i . r i m iriynnr Frrsentn in the most elegnnt form THE LAXATIVE AMD NUTRITIOUO JUICE OP TUB FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable nud effective laxative tj perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER APiD BOWELS. It it the most cxcelltnt remedy known to CLEWSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one Is Bilious or Constipated so THAT PURL tSLOOO, RaFaCSHIKC BLEEP, HEALTH and 3TRRNCTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. fivery one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK TOUH DRUGO'ST Fon MANUFACTURED ONLY OY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. tDVISVILLE. KY NEW YORK. ft. t. John R. Cotk; Attorney-at-Law Real Estate Agent OFFICE Beddall's Buildino, Cor. Main and Centre Streels. SHENANDOAH, PA. ' PROPERTY FOR SALE: 3 A two and one-hair story flouMe fmrae dwelling house, with store-room nud res taurant. Located on East Centre street. a A valuable property located on Houth Jar din street. 3-Kevcn dwelling houces at the corner of Gil bert and Lloyd streets. Good Investment. Terms reasonable. GOLD MEDAL, TASIS, 1873. I.BAKER&CO.'S from which tlio excess of oil lias been removed, Is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals ffiT S SI uOCOB, 1 are uscu m its preparation, it lias Hsffiiore than thrte times the strength of X ijfc'j'Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and la tliercforo far moro economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted lor invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocors overywhoro. W. BAKER & GO., Dorchester, Mass. -GO TO- Neat, Cheap and Stylish Btmw Huts., from 20c to 81.50 Bhort Spray Flowere 6o to 1,00 Wreaths , 20oto 1.75 Infante' Christening Hobo, Goo to So Infants' Ions and short coats. ..$1,25 up to J5 50, 60,000 LADIES WEAR luSELF-SUPPORTING CORSET Why don't you wear one? NELLY BLY CAPS ! All Colors, at 20 cents. i $ IP If litre cured tfiarv hnuj. d c,ek t'.ur paiwntj r,nriin -i fa, u , h the I- 1 1 s t : . j.,,) i m i y i . capiity (ItsnTpar, aM -i. tm ci , ai I i.nMnK tl lyi.i " - ' ' ' - ' i ' "KfK Bt': ' I ci ili)S"frmr TtJ' "U'jlr m i r DLC I y null U Or tbo JLIuor Ilubll, lultUei Ourca uuiuiuisieriiiff ur. luunet' It Is manufnoturoJ as a powder, whioh can bo (riven ta a ffl&oa of ber, s oup of ooffae or tea, or In lood. without ltd knowledge of (be patient. It la absolutely fc armload, and will effect a permanent and ipeady jure, whether tba patient la a moderate drinker of an alooholio wreotc It has been given In thousand of eaiea, and In every lmtanoe a perfect cure haa fol lowed, it iierer Falli The eyatem once Impregnate ed with the dpeoiftet beoomea an utter impOBibillty tor the liQuor appetite to exiat. C, H. HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah II FOHEBOY, A T70HNEY-A T-LAW,' OOcoBeddiU'i bnUdlnc corner lUln ua Oeotri NATIONAL LEAGUE RACE IS NEW YORK PLAYINQ A MERE BPUFlTl Look an If Titer Meant Itiitlnrss Tlio Clilcngos niul Hoston Hummed Up Whoro I'lttsuiiru Stands Tlio Notv York Look Llko Winners. Doob nnvono tloubt that tho Now Yorks will win tlio pennant this year? If tho team does not win it win it uo a stnndlnff marvel. Nobody with an oyo for base ball believes that their pros ont speed is n "spurt" that will die out within a week or two. They lmvo simply struck their ffalt. And although they will lmvo occasional setbacks, it may be put down for a surety they will trive tho other teams In the Lieaifuo an easy go by befoie the last of Septem ber. The New Yorks aro badly In need of a third eateher, and it would be dangerous tohovo Hm O'Rourke out of the field, especially when ho lias those black goggles down so tkie. fllase ball is a queer speculation any way. With the beginning of tho sea son tlio Ilostons made a runaway race of it. The playerB wore nine things of beauty and a joy forever. Their field ing was simply phenomenal, and their batting was of that order wliluh causos the average pitcher to grow pale around tho gills, "They uro working too much like sprinters," said Bomebody who knew. "The New Yorks aro long-distance nags, slow to round into shape, unwilling in training, but all-fired hard to head off when they once get started." It is a oase of locomotive and race-horse. For the first 200 yards the engine Is not In It. Thereafter steam wins und muscle loses. Although Anson's men are playing good bajl and seem to bo well within themselves, they will not prove so speedy as tho Now Yorks in the long run. Anson Is having less trouble than usual with his men this year. It is bald that Jimmy llyan, the little fire-eater, has not sasscd the old man once As for Anson himself, he does not seem to have lost any of those red-heuded qual ities which have made him famous since ho stepped out of Noah's Ark and began to bat Hies around Slount Ara rat. He offered a good illustration of tho dilt'erenco between those who lush and those who do not. Anso Is old enough to bo a grandfather, but he is still as frisky as tho youngest of his men. Our old friond, tho devil, has put his cloven foot into the Tittsburg pie. It is too bad. A clique has arisen against Ed Ilaulon from some cause, or possi bly without any cause. Things are very unhappy in tho team at present. It was said by a I'ittsburg man who was in New ork a few days ago that tho cliquo is composed of Roilly, Cial vin, Miller, Carroll, and possibly two others, whose names wero not given. It is not surprising that Miller and Hanlon should conflict, but that Miller and Galvln should fraternlzo Is astounding in view of tho faot that it was Jimmy's intention to put a head on Miller upon sight throughout the whole of last season. J. l'almer O'Ncil showed his hand while with tho team in this city last week. Ho duly Installed Itellly us captain, thus put ting himself on record as upholding tho insurrection. This will not benefit the team a Jot. Tho truth of tho whole matter lies in tho fact tluit thero is too much carousing in the toam, and Han lon was trying to put It down. Since Mr. O'Ncil has put it down again nothing remains to bo said. Mr. O'Noil certainly has a right to run his own little toam in his own little way. MENTon. 'flio Wheel. At the last meeting of tho Fall River Cycling Club five lady members wero admitted. A recent estimato of tho valuo of cycling property in the United States places it at 515,000,000. A safety with two chains is being raado in England with a special viow to exceptional hill-climbing powers. It isn't right to preach against tho art of cycling simply becauw when per sons get to bo experts at it they bo come "fast," Thomas Stevens, well known to cyclers all over tho world, has written "Through Russia on a Mustang," which has just been published, ;On Decoration Day, Mr. S. J. Black started from Cleveland, O., on his bi cyelo for a trip around tho world. His course has been carefully planned and he hopes to lower Mr. Sjoven's record. Numerous articles written by Mr.ltlack, will appear during his tour. (iirls in Minneapolis can ride on tho sidewalks, when tho streets aro muddy or impassable, for tho mayor has granted permission to wheelmen, and riders of tho other sex have the samo rights, of cqurse. That is, lady bicy clers copy their ancestors, H is said that when tho body of Baron Drats, tho inventor of the first bicycle, was removed from an out of tho way spot to one moro prominent in Carls ruhe, ladles as well as men made up tho funeral cortege of 400 persons, each mounted on his or her machine and wearing tho uniform of thoir respective clubs. He la the Amateur Champion, Alexander A. Jordan, of tho Now York Athletic club, has astonished tho amateurs this season. Ho began at tho opening of tho athlotlc season by win ning all tile local trophies in all around athletics. ' no entered tho contest for the American amateur championship June i, ana came out an easy winner. Ho is now amateur champion athlete oi America. flighest of all in Leavening Power. ESOLUTEI PUm AN ESCAPED TIGER. It Is Plnvlnic Slid Hnvue In the Jungle of Illinois. Farmer Frank Chattertou, ofBoerna dote. 111., was called to his stable the other afternoon by the terrified screams of one of his horses. As he ontored tho barnyard a huge beast sprung from tho open door, and bound ing into an adjacent field erouuhed low, emitting deep growls, while it slowly waged its long tail. Fearing cither to advance or retreat, the affrighted Mr. Chatterton gazed in helpless despair at the strange brute, which soon slunk away Into the timber. Recovering courage somewhat Mr. Chatterton then passed into tho stable. where the poor dkembowlod horse lay in its own uioou, dying a lew moments later. The entire county Is oxclted beyond measure, xne ammars screams havo been heard and its huge, ugly tracks1 havo boon found in the Spoon river bottoms for tho past thrco months. A. party of hunters surrounded tho bruto in tho Crooked creek bottoms a few weeks ago, but the dogs refusod to commence an attack. 1 ha mon caught a glimpse of this animal and were so thoroughly frightened by its size and appearance that they gavo up tho chase. About thrco years ago Shelby's cir cus and menagerie, while crossing tho Crooked creek bottoms, was caught in a storm, und a cage containing a lion and lioness and a tiger was overturned. It was found that the lion was smoth ered, but tho tiger escaped from tho cage and into tho deep timber. It is thought that it is this tiger that is de stroying au peace ot mind in mclkhv ough county. Wolff'sl 3SLw,uuumb IS Wircnonnnc ISH. 1 BKL", ERVER. f UIRED. J 01 A Hamhsomp oni A LEATHER PRESE NO BRUSHING RPOl anhed e&n daily, Used br men. women and children. Jun filiate ' Look at my old chip bfuket, IroH H a beauty f S A 10c, BOTTLE will do half a dozen baskets. WOLFF Is RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. PIK-lt ON beantlfies other things besides baskets. It makes a white elaes vaae any color you de ire to match. It changes a pino table ta walnut, a cane rocker to mahogany. , It stains, palms. lacuuera. Japans. PUBLIC SALE The 0!t! Court House! July 31, 1891, at 10 O'clock A. M. All the pt-reotal properly belonging to the (iuutvot SchuylKlll. In the old Court House consisting of paitlllorjs, ccuute. shelving, steam btatlno arrnrutuu In separate parts. the clock, and bell In tho old Court Tloute rcsrrvli g the base ami also the two lame lines or iiaisii'iies, uue on cacn enuanco 10 inotm Court House. HAMUEL G. DkTUIUC, JAM13B J. B0WK8, El IAH E. H ED, L'oinmlybtnmr. Attest-JouN B. Hnydkb. 7-11-td Hew StocU, Green Truck, Fine Groceries, FRUITS, &c. Delaware roe shad and oUier fresh fish right irom the uouuon J riaays. rresu Greeuafroin tuetiouth. Evan's Buildinj;, E. Oentre St (J.S. miHam'oiaitand) Kverythlnz new and resh. Qoods delivered to any part or town. R. O. KNIGHT & SON. U. S Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, She Died for Love. Poor Katie Mclutyre died on the day on which hor wedding was to take place. She died as a result of u dose of poison, token to prevent her marriaire to the man she did not love. She lived In Saginaw, Michigan, from whloh pace she moved to Chicago. tknna two or threo months ago In that city she had been living with her married sister. Jirs. .lames inndy, Before going to Chicago she was em ployed lor a time 111 ina omce 01 tue Bancroft house, Saginaw. There she pnuv.v.v .wfiiiu,i,, mado the acquaintance and became en- mured to a young man named Crowley who Jilted her. Thut preyed on her mind and made her melancholy at times. Shortly after Miss Mclntyro's arrival in Chicago she met John Landy, a brother of her sister's husband. Lsjidy at once formed an attachment for the young lady. He pushed his suit rapidly, but was refusod when he pro posed. Ho carried that information to his brother and sister-in-law. They favorod his suit and finally induced her to reverse her answer. A irlena 01 tlio young lady did not llko the prospective groom. She frequently said sho ItATir. M'lXTYr.E. thought Katio was throwing herself away. Tho talk had tho offest of in ducing the girl to break the engage ment and return to Saginaw. Young Landy followed her and induced hor to return and renew her promise of mar riage. They werp to have been marriod at 7 o'clock Juno 1", in St. Patrick's church, Chicago. During Saturday they went to the churoh for tho purpose of con fession. At the door the young lady's determination failed. Sho refused to go in and again refused to marry tho mnn she did not love. But within a few hours sho had again given her con sent to the marriage. -Vouiiy bhe took poison and died in terriblo agony. NOTHING LIKE III EQood U thicker than vatez, und most be kept pure to Insure good health. Bwwt's Srrapio U natures resist? for this ptupoM. It sever to fails elimn&te the Impta ties stud build up the general bealtb. Then. U only one Sniffs Specifla, and there is nothing hie it. Be srux and got the genuine. Treatise on Blood and Skin XAxstata nailed free. 7 Tho Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga TIIKATlll', IIUII.niNO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. A. W. Leisennng, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisennng, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass't Cashier. Open Dnlly From 9 to 3, 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! Pnlcl 011 HnvliiKH DepoHllH. Dr. Grosvenor's Bell-cap-sic ffftM quick tUif Jrompatn. PLASTER. ItheatnAtlatn. tiMnralrl. ntAnriavAnil lnmhftjrar First National Bank A VOICE FROM THE TOMB. SAID TO BE CAL. LINO OUT FOR VENOEANCE. is on. cuonrs's ghost at thii caulon eoTT.ioi:? Chicane Lnborlntr I'mlcr tirent lit- t'ltemeut Several l'ersom Trllly to lint lug Seen the Strange Specter The NolishborN Terrified. IIICAOO IS JUST at present in t he throes of oxctte ment produced by thrilling stories of ' the appearance of a giiusuy hjk3uii which nightly cuts weird capers in and about the world - celebrated Carlson cottage, where Dr. Croniu was inurdered May 4. 1889. The residents of that particular section ai Chicago are in a vortex of frenzy ovor I me anair. ine manor una ueuu mves- titrated and little doubt Is loft for dis- the affair. The matter has been inves- I proving the assertions 01 the imcago 1 llornld, which claims that Its own rep resentative witnessed the maticauvors ul the canny specter tho other night. Certainly tho people are not making so much noise for nothing. Strange sights and sounds, it is said, have aroused the neighbors, and for several nights tho lonely cottngehas received almost as much attention as it did the day after tho facts of the mur der were brought out. One night a number of persons were gathored in the vicinity of tho cottage. Thoy claimed to have actually seen tho spirit of tho murdered doctor at tho windows. Tho first thing heard of tho affair was wnen aMi-s. Carlson, who, with her hus band, now lives in the cottage, was awakenad by strange cries, moans, and tho pattering of feet. On the samo night some porson cloimod to have seen a ghostly form, enveloped in a white shroud, appear at a window in tho front room, and after peering out Into the street gave vent to moans and cries for heln. Tho nnnarition wis da- scribed as being the head and shoulders of a man. Down tho face welled a crimson stream and tho feat ures wero distorted with pain and an guish. It did not take long for tho story to spread around the neighbor hood, and a watch has been held for several nights by neighbors, curious, yet fearful, to see the strango and ter rifying sights, i or biocKS around the residents havo discussed the ono topio: Is Dr. Cronln's trliost hauntim? tho Carlson cottago?" ailss Jennie oilva, who lives at mo Lincoln avenuo, had heard of tho ter rible scenes said to bo enacted each night at midnight, and, accompanied by a friend, Miss Moggie Tafft, has been to tho cottage. Miss Silva saw tho strange, white, indistinct form through tho win dow. Miss Tafft, who knew Dr. Cro nin, wab taken to the cottago at night by her friend to sco whether sho could identify tho form as that of the d-ad man. The specter was too indistinct, however. Joseph E. Specht, a florist, who lives at 1108 Lincoln avenue, is a spiritualist and an educated man. Ho is 01 tue nnu im pression that Dr. Cronin has re turned to earth, in tho spirit lorm, to assist in the pointing'" out of still un punished confederates and accomplices to his murdor, "I am a spiritualist and fully bollevo that tho dead return to earth 11 they cannot rest, ne said. "I am willing to pass a night in the cottage and find oat what message the spirit desires to leave to nu menus. 1 havo no doubt that ho haa somu im nortant message to leavo." At least a dozen responsible persons testify to having seen the spirit. A Terrible Crime. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Is considerably excited over a mysterious tragedy, which was onaoted at Marquette, near thero, tho other day. Jamus 1 Adel left home, leaving his sister-in-law and a vuunir Englishman together. He to- turned last night and found tho house vacant. Search being made, tho bodv of his sister-in-law was found in a well. Sho had been shot. The young im IS llshman is missing and no doubt ho the murderer. J Macbeth's " pearl top " and "pearl glass" lamp-chimneys do not break from heat, not one in a hundred; they break from accidents. They are made of clear glass as well as tough, as clear as crystal. They fit the lamps they are made for. Shape controls the draft; they are shaped right. Draft con tributes to proper combustion; that makes light; they inn prove the light of a lamp. But they cost a dear three times as much common chimneys, and.( as tiiey do not break, he apt to be anxious lest tar y stop his trade. Di minished sales and less profit 3,e not agreeable to him. There are two sides to the question. Have a talkwith him. I'ittsburg. UO.A. MACBSTH ACO. it 3 CHEAP AND STRONG , 80 other styles 6-A Vc p- "1 'o suit all ttaiu Hi till ui.. ENNYROYfll PSLLS finre, RinAtH r lUbkt. t nin wt a i"ttl ,.tvM,f in till . (.1,1. lUo it k.si mr viM-m i.J o other. NetHif lint?- 1 iut,tiiu 9ldtrULQ.l Ask mr nients for W. I,. ltoiial.iB lioe. IT nut for snle in your pliice link jour denier to send Tor ciitnlnaiiie, secure tlio lllfeucy. auil get thvm for you. WTAIlil NO M11IST1TUTE. Jg3 WHY IS THE LB DOUGLAS SMOt CrTNTLEM EH rHE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? ltfsna ftTnleflJUim with ttntnclranf war ttii-nn.l to hurt tho feet made or tbu best Hue pair, styllsli nnJ casr. arwt Li-muiA ir- irl' v iin.a n thi grade than ant other innmifaeturer, It equals nund 8fwrd h'i ui rmtliiff front $4.00 to S5.no. r-i. uuttcmuiic (iniiti-c'iu tnonuesccair liJm sh i't-r offered fnr $1.00; pQualu Frcucb linpnrteil aiinc nhK'l) coat from $s.i)toQrj.tHl. CIAl 00 llnml-f til Welt Shor, lino coif, flHoo ever otT.Tid ut tliU price: name Krado ns cua- S2 30 I'tilirt SIkil'i Farmers. HallroAtl Mfi UVsi fiud I'tlt'r('jirrIprAll HPnrtl.imi flnnnnlf Beamluflr), biiiuDth Inutile, heavy threo uolos, exten sion edge, duo pair will wenrajeur. ISO " lino ciihi no better shoe evrrofTcred at t&OZm ihU prhu; ono trial will comluce thoso ho w out a suoo for comfort nml servlco. GO und S'i.OO Woiltliieimin'M shoes ulbsi aro rerv utron nnd ihirAhln 'thmu whr hare given them a trial w Ut wear no other mako. CiwC' -tUU iinii 9i,7ti scnooi puws aro worn bvthe to 3ofrvwh(TQ! thuvsell ou their merits, an the Increasing sales nhow. KnCliSlwo Donifola. ervfttvllsh: enuala French lmportcj Rhoea costing from fi.Oit to t6.). l.mlleH '2, ML S'2.00 und 81.7.1 shoo for MlMCi aro the lieut line Ltmoli.. Ht) lUU nud durable. i iiuiimi dvv iuul . it. luukih iiaino uuu prlco aro Btanipi'd on the tiottom of each shoo. ffosopla 23o-ll, r. 8 mm Tin muit r, liable svntl fuoaeufuf t'CiaiJl far lldieu ofMUs iei SpecialDIscascs,BIood Poison VI CFUS, b tloh. flmplca. 8 or Mcutli, Throsl, IrrlUlloni, Beia toitii, IntiinroHoni, Kldntjn HI Iter, Loii UilLlJ, Wek bcK4 Waak&eu UelHItT, Imptlrfl Memory maDeer,6trlo(or 11 dUiMcs rctu'lloi frum youiLtui error or from overwork OldiYouns Middle Agod don't loner dj locg.r. sr ! certain, do ipiriun it I tu-1 TrjtUoE koown U modlosvt ud mrKlcftl ielQc,otitmt,te koaalil cui loiicitva. Dorofttttr who failed relief utonos rreihouti flared ta 4 lo 10 rtr. KurojjQ Hoeptu) pi perltno la Oermtnr, Kdr lodf I'rkooe mi iastrf, -erUflcnc ind dl(ilomn provo vnd U Tri .irnctical r .rlonoo. 10 000oei earea Jrij. si5,ooo:. irrlenaa muil who can ahow m rater DfctUnU rermiotntl cortl u Icaa after quack arjl nttver title g doctor baC ruloed tbsm. 6tai Jo.tiamp for book "1K0TU" tad iwora tetlmooitli eiwjsmf quack and Ai ertlslDg dootore wltk tbolr fklao a&4 fraaiu!nt Rutrtuteea and iaitiiaoulaje, tbelr ttparicucn, tne ao not iiotkr. ana nieir aoneiue 01 rtiunum units or frltti.1l talis a.a.i their ehctu anl wortbleil drute neitber ?f wolob ourea f on, hui are Died a daooj and retull in ralo of IboiwaBd of confiding tIgiIuu. Owner Ilotftva-s very da from 9 A M t.isi M..-.enlnffi 0 to l. w taneaaa and Saiurla hi euluM fr mt- le, dunlara from I to 12, rev lUference ae Wdn.jJii an J Hatarda tlUla, TUnf- YOUNG MAN, If you couteuplate attending Coinmcr- ciHi rcnuoi, 11 win ray yon to visit tho'ItCJCHthTI.K I1UBI- Hi UMivisitHi'i X Drfore dicldlng where, thoLieh vru xnav live a tliautanrt iuIIph rwrav. It stands nt the licad ot the llstol conimcr olul scnools In Its chsrncler as an educational force, as a midhim tor supplvlnir the Luslness men of the country with tralLed and capable atslktants, as a means ot plsclng ambitious young men and women nn the lilfhrohdlo suocess, und In the extent, elf ranre end cost ot ltfgulpment. Thorough (OMMIS1U IAIi, SHOUTIIANDANH PRACTICAL h-01.1Kll COUKHICH. The Tweuty-sevenllr Annual Catalogue will be mailed tonny address. WILLIAMS &nOGEn8,,loc.,cp' IMPORTANT NOTICE ! All pertonB are hereby warned NOT TO FISH IN THE DASIS ! Belonging to the Shenandoah Water Company, and all parties CAUght violating this notice will be Prosecuted ns Trespassers. Iiy order of THE ooivriA3sr-3r. a & S 3l