npic-nsria goods -AT THE- CORNERSTORE ! All kinds of potted ineatH, HhIi, canned goods, oysters, lobsters, crabs, Ititf stan caviar, fresh spiced oysters, flnost smoked hams, bo lognim and smoked beef, York state full cream cheese,l!Jiiittiitlial,8wls8, ledum, gapsaao and Llmburger. Fine assortment of cakes and bis cuits. G. and II. pickles of nil kinds. Pickles by thodoz"ii. You will find Just what you want. SZEVIEIRLT'S, Cor. Centro and White Streets. The Evening Herald. Z- ALL THE NEWS l'OU ONE CENT. lias a lamer circulation In Shenandoah than any oilier psper published. Circu lation book "pen to nil. LOOAL LUNOHEON. Brilliant sunsets. AVarmiiiK up again. Grand moonlight evening;. The fly family it vory larpie this year. Fancy buttoin are coming into promt mnco on ladies' d reused. Dried bananas are toon to become an article of commerce, HaFpborrio have been very plonty and of line quality this season, Tho outlook for an abundant yiold of fruit was never brighter. The man who oan keep a secret seldom ftaks his wifo to help him. If you rub smnkel horrlnjr on your 'aco you can lsoep mosquitoes away. About the easiest tiling that peoplo oan do is to make themselves disagreeable Entitled to the Bost. All are entitled to the best that thoir money will buy, so every family should buvo, at onoe, a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of Fig, to oloanse the sys tem whn oostive or bilious. For sale in GOcandJl.00 bottles by all leading drug gists. The Maennerohors. Tho great singing and musical festival under tho auspices of the Shamokin and flirardville maennerohors and Our Band to bo held at Laltesido park, near East Maha nov Junction, Tue-day, July 21, protnites to bo the event of tho season, and already it managers have comuloted their arrango menH for tho entertainmont of their guests. Twonty-four special policemen have been ongagod and amplo protection will bo af forded to all who may attend. Tho faro for tho round trip from here, including ad ini-Mon to tho park, is 75 cnntB for adults and 40 cents for children A number of vHting orginizitions will bo presont. ShnmuHn Dispatch. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed tho warning? The signal per haps of the sure upproach of that tnoro tei rlble dlioase. Consumption. Ask yourselves 11 you can nllord for tho nabo or envlng 60 cents, to run the risk and do nothing tor It. We know from experience that Hhlloh's Curs will Cure 5 our Cough. It nevtr falls. This explaliiB why more than n Million Hottles were sold tho past year. It relieves Croup and Whopping Cough at once. Mothers do not be without It. For ljimo ltuca, bide or Chest, use Shlloh's Porous l'laster. Bold by O. II. Hagenbuch, N. 13. comer Main and IJoyd slreeto. Coming Evonts. July 10. Ice cream festival of tho Young I'oonle's Christian Union, in tho English Itaptist church. July 29th. Festival and entertainment; Itobblns' opera houso, under the auspices of Silver Wave Castle, A. O. K. of M. O. Aug. 6. Ico cream festival, under tho auspices of tho "Y's," in Itobbins' opera house. Aug. 18. Ice cream and peach festival, in Bobbin' opera house, U'idor tho auspices of Camp No. 183, V. O. S. of A. Completed to Doadwood. Tho Burlington Route, 0., B. & Q. It. K., from Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, is now completed, and daily passenger trains aro running through Lincoln, Nob., and Custer, S. D., to Doadwood. Also to New castle, Wyoming. Slooping cars to Doad wood. tf Playing Cards. You can obliin a pack; of best quality playing cards by sending! flftoon conta in postage to P. S, KustisJGon'l Pass. Agt., H., 0. & 11. OhicBgo, 111. tf They Aro Splendid. Wo mean those ;Ohnviot suits you can got at A. T. Jones' "Famous" Clothing store for SJO.CO. Host work done at Brennan's steam laundry. Everything whito;and spotless, Laoo curtains a specialty. AUwork guar anteed. WALL PAPER ! A OAULOAD JUST ARBIVBD AT HELLBT'S Blanks Eo Gilt 8o Embosfscd 12 l-2c Window Bliatlee, Bpring rollors..a5o Curtain Polos 25 o MOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Shenanooah, CHA8. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. COLUMBIA. (Continued from flrl page.) It having dochlod l oelobrate tho 11th an niversary of tho organization, tho company givo a supper in Ferguson's front hall on July lltb, 1881, at whioh the members of tho Town Council and other Invited Kuorts wore presont, and overy year sinco the abovo date tho anniversary has boon cele brated. The fullowinu officers woroolocted on February 10, 1882, to sorvo during tho oniulng lorra t President, Frank Lewis; Vico l'reeidont, A. V. Morgan; Secretary, E. V. Amour; Financial Secretary, 0. D. Amour; Troaiuror, 1'. J. Ferguson; Foro tnan, John Shultr.; Assistant Foroman, John Hartsch; Ohiof Knglnoer, 0. D. Amour. On July 4th, 1882, tho company took Its engine "Shenandoah" to Alounl Carmol and returned with a silvor cup which was to ha contested for by different companies, but all othoK lailed to bring an engine with them and tho cup was awarded to tho Columbia Hoso Company. The cup boars tho following inscription, "From An tliracito to Columbia." TO UK CONTINUED A Ouro for Constipation and Hoadacho. Dr. Silas Lane, whilo In the Kocky Mountains, discovered a root that whnn sombinod with othor herbs, makos an oas and cortain cure for constipation. It is in the form of dry roots and leavoa, and is known as Lane's! Family Medicine. It will cure sick headache. For tho blood, livor and kidnoye, and for clearing up tho lomplexion it does wonders. Druggists loll it at GO cents a package. Lakosido Locals. Grand hop, in tho now pavilion, Wed' nosday evening, July 22. Dancing from 8 till midnight. The bicycle race at Lakosido Park on July 28tb, 1891, on tho occasion of the picnic of the Washington Hook and Lad dor Company, of Mahanoy City, promises to bo tho "star" ovent in bicycle contosts. A handsome gold badge, beautifully en graved, with suitable inscription, will he presented to tho winner. Entrance open to any wheelman in the county. Tho Concordia and Maonnerchor singing societies nnd the Liberty band of Ilazleton have docided to attend tho pionio and con cert to be by tho Maonnerohor Sing ing Society of Shamokin nnd Shamokin band, on July 21st. Tho Concordia has cbartorod a train and will proceed to Qua' kake, wboro thoy will be transferred to the Heading road, and thonco to Lakeside. Tho Liborty band and tho Maonnorchor have Uocidod to make tho journoy by wagon road. Lakosido Park, wo aro informed, has been engaged for every day from the piosont until tho middlo of September. Sunday schools which have delayed secur ing dates aro now too lalo. Aiming tboso in this list was tho Presbyterian Sunday school of town. At tho m&eting of tho English Baptist Sunday school, lust Sun- P"1?' wul . " ;. terian rsunaaj tcnooi io jjui in wun incm on tho day of their picnic, August 18.b. Tho arrangement will probably enhance tho ploasuro of both parties. TVi- Weekly, At tho oistodd'od at Ltkesidc, on Augut 15th, there will bo a band contest, $75 in cash and a gold medal to bo offered as prize?, and tho writur would suggest that tho Third Brigado Band attend and com pete for tho prizo. Kepublican. Christ Gabert, Joseph Kloindonst, Jonathan Jones, Edward S. Silliman, Jr. and Wallaco Holderman were appointed special police by court to act in that capa city at tho Young Stan's Republican Club pionio to be hold at Lakosido Park on tho S0.U iust. UOBOKEN'S PRIDE. Her Firemen' Stntiie Unveiled with I'onip aiKl Ceremony. In ncoordance tvitli u proclamation ISBiiod on fllav 20, by .Mayor isuwavu it. Stanton, oi nouoicon, tiio s.tatuo HODOKUN'S MONUMENT. orcetcd to commomorate tho domlso oi iho Votunteor Firemen's Association was unveiled Decoration Day with appropriate ceremonies. jNoarly overy mimiing in tnooity was tastefully decorated. Two grand stands wore oreeted, one in front of tho City Hall nnd the othor encircling tho veiled statue In Church Square Parle. The statue reveals a firemen llfe-slzo and in full uniform. In his riuht hand ho frrasps a lantern, nnd while coolnoss and courage are aispmyca in every lineament, anxiety is artistically sug gested in the pose of the ure. Tho Secret of Succoss. (3. II. Ilugenbuch, the drugglst.bolleves that tho fcecrel of suocosa li perseverance. There fore he persists In Keeping the tlmstltneof periumenos, toilet nrucirs, cosmetics, arngs and oliemloilson the luurKet. He espeola ly Invite all persons who have palpitation, short breath. woaK or hungry ppells, pain In side or tbouldcr, opprolon, nightmare, diy oongh, siuotlierlug, dropsy or Heart dltense to try Ur, Miles' uneaualed New Heart Cure. be'ote It Is ujo IuU. it hss too largeat sale of tiny Hiiiiuur itfuiHuy, riuo UOOK 01 IMtlimo nlalsfree. Dr. MIW llwtoratlve Nervine Is unsurpassed for 11 eeplessueMi, iieadaohe, fits, The qnly real pure Vfjgetalile bl . il purWer know n which ouro akin dSeeset-. , , ma, tetter, tdt rllMKm Italia l'lt.'a unfl ..1 . CAhHUU t.Mlirul.rla nit 0 i ,i. J,D" m.'1'Jiuuim,, luoercuious orsiie- I clflc blood Mint, hereditary or acquhed. No lain' I eral, nolallures, no rt lapses. The 3 oap that Cleans Most is Lenox. Ice Cream Festival Under tho auspices of Use BR 1 "Uw Ljl" a nig V HI II 'I 'I IIOBBINS' Ol'EHA HOUSE, SHENANDOAH, PA, Wednesday, Aug. 5, '91. TICKETS, - 10 0HNT8. Good for a plate of cream. New Saloon and Restaurant Newly Painted, Papered and llerovated. No. 115 RAST CBKTKB BTIIKI5T, Three doors abovo Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Ilnskev would Inform his many friends and the public that lie will cater to their wants in mo same nrsi-ciuss siyio tutu nv mus uuuo In iIih tiMhl.. Nniio btitihe best brands of for elgn and domestic wine", liquors nnd cigars will be kept lu stock, unoico lempeiance drinks. Fine old slock ale The eating bar is supplied with everything in the eutlni; lino served In the best style. Meals neivcdat til hours. Flue private rooms attached. -JUST OUT- The "HEW BROADWAY" RANGE It beats every thing in the market, and the price Is just right to suit the times. It will pay you to come and see It. I am prepared to do the following at the prices quoted: Tin rooting per footaud up Tin roof painting Vio " " Tin conductor 12o " " Tin hauglng cuttor !2o " " Galvanized clilm ocy staok 20n per pound Itepalrs for all sto es a special ly. M. B. PRATT, 0 3m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah BIG ATTRACTIONS AT Duncan & Waiclley's. Our goods always attract the eye, our prices always stilt the purse. In faucy good& we have some of tho latest importations of Vases and Artistic Pottery. Our 5 uud 10o counters al ways bright with new goods. As tho fruit season is at hand we wish to call your attention to the tact that we are head quarters for Jars, Jelly Cups, Crocks, &o. I5ig values iu table cutlery. Duncan & Waidley,- No. 8 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa WM, IE mini mi Your trade is what we waiit. This is how wo propose to get it. By Helling you a first class article; by selling you for less than others; by selllug you furniture, an organ, a piano, a sewing machine or anything else In the line of household goods. Wo have a large and va ried stock to select from, No trouble to show goods. Call, examine aud be convinced, 4 d 3 H d ft THE OLD RELIABLE, J. P. Williams & Bro. South main St., S IK E 2ST.AISriD O PSY .yo ant fl mftrv Uioumii ( C irt .aiierw t(,n wu -s. tun kh 1 the 1 1 st iilij iiino Vt . Urn il!Pje ytuil' a inpljl U' nnl In fn h, nt ic-( two thrrr1- Vf imo.iiK ..rc t in .vcti S ti f ( HFF BOOK'' ' ."'rj.-- TEH Divs v:r"'ra HiFEyV""'; . .' JJ IILJ HI 1 Ull 1 U riR WANTS, Sec. GIIIL WANTI3D.-A good ex pcrlenced girl wanted for general house work, Nootberneed antilr. Caltn.tIlKitAT.Ti onice East Coal street. 7-3-tf T?OH SALE. Sevornl very deslra- lo. An- X hie properties. Tenon reasonable. litv to 1'lerOB Walker. .1. I. cornnr nr Vmt and Cherry streets. DESIRABLE PttOPEIlTY FOR sale. One of the most deslrablo proper ties oc West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at ltowse's grocery store, cor oer Jardln and Oak streets, Uheiiandoah, l'a 1T,1I flln-An active reliable man Vl salary S70 to 08a monthly, with In crease, to ri-prpient in Ills owu section a re sponsible New York House, llelereuoes, MANUt-AOTDliBB, Look Box 1685, New York. T?OR SALE. A Brand uprigl , A, 11 lit JL piano, equal to new, 3 clarionet' 0, and one ti mile. Can bo bought in one lot, orseparately. Call ai MoKeone's saloon. 713 lw T70R RENT Htoro and biilldlnir now occupied by the Shenandoah Uakery Co. (or mil ufacturlne nnl retail randy business. Two floors 6 )z20 feet. Apply tj J, J. Kraney. 5-10 tf NOTICE Propof nlH will he received till July 22 id, A. I)., 1891, to 12 o'clock noon, fur the plastering of the front rooms In i lie basement of the new court house and cor rklor, nud also for the carpenter work. Plans and specifications can be seen In the Commis sioners' olllce, SAMtlEr, G. DETUIIK, JAMES J. llOWhS, ELIA3 K. 11KED, Commissioners. Attest: Joint a, Snyder, Clerk. 9-11-td CHARTER NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that an application will bo made to the Governor of l'ennylvanlaon Ihethlrd day of August, 1891, by J. M. Ullck, Moses .Mervlne, Onrlstlau EWrle. tMmou Swoyer, 7. ich iry T. Trout and J. II. Hoelman uuder the Act of Assombly entitled ".in act InniYiTliln fnr Ihn Inp.nmnriitlnn find iccula ttoii of certain corporations unproved April 29,1871," nnd Iho supp'emcnts thereto, for the chatter of an lntanded corporation to be called ''Fnltoa Water Company," the charac ter and object of which 1r tho supplying Of water for tho public at the borough of Olrard vlll", In the county or Schuylkill, and tn per sons, partnerships an 1 associations residing therein as may delre the same, nnd for thsse purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly and supplements thereto. J. 11. I UIVICIVU 1 , I3U1ICIIUI. aiBAKDViLLE, July 7, 1801. 7 7-ld TjtOH CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION James J. Frnncy. Olf SHENANDOAH. Subject to Domocratlo rules. J H POMKltOY, ' - ATIORSEIAT-LA W, itrRQ1(!il,t hulWlDf -ornflr M.m .nil Oeutlf FOB S-A-XjIS ! The undersigned, desiring t retire from bns inosa. will dlsnose of hts (.lock ol dry goods. groceries Ao., cheap Pnrchnsercan alsoiont the store room at reasonable terms The stand la a good one and lu ths hands of a live (dan can no maao pronLauic. X. . MAVIS, too Norlli Jarclin St. MO tf The Cheapest Place ! TO BOY Genls' FumisMng Goods, llositry, Etc , IB AT CHARLES : YAEOWSKY'S, 21 WeBt Centre St, Shenandoah. PUBLIO SAL3J The Old Court House! July 31, 1891, at 10 O'clock A. M. All tho personal properly belonging to tho County ol Schuymll, In the old Court Houso consisting of paitltlons, couuteri. shelving, steam heatlnn apparatus In separate parts. 1 1 in ciock ana obii m mo om uouri iiouse tower, gas fixtures, file holders, tables, chairs, etc., will bo sold on tho premises In Iho bor ough of l'otlsvllle, and also atthesan'0 time flnUTilnco the old Court House, excepting and reservl"g tho basoand also the two larfo flasa or tiat stones, one on eacn entrance 10 lue oia Court nouse. hAtlll KlJ li. iJBTUlUV, JAMES .1, HOWE3, EU&.B K. It ED, Commlsilonpr. Attest John S. bnydeb- 7-il-td -GO TO- Y' Neat, Cheap and Stylish Straw Hats from 20o to $1.50 Short Hpray Flowers fio to 1.00 Wreaths. .. .Ma to 1.75 Infants' Christening Itibo, Mo to 85 Infante' long nnd short coats...Sl,25 up to (5.50. 60,000 LADIES WEAR The SELF-SUPPORTING CORSET Why don't you wear one? NELLY BLY CAPS All Colors, nt 20 cents. M. S. SCHEIDER'S -NIJW- BI-A-IKZlEIUrT -AND- CONFECTIONERY, No, 7 Sotitli Blaln St., yiicnnitdoali Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies. QKAIIAM BUEAD A HPECIALTV. A fine line of Confectionery. Fine Ice umiii ranors atiacnoa. jaow Is the time to eh ngo yoar nude'woar Vnn njn ant it Un.i .l.n'i a nnlf nl ,m,,r Sutiimcr Uutltrwcnr nt 50 A little bet'er lor 8O0. Good Hummer Out Whirls, 2 3 to !l. Uj to 'canlaa's and get new Century Brace the best Hummer lira in the market. At Hcanlan'syou can get a good SOFT HAT for SOc. No more bother with hats that do not fit, as Mcan lan has a new ai Strsichsr for Shaping Hats to fit the head. Only two dozen more Ijeneokwear left, "eanlanwll! ssllyou cheap hats and caps, latest styles and oolors. Cheap Overalls and White Shirts. in South Main St. Attention, House Cleaners ! Thejwarm weather Is here, and house-cleaning Is the next thing in order. And at such times most everybody needs something to brighten up the home, bo If you nepd a good carpet of either Veuet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brussef, TWO OR THREE-PLY INGKAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS ! You can And a full assortment at PRICE'S. Lace Curta r.nuln iti (UU Window Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when quality is considered. No misrepresentation one price to all. 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. staaa cs&ia cssBota d ttsn We mean it in every sense of the word. We oiler y u good all-wool ' suits for less thau their value. Our light goods must go, regard'ess cf cost; so if yon want to purchase a Mca'e All-wool Cheviot t-ult for $6.50 call on us. Furnishing goods also to bo had at lo-ver pricea than yon will And them elsewhere. Wo make no boasts merely fjr advertisement, but what we advertise we will do. CaU'aud examine our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret it, M,u oJ IE "FAMOUS" ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, 1 11 IN. Main Street, Micnantloah. A. ,T. GALLAGHEE, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages nnd Bonds written. Aiarriage licenses anu legm ciuims promptly attended to. leal Estate, Collection and hsuranco Agency. General Fire Insurance Business, Represents the JXovtnwestern l.tle insuranceco. OvFiCB-Kluldoou's butldlne. corner Centro and West Bis., tihenandoah, l'a. Cood Properties of All Kinds For Sate, A two stoi y double frame dwelling house, store and restaurant, ou East Centre St. 2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre street. 3. Desirable property on corner Centro and Jardln slreots, suitable tor business pur poses. I. A two story double lrame dwelling, on Wait woyd street, Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen tra street. C Two 2storv dwellings on the corner ol coal and uuestnut Birceis more room us nna. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut street with a large warehouse at the rear. 8. Three two-story. double frame buildings corner oi iioyunuu ituuori. nueow. Tlie Photographer Is located at No. 14 North White Street. Having han his gallery greatly Improved, he la iiuwueiier prcpureu u:. .. over to meet the wauts of the pnv ) ti pphoto. graphic Hue. Tne imu r ''olo graphs at lowest i rturr. Crayon Work a Spooialty. Neiv Jilrm, JVeio Stock. Green Truck, Fine Groceries, FRUITS, &c, Delaware roe shad and o'.her fresh fish right from the boats on frldays. Fresh Qreens from the bouth. Evan's Building, E. Centre St. (J. a, rrtfila m' old stand) Everything new and "resh. Goods delivered to any part of town. R. C. KNIGHT & SON. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ol Hats, Caps and Dents' Furnishing Goods nnd maltes a specialty of Nellie Bly and Mary Anderson Caps, e EAST CBNTRH OUT. 1 .f&. w vfJt ."v c lIMy 1(1 in Pnlnci nl LUIUij Ul (I B3&M cAuisaJLuj 1 first National Bank THEATRR IHJXI,irMO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $ioo,ooo,oo. A. IV. Leisennng, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenrnq, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dully From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST Paid on Havings Dcposlta. W. S, SNYDER'S Boot aud Shoe Store, (Mas teller's old stand,) Corner Coal rind JardliisiM. 1 Mr. Bnyder will always keep In stock a fine line of boots and shoes. Custom Worlc and Rcpnlriiig' done In the best style, Ho guarantees to sell cheaper tlau competitors on Alain street who uve big rents to pay, and guarantees a genu, tno bargain on every purchuse. "SOHEIDER'SlAKERY, XO lSu$l Centre Street, SUVXAXDOAJr, Oread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Confectionery 1 OF AM KINDS. OlotBod. on Ou.aa.c3tfvyi3. Q M. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON, Oil TflTlfld 11 IVlllUij '2 '