zpic-isria goods AT Tin: CORNERSTORE ! All kinds of potted meats, HhIi, canned goods, oysters, lobsters, cralm, ft,u slan cavlHr, fresh Bplced oysters, finest smoked liams, bo logUHH und smoked beef, York state, full cream cliceso,lSmantlml,8wlss, Edam, Supsairo nnd Ijltnburger. Flno assortment of cakes and bis cuits. O. and Jl. pleklos of all kinds. Pickles by tlio dozen. You will find just what you want. szE-viEiRasrs, Cor. Centre and White Streets T-A-IP TO-MORROW I AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS,' Light. 5 KAISEB IXFOBT HEEB. 1 J.JLI The Evening Herald. ALtj TH1! NKWB I'Oll onb ckst. Hits a larger oirnilatlon In Shenandoah than any other paper published. Circu lation boolts open to nil. LOCAL LUNCHEON. 1'eaohe and cream. Sprint? chickens and waffles. Kxcurslotn and picnics K)pular. See that the Reor has you on hU lift, The county is ovornin with fakirs of all kinds. iiusinets ii already showing tig rig rovtvinjr. Candidates tor county ofueoi are hunting up thoir frionds. Lots of pionle this week. Lakosido aiv pears to have the call. moo pudding, iced, It is said isanico dish for hot woathor. Camping out is Intorestiiij; to rend about 'l'ha reader is not wet by ruins or bitten by DlOSquitOM. Entitled to the- Boat. All aro ontitlod to tlio best thatthei money will buy, so every family should hayo, at once, a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of Fig', to cleanse tho ays torn when oostive or bilicu". For salo in GOe and $1.03 bottles by all loading drug gists. Visited by' Wntlo Ciip. On Rnnd Mountain, near Holmes Gap Ala., white caps visited tho home of . V. Jones, a farmer, broke down the doors and after drajrginir him out lieat lilm half to death with hickory switlies. Jones accuses his neighbors, who ran illicit distilleries and vere recently milled by officers, of committing tho outrage "under tho impression that ho gave them away. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Mls&S. 11. Packard, woll known as one. of the founders of the Bpellman Semi nary at Atlanta, On., died at Washing ton. William Phellraan and Jerry Rally, two younff men were killed at Hough- ion, Mien., WIIUU uuat-riuiUK. John Itoss, in jail at Macon, JIo.. on the charge of killing l'etor Mattorson at Revier, lins confessed to tho killing, which, lie says, was dono in sclf-de-fenso. Ed Itowell was arrested at Pctoskcy, Mich., charged with parsing forged certificate checks. JameBCheeves and John Hall wero arrested at Metropolis, 111., charging with counterfeiting. Foot Crushed. John, son of Kdward WiHIam!, of West Cherry Klrcot, bad hlslolt footeruihod this morning by having it cannot between tho hurapors of coal ca's in tho Maple Da'o eo'Hery. Ho was romoved to tbo ro-idoeco Of ll) )1E I'OllLS. A Narrow Escnpo. Wbfle dfivin? to Win. l'enn on Satur day to visit patients Dr. Hamilton, of town, narrowly escaped lo'ious injury. His horse was frightoned by a train and ran away. Tho diolor was thrown out of tho buggy, but escaped with a few bruises. Tho vebiclo was badly damaged. Will Not bo Induced. EObiUlo induce tbo Third IMgado Hand, of l'otUnill". to compete for tho $75 puree and gold medal olTe.od for tho band com petition at tbo grand musical foliyalto bo held at Likotido on August IG.b, noil, have thus far D'ovod f'-iiltlc6. Tbo Grant CVvoet Uind has entered and nothing would dolizbt its members moro than to have tho Telrd lirijado Hind as a compoli tor. but It looks as it tbo county seat must cal pets will not Kite them iboopporunlly. Ti.s is rercUod. Thersaroa nufnborot riconlo in tbi3 section of the county who honestly boliovolhut tbo Grant Band can tnko somo of the thunder out of the "Brigade's" horns. A GREAT GATHERING. At the Hoopital. Thero are now 91 patient in the Minors' Hospital at Fountain Springs. Complotod to Doadwood. Tho Burlington Itouto, 0., B. B. It., rem Chicago, 1'oorla and St. Louis, is now omploted, and daily paisengor trains are running through Lincoln, Neb., and Custer, S. 1)., to Deadwood. Also to Now- astle, Wyoming. Sloeplng cars to Dead- uood. tf Grand Lodge Meeting. Tho Grand Lodge of Tonrsylvania, 0- der Sons of St, Georgo, will conveno in town on August 4th, next, and remain in session three days. Tho local lodge Is male- ng claboralo preparations for the reception of tho representative?. Coming Events. July 29th. Festival and ontortainmonti Bobbins' opera bouee, under tho auspices of Silver Wave Oastlo, A. O. Iv. of M. 0. Aug. 6. Ice croam festival, under the auspices of tho "Y's," in Bobbins' opera houso. Aug. 18. Ico cream and peach festival, in Bobbins' opora houso, unlorthonuspicos of Camp No. 183, P. 0. S. of A. Playing Cards. You can obtain a pack of best quality playing cards by sending flftoon contB in postage to P. S. Eustis, Gon'l Pass. Agt., B.. 0. & Q.B. B. Chicago, 111. tf Thoy Aro Splondld. We mean thoso Cheviot suits you can get at A. T. Jones' "Famous" Clothing storo for $0.G0. Wanted, A girl to do general housework. Apply at Morgan's Bazar, No. 11 AVest Contro Btroot. 7-10-2t Great Day for Singers at Lake side To-morrow. A great gathering of German singing so cieties will take place at;Lakoido to-tnor. row. Tbo following organizations will be in H'.tendanoe : Hermonio Mannnorchor, Beading; Gor mania Saenirerbund, HarrL'burj; Con cordia Hazlctonj Maonnorcbor, Hazleton Llederkranz, PotUvlUo ; Maoneorehor, St Clair; Maennorchor,Ashland; Maonnor cbo-, Shamol.in; Maennorchor, Girardvllle; Liberty B.iod, Hazleton; Our Baud, bha mokiii; Citizens' Band, Gi'ardvillo. It will be a day of doil.shtfulsoug, profk able sodabililv aod genuion or joyment.-- The Philadelphia & Heading Bailroad Comnanv will mo siioolal trains iroin all points. Tbo Gi'ardyi'le Msonncrcbor hasma'!o r.fangcmools lor a t'nio io leave mai piace at 7:S0 a. m. and the faro has been fird al tho low piico of furty cents, children1 tickets to bo sold at Iwonty-flvo cents. Th's will be a bptondid opportunity for tho Germans of Easlorn Pennsylvania to becomo acquainted with each other. Ev rything in tbo way of amusement will be first cla's Dancing music will bo lur nished by tho famous Schoppo orchestra, of town, aod Weston's orchestra, ol l'oits ilio. At 1 p. m. thoro will bo horso racos n tbo trotting park, to which no admission fee will bo chargod. Tho day will certainly bo a big one and all who can go should not miss tho oppor tunity. Tbo following is tho programme M011NINO CONCERT, Ilerr Jacob Schmidt, Feoldlrigent. Ovcrluie. "America " Our Band I'rni .1. ii.. isir fKiiinu. iHMiier. Festrede I'rtsldent Heir A.Allsaler, "Will uommen." miamoaia ami uinuu vlllo Maounorcliors. nnrTni da Hcirn." Iasenehor, Waldabendsehelu." Concordia Hazleton, i'rol (Jrorgo Pit. dirlgent, On tho March." Ht. Clair Maennorchor, Uau Auxlein. ' Llederltranz, l'oltsvllle. i'rni. i.eoncnwaiz. Nachtlled der Krlosoc" Ashland Maen'c' lVof. Hi ed. dlrlsent. "NooU Bind die 'J'agoder Hoben," Maon neieuor, uazieum. Prnf. Kieinpu. dlrleout. "ScUnlck,Behuao," Oermanla Bacnge.'bund liurribuurK Pmf. Wpbfir. dirlcrpnt. Der frohe Waudersmaun," Jlendelsoh nartlinldv Mnssenclior. "Die Jogd uach dem aiucclc " Our Baud I'roi. oilicaiaiiu, luu'jur. AFTKKN00N C0NCIIUT. A Kind Friend. Is what they call that l-'amoui. Itemedy, Ited nag Wll, it ijuitaij luiua tviic.iiuutioti., Neuraljlu, Outs, Bruises, Ui-.rus, Mores and all pain, it is goou lor mau or ueubi. j ceuui, AtKlrlln's drugstore. Best vork dono at Bronuan's steam' laundry. Everything whito"and spotless. Laco curtains a specialty. Alljwork guar anteed. WALL PAPER ! A CAIILOAT) JUST AIUUVED AT MELLET'S Blanks 5o Gilt '. 8o Embossed .....12 l-2c "Window Sliailes, spring rollers..25o Curtain Poles 25c MOVED TO 22 East Centre St, Shenandoah, V" ' ' ' CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. -WANTS, &o. GIRL WANTED. A good ex perienced elrt wanted for ronnrul limnn u.rk, Kootber need apply. Callat Hkuai.d olllce Kast Ooal uroet. 7.3 tr DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR Sale. Ona Of Ihft mnflt. llMlrnhlA nrntwr. ties ou West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at Kowso's grooery store, cor ner Jardln and Oak streets. Hhenandoah, Pa 170R SALE. A crnnd JL piano, equal to new, 8 clarionets. upright o. a. it C, and one l flute. Can be bought m ono lot. or separately. Call al Mckeone s saloon. 7-13 lw FOR RENT Store nnd building now occunled bv the filipn.tn(lnn.l. Bakery Co. lor m.i ufacturlng au 1 retnl anuy oiisiuess. two uoors e IX'JU lest. Apply t) J. J. Frauey. 5-16 tf The Soap that Cleans Most T is Lenox. CHARTER NOTrCE. Notice Is hereby given that an application will I oe made to tho Governor of Pennsylvania ou Ithetblrddsy of August, 1891, by J. M. Ollck, Moses Mervlne, Christian Kberle, Hlmon Swoyer, Z lob.uy T. Trout and .1. It, Iloelluan Iuuoer too aci oi Assemoiy enimej " n nc to provide lor the lueorporatlon and H'gula- i'on oi ceriain corporauous approvca April JO, I87J," and ihe snpp'oments thereto, for the chatter of an Intended corporation to be allied "Fulton Water Comi-aTiv." the charac ter ana ODjeci ot wuiun is mo supplying oi water lor uio mimical tuo ooroiiguui utraru- villi, in tho county of Hcluivlklll. and to ner- I iaM, p irtnersUIps and avKocUtlims residing tnerein as mav ueire me same, ana lor mesa I purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of I Assembly auu supplements tncreu). j. ii. ruaiuuui.ntjiiciior. Qibakdvillk, July 7, 1891. 7-7-td Njow li the time to chinge yo ir unde-wT.,r, Volicau gel at Bcanlau's a suit ol good fiiiiiimcr Underwear at 50c little bet'er lor 8O0. Good Hummer m lug Shirts, 2o to St. Gj,Io 'canUa's and goi tho newUentury Brace tho best Bummer Brauo tbo market. At Bcanlan'syou can get a good SOFT HAT for 50c. No more bother with hais that do ot nt, as fcan- n has a new at St?stehr for Shaping Hats to fit the head. Only two dozen moro 25o neckwear left. Hcaulaitwlll sell yon chepp hats and caps, latest styles and colors. Cneap overalls and White shirts, in South ninln SI. TnOR CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION - James J. Frauey. OF S1IENANPOAII. Bubject to Democratlo rules. FOR SALE! Ice Cream Festival Under tbo ansplco of tho Theunderslenod. deslrlneto retire from bus- 'nes-. will dlsoftse of h!s f-tock ol dry goods, I groceries 1S0., cheap. Purchasercnnalioient the store room at reasonable terms The stand Is a good one and lu the hands of a live nau can ue inauo promaoie. T. X). UAVIS, o-io-tr 100 riortii jnrum st. M. S. SCHEIDER'! BOBBINS' Ol'EllA UOUSE, SIIENANDOAII, Pi, Wednesday, Aug. 5, '91. TIOKBTS, - lOCSNTS. Good for a plate of mam, KEPOUT OF TUB CONDITION OK V MATIflMAI RAMI lull I lultllU Ullllll ataiieaendoah IntbeBtaleol Pennsylvania, anno cluseol uu inew, juiy via, of.; i,v.nnrf!rij. Loans nnd dlcounti 511(1,108 40 u. H. bouds to beciiro circuiaitou...... ifl.uou uu lino from annrovedre&erveasreals... 21.1a5 45 una Irom other NaOoual liiinkH. 1,077 811 llaiikius house, furniture oud 11 si 'a.. 42S 09 (Jurvcut exoenfccs and Hxes npld 1.115 18 fremlumsou U. a. Ilunds 5 602 60 Check i nud oilier cash ltenls 1 132 18 Kills of oilier maK i.ij, uu Fivctloual paper currency, nlckles, and ceuts 123 3) Sopcin 4.01(1 B3 I.eKat-ieuder notes 1,011 00 IJue from U,8, TieasiiierjOtlier than 5 per cent, ledeuipllon fund 1125 00 4 NEW ZBI-AJIKZIIElJEIlrr!! AND CONFECTIONERY, ?io, 27 3outli Ulalii St., SUenaudoali Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies aitAUAM BREAD A SPECIALTY. A fine line of Confectlonory". Fine Ico Cream l'ar)Ors attached. i DABB, 1 Total .. ...SI60 121 07 iliv flnr nand l'olka, Clarinet duet, by Alcbsrs. Garrison and Fantaslc," Baritone solo, by II. A.L.Bmink. The Hkylark," I'icolo solo, by Georgo Bent oyer. Tolnourie from the IIuEonuotlen.". .Band. Selections.: -..Liberty Hand, llazliton. Melectlons Dush Band, AsUland. Heleetlons - Citizen Band, Glrardvule. I.IA11II.ITIE.S. Capital stnek paid In -S100 000 00 Undivided prollts 2,7.53 25 National Bank notes outstanding.... 22,500 00 Individual deposits subject to check 61,011 61 eniand certificates ol deposit. 200 00 Duo to other National Banks 8.313 81 Due to blate Banks and baukcrs 5 181 00 Total S188.121 07 Blate of Pennsylvania c mnly ot BcliaylklU,t.s: I, i5.li. nunier, uasnier oi too nuove-namnu bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and Deuer. is. ii. iiujntku, uasnier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 20th day or July, iwi. Jt. A. hwaj.m, Notary Public. uorreci Aiiesi: j. m. ltonniNa. l P. J. Qauqiian, VDIrectors, J. H. li.I6TI.Kn, J Powdorly Orltlolsod. Scrnnton. July 20. Tlio Free Prcit, the moat lniluentiul Democratlo jour nal In the region, ltcenly critlclaea General Master Workuiau Powderiy'a cnudldaoy for the position of delogato to the constitutional uunventiou, which it considers not consistent with his publishoil reasons for declining to act as World's Fit'r Commissioner. The Free iVeis thinks that no party will bo anxious to take him up. Tho urticle goes on to cay that tho eager ness of JUr. i'owueny to na'o nis brother appointed to olllco under Cleveland, and on the Immigration Cominllteo, dos not look as though Mr. Powderly is afraid to compromise himself by accepting lavors iroui poli ticians. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the wa-nlngT The slenal per' naps of the sure approach of that mole ter rible dlsoane. Consumption! Ask yourselves If you ran allord for tho sake of saving 60 eiita, to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Hlilloh's Curs ivill Cure your Cough. It never falls. This siplalns why more than a Million Bottles were sold tbo past year. It relieves Croup nd Whopplnc Cough at once. Mothers do not be without It. For Lame Bscs, Hide or ClifKt, use Hhtloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by llagenbuch, N. K. corner Main and oyd streets. , Wators' Weisi beer is tho best. John A Rjllly solo agent. 6-5-1 The Photographer .Relocated at No. 14 North White Street navlng ban hU gallfry greatly improved, he is nowDeuer preparea i uau ever loraeei, the wants ol the' pnulie "lu trie photo graphlo line. Tho tesl pt olo graphs at lowest Mice?, . J Crayop Work a. Specialty ItEPOllT Oi THE CONDITION OF THE first national bank SIIKNANDOAII, OF at Bhcnandoah, lu tho State of Pennsylvania, at, iuq close or unsipess, j uiy inn, leui i 11ESOU11C1CS. Loans and Discounts J282.701 09 Overdraitasecuredand nnsecured. 1.393 05 U.S. Bonds to secure circulation 100,000 00 Ktooks, securities claims, etc 11 520 00 Duo Horn approved reserve agents.... 20,65) 01 Duo from other National Bunks 3 803 2S Duo from Htate banks and bankers 1,8.20 10 Banking-house, furniture, and Ilxt... 2SS7 (is Current oxpensos and tares paid 780 05 Checks and other cash Items 823 1(1 Bills ot other Banks 0,705 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, nnd cent 72 8S Specie i S1.71K16J Bodeniptlonfund with U.S. Treasurer (5 of cl.-culatlou) . 4 600 00 Due from U. H. Ti-eaiiurer.otbcr than 6 redemption fund. 2,810 00 Total ?71 400 62 I,IABII.ITIEa. Capital stock paid In $100,000 00 Surplus Fund 20,000 00 Undivided profit 8 1)00 29 National Bank uotm outstanding 00,000 00 Dlvldon In unpaid 8,745 00 individual ueposiissiuijecnocueca. 1001011 m llHinaiiU certltlcatcs of denoslt 4S 223 31 Due to other National Banks 37 203 27 Duo to Utato Banks and Bankers 1,831) 01 Total $474,400 62 Stale of rennsylvanla.Couuty of Schuylkill,! W. S. SNYDER'S - r ,: .... -i Boot and Slioe Store (Mastcller's old stand,) Corner coal and JarrllujBtB. Mr. Bnvder will always keen In stock a fine line oi uoois ana snoes. Custom Worlc and Xtciiairlngf done in the best style. He guarantees to sell cheaper tli'iu compelltors on Main street who nave uig roots io pay, sua guarantees a geuiv ine uargain ou every puronase. I. Jno. B. Lclsenriug, cnsfilor of tbo above named bank, do solomnly swear that the above statement la true, to the best o linmHftirnnnrl liellfif. ' Jno. It. Leiskxiiino. Caahler. Bubscrlbed and sworn to beforo mo this 17th day of July, im. lit V, I7 ,Y A,Jl, , Nptary Public. vurrect-Aiwafc . . . i P.J.FEitansois. 1 A.J. Ltiuuiia, Directors. W. 11. IjEWIB, j Tlte fumons firm of OfTLISTS ana OrTICIASS Of rillLADKLPIIIA Have arraneed to send ono of their HiwcialUts on the EYE TO SIIUHAXDOAII, Saturday, August 1, 189 He will beat the Forgusou IIougio, Irom 8 SO A. M. to 5 P. M. Thoso whose eves are raustucr dlsoomfort should call uponour Hpeclallst, and they will receive luiouigeni una ekhiiui auenuoni QUEEKT a GO. 024 Chestnut St., l'MladelpMa Attention, Hoxise Gleaners ! rhewarm weather is here, and house-cleaning is the next thing in order. Anu at sucn times most everyuouy uceus sometniiuj to urigiuen up the home, so if you need a good carpet of either Veuet, Moquett, Body, or Tapestry Brusse, TWO OU THEtEE-VIST INGKAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS ! You can find a full assortment at PRICE'S. ace Mains, Wain Poles of all Kinds! Window Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot bo beaten when quality is considered. No misrepresentation one price to all. 113 North Main, Strest, Shenandoah, Pa. wli m.i'p J fjnjt isin gfgi Vbwmti bs3 BsuuscnLsa eexsa 1 n We mean It lu every sense of tho word. Wo ofler you good all-wool suits for less than their value. Our light goods must go, regardless of cost; so if you want to purchase a Men's .All-wool Cheviot Suit for $6.50 call on us. Furnishing goods also to bo had at lower prices than ou will Ami them elsewhere. Wo make no boasts merely for advertisement, but what we advertise we will do. Call and examine our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret It. a "air th&AW Jesaru T I "FAMOUS" 01 PRICE CLOTHIER, 11 JV. Main Street, Shenandoah. A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortcages and Bonds written, .Marriage licenses ana tegat claims promptly attended to. Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. General Fire Insurance Business, Ttopresents lueixoriuwobiern i,ne insurance to. Office Muldoon's bulldlne. corner Centre nnd West Bis., Hhenandoah, l'a. Good Hroperties of All Kinds For Sale. 1, A two story double frame dwelling house, store and restaurant, on East i Centre Bt 2. A dwelling and restaurant ou East Centre street. 3. Dosirable property on comer Centre and jarutn streets, suiiauie tor uusines? pur poses. I. A twd story double lrutnft dwelllnj, on West Llovd street. 5. Two 2-story frame dwelling oa West Con- irn mreuu 0, Two a story dwellings on the corner ol Coal and Chestnut stteets Htore room In one. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut street with a large warehouse at the rear. 8. Three two-slory double frame buildings corner of Lloyd and Gilbert streets. Rim WE'RE AFTER YOU SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, SO J.'ast Centre Street, SUISXAKDOAU. Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Coafeclionery! -OF ALL KINDS, - Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary lino ot Hats, Caps and Oents' Furnishing Goods and mulces a specialty of Nellie Bly anil Mary Anderson Caps. a BABT CENTKB ST. Q JI. HAMILTON, 11. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. orace-20 West Lloyd Blreet, Shenandoah fa. H Your trade Is what we want. This la how we propose to get it. By selling you a first class article ; by selling you for less than others; by selling you furniture, an orgau, a piano, a, sewing machine or anything else in tho line of houEohold goods. Wo have a large and va ried stock to select from. No t rouble to show goods. Call, examine and bo convinced. THE OLD RELIABLE, I ct H. I P. Williams dBro., South main St., SHE 3ST The Cheapest Place ! TO BUY Genls'.FumisMng tfoads, Hosiery, Etc, 18 AT OHARLES : YAROWSBT'S, 23 West Centro Bt, bhcnandoah.