1, -POZt- Picnics and Outings! Sovorn, tho Grocer, is head quarters for line Cheese, Fruit mul Vnnrorn'hloS.fJnnrmd Mnni,S. , ' , Wa ricidos. unicKcrs, unites, uon- donsccl Milk, etc., suitable for picnics and excursions. Now an nnl r aliprwl Kmntflnr Rnlisnov 1 1 I 5 Alljiew 'and fresh goods. Cor.'Centre and White Streets, The Evening Herald. AI.lj Till! NI'.WS FOK ONB CUNT. Han a larger circulation In Shenandoah than nyVother piper published. Clrcu Intlon books open to all. LOOAL LUNCHEON. reaches. H Apple lauoe. ff t Olara ohowdtjr is Miitonablo. (" A big potato orop is assured,! ? I . Piouloat Uraeber's park yetrday. I The crusher ortinhod sumo more yester- day. The Ferguson theatre U undergoing re- pairs. What is being dono with tho trotting Association grounds? Country school; leichers aro looking around for appointments. The iron fenoi around tho Presbyterian church has been taken down. i The Lakeside eisteddfod is attracting more than ordinary attention. The new park of the (Columbia boys is to be on the Kingtown mountain. People who aro always wishing for some other kind of weather are getting it IhU yoar. A. Woomer and Burgess Lesig sold their span ot black horses to John Hubert? for 1400. The culvert at the Merchants' Holol lias again been lorn up and 18-inch iron pipes are to be put in. TlieKpworlli League of the M. E churoh will hold an entertainment and sociablo in their church, oornor Oak and White streets, on Friday, July 'M. "Colutnbla"otto3. Twenty-ono yours afr Just of ago. The anniversary occurred on Saturday lntt. hut oiraumitances neoeitated Ihu uostnonemontof tho celebration until to day. Tho Ornnt Cornot Html bended the members of the comptny on tlioir parade to the park this morning. Louis Liho, young and in his prime; win re is tho maldon that will havo him ? Atnonir thol 'incorporators who havo passed away aro Dr. i J. Korn, II. D. Bon and John Bernhard, Happy days tho tint yoar of thoorgm- izitlon.' (J-o-l-u-m-b-i-a, efficient first and last. The first parade how proudly tho boys marohed t Abe. Lobred, who is now in Minnesota, would Itavo enjoyed tho annivorsury to- day. T. J. Foster, now ol Scranton, is an exempt mernbor of tho company. Ed. Amour, the veteran secretary of tho company who has kept tho boolcs m such oxoellent shape for many years, onjoyed the anniversary hugely. Wonder where Is I'eto Managhan ? Ho would havo enjoyod himself to-day. How many of the "hoys" remember tho days when somo of the Gorman members took great pndo in tho fact that tlioy ho longed to "dor Olumay Ilosa Gombany ?" Completod to Doadwood. Tho llurllngton ltoute, 0., II. & Q. II. B., from Obloago, Peoria and St. Louis, 13 now completed, and dally p&ssongor trains aro I running through Lincoln, Nob,, and Cutter, 8. D to Doadwood. Also to New-1 cattle, Wyoming. Sleeping cars to Doad wood. tf Playing Cards. You oan obtain a pack; of best quality playing oards by sending! flftoon cents in postage to P. 8. Eustis, jGon'l Paw. Agl., I!., 0. & Q.U. B. Chicago, 111. If Thoy Aro Splendid. Wo mean those Cheviot suite you can KOt ut A. T. Jones' "Famou" Clothing store for fo.60. lint work dono at Uronnan's steam laundry. Kverythlnt; whlte"and spotlons. Iihm ourUin-1 a specialty. AH) work guar anteed. WALL PAPER ! A OABI.OAD JUST AUKIVKD AT M IE ID LIST'S! Blanks ..,.6ona"TO l,eoPh38 which do not use the Gilt Kmbawod 12 1 80 2o WljltlOW SI Hill 06, Sprint' roll01H..iifiO . . x o Ulilullll X Oluj 00 MOVED TO 22 East Centre St, Shenanaoah, CHA8. T. RICE'S 0LD.STAND. Oouncll Mooting. A. regular meeting of the IlorotiRh Coun "; oil will be held uu Thursday, lO'.h tntt 7:30 p. m. Entttlod to tho Boat. All aro on tit led to tliu best that their money will buy, rn ovory futnlly thould avo, Rt onca, n bottlo of tho bot (nmily remrtly, Syrup of Flg to olennte trfo sys fm when oollvo or bllii u. For sale in und ?1.0J bottles by all leading drug- iti. Coming Bvonts. July 10. loo cream festival of the Younfc l'ooplo'a Ohrlttlan Union, in tho EnRlUli Haptlst church. .lulv IMth Festival and entertainment: Robblns' opora homo, under tho auipicos .f Silver Wave Oastlo, A. 0. K. ot M. C Auk G. Ico cream fottlval, under tho auspices of tho "Y's," in Hohbins' opera houo. Alltf. Tnrt nrAnm nnr! notinb fmltval. in HobbW opera hnuie, tnder tho auspices of Oamp No. 188, 1'. 0. S. of A. G. A. R. Nows. Tlio G. A. B. boys aro having Rood timo at Wllliatnsport this wook. Gettysburg ooutinues to attract tho bays thatworo tho bluo and gray, too. Tho attle-Onld is novor without visitors, Sun days a well as week days. Posts in this region aro already agitating Grand Army day which Is to bo hold at Mt. Carmol this year. Gettysburg, which can now be roached on tho Philadelphia is Boadlng Bailroad, is a beautiful spot. It will be the altrao- tion for years to como bump Mooting. The twentieth session of tho .Mountain Grovn Camp Sleeting begins on August Oth and will close on tho 18th. Tho first day will bo given to tho temporanceoauso. The Foocnd will bo Chatauqua Day. The third will ho devoted to missionary interests and tho lltlh will be Epworth League Day. Tho rogular religious ser vices will bogln Tuesday evening, Aug. 11th, and continue to tho end of tho meet ing. In addition to tho miniitors of the District tho following will ho present Chaplain McCab, D. D. ; Bv. W. A. Spencer D. D ; ltev. 8. K. Uphatn, D. D., of Drew Thologioal Seminary, and Bev. C. A Holmes. D. D of Pittsburg, Pa. Bishop Foss is alto expected. PEAKED HEADED PEOPLE. They Tattoo Each Other Hoad. to Foot. Prom Dr. Junker, the African explorer.liad u pood oriportunity for studying the fnncios of tlio Alnnirbuttu in matters of personnl adornment, lhev, nice most other tribes visited by him, made a practice of tattooinir the breast nud bellv while leavliur the laco untouclied, The execution of the chosen patterns is in each caso n mutter ot many years, and every individual design represents an individual period in the life of tho tattooed, person. Jlen ana women alike, in common with many other tribes south of tho Welle, paint their bodies with tho dark iiiico of the irardenta auu rcuwoou pow der minified with fat. The favorites of tlio princes enjoy most ol tlioir tels uro in eoverinir tliemselves from crown to sole with the mobt varied and start- line of painted designs. A Mnuirbattu of especially fastidious tastes shows his dudlsltness most remarkably in his hair dress. With astounding- care and tho great est variety." savs Dr. Junker, "they build upon their heads these wonder ful structures most tedious and elaborate bits of work, to which, how ever, the vain young- men of the bettor classes patiently submit. rivoryliung that women ot civilized countries havo accomnlished in this nart'enlar.is far bo- hind tho marvellous for-.n-s of those hair phenomena." Tho head band, and accompaniment of tho stylo of elaborate heuddress con sists of thin black coriis wountl tightly nround the forehead from tlio base ol tho nose to a line three or four Inches above, and made fast to tho back of the head. Tho head bands, as well ns the huirdrcss of a Jlangbattu remains un- A MANGllATTH DUnE. disturbed usually for weeks In suo- oetBton. The hands are put on the heads of unweancd ohildren, and have a por- coptiblo effect on the development of the Ricuu. nr. junuur saw many Mnntrbattu children whoso heads had thus been rendered peaked to the ex tent of extremo doformity. "iixperionco snows, However, says Dr. Junker, "that such artificial mal formations of tho skull do not nffeet the mental faculties so long as the top of the skull, and with it the brain, is allowed to develop unhanded in some one direction. The Manp;battu tribes prove tho truth of this assertion, for thoy stand without doubt on a much hiL'lier plane of Hfo than many other Tho Secret of Succoss. fl II If uarAnliliAtt tlln ilriKrolBl hallataa tltol 'uefcrt","uooe ', perseverance. There fore he reiUU In Iteuptng the tin. st lloi-of ! 1 perrumories, tou-t urnoies. nosM.etics, drugs kuii uu.iuiwi.uii 111. Hmiii.L, nn ntjjwia if Invite all naraons who have nnlnll-itlon. short breath, woafe or hungry spells, puln lu uaa or suoui'ier, oppru-niun, iiigiitiiiHi-.-, a 01 ugtl, smoinerlug, uropsy or t, it (llMMoe to try Dr. Miles uiieUMlud New II, art I'm-e, be'oie It lb t.iu lute, it has t'.o laiestmik-ol any similar rerm-ay. r tue uook orte-oimo nlulslreu. I)i Miles' ltostoratlve Norvlni-K nnsurijasted for s copiousness, headache, 11U, I uie., huu lb uumuuia uiuuiv., Ice Cream Festival Under tlio ausplcoi of tho ROUBINS' Ol'EUA HOUSE, SHENANDOAH, PA, Wednesday, Aug. 5, '91. TiaKBTS, - lOOBNXS. Good for a plato of cream, New Saloon anil Restaurani I Newly Paided, Papcrtd and llerovated. No. 113 HAKT CBNTRB HTIII5I5T, Thfco doors above Kcndrlek House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Haske.v would In iirm his nnrv friends and the public that ho will cater to thelrwanti mitiesamo urst-ciass style that lie nas dmie In the past. None but the best brands of for t'icu aim aoraesiio wino", nnnors nna cigars will be kept In stock. Choice temperance uriuKs. r iufl oiu biock nie TliKoallUK bar Usiipplleil with everything In the outline Hue served In tho best style. Mpals setvi A at f.11 hours. Fine nrlvate rooms aiiacnea, -J"XJST OUT- The "HEW BRQAOWAV" BAHGE Itbfats everything In the market, aud the price is j list rigut u hull ine nines, 11 will pay you lo come and see It. I am prepared to do the following at the nrlued ouotod: Tin rooting do per foot and up nn ro il painting hm nn cnnau.ior izo Tin hanging cutter . 12o Ualvanlzad chimney stack 20o per pound uepairs lor nil eioves asp:ciuuy. M. TJ. PRATT, 7-OSm 331 S. Jardln SI., Shenandoah LOOK 3HEE;R,33, A grand opportunity for Joining a now society, The Beneficial Order of Equity, A fraternal society for both soxes. Pays From $200 to $5,000! IN SIX YEARS. Advancos monev to bnv hemes, cancels the Indebtedness In cao of disability or death. pays neit ana ueuiu uenerit. r oriunuer pariicmarR can on or aouress, WAmiSfc, OBAN, Deputy Sunremo I'rtsldent. Vi jn. aiain at., nueuauaoau, ra. EAGLE HOTEL t 221 W. Ccttro Street. S3:ElSrT3DODEI Foimerly kept by Mis CMivllle. Tho above iioiei is now nqii uy JOHN V. WTSEKS, Formerly of the Keystone Hotel, Qllberton nest oi accouunuu -tiuus lur Permanent and Transient Guest The bar I i Mocked with the bet brands of clgo .s, ale, beer, portt r anu liquors. KXCELLKNT FllEE LUNCH COUNTEU. A safennd infallible neu'rallzer and elmliia- Itor or Impure blood, anl u radical cure for rhcmnatlfcm, gout, and ski u diseases. Cures sneclilc poison iutt few months, aud eating ulcer in as many weens, no failures am relapses. Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa. BIG ATTRACTIONS AT Duncan & Waidloy's. Our goods always attract the eye, our prices always buR tho purse. In fancy goods we have some of the latest importations of Vases and Arlistio Pottery. Our 6 and lOo counters al ways bright with new goods. As the fruit season is at liuud we wish to call your attention to the fact that we are head quarters for Jars, Jelly Cups, Crocks, &o. Rig values in table cutlery. Duncan & Waidley, Mo. S South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa pForLOSToryAIXISa MAKHOOD, nuruiiuKBUiiiju.iuuaur.iiiLii Weskstts cf Body and Mind, tffeoU .blL.U A.tlr SiMIUOU 1.11 U.tn.d. In pun,i.na..,i.aii,i . uirr.U iikii.kh A riH I a CI UUU. Ab.ulul.lr liBl.lll. UUlia TUIfll HfcHT-.IL.flt. I..,.,. l.n t.Ktlf j Tr iU SI.U-. U4 1 r.l. f'u.lrl... W rlU lk.H lMCrlU. UuoV, ..plu.U.a ud vrwitn lasted MUd)lr -aril EKie rflCDICAL CO,, UUFFAUO.N, y WANTS. Sco. Grpcrier WANTED. A Stood ex perienced clrl wanted for nenerat house- Work. NndttiernepdnliDlv. Cnllnt Hkrat.ii ulllce Kast Coul street. 7-3 tf I7OH HALE. Severn! very tleslra . hie properties. Tonus reasonable. Ap nlv to I'lerca Walker. J. 1.. corner of West and Cherry streets. DEHIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of the most desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at Howso's grocery store, cor ner Jardlu and Oak streets, tihenandoan, l'a 1ITAN I'KD-An active reliable man- salary S70 to fIKo monthly, with in crease, 10 represent in ms own section a re sponsible New York House, Ilolerences, MANUFACTURER, Lock Box 16S5, New York I7OIl SALE. A grand upright nlano. enual to new. 8 clarionets. A. It ft C, aud one flitle. Can be bought in ono lot, or separately, Call at McKeouo s saloon, Y-i- Iff F OR RENT Btore and building Hakrr Co. (or ma ufacturlnit nn I retal candy btisluoss. Two floors 0 US) est. Auply to j. j. r rauey. o-iu 11 NOTICE Propnsnls will he received till July 22un. A. !., 18Illtto 12 o'clock noon, or tlio plastering 01 wie irom rooms in the batement of tho new court house and cor ridor, and also for tho carpenter work, flans and specifications can be seen In the Commis sioners' otllce. ,.,., HAfllUHiU u. i;ki uuiv, JAMffl J. IIOWKB, KL1AS J4 IV' KU, Commissioners. Atteeti-JoiiN 8. Rnyder, Clerk. D-ll-td CHARTER NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Riven that an application will beinadeio the Governor i f Pennsylvania on thethliddny ot AUguii, isui. "y J. im.umuk, Moses Mervlne, Oorlstlan Ebfrle, Blmon Swoyer, X icii'iry J . Troumnn j. u. noeuusu. uuder the Act of Assembly entitle 1 ' n act to provide lor ttie incorporation q icsum; tlon of certain corporations approved April 29, 1S71," and the supplements thereto, for the charter nf an Intended corporation to be .,iii.H tr,-,tt!M Wnipr i"!nmrmnv." tho charac ter aud object ol wntcn is 1110 suiipiviub wnlerrorine puuuciuine uonmguui un.,u vlll", In tho county of Schuylkill, aud to per- frons, pirtnersnips an i asoci luoo- ibmuius therein as may delro the sains, aud for these nltrmwM tn nfYaKPHK tLIlll UI1U1V nil 111V rlcbte. beneflts and privileges of said Act of Asemoiy nnasupiiiein-"" "ucio-u. 0 tnARDViLLK. July 7. lb'Jl. 7-7-ld i P OR CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION James J. Fraucy. OF SHENANDOAH. Subject to Democratic rulos. J H POMKHOY, A TTORNEt-AT'LA W. inno Bdflll'" BnlMlmr mm" win n4 Oeatri FOE SALE! Ti,nnnriiralffnMl. Hnslrlnirto retire from bus- Ines. will dispose of Ins stocli ot drj' .goods. groceries c, chcup. Purchaser can nlso ent the store room at reasonable terms Ihe stand Is a good one aud lu ihu hands of a live man can uo mauo prontauie. T. I. DAVIS, zoo Jtfortli Jardin St. (1-10 tf Tlie Cheapest Place ! TO BUY Genls' FuraisMng Goods, Hosiiry, Etc, 19 AT OHATtLES : YAROWSKY'S. 23 West Cenlro tt , Shenandoah. PUBLIC SALE The Old Court House! July 31, 1891, at 10 O'clock A. M. All the personal nroperly belonging to tho Couutyot Schoylitill, lu theold Court House miihistlnir of naitttlons. couuteri. shelvluir. steam heatluo apparatus lu separate parla, the clock and bell In tho old Court House tower, gas fixtures, file holders, tables, chairs, etc., will be i-old od tho premises in the bor oiiBU of Pottsvllle, nndtu at tho same time Ann n aee ine nia u,)urL iiouku. ucuiiu uuu I rr.aprv incf tha haseand Also the two larae llaus or nat stones, one on eiicu enintuce iu tuo oiu (jourt jiousB. KaMUKI, U. UB1U1WV, JAMES J. BOWES, El I 4.S K. 11 El), Coinuilsilotier, Atttst-JOHN B, Bnydku- 7-11-td -UO TO- KELLY'S! Neat, Cheap and Stylish Btraw Hits from 20o to 81.60 Hhort Bpray Flowers 5o to 1.00 Wreaths .20cto 1.75 Infants' Christening Ribo, Kc to $5 Infants' long and short ooaU...tl,2o up to S-3.60. 60,000 LADTKS WEAR Tho SELF-SUPPORTING CORSET Why don't you woar one? NEtLY BLY CAPS! All Colors, at 20 cents. M. S. SCHEIDER'S -NIJW- P3LS:E3K;- AND- CONFECTIONERY, No, xi South Main St., Slienamloati j Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies UKAUMII Bit HAD A Sl'EOIALTV. A fine line of Confectionery. Kloelce I Cream Parlors attached. Jsjow Is the time to ch mgo y.j.ir unde-wear. AUUUdU UVb OUIULUQ'H ft BUI10I SuiUiuur Underwear nt 50c A little bet'er lor 8O0. Good Summer Ou'lng HhlrtK, 2ioto SI. Ooto canUa'n midget tho newUeutury Uraoo-tha best Hummer Uraoe in tlio mar net. At Ucanlan'syou can get a good SOFT HAT for 50c. No more bother I with hats that do not fit, as Hcan lan lini a new to (It the Lend. Only two dozen moro 2.3ouooltwear Iort. wcanlan will sjllyou cheap hats and caps, latest stylos and colors. Cheap Overalls and White Bblrls, 29 Noutlt MCiln St. Tetcher for Shaping Hats Attention, Honse Cleaners lg Thejwarm weather inhere, aud house-clea"lug Is the next thing in order. Anil at Btieh times most everybody needs something to brighten up the home, mo if you net-il a g)od cirpet of either Velvet t Moquett, Body TWO OR TJSIlIJE.prrY INGRAIN) HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS You can find a full assortment at PRICE'S. Laco Girta am l III I I (1 III Window Shinies, Floor and Table Oilcloths and Tilnnletims of all grades. Prices cannot bo beaten when quality is considered. No misrepresentation one prlco to all. , J. PRICES'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. We mean It in overy sense of the word. We oiler you good all-wool suits for less than their value. Our light goods must go, reg ird 'ees t f cost; so If you want to purchase a Men's Ail-wool Cheviot buit for $6.50 call on us. Furnishing goods also to bo had at lover prices than you will find them elsewhere. We make no boasts merely for advertisement, but what we advertise we will do. Cnlljand examine our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret It, mriTi ,9 ATTr AT U am 7.1 N. Main Street, A hen and oa Ii. A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written, aiarriago licenses ana legal claims promptly attended to. Real Estate, Collection and Iusarance Agency. Qeueral Fire Insurance Business, Represent b tue jNortnwestcrn 1,110 insurance i'o. OKFicis-Muldooii'n building, corner Centre and West Bib., Bhenaudoah, l'a. Cood Properties of All Kinds For Sale, 1. A two stoiy double frame dwelling bouse, s'.oienud restaurant, on Kast Centre Bt. 2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre street. 3. Desirable property od corner Centre and juraiu streets, suiiauie lor uusiuess pur poses. A two story double irame dwelling, on Weit Llovd street. 5. Two 2-story frame dwellings on Weet Cen tre street. 0. Two 2 story dwellings on the corner ol coal ana Chestnut streets more room in one. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut stroet with a large warehouso at the rear. 8. Three two-story double frame buildings corner 01 ijioya ana miuen stieets. The Photographer Is located at No. 14 North White Street. Having ban his gallery greatly Improved, he is imwuetier prepareii ia., ever to meet tho wants of I ho pu..' i t photo graphla Hue. The '-" sialo graphs at lowest i.n.ir. Crayon Worli a Specialty New Jilrm. New Stock Green Truck", Fiao Groceries, FRUITS, be. Delaware roe shod and other fresh fish right from the boats on I'rldays. Fresh Greens from the Bouth. Evan's Building, E. Centre St. U.S. WUUa ni' old ttanil) Everything new and iresh. Goods delivered to any port of town, R. C. KNIGHT & SOW. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ol Hats, Caps and Oents' Furnishing Goods and makes u specialty of Nellie IJly and Mary Andorson Caps, o bast aaaasxTrtB st. DABB, or Tapestry Brusse, I) m n 2B Polos all Kinds IllfllJ CLOTHIER 11- 7 TIIIi.miF, nVILOING, SHENANDOAH, PENNAJ Capital, $100,000.00. .. Ml A. W. Leisenring, Pres., . P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. Ii. Leiscnnnq, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' 't Cashier- Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER GENT. INTEREff Inlcl on Savings DcpoHltHi; i ' W. S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Stoifi (Masteller's old stand,) Corner Coal aucl JitiaiuJfjtH. ilr. Snyder wilt always keep Jn stock a flnrl neof boots Htiil Hlirw. . ia line of boots und shoes Custom Worlc and Rcpniri dOne in the hfiSt StvlA. riA rT,iamntaaa cheaper thin competitors on Main stree' have big rents to pay. and guarantees a i,v uuigmu uu every purcuase. "SHMESBAKEK HO Vast Centre Street, SlIlllfAXV 'VI Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Coafcclionei OF ALL KINDS, Olonod on raxTJLXCtrvy)1 Q. M. HAMILTON, M. V., l" PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pirst National mm 1 amot-29; Wtst Lloyd Hlreel, Bhcnondcafl Ike