VOL. TI.--KO. 141. SHENANDOAH, PA., FlttDAY, JULY 17. 1891: ONE CENT. THE SUEEST EOAD TO WEALTH IS THROUGH LIBERAL ADVERTISING- i . I., I, --. 4 6 CONVENTION CALL; To Mm Republican Hector of rmwylvnta: After consultation and correspondence with the members of the Republican State Committee, and by their direolton, I hereby give notice that the Republicans of J'ennsylmnia, by their duly chosen representatives, will meet in Slate Con vention at llarrUburg, Wednesday, August 19, 1891, at 10 o'clock A. il., or the purpose of plac ing in nomination candidates or the ojlcei of State Treisurer and Auditor General, or the nomination of eighteen candidates for Delegates-at-Ijarge to the Coiuttluliontl Qmven'lon pro vided for in the Act of Assembly approved June 19, 1891, and for the transictlon of such other business as may be presented, 's Police is especially directed to the fad that, in accordance wlthlhc provisions of the last men tioned act, each Senatorial district is entitled to a representation of three delegates tn said Con stitutional Convention, two of whom only can be members of the majority party in said district. The electors of each district are therefore re quested to make proper nominations for dele gates to said convention, the rules governing the HOtimmffon of candidates for S ate Senator to be applicable. In this connection the Cltalrman desires to call the attention of Republican voters lathe recom mendation of the State Convention of 18S2, that , "they allow the greatest freedom in the general participation in the primaries consistent with the preservation of th party organisation." Wit. Jt. ANDREWS, Chairman. TIN PLATE. The Increase of manufactories in St. Louis, Is so great and evident that nobody should question the announce ment that the manufacture of tinned plate on a large scale will soon bo ad ded to the list. There in every reason for believing that St. Louis will lead all other American cities in this line of manufactures as far ns she now leads in the chemicals, boots and shoes, tobacco, beer nnd several other leading articles of commerce. &'t. Louis Dis patch, ".Tho manufacture of tinned plato on a large scale will soon be added to the list," and this iu spite of the fact that the McICinley tariff affords no protection to American- industries. We fear the Dispatch man will have to apologize to ills free trade contem poraries for committing so grievous nn error. No, gentlemen, free traders, you had better get out from under, for the protection train is rolling along at a splendid speed and American In dustries nre sprluging up in every sec tion of the laud, giving employment nud bringing remuneration unci con tentment to thousands of our working people. Lebanon Courier, ' Borne of our Demourutio exchanges are in a peck of trouble lest the Welsh tin makers will come hero to make the tin that we have so often declared we could not make. Let them come. (F& OE3STTS iter vd for the BEST TABLE OILCLOTH, Hold In other stores Tor 85c. All floor. Oilcloth reduosd. Call for bargains C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre 1TEW CABPBTS. Kelter is now receiving a new Brussels anil Ingrains in .ITEW OIL Just opened a large assortment of Choice JVciw JPatterns, in all widths. 1NOLEJ7M2 yards wide, A SPECIAL BARGAIN" J2V SXMUJP. Tlie Finest Table Syrup we kuve ever liutl for tlie price. Heavy Roily, ,iglit Color, Splendid Flavor, Strictly Pure Cane Syrup, Mot mixed PRICE TEN CENTS A. QUART. Also a Fair Sugar Syrup at 6 cts. I "Northwestern Daisy.!" Is a high grade Patent Flour Made from choicest Mln nesota Wheut. Mdlces j lilour. I EASY TO jB-A-ISIE- Guaranteed Equal in every h JBlour in the market, . $0.00 PER lor salo only They will wuut homes, hats, clothing, shoes, bread, meats, carpets and all the other necessaries of llfo and hence will help us lioom things. They will become Americans, too, aftof a time. This Is a great couutry,thls la. Chester Times. Se.vatok Cajikiion, It Is reported, Ib In Pittsburg trying to adjust all differences between tho two Republi can factious In that city. Wo do liot believe that he has gone there for that purpose. If there are any differences they will adjust themselves in good time. Congressman Roiiinson cannot be such a bad fellow, after all, as the Press bus painted him. At least he is opposed to mushroom clubs that paper has gone wild over. And now Auditor General Mc Caruant la under a cloud. He em phatically denies the charges made against him. This is a great year for charges. - A Cure for Constipation and Headaohe. Dr. Silas Lane, while in the Rocky Mountains, discovered a root that wbn combined with other herbs, makes an easj and certain cure for constipation. It is in tho form of dry roots and loaves, and It known as Lane's; Family Medicine. It will euro sick hoadacho. For tho blood, liver and kidneys, and for clearing up the complexion it does wonders. Druggists tell it at 60 conts a package. Obituary. Tho wifo of John O'llara, a former to- fident of this town, died at her homo in Philadelphia yoatorday. Mrs. O'llara visited town a fow woeks ago and upon her return to Philadelphia contracted an illnoss that doveloped into typhoid fovcr. Pivo children, tho oldest but seven yoars of agi survivo tho deceased. Ask Your Friends About It." Your distressing cough can bo cured. We know it because Kemp's Balsaix within tho past few yoars has cured to many coughs and colds In this community Its remarkable salo has boon won entirely by its genuine morit. Ask some friend who has used it what he thinks of Komp'i Balsam, There is no medicine so puro none so effective. Large bottlos 50c and?) at all druggists'. A Now Businoss. P. J. Cloary has openod a store in the Ferguson's building, on East Centre stroet, and is prepared to furnish tho local trade with lino leather and shoo findings and all kinds of shoemakor's supplies. His stock i a large ono and well equipped to full 5 supply all demands of the trado. 6-15-tl Advertise in th a HkrALS. Waters' Wolss boer is tho boBt. Utllly solo agent. John A 6-S-t stoclcof Tapestry and Body handsome new fall patterns. CLOTHS. from $1 vp. - with Corn Syrup and Glucose. more bread thaniprdinary respect to any High-priced BARREL. 7 BOROUGH COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING HELD LAST EVENING, HE STONE CRUSHER AGGEPTED. Tho Apparatus to bo Put on a Permanent Foundation Boro ugh Solicitor Pomoroy'a Important Doelelon. Tho second regular mooting of tho Bor ough Council for tho month of July was hold last evening, all tho members bbing present. The most important business transacted related to tne stone crusher. Tho Com mlttoo on Koads aud llighways, consisting of Messrs. Portz, Scheifly and Holmnn, re ported that thoy had tested the crusher nnd found it perfectly satisfactory. Somo of tho Councilmon did not consider tho ca pacity of tho crusher equal to the guaran tee, but a motion that tho crusher, boiler and engine bo accepted and tho bill, amounting to 9851.27. bo paid, was finally carried. ' The commlttoo on Roads and llighways was thon instructed to put tho machinery on a permanent stono foundation, build chutes, put up scroons and put a building over tho onginoand boiler. J. B. Davis, of tho First ward, said ho had been notified by tho Chief Burgess to put a pavement in front of his property on bast Centre stroot. lie ezprossod a will ingness to lay tho pavemont, provided tho property owners on East Lloyd stroet would be compelled to lay pavomonts. Tho mattor was disposed of by a motion that the Chief Burgess enforco tho ordi nances and compol all parties to lay pave- monts. Qeorgo B. Leitzol appeared and said thnt ho, a tax payor, had been ordered to stop dumping oflal in tho crook south of town, but a man from (Jentralia was allowed to do so. In connection with tho samo mattor the following petition was presented: "2b the Officers and Members of the Bor ough Council of Shenandoah, Pa. Gkntlemkn : We neaiu appeal to vou to slop throwing dead eats.-dogs, goats and privy rofuse into tho crook at the Centen nial and Turkey liun colliories. When the creek is low it is unbearable. During the night wo are compelled to inhale it. we, mo undersigned, are euuerlng lrom tho effects of it. Trusting you will have this nuisance stopped we remain, j.uur xvu.iet:tiuiiy, Danikl J. Williams, "William Evans, El.i Smith, William Oesslet, David HorKius, "William Swint, Jamks Fox, Edwakd Paukell, Adram Butts, cuaulks foltz, IlAKVKY BlTLKR, Jacob KuKiaEit." During the consideration of Air. Leit- zol's complaint, in conjunction with the potition, Borough Solicitor Pomoroy stated that tho creek referrod to was not a public highway and that tho rrties suffering from tho nuisancer would havo to look for relief by prosecuting the parties who dump tho-offal. The dumping is done on- privak proporty and the wrong is dono to private parties. The borough cannot act in the mattor. b. G. Al. IIollvpeter, Esq., appeared to present a claim of damages by Michael Pribula, a Polish storekeeper of tho First ward, who clalmS that 150 worth of his stock waBruined by reason of an imporfoct drain in lront of his proporty. The mattor was referred to tho Law Committee. Air, Ilolman said tho poople of Turkey Run aro again uppealing fur street lights. No action was taken. Tho Chief Burgess and Lamp and Watch Commlttoo were" instructed to notify the olectric light company to removo the polo from tho pavement on East Oentro stroet, between the Lobigh Valloy Railroad and Bowers street. On motion of Air. James, the Cambridge .Coal Company was granted permissii 11 to build a trestle from tho breaker of tho col liory over the public road. Lakosldo Eisteddfod. No to 3. The Grant Cornov Band last night com menced practice on "Solitudo," by Alar- condante, the ploco selected for tho band prizo contest. Tho Lakeside Eisteddfod committee has ben requested to make arrangements for special trains for the accommodation of Ceutralla, Ashland, Alabanoy City, Tii' msqua and PotUvlllo poople. ltopraotita lives from each of the places say they can easily guarantee '-DO people. Aiinorsvillo says sho will guarantee at least 60 for tho Pottivllle special. Mr. Edward Reeso, of Contralia, prosl dont of tho Lakeside Eisteddfod Commit' tee,. will leavo to-morrow for Atlantio City aud other places to enjoy a vacation until August 1. During hit absenco'ho will ton- dor personal limitations to several promt nent gentlemen to.altend tho great outedd- fod. If the weather Is lavorablo, thn compdi. tions at the eisteddfod will tako place m tl c trotting park, in front of tho grand stand Canvas will bo arranged to protect tho ehorusos nnd other competitors from tho rays of tho sun, but will ba so arranged that tho efloct of tho singing will be In no way diminished. Several tents will be rectd aout tho racing grounds. Tho largo dancing pavilion will bo put in order so that it can bo used for tho competitors in caso tho weathor should prove unfavor able. Tho returns to tho oistoddfod comrultteo now show that throo choirs.fnur bands, six male troupes and several individuals will bo on the grounds to compete,, Thero will also bo a number of competitors on tho trios. 'Tia aWlBO Dog. A lady residing on White stroot owns it dogwMch gives daily ' proof of hii com prehension of what is said to him. A lady called on his mistress the othor day. Dur ing her call tho dog camn in rather slyly, lay down on the parlor carpet and wont to sleep. The conversation ran on, and the Visitor said finally : "What n handsome dog you havo I" Tho dog openod his eyes. "Yes," said his mistress, "ho is a very good dog and takes oxcollent caro of tho children." , Tho dog opened tho other oyo and waved his tall complacently to and fro on tho carpet. "Vhin tho baby goes out ho always noes with her, and I foel porfoctly suro that no harm can come to hor," his mistress went on. Tho dog's tail thumpod up and down vio lently upon tbo.carput. "Aud ho is so gentlo to thom all, nnd such a playmate and companion to thom that wo would not tako 1,000 for him." Tho dog's tail now went up and down, to and fro, and round and round with great and undisguised gleo. "But," said tho miatreiji, "ho has one serious fault." Total subsidancoof tho tall, together with tho appoaranro of an oxproesion of groat concern on his face. "He will como in hore with his dirty feet and llo down on tho carpet, whon I havo told him timo and timo again that ho mustn't do it." Hore tho dog arose with an air of tho ut most dejection aud humiliation and sluuk out of tho room with his latoly exuborant tail totally crestfallen. PERSONAL. Ailss Hannah Rooso visited Contralia yesterday. Claudo Oorthor, of Minersvillo, is visit leg at Al. II. Master's. iliss Katio Bodoy, of Williamsport, is vhiting friends in town. W. B. Bitting, representing tho Nosco. cnaguo l'apor Uo., Jt'liiladelphia, was In town yesterday. Misi Edith Williams, of Cramer Hill N. J., formerly of Shonandoah, is visiting frend In town. Ldward Johnson, of Lebanon, spent yestorday and a part of to-day in town with his former associates. Wra. P. -choople, roprosenting tho Dockwoiler Crayon Company, of Pott ville, is doing businoss in town. ' Mr Godwin, of Pitrdys, N. Y., and Mrs. Gray, of Danbury, who woro the guosts of Mr. and Airs, Alllos S. Rigs in town tho past two weoks, left for their homes this morning, O'Boylo's Costly Capor. On Tuwday night Neil " Boylo, of Park i'lace, was a passengeron L)high Yulley train of which Frank Kofh was conductor. O' Boylo was under th 'Lduenco of drink and when tho conductor tried, to get him off tho train at Park Place ho showed tlgbt. Tno glass in the car door was clashed and Koch's uniform was more or loss damaged before tho crew of the train succeoded In gottlng the unruly passongor In tow. Yesterday O. & I. Policeman Geigor arroslod O Boyle upon a warrant and it cost tho accusod $11.45 to obtain his release P. O. S. of A. Notes. "Wa.hini.ton Onmp, No. &H), P. O. S, of A., iatt evening acted upon tho sug gestion of the IIehald and adoptod as a uniform headgear a blue helmet for parade puriosos, "Shenandoah's three camps havo a mem bership of over four hundred," says tho Winers' Journal. Not qulto corr"Ct, K ght hundred would bo nearer the mark A Grand Success Tho Ice oresm festival given In tho Eng lisb Baptist church last evening under the auspices of tho Young People's Union of the church was n splendid success. Tho attendance was very largo and all woro woll pleased with the affair. Tho Secret of Success. O. II. Iluirenbucli. tho dru&elnt.bellevefi that 1 tie fcecrei 01 auccehH m pcrbuveranco. j.uero piui and chemical ou the ruarkot. lie eapecia'ly Invito all parsons vvlio nave palpllutlou, short; breath. weaK or hungry spelln,pulii In side or shoulder, oppre-Klou, nightmare, dry et ugh, xmoilierluK, dropay or heart dl.ease to try Dr. Mltoa uuequaled New Heart Cure, beiore It U too late. It lus tne largest aulo of any similar remedy. Kino book nl twllino ill lis free. Dr. Milan' Itestoiatlve Nervine la iiiimirpusKeu fur a eepleKNueas, neadaobe, UU, etc., and It ooutalna uo opiate. Buy Keystone flour, ho careful that the naii.0 Lkssiq & Co., Ashland, Pa., is printed on every sack. 8-3-3tav r,"f, ?J;7","n ' ffi lr.,"u. ' ."''""KO.s an opportunity to take in Wat TOWNTALKEE. ITEMS GLEANED IN THE EDI TOR'S SANCTUM. HE TATTLES, OF THE TATTLER. Gossip That is Dished Up to tho Nowspapor Man in His Sanc tum Mlnfflod With Scraps Caught by Himsolf. "Yes," said ono of our townsmen th. thor day, as ho strutted into our sanctum, 'Wo have some very quoer people iu this town. Now, mistor uoitsnnnnr mun rf,, you know, thoro is a woman living in ihj neighborhood who comes into my sloro avery night and borrows my ncwsimuer. 'I just want to rad it whilo you nre busv.' says she, and off sho goes to hor house with it. About thu timo I am getting ready to closo up she returns tho paper. 'Have you rjad it?' Iajk. 'Yes.' savs sbo. 'thnm'i nothing in it.' Every night, as regular ns clock work, bho borrows tho paper, keeps it two or throo hours, and then returns it. saying 'thoro's nothing in it.' Thoro is something in it. I pay for tho paper everv night and I think sho should eithor chip in or become a subscriber." "But that lady Is not tho onlv.nowsnannr loecn. i. neighbor ol mine who is in bus iness buys tsn dUtferOBt newspapers everv day. His place is continually fillod with deadhead readers and he is lucky when h ucccods in keeping ono to tako homo to his family. Funny, isn't it? I boliovo in the old adago, 'Livo and lot livo' and I think paper worth reading is worthy, the reader's money." 'Bdt, say, did you hear of that case at Wcathorly? You didp't? It's a touch ing ono. A young girl of that placo named Ella Baer foil In love with a follow named William Donoy. In an evil hour the kist of betrayal was given and Ella's happiness ended. Ihreo weeks ago Donoy was som to tho .Mauch Chunk jail for ninety days fcor days hlla brooded over hor calamitio- and her mind gavo way. Finally sho bo' came a raving maniac and had to bo taken to an asylum. Inch by inch her health was shattered; her ronson dethroned, and then death stepped in. Pitiful, Isn't it? It's a down right sharao, too. Just think that tho girl paid for her weaknoss of a momont with hor llfo audi within two months tho man who was responsible for her condition will stop out of tho Aluueh hunk jail a free man and at liborty to prey again tho thoughtless and weak Tho odds are too great in tho cue of a life against ninoty days in prison, don't you think so?" V "To change tho subject, tho other day I received a lottor from a friend of mine who is in Indianapolis. Ho says that in tbo middle of last January a laborer work ing on a railroad near tho placo where ho lives was telling a st iry when ho was acci dentally struck on tho head with a hammer by a companion and his skull was frac tured. Last week a physician trepanned the skull and tho man continued the ttory right where he left off six months ago. Funny, wasn't it? ' "I was walking Eh? What's that? You don't wish any more? Well, thin, I'll go. I'll oall somo other time. Good day." Popular Excursion. Ono of tho most popular and cheapest sumtnor excursions is tho annual Holler excursion over the famous and piolureifiue Lehigh Valley railroad, to Niagara Palls, which Ukoa place this year on Sat urday, July 26th. Tbo faro is only $8.50. Tickets aro limited to 10 days and good to return on any reguular train. Stop off privileges aro allowed at Dutl'alo and Elmira (returning) affordinir itiua vjmu. inn is ueiiauuy ono or iuq oeti offerings for a summor outing, and as the faro is very reasonable, within tbo reach of all. 7-n-2t MIloa' Nerve and Livor Pills Act on a new principle regulating the liver, Homeoli una bowels thtouuhthe nrn-j. A new discovery, J)r. Miles' illls upeedliy I cute hlllousue , bad tiisie, torpid liver, plies, oouHtlpatlou. t'uequaled lor ineu, women, children Smallest, iull.ifcst,iiuret I GkIoum, Sicts. Humpies Free, at V. 11. f tUL-eubucH' , drugstore. MR. OLARKSON BACK AGAIN. rill: l'KOI'I.K OF KIIKOPH DO NOT I.1KB OUU 'fAHIPK 111 Mi. New York.July 17.-.0u. J. 8. Clark B011 wnsnpanseiigeron the Cityof PurlB, which arrived from LIvorpool yeeter Iny. A number uf (HUIiiisIuhIIo inein nurHofthoKt'publlcHiiNHtioiittl League, if which (Jen. Clarkson la president, met him at Qunrniitiue, (Jen. CliirkHiin told it reporter I lint bo hud vlclted London nud Parle, hud n (Md re8t,uiul wns feeling well. Hueiild that" ho would not diecua American politic until he had been here a few days and learned what had bmi golpg in in hm ubtteuoe. "Will you ut once tuke a hand In pol-itie.-?" lie whh asked. I'm feeling in good condition to du It If there (wins to be need of mv ierviecs," he paid. Din you learu what Jineland ami France think of the MoKlniev tan 11 law?" "I found a gloat deal of discuss1"!! 11 that subject ubroad. and heard nnny expressions of opinion on tho now law. Thoy do not llki) the Mc Klnloy Tarill bill, but there 1m not to much objicilon niado lo that as to thu ('iHtoniH Administrative law, of which ir. iMCHiniey was also tlie author, ('here is a great deal of opposition to that." Before Gen. Clarkson could finish bis sentence some one had grasped ids iiaud and began talkiuif about sotno- tliiug else. A great many Americans are In England and Fiance this summer," tie salit lutr. "On the Fourth ol July wo had u great celebration iu Paris. Jfix-Sneaker Tom iteeil was there. as happy as a school boy. He appears to uo emoyinc Himself hnmence v. Ho is doing all the attractions. There is a good crowd of Americans iu tlie city, and nobody calls him Czar' or abuses him in tlie news papers. I thliiK he's enjoying n real vacation." What sort of a cautpalcn do you propone to make with the Republcau clubs?" "We will make as strong a phowlug as wo can. 1 am not upposil to lenow the details of what has been done while 1 have been away, but in a general way, It is sefe to say that the worit or orgnuiziinr new clubs una atrellcthenlui,oId oneft will lmrnntln- ueu wun uu uio energy iiiai can 00 put into it. At this poinieomo one else wno iinu not shaken hands with -Mr. Clarkson came, a ml the interesting statements that might have been unido were uever spolteu. REPUBLICAN CLUB LEAGUE. Meeting in Philadelphia A Dato Fixed Interesting: Resolution. Philadelphia, July 17. The Execu tive Omiiiitteo uf tlie Republican League of clubs of Pennsylvania, yes lenlay decided upon September 23d us the date for tlie convention at Feran ton, which place had bien previously named. The Executlvo Committee adopted aiesolutlou "That the ofllclal list of clubs wlios'C organization Is not at this ate entered and recorded at this gath ering shall not be permitted to vote at the annual convention at Hcrailton September 23, and that tho President aud Corresponding Secretary shall ls piio a circular letter to all clubs regu larly registered on the rolls and seere tary'sllHt iu accordance with this res olution." Tills resolution was pus-ed by a vote of 24 to 7. Yostorday's Games. AMU1UOAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus, 7 ; Athletic, 0. Baltimore, 3; St Louis, 1. Cincinnati, 3; Washington 1. Boston, 10; Louisville, 5. MATlONAIi LBAOUE. Cincinnati, 4 ; Philadelphia, 2. Clevilaud, 12 ; New York, 0. Chicago, 8 ; Huston, 7. Pittsburg, 7 ; Brooklyn, 5 (1st. game). Brooklyn, 12; Pittsburg, 8 (2d game). A Husband's Mistake. llii'bBiids looolten permit wives, and par onl their ehlWlrc.ii, to Miller from In attache, dizziness, neuralgia, letlesne.s. ill, ner vouiuei,, when hy the hbu of Dr. .Miles' llestoratlvo .Nervine iueh serious reAiilIH could easily be prevented DriiMlsts every where tay It given unlverMil talloftotlou, and hit-ai ImmeuH wile. Woodwortl) Co., ol Fort Wayne, Iud.; Hnow it to.. ofSyracubo, X. Y.iJ.O. Wolf. IliliKlale. Mioh.iand huu- d ids 01 cithern '11 Is I lie mean U seller they ever knov.'f It coiituina no npWIiB. Trial bolt leu and tine book on Nervous ulseni.es, free al O. tl. llaKenuucn'a. Make Your Root Beer -NOW- Wo havo Itasor's and Allen's. A now barrel of No. I Mack erel. , WJiito. fat. sweet. !No ' oily taint. G-BAFS, No. 122 North Jardin Stroot 1 . . jJ