rpionsrio GOODS AT Till: CORNER STORE All kinds of pofteri incuts, flsli, canned goods, oysters, lobsters, crnlm, llUFBinn ciwiitr, fresh spiced oysters, finest stnokd lmtns, bo lognnK ttnd fmiokt-d beef, York state full creiun clif;cso,l!;niimtlml, Swiss, Kdani, Supsago nnd Lltnbitrger. Fine assortment of cakes and bis cuits. O. mi J 1), pjcklcs of ail kinds, Pickles by thodo.n. You will find just what you want. SEYBRH'S, Cor.- Centre and White Streets, The Evening Herald. AI.I, Till; NHW8 l-'Olt ONK Cl.'NT. Has a larger cfroiilatton In Hlienahdoah than any other paper published. Circu lation hooka open to nil. Almshouso Report. Fclwylkill Haven. July 17. The regular monthly meeting of Directors of the Poor of Schuylkill county was Held nt mo Almshouse July 14, ibui Present Win. Jininier, Thomas J Tracy, Charles H. Kane. Census of the house for the month ending June 80,1801: Number of inmates in the house June 1, If 01, 44(1; number of in mates in l lie lioui-e July I, 1801, -13 decrcae durlui: last month, 0 ; number of inmateH in the hnuo Julv 1st. 1800. 408, number lo wine time this year, 137, increase durum lust year. 23) : ot the above 80 are insane and idiotic V1, under medical treatment, 18 children ; admitted during tlie moutli, in: ciiseiiatired anil iiiiscondeu, au bound out, ii; born, 1 ; tiled, 0 ; lodging and meals wera furnished lo75 tranms. Outdoor relief was granted to 102 famiilea, amounting to $1,240 60; hills were read und orders were drawn July 11, 1801, amounting to SO C58 81 : nrevi ous issue, 830,038 24. Total in 1801, Wfidl 05. Of this amount more than $0,000 was paid upon outstanding orders ti iijuu. J. J. O'CoNNon, Clerk, Untitled to tho Best. All aro onliilod to tho best that their money will buy, to every family should ;:.ayo, at once, a bottlo of tlio bost family v ruedy, Syrup of Fifii, to cleanso tho sys tem when costive or biliou". For salo in OOc and 1.00 bottles by all leading drug gists. .Coming Events. July 29th, Festival and entertainment; llobbins) opera houso, under tho auspices of Silyor Wavo Castle, A. 0. 1C. of M. C. Aug. C Ico cream festival, under the auspices of tho "Y's," in Bobbins' opora homo. Aug. 18. Ice cream and peach festival, in llobbins' opera liousq, u-'dur tho auspices of Camp No. 183, P. O. S. of A. Tho Lakeside Saengerfost. The grand Inltosido Saeugerfest will bo bold on Tuosdav next. Thoro will bo present on that day the' representative German Singing Bociotioa of Eastorn Pennsylvania and tho day will boanotablo one. Both the Concordia and Maennerchor societies of Ilazlclon wilt attend. Completed to Doadwood. The Burlington llouto, O., B. & Q. It. 11., from Chicago, Peoria r.nd St. Louis, is now completed, and daily passenger trains aro running through Lincoln, Nob., and Custer, S. D to Doadwood. Also to Now castle, Wyoming. Sleeping cars to Dead wood. tf Died. CAIIDEN.-On tbo 17th inst., at Shen andoah, Pa., Joseph, the four-month old son of J. 1. Oardon, ot Woet Centre street. Funoral on Sunday, lOih inst., at 2 p. m. lleltttives and friends respectfully invited to attond. 7-17 2t Playing Cards. You can obtain u pack of bost quality nlavinir cards bv sendinsr fifteen cents in postagoto P. S. Eustis, Gon'l Pass. Agt, B.. O. & O.K. 11. Chicago. III. tf Thoy Are Splendid We mean thoso Cheviot suits you can cot at A. T. Jonos' "Famous" Clothing storo for f0.50. Wantod, A girl to do gonoral bousowork. Apply at Morgan's Bazar, No. 11 West Centro Etroot. 7-10-21 II yOU WtlQV Ul UriVU UYWiy ujBHVia,u, ntUousness. Constlnatlnn, 1'onr Appetltoaua nil evils urlslng from a disordered Liver use Dr. l.eo'8 l.lver juifuiaior. at Klrlin's drug store. Trial bottles free Best work done at Brennan's steam laundry. Kvorything whitoand Bpotloss. Lice curtains a specialty. Alljwork guar anteed. WALL PAPER ! A. CARLOAD JUST AIUUVKD AT Blanks Go Gilt.' 8e Embossed 12 l-2e Window Slmdoe, spring rollers..25o Curtain Poles 25c MOVIJIJ TO 22 East Centre St., Shenanooah, Flno Crayon Work. William F. HcWplo, roroontlng Tlio Dockwellor Orayon Company, has K large 1'aiiol Crayon on exhibition at Klrlin's drug itoro and all orders f ir crayons may bo left ut tno abovo place. 7 17-lw Tho Groat Grabber. Knlorprlslnic Unzloton caitta1itsarocon- sldr-ring tlio matter of erecting atwonty thoutand dollar hotel at Lakeside l'ark. Bettor como to l'ottsvlllu whore n hotel is needed and will py a (rood dividend on the investment. Pottivllle Republican. Is thoro anyttdng I'ottsvillo doosn't want7 A. O. K. of M. O. Festival. A grand ico cream festival and musical and literary entertainment is to bo held in Kobbins' opera liouso on the 29th inet., under tho auspice of Silver Wave Castle, Anciont Ordor Knights of tho Myeli'- Chain Ticltots for tho festival and ontor- tainment will bo sold at 10 cents ouch. To Nervous, Debllltatod Men. If you fend us vour address, we will niil you nur illustrated pamphlet explain ,n ? all about Dr. Dve's Celebrated Kloctro- Viiltalc Belt and Appliances, and their m-trtning oflocts upon tho nervous do lilitatfld system, and how they will nuickly asloreyou to vior, and manhood. Varaph 'ot free. If you aro thus afllicled, we will land you a Belt and Appliance on a trial VoiTAIC Ukiv Cq.. Marshall, Mich. Thousands of Minors Ilavo boon assisted to advance in llinlr pro fession by The Colliery Engineer, It helps a man to become a foroman or a superin tendent. Thousands have Rotten sueh places throigh it. If you aro tired of woikinjrasa miner exert yoursolf lo got out of the rut You cm do so by roading The Colliery Engineer nnd studying The Colliery Engineer Vockt Book, which aro offered toga'hor at the combination prico of 8 CO. Send fur sample copy of tho paper to'Tho Colliery Engineer Company bcranton, Pa. Shlloh's Consumption Cure. Tins l beyond q mull on tho most sno- tesDiui uoitgu Alenlcine we nave ever sold, a lew doses Invnilnbly euro the woistosseioi Cough, Croup, Imd Jiioncliltta, while Us won del ml miccwr in the euro of Consumption is without n parallel in the history of medicine, ince It's flrM. discovery it has been sold on o iinrutee, a tent Hindi no other medicine ,'au stand. Ii yon have a. Cough we earnestly ask you to try it. I'rlce 10 rents. 60 ct Ms, and 11.(0. If your l.uugsnre oie, Chest or Hack 'nrno. K. Millolrs Potoub Plaster. Hold hv 0. H. HaKenbiich, N. E. corner Main und Lloyd streets. Exchnngod Signs. Attorney Pomeroy sprung the following story upon r group of eager iistonors in Max Kotso's tho other night : "You remombor Al. IluntxiDgor who kept n rostaurant under tho Egan building some years ago. Well, ho ran in hard luck towards tho closo of liis business career' "Did thoy boycott him ?" "It wasn't that. It was tho fearful want of oclucation among tho lower ulassns that worked tho injury. One day he lured u fat old tramp who looked liko a load ot hay on legs, as a walking ndy- rtileiptnt and had him float around town carrying a Eign lnt'ored : " 'l LUNCH AT IirjK'lZINQKr.S.' "Great idoi that I Well?" " Woll, it worked flno, and then ho slruck anotlorlium woif-Mng about eighty-five pounds regula living okololun, and hired him lo cany n sign lnttred , " 'I PON'T LUNCH AT HUNTZlNQEnS. "Big seliomo." "Yos," continued Pomoroy, as ho struck 11 match to light his cigar. "The schemo was all right, but pretty soon business got to bo terribly bud. Iluntzingor couldn't understand it until ono day ho carno across tho sandwich man. It tooms that noither of tbo old rounder could read." "But what did that" . "Thoy had changod signs. Seo?" MTJBDERTDD BY ROBBERS. TIIHKE OIIILDHEN KILLED THE MOTIIKR I.'ATALLY WOUNDED. .Toiitt, Johnson County, Texas, July 10. Ye terday morning at 1 o'clock two men wcutto tho home of George Newberry living two milts west of losun, una ueinamied admittance Mr, Newberry beingabsent, his mother supposed that It was ho returning, and and opened the door. The men forced their way Into the house and demanded mouoy that they supposed had been recleved by ftir. JNowberry a lew days previously. Airs, newuerry toiu tnem she had no mouey about the house. They grabbed the woman, who lssixty- n vo years oiu,iook ner toiiieyaru gate tied lier with a roiie to the post, and then cut her throat. One man remained with tho woman ou the outside, while the other went into the house, where three children were sleeping. Tile oiliest, a chilli oj seven yeurs, was awakened when the man cume in. The man asked where her father's money was. Tho chl d told him she would tell her father of his trying to get his money, lie took her out of tbo house Into the yard and cut her throat wnn a butcher's kulfe. He then went back into th house and cot the socoud little cirl aged live years, carried her to the yard una cut ner tnroat wnn tuesame mute, lie went back again, got the baby. boy of two years, and killed him In the sume manner nnd piled the bodies together. The murderer washed th kulfe and left It lying on the table. The woman's neck has seventeen gashos, but she is still living and gavo a run account ot me auair. it is sup' nosed that the murders were for tin purposo of robbery, as Newberry had Just got S500 damages from the Santa Fo llallioad Company. Sirs. Hew berry Is still allvo, but ran not live. Of- licers lire scouring the country for tho murucrers. Ob, What a Cough. Will you heed tbo warning? TUe flenal per tiaiwioi tlie Mire annroacli ol that more ler rlble disease. Coimunptlou. Ass: yourselves If you ran allord for tlie sake or saving CO cento, to run the rlsfc and do nothing fur It. We know from experience that Hlilloli'a Curd will Cure sour Cough. It nevpr falls. This explains why more lliau a Million llottlea were sold the post year. It relieves CiQiip and Wfiopplns CoukU at once. Mothers do not be without It. For Lame Hack, Hldo or Ohekt, useHhlloh'H I'orous Waster, Bold by I U. 11. JIagenbuob, GrH.jyL.Krxy Ice Cream Festival Under the uuspices of tbo 7 79. 110BB1NS' OPERA HOUSE; SHENANDOAH, PA, Wednesday, Aug. 5, '91. TICKETS, - lO OBNTS. Qood for n plate of cream. New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Painted, Papered and ller.ovalcd. NO, 115 1ABT CBNTRlt HTKKKT, Three doors nbovo Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Hnskey would Inform his many friends and the public that ho will cater lo their wants lu the same first-class slyle that he tm' dene In tlio past. None but i ho best brands or for eign nnd domestic wine', liquors end clga's will bo kept In stock. Choice temperance drinks Klnnnld s-oclc ale Theeatlnit ba' Is supplied wIMi everything In tho e itluK lino served In the bc( slylo. Meals aei vi d n t. hours. Fine prlvato rojms attache d. -JXJST OTJT- The "ffl 8ROA0WAV" RAHGE It beats ovory thing in the market, and the price Is Jim right (o suit the Hints. It will pay you to como und see It. I am prepared to do the following at the prices quoled: Tin roofing 60 per foot and lp Tin rojl palming -.o " " Tin condmtor lis " " Tin hunting gutter 12o " " Galvanized chimney stack 20o per pound Hepalrs for nil stovos uspiCUlly. mi. It. PRATT, 7 0 3m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah BIG ATTRACTIONS AT Duncan & Waidley's. Our goods always attract tho oye, our prices always suit tho purse. In fuuoy goodu we have some of the latest importations of Vase3 and ArtbiUo Pottery. ' Our 5 and 10c counters al ways bright with new goods. Aa the fruit Benson la at hand we wish to call your ntteutlon to the fact that we are head quarters for Jure, Jelly Cups, Crocks," &c. B!.g values ia table cutlery. Duncan 8c Waidley, No. 8 South Main Street, Sliennnttoah, Pa, Tho ruinous firm of OCULISTS and OWTICUSS Of PHILADELPHIA Ilavo arranged to send ono of their bpeclnllsln on tho EVE TO SIIISiSAiVnOAIE, Saturday, July 18th, 1891, He will be at the JTorsuBOJi House, lroraSSOA. M.toSl'. M. Those whosu ev.s aro causing dlsosmfnrt sh mldcall upon our Hpeclullst, and tbey will receivelutelllaent and sltilifitl attention. 0X4 t'iftsimit St., 1-htlaiMphla. CHI Ail Your trade Is w)mt vo want. This is hpw.we propose to get it, By selling, you, rt flrst clHssnrllolp; hy.sellitiByou fpr: Jess than others; by selling you furniture, an organ, a piano, a sewing machine or anything else' In the line of houtohqld goods, , We.havea large and va ried stock to select from, No trouble to show goods. Call, examine anil bo convinced. q H ft H THE OLD RELIABLE, J.IMIiainslBro,, Soutlt Mnln St,, s i-a:E3sr-A.3srnDO-.x3:. QUEEiri CO- w IR YOU I I U Al IJ Li Tlie Cheapest Place ! TO J1UY Gents' Furiilsliing Goods, Ilosiiry, Etc , IS AT OHARLES : YAROWSKY'S, 23 West Centre bt,, Shenandoah. WANTS, &o. GIRL WANTED. A good ex perienced girl wanted for (cencral house wrk .toother need apply. Callat UKiAi.n oftlce Hast Coal strcot. 7-8.tr DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR Bale. One of the most desirable proper ties ou West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at Ilowso's grocery store, cor ner Jardln and Oak. streets. Hhenandoali, P VITA i'Ki-An nctlvo reliable man- Vl salary sm to SSn mnnlhlv. with In. crease, to reprenont In his own seoilon a re- iiuiisiuiq ew nora House, Heierences. SlANurAcruitKB, Ixiok llox 1585, New York. FOR SALE. A grnnd upright tllnllO. enual In new. a rlnrlntinta A. II At O, and one O flute. Can bo bought In ono lot, orseparately. Callat McKeono's saloon. 7-13-lw PTOR RENT Store nnd building now oceupled by the Shenandoah IlakerV CO. lor inn llfiiel.lirlnv nn I voff.ll i andy business. Two floors 6 )20 feet. Aupiy tiJ.J. Franey. s.intr NOTICE Proposals will be received till July 2inrt. A. I).. 1801. to 12 n'nlnnlt noon, lor the plastering of the Iront rooms In the basement of tlio new court hbnso and cor rldor.nnd nlofor th carpenter work. HIans and specifications can be seen lu tlio Commis sioners' of Hoc. HAMIIEr. G. UkTURIC, JAMKH J. BOW KB, ISLIAS K 11 -ED. Commissioners. Attest: -John 8. Rnydrii, Clerk. u-U-ld ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. KrUiUjoI I nntel llumbfl, deceased. LoMers of admlnlstrailon on thoestateoC Daniel lltimbel lRle of llulon township. Schuylkill county. Pa., decead, navo beou granted to Wl'liam II. Humbel, residing al Kiugtown, l'ft to wiiom nil persons Indebted to sold estate are requested lo make payment, and ihoe uvlnz claims or demands will make known the nuns without delay. WILLI M II HUldUEL, Or to Administrator. S a M Hoi.l.ori5TEit, Alt'y. JulylO-.h, lS'Jl. 7-17-0t CHARTER NOTICE. Notice is V hetoby givon that nn application will iiemade io the Governor ft Penn-ylvanlaon Ihethlrddy ol August, 1691, by J. M.GlIek, ,HINK .Vi;iVlUe, .UllfiiliLU l.J'lif, fllllUJ Swoyer, . loll ry T. Trout and J. II lloelinan, uuuer me ch oi useriioiy euiiiiu i au hci, to provide lor the Incxrporalio i aud itgula INinnf certain uornnralluns atmroved April 29, 1871," nod the supp'ementB thereto, for the cnniler or ttu tnienuea corporanon io oe called "Fnllou Water Company," the charac ter and object of which Is tho Mipulylugof waler for the publloat the borough of Glrard villi, In the county of Schuylkill, and to per sons, partnerships an 1 associations residing therein as may do'lre the same, und for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly and (supplements ihereto. J. II I'OMEUOYT, Solicitor. aiuAnnvii.tK, July 7,1801. 7 7-td OR CO NrtTITUTlOKAL CONVENTION James J. Frniiey. OF SUENANDOAU. Subject to Domocratio rules. J H POMRBOT, ArronKr-AT.uw. ' intoii Biall'i tnll.Un nornir f.'Miict ccnin Oj S-A-X-iIE ! TliBiindcrl!neil. desiring to retire frombus- lnesi, will dispose of lus stock ot dry goods, groceries Ac, cheap. I'urcunsercau nlso lent the storo room nt reasonable terms Tho stand Is a good one and lu tno hands of a live man cuu oe maae proniauiu. T. D. DAVIS, o-io tf too Kortli Jardin St. PUBLIC SALE The Old Court House ! July 31, 1891, at 10 O'clock A. M. AH tho personal properly belonging to the County ot Schuyl'clll, In theold Court House consisting of paitlllons, counieri. shelving, Giunm hpnUrm iinnaratu In senaato parts. the clock and bell tn the old Court House tower, gas fixtures, file holders, tableB, chalre, Din toiii i.n uttt nn the premises in the bor- ougli of l'ottsvllle, and niso at tho sawa time nnd place the old Court House, etceptlngnnd reserving the baseand also the two larife flaes or nai siones, ouo uii euuu cuuuu w Court House. SAMUEL G. PkTUIUC, JAMES J. HOWES, E! IA.B E. It ED, Commissioner. AtttSt-JOlIN S. 8N VDKH- 7-U-td -GO TO- Neat, Cheap and Stylish Straw Hits from 20o to 11.50 Short Bpray Flowers 5o to 1.00 Wreaths .20 a to 1.75 Intants' Christening Robe, Kioto $5 Infants' long and shoriooats...1.25 up to f.5.50. E0.000 TjADIES wear Tlio SELF-SUPPORTING CORSET Why don't you wear one? NELLY BLY CAPS All Colors, at 20 cents. M. S. SCHEIDER'S NEW- BJLKIE3lI13rI -AND- CONFECTIONERY, No, 7 Soutli Mnlu St., Slicinuitloali Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies QKA1IAM HUKAD A SPECIALTY. A fine line of Confectionery, Kioe Ice Jvjow is tho lime to ch-tnge yo ir unde-wear. Youotn get.it Sca-iUn's a stilt olgoM Hummer Underwear at 50c A llttlo bet'er lor SOo. Good summer Ouitug Hhlrts, 25o to tl. Go to 'canlan's and get the newUentury llraco-ths best Huranior Uraie lu the market. At Hcanlan's you can get a good SOFT HIT for 50c. No more bother with hats that do not fit, as Mean lan has a. new Hai Stretcher for Shaping Hats lo fit the head. Only two dozen moro "jonockwearleft. iciulunwllt stilyou cheap hats and caps, latest styles and colors. Cheap Overalls and White Hhiris. I9 joutli nioln St. AtteiTtion, House Gleaners ! rhejwarra weather Is here, aud houee-cleaolng Is the next thlnR lu order. And ut such timet most everybody needs aonietliltur to brighten up the home, So If you need a god ctrpet of either Veuet, Moquett, Body TWO OR THREE-PLV INGKAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! You can And a full assortment at PRICE'S. Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles of all Kinds ! Window Shades, Floor and. Table Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. Prices caunot ha beaten when quality is consideTed. No misrepresentation oue price to all. RICE'S Did 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. s- ' tssSta naa 132331 W saaaH We mean It in every sense of the word. We oiler you good all-wool suits for less than their value. Our light goods jiust g., reg.u-d'ess of cost; so if you want to purchase a Men's All-wool (Jhevlut tiult for $6.50 call on us. Furnishing goods nlso to be had at lower prlce3 than you will find them elsewhere. Wo make no boasfs merely for advertisement, but whut wo advertise we will do. Call'and examine our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret it, iLH T. TOMES, THE "FAMOUS" 01-PR1 CLOTHIER! 1.1 IS. Main Street, Mienandoah. A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages nnd Bonds written. .Marriage nceusoH ana legal uiaims promptly attended to. Heal Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency General Fire Insurance liuslness. Represents the .Northwestern Mio insurance uo. Oppice Mutdoon'a hnlldfnir. corner Centre and West Bis., Shenandoah, I'a. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. 1, A two story double frame dwelling house, storoand restaurant, on East (Centre St. 2. A dwelling and restaurant ou Kast Centre street. a. Defcliatile property od corner Centre and jnruin streets, suuaoie lor uusiuesi pur poses. 1. A two story double lrame dwelling, on Wa.t I.lovd street. 6. Two 2-story frame dwellings on Went Cen tre sireou 0. Two 2 story dwellings on the corner ol coal ana cnestnui stieets i-tioro room in one. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut street wltn illume warehouse nttnerear. 6. Thr ee two-siory double frame buildings corner oi L.ioyaauauiiuerisi.reeis. Tlie Photographer Is located at No. 14 North White Street Having han his gallery greatly improved, he is uowueiter luepureu i,u ver lu lueei, the wants ol the )u ' j ' "? lu a e photo graplilo line. The '-i rt olo graphs at lowest ,.iU(S. Ci'ayon Work a Speoialty. New Jhlrm. New Stock, Green Truclc, Fine Groceries, FRUITS, be, Delaware roe shad and other fresh fish right from Ilia boats ou Fridays. Fresh Oioens from the South. Evan's Building, E. Centre St. (J. 3. WUlla ns' old ttand) Everything new and 'resh. Goods delivered to any p.irt of town. R. C. KNIGHT & SON. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ot Hats, Caps and Cents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty or Nellie Illy and Mary Anderson Capts. e EAST OBNTRB ST. HUPW imt vri i t wnrtjwi r mm h i it i ntmVHir njRWPTasKSrzn n'j;'r, jf" ta or Tapestry Brusse, Reliable Stand. n&a manSai nJnJ first National Ban IHKATttE IIUILirC, SHENANDOAH, PENNAl Capital, $ioo,ooo.oc A. W. Leisennng, Pres., P. J.-Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenrinq, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' tCashiet Open Daily From 9 to 3. J i 3 PER GENT. INTEREST! Inlcl ou Havlniru Deposits, W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe StoreJ (Mas teller's old stand,) Corner conl nucl JardlnlHtH. nrA?Syt,.er wlJ1 ?lways keep In stpek a flnrf uw u JUVID C1UU BUUCHi Custom Wnrlr UDHH in IMA llAnr. Blvla flA ,..fn..,-iAn SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, uicau. uanus. ita urn n 1 11 1 x n 1 -OF AM. KINDS.. p M,UAMliyrON,4I.P- PHYSIClArND SMGEON, Offloe-,irt5tLloyd-w""et' Bhonando CHAS. T, RICE'S 0LD.STAND. uoya aireeu. Croarn 1'arlora attached. I'a,