supplies and baggage.
Tiioy marched to Bricevillo aud took
tho train to Kuoxville.
Bitton By a Black Spider.
KW' VnrL' T,,l. 1 Trt..rt.,l. TT.
of Moorestowu, N. J., was bitten in
uiu uunii uy a uiacu spuicr a week ago
Inst WodneMl.iv. ITn ti,,. i,it
a small matter and paid no particular
attention to it. Monday his hand be
gan to swell aud became Inflamed. A
iiiivsicuui was caileil. out It was too
late to fcave the man's life. Vance-
(lieu 1 t'Klav In L'rent nimnv IIU m i,,
had swollen to twice Its usual size.
Yachts Capsized.
Victoila, 15. G, July 21. A sailing
yacht containing seven citizens of this
place capsized oil' Victoria yesterday.
All were drowned excepting one. The
bodies liuvo not yet been recovered.
Dublin, July 21. A pleasure boat
nntl tut tl irtiT Ulv ixmllia nn..t..n.l -
day oU JJjnegul. Five of the youtba
A Village Burned.
Chicago, July 21. -The village of
esawyerviiio, use" i county, Michigan,
consistingof thirl louses, ono general
store, oue large su . mill, shingle mill
and lumberyard, as burned on Sat
urday night. TUo entire property Is
owned by the Cutos and Cutler aud
Savldgo Lumber Co., of Spring Lake,
Mich. Tho loss Is between $J50,000
and $300,000.
Ho is Not Almy.
Hanover, N. II., July 21. Tho man
arrested at Hartford, Vt., has arrived
hero and proves uot to be Frank Almy
the murderer of Miss Warden. There
Is no clue to A'my's whereabouts.
Boston detectives will be put to woik
on the case.
A Double Mystery.
Nlnirnrn Fulls. Ttf. V.. .tnlv 21
F.:irlv Mil llinrjiltnr t.un linrlifta wnru
discovered In the whirlpool llnatlng
around In eddlos. Ouois entirely nude.
It Is hui posed to be the body of a
woman, The other Is partly clothed.
Homo Priondly's Promptness.
To tlie Offlcert of the Home Friendly So-
etety, o; utuumore, mi.
I lioroby return my sincero thanks for
the promptness with which I received,
through your Superintendent, William T.
Evans, and Agont, James Patterson, the
full amount of doath claim ou my beloved
husband, John II. Jell'drson, This is the
second tlmo I have been caused to call upon
this society In tho last few months for as
sistance In time of distress. I can cheer
fully recommend your souiety for prompt
ness and honesty.
Mas. Louisa. J kffirsok.
Shenandoah, Pa July 21, 1881.
On Sale To-day.
Tha sale of Kaiser Export ber (light)
and balvator (dark) from Kaier's new
Mahanoy City b ewury was to-day opened
in all tin principal rttauranls of the
Dimly. Tho bers are of such a quality
that thoy Mill soon become thepjpular
1-OH I,.lttli: STAKES TO JIOItltOW.
St. Paul, July 21On Wednesday
the owueinhlp of $11,000 of u twelve
thousand dollar purse aud the lnlddlo
welght championship of the world
will bo decided between James Hall
uid Robert Fitasimmoiis In what Is
expected to bo tho fiercest and most
scientific battle of the year.
If splendid physical condition, an
apparent bitter personal animosity aud
perrcotly fair auspices aro thoelement&
of a rattling good light, this ono will
be a b.tttle royal. It will occur under
the auspioesof the Minnesota Athletic
Club of Ht. Paul and not the Twin City
Club, as has been the erroneous impres
sion, aud this being the inaugural event
of the club the most elaborate arrange-
ucma jive wuu iii iue. aii octagonal
pavilion, with a seatlm? eunnnlrv nf 7 .
(,u0, has been erected especially for tho
necaslon aud arranged In accordance
with sugvfestloiis fiom tho iirnmlimnt:
sporting men of the country. If tho
uiBuv is iiur, me ngnc win oe under
the cuuopy of heaven, but if otherwise
a waUrproof cauvas will be in reud
iuess and so arranged as to completely
shelter the amphitheater while freely
admitting (lie air.
Tlie iwttle will be to a finish iini nr
tho (iueengbtrry luloe, and will bo
knockout or no pmse. Tho club
name i the referee and reserves the rltrht
to withhold tha purse should the light
appear otherwise than on 1 s merits.
There is, howover, no indication but
that it will bo a battle for blood, as wolL
as for fame aud boodle. Both men are
conildont, as each has staked overy-
imiig uu uiu result.
i'iuslmmotis backs himself nnd linn
placed au outside bet of $0,000 with
Parson Davles, the backer of Hall.
Fitz-dmuions is training at White Hear
L.U1W, justouteitie this c tv. and Hall
does his fitting work at Bufolt, over the
Wisconsin border. The S1.500 forfeit
for appearance in ring costumo under
los pounds weight lias been kept care
fully in sight and neither aspirant for
middle weight honors will run any
risk. Kach weighs to-dny within
three ounces of 150 pounds, aud tho
all tlay rest on Wednesday will add
lour or iivo pounds anil leave a good,
Whilo most of tho betB thus far havo
been at oven figures, Fitzsimmoiia
will liavo tho call from this lime for
ward. His victory without pain over
Jack Dempsey gives him prestige
which counts with tho average sport.
Tho fact that Hall's record contains a
defeat of Fitzslmmons cuts no figure
with the latter's friends. They believe
his story that ho was In his ( ugillstlc
lufauoy aud "laid dowu" for money,
and then they point to the fact that
Fitz easily whipped Hilly McCarthy,
tho Australian who reoantly basted
Hull In eight rounds. Fitzslmmons is
himself very confident, aud has com
municated this feeling to all with
whom ho lias come In contact. Tho
fact that "Parson" Daviea Is backing
Hall will induce many to follow hla
lead in pla 'ing their money, though
Davies has before now backed a loser.
He had in $500 of Hie Fltzjimmona
backing against Dempsey, but grew
nervous and sjld It for $75 before the
Tho Kangaroo, Fitzsiinmons, la cer
tainly a physical peculiarity. His
broad shoulders, deep chest, long arms
aud wonderful muscular development
of back, arms, shoulders and chest aro
In striking oontrust with his narrow
hips and long, thin legs. But thoio
legs are wrapped with teudons and
sinews like wrought stoel, and thero is
no weak spot vlnible. His hands are
like mauls, und Ills wrists, measuring
eight inches, run iuto forearms so hard
aud tough as to niako a veritable list
from wrist to elbow. Hall Is of bolter
proportion, with no remarkable de
velopment unless It be that of his legs
aro unusually strong far his body. But
arm, shoulder anil cheat muscles aro
nieces of a perfect mechuulsm and his
lung power is phenomenal. If liecim
Inllict the sumo punishment that tho
public knows is within Fiizmnmon's
power to administer und can exhibit
tho same power of oudurance, the light
will eclipse anything In llstlc uunals
for years.
Tlie worst duuuur aonut nesloetiuga Cough
or Ool.i Is Consumption, We aui msiire our
readers that no rnedlolne equals I'au-Tlua
Co mil nud Coiifuimptlou Cure. Try It. Trial
boltlen free at Kirllu's drug Hture.
They Aro Splondld.
Wa moan thoeo Cheviot suits you can
get at A. T. Jonas' "Famous": Clothing
store for G.S0.
Fruit Jars,
Jelly Tumblers,
1 qt, 2qi, 3qt, 4 qt.
Brown Sugar, 4c.
Whole & Ground Spices
No. I22 North Jardin Stroot.