The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 20, 1891, Image 1

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    1- 'f
' ' 1 1 . 1 1 1 t . 2
To the Republican Electors of Pennsylvania.-
After consultation and correspondence with
the members of the Republican State Committee,
ami by their direction, I hereby give notice that
the Republicans of 1'ennrylvania, by their duly
chosen representatives, wilt meet in Mate Con
vention at llarrisburg, Wednesday, August 19,
1891. at 10 o'clock A. J., for the purpose ofplae-
dfi 7 in nomination candidates for the offices of
' ilnte Treasurer and Auditor General, for the
iwmlnallonof dghleencandidalcsfor Delegates
aULarge to the Constitutional Convention pro
vtdedfor in ttie Act of Assembly approved June
19, 1S91, and for the transaction of such other
business as may be presented,
Notlceis especially directed tothefact that, in
accordance with the provisions of the last men
tioned act, each Senatorial district is entitled to
a representation of three delegates in said Con
stitutional Convention, two of whom only eanbe
members of the majority party in said district.
The electors of each district are therefore re
guested to make proper nominations for dele
gates to said convention, the rules governing the
nomination of candidates for Slate Senator to
be applicable.
In this connection the Chairman desires to call
the attention of Republican voters to the recom
mendatlon of the State Convention of 1882f that
"they allow the greatest freedom in Vie general
I varticwatlonAn the primaries consistent with
the preservation of the party organization,"
WSI, II. ANDREW'S, Chairman,
AatoNd the laws passed by the New
Jersey Democratic Legislature last win
ter was one authorizing the Board of
Pardons to indiscriminately release
from the State Prison murderers nud
Q'ofessional criminals under the parole
r English tlcket-of-lcavo system.
Already a number of murderers and
other criminals have secured their re
lease under the now order of things.
The hoard this week met at Kea Girt,
where the First Regiment is in camp,
and while a batch of convicts were
being pardoned the regimental band
near by was playing such appropriate
airs as "Sweet Land of Liberty" and
"When Johnny Come3 Marching
The average reader would scarcely be.
aware of the fact if he were not told ol
it that there is not an ex-VIco Presi
dent of the United States now living,
Hannibal Hamlin was the hut survivor
of the men, who held the second official
position under the government pre
vious to the present term. Johuson,
Colfax, Wilson, Wheeler, Arthur and
Hendricks have, In succession, filled the
lce Presidency since the close of the
Tii CIBZNTTS per yd for tho
JSold in other stores for 33o. Alf floor
Oilcloths reduced. Call for bargains
Carpet Store, 10 South Jar-din St, near Centre
Keiter is noiv receiving a neiu
Brussels and Ingrains in
Just opened alarge assortment of Choice iVeeo Patterns,
in all widths.
LINOLEUM 3 yards wide,
$lic Finest Tabic Syrttiwc
Heavy Body,
Ujjin Color, v
Splcuclid Flavor,
Strictly Pure Caue Syrup,
Not mixed
Also a Fair Sugur Syrup at 6 cts.
"Northwestern Daisy.!"
Is a high grade Patent Flour Made from choicest Min
nesota Wheat. Makes more bread than'ordlnary
Guaranteed JEqual in every
Hour in tho marltet,
$0.00 PER
ior sale only
war, but all of them were dead yours be
fore Hutnltn, who preceded them In
ofllco. Dead, too, are nil the defeated
candidates of the two great parties for
this po3t except English and Thui;
man. Blair, Brown, Hendricks (who
was unsuccessful lnl87G);and Logan,
nominees for this office, beginning in
1808, are gone. Of the ex-Preslder J.
only two Hayes and Cleveland a.e
left us.
The Ohio Democratic State Conven
tion has laid down the gauge of battle
which the Democratic party would
have read: "The closing of American
factory doors or the reduction of Amer
ican wages to the British standard."
It remains to bo seen what the answer
of the people of Ohio will he to this i n
famous proposition, but we have faith
to beliove that Democracy and British
Free Trade will be so overwhelmingly
snowed under next November that
neither one nor the other Mvlll ever
again be a factor In Ohio politics.
Give the republic more carefully
guarded immigration laws. This has
been a necessity of the civilization
called American for soma time, and
attitude of h foreign nation and of cit
izens residents of the United States
claiming nativity in that nation simply
accentuates this necessity. The most
tolerant and broad-minded of nil the
nations of history respecting the right
of immigration, this republic has now
reached the utmost limit of safety in
the pursuance of her policy. Hence'
forth it is the dictate of sound states
manship to regulate the immigration
in accordance with the Interests of the
existing population, the welfare of the
land and the future of republican
novernment on this continent.
Miles' Norvo and Liver Fills
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves.
5A. new discovery. Dr. Mllei' Pills speedily
cute umousness, oau lasie, lorpia aver, piles,
OnstlpalIon. Unequaled lor men, women,
children. Smallest, mil Jest, surest I 6) doses.
ZjctaAfSamnles Free, at O. II. Uagenbuch's
rtrng store. "
A New Business.
P. J. Cleary has openod a tloro In the
Ferguson's building, on East Contro street.
and is prepared to furnish tho local trade
with fine- loather and shoe findings and all
kinds of shoemaker's suppllos. Uis stock is
a largo ono and well equipped to fully
supply all demands of tho trade. 6-15-tf
Fine Crayon Work.
William F. Schoeplo, ropresonting Tho
Dockweilor Crayon Company, has a largo
Panol Crayon on exhibition at Kirlin's
drug store and all orders for crayons may
bo loft at tho above place, 7-17-1 w
stoclcof Tapestry and Body
handsome new fall patterns.
from $1 vp.
have ever Iiatl for the price.
wltli Corn Syrup and Glucose.
respect" to any High-priced
Auuthor Interesting Sermon De-
Dollvorod In the Methodist Epis
copal Church Laat Evening,
by Rov. William Powlck.
"Tho Vojrngo of Llfo" Is the topic so-
lectcd for n sorios of sormons on Sunday
evenings by Bov. William Powick, pastor
of tho Methodist Episcopal church on East
Oak street. The sormons aro creating con
siderable interest and attraoting large con
gregations. Somo point in tho navigation
of a ship la tukon up and explained each
ovoning and thon moral lessons aro drawn
and enforced.
Last night tho subjoct was "Tho Log."
A ship's log was oxiiibltod and tho process
f heaving tho log" was doscrlbod. "Tho
mothod by which tho navigator finds his
way across tho sua by dead reckoning was
xplainod. From tho skill and care" re
quired in keeping tho log-book was drawn
tho lesson of thoughtful solicitude for tho
welfare of tho soul. What tho log Is to
tho mariner, oxporionco is to tho christian.
It tolls him of his progress in graco and
irtuo. Hon ought to bo as careful of tho
soul as they aro for tho body, but oxpor
ienco proves that they aro not, Tho para
dox of tho ago is that while It demands
scientific procision and mathomatioaldomon
slration in material things It nuts a nromlum
on indefiniteiioss of doctrino, uncertainty Sf
oxporionce and loosoness of morals. This
solicitude should bo constant, not spas
modic. Men uiovo too ofton by fits and
starts, being govornod by impulses rathor
than principles. As tho sailor never re-
axes his effort nor ceases his vigilance, so
tho christian should constantly watch and
pray." Tho series will ba continuod for
several wooks.
An Interesting Story of tho "West
and East.
Several yeari ago Ii. J. McGuiness, who
now keeps a hotel in town, workod in a
Colorado mino with ono Owon McUinloy,
Ono day there was an explosion in the mino
McGulnnss was so badly injured that ho
was disfigured for lifo. McGinloy escaped
injury, heard that MeGu!noss was so badly
burned that his llfo bung by a thread, and
struck out for more congenial employment
in Mexico. In duo timo McGuiness re
covered and returned to town. Ho had
never heard of McGinloy aftor tho ox
plosion and supposed him to bo dead. This
morning a stranger arrived in town in
soarch of work. Ho stopped into the Wat
son Houso and called for a drink. As the
boverago was handed, tho customor lookod
at tho bartender and tho bartondor looked
at tho customor.
"McGuinoss I"
"McGinloy I"
"It is 1"
"I'm sure I"
"How are you!"
"How is yourself?"
"I thought you wero dead."
'I thought you were buried long ago."
"Tako another ?"
"I will."
And now McGinloy is McGumcsa's guest.
Popular Excursion.
Ono of tbo most popular and cheapest
summer excursions is the annual Heller
excursion ovor tho famous and picturesque
Lehigh Valloy railroad, to Niagara Falls,
which takes placo this yoar on Sat
urday, July 25th. Tho fare is only
fS.TO. Tickets are limited to 10 days
and good to roturn on any reguular
train. Stop off prlvilogoa are allowed at
IluQalo and ISImlra (returning) affording
passengers an opportunity to tako In Wat
kins Glon. This Is certainly ono of tho best
ofl'orings for a summor outing, and as tho fare
is vory roasonablo, within tho roach of all.
' 7-11-21
Gospel Meetings.
Gospel meetings wilt bo hold in Columbia
Park overy evening this woek, boginning
at seven and cloiing at eight o'clock,
Clergymon from other towns will preach,
tho lit including Kov. John Bell, Gilber-
ton; Hov. Epbraim Potts, Wra. Ponn i
Kev. Theodore Stovons, D. D l'ottsville;
Itov. A. J, Collom, Glrardvillo, and Kev.
William 1'owiok, Hhonanuoab, All are
Invited, fto eervloe on rainy evenings.
Spoalal Sohool Board Mooting,
A bpucial mooting of tbo Sohool Hoard
for tbo transaction of general business will
be held on Wednesday evening. Thoro are
two vacancies In tho corps of school teach
crs and it Is bollevod tho object of tho call
Is to olect toachors to All tbom.
The worst daneer about neglecting a Cough
or Cold Is Consumption, Wo can uumreour
readers that no medicine equals l'au-Tlua
CoJKb and Consumption Cure. Try It. Trial
Buy Keystone flour. 'Be careful that the
name Lkbsiq &
Co., Ashland, Pa., Is
printed on overr
Distressing Reports Concerning
Mananoy City People.
At norm to-day a report reached this
town that seven membo-s of tho Mahanoy
City company of tbo National Guard now
onoamped at Mt. Gretna were capsized
whilo out rowing and drowned, and tbat
Frank Kerni and David Thomas woto
anionic the number.
Tho Hkrald comniunioated with a Mah-
anoy City representative and learned that
the town was greatly excited by a report
that thore was a cloud burst at M' Orelna
this morning and sevonty-Sve members of
tbo National Guard, including several
Mabaooy City people, had been drowned.
David Tbomu wa mentioned la the
Mabanoy Oily report. A woman who
learned tbat her husband was among the
victims wa? so completely prostrated that
sho has been unconscious since tho report
was circulated.
Tho Herald wired sevoral
poiDts ior
Information concerning the rumors, but up
to tho timo of goiog to pross nothing con
firming them could bo learned. A dis
patch from one reliablo source says: "Have
hoard noihiag from Alt. Gretna. Tho
report Is probably a hoax."
By - the Secretary of tho Stato
Firemon's Association.
Tho folljwilig notice from the Secretary
of tho Stato Firemens' Association appears
In tho American Fireman for July:
"Tbo twoifib annual convention of tho
llromon of Pennsylvania will bo held in
tbo city of Lock Havon, commencing
Tuesday, September 15, 1801, nnd it is de
sirous that this ba tho largest hold. Thoro
aro sevoral measures of tho greatest import
ance to bo presoated to the fl.-omen of tho
stato, somo of which iuteroU all firemen
individually, it is therefore oipccially im
portant to have tho full attendance of all
lira departments and companies, as well as
tho chief eDglncors of the several depart
ments and individual mombors of tho as'
sociatlon present.
Tho rates of transportation havo beon ar
ranged for via all trunk aud lateral rail
roads, and ticket orders can bo bad Sep
tombor 1, on application, to tho Kecording
Socretary, W. W. WShder, Reading, Pa
Companies desirous of taking apparatus
with them must make application to tho
freight ajtont at tho station thoy st'irt from
not later than ton days bofmo starling to
secure free transportation for their appar
atus, and givo tho agont timo to provido
cars for tho transportation of tamo. Hotel
accommodations aro amplo for all,"
Both Institutions Mako
cellent Showing.
an Ex-
Tbo reports of tho condition of Tho
First National Bank and Tho Merchants'
National Bank of town at tho close of
business on July 9th, 1S01, are published,
They mako a very gratifying showing and
domonstratu that tho town is woll able,
notwithstanding the predictions of tho
past, to support two nat'onal banks.
The First National's staloment shows as
a part of its resources (2S2,"01,00 in loans
and discounts. Its undivided profits
amount to f 8,000 29 and tho individual
deposits aggregate $160,450.01
Tho Merchants' National Baak is four
months old and makes its second report,
Bhowing loans and discounts amounting to
1110,108.10; undivided profits, 82,755.25; and
individual deposits, 51, Gil. 01,
J. Harry Jamos, Esq
of Ashland, was
in town on Saturday.
Mrs. Owens, of Chicago,
guet of town friends.
is tho
Nicholas Uoblich and Arthur Shay, two
of PotUvillo's young attorneys, wore in
town on Saturday morning.
Mrs. John Hughes and Mrs. Bridgen, o
Mahanoy City, accompanied by Mrs
Morris Cushing, of Doinno, wore th
guests of friends in town to-day.
Mrs. M. Levy and daughtor, Maude,
Mrs. J Fuhrman and Mrs. S. Hirscbboln
son and daughter, all or Chicago, 111,, aro
the guests of Mrs. Emanuel Friedman,
North Main streot, and oxpect to speed
two months at tho dlfforont oastern Bummer
O. D. Kalsr, who opened his brewory I
Mahanoy City last wook, forwardod a keg
of his beer with his compliments to th
Hbrald. Judging from tho sample, M
Kaier will havo little dlQlculty in disposing
of his beer, as tho brewing is oxcollent.
Privato Musical Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Col. drown, of Lost Creek,
will havo a musical concert and paity at
tbolr roeldenco on Thursday evening. Tho
Orant Band will furnish tho music. In
caso of rain tho concert will bo postponed
until Friday.
Advertise in the Hkkald.
A Sornnton Paper Thinks Ho is
Not Averse to Political Favors.
Groat Influx of Huns In tho
Luzorno Roglon.
Hnnover, N. II., July 20. Miss
Christie Waulou was shot to death
about ouo mile from homo late last
Friday night by Frank Almy, a re
jected bultor.
Few of tho citizens of Hanover knew
until this mornine of the murder.
Tho high character aud social position
of the victim, together with the bold
ness nud desperation of tho deed have
helped to raise excitement to a high
Telegrams Riving a description of tho
murderer wero sent out within ono
hour after tho shooting to deputy
sheriffs uloug tho line of all the rail
roads In this section and to conductors
on all the trains at White River Junc
tion, Wells River aud Woodsvllle.
That he could have escaped bv train
seems almost impossible, aud he la
thought to be hiding In, or making
h's way through the woods. Husluees
i practically suspentleu, nnd large
umbers of armed men. iimmitr them
nearly all of the Dartmouth professors
who are apeuuiiig tueir vacations nt
home, ur s.-tiuriugHbe country.
One Ilia ii y la Unit bulcluo was tbo
second act In tho tragedy, uud that
the body of the murderer will bu fouud
within a few hours not far from where
his Ueiullsli work was done. Another
theory Is that havlug lung premedi
tated t lie net, lie pmtiiml sucti speedy
and ell'ectlve means of escape that he
already a considerable distance
Tiie victim, ssntii uurisuo wuiuen,
with her mother, her sister Fannie,
aud Louise Goodell, wero ttoiug home
ou foot from u mectlmr of Grafton Star
Grauge, lu which Mlsa Warden has
held for soveral years the ofllco of
lecturer." At about eleven o'clock
they had reached Pouvdi Hollow,
half a mile outside of the village, when
Almy appeared nuiu aside road and
I am Frank Almy. I don't want
auylhliig of you, Mrs. Wardeu, or
Fannie, uo ngut aioug. i want
At the same time he took hold
and pushed her to an openiug in tho
All three tried to resist him, when
ho drew a revolver, thveateuing their
lives. Mrs. Warden cried for help and
an back to meet some nelehbor3 who
wero retuinioi! from the til ranee meet
ng. Alter unr,siie nad ueen toiceii
tile the field she called to Fannie.
"Oh. Fuunle. come aud help me,
Hols teartug my clothes all oil"."
Iu tho meantime thebrute was dntW'
lug his victim nearer to a clump of
willows, iu response io ner sister's
reuewed cry for help, Faonlu rushed
forward, whou Alravsaid:
"Faunlo, I hate you and will kill you
for intorieriua."
At the same time he fired. The bill
let passed bo neur her face that she felt
1W whizz. TUell -nd then dragged tho
girl, wlioin u bad professed to love,
uuder ttie willows, and mercilessly
shot hor through tho bead aud body,
Tub revo'ver used was ol h canure. !
Ono or the bullets passed through the
head of the victim, tearlug tho left eyo
out, aud death must have been instan
Help arrived lu a few minutes, but
the murderer had fled. Almy ap
peared here about n year ago, claimed
to have come from the employ of the
Brown Lumber Company of Went
worth, and that Savannah, Qa., was
his home. He engaged as a farm
laborer with Mr. Wardeu; was gentle
manly lu uppearuueo and deportment
aud well educated.
He Bonn beiiau naving marked atten
tion to Mis Chrihtle, who discouraged
his advance) and plainly told him tbat
his hutt could not be considered. Her
parents, who wore of the same mind,
had been investigating at Wcntworth.
aud bad found that Almv hud worked
inure, uu had boen known uy auotuer
name. Mr. Wurdeu dlschaiged him
last April. BIuco then his where
abouts have been unknown.
Salvationists lu Trouble.
Readlug. July 0. Captain Duflln
and five other members of tho Sal-
vatlou Army hud a hearing laat night
before Alderman Kershman on tho
chargo of disorderly oondiiet and creat
ing a nuisance. A li'jgo number of
neighbors testified tlmt the noise was
eo great lu the neighborly od of tho
barracks up to 11 uud 12 o'clock at
night they could uot sleep. Tho wit
nesses said that they yelled and beat
drums nnd tambourines nnd sung
niaspiiomous song, sucli us "l'ut ou
tho Gospel Skate." The Alderman
held the captain in $500 bull and ills
associates lu $S0X
And everything lu general U the matter with many
whose hlooil U linnuro either from irregular habits
or Inherited taint of scrofula or piecino ulheafe.
It Is a warntugot coming evil, and should be nip
ped la the bud uy Cactus Ulood Curo, the only In
fallible vegetable neutrallzer of blood Impurities,
neon roner ana sjbiem renovator Known.
Somo Vory Interesting Faots Con
cerning Tin Plato.
The British iron and steel market Is dull.
The recovery which usually comes Bftor
tbo mld-summor depression has got a set
back this year, more especially In the steel
trade, by the withdrawal of the tinplata
tuskers' demand for soil steel billet. This
depretion is all the mo.'e palpable owing
to tho oxtraordinary demand In tho first
half of the yoar, due to the immense ton
nage of tin plate ordered by American im
porters to antleipato Ihe increaso of duty,
which went Into effect on July 1. Tho
shut-down of tho tin-plate plants for a
month, beginning on the 1st instant, left a
hole In tho eteol trade market tbat is not
only severely felt in billets, but In otbor
lines, inasmuch as the mills which had
been supplying material for sheets for tin
and terno plalo are seeking othor markets
for thoir output, and of courso affect thoeo
With so close connection of blood with
tho locality which must bo so hard hit by
tho birth and bringing up of America's In
fant industry, American citizen's, natlvo
and British born, must foel sympathy with
those wbo are hurt, while at tho samo timo
congratulating themselves that so Import
ant addition is being mado to tho demand
for homo workmon. Mr. Joseph'" D.
Wooks, editor of tho American Manufac
turer and former secretary of tho Western
Iron Association, has mado a calculation of
this demand based on tho importation of
tin plato during tho twelvo months ending
April 30, last, whloh was 122,'ZH tons. To
mako this would require 1,100,000 tons of
ron oro, molted Into 650,000 tons of pig, re
quiring 000,000 tons of ooko. In tho sheet
mills thoro would bo 400,000 tons of shoot
Iron or steel to bo rolled, with tho equiva
lent of 1,600,000 tons of coal consumed In
tho mills. Mr. Woeks sums up as follows:
Now, taking no account' of tho mon en
gaged in tho transportation of materials to
thoir point of consumption, nor of the men
ongagod in producing tbo lumber or mak
ing tho boxes to box this amount of tin
plato, of which somo 8,000,000 boxes would
bo required, wo would havo tho following
as tho number of men working 300 days in
tho year that would be required to produco
tbo materials namod nbovo necessary to
make 122,231 not tons of tin pluto:
Pig Iron '.rt
Iron ore ....H.uui
Coke - 2 00O
Coal..... 2,5110
Klieot lollla A.SU
Tin mills :i,5oo
Total 18,832
This is equivalent to 5,018,000 days' la
bor. This, at an avoragd of $2.50 per day,
would bo equiva'out to 511,121,000 paid out
in wages. Tho fact that tho declared valuo
of tho amount of tin plato above named
was $28,325,205 will show that my ostlmato
is probably far bolow tbjj mark. I think it
would bo fair to assume that fully 20,000
peoplo would bo givon employment di
rectly if tho nmount of tin plato named
wore mado In this country, and more than
fourtimos this number of pooplo givon.
employment indirectly.
Groat Influx of Huns.
WIlkes Barre, July 20. Within tho
lust two weeks It is estimated tbat no
less than 700 to 800 Polauders aud
Hungarians have arrived iu this
vicinity. Of these fully 600 have como
to this city and the rest chiefly to
Plymouth. It Is believed thoy were
brought hero by the Lehigh & Wilkea
Harre Coal Company. It is known
that this company lias decided uot to
c nipiy witn tue provisions oi mo
two weeks' pay bill. Superintendent
Luwall. the head of this division,
stated yesterday that so long as he
Had mo direeuou oi tuo company
nihil rs heie, the men would only be
paid every mouth, as they have been
in tho past.
What a Prominent Physician and
Ohoralst Bays Aftor Analysis
and Practical Tost.
Dr. J. Luster, formerly of Ilellevue Hospital
iledieal College and Long Island College
speaks as follows :
NEW Yokk, October 211. 1SW.
Alva 8 UmxlUun Kpeulnu Co., OWnUMrct.
(JeiiM: The samp o of your Cactus Blood
Cine, which 1 bought fur analysis, I havo
eubleoled to n very thorough lust, nnd can
And not a single trace of mlurral or mercurial
preparation In It whatecr; ami, asllmvo
had conliorabto esperleuoe In lu constitu
tional eirtct lu cerudu rtlsen'os already
known to you, I consider 11 mo taienunu
bCBt vfgetabl blood runner In Hie market.
Kiuw rtmiwi'iiuiiy,
1). J. LYVt'Kll, I'll U, M. 1).
Sold nt Kirlln's DrueHUire.l'ergusou Houso
Olock, Hhenunrtoab.
Fruit Jars,
Jolly Tumblers,
1 qt, 2qt.,'3qt, 4 qt.
Brown Sugar, 4c.
Whole & Ground Spicos
No. I22 North Jarilin Street.
. -V ')Win)':if.;-a,itU-:.t.! ,