The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 14, 1891, Image 3

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Ib the hend centre of Uie Boliuylklll.
coal region, thirteen miles from
' the' county seat. It Is on llio
line of the Philadelphia ntld
Irclilqh Valley railroads,
thus oflt-riug oSfcelleut
fflcillllos for travel.
Not quite 4 hours
It poseosecsthe greatest In
ducements for the location
of faotorh s, mills, &c. Ex
cellent water supply, fuel plen
tiful and cheaper than any
where eleo. Educational ad
vantages unsurpassed. Turo nlr,
pure water, electric lights, iStc, &c.
Memiouiine, July 14. The henvy,
Incessant rains which have been pre
vailing here for sbino time past havo
caueed a serious overllow of the Yarra
The streets of this city have been
Inundatid by the overflow, which has
not been equalled since 1S03. All tho
railroads are blocked, nut I many of the
streets In the suburbs are entirely sub
merged. Thousands of people are homeless,
and (he misery resulting from tho in
undation is already widespread.
Presents in the most elegant form
op Tim
' Combined vith the medicinal
t virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
' aud effective laxative tu perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is the most cicelltnt remedy known to
When one is Ihlious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
) delighted with it.
W. Baker & Co.'s
from 'which tho excess of
oil has been removed, is
Absolutely JPuro
and it is Soluble.
Nn r.hpminak
-s - I I W I I V - W
Ljiriscd in its preparation. It has
a -rfl llimi tjm Unit, lha airemrttl, rf
f ocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
Ht Sugar, and Is thcreforo far moro
economical, costing less than one cent
a cup. It Is delicious, nourishing,
?ircngllicning, easily dioested,
pd admirably adapted for invalids
,n3 well as for persons in health.
Sold bv Crocors ovorvwhoro.
TV. BAKER & CO., Dorchester. Mass.
John R. Coyle,
AND -!
Real Estate Agent,
r. Main and Centre Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA.
jA two and one-half story double frame
t felling House, Wliu more-room uuure
I j-ant. Located on Kost Centre street.
valuable property located on South Jar-
dm street.
-Beven dwelling houses at the cornor of Gil
bert and Lloyd streets. Good lnveetment.
Terms reasonable.
It XV n Clrentl)- Hastened liy Cigarette
James Fogarty, who died of con
sumption recently, was a slave to tho
cigarette habit. There can bo but lit
tle doubt but that the habit luistened
his death. A companion of his writes:
"Ho wis, without exception, the
worst citfiirotto fiend I ever met.
I'ogarty knew It, and tried to break oft
the habit, but without success. Ills
system was impregnated with nleotino
and drugs used in tlie manufacture of
tho paper pipes, and when sickness
came along uie poor leiiow s constitu
tion was not strong enough to overcome
tho attack."
Fogarty wns a clover fellow, and ho
leaves behind an urmy of friends who
mourn his early death. As an out
fielder, he stood in a class all by him
self. He was tho peer of any of tho
stars, and he pluycd ball with a vim
and dash that were refreshing. Some
of ids brilliant plays on the ball field
will live for years in tho memory of
the patrons of the game. John Ward
echoed tho sentiment of the authorities
when he remarked that Fogarty was
tho greatest of all out-flelders. Tho
roinalns were embalmed nnd sent to
California, his home. Handsome iloral
tributes wero donated by different
A Wonderful Itltlo Shot.
Washington has a wonder In tho
shape of a bicycle rider. Ho is Prof.
John I.arls. Laris was raised on a
cycle as tho saying goes. A few years
ago ho introduced somo tricks, which
of lato havo made him famous. Ono of
these is ride and pistol shooting while
in motion. Ho can break a ball every
tlmo with a rifle. Ho has a standing
challenge to tho world.
It Is I'osnlnlo That Ono Will lio Held
nt Chicago In '03.
Jtlchard K. Fox has received several
communications from prominent oars
men asking him to put up a purso for
an International Exposition Kegatta
to bo held In conjunction with tho
world's fair at Chicago in 18'J3.
In an Interview about tho subject Mr.
Fox said: "If I wus certain that tho
best oarsmen in England, Australia,
Canada and the United States would
row, I would arrange a regatta that
would eclipse the International Cen
tennial regatta held on the Schuylkill
river at Philadelphia, in 1870. An in
ternational singlo scull race would not
attract half tho Interest unless James
Stansbnry, Peter Kemp, and John Mc
Lean, of Australia, consented to meas
ure spruces with Wm, O'Connor, tho
champion; John'feemcr, Jako Gaudaur
and Edward Hanten. A single-scull
International raco would only last two
days, because ths trial heats could bo
decided one day, and the final tho next.
The plnn I am thinking over, and I
shall wait to hear from tho oarsmen in
this country and Australia before I de
cide upon a program, Is to give a purso
for an international singlo, double and
four-oared raco for the championship
of the world. This would not only
make a very attractive program, but it
would groatly assist to boom up, not
only single-scull professional racing,
but double and four-oared racing. At
nrosent I think the "Polico Uazotto"
International World's Fair ltcgatta, to
be held iu Chicago in 1893, is almost a
certninty, for all the home oarsmen are
ready , and it Is posslblo Komp and Stans
bury, tho Aubtrollun champion, and
also Nollson and Mattersou may decide
to enter."
1'iiSlIIMle. l'oliitcra.
George Lolllanche, tho Marino,
knocked out Ed Uonnan In threo
rounds at Salt Lake City recently.
Advices from Kmrlnnd state that tho
proposed mill botweon Dick Hurge, of
Kewcadtlo, and Johnny Hobiuson, of
South Shields, has been declared off.
Jim Edmuns, the champion pugilist
of Ohio, who fought Jack Iteurdon.Lcm
McGregor, Jimmy t'arney.and Phil Mo
Hugh, while living in Cincinnati, now
resides at No. 08 Hope street, Brooklyn.
The Oranite Athlotlo Association, of
Hoboken, lias wired Jim C'arnoy, the
ex-llght weight champion of England,
that it will give n 810,000 purso for a
fight between him and Jack McAullffe.
u-mmi m J
flighest of all in Leavening Tower.
Philauklviiia, July 18. Clmrles
P. Pest, the Inventor, of Stenton av
enue, Qermautown, who has tment
many thousands of dollars In expert
men ting in all of th various plttuayet
suggested for aerial navigation, will,
In the course of a few daye, send up a
balloon, whioh is exacted to cross the
ocean. This device is the latest elloit
of Mr. Fest. It Is known as the hot
nlr principle, nnd tho inventor believes
lie mth hi ihh soi.u ine crtat nronien
of aerial navigation. Hechjeuift to the
rhs ijhiioo:) on account of tue nmittu
a Dint- it cull be kept iu eusnouslon, duo
totlieio$BOt khv. 'i mioiimicumee. it
in cluiuted. do not 01 cur Willi the hot-
nir nietlu d, but are replaced by others,
the last of which Mr. Fist has con
quered. Afttr much patient labor hchoBcon
stiuctcd mi airhcatcr, ( utllt'ly his cwn
Idea, which in light, strung and lire
prrof,tind with thrfe gallon of ga!(llue
(the 1 11 el teketid) wJll kup his exper
iniintul itlr hlilp tun) endtd iu mid air
lor thirty consecutive houre. This is
n gienler length of time than Mould I o
) ettll'le for the Impctt gr.s 1 allot 11, to
Kuniu In thesir. Thelaigir flze bal
loon Mhiih he contcmploiis making,
it is claimed, will cutlly rtnialn sus
ji( cdt d (or one month wltln ut descend
11 pti tht euith,ai)d theinvintoreaysit
is .oiiblc, 1 y Ini'uas-ir g thecizcof the
brg, to icniuln In the air s long 11
rrrird ns three nirnths.
Tl e spherical ballocn,Foou to go up,
is 22i (let In diumrter, mid h&s & rubl
cal volume of 8,f15 fitt. Thtbe
dlmcneloLt, with b dillcHiKO oi tem
pi ralure btlvtin 189 dtgreepfor Inside
and 70 oegnep J'Utude, Mill enable the
taller n to If ft 160 pi.unds. To this bap
Isnltndied Hit nlr lit liter. Itiettm
bits, eiy much, nn tJongattd Btove
pipe, and exit nils upward through the
bullet 11 to mar itt. eejuntor,und project
ing Ic'cm the l.ufcljtt into free air. All
the jteullur luiehiinitm of the fire
plate Is c ntaintd vlthin the pipe. To
aid tl'i fire, gasoline is carried froji
n convenient tank thrtugh bratspipes.
It lurnt quietly aim Milhoul dangerof
lire 01 f xploeion. Thlf M'ns the moet
difl.cult obstacle Mr. Fest had t. over
irnif, After the balloon is ii tinted urd
ici-dy for nsceution, there will be se
cukiJ to the ear a ntnibtr of postal
cards all numbered. 'Jhesewill bead-
Swift's Specific is tho great
developer, of delicate child
ren. It regulates the secre
tions; it stimulates the skin to
healthy action, and assists
nature in development.
There is no tonic for child
ren equal to
s. s. s.
Send for our treatise on Blood sad'
BIdn Diseases.
Swift Sn;ciKio Co., Atlanta, Q
Hick IleaA&ohe and relieve all the tronblea Inci
dent to abllloui Btatoof tho system, auob aa
Dlzzlsess, N&usea. Drowslnssa, Dlstresa aftee
citing. 1'ala la tho Siacio. NVhlln tuelr racsj
coulubla Enccoss his bocn ehowa In curtoa j
tSuSAAo, ytt Carter's Uttlo tlTer P1IU ara
tqully valuable la ConatlpaUon, curing aud pro
Vectlsg thUannojinrt complaint, while; thoy also
tiTcranareguUtsUiebowela. Evoalf UiejonlJ
' suuer from this dlatroaslntf complaint; but fortu
nately their goodneeadood uotondherofandthosa
who once try then! will And these little pills valu
able in o many way that they will not bo wil
ling to do without them. IlutailerallBlctheaa
'la the bane of bo many lives that hero la wliero
irern&lcoourBreaiDoasi. vwi'M1clu',ll,luu
cthera do not. .
Carter's Little Liver Pills aro very email and
. tn .itVn. rinrt nr two Dllla maltoa doao.
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
purge, but by their gentle action pleiee all who
uaelhem. In viola at 25 cental five for tl. Sola
by druggie tj everywhere, or sent by mall.
Ortbe J.!nior llabll, K"ott I I'urt'u
Tf 1 mtnnfiatured tl t Dawder. which can bff flrlTAIS
tn ft gUia of boor, ft mip of eottea or tea, or In lood,
without of .he pieat ltUfttxorateiy
bArmlesa, and wiU eiTeot ft pormanent and tpeedy
r au lUooholto wreck it haa been nireu In xhouaandt
i oi caoeif, ana in every iuitcoe a perieut euro una ioi
.lowed. ItHetert'ftila. Tliyitemouc9impreffna'
ed with tbo a peo beoomea an utter ImpovalbUlljr
1 lor tb liquor appetite to xUt. ...
4a pace book ot paxtlouJara frco To be hi& t
1 C. H..HAGENBUCH, DruQoist, Shenandoah
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
dressed, so thai the finder of tl 0 curds
wllleenti mem 10 me neureHposloince,
The curds will be dropped one at a
tlmo uy nn ingenioim uielliou. Tiiey
M'lll be uttiiched to h prepared cotton
twiue. some dlstitiice aimrt. liy iiruit-
ing ono end of the twine it burns slowly,
to that every live minutes a card is
detached ami ThIIs to the earth. Uy
this plan the cnuim of the balloon on
lie ti-HOMi, ns iims been done on pre
vb'Us occasions.
Should the air ship come down In
I lie wuter a 11 'attiiu nuoy, wtill a hub;
umm ltsBumndt.willbehuiuohetl from
the crtr'alid fbmt uwoy. Within the
buoy Will be placed papers explaining
tlie clrcunimHiicest.
Mr. Fest whs born In Wurtemburg
Germuuy, Ho came to this
country hi 16W The following year
lie enlisted iu the Union ainiy. After
his cllbchnrpe in 18(18, he rem 111 ed his
business in JNew iorliasau engiaver
of pearl nnd ivory, 1 a 18 1 U lie removed
to Philadelphia, ami is now conduct
lug the aanie business on a very sue
cicsrui ecaio on J.cna street, Ueinmn
bliouldlue experlmtnt prove euc
resslul, of which the inventor has no
the least doubt, he will build a much
largt-r balloon slterwntd, and sail
aeiosn the waters to Jin roue in it
'J his, he Bays, is what he Is living for
and M'lieii tuts is aecompllpued lie will
be tatl.slhd aud (.-Ivo tho remaining
years 01 his life to his family, who
st ldom have the pleasure of enjoying
his company ft r any length of time
when he is at leinue from hisbutlius4,
M'hlch he manages neior tano&lect.
He says he lovts his hobby better
than his wife, although she is n good
and affectionate woman.
What a Prominent Physician and
Chemist says After Analysis
and Practical Test.
I)r. X J.ysier, formirly of Bellntte Jlo'pilat
jiemcat Lviivgc una i.tmy Mianu iuepe,
)iA as ottptr.v :
Ev York, October SB, WOO.
Alvas Brnzlllnu Vrccltlc Co.. flWnllUnet.
Genu: Tliefcompo tifytnr Caclne IJlood
Cuic, ivlikh I In tight fi r iiunlysls, i linvo
aulijtcttd to n very Ibomugh lot, nndenn
find not aflr.glo 1 nice or inluernlornicrcur'nl
leinrationin it M iinieir; ni a, nstimvo
nd eonslrternblo experience In UsconMltu-
tlonnl eir.ct In cerlaln dUenfcs nlrenrty
known to yi n, .1 founder It tbo fafofct liuil
bikt vtgetuble blood rurlHer 1n the maikct.
xours rtRreciiony,
I). 3.1 YbTEK, I'll Ii., M. I).
Bold at Klrlln'8 Drill: Btoic.tcrtusou House
Block, xhcnandoab.
This is tho season of the year to visit
your country friends.
Dr. Grosvcnor's
ffr.WrWty PLASTER.
Jr via pain, H w "
Ithenmat lam. nrtir&icHfi. nlpurlnvantl Inmhiurol
Igared at onco. Genuine tor tain by all DroKulBts j
ly TDtfTcrt ncr ?n.mtircdn4i.
iikiuhw i 1:1.1.1 ...RoiaDie wemi'i
rjil'lly diwrr--af- i"1,1 I" t drt lt two-tlifrdj v
I.n.momaTCiH(,H Sen'l for ITRFK Rflrttf tA
roonlal.ofinir. veil ni VQ traalnicut CBCCojr imh. U
uuloui ciirn. Itrl IlfllO n,riiHed rtltt yoo or.W
trial, MnJ ten unts In ttai'jp. in uav p."ixt mttaijmtai
lilt. ii. ii. unr.1... A nn. . I uaivi a. ti
i eraxntLxiLi. division.
On and aftrr Nov. 21, 1S0O, traim uill lta
Shemmdcuh at (ollovjt:
for Wljgan, UUborlon, Fractvllle, New
Jastle, Ut. Clair, and way poluU, B.W, 9.10
i ra and 4.15 p m.
Sundays, 0U0, .40ara and a.l0p in.
For Pottuvllle, 8.00, a m and t. IS p lu
Bnndayn. 600, 8.40 a m and S.10 p m,
yor Heading, (MX), U.lOa m and 4.15 nm.
Hcmaiiyu, buu,U.4Ua.u. and 3.10 pin.
For i'ottstown, 1'boenliville, Morrletown
ind Philadelphia (liroad street Btatlon), H.00,
I, 10 a m. and 4.15 1 m week days
tacdayn, 600, U.40 a m 3.10 p m
Trains leave Kraokvllie lor Shenandoah at
10.40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Uundays,
II. 13 a m and 5.40 p m.
Leave foiUvllle lor Shenandoah, 10,15 and
11.48, a m 7.15, V.42 p m. Uundays, 10.40 a tn
5.15 p in.
X.0UV8 Philadelphia (Broad street Btatlon),
for Pott8VllleanjBhnandoah. a lo
2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m weefc days. Bunday 9.23
a m and 1.10 P. m.
For w York, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40. 6.35, 6.60, 7.80,
8.208.30, J.50,'
lted express, l.Oti and 4.50 p m.) 12.41, 1,40, 2.30,
1.20. 4, 5, 0..0.8U, 0.60 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p m, 12.oi
On Uundays, 3.20, 4.05, 4,40, 6.35, 8.12, 8.80, 9.60,
a, zu. and 12.49, 8.20 lllmlted 4.60), 6.28, e.W).
,13 d,u p m auu i.ui uigni.
For Bea Ulrt, Bprine Lake, Uelraar,
leean Urove, Asbnry l'ark, and Long liraucb
8.20, 11,16, a. ra. 4.00 p. m. week dayr foj
Freehold. s.u . p. ni. week days.
Baltlmor" and Wasuiniiion, 3.50, 7.20, 8.31
910, ).20, 11.18a m, 12.' (limited express) 3.4t
l.ti ti.17 an' au p. in., sna ix.tu uignu ro1
aaltinore- nly 2.02, 4.ii.6H6and liO p. m
On Sunday 8,8.50, 7.2U. 9.10aad 11.1S a. m. 4.41
'.1)7, 1 40 p ra. 12.03 night, lialt'moro only
xubuhq U.9UPU1.
For ttlcnmond and tho Bonth 7.2011.18 a. ni..
Limited Kxpress 12.35 p. tt.,)12.03 n1j2ht,week
m vs. H nndavs. 7.20 a. in.. 12.03 nlebi.
fi-alns leave llarrisbunf (or lltwourc and
Lun west every day at 12.26 and 8,10 a m arid
s.iw , limited) and 8.10 p in, Way lot Altoona,
' IS a m and 4.10 l) m everv day.
For Pinsbnrg only, 11.20 a ni dally and 10.2C
ni whbk oays.
Leave Bunbnry tor 'Wllllamsport, Klmlra,
'ana udalgna, ltoohester, llunalo ana Nlngura
? ai ik &.iu a m nany, auu i,m p m wtwit aays,
Fur vutKlna. fi.80 pm week davs.
For Krle and Intermediate pelnts, 6.10 ami,
aauy, 1'or ixhjk xiaven, o.tu, una ai a ru.
lally, ni ana b.8U p. m. week nays. Fui
Henova 5.10 a ro 1.43 and 6,30 p ai week Qaya,
..loa, raBundays.
Un. Paw Au
(inn. Mnn'r
A newly discovered MINKKAIj WATEll.
mo UEeoi wiin ii win supply lmiwrtani ele
ments nee shnry to health. It will cure the
Kidneys, Liver, Btoniach, and all Bowel aud
juaauer oiseasen il win ais.oive cnieuu una
remove ihem. It removes the nrio acid tro-c
the blood and thus destroys Malaria and
l mils, it cures isngnvs aiseaRO, uuu cs
peclally recoinniended for people advanced 1
life, and for general debility. For undoubted
proofs of this send lor jiami
srlvlns' full
Water ul Uie
!0., 8t Bouth Main St., Wukcs-Bane, Pa.
He wos n bacholnr. mid he owned n
little tobacco store iu the suburbs A 1
the lubor,mnnuul ami mental, requisite
to tho cMitliiuiuice of the establish
ment, however, was done by the ox-
newsboy to whom the old eoldler lmld
$1 n veeK Hint allowed free
ee tobneco. 1
He lmtl come Into the iifinliborhooti
from tho Interior of the Htale Hlioitly ,
Kftur tlio wttr.RMl for b time there were
not teu houses within n Wook of hu
hop. The fho. in now the one Hfcht
luouirsl lilpiiilKh in h louif row of liitiul
. ? ........... i
mmiio Bnueo itiiies hi aireeis nave
en built up nroiiuii it. i
1 ho old soldier ns tl to tilt In nn an-
tl( en mm you want mac
Bin i i iir from meal to men!. beth's " oearl ton " or " nearl
"I l'urut the liHbil lii the rmy," he
would sv. "I never teclml tobuoker
tin i went to the wur." '
I'eople would look Inquiringly at IUb
em ity sleeve.
l K.t mat at uettysuurg m me
second, tlay'n light," ho would ex(ilttiu, I
He wh often netlw-lietlirr he wm '
a niemlier of the Clrmtu Arm., of the!
"N-; 'lain'i worth while, i done my
flirtitlnir" 111 '( 3 mill '(U IIikiii tltiiwi.
i don't cre nbout doin' it over gain
in tttlk. Talk'H cheei).'
This inmie f Iks Mtnllt for he wa con
tlnntlly lighting ills own buttle over
again in nonveiiation. Kvery regular
fiiMtomer had beeu made aiiinatnted
with tho partthittlieliHillnken in each
content, where lie hail stood when he
reecho I his wound, what regiment
hftd htul the honor of poiisessinK liim,
ond how iirom i tly ho hnd cullsteti
ugaiiiHt the wlhes of Ills liureute uutl
'Of course ou get a pension," many
would observe.
11c would shake his hrnd niul answer
In the mild lone of it mini consciously
repressing a pardonable prltle.
"1 never 'plied, ami us Ion;; as the
retail tobneker trade kcepi up like this
I rLckon I won't nutko no pull on tliu
uover'ineiit l rcasirrv-
And he would null at his clear
vigorously, beam upon the croup Mint
suirouiitletl ins clutir, anil start upon
one of his lone trains of reminsceuce.
lie was an ttmiatily old lellow, with
gray hair carefully combed buck Irom
ills oui ved foreiiead: a florid counte-
nituce, boyish blue eyes, pulled clucks,
a smooth chin, and a very mUltury-
IooMiil' cray moustuclie. He was
manifestly a man who ate iiinplo (Illi
nois aim limine uicestetl ttiem. tie
would kIuiicq couteutotlly downward
at it's broad, round body, aud smilingly
I didn't have (lint uirth In mv
lighting days. I got It after the war
wan over."
All who knew him admired him.
He would tell with simple frankness
how, after distinguishing himself at
Autielam,ho chose to n main a private
rattier man ItiKo tue lieutenancy that
was placed within his reach. He
would frequently t-ay:
l ain't one o' tnem mat tlilnka the
country belongs to tho soldiers because
mcy saveu it. jno, sirl ir they want
the country as n reward, whero's the
credit in savin' it?"
How could one heln cxoliilinltiir:
"What a really noble old man."
Finally some of the vouncr men who
received dully inspiration from his
autobiographical narratives arranged a
surprise for the old soldier. Thoy
pi open ted mm wmi n llnrly-rramed
picture, of tho bi t le of Gettysburg,
under which was tho inscription:
lo a True Patriot. Who Foimhtaud
Suitered Not for Self-interest or Glory
uut lor ljoveoi iiiB country."
Tula hung in his shop until the Oav
of his tleath. Then his brother came
from his native village to attend to his
burial. Tho brother stared at tlie
picture, inquired as to tho meaning of
the inscription, ami thtn laughed
lu the old soldier's trunk wat found
faded newspaper that hnd been
published in hi vlllaee In 1SG5. It
contained an account ot an accident by
which a grocer's cierK nun lost ills
arm in a threshing machine. Tho
grocer's Clerk and tho old soldier were
ono person.
He had never seen bat lie. Hut so
often had he told his war stories that
In his last days ho believed them:
Ileum Of ilttll u.,'.
A lienvv frost In tlio vicinity ot Gales-
burff has injured tliu tender vegetables
nnd irult.
Small penrl buttons nro still used to
ornament tlio first short gingham
Thrce-nuarter capes aro very popular,
and nre shown in great vuriety of
design and trimming.
Prof. Hathaway, who recently mado
a balloon ascension at uuquom, unit
was internally injured, is In a critical
condition ana will not liKOiy recover.
On a freight train near llrownstown
thrco trumns attacked a fourth, beat
him until ho was unconscious, robbed
him of a gold watch, and threw him oil
when the, train was moving at tho rate
of thirty mllos an hour. Ho wns
picked up alivo and gavo his namo as
William llaury. Tho threo tramps
were arrested and aro now in jail.
Tholtov. Dr. Phillip SchufI of New
York, Chairman of the Committee of
tho Kovision of tho Now Testament,
preached tho bacculaureato sermon to
tlie graduating class of tho Illinois In
stitution for tho Kducatlon of the Deaf
and Dumb. The sermon was libtenud
in lv n. lnrtrA nnd amiroolatlve audi
ence To tho pupils the &ermon was
criven In lsrn laniruairo by an in
terpreter. The Hev. W. II. Mtlburn,
clianlln!of the Houso of Ilopresentatlvos,
delivered tlio baooalaurenlo sermon to
tho graduating class of Jlllnols Col
lego. Tho weather crop bullotln of tho Illl
noiB UontHer serviee, co-operatlrg
with the United States Sitrnal Serviiv,
reviews tho weather throughout this
(state lor tho weel anulnir Juno 5 ivh
follows: Tho toraperaturo of tho last
weok has boon slightly abovo tlio nor
mal. At tho central ofllco tlio oxi-e
was two degrees daily. In tho
northern and a few of the
southern counties the rainfall has been
about or sliirhtlv above the
while in tho other counties from whu li
reports havo been received tho amount
oi precipitation mis ueon ociow u
sonablo averacro. The amount of fcuu'
shlno has been slightly bolow the aver-
Who rules in this town?
Depends on the question up.
The lamp-chimney ques
tion what sort do you break ?
Whatever sort your dealer
deals in,
Wrmr An vvll thinlr. lift
...... '
SClCCtS HIS cnimneVS f
He buys those that COSt him
, . ' .
least; he can get the rccuinr
price for them; and the faster
. . . . . ..ii
thpv hrpnlr tn mnr hf sells.
---" - "
That s how he reasons.
m it t . n r . .
, ,,
glass, lougn glass, transpar-
Cnt. clear, not foecrv. fine, of
. . i, .,,i ,nnf. tU
imauojjg unu uuuuuii. i uii
aim you ii pay mm a nicker
n -J' ... .
mi- u. .v-vv., auu uiaw win
COVer Ills CXtra COStS twice
t 11 i j
over. Tell him you don t pro-
p0se to break any more. Try
1 . . i.
your hand at ruling.
GEO, A. MACStta & CO.
20 other styles 5-. Nolo, !,- 'o mitall"
W'Jt. AYKUSAHoMH, I'llll. UEJ.l'ltlA.
feolu ty all di iirrn
Chlcboter'. Knxll.h HUrnand llrnn.t.
riirniti mmi only vnnlnA.
lf rir n
.JH Hti Brt'trt hi Hcd ut 'I f.
11 u lUtt
tnn ami tm'tii: om i
li (4 1 rr trn til .r
"WnHor fbj- l.a.tltf.."...
WmM. K'..ll " it,
-Hi i'.orM04 4s
t-fer.b rtora hiw.
8Wi tr l
Ami ihj utrrniH lor
V. It, I) nu ulna ShneN.
1 tlt I lit ii i? ii hIc VriUi
ii iiiii iiir unit iu
Ki NOiin for rntnlnffim. ni-hih tin
iiaeury, nml Uvt tlicin fur you.
It U ft RfaiulcM Hhoe, u itli no luck or war ttire&tl
to hurt tbo foot; mini.' ot tlie Wtt Hue calf, ulh
ami ennj and tutauw ire make vwre $9hhm or tht
aradii than unit uttu i nnnufttrtiii er. It pmiHl liantl.
ice uii isiMiiuiH' iinini-Houi'd. mo linen cair
vW ihim ex it oltt-rtMl for frVWij pqualft French
Importi-il nhtM" wiiU'h cost from $S.0ii to $Vi.VO.
CSA OO I1iiihI-cH4mI Will Mi tn-, line oalf.
Btxliih. I'ODifortntile and duralila. The iMtat
Shoo glt otftTf il at this price t santo uratte a oui-
toin-inatin siioti coHtlnK rrom to wmu.
(2 0 O INilico rthocj Faniiert. ltalIroal Mn
pJm and, Let tor Carriers alt wear them; llneaif,
BeAmlcHS, Bui'HUU limldo. heavy three solea, oxten
Bion cilito. tmo jialr will wear u year.
SO 30 Hue cult'i no better hhoe erer oirered at
tlili irteii ono trial will convluce tboM
who wain a Hum) jorcoiurori aim service.
Era v.l n nil tH'JeiM) wni'kinaiinitrH inotw
nDCSu ara verv fitrontr ami diirHlilit. Thoca who
lmo given them a trial will wear no other make,
E2fVC J S0 nml S1.?5 cchool ahoen are
OUlf 9 worn by the boys everywhere; t bey Mil
on their merits, at the tucreaHliiK iwles show.
bidCJ IvSO Duuxola, very Bt)ltln equal FreucU
Intpiirted fiboes cmtliiKfrom 84.mto 6.i.
liiulieH J..'iO, mid Si. 75 Bhoe for
MNsesare tho best line lum gol a. htllhauililurabl.
illlliun CHe i nut . u. innitfiiui- imiiiv uuu
prlco aro e tamped on the bottom of each nhoe.
Tosopli 33f3.ll,
Slaon am. ci o . la. Po
533 KP!n!?Mdeirii
Thi- limit r1Ubt od uc0fuf
i aint tor iiiliHiei otbota
tie l
I'Vri Its, hlolebe. nmrJtt, arb
Mouili.Throit, Irrltttlooi, fletia
lags. Infltnuttlobi, KWotyi
HIiJer,Lo4HTtillty, Wtik b4VcK,
bripenta. rtltt. WiUneholr,
VetkoM DetUKr. ImpilrcJ Memory n4Deer. EtrloUre,
11 dliueea reu'iinj frutu ft atbiul crrort or ft em of erwork
0Id,Young or Middle Aged "'. iuff toy longer,
or It oerUtu, no eiperUn.&t I b7e iTtrjtbtDK knoo U
nediokl Bail iflitnce.objltiikle and aid etui loileiu J,
nomktttr wbFlllrrlUf fttonoe FrtibCkiti art Ib 4
to lo dtji. lcuropttt! expcrlf not la Utrnitoy, Kne
tinl, Prae od A QitrU, i lorllflMtw tod dlpUuiM pri.
nd U rr pracilcil c rlno IS, WO CUM tartd cftfly.
CC nnri wtlbc pallto id lrerUlcidlr, b
D J.UjVlUU can prove gruttklil. kooirlodje ud
iprrtecot nl who ca thow tiiukiir pttltLU formkottiUi
cared ti I een erirr qutcki end jertUlai dseteri
ml nfd them. Sen.1 in sttmn for bank "TKUTlI" eDd IWTO
t'ltlmonlklf eittostlos qufKt sad kdrertiiloc deetore mtlh
their fiit tnd Prkudvleet gurnte and iMtlnMMtUte. tttttt
money or frlcaily tktki end tbelr chetp tad worthies dmii
neither ft whlob euL-ee reu. but art oend doooji ad tentli
loruln of thouDdi of coiifliltnf victim. Orrtcr Hov
Ierdr fromitA.M tntP M ,tenin(E Hot. Wdu4V
tnd fluunlnj Eitniuttefrome 1. Suu.Ure from t13, rot
Kerereocee WlBedejr tad bimrdu iUIe. Timt-
If you conlBmpIate
attetidltie Coiiiiuei-
1 olnl Hclitiol, It will
' 1(1 iimivsti, u ltimi.
nay jnu to Ult
H UN1VKI1HITY btlnre di clrtinir where.
thotlffh vi u xnnv lit a a thnmnntl ntllMi nvrnv.
It elands at tlio I fad el the llttol comtner
einl schools In Its chaiactor as an rducHllnnal
force, as n medium lnr Kiiiinlvluir the tiuslneM
men of the country with IraWd and rarahle
BisifciiiDis, aa a nuniiH oi pinoine amtitiious
young im-ii and woiuni nn the nigh rod to
fciicccfcs. nd tn tho extent. eWsaiife Hnd cost
ol ItK iqulpmenl. ThorouElil'OMMEIiriAl..
itjuhbks tub Tweuiy.Mventu Aucuai
(Catalogue vll he mailed to any address.
All persons aro hereby warned
Belonging to tho
Shonautloah Valor Company,
and all parties raituht violating this notice
will be
Prosecuted as Trespassers.
Dy order of
THE 003vTIA.IT"5r.