8 SHENANDOAH Is thalieall centre of the Schuylkill, coal region, thirteen miles from ' the county seat. 'It Ip oivtho ,ltne of the Phllndelphla and " ""' v Rendiiig.Penusylvaiilnand Lehigh Valley railroads, thtls ottering excellent facilities for travel. Not quite 1 hours ride from theoity QflUtlhutelphla lvdiiiiniJSoA iiorougusj It possesses the gretiteBt In ducements for the 16cntlon of factories, mills, &c Ux cellent water supply, fuel plen tiful and cheuper than any where elso. Educational ad vantages unsurpassed, l'tire air, pure water, electrlo lights, &e., &o. A ailing All llouuil. "Are you being waited onf" asked tht floor walker, politely, after tiio man had beenstandlngat thooounter for about three rirmra. "No, but I'm otdy waiting fdr my wife" "Tho Indies will delay when they go shop- Dine." "Oh, she's tlono shopping ttours ago; J think she's waiting for her change." Philadelphia Times. To Ho Kxpccteil. Tho conversation turned on blind poopla who had been cured after long years oi I darkness. "W en, voiunrecreu jouos, i once oau an aunt who remained sightless until the advanced ago of 77." "And then?" asked some one. "Why, then she died," replied Jones simply. Judge. Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE OP THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy lenown to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Ilil'ous or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHIHQ 81.EFP, HEALTH unci STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Everjr one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOn MANUFACTURED ONLY DY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAl. tOUISVIUE. Ki NEW YORK. N. f. John R. Coye, Attorney-at-Law ' AND Real Estate Agent, OFFICE BurmALL's Bun-niNO, Cor. Main and Centre Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA. PROPERTY FOR SALE: a A two and, one-half- story double frame dwelling house, with store-room and res taurant. Located on Kast Centre street. li A valuable properly located on South Jar- dln street. 3-yeven dwelling houses at the corner of Gil bert ond Lloyd streets. Good Investment. Terms reasonable. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1873. W. Baker & Co.-s from which the excess ot oil has been removed, Is Absolutely JPure audit is Soluble, No Chemicals tiro used In Its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and Is tlioroforo far moro economical, costing less than one cent a cuj. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for Invalids as well as for persons In health, Sold by Orocors ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester! Mass. WITCHES OF VIRGINIA. QUEENS OF OIIOST-I.ANO HAUNT THE MOUNTAINS. QRtTESCjM'e LEQfeNDS bF AULEQHANIES. THE Tlie SlrniiKc l'otvor of Sully FrMdlr Un. Itolniul mill Ann Hole! tllJtoiIini Eluihi1cs or Witch craft Many of the superstitions of the old colonial times Btlll survive in tho moun tains of Virginia. I do not refer to the Voudoo worship of the coldred people, Initio tho beliefs tttat are common nmoiitr the white folks of the region. Here among the Allcghanles, "witch craft celebrates pale Hecate's offer ings." and within easy reaching dis tance of Flncastle thcro are a. num ber of withered hags, who loss SAI.I.Y miDDLY. thnn n. century afro would have been Irarnetl at the strike for tho black arts they aro supposed to practice. They are reputed to be witches. At least two of these women belonged to flue fnmlllos in the long Ago, and wore noted for their beauty and jewels. In the olden times witchcraft was not con fined to the Puritans of New England. Princess Anno Court IIou.se, a little village southeast , of Richmond, Va., witnessed the ducking of Uracc Sher wood in tho waters ofLynnhaven bay for witchcraft. Tho bollef in witchos has never diod out in tho vicinity. Rally Friddly, living on Potts' Creek, Alleghany county, furnishes her neigh borhood with a striking story. Sally Frlddly keeps behind her closet door a tow linen towel. It has hung there for forty years, all told. isow, when Sally irluclly wants a neighbor's cow to yield to her own milk pail, she puts into said pall a silver dol lar. Then she goes to tho tow linen towel and repeats some such jargon as tins: "The milk for her, The cream for mo. Saw, Itrownle, saw." That a woman of this kind has a strange influence over her fellow-men, ignorant, unlettered, undisciplined though they be, cannot bo denied any more thnn it ean bo explained. She grows up with tho power. She makes prophecies and they aro verified. Ann Hotel, formerly Ann Croft, has been a famous character in tho coun try for thirty years. Sho is still a young woman. Sho professes to have powers instilled In her since birth by a witch mother. Sho has epileptic fits, talks with a drawl and a nasal whiuo, and emphasizes her words in a peculiar manner. She was a caspcr's daughter, botn in that country Uotctourt and as a girl worked in tho family of one very re spectable, if not learned, old gentle man Jloore by name. Tho substan tial, unpainted old Dutch house filled with curious old books and furniture, among which were German black let ter volumes and a valuable hall clock with chimes, proved a tempting .homo t6 the house girl, Annie Croft. So, in the hope of retaining it during her natural life, sho bowitehed Mrs. Moore so tho story goes and in a very short time married tho gray old man, then about 00 years of ago. She was then about 19. Her fame as a for tune teller and witch was then wonder ful. Her enemies said that she in flicted tho troubles sho foretold; her friends that sho was a surprising medium through which tho future re vealed itself. Hut1 she seems to bo a real oracle for a certain class, who seek her when ever they lose an article, and sho in variably discovers it for them. A poor man lost his Coat. He could illy afford such a loss, for ho had no other, and when fall came and he felt tho need of It, ho walked a few miles to hear what Ann could toll him about it. "It hangs in a dark place, upon a knife stuck in the wall," sho read from her wonderful book. Upon renewed search It was found at the hout.0 of his sister-in-law, and suro ANN HOTEL. enough it hung upon the butcher knife behind tho closet door. Tho sister-in-law had left it thore when sho wont from homo tho spring before. When sho tolls a fortune she begins by turning the book in her hands three or four tlmos, and opens it at random. She then gazes with a burning in tensity, whllo tho veins swell in her temples and her eyes 'become inflamed and tearful. Her mouth twitches, and very slowly sho chants her wonderful message. Having long jnado her a study, sines rlighcst of all in Leavening Power. Powder ABSOLUTEOf PTOE ' early childhood, T have never had tin opportunity of looking Into that book. I uin under the impression that it in a Bnbbath school edition of some Ameri can tract work or a condensed form of Baxter's "Saints' ltest." She professes to read Ijctween thu llneH, and violently onpoies uny one opening the Iwok. Whatever it is it In spires some wonuertul revelations about simple folk. Her huhbnnd died nfter a few years, and, by some quirk in tho settlement, she lost all the Sroperty. She declared her dead lmsr and told her, through the powers sho possessed, to dispose of It. "He came every night," she told mo, "and said he could not rest In his grave until every book and stick of furriltnro was gone." So tho grand old books were given away some were burned. The be.ui tlf ul clock that had chlnwd out its notes In tho "fadcrlann" and in the old man- blon for more than a century was sold for a S5 greenback! And then the court came in for a turn, and Ann lost the weather-beaton house. Hut she did not mount a homeless widow long. She found and married a, tramp Frenchman, Eugene Hotel, who threatens to return to an nmablo veuve In Franco every time he gets mr.d with her. She claims to call up the dead in spirit form. Upon one occasion, she and the desplsablo man, her husband, wererefusedorttertnlnment at a coun try house. Sho ropaired to the little church near the. house, and held an orgy all night long, which was wit nessed by the terrified inmates of the house, they declaring that the graves yawned and the night was peopled with ghosts. They were only too glad to have her at breakfast smiling her banoful smile,- and appeased! Ann lives now about four miles from Fin oastle, and she vibits the villago every bummer. If not a welcome visitor, she is a humored ono, and is usually paid for the guesses she makes and which few really like to listen to, so near the truth aro they. Mrs. itoiand, connected with very re spectable people, and now old and feeble, has been forbears considered a witch. Ignorant persons bo consider her. tor vers she lived in an ugly house on Main street alone; and yet sho talked incessantly to long departed friends. Sho has been wealthy, and her people aro able to keep her out of tho poorhouse, yet it is said she who once robed in bilk and jewels will die in the county almshouse. She has suffered, sho is a disappointed, childless, helpless old woman; and tho strange magnetism which in tho days oi her youth and beauty, brought to her feet, lovers, husband, friends and admirers is now exerted in putting evil spellsujion people; in cursing them with all manner of blasphemies, and every ferson who knows her fears and shuns ler. It is said she quarrels as fiercely with tho ghosts of her mother and sister upon their frequent vibits as sho ever quarreled with them in the flesh. A littlo boy told mo that when he built fires for Mrs. Roland a few years ago, bho told him to "Sot a chair quick for Lucy," upon ono occasion." When ho did &o he heard distinctly tho rustle of a silk drebs, and Mrs. Holand directing her eyes to tho ap parently vacant chair, bet up buch a MRS. IlOLANn. querulous scolding of Lucy's ghost as to frighten him nearly to death. "Stay in Purgatory," she said, "or else you'll have all those silk dresses so creased and glazed that they won't do for Housoman's rag bagl Yon only come back to hear yourself rustlo in silk, you proud huzzy; and Satan can havo no revenge, because you burnt yoursolf up hero!" "A great many tlmos," said tho child, "would sho thus recoivo her ghostly visitors. Sometimes thoy would come to look over tho family jewols, and then thoro'd bo a grout fuss, because cortain of Mrs. 11. 's rolatives robbed hor, and sho acquainted Luoy with the fact. Onco Lucy slapped the witch's jaws, tho sound of which tho boy hoard dis tinctly; and tho red print of a hand showed plainly on tho pallid old cheek. Lucy was actually burned alive in that ugly old square house. Sho was burned in her kitchen flroplaco, and only one shoe, inside of which was a foot, proved that flesh, blood and bono had perished there in tho pile of ashes on tho hearth. Tho kitchen is now the abodo of lights and shades, and elnco the witch has been unable to hiro a cook or command one by witch-power, Bhe has left it wholly to these uncanny occupants, and thcro tho villago folk are willing they shallremaln. Dr. Gmsvenor's IffittEl a- I B ' Deu-cap-sic ahHuutrtrtUtf PLASTER. jrvut ' 1 Vmred a( on CO. VfMittfn toi wia by vU DruggUU. I -1T1-rw---rn1-, ,,,...- IMtta U. Sv Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, ELOPED FROM CHAUTAUQUA, AN 1KCIDKNT THAT HAS RXCITUD THE St'JIMElt SCI 1001.. Uliantauqtia, N. Y., July 15i Charles "Wadswoith came Irom Huntingdon, Pa., a short tlmt- ago to spend the sum mer here. He had burled liis young wife about six months ago and Intended, a far as possible, to forget lilt, grief lu the various lines of study and recreation that Clmutauo.ua olleis, 1 .Nollle Parker, also n somewhat tnelty brunette, came here fioin I atta rnugus county, N. Y , about the 1st of July to study. She wab not very wtll off in this woild'e goods, but Was thoroughly Independent, and hence proposed to work her way through the summer scuooi ny serving 111 n uining room here, as many other girls tio, Wadsworth camo to the same house to board, met the cltl, and was coniplttely captivated with her. Last Suuday moinlng AVadsvioith and Miss Nellie were missing. Later it was learned that they had crossed the lake iun row boat and eloped to Jamestown, whero thev were suliet fluently married. ' ' Of course, everybody wishes them well, tor it Is a good omen to be the Hint married at Clinutnuqua on the opening of tho assembly. Several other prospective murried couples feel vtry blue over the fact that they are not 111 it" tins year. NOTHING LIKE ITI Blood is thicker than water, ftnd must be kept pure to Insure good health. Swift's Spkcipio Is natures romoAf for this purpose. It nevor to falls eltmuate tho impel tics and build up tho general hen'.Ufc. There is only ono Swift's Spociflo, and thero is nothing HVo It. Bo sure and get the genuine. Treatlso on Blood and Skin IMscsmi mailed free. Tho Swift Spociflo Co., Atlaxta, Oa Or tlie Liquor llnlilt, I'mltli oly I'urcu uy auMiiiiimpriiii; nr. liuiui'ft' CVoIi!-n Strlllc. It ! manufactured a a rjowder. which enn ha crtven In a glaaB of beer, a oup of oolfoo or tea, or In tood. without tne knowledge ot ine pettont. It la absolutely harmless, and will eueot a permanent and speed; eure. whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcobolio wreo'c. It has been given In thousands cf oases, and In e-ery Instance a perfect cure has fol lowed. It never Full. The B7stem once ltnprctna dwlth the Bpeoiflo.lt beoomeu an utter impossibility so page dook 01 particulars ireo. u'o be had rw C. H, HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shcnacdouli PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. SCIICTLKILI. IUViaiON. and alter Nov. SI, 1890, traim wdl leu tihtnunilonh at follows: for WlgKau, Ollberlou, rTucKvllle, Nev Csttlo, 8t. ClAlr, and wuy polutu, H.W, 8.10 a m and 4.15 p in, Brmdays, 600, U.40 a m and 3.10 p in. Kor l'ottsvillo, tt.OU, H.1U a m and 4. IS p m. Sundays, COO, 8.40a m and 3.10 n m, for Xteudlng, 6.00, U.10 a ru and 4.15 pm, Sundayu, COO, 9.40 a. in, and 3.10 p m. Kor Fottstown, Plioenixville, jNorclstowt and Pnlladeliihla (Broad street statloui. e.U). ?.1Q ana. and 4.15 p m week days Mondays, cue, Mamiiaupm Trains leave FrocKvllie lor Hnenandoah at 10.40 am and 12.14, 7.2,10,09p m, Hundays, 11,13 a m and 6.40 pm, Leave Foitavllle lor Bhenandoab, 10,15 anil 11.48. a 13 7.15. 0.12 p in. (Sundays. 10.40 a m 5.15 p m. Licave x-riiinuflinuia iiiroaa street lauoni for l'ottsvillo and Bheuimdoah. n ir 3.10, 4.10 and 7,00 p m week days, Sunday 9.23 am and 1.10 p. m. tot w xorK, a.aj, 4,tio, .4U, o.x, u.go, 7.", B.308.8O, J.M, ll.00andll.15am, 12.00 uoon nim Ited eirrehfl, 1.08 and 4.50 I m.) 12.44, 1.40, 2.30 3.20. 4, 5, 60.30, 6.50 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p m, 13.nl nlent. On Hundays, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 5.35. 8.12, 9.6U, a m.tind 12.4U.8.W (limited 4.60), 5.28, 6,30, B,6C 7.13 8.12 p m and 12.01 night, for Bea Ulrt, Hprlni; Lake, Belmar, Ocean Grove, ABbury 1'uri, and Uoag llrauct 8.20, 11,15, n. ra, 4.00 p. m. week a&yr Jfor Freehold, 5.l'i p. in. week days. ttaltlmor" and WaliInglon, 8.50, 7.20,-8.81 9 10, lu.0, 1 1.18 a m, lStrimlted ezprcsB3.4) 4.41 6.D7 anf 7.40 p, m., and 12.03 night, Fc lialtlmoro nly,'X02. 4.1 1, 6 08 and liM p. m On Sundays, 8.50, 7.io. n.lOund 11,18 a. m. 4.i. 8.57,7 40 p ra, 12.03 nlghU Baltimore only 5.08 and 11.80 p ra. For Richmond and the Booth 7.20 11.18 a. ra., (Limited Kxpresa 12.85 p. m.,)12.03 niubt.weck aayu. Hundays, 7.20 a. ra,, 12.08 uight. 'Xralna leave llarrlaburg (or 1'liiEBurc and the west every day at 12.55 and 8.10 a m act1 1.00 (limited) and 3.40 p m. Way for Alloou 4.15 a m and 4.10 p m every day. for rittaburg only, 11.20 a m dally and U'.2i i in 7eek days. Leave ftuubury tor "Wllllarinport, Elmini '.'anandalgua, Itocheater, notloloand Nlagan r'alla 5.10 a m dally, and 1.48 p m week daj ; for atkluB, 6,30 p ra week days. for Jt'rleand Intermediate ponW,6.10an dolly, Kor Lock ilnven, 6.10, and 9.53 a ni itally, 1 ol and 5.S0 p. m. week daye. Fo Rtoova 6.10 u ra 1.48 and 6,80 p m week day. 1.10 a. m Hundays, DHAB, Jf. fDUU, J. 11. WOOD, lien. Man'' Ueu. I'm, a look: dhceirje!, A grand opportunity (or Joining a now eocltty, The Beoeficial Older of quilj, A fraternal society for both sexes. Pays From $200 to $5,000 ! IN BIX YEAHS. Ad 'anccs money to buy hr mea, cancels th. lnd btedness In case of disability or deatu pays slt k nnd death benefits, For Author particulars call on or address, DAMBL D2JAN, Deputy Snnreme president if. iiain tn., Buenanaoan, ra. RAINSTORMS TO ORDER, KXri.ODINQ HOMHS IN LOITY BAL LOONS. Rome, N. Y., July 16. For the past few days Oenerul It O. Dvrenforth, of Washington, D. 0)., has been on the balloon farm of Prufeecor Curl U Meyers In Frankfort, Herkimer county, a consultation with the noted bullooii- t. Professor Meyers has Invented mi apparatus by which he can resulate e rainfall by sending baiioous up ml tli the nir carrying explosive bombo, the conousirloii of which will produce1 rainfall In the most rld regions. Gen. Dyrenforth U n siici-lil olll r, sent out by the Government lo Tut e I 1 dl Ilim you want IVlaC oharge of tin- experiments tlmt wil fifth'! npnrl ton " nr nrirl lake place In the Far West In a f , 1 ,, P t 0r Pea" (iiiys. (jno iiuiidreu iinlloons, earn ten ' icci ui iiiH'iio'or, unve uei n nmuo i u snipped to Ttxns for the expirimenu. iie plan is in 1111110 uie dhiioohb u Ith one pKrt of oxygen nnd two parts hydrogen. A email ordinary cartridge connected with two wir Is placed lu ti o balloon, and the whole Is pout up. When the Ih.Ho n la solltcleutlv hliili the ci rliltln Is exploded by means of eieciruny sent uirougii the wiies, anil the two ynex unite In forclrir water. This serves as' n nucleus to precipitate me moi.mure 01 inu aimogptiere, anil rain follows. Many successful expeti nunts have 'een made in this vicinity and near Wl 1 gton, D. C. Prof. Meyers and General Dyrenforth will stort for the West In a few days, and their experiments willuenwalled with much interest. D.VNOKUOUS ll.VIt ItlXOS. Amonar the flrit of Ir. Kocli'a ,iH. nt vrfii, consumption was a j ouob (rtrl InfwU'tl from the oar-rlnKS of a deceased friend, liarbert- itch, lupus, and specific rllwaae aro often derived from ra. urusiie , towels, c. vigorous, healthy blood Is the ben. aafemiard asmlnat. nil nsntsltMi anil Cactus lllootl Cure, the one only vegetable blood puriller known. Kb rival, no mineral, no "KICKING THE BUCKET." I!liuIooliin lVoplo Lift the Old Oaken IIiKhet Willi I'cef, tint IIiiikI. The way water is raised in llindoo stau is very old and Interesting. It is one of the most ancient methods, and with the old oaken bucket has come down the ages. In this machine a long beam, weight ed nt one end, is pivoted iu u forked post and arranged to oscillate on its pivot. To tho lighter end of the beam is connected a rod which is attached at its lowor ond to a bucket, and tho weight of the henvier end of the boam is more than sufficient to lift a bucket of water. Upon tho beam is placed a plank, and nt the sides of tho plank are arranged hand-rails. The operator wallt6 forward and backward upon the beam, thus alternately adding his weight to tho lighter end of tho beam and removing it therefrom, causing tho bucket alternately to dip into tho water and lift it to tho surface, whore it is emptied by another person. In some cases these, machines aro provided with stops to give a better foothold. It is said that the operator upon tliese mnchin es becomes so oxpert that the water never ceases running in the troughs leading from the well, and still his confidence is such, notwith- THE I'ICOTAII OF IH.VDtlSTAJT. standing his apparontly dangerous position, that he laughs, slugs, smokes, and eats In this peculiar situation. This machino is peculiar to Ilimlooslau, and is known as the picotah. Ono for tlio Vliiiiiberi, Some English Inventor has devised a new method of mukinv ji-intii in lead pipe that is as effect! vo anl convenient as It Is simple. One of the ends of pipo to be jointed Is slightly reduced by driving on a hollow cono, and ..then a nut with a shaip thread Is sllp'ed on the end. l!y driving a plug into tho end of tho plpo the lead is expanded and forced into the threads of the nut, making a good male thread upon tho outside of the pipe. Tho other pipe- end is givon it left-hand thread In a similar manner, and the two ends can then be readily Joined by a right-and-loft coupling nut. POOR FOOLISH MEN I Wolff's Blacking AmscnUlmnt Der-ii Illnclt VAlliih, vhlchtutsoa Usa's boots ii week, ana on Womon'i n month. 25 Dollars worth of New Furniture for 25 tonti. HOW? By painting 25 square feet of Qui Furniture with WOUTT i RANDOLPH, FUlAdelpbla. TAKE A WOMAN'S ADVICE AND UE ' EMI , Who rules in this town ? , Depends on the question up. The lamp-chimney ques tion what sort do you break ? Whatever sort your dealer deals in. How, do you think, ho selects his chimneys ? He buys those that cost him least; he can get the regular price for them; and the faster thrv 1-it-r.nL- tlio tnnrn lir soils. Tlmf'e 1, 1 rooonc ,, ,. , giuos, luugu Uiuss, iruuspur- ent, clear, not foggy, fine, of right shape and uniform. Tell him you'll pay him a nickel more a piece, and that will cover his extra costs twice over. Tell him you don't pro pose to break any more. Try your hand at ruling. ritteburg. 0 10, a. MACsun 4 Co. CHEAP AM! .TrVrsrac. 20other styles 5-A Net WM.AVKhSA SON-M, I'll!, JUULI lil frolu by ul' ili' il. r-t. CMehsstrr' Killat Illanonil RrsnJ. ENNYR0YAL FILLS Orlfrtnitl i i ,Hr ulBr ii. I In U.-d !u "tit,.. t i 11 i, r oftWr. He i .i iiii llJtf' .-il ' J'l Fl1 ' in tn' i i i r , n ul Malt. fJ'.tioi) . 'rklnl,...!.. I . . Ask my naciitH for W. L. Doimlnn Slinrs. If not lor sale In jour plnct- nk jour Irnler lo pcihI for cntnloauc, svctiro Hie usener, nml uet ilioni lor mmi. trVAKH SO StHSTITUTE.aj FflfJ Ci tSn'C GENTLEMEN THE B EST S H O E III THE WODtD FOR THE HONEV ? It Is a si'iiinli'ss shoo, Ith no tucks or wix throad to hurt tlioft-et; inudii of the best fine calf, stllsli nnd piisr. ami f'c-ati- iv n tke nmi.- li . r thin l tmrfo tlutn in-y other manufacture! . It i-'.u.Us bund . gnwetl wliui-s costing frnniSU'ii to(t",'W, CtfL 00 I.ciiilliio llaiul-m-ucil, thcnnctcaif , ePvJs phuc evor offiTccl for t.t.KI; equals rrt'ut-h I Imported li'M1! Mblch co.t fri-m ti.uito$l;' i"r. tA OI) Iliillil-Sewcd Welt Mioi-, linn rnlf, w'Vs stylish, comfortabtn Bud durable. llielu-Ht slioc tvir oltered at this prlcut game grade as custom-made, shoes eoallnK from t-8.00 to 8.io. ffi .511 Tolleo r-ltoel l-'armers, Hulirnad Mca , aiulItterCarrlersull weirthemt hnctulf, seamless, nmuotU Inside, lieuvy threo soles, extcu-t-lou oilge. Ono pair will wear a j ear. tSQl 50 flno cttlfi no hotter 6hoe over offered at UtOmm this price; one trial vlll convince tUoso who want n shoe for comfort and serrlco. Qli and S'.OO VorltlnirinntiM shots xpthm are very strong nnd durnble. Thoso who h ,ro glvon tbem a trial will wear uoofier make. K3nlfc' r'i.00 nnd Ml. 75 school shoes are ' iSUJrO worn by the boJ every wberoj tUeysell ou their merits, oh the Increaslux sales show. P arfioR 83.0(1 llniiil-Ni-nrd hoe, lust i kaG'LMlGa lJonKola,crystylshienuaUlrcncri I Ininnr'ed shoes pontltiirf rom R1.IO to ftfMlo. liililicft' iz.ou. B'j.litl unit P1.7A saoo ror Misses are thu hest Hue Ooiigolu. stylish and durable. t'niltioti. See that W. L. Douglas' namo and price aro stamped on tho bottom of each shoe. v, i.. uuuuuau, iiroeikiun, lass. tTosopll DSaII, or. Th moat r-IUbl tx ueeeiifaj (JiclUt for lUdiituu oltetb tii SpccialDiscascs,BIoo3Poisoa T'VrFBS, hlctobti. Pimple, 8or MuullitThroit, Irritktleiia. Suild In-, JnfliitDtioiii, Kldntyi Pi .! Jir, Lol Tli Hit j, Wk bark. DTPfpU, Pile. MUnflholr, Vetknett lbilitr, rmf ttrod M ntorj n Dettj, btrlelnrn, tit dlittiti rem1 ling ttnta yoialifol erron or fiom orcrirork Old.Youne w Mlddlo Agsd don't ioffar anj loDgtr. artist rtaib, Daiparlini nt 1 hirHTtrytliliif known ! inJlnl ai argelioUnco.otitinbie knl old emci toUotitd, BQmatttr wbotaJltdrellerttontt. KrealKBiet cared in lo 10 6tj. KaropekO llospltil eirfrUnoo la Ocrmtiija Bnf ltnrl, Fraooo ftud A ait rift, m r'iflci.tM onl dlplomM proT, n't 18 ren mMlenl ''1rii"io 19,900 ouh oorarl yaarlj, ffil C nnni ba pidtoina4miliiDg dootor, wb 9XOt)jrULP oaotirui as snalakiU, kaofficdit a,u iperlanoa and ) ean Hieiraj uidt pallonta parroaneoilr cured ma I oitn After quack and rltartlntng doctor hal Qlitad tbem. Sen 4 Jo, tm ip for boo "T BUT IT and avoro rciiBioDiaisi tiaiiMiaj q'jact.1 in i lurrrioipi unvwii wi.a tbelr fats aud frauiulooi guarantee and tiinontal, lti-l? eipericoco, lhe do oot poM and tlilf actteme of rofunding money or frlttlly talk aud ilitir cheap and voriblaat drua neltbar ft which euiea Tea, Tint ar ue4 at decoy an 4 ratu.l In ruin f thouaanda of cotflillng ilatlma, Orncr Hni'Mr 'errdvronA.M ton r M c eiilng to", waaoeaiay and Saturday Kifnlu i rrcmft 10, Sun laya from I toll, fal B H if e eiilna Kcfri4tt Wtdnedajr ami Maturdaj Foil. Tin". YOUNG MAN, If you contemplate attending Conimer. I olnl Helmrtl. It. will pay you to visit (lie ' Itut'II hSTh.lt HU81. ilf.tm UM VEHH1TY before d. olding where, thOUCb VI U mnv live a tlinntnnrl rtitl,a nwnv. ItBtandH rtl tlie Lcirl nf the llstnf rnmmer. olsl ecnoola in iu clmracter a nn educational force, as a medium lor iiryilylni; tlie buslDefs cum nitswuuiry witn intiLea sra i an.iriie llant,a a means oi pIhcIdk nmblttouit young men and women on the blub roi d to Miccem, and In Uin extent, eliitHnce nnd cost in ii rtiuiiiiuent. ltioroiieniuaiAiHHi iaj., NIIOH'1'llA.M) AN1 PKAOTK'AL KNIIHH ujuiiBBi, ine Tweniy-eeveutn Aunuai Catalogue will bo mailed to any address. WILLIAMS &,R0GERS,KOCIi:,er' IMPORTANT NOTICE ! All persons arc hereby warned NOT TO FISH IN THE DAMS ! Belonging to tho Shenandoah Water Company, and all parties caught violating this notice will be Prosecuted as Trespassers. By order of THH OOMPANV. FLY M ETS tii k .' " '.',"!'..nl4o, t .in loniU. snj -(.- Im rt-tora ' r f,, trM 1" 'lj.il.. 1-2 WHY IS THE WB LB DOOCLAS u7