The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 20, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
IT. C. JlOVlllt, JStlttor ami l'uhUnher.
IIMf. ,T. WATKIXS, Xoeni llilltm:
Tte KYKKIXO 11SRA U) hat a larger etr-
mtallrm 4n Shenandoah than any other jwijier
jntbHnhat, Honkt i.pen lo all.
sucnimoN rates:
Daily, ow year, t8 (K
Wekklt, per rear - 1 fc)
Entered at the l'oitoftloft, at Shenandoah, Ha.
for tmnmntaalon through Uie mulls
m mxonil class mall matter.
Figure. Damonetrate the
larity of the Beaort.
July 21. Ueruian aoolutie uf Heading,
Shamokln, eto.
July 28. Wm, Venn Sunday school.
" 24. St NIoholM Sunday school.
" 27. I'omperance Band, Shenwr
July 28. The Waslilng-ton Hook & Lad
dcr Company, of Mabanoy Mty.
July 29 Trinity Hefonnud Sunday
school, of Shenandoah.
July 80. Yuung Men's llepuUicau Club
of Mabanoy City.
Auk. 8. English Baptist Sunday school
or Shenandoah.
Aug. A. Al. K. Sunday school of JIah
nnoy Plane.
Aug. 6. M. 15. Sunday soliool, Ashland,
Ajjt. 0. Kvaiijrellcal Sunday school of
Mahanoy City.
Aug. 7. Wolili Congregational, llnlia-
noy City.
Auk. 8. 11. K. Sunday school, Gilber-
ton. 1
Aug. 10. M, K. Sunday school, Girurd
villo, and Union Sunday school, Lost
Auk. 11. "Welsh Baptist, Confrrtj?a'
tional and Methodist, Shenandoah.
Aug. 12. Lutheran missionary fetial
" 18. Kpisoonal Sunday school of
Mahanoy City.
Aug, 11 M. K. Sunday school of Ash.
Aug. 15. Kisteddfod.
" 17. Lutheran Sunday school, Gl
Aug. 18. Englfshlllfliitist.Sundiiy school,
Mahanoy City.
Aug. 10. M. B. Sunday school of Shcn
Aug. a). Trinity lloformod Sunday
school of Mahanoy City.
Aug. 20. English Lutheran,1; Mahanoy
Hooky Mountain Ouro.
Tho druggists claim that pooplo call
daily for tho now cure for constipation and
sick headache, discovorod by Dr. Silas
Lano whilo in tho Kooky Mountains. It i
said to ha Oregon grape root (a great
romody in tho far West for thoso coin
plaints) combined with simple herbs, and is
made for uso by pouring on boiling water
to draw out the strongth. It soils at
conts a paokags and
Family Modicine.
is called Lane'
Shaved lioads aro
your as last.
not so numorous this
Hold It to tho Light.
Tho man who tells you confidentially
ust what will cure your oold is prescribing
Kemp's Balsam this year. In tho prep
aration of this remarkable medicino for
coughs and colds no oxpenso is spared to
combino only the best and purest ingredi
ents. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to
tho light and look through it; notico tho
bright, cloar lookj then comparo with
othir romedios. Prico COo. and ?1
Wrinkle, for drug-storo keeper a green
upplo given away with evory package.
To NorvouB, Dotallitatod Mon.
If you send us your address, wo will
mail you our illustrated pamphlet explain
ing all about Dr. Dye's Colobratod Electro-
voltaic lielt and Appliances, and their
charming eflocts upon tho nervous de
bilitated system, and how they will quickly
rosloroyou to vigor, and manhood. Pamph-
lui iron. ii you aro mus aiuicteu, wo will
onu you a ueit ana Appliances on a trial,
Voltaic Bkiv Co.. Marshall. Mich.
Ilavo you thought of it that autumn is
creeping along slowly 7
Shlloh's Consumption Ouro.
nils is beyond iutlon tlio most suc-
cessim ixiugn Airaicitie wo nave ever sold,
a lew rtoKes luvailably cure the woist cases ol
Coogb, Croup, nnd llronciiltls, while Its won.
derail success In Uie cure of Consumption ih
wltboui njiaiallvl In (lit) blUory of mMliclne.
Since It's first discovery It las Loen sold on a
guarantee, u lest which no oilier niedlclno
can stand, Ii you have u Cough we earnestly
askjou to try it. I'rlco 10 cents, 50 cents, and
i.iu. ji j our i.nntH ore torn, I nest or liacK
lame, use Hiltoli's J'oinus IMaster. Hold by
p. II. IlnKcnbuch, N. K. corner Main and
Uoyd streets.
Melons and canlalopes will not only bo
line hut plenty and cheap this yoar.
The Seoret of Success.
C. II. llMBODbuch, the (IrugijUt.belleves that
llic secret or suceehs U i erseveiunce. Tlie.n.
lore ho persists In lioepfmj the thustlhieof,u iidiiu, umti aruciex, cosn cues, nrtiKS
und chemlcaU on the n.uiliet. lleesneclaly
Invite nil persons who imvo palpllall'U,
short breath, weak or liunnry siwlls.paln hi
tide or shoulder, opptetlou, nightmare, diy
ri ULli. tninlberliig, dmry or heart dli-ease
to liy I)r, Miles' uuenulfd New Heart Cur.
betoie It Is too late. Jt hus Uie larsest sale of
uny similar remedy. Fine hook of tenttroo
nl ils free. Dr. Allien' lleHnmtUe Nervine is
uibiihpu mr nieepiewieeiiH, uenasoue, flts.
etc., and It oontalus no opiates.
Commercial tourists are numerous.
A Husband's Mistake
Husbands loo often permit wives, snd par
enu their children, lo sutler from headache,
dizziness, neuralgia, sle ple supmi. fits, ner
vouhncsB, when hy the uso of Dr. Allies'
jieuiuuve nervine sum lenous results
eould easily be prevented Druggists every
where say Jt gives unlvcisal satlsfeoilon.and
hasai Iminense sale. Woodvorlh Co., ol
Fort Wayne. Ind.; Hnow & t o., or Hyracuse.
N. Y.-.J. U. Wolf, Hillsdale. Mich.; and hunl
d'cdBot others soy "It is the greatest seller
they ever knew.'' It contains no opiates.
Trial bottles and tine book on Nervous
Diseases, free at U. II. ilagenbuch's.
Portland, Intl., July 10 Romlinastor
lllgbee, who la In uhnrgeof tho worfc
on thj Lake Krlo nud Western lln.ll-
rotitl grade lit tills place, noticed a
commotion uniong n number of citt'o
Hour the track Thursday afleruonn.
To aBi'crlHln the caime he proceeded
up arttvltip, where he found a iiionler
furpont thnt had four or live ol ltwcolla
about u snmll tree. Kb lieeHi was
twelve feet in the air and moving in
a circle.
The portion of H body to be seen
was at least twenty-live feet in lenxtii.
and liulglng from the relative lze
mat wan nine more man nun no nun
stretch. The body was of a (lurk brown
color, with h white throat, and the
miner imrt ot tliu iiioulli waa covered
witn a lringe oi nair Euvtrai mono in
While the terrllled roarfinaiter v
thinking how he could escajm
the cer limit It tool: ll colls from
llio lice, suu to mo ground ami gnnen
mi the mill v.
HIKiiee aa lmoi paralyzed wncn
heieachedJhe ilaeo where IiIm men
were at work, lly says he felt a If
his limbs were asleep and refused to
do their dulv.
Funnels in llio n liriibo.iioou nave
been mipslug calvis, hogs and sheep
lor Hie last six weeks, anil It is now
supposed that tho serpent has been
carrying tin-in away, a luuy nan
heeu oiganlzed which will endeavor
lo kill or capture the serpent, ine
farmers aid the ralltoad laborers In
the neighborhood have Won thrown
Into such a stale of fright by the rwd
nmstors' story that they dure not stir
from their homes without iiulnicamieu
with clubs and guns, nnd supplied
Willi uie usual anuooirsior snaite iioi'
boning, known around here as "snake
What tho. Druggists say
of Heiskell'sOir.tmcnt:
When we are to nvmniuuctJ a prepara
tion fur Plclri tlljux1, we lian.l out
OiNTMbNr.ntih uvltv confluence uf lUbucveftsv
fiiltreuttnetit of the tifseiUM?."
J. C. U&mck, fi Main St, Ilutler, To.
"I hnvebefn seinna ITkukkm.'h Ointment
foroleven years, itulveu univertuUBatlslactlo
It will ruro Tk ptkr.
(I. W. Hackknobroer, Balnbridge, P-
We have evidence of the curative propertlM
reJ table oln t mm t, '
Flkmiko A Kslkb, Tftrentum, rn,
"In All akin iHsonsi UfnvarUtMy rn'ommed
J. J. Kxih, Pharpsburg, Vx
"irwaKKrxa OiKTifRNT cure when all Mm
full." McCLUMiAN & Ktthii, Freejiort, lu
merit " U. U. Hilton. KUtflnnlD. Ta.
'Men ot the earliest times drat saw tho vices and
diseases or the present times;" but they did not
jwhkwh tho moral restraints for one, or cures for
the other, that wo do. Scrofula and speciflo dis
ease vero incurable, unmitigatod curhss, until the
CactiM Illood euro camo to neutralize and eradi
cate ihcm by simply purifying tho blood.
Colorado Is a land of sharp contrasts, ol
brilliant llehts, ol Intense shadewe: a land
where heights and depths mnko obvious the
meaning of the word antithesis; n land where
every mood In mind can And uu answering
mood In nature. The high, while minarets of
tho inountuins. from whoso slender pinnacles
lloatthe wind-blown banners ot the Know, ap
peal with silent eloquence to tho lolly asnha
tlousor the soul; tho sombre chasms cleft by
TItuu forces through giaulte-hearted hllta
wlihln whoso deptlis dark shadows throng
nud swilling torrents dahhspeak to the heart,
a lauguago mat tbrills, Inspires and awes. It
does not follow that thete glories ol white
peaks nnd those glooms of dark conons pre
clude tho pleuaant lulervnls, the sunny
meadows or the stelnded nooks wherein the
tired mind or wearied body may find peace
ful rest nnd rciuge from turmoil and toll To
one making n Journey in Colorado, New
Mexico or Utah, or taking a traosoontlnental
tour irom East to West, or rice versa, the Den
ver and llio tirande ltnllrnnd nfr.m nrmm.
modatlous equal In elegsuco.convenlence aud
iu&ury ui Liiueeti uuy oiuer une wnn tnena
ded allinotlons of tho unrlvnlled sceuerv
along Its line, abounding In a magnificent
opulence of white neatra and rl'irtr pnnnni
The monlli or Kovember, 1SW), wituossea one
of the most lmportuut Improvements In rail-
ruau uiciuiieN mat. uai yei been made In Col
orado and the West. T he completion of the
standard gaugoof the Denver nud ItioGrande
Railroad irom Denver, Colorado, over the
mountains to Ogdon, Ulah, which Ave years
...... tiui-itit-u i,u iiii(nmniuiiiiy, jh cenainiy
a triumph of darlne: and .m-liieerlnn. tiMiT
The new line Is by Uiewny ol Leadville, tun
neling Tenucs'-eo Pass, threading the canons
of the Kagloand Ursud Illvcrs, giving a view
ol tho Mount of the Holy Crosv, enroutc, tab-
ms iMim inroueu uienwooa rpriugsnnd
down tho Grand lllver lo Grand Junction,
thence to Halt Lnko City, Ogden una Hnu
Francisco, ily this route one is given un op
portunity to behold the magnlrlcenco of Eagle
Hlver Canon and tho marvelous leauty and
grandeur of tho Canon of the Grand, 'the
I'vriiuiiu nam ih iv juuuei in overv respect,
From tho engine to tho last first-class coach
everything Is bright and new, nud of the
'" eicgnai bijjo oi woritmausiup and
If any reader desires to know more about
i iiee h uiienoons works or nature, wrlto to 8.
K. lioonir, General Passenger Agout.Denvi'r,
Colorado, and be wilt i.fnti vnn. trM f
elegantly illuslratod boons, giving a lull de
se.ilptlon of tho marvels of the '-Hoenlo
uine. "- otaniey wroa in tue "Great Divide,
Is and will ever bo tho
Kemet. for
r flout. Influsnza. Baokaohe. '
rPaina in the Sldo. Chest and!
Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, &o
Uefora yon aesd to onTi ciUsln
I tba valuable tookt "Guide to Health," with 1
enaorsemsnu ot praumsut I'nyajcisss.
L addkih: .
310 Broadway,
Prize Mbtlals Awardedl
50 Oenta a bottle, For Salo by
X'. JJ. ICIItI13V.
ana otaer aruggw-
IKurcnroril-llopcVi uOcclsobnrr Ilon"
llin Wliuiot nt Ntliiton.
Ilctlpolmry Lion, tho champion buU
JU'resford-nopo, ii relative of tho Mr.
Ilnrtanft-ii'fl.ltririM tvliM muv.-ti.,! n rlmin-li.
tor of Oeu. Krot., of thU city. IJon
has ueen on exhibition on several oc-
casions nnd hns frequently hricl to com
, ete with dojrs of Ills species from this
country, Jersey ami the Continent of
Kuropp, but he has been the favorite
everywhere, nnd at ,thc exhibition in
Agricultural Hull, Islington, the occa
sion being tho eightieth annual show
of the club, he wns awariletl first prize,
the second falling to llritish Monarch,
liinsrauoh nsthe bull-elog' Is roferrod to
in England as tho "Englishman's com
panion," It Is not illillcult to under
stand with vvlint cxtretno rebpeot
Uedgebury is regarded. The out is re
produced tm a full-page cut printed
in the 1'nll Mali lludget on tho pago
devoted to "fumous beauties."
UIio Will Untile for tlio M'orld'n
. Rnnttiui Cliniiiplolitlilp.
Alio Willis recently signed articles In
San I'ranelsco, to fight Qeorgo Dixon,
lloston's boss bantam and world's
champion of his fi(rlitlnrr class, at tlio
California Athletic club, San Francisco,
July 28. Willis was bom at Woolla
hara, Atistralla, Juno 15, 1808. IIo
stands !" ft. 3 in., and in condition can,
it is said, come to 112 pounds, lie first
met II. ltengan with bare knuckles and
defeated him after three and one-half
hours. IIo next defeated Carroll in six
rounds; Carl, of three rounds,
and Abo Aitltln in six rounds, lie then
fought a draw with Jlichie nt Mel
bourne. Next mot Pluto, whom ho
beat In four rounds, at Foley's hall.
JInher, of Goulburn, then undertook to
knock Willis out In eiirht rounds, but
I signally failed. Willis now fought u
liurcl liattlo with Tom bmitli, winning
in twenty-three rounds. Ills next con.
test was with (Jrlffo, and a draw was
declared after twenty rounds. IIo then
bested Young Holden in a fifteen-round
"go." Jncir. U'hiiea noxt succumbed,
lie beat C. Mitchell in thirty rounds,
and brought Donaldson to his feet In
sixteen rounds. He showed Itolllnson
he was outclassed in fgurteen rounds,
nnd vanquishi'il Jack Tully in six
rounds. Ho nmiin met Tom
Smith and ngnin beat him, this
time In six rounds. IIo then met nnd
defeated Potter, the llocks boy, in four
rounds; Hilly Williams In four rounds,
and Clarkson In six rounds. lie next
liiitercd and won the Globe tou.-nnment,
defeating Watson In sixteen rounds,
Wallace in four ronnds, and Keating in
two rounds. IIo defeated C. Mitchell a
second time, in three rounds. Next
came the longest nnd hardest fight of
ills ltfo against Young Kennedy, whom
Willis boat in seven ty-two rounds. Ho
then beat Sullivan in four rounds, Vat
tingtcm In six rounds, and Tommy
Wrlghtson In sixteen fast rounds. Ho
then fought J. Samuels, tho contest
being stopped by tho polico in tho
thirty-second round. He licked Harry
Waller in eighteen rounds, Tooley
ui six ruuucis, ponsneu ou young
Holden again in two rounds.
and defeated Nipper Teakes
in eight hard rounds. Ho sparred with
Ned Johnson at tho opening ot tho
misirannu Auiiutic ciuo, Darlinghurst,
Australia, and showed Ills superiority
in four rounds. Ho boxed threo rounds
with "Spider" Weir in Australia, at tho
lattor's benefit there, and oominr to
America bested Danny MaUoney in
ei(ht ronnds at the California Athletic
club. He is reported a haviUf ben
defeated twice by "Itooks" Qriflo, Aus
trnlio'H ehniTinifin fr,utlmi--it.otfl.f nml
by Hilly Murphy, both being ten pounds
heavier than Willis. The only bantam
in Australia who is counted as eomiiur
nnvwlLAtu .... - Willi, lo nv. it -AfT
(Jowaft, but for some reason or other
nicy nave never met.
Stovo llro.lln. thn hnlH
for bridge jumping will sail for Europo
on June 11). Ho vlll maUo a tour of
tho continent.
At Viltslmrrr. Yn . vnr41- IT.....
0--'l WVMHJ, UUI1 V
Darrin. tho TCiirrllfJi vnnvin. t-
Priddy, ot I'lttsburff, ran a 3-milo race
for 81,000, Darrin won by about 10
loet, in 18 jninutcs and 40 seconds, after
a snlondld Rniii1 nf nlmul uni..i..(
the finish,
w . rr&it mi's " i
The finest in tho interior of
tho State. Only available
healthand pleasure grounds
in tlio Anthracite
The natural attractions nnd ningulfl-
I- cent econery of the pluco are un-
equalled, and a day of rccrea-
Hon nud pleasure may bo
spent In It to advantage.
There Is good flshiug nnd
bathing in the twin lakoa 1
Biirroundlngtbegrouuds. JJoat
houses will be built on tlio lakeside
v and roga'tas will be frequent this season
For Sunday Schools, Lodges, &c.f
Tho grounds are most mltnble for plc-nies anil outings. For dates nnd other
lnforuuition, coll ou or address,
O. A. KE1M, Excursion Manager,
yi-u,jiiii i ii a
Leliigh Valley Railroad. v
MAY 10, 1891.
rassenger trains will leave Shenandoah fcr
Mauch Chunb, Lehlahton, flntlngton, Cats
sauqtiB, Allenlown, Ilethlelum, Easton, Pall
udelphla and New York at 6.47, 7.40, 8.08 a. in.,
12.62,3.10, 6.26 p.m.
For lielvldere, Dehvwaie Water Gap and
Btreudf burg at 6.47, a. in., nnd 6.28 p. m.
For Lambertvllle and Titnlob, B.U8 a. m
Fcr White Haven, WillteB-Iiarre and Pitts
ton 6.47, 0.08, 1U.41 a. m.. S.10 and 6i p. m.
ForTunkhannock, 10,41a. m 3.10 and 5.2c
V. rn.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Genova and and Lyons
iv.ii a. iu., unu ojn p. m.
ForLacejville,Tov.anda, Knjie, 'Wnverlr
Elmlra. Ilochester. llullalo. jsiacaru FhIIr
Chicago nnd all rolnta Weet at 10.41 a. m.,and
6.2tip. m.
For Wmita and tho AVett vlaHalamanca at
3.iui. m.
lor Audenrled. Ilnzleton. Fttofkton. T.nm.
her Yaid, Weathf rly and I'enu Haven Juno
lion nt 6.47, 7.40, 8,08 a. m.and 12.62, 8.10 and
or Jtanefcvllle, Ievleton and Beaver
Meadow, 7.40, 8.08 n. m. end 6.28 p. in,
Fort;crautonat6.47 8 08, 10.41a. m. 8,10 and
6:2b . m.
For Hnzle Brook. Jcddo, liriiton and Free,
lend at 6.47. 7.40. 8.08. 10.41 c. rn.. 12.r,2 3.1 Ii and
6.26 p. ill.
FcrUuakake at S.47 and 8.08 a. nr., and
8.10 p. m.
For Wlgeaus, Oilbcrton and Frackvllle al
6.60 and 8.08 a m and 4.10 p.m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano
6.47, 7.40, 8.08, 10.41, 10,68 a. ID.,12.62,3.10,5.26, 8,03,
8.2 '
ForLoet Cieek, airnrdvllle and Ashland
4.27;, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 6.36
8.10 and 8.14 p.m.
For Darltwater, Ht. Clair nnd l'ottvllle.
7.40, 8.08, 10.58 a. m., 122,3.10,4.10, 5.28 and 8.U0
For Buck Mountain, New Iiofcton and
Morea, 7.40, 8.08, 10.68 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 6.28 and
For Haven Hun, Centrnlia.Mt. Carmel and
Bhamokln, 8.52, and 10,15 a. m., 1.40. 4.40
und 8.08 p. m.
Trains leave Bhamokln tor Shenandoah,
7.65 ll.M a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 8.30 p. m., arriving
at Shenandoah, 8.05 a.m., 12.52. 8.10, 6.20 and
11.15 p. m.
For Lost Creek, Glrardvllle and AshlanA,
6.5U, 8,10 11 Ji6 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Darkwater. Bt. Clair and Fotlsvllie.
6.50, 8.00, 80 1. m., 2.45 p. m.
I'or Yalesvllle, Mabanoy City and Delauc
8.00, 11.35 a. m.. 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
For Lolly, Audeurled and Hatleton, 8.0
a m., 1.40 p. m:
ForMauch Chunk. Lehlghton, Slatlngton
(StaMinqun, AllenUiwn, Bethlehem, Kactoi
and New York, 8.00 a. 111., 1.40 n. 111;
For Vhlladelphla, 1.40 p. m.
Oen'l Fats. AgU, Bethlehem.
Ltrgtst id Jlisil WW's Purelj Ctib CjejiiIh
Represented hy
120 B, Jardln HUtut
It heaU everything In the market, and the
iuuuiBjuingiiu bint uie iimis,
it will pay yon to ocnie
ana see it.
I nm prepared lo do the following at Ibe
pnc quoiea:
Tin roofing ..6o per foot and up
Tin rool rialnting o " "
Tin conduitor ......,1& "
7. . kumci. ...A..tU
uuivanizea rnnnney fciacu 200 per pound
jiejfuiia iur an ciuveis ueptciany,
331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah
Summer Resort, Pc-mc
and Pleasure Grounds I
LAKK8IDE (Kent Mahanoy Junction) m!d.
way between Mnhinoy City nnd Tanin
qua, now managed by a new slock com
pany, will he open to the public within alow
weeks, nnd dates can now he lecured. A
tiumber of societies have already Jccn boohed
and others wishing desirable dates should
malto application without delay.
Under t he now management many Improve
ment will be made, some of them being now
under way, thnt will make it fie plo-nlcand
pleasure grounds of the region.
A largo dancing psvllllon nnd a trotting
park nro among the new additions. The best
horses In tho Stale will ho secured to run or
trot this season.
f hade;--
".wmi'u iiimiiiuw ucuiiuiizt-r iiiik ejimna
tororimpuro blood, and a radical cine for
rhccmatltm, gout, nnd tkln dlf eefea. Cuiea
specific poison In a few monthc, and eating
ulcer In as many weeks. Mo laluies and no
A .nf.n,.H InfnltlllA ... ..
Sold ot Klrlin't Drug Slore,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa.
Yhon traul)led with tkOBocnuoTliiv Irruirltj
i L'utly follow inc a colt i -x, i r , r f r," C
lituUonal caluif fobs r tillitr to tlt-ir tex, una,.
'her are Btrengthenliiu totho entlra sfstr., .p--Die,
vlnoranJ uimuotio rou-otonll fnnctlonBof li'
ma mind, bent tiy tu ifi eturt BButeil.Sl. Addri"
r. Kartor rVioii" r - ST.10UI3. Mr
A newly discovered MINIOIAL WATER,
the use of whlih will supply Important ele
ments nece rsary to health. It will cure the
Kidneys, Liver, Btomach, and all Bowel aud
Bladder diseases. It will dissolve calculi nnd
rjmovethem, It removes the uric acid from
HiS. hlood and Hiub destroys Malaria and
Chills. It cures Brlpht's disease, and is es.
pcclally recommended for people advanced in
life, nnd for general debility. For undoubted
nrnnln nf llilu lcyih irr rEHHY, Water ol LUe
Co,, 34 Houtb Main Bt., Wllkes-Barre, Fa.
New Saloon and Restaurant !
Newly Painted, Papered and Ilcnovaled.
Th.-ee doors abovo Kendrlck. House,
Mr. Ilaskev would Inform his rannr friends
nnd the publlo that he will rater to their wants
in me same nm-ciass stylo mat be baa done
in the past. None but the best brands of for.
elgn and doraertlc wlnos, liquors and cigars
will be kept in stock. Choice tempeiance
drinks, Flue old stock ale
The eating bar Is supplied wllh everything
In the eating line served In the Leal stylo.
Meals served at ell hours. Fine nrlvnte nvima
m"0t tOBrorWnnioiiAMHooDi an.l ITVUVftna Tivnrtimv!
Wfknj(if flodyanamittd, Etft
Jr,rrri.H?.' lv.'.' .i'c..c. taviaot xoucj.
it.uuti. jtooiv niAiiiHitiii run (u.rd. Jlow la .aUm i
Hf,,lb..KKAK ISbliTtUirirlKIKIi.NSHI-iUTSUffoDr. m.i.i.i. uonu ruuixiiXTu.ciiit i. m tr!
H.U twtlty rruu tU SUt ft.d r.rtrlc. CMl.trlvt. WriU Ik.u.
um uma MtibicAU oo.. buffalo, .
Philadelphia and Eoading Bailroad,"
lime Table effect May 10, 18V1
eIrew,r!c Via I'hlladelphta, week days,
.5-u,',.7;a) S Rna 12 35 and 6M
C-.,Jv- ?uud.a'' alu ana M8 a. m. For New
rorit, via Mnneh Chunk, week days, 6.25.
2 in ilKancl hllndXphla weekdays,
a'irfa'nj'al'iu3? iM
.roToMp!m!ms' WTO 2.10.7.W a. m,i
Op. "wa we fnyrf, 7.20 . to.. 12M
l2r!i0lailikk 2BI .. lilt,
12.3. ,60 and 55 p.m. Bun Jay, 2 lo and 7.43
I' Ta.m;mm and Mahanoy city, week
y, 20, 6ii, 7.20 a. m., 1Z35 20 Md 6J!
; Buuday, 2.10and 7.48a. m. Adultlonal
rr Mahanoy fclly, week days 7.TOpYin
.a3.6,o',p!rman, Columl"a. ye.
For Wllllamjport, "anbury and Lewlbnrt.
ekdays,8.!H, 7.20 aud 11.3J a. bj., 1.35
jo. Bnndnv 8:25 . m. ' ,uv
MshnHOy- Wane, weekdays, 2.10 8.S.
-JSP-?1;1 l-3" B- m" 12-,f' 18r '. 6.56!
7.00 anc :io, p. m. Sunday, 2 10, 3.2 and7.4B
a. u, u, aj
For (ilmrdvllle (Itafpnhannock Btatlon)
12.85, 1 86. ::w, 6.56, i.W nud9.25. p. m. Sunday,
1) .2 , 7.4 a.m., 3.15 p.m.
or Ashland and Mbumos
., 5.26, 7.211, 11.31 a. m., 1 S
Kin, week aayr,
as. 7.m nnA um
Leave iNew York via Philadelphia, week
:iMhl. Sunday, 6.O0 p. 111.. 12.16 nignt.
Leave New York via Mancn chimk, week
Una, 4.80, 8.45 a. in., 1.00 and 4.0 p. m.
,vSve Fhllkdelphia, weea; daye. 4.10, and
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.U0 p. m.. in m Brood
nd Oallowliill and tj.35 a. in. and 11.80 p. m.
from 8th anr. .j rota reete. Banday 8,05 a.
ra. 11 .SO p. m. rrom u and ng
Leave Keadlng, week days, 1.83. 7.10, 10.15
anfi 11.60 n. w., 6.55, 7J)7 p.m. Buuday 1.35 ana
10.48 a. m.
Leave Foltsvllle, week Uayo, 2.40, 7.40 a. m
U8C8.11 p. m. Bnnday, 2.40 a. 111. and2.CS
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.70, .8 ana
1 1 2 1 a. in., 1.21, 7.13, aud u. 18 p. in, Sunday 3.10
I. m. and 2.50 p.m.
rfave Mahanoy City, week doyo, 3.40, 11.18
and U.47 a. m., 1.51, 7.42 and Ml p.m. Ban.
.lay, 8.40 a. m 3.20 p. m.,
Leave Mahanoy Flan e, week daj s, Z-f), 4.C0, 1U3. 1 1X0 a. in. ,1.1)0, ixti. 6 20, it), 7.57, ana
10,00 p.m. Bunday2.4, 4.00, und B.iO, a. m.
1 4 1, p. m.
Leave Olrardvllle (llappahunnocir Btatlon)
week days. 2.47, 4.07, oM, and 9.41 a. m 12.05,
4J2, 6.2S, 6.S2, 8.03 and 10.06 p. m. Banday, 2,47,
i.27,S.2Ha.m.a41p. mv '
Leave WllllBUiBPort, week days, 8.00,9.45 nna
II. 85 a. m, 8.35 and 11.15 p. ru. Sunday 11.15
tor Baltimore, Washlcgton and the west
la B. dc O. B. It., through trains leave Qlrara
venue station. Philadelphia, (P. & It, It. It.)
at 4.16,801 and 11.27 a. m.,1.34. 4.21, 6.55 ami
.'.23 p. m. Uunday, 4.18 8.02 11.27 a. to., 4.21
.65and7.2Ip. m.
ieave Philadelphia, Chestnut Htreet Wharl
sea oouiiioueei wnari.
For Atlantic Citv.
Week-days Esnress 9:00 a. m. and 2.C
4.00 p. hi Accommodation, 8.C0 a. in., 6.00
P. m.
Sundays. Express, 9.00, a. m. Acoommo.
tation, 8.00 n. m. and 4.80 p. m.
luiturnlng. leave Allanllo City, depot comet
W.aullc and Arkansas avonues. WeekKlays
-cJxpietw, 7.30, 0.00, a, in, and4.0u, p. n,
Vcoomiuodntlon, li.OO, 8.05 a. la. nnd 4.30
1.80 p. m.
Bandays. Express, 4.00 p. in, Accommola
lion, 7.IW a. lu. and 4X0 p. m.
C. U. HANCOCK, Qen'l Fasa'r Agt)
. A. MoLi.OU. Pres. riiUcn'l Macwer.
On ami after Nov. 24, 1830, traint tMt teav
Rhenundoah us follows:
For Wlggan, ailborton, Fraokvlllo, New
CS3tiei Clair, nud way points, 6.00, 0.10
m and 4.1pm,
Sundays, 600, 9.40 a m and 3.1 0 m.
For.Vottsville, 6.00, 9.10 a m nnd 4.15 p m,
Bondays, 600, 8.40 a m and 8.10 P m,
For Heading, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 p m.
Bnndays, t40, 9.40 a. m. and 3.10 p m.
For Pottatown, Phoemxvilie, jNorrlstowa
and Philadelphia (Broad street station), 6,00,
i.IOIa m. and 4.15 p zn week days
jkr&days, 600,0.40am3.10pm
"Trains lenve Frackvihe lor Bhenandoah at
40 am' and 12.14. 7.42. 10.09 n m. Hucdura.
.13 a m and 6.40 p in.
-leave Pottavlllo lor Bhenandoah, 10.16 ana
IJ48X&8W.15, 9.42 pm. Sundays, 10.40 a bi
3.10 p IU.
Lavo Philadelphia (Broad street station),
rot Pottsville and Bhenandoah, 6.67,10.2a a m
2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p xa week days. Bunday9.2a
a ui and 1.10 p. m.
. ... 1. iviatutMitiu. ...V. u,uv, U,UV, i.JU,
8.208.30, J.50, ll.OOand 11.15am, 12.00 noon, (ltm
llerl cxnree. 1.06 and 4.60 n m.l 12.4i. 2.un
8.20. (. 5. 6.. 6.3(1. 6.60 7.13 K.12 and 10.00 11 m 11 111
On Bundays, SSO, 4.05, 4,40, 6,35, 8.12, 8.30, 9,60V
a iti and 12.40,8.20 (limited 4.60), 5.2b, C80, 8.51)
7.13 8.12 p m and 12.01 night.
For Ben Olrt, Spring Lake, Bfllmar,
ocean Prove, Asbnry Park, and Long Branch
8.20, 11,15, a. ra, 4.00 n. m. week davr Fox
Fieehnld, 5.0', p. m. week days.
Balllmor and Washington, S.69, 7.S0, 8,31
9.10, 10.20, ) 1.18 a m, Wi (limited express) 8,48
I.Ufi7an 7.40 p. m.. and 12.03 night. Fo
lialihnorei nty 02, II 1,6 OS and I1.8O p. tru
On Bnndays, 8.E). 7.20, 9.11'and 11.1s n. in. 4.41
8.57,7.40 p ra. 12.03 night. Baltimore only
5.08 and il.SOpm.
For Tilcnmond and tho Booth 7.20 11.18 a. iu
(Limited Express 12.86 p. io.J12.03 night, week!
days. Sundays, 7.20 a.m., 12.03 night.
Iralns leave Harrisburg for Pittsburg ana
the west every day at 12.25 and 8.10 a m aud
3.00 (limited) and 8.40 p m. "Way for AItoona
4.15 a m and 4ao p m every day.
For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a ju dally and 10.20
- m week days.
Leave Snnbury lor 'Wllllamcport, Elmlra,
L'anandalgua, Kocbestcr, Bnftaloasd Niagara
("alls 6.10 am daily, and 1.43 pm weekdays.
For Vatklrs, B.S0 p m week days.
For Krie and Intermediate points, 5.10 a m:,
Jally. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.63 a m.
dally, 1M and 6.30 p. m. week days. Fox
Kenova 6.10 a m 1.43 and 5,30 p in week days.
.10 a, m Bundays.
(Jen. Man'r Hen. Pass, Agt,
Timetable intffect May. 10, 1891.
Trains leave Reading (P. & It. station) for
uiuniiiui, auyjeri, liirubuoro, joanna, rjpri
neia, waynesourg Junction, Coatesvllle.West
iieKier.Limusiora Jnuciion, u. A u. Junction
Wllmilirrtnn n,lrt IntnrmpHtnln .Inftnn.
except eunuay, at 0.2a and 8.30 a.m. nnd 3.15
p. m. Nunaay only at 8.05 p. m.
For Warwick, BL Peters nnd Intermediate
statlons,dally except Bunday, at 8.20 a.m., ana
6,19 p. m. Bunday only 8.15 a. m.
For Blrdfcboro and Intermediate slatlona,
Batnrday only, at 12 m.
For Baltimore aud Washington (B. A O. B.
It.) dally except Bunday at 6.25 nnd 8.30 a. m.
and 3.15 p. ra. Bunday only al 3.05 p. m.
Trains arrive at Heading (P. s It. station)
Irom Wilmington, B. & O. Junction, ilont
rhanin, Chaddsford Junction, West Chester,
Lenape, Coatesvllle, Wayneshurg Junction,
Bprlngneld.Joanna.Biidsboro, Qlbraltar.Bey
ferl and Intermediate stations, dally except
Bundav at 10.20 a. m. 6.52 and 8.17 r m. hnn.
'day only nt 11.24 a, m,
rom Ht. I'eters, Warwick and Inlermediato
stations, daily except Bunday, at 8.23 a. m.
and 2.25 p. m. Bunday only at 8 p. ra.
From Blrdtboro and intermediate stations.
Saturday only at 1.40 p. m.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex.
cept Bunday, 10 20 a. ra. 6.6S-and 8.17 p.m.
Bunday only nt 11.24 a. m.
. fiOWNESH BItmilB, Gen'l l'ass. Agt.
1 1 w 11 ui Hupture hy Dr. J. B.
MAYEIt, 831 Arch St., Phlla. Thomas B.
liartuug. New Itluggold, Pa., I.Pandt, south
h-uston. la L. P. & O. A. Deturck, Olcy, l'a
II. Q, Hlanley, 421 Bpruce St., Lebanon, Pa., a"
Schneider. Locunt Dale, Pa.,D, B. Noll, Lime
kiln, Pa., Wm. E. Ilarienstlne, I'boenlxvlllo.
l'n., W. M. Irflnbach, 624 Wathlngton St.!
Beading, Pa., J. O. Lyme. 1810 W. IlowardBt.;
llarrlsburg. Pa., o. Keehn, DouIa6svllle, Pa.
Dr, MAYEH Is at Hotel Penn, Heading, I'a.,
on the 2nd H&turduv nf t-ncU mnnlli full in
see him.
JTp R. BRIOKER, M. ).,
ay. v jaii. venire nireei; juananoy city, pa,
fikln and all special diseases a specialty.