3?ia-3STIC GOODS -AT Tin:- CORNER STORE All kinds of poitcri incuts, UMi, canned goods, oyslera, lobsters, crnba, HiobIiiii oavlHr, fresh aplced oysters, llnest mnokod limiiB, bo loKtiUH mid Kinokeil beef, Yorkstuto full cream olieceo.l'Jiiiaiitlinl.SwIiw, Edam, Sinniio nnd LlmburKer. J'liioiimurtnitut of cakes nud bis cuits. 0. nnd II. pi' kloa of all IUikIh. I'ickles by tliod(.n. You will II nd Just wlmt you want. SIETVIEIRISrS, Cor. Contro and Wliito Streota. The Evening Herald. Alili TUB NKWS Will ONII CUNT. Has a larger clroiilatlon In Blienandoah than any other paper published. Clrcu. latlon book open to nil. LOCAL T-iTJNOHEON. l)og days. July Is about half none. Tho days aro shortening. A little croam makes ohlokon gravy areat. A bartender lias generally a smllo for everyone. If you want all tho news read tho Ilmv ALU. The stylish cutaway coat has no braid on the oil km. Tnke your family to the ice cream festi val in the English llaptlst church this ovoniiig. The Grant Hand havo a number of good uniforms they will sell cheap. Can a man intoxicated with music be said to bo air tight. Tho summer weathor Is having a'grcat ef fect on church-Koers. The Young People's Christian Union give an icecream festival in tho Eng lish Btplisl church this afternoon and evening. Entitled, to the Boat. All are entitled to tho best that their money will buy, so every family should have, atonoe, a bottle of the best family romedy, Syrup of Fig, to cleanse the sys tem when costive or bilious. For sale in 60c and $1 0) bottles by all loading diug gists. Oh, What a Cough. Will youheed the warning? The flgnal per hnn nf t)m uurA iinnrnHch of that more ter rible disease, Consumption. Ask yourselves if you win allord for Hie hhIio of aiwlng 60 ronta. In run the risk and do nolhlmc for It. We know from experience that, Hblloh's Cure will Cure sour Cmilth. It never falls. This nTiitniiiRwiiv mnra thuu a Million Bottles Wfio sold the pant year. It relieves Croup ami Wlu.niilnir Cimutl lit (11106. Mothers do not be without II. For Luiue Ilactt, Hide or Chest, use Million's Porous Planter. Bold by C. JI. Ilaaenbiicli. N. IS. corner Main anu Lloyd fctreets. Coming Events. July 10. lco cream festival of tho Younir l'ooulo's Christian Union, in the English Ibipllst church. July 20th. Fostival and ontertainmont Itobbins' opera houso, under tho auspices of Silyor Wavo Oastlo, A. O. 1C. of M. C Aug. 6. Ice cream fostival, under tho aupioe8 of tho "Y's," in llobbins' opera house. Aug. 18. Ice cream and poach fostival, in llobbins' opera house, u-dor tho ausplcos of Camp No. 183, 1. O. S. of A. Miloa' IMervo and Liver Fills Act on a new prlnelple regulating the liver, stomach nnd bowels throuoh the nervet. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily OHto biliousness, una mule, lorpia liver, pile, oonstlpatlou. Uneqnalod lor men, women, children. Hmullwst, mllilHt,Kiirestl OIiIcaoh, UScls. Humpies Free, at C. JI. llngenbuch'i n rug store. Gomplotod to Doadwood ThoJlurllngton Itouto, U, U. &Q. It. It. from Chicago, 1'onria and St. Louis, is now completod, and daily passenger trains aro running through Lincoln, Nob., and Custor, 8. 1)., to Doadwood. Also to Now caillo, Wyoming. Sleoping cars to Dead wood. If Playing Cards. You can obtain a pack of boat quality playing cards by sending fifteen cents In postage to P. S. Eustis, Gon'l Pass. Agt, B., O. & Q.It. 11. Chicago, 111. Thoy Aro Splendid. Wo moan thoso Cheviot suits you can got at A. T. Jones' "Famous" Clothing storo for J0.50. Wanted, A girl to do gonoral housowork. Apply at Slorgan's Iiuzar, No. 11 Wost Centre etroot. 7-10-2t Dost work dono at llronnan's steam laundry. Everything whlte"and spotless, Laco curtains a specialty. AH; work guar anteod. WALL PAPER A CARLOAD JUST AIUUVHD AT MBLLET'S Blnnks jo Gilt Embossed 12 1 Window Shades, spring rollors..2Go Curtain Poles 25 o MOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Shenanooah, CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD. STAND. Warning to Battaors. j'arllcs are in Iho hftblt of bathing and a11owln their dojts lo swim In Iho Kehlny Ilun colliery dam, Tho water (rom title dam it used for drinking purposes by tho employes of tho colllory and If tho habits o inplained of aro not discontinued tho police will bo callod upon to prcxecuto tho i llondlnR partios. Notice-. A ipoclal meeting of Iho stockholders of tho Citizens' Kloctrio Light Co., of Shon andoah, will bo held AiiRUit 20th, 1801, bctweon the hours of two and four p. m., at tho ofllco of fHld company, No. 2-1, N, Jardlu street, for tho purpoio of voting on the iiuatllon of increasing tho capital stock of said company, lly urdor of tho board, John Gruiiler, Seo'y. C 2C-Thur-8w Just What Wo Said. Shonandoah wnnU and should havo a wu clock, nnd should not hcsltnto in lak ng this progrosstvo step on account of tho small outlay of oash necosinry lo purchaso "tiokor" which has been Iho great draw back for sovoral years past. If thoy can not aiiord at present to socuro a now one, hy not bid In tho old court houso clock, hicli will bo sold at public salo in this lty on tho 30th tnit? Republican. Tho Great Foatlval. Referring to tho great out-door oistoddfod lo bo held at Lakosido on August 15, noxt, io Wilkei-liarre llecord says: Jnuies Anwyl, of this city, has been on gaged to sing a solo at the oul-door cistodd fod, Lakosido Park, on August 15. Ho has two of the late Gwilym O want's latest com ositinns that havo never been published. Prof. William Apmadoc, of (Jhlcatro.will be the adjudicat r ol music at tho oistodd fod at Lakeside I'nrk, August 15. A Musical Champion. Ior sonio timo past thoro has beon con- iderable talk of arrangomonts for a mouth rgan contort for ?500 a Bido. The follow ing is an oxtract from a letter received by the JlKiiAM): "I will havo a contest for 600 if tho other man will piny mo, but it looks as If he wants to back out, as 1 hnvo not heard from him for ovor a week. I havo been waiting for him t lot mo know when ho wants to play, thon I will havo ono of my men in Sunbury in a fow hours' timo lo make all the necessary arrangements for the contest As soon as ho comes to lime will let you know all about it, so you can bo present. I want it to take placo In tho Shenandoah opera houso. i'A SlMl'SON SLICIITKR, "111 South Newberry St , "York, l'u." BusInoBB Noticos. 'Squire A. J. Gallagher has added lo tho long list of flro insurineo companies ho re presents tho Oriont Firo Insurance Com pany of Hartford, Conn., a company aving a capital of 81.000.OX). Benj. Ilaskoy's saloon and restaurant on Cast Centre street ha? become one of the most popular resorts in tho town. Fred. II. Ilopkitis, Sr., bus boon ap pointed agent for tho Clovoland School Furnituro Company of Cleveland, Ohio. Tho "Kegal" school dosks manufactured by tho company are the bost in tho market. Tho Herald building is now ono of tho most attractive structures along tho routo of tho Lehigh Vadey railroad. Tho front of tho building has just boon repaintod nnd decorated by John L. Ilasslor, tho oipott knight of tho brush of West Coal street, Tbo work demonstrates Mr. Haggler's ability to compote with tho best in his lino. FOUR PER GENT. Divldond Day at the Hazloton First National. Tho directors of tho First National Bank of Hazloton, met yostorday morning nnd declared a semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent. This is tho fifth dividend einco the organization of tho bank, Juno 9th, 1888 Iho llr.t dividend of 3 por cont. was paid at the ond of tho first year and two divi dond of 3 per cont. each havo been paid yoarly sinco thon until now when th earnings of tho bank pormittod an in creased dividend of 4 por cont. as declared yoetorday by tho managomont. The sur plus fund now amounts to $20,000 and tbo undivided profits $7,000. In view of the fact that tho bank has been in buslnosj but thrco years, paying flvo dividends during that tuno, and in a fiolu too at tho timo of its organization nlroady well occupied by two banks, tbo Hazloton Savings liank and Marklo liroe. & Co., it has certainly mad an onviablo record as a monoy maker and reflects much credit upon tho veteran banker, A. W. Leisonring, its president, whoso woll earned reputation as a financier Is second to nono In tbo country. To Mr. David Clark, tbo vice president, bolongs tho honor of having secured some of tho town's bost business mon as customers of tho bank while tho cashier, Mr. John H. Leisonring, and tho assistant cashior, John I'rice, havo beon very onorgotlo In Ihoir efforts to secure tho patronage of our people. Thooard of diroctors havo boon untiring in tboir labors and havo con tributed largely in making tho bank what it is and in giving it a prestige seldom ac quired by au Institution of this kind In so short a timo. Tbo First National Bank of Maucb Chunk declared a semi-annual divi dend of five per cent, yostorday as did also tbo First National liank of Shonandoah. Mr. Leitenrlng Is tho prosidont of all threo banks, while his son, John II. Leisonring, Is cashior of the First National at Shenan doah and Hazletoc. Yfltn-.S))faA'r. Tho Soorot of Succobs. O. II. llagenbuoh, the drugglst,be!levei that the fcecrel of suocets la perseverance. There fore he persists In keeping the Ilntstllneof perfumcrloo, toilet articles, cosmetics, drugs aud chemicals on the market. He especially Invite all persons who have palpluulon, short breath, weak or hungry spells, pain In side or shoulder, oppression, ulubtraure, dry cough, smotherlug, dropsy or heart dlieate to try l)r, Mllos' uuequulcd New Heart Cure, be'oie It Is too late. It lias tne larnet sale of any similar remedy, Fine book of lestlino. lilals freo. Or. Miles' ltestoratlve Nervine Is unsurpassed for sleeplessness, Headache, fits, etc, and It contains uo opiates. Ice Cream Festival Under the auspices of tbo 7 77. ROBBIXS 01'EIIA HOUSE, SHENANDOAH, PA., Waclnesday, Aug. 5, '91. TICKETS, - IO OBNTS. Good for a plate of cream. New Saloon anil Rcstanrani ! Newly Faiiled, I'apcrtd ami ltcrovated. No. 115 HAHT CEM'BE BTKUKT, Tln-eo doors nbovo Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Ilnskey would In'orm his many filenrts nnd tlio publle Hint ho will cater lo their wants lu tbe name first-class style Hint lie lias clone In the putt. None but tbo bent brands of for clen and domestic wine. liquors nnd cigars will be feepl In Block. Cbolco leniperanco driuKs i' inn old s'ocit nio TliuoattDKbar Is supplied with everything In the n.ttlnir line served In the best style. Meals seividal ell hours. Fine prlvnto rojms auaencu. -J-XJST OXJT- The "SEW BRQAQWAY" RANGE It beats every thing In the market, nnd the price isjusi rigniio buu mo iiiuvh. It will pay you to come and see It. I am prepared to do tho following at Hie nrietM minted! Tin rooflng o per foot and up Tin rojr paiuitug Vio Tin oonduttor l!fc " " Tin liniiirlliir irllLlnr 12fl 11 " Oalvaiilzed chimney stack 20a per pound ucpuirs lor an eioves nspiriniiy. WU. Tx. PBATT, 0 3m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah BIG ATTRACTIONS AT Duncan & Waidlcy's. Our goods always attract tho eye, our iirlco nlways suit tho puree. In fuuoy goods we have Bomo of the latest Importations of Vases and Arllstlo Pottery. Ouri ami 10c counters al ways bright with new goods. As the fruit Benson is at hand we wish to call your atteutlon to the fact that wo are head quarters for Jars, Jelly Cups, Crocks, &c. Big values lu table cutlnry. Duncan 8c Waidley, Afj. 8 South Main Street, Shsnandoah, Pa, QUEEN & OCX Tho famous firm of OCULISTS snd OrTICIASS or piin.AnEi.PHiA Have nrranced to send ono of their Hl'txlallsts on tbo EYE TO SMENANnOA.'fl, Saturday, July 18th, 1891, Ho will be at the Forguaou EEoxxoo, lrom 8 SO A. M. lo S P. M. Thoso vhnm e.vt nrn ennijitltr discomfort should call upon our specialist, and they will rcceivoiuieiutieni nua skiwui aueuiiou. OSM CltatiiHt St., 1'MlatMpMa, WPBEAVTKRYOU! Your trade is wbnt wo want. This is how we propose to get it, By Belling you a first class article; byselllngyou fnr less than others; by selling you furniture, an organ, a piano, a sewing machine or anything else iu tho lino of houtouold goods. Wo have a largo and va ried stock to select from. No trouble to show goods. Call, examine uud be convinced. d H I H d til THE OLD RELIABLE, JI Williams Oro. Soutli Blaln St., S DEI B IST-ISriDOKC. TREATED FREE.W'f'.0rf."dJ',5 lvf cured riunv thuutand um Cutl (atk-nta -i iouikii tuH.len b ho l-.t utiviitians Turn fiiit du!e syiniitin rapidly lisipcAr, mm fu ten clai it i-m iwn-ihtnU f i mi4ntni are removed. I it . FUEE BOOK tc't monUltormU. Tpu n I yn iMtwew t TO CCW maU. h iculouk mix I Ln UAIO ruralklied flCC yuu order Util, trua tea cents in stanirw to ry nouee m imi n WANTS, Sco. GIltL WANTED. A good ex perlenced girl wanted for general house work, Noother need apply. Caltnt Ukuald olllco. East Ooal street. 7-3-tf DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of the most deMrnbta tironer- ties on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms, Apply at Ilowse'a grocery store, cor ner .lardln ana Oak streets. Hbeunndoab, l'a. TrA:t l'Ivl-An netlve reliable man VV salary $70 to SRo monthly, with ln- crease, lo represent In hts own seoilon lousinie now xorK House, iteiereuces. ANUFACTCiiEit, Lock liox 1685, New York. FOR BALK. A grnnd upright piano, equal lo new, S clarionets, A, 11 A U, nnd one I) Hole. Can be bought in one lot, or separately. Cull at ilcKcouo s saloon, 7-13 lw COR RENT Storo ami bulldliiK l now occupied by tho SheuandoAtt linnery Co. lor ma uructiirlng an I relal' nndy business. Two floors 0J2U feat. Apply 1 1 J. J. t'raney. 5-10 If NOTICE Prnm;aU will be received till Julv LMtirt. A. I).. 1SU1. lo 12 o'clock noon, for Die plnslerlng of tbo front moms In the basement of tbo new court house nud cor ridor, nud ulso for tho carpenter work. Thing and specifications cnu be seen In the Com mis sloners' olllce, BAMIlKt. a. Dsfl'imiC, J AM I'M J. HOW KB, iOl.lAy K UtKII, Coiuinlss oners. Attest:-Joim.BNYnitit,Ulorlt. u-ll-td "CHARTER NOTIOli. Notice Is W hereby Klvcn Hint nn application will bomndetn the Governor 'f reiin.ylvanlaon thethlrddny of Auirusl. ISUI, by .I.M.HHck, Moch .Mcrvlne, Uhrlstlan liberie, Hlinou Swover. Zichirv T. Trout nnd J. It lloclmnn under the Act of Assembly entitle I " Mi net to provide lor the Incorporation nnd rrgula. t on nf certain corporations approved April S9, 1871," nnd the supplements thereto, for the cha'ter of nu Intended corporal loll to be i.llri ''Pnllnn Wnler tlnmnniiv." the Chnr.lC. ter and object of whleli Ik tho Mipnlylugof waier lor ine puoiioiit ino oormiKiiui unm vllli, In tho county of Schuylkill, nnd toner tons, pnrtnershlps anl asioeHilons residing therein as may delro the same, end for theso nnrtinspa In hflvp. nnpRq nnd CUloV all tbO rights, boneflts nnd privileges of said Act of As-cmDiy nnaBiip i"mniiiK mere-u. i. lr I'UMRIIOY. Hullo tor. a iRABDVii.i.1!. July 7. lfe'Jl. 7 7-td TTlOll CONSTlTUTlONAIi CONVENTION Jnmcs J. Francy. OF BH UN AN no AH, Subject to Democratic rules. T. il POMEHOY, ATTORHEr-tT-LAW. mc ueddall'f bnlMlne corner Vtn na Conn s FOB SALE! Tho undersigned, desiring to retire from bus iness will dispose of his Hoc ol dry goods, Kiocerles &c, clunp 1'nrchnsercan also ent Hie store room at reasonable terms The stand Is a good one and lu the hands of a live loan can bo made profitable. T. D. DAVIS, 100 Nortli Jnrdin St. (HO If The Cheapest Place ! TO BUY Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hosiiry, Elc , IS AT CHARLES : YAROWSKY'S. ffil West Centre Ht , Shenandoah. PUBLIC SALE The Old Court House ! July 31, 1891, at 10 O'clock A. M. All the nersonal nroncrly belonnlne to the uouniyoi Bcnnyiiciii, in inemu uuuri. uuuhu consisting of paitlttons, couuter. shelvliur, Rtpnm henttno nnnamtu In tienarate. parts iho clock nud bell in the old uonrt iiouse tower, cas llxturos, fllo holders, tables, chairs, etc., will bo sold on the premises lu the bor ough of Pottsvllle, nnd also nt the samo time anapiace me .ua VAinri. iLouse, exeepuuK uuu reserving tbo basennd also the. two lame flaes or flat stones, ono on each entrance to tho old uoon noube. HA.MUI5II U. DKTUllK, JAMES J. HOWES, El Ia E. 11 ED, c'ommls.iloner. Alttst-JoiINS.BNYDEK. 7-11-td -GO TO- Neat, Cheap and Stylish Straw Hats from 20o to 51.50 Hbort Hpray Flowers 60 to 1.00 Wreaths !0oto 1.75 Infants' ChrUtonlng Robe, &o to $5 Infants' long aud short coats. ..1,23 up to to SO. 60,000 LADIES "WEAR Tho SELF-SUPPORTING CORSET Why don't you near one? NELLY BLY CAPS AH Colors, at 20 cents. M. S. SGHEIDER'S -NICYV- B.ICEIlrr -AND- COOTECTIONERY, No, 7 Soutli Mnin St., Sltciiaudoah Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies. CJUAIIAM II HEAD A SPECIALTY. A fine line of Confectionery, 1 1'arlors attached. Viae Ice" Cream JTow is the time to oh mgo y 3 ir unde-wear. You can got at 8cn -dan's a sultolKJJd Stiiiuucr Uudcrwenr at fc A little bet'er lor 8O0. Good Hummer uu'tng Hhlrts, 25o lo J I. Oo lo- -loanlan's and get tho new Century llraco-ths beU Bummer Ilrmio in thomarkot. At Hcaulau'syou can get a good . SOfI HAT for 50c. No more bother with ham that do not At, ng Mean ton has a now to fit the bead Only two dozen more iMoneokwonrlcft. Scaiilnuwlb sillyou cheap bats and caps, latest stylos and colors. Cheap Overalls nnd Whlto shirts. x9 soutlt main St. Attention, House Gleaners ! . rt n Thejw.irm wonther Ms here, and house-cleaning Is tho next thing In order. Aud at Biich times most everybody needs something to brighten up tho home, so if you need a giod cirpet of either Veuet, Moquett, Body TWO Oil THREIS HALL, STAIR OR You can find a full assortment at PRICE'S. Lace Wains, Curtain Poles of all Kinds! Window Sliodes, Floor and Tablo Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when quality is considered. No misrepresentation one price to all. J, J. PRICE'S Old 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. !. m.1 I4t V IIIMISilt BU kuasALaar nrsfiia fiwiw bsssb o asgasn "We mean It in every sense of the word. We oiler y.)U good nil-wool suits for less than their value. Our light goods must g , reg.ird'ess of cost; so If you want to purchase 11 Men's AU-woel Cheviot Hult for $6.50 call on us. Furnishing goods also to be had at lo-ver price3 than you will find them olsswhere. Wo make no boasts merely, for advertisement, but what we advertise we will do. Call'aud exnmino our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret It. THl i "FAMOUS" 0! 1.1 $. Main Slrtet, Shenandoah. A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages nnd Bonds written. Ainrringe licenses ana legal claims promptly attended to. ileal Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. Qeneral Fire Insurance Business. Represents ine iiurmwesiera 1,110 insurance). OrFiCBMuldoon's bulldlnir. corner Centre and Wost Bis., rjhenuurtoali, l'a. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. 1. A two slory double frame dwelling house, storoand restaurant, on East tlentro St. 2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre street. a. Desirable property on corner Ccntro and Jardln streets, suitable for business pur poses. I. A two story double frame dwelling, on Weit Llovd street. 5. Two 2-story Irumo dwellings on West Cen- iro sireot. 0. Two 2 story dwellings on tbe corner ol uoiu ana unesinui Bireeis rsiore room iu one. 7. Two-story Rlngle house on North Chestnut street with a large warehouse at tbe rear. 8. Three two-si ory double frame buildings comer 01 Liioyaana iiuuen sireeis. The PliotogTapher Is located at No. 14 North White Street Having han his gallery greatly Improved, he is uowueuur prepureu it.?,., ever io ineei the wanU ol I lie puMie is i eplioto. graplilo line. Tlio "v w r olo graphs at lowest 1 rlciu. Crayon Work a Specialty. New Jbirm. New StoeJc. Green Truck, Fine Groceries, FRUITS, &c, Delaware roe shad and olhcr fresli fish right from the boats on 7 'rldays. Fresh Greens from the Houtli. Evan's Buildinf, E. Centre St. U.S. millam'oMttanO) Everything new and "i esh. Goods delivered to any pnrt of town. R. C. KNIGHT &; SON. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ot Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty of ; Nellie Bly nnd Mary Anderson Caps. G BAST QBNTHH ST. n v. i or Tapestry Brusse, k - PIV INGUAXN, RAG CARPETS I Reliable Stand, V BEjm SS3W SOT2BI vsSxm Brwnsagflji H'lnui 1 JR. THEATKR IIUII.DING, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. PRICE CLOTHIER first National BaiiL Capital, $ioo,ooo.oo.T A. IV. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenring, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Daily From 9 to 3. T)fD rtPiarp TATrnnnTi UUU, XVi J-JJilfjO? Pata on snviues Deposltd. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller's old stand,) comer Conl audjnrdiii9lH. Mr. Snyder will always keep In stock a fine line of boots and shoes. Custom Work nnd Repairing done in tha best Stvln. ITa cnnrflnliwi In CAl K obeaper thin competitors on Main street whiff, hnun httr rant a n nn .. .1 . . Ti ' Ine bargain ou every purchaso. SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, JO Eatt Centre Street, SUEXJIXnOAIl Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Confectionery! OF AM, KINDS. OloBod. 011 filvx3a.do.y-IB Q M. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, t omce-IMi West Lloyd Blreet, Shena&Klla