The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 14, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
jr. C. liOYVlt, Ikltlor mid J'uMhhcr,
n-ir .r. ir.irii-.v.v. 7.nonl lMtior. Ulmw nrrlvnd here Saturday morning'.
Thr MVJCXI.Va HERALD hat a larger cir
culation in Rhmantloah than any other jxijier
puhlUhnl, Jinnkt bpmlo ail.
DAitY.per rmr - .i4nn...i.W W
Wsmr.v, per year,...-
Enteral at the PofttotTloe, at Shenandoah, tA
for transmission through the mall
m mr id olas mall tnaUar.
Figures Demonstrate
larlty of the Resort.
July 15. Mahanoy Uity M. K. Sunday
July 10. Mahanoy Olty V. 51. Stindaj
July 20. Glrardvillo 1. ii. 8unda.
July 21. Gorman iooUUw of Heading
t-ilimnokin, etc.
July 23. Wm. Venn Sunday icliool.
" 21 St. .Nicholas Sunday chool.
" 27. femperanoe Hand, Shenan-
July 28. Tbe Washington Hook & Lad
dor Company, nf Malianny Olty.
July 20 Trinity It-formed Sunda:
school, of Shnnatidoah.
July 30. Young Men's Republican Chit
of Mahanoy City.
Aug. 3. English Baptist Sunday school
of Shenandoah.
Aug. 4. M. K. Sunday school of Mtth
nnoy l'lano.
Aug, 0. M. K. Sunday school, Ashlat.d
Aig. 0. Kvangolloal Sunday school ol
Mahanoy Oity.
Aug. 7. Welsh Congregational, Maha
noy City.
Auir. 8. M. E. Sunday school, Gilbor-
Aur. 10. M. K. Sunday school, Glrard
villo, and Union Sunday school, L t
Aug. 11. Welsh Baptist, Congrega
tional and Methodist, Shenandoah.
Aug. 12 Iiuthorm missionary festival
" 13. Episcopal Sunday school ol
Mahanoy Oity.
Auk. II. M. K. Sundny school of Ash
land. Aug. 15. Eistoddfod.
" 17. Lutheran Sunday school, Gi
rardvillo. Aug. 18. English Baptist Sunday school,
Mahanoy City.
Aug. 19. M. E. Sunday school of Shen
andoah. Aug. 20. Trinity Unformed Sunday
school nf Mahanoy City.
Aug. 25.--Engli3h Lutheran, Mahanoy
City. h
Shilob'a Consumption Curo.
Tills Is beyond question llio most Hue
rnHini cmnA Medlcino we have over sold,
a lew iIohos Invariably cure the woist ctbes ol
Couth, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its won
rterln' sucews In the cure of Consumption 1b
without u parallel In the history ol medicine.
Hlnco lt'a flrst discovery it been told on a
guarantee, a lest which no other medicine
can stand. Ii yon have n CourU we earnestly
ask you to try II. 1'rloe 10 renin, McintH, and
11.10. If vour LuiiBBiireioie. Chest or llaek
lame, use Blilloli'a I'orous 1'lnsttr. Hold l
O. II. Iiagonbucli
N. E. corner lluln and
Lloyd streets,
Linyugui uhs conimctou uuuui nvoui e,a
A Husband's Miatako.
Husbands too often permit wives, and par
ent? their children, to sutler from headache,
fllzzlness, neuralgia, Bletplefsness. fits, ner
vmutiMH. wiien hv tbo use of Dr. Allies
llestorntlve Nervlno such serious results
could easily be prevented. . ijruegisis eviry-
where say It gives universal satisfaction, ana
nav ai linmoiisti uiw. ituiwnunii v.v., ...
Fort Wayne. I ml.; Hnow A Co., of Hyraeiise,
11. I.i.KJ. null, lininmic, wi.v..., h.i .."u-
u edsot others say "II Is thegreiUfstsoHer
they ever know." It contains no oplulis.
Tilal boltles nnd tine book ou Nervous
Diseases, freonl c. u. Jingcnuucn s.
It is a question as to which is tbo greatest
pest, tho house fly or the mosquito.
Hooky Mountain Cure.
Tbo druggists claim that pooplo call
daily for tho now euro for constipation and
elck hoadachs, discovered by Dr. Silas
Lano whilo in tho llocky Mountains. It ie
said to bo Orogon grape root;;(a great
ji ,v r- Wnst fne Ihniin mm
romcdyin tho far VYoet tor tnosocom
plaints) combined with simple norbs, and is
made for use by pouring on boiling water
to draw out tho strength. It soils at 60
cents a package and ia called Lano'e
Family Medicine.
Tbo church-goers appreciate iliort ser
mons in tho summer soason.
Hold It to tho Light.
Tho man who tells you confidentially
UBt what will cure your cold is proscribing
Kemp's Balsam this year. In tho prep
aration of this romarkable medicine for
coughs and colds no expense is spared ti
combine only tbe best and purest ingrodi
onts Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to
tho light and look through it; notice thi
bright, clear look; then oompare with
othir remedies. Price 60a. and SI
Authority is lik ilried apples. A few
con is worth will pull a man up astonish
ingly. Oh, What a Cough.
Will you ltsed tbe wrvluT The signal per
Haps of Hie sure approach of that more ter.
rlble dlse, Oonsumptlon. Ask yourselves
If you en aflord for the sake nf saving 60
cents, to run the risk and dp nothing for It.
We know from experleneo that Mlilloh's Cure
wilicure jour Cough. It "ever alls. 'Jhls
explnins why more than a Million llotilos
wt ro sold the naat year. It relieves Croup
niidWhoppln. Cough at once. MoU'era do
iiotlltboi tlt. For J-ame Itaok, Bide or
Chest, a t Mlilloh's I'orous Plaster. Bold by
V. II. ii -wenbneli, N. E. corner Main and
Lloyd sueeU.
"K'K-b'a lymph offers as yet no absolute cure
of mo'.umptii'ii and many cases of lupus uavo
r- lapsi-J. " Lai uur ulcer, sklu tutiercle, lupus by
wbai t name known, Is ono of tho dlease3
cr nplclely under conlrol of Ihe Cactus Wood
furv a purely vegetable neutrallier and elhnhi.
at jr of all scrofulous and speclOo blood taints.
Ho mineral, uo ''allures, no rival and no relapses,
IIuntINOtoK, July 14.--KranU A.
Hobblns' limit show 1h Btnuicled in
nltv. Thn Irnlii cnrrvllll! the
mid is llkf-lv to remain Here lor n wech,
iw Klterlli Wlif-on lm (liken cimrgoo
tho tutalili-luiietit lv virtue ot ox -cu
lions mid BltHclimtnt", iitiiouiitlug t'
nwirlv $4 0n0
Mr. lliilililtm' tr llbloa 1)1 It'll! n
OrwiiHliiirR, wln-re lie was ucuiji I'eu
in Imw l.cliliifi four liom-a to I.V b
( At .idinwfowii lie wni a victim
nf nntlir h Itaclinient. and when he
nrrlvwl at this nlare the cltuiux wa
readied, mb rnnalBiLe wrier cf)usiuit,
and llimlly the Blierill, leviim upun
tie mihriulH hihI . lrciiB prnnlienmlln
Mufh RMiiuulhv is felt for the
vi ntv-ilve enitilovw of the show,
mom of whom ure without money t
get out nf town.
AdvorMs' hi ttM Hkrali.
11 wet-Hi
Men's boots
and on Woman's rt month.
25 Dollars worth of New Furniture for
25 Cents. HOW? By painting
25 square feet of Old Furniture m'th
Tho vestlbiiled compartment skeplnsoars
recently introuiicea ou 1110 uiiranu. ai. -uu
and Kansas Cltv llallway arc models ol com.
fort, oouvcnli nee and luxury. Any patron ot
the sleeping car is cnanieu, Dy tne imroaue
tlon nf 1 Uu&e c-nmnnrtment cars, to secure . tit
same privacy and . onvtulenco that he aoulf
111 mo DOSi, uoici. no oiuer una nwsi ui iui
pnttn ninn the Romnartinent cars. In adil
Linn. 1116 LraiuKnra euuiiioco w in iuu ivuuoii
open Pullman sleeper, giving passengers then
Clioiee. T.eai ing far service luuy up h
thn renulmnents 01 modern railway fcervlr
An excellent cuisine, promptly s rved amlfl
leavoHnothlngnowtobe'leslred. Any of ouj
nennlaoouteiiinluilni:alrlnlonuy purl of tin-
west or northwest cannot ) osslbly secure
better accommodations or lower rales that
by addresslug W. 1'. Cooley, General Afcent o)
llio i'asseiiger aeparimtni, ooo uiwiuuini.
I'ltiiaueipma, r.
Colorado Is a laud of sliaip contrasts, ol
hrllllaut llrhts, ol Intense sfi-di hsj a land
where heights and depths make obvious the
meaulng of tho word antithesis; a laud .where
every mood In mu. d can anil an answering
wood In nature Tho high, while minarets ol
the inountulnH, fiom whoso slender plnnucles
uoatthu wind-blown banners 01 llio snow, ap
peal Willi silent eloquence lotne louy aspira
tions of the soul: t tie soinbro chasms cleft by
Titan lorcea through gianlU-hearted bills
wlihln v hohu depths dark shadows throng
nnd swirllnir torrents dashsDeak to tho heart. I
a laueuage that thrills. Inspires nnd awes. It I
r..ll...n ...... 41. ..a (n1.1,A,
peaas ana mine gioon soi aarK cimons pre-
l ciuue liiu pieubiini. luiervniB, uie ttuuuy
meadows or (ho secluded nooks w herein the
tired mind or wearied bo ly may find pence-
ful rest nnd relnge from turmoil and toll. To
oue making a Journey In Colorado, New
Mexico or Ulnh, or taxing a transcontinental-
tour irom East 10 west, orviceverna. ineDen
ver and Ulo Qrande Kallrond ofti-ra accom
I iuxury to those of any other Hue with ihe ad.
modations equal m ekgance, convenience and
aed uttiaotiouH of ibo unrivalled scenery
along Its line, abounding in u InBgnlllecut
, opulence oi wnue penss nnu uhik cauous,
The month of No ember, lbUO, witnessed one
01 1110 mnRiiraronnui improvexneniB in ran
loud lacllitlON that 11ns vol been made in col-
fiadoand thu West. The completion of the
Hlaiidai d gauifo ol the Denver aud
Itallroad Irom Denver, Colorado, over the
mountains to Ogdou, Utah, w lilch flvo years
ago wsh deemed an lmosslbllIly, Is certainly
a trlumpli of darlug aud engineering skill.
1 he new lino Is bv ihewavol i.iiulvllle. tun
neling Teunes eo l'nss, threading the canons
of tho Fnt-leiind Urjnd Hlvers. elvlne a vle.w
ol tbe Mount of ihu Holy Cros, enroute, tak-
lnir its trains throuali (lleuwood Hnrluasand
down the Grand Klver lo Grand Junction,
ineiice to rinit iinso f-uy, ugaen ana can
Krniicl.(n- tlv tbln rnnln nnn In irlven en on.
Ipnriunlty to behold the magnlllccnce of Eagle
Hlver Canon and the marvelous tcauty and
rmir.Hun nf lha Cinnii nflh. flrnrtrl 'I'lin
overland tian Is a model In every respect.
Krom tho engine to the last llrt-class coach
everything IS bright and uow, and of the
I most elegant style of workmanship and
If any reader desires lo know more about
these stupendous works of nature, write to 8.
K. liooprr, General I'asMjnger Agent, Denver,
Colorado, and bewlll send you. Ireo ol cost.
elc-nntlv Illustrated booKB. clvliiir a full do-
scriptlou or tbo munels at tbe '-Bcenlo
Line."- Stanley Wood In the "Great Divide.'
HDlRlBll Or.
is aud will ever ho tho
Bomoay for
nnnt Tnfliinnnn. Hnokaoh.0. i
Tn4na in thn KidQ. ChOSt QnU
Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, &o
Bsfora you aesd to buy, obtain
is valuable bouki "Ouldo to HoKltli," v
endorsements of promli.ejt pbysiolsa
add huh:
310 uroadway,
Prizo medals Awarded!
111.' 11 . 1! ,.,ail r.n ml.n.
1S11UB, tKKU.I .,.uj.v.., w..v,
llnremben?. Konstuln, Loipalu,
50 Ocnt3 a bottle, For Balo 1
i. r. iciitiiTw,
iO, II. IIAOliNlll't ll,
er dnigguu
XTrotii. Simple
Tho finest in tho interior of
tho State. Only available
health and pleasure grounds
in the Anthracite region.
The natural attractions nnd mngulfl
. cent sconery of the nlaco ore un-
equalled, und n dny of recrea-
. tlon and pleasure may bo .
spent in It to advautage.
There Is good fishing and
- "- hnlliiug In the twin Inlies
Burronudlngtliegrounds. Boat .
houses will be built on the lakeside
and regattaswill be frequeut this season
For Sunday Schools, Lodges, 8cc.
The grounds aro most suitable for pic-nlcs
information, cull
ISTot to
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
MAY 10, 1891.
Passenger trains will leave Hhenandoah for
n.,n, filxmb l..lilnli(nn Ul.. 11 l.ntr.n Cnto.
ianqHn, Allenl'own. Bethlehem, Kastoti, I'hll
Hoeipniaanunow xora uto.ii,,,
mm, n.iu, d.z'j ji. tn.
For Uelvlderc, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudsburg atM7, a. m., and S.Stlp. in.
For ijanibcrtvlllo and Trentoi., D.l'j a, m
nor wnite iiaveu, t iiEes.iarre ana ruts
ton 6.17, V.W, 10.41 u. in., 3M and Gi'J p. in.
For Tunkliium jck, 10.11 a. m 3.111 and 6.26
p. m.
r or auuuiu, jiiiuuh, ueuuvu uuu uuu uyou.
10.41 n. m., and 5.'M p. ra.
ForLaceyvlllc, Towanda, Baj-ro, Wavorly,
Chicago and all points V est'at 10.11 a. m.,and
520 n m
' j,.' raira ana the West via Sialamanca at
3.10 11. m.
ror jvuacuriea, -inzieion, chockuiu, i .um
ber Yard. Weatherlv aud 1'enu Hnven Juno
tlon at 6.47, 7.40, tlM a. m.and 12.52, alU and
56 p.m.
For Jeancsvllle, Levlston and Beaver
Meadow, 7.40, 0.03 a. m. aud 5,-3 p. ru,
ForBcraulon at 6.47 O.os, 10.41a. ro. 8,10 and
6:31 p. m.
For Haile llrook. Jeddn, Drlflon nnd Free
lund at 6.47. 7.40. 8.08. 10.11 a. m.. 12.62 3.10 and
5.2G p. m.
For Uuakake at 6.47 and 9.03 a. m., and
3.10 p, m.
For Wlggans, Gilberlon and Frackvllle at
6.60andD.03a m.,and -4.10 p. ra.
For Yatesville, Mahanoy City and Delano
5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10.53 a. m.,l313.10,V28, 8.03,
Bl- and 10.27 p. m. .
For L.osi ureea, Jiraravuie ana ABniana,
. AB a KO 111 IR n m I M I III J 1ft All
It!, I .I", . U.., ..W, ...W, Vt.U, V...
3.10 and 9.11 p. m.
For uarawater, m. uieir ana roiwviuo.
7.40, 9.08, 10.B8a. m., 52,3.10, 4.10, 6.28 and K.0!
p.m. r
ror ilie jiiouuuiiu, -iuiv uuaiuu uuu
Moroa, 7.40, 9.08, 1U.M a. u.., 12, 3.10, 6.26 and
8.03 p. m.
For Haven Itun, Centralla, Mt. Carmel and
Bhamokln, 8.52, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
and 8.00 p. m.
Trains leave Bhamokln tor Bhenandoab,
7.65 11 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. tn., arriving
at Bheuandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12B. 8.10, 6.20 and
11.15 p. m.
For IxiBt Creek, Glrardvllle and Ashland,
6.50, 9.10 ll.ten.ln., 2.4i p. in.
For Darkwater. St. Clair and PottavlUe,
5.50, 8.WI, VJH) f . in., 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesville, Mahanoy City nnd Delano,
8.00, 11.35 a. 111., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
For Lofty, Audenrled und llaxleton, 8.U
a- m 1.40 p. rni
For Mauch Chunk. Leblghton, Blatlngton,
Catasauqna, Allentown, llethlehcm, Kasto
and Now York, 8.00 a. ra., 1.40 p. m.
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m,
Uen'l Pass, Agt., lietlilehom.
tit Hi Olitst Relliblc Porelj Cub Cujsilu
Represented by
120 B, Jardln Btreet
or LOtroryAlUHn) UAHnOODi
tern ,a! .Ti,INEliVOU3 D.BILIl'i.
W( Uody and Kind, UoBotl
Jof I i-rm orSueiiu ioOldor Youct,
IRubv.l. n.l.l. H 1 II 'II 1 ' nil' ii "l tpu. ii w i. mir ...
VuZluii uuiiinc iiuk Tiinr-ssr-u-.n.
II 'l! litl'r 1' -! rrl.
-4ru EftlC IrtfeOlCAL CO., DUt-TAtO.N. V
fill 1
nimples (o nhfltliintc &C2CSIA
Aiffletid l.r"IIItitf for Kltclictt nntl Sick.
Board," n handy book for tbo ou!oold. FI.Cx;,
rt n i n I
OUmmer HCSOrt, PlC-niC
1 ni ft J I
ant rieaSUre brOUnOS I
T AKICRIDH(15aU Mahanoy Junction) mid
waybMween Mahinoy City nnd Tama-
qua, now managed by n new stock com
pany, Will be open to tho public within a lew
weeks, and dales can now be recured. A
lumber of societies have already beeu booked
aud others Mishlng deslinblo dales Bhculd
maks applloatlou without delay.
Under the new management many Improve
ment' will be made, some of them being now
tinder way, that will make It the plc-uloand
pleasure grounds of the region.
A l'rge dancing pavilllon and a tntllng
park are among the new additions. The best
liorsesln tho State will be secured to run or
trot this season.
and outings. For dates and othei
on or address,
Excursion Manager,
fS-oXl-fc 2
ito 51sco1of!
Williams & Bro,
Chamber Bots,
Easy Chairs,
Parlor Cabinets,
Wash Stands,
Muslo CablnetB,
Dressing CablneW,
Diuli'g Tables,
China Closets,
Dining Chairs,
Smoking Chairs,
Card Tables,
Tea Tables,
Parlor Suits,
Piano Chairs,
Hall Stands,
Hall Tables,
Fancy Tables,
Wood Mantels,
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Book Cabinets,
Sewing Machines,
J. F. Williams &Bro.
'.Vhsn tismbletl with tho&anTtnoyiiu IrteBuU-me
tiuuenwi niuowmK iiiu'i"-unn -i ...
altutlonal Vettje h pecnlUr ta their MJ. at
! nn. rii.uriiM.ff CKlAbruted
ritsyare BtrentftbaQlaff totlie ntlr tifitr t j3wr
tone, viaor aud tnnvgnf.Ua tore ta U fn net Ion of tiai
wtA I - 1 ! liw mall csf-MirolrttAnl-f.. 91. AildrtHK
Or. Hartnr Medlclno C0..ST.LOUIS. Ua
County Convention
The members of tho llcnuhllrnn nartv nf
BcliuylKlll conn y are reciiiestut lo assemble
I In ibolr respfoiive olectlon districts at the
I places where IhoHepuullonn delcgatoelcctlons
weie hi Id last year (except where changes, un
I Ices ot wlili u will bo gUerUhrotigh the news
I'ui'ent; ua
Saturday, Any vat 1, 1891,
between the hours of 8 and 7 o'clock p. m. tn
eieoi uol antes nnd alternate totlie County
Convention lobe belli Aueost-I.Ht lOo'cloca
a m.. lnuenlenntnl Ilnll, 1'otUvllle. At the
Hfllne lime Hhil nlnra lnpmli l-srit tho Herub-
uniu L.uuDiy iuiiiiuii.iee aua meir HiierimieH
win uovoieu lor in like manner as delegates
10 me uouniy i onveutinu.
i no maini'orB lruni me xweiuy uiniii oena
torll district aliendlnB thHOciiniy Conven
i.uu i.iii iiir-t;i. rkiiKuab nil. nbouu'uvn)! ,11.,
I 1. um euii mi iiHll. x oiisvine, lor 1110 iuri oe
lot plan ng In uotnlimtlou two (2 (atidldates
10 no voeunras ncn galea 10 tne uonstiiu
Ili mi mbors fiom the Thirtieth Senatorial
Mstrltsi ntiondlnB tbeCouulv Cohvcutlon will
meet Anausl lib. hi ! o'clock n. m.. In Cenlen
iilnl llnll, rottsvlll ", lor tho purpose ol plac
ing In nomination two (S) oauclldiites tube
voted for ai deleuntes lothe Consllluth nal
'Ine following perfons and or es havo
oewu uipoiineu loronauet toe e txiion;
bousiliie; alieruaios John K I-evens, J UOnr-
Asninnu c irstwaru, Davin im- is, j. j 1111-
AshlnndSeen-d wnid.WIIllnm Cleaver. CW
Kenslel' r; iillni-n.lAfi K A F11URL. WM
Ashland Third ward, Chris Mauer, Andrew
viiiiieiin: aiieriiRieR ihabo liirneii. jr. j it
Ashland Fourth ward, James 1 1 like, W J
Williams; alieril-.tex J It lie pel, George I, fib.
iisiu iuu r mu waru, fjeur j'oiueroii, vm
Bormisler: allernulcs lleniv l'ul. J Sell int..
mourn, iir. uiiiirita is. uua . .ioenn rrea'
r ca; alternn es, Jiunis Hiiush, T. F. Moyer,
Hairy smbi. jonn uorrv. u un-eo auer
UHles. llobert Green Jr.. flenrv lloilck
H irry West, G. llresllu, John Iteinhart; nl
ternnies. J F Hart. Knhrlam Ynrnall.
lluller North, uwen 1 ouroy, M. Costello:
nlierniite, Harry Mcdli'iiest.
UUllerKsst, Klelmrd I-'iynn, John Grldlth
tiouiijuie, 1 iiiin-K eecnoy.
unuer "outii. u i-eitcrman, u a i.iees; ai
ernalH. John Duiran.
lllltlcr Norlbwest. Joel llowensteln. G B
Maurer- nPernute, John sweeny,
ittunswlck Kiist. II 1 Ivtich Janlrs Dolonc:
alteroa-as. I II Koeh. Koott Miller
uriiui-wicK vesr,. jonainuu iveiny, -rana
YORf, nl. mate, W Bhoener.
lllylh-(SllverCreck). W J Matthews, More
Flniev: alternates. W Murrv. 1) Manulinr.
Jiiyiue ujomooini, J neynoius, juanici
tene; alleri alef, Robert Thomas, 8 Thomas,
lllvllie GCiuka Wlillaml. Jotiu F lloycr.
mciioiasTiiornt in.
Ilriintih. Juonli F Luckenblll
alteriiHtes 11 W Hindu. Isaao Morsan.
uhss JNorin, I'atricic uruunun, .ncuaei
fjnssyoutli. Morcan Jones. v Lvucu.
t,'ie.oiia Knuih. .I0I111 Heritor. U W Merkel
ilteroaiesU llotlman, llobert Ash.
Crnrsouu Nurlh. -t H Hercer. Genreo lteed
nlteriiales I. H Kcelcr. W tiimhee.
loiaun, iv Aiariiu, xiiHriiii i-ieeo.
Kldied. J D Ilenler. J llodenberecr: niter-
uates D 11 Hmlth, Daniel SII7.
Kidiod East. W Jl Herastrenser. Fremont
Ferltch; ullcruates J K Muurer, Lewis Beu
natesNhan Klrtcnger. Emll Ardmnn.
Foster. Joseph Kule fdge John Uayj alter
nntes Thomas Giny, Lewis Bccd,
Frackvllle. J FPrleo. Samuel Wynn: alter
nates Wm D.ivl", II T Kvans.
Girarovllle East ward, Jonn Lewis, ai
Ilowor: allernatei Nicholas Blass Thomas
Da 1.
Glrardvillo Middle ward, Louis Blass, Cbas.
GliSulvlile West waul, W H Price, W Tay
lor; alternates Thomas Evans, Thomas
fjnoerion west, waru, iv iuiiu uuuiuer,
W llivchnnv.
Gllbcrton Eastward, E Carey, E O Murray;
alternates P F Murphy, W il Frymyer.
fjuoeiion iuiuuie waru, l i- ueury, .1.1
Gordon. N M Frank, J F Servls, Jr.; nlter-nnlf-R
hy K llreber. G II lieacll.
Hecins James Dunkleberger, A B
Klauser; aiternmo W Manrer.
lleglus Wfst, II K Biiyder, J W Uecker; al
termites .Tnhn lMc.kert. A. K. Lauuensluaer.
llui ley, W O Baltzer, It 8 Gilbert; alternate
Bisowma-i. .
Ivlluo, Frank Kautner, Isaac runups, auer
unto J J llreen.
Landlhgirllle, Henry Drumholler, J F Haes
eloi; uliernato, W LiUlor.
Mt. fnrl.nn. llenrv Hell. lf.ODi".L Uamnueil.
iMnnhnlm Nor li l Kncli t's). John Gcrber.
Davy Achy; aliernato JcreFbclit.
Aiannoim riortn uucLicriuoiL b;, oiurm, r
Kline; alternate v icagcr.
Mnnheim Nnrtn browu'sl. A Mortimer. I'
V Wenvei! iillernntn Georco Wairner.
.lanneim rnoriu taieioi. u .v l-iiueii, it m
Killlau; aliernato Fiankllu Diddle.
.lanueioi DOUlU liieuei - iicuci, it u
Shntfler; alteruatee Charles FlsUer, 8S Ithlne.
Mnhauoy west iLosl urecit), ueo jouu
unn. ri. nntt'riinnrini.on; nlieruute W JoneH.
Mahanoy West (Uaven Jtun), Thomas B
Twceble, William And, rson.
Mahanoy West tllrownsvllle), JasHeaton,
R lirr.wn ulinrnntj..!! J l'rtcti. J James
Mahanoy West (Win. Pen-), Thomas May,
John llughoi.; alternate J Motz.
Mahanoy East (Lanignn's), B FrosI, Goorge
Mahanoy East (cole's jno.ij, jacoouiuespie,
Dennis Whnieii.
Mauonoy East (Cole's No. 2), Jas Matthias,
l'anlel Thomas.
Mabauoy iUhl (iiurs), Antuouy oiacir,
William wrignt, Jr. ,
Mahunov L'ltv First ward. J J Coyle. E
Morrll allnrTil.te.s T 1-Ull '.Jiff ItVa.
n aiiaooy uuy Dituuu vturu,, uaiiiu.ouuu
Latiiam: alternates josepn ungues, m ami
mini. Jr.
Alauanoy f.liy -lliro wiuu, 11 i jineaer.
fu unm; unumHies jhcuu xievaci, it xjvu
Mttlmnnv i.llv Fourth ward. W Y Weber
A O Sherman; ultferuates J ABellgman.TG
Muunnoy city Finn wara, a uower, ueo
Parliett: alteruales Ileeso ltossor, Isaao
Minersvuie cisi wiru, - t-uuups; jonu
Bowman; alternate Calvin Price.
MlnaiKvllle West ward. William Faulkner.
Rrtward Khlssler.
Mlddleport, Tboma Jennlngs.B W Bausler;
alternates F J Ditchey, J Stephens.
ivew casue, new twn, uaniei weiier,
Alorzo Ileber; aliernate Theodore Weller.
New Castle, Wadtsvllle, J D Thomas, W 8
.noiuuH, uueniaie .allien muu,
norwegiau rnsi, uurry-s, v uurion,
Bmnilev: nllernate Wllllum llodccrs.
Norwegian West, Curran's, J Elscnburg,
Tliomus Keatlnir: alternate J U Kelly.
Norwegian East township, M Unity, T"W
uunen; aueruaics james fjoiian, w uonaia
ewPhlladelpllla, U W Jones, J Tanner:
alternate Philip Evans.
New Hluggold, David Vcller, II B Koch
alternates J B llonsliciccr. D Lolser.
Orwlgsbuig, J A Dleieudeifer, A B Gust
alteruales K ri Fey. A (J Eisenhutb.
Plnegrove borough, A H Ma' 'weller. O F
Thlel: altemutes D J Gensemor. Peter Klney.
Pluegroo townsuip Fast, F W lleber, A
Vnn Kf Wn. I. n . . I U A il n In C
. unci UKiuaiu. v am.,,, . u iiumun
Plntrove township West, Fzra Bonghtner,
u 11 Ktani; aueruaics ueorge i.aams, r.,
K llnper.
Palo Alto. B r I'rlest. E Hay; alternates
Alex Govan, William Jones.
t-ort Luutou.o Uitatcn, Kugene uona; ai
teruates. A A Klrlln, A P Hatch,
lort Carbon, Wm Wentz. Henry Wana'
Port Carbon. (Meobanlcsvllle), Frank Blur-
man, rmv it Bancs
I'm i.-niit i m Kvnni. ii ram nrawcr.
Porter West. W Marlz. J Uinhollz; alter
nates 0 W Bcltrop, Eugene Hdri),
Porter North, Edward HoutB. Jacob RumrP,
alternates T J Davis, J btrousser.
Pottsville BoutU ward, Arthur Shay, George
Walkei; alternate w wimuey, or.
Pottsville r-oulheastwari, nuguBt KnecliI
a i-Mclirknk! nlternate J G Prick.
Piiitaviiie Mktdie ward. John Ebert. Geo K
Binltli; alleri nles J T riuyder, J M Fieck.
l'otthvllle Northeast ward, II 11 11111, E 0
Nlclml; nllernates W ilast, F F Wado.
I I'olisvuie orinweni ivbiu, it lhvoiih, juiiu
I dOOUKl'Ui HIICIIiailBUUUll ixvi'n,UUvuu,i,
II Oil.. i. nnviiui tt., iti.wj .-aiiwi,
Thomas Plckton; alternates Eiust Meyers, 0
roiisvuie iNoriu waru, ueorge uwens, job
Davis; alternate Aiex -jumi'ie.
ituun, .jiojiiua iruuuury. ii u r .aer; aiier
nates liavid Hughes, Thomas Downs
.man (iihiii. au T A nviiiii.,, it ,Y i.uupj
auernaic joeuieiu.
ltufbiLutz's), ru job, is f Hampshire,
x.iny,.iu. sy ixfuy.iwwi weir.
nnies Daniel Jones. W Weaver.
tJcnuyiKiu uaven cuu, wara, J .i oierner,
J lI MInnlrh; alternates W D Ouentler, J II
ricnuyiKin uaven South wnrrt.Chas Harbst,
I) Keisbner.- nliernateR w itipiLAfiinun. ir
Ktiarr. '
Hrliuylklll Haven North ward.HStern.r.W
Huey; alternate B F lloblnsnn.
BcllUVlkllt Hnvnn We. I - wl A ul.n.r.
fer, Thomas i Meek, aliernato D Flanticry.
ijchuylklll towushln, it Fletcher, Henry
Biltnelz; alternates Charles DeLoug, F Brock
H1J,rSou,,,.woHl WashOrme, J IIos-
St. Clair North ward George Blacker, Harry
Bellgman,- nhernalcs John Urch,'T
hi. uinlrMlddlo ward. B 11 Lee, 110 Bojer
alternate J Kvans, G LndklnbllT
t Shenandoah, First ward. William Hause,
Johu Thitrlby; alternate HHmnel Ki iters.
ulAinatly!l? w,1tl1' Charles Phi II I jn.
OAKelm; alternates Henry Goodman, b
Hopkins. '
siienai.aoan, TMrowaid, Dr. ,T Stein. EK
Hlttermam nlteinates John Tom, i w
Daddow, '
Micnuhdonli, Fourth waid, .InhnAl-wls
Kdw D Beddall: alliruates W Bent. ir,,oi.
Bhennnnoali, Firth ward, Henry warntck.
Johu Hnnu; nlteruiitf s T ''owell, 11 Blstl.
Tsnmqua l5B-,twnr(l, John Mtrrget, Lewis
Henry; alleroales U Tlley, A H Glossmlre.
Tniiiqu North ward, w E l'agh, EdmuDd
Lloyd; aPernaloA Bailov.
Tamaana Bouth w.rd. W T Davis. J C Walt.
ers; alternate FDelti.
iicitiuui wuiigii, rnnb Wliru, IT Aloore,
Thomas rock 111: alternntos OHHesser. H.
Tremont borough, West ward, J Brower, Ct
W Leliinan: alteruales Dr. WJllain. Alt,
Tremont townshln. 11 U'nrL-n nn. Itnrrv
Hpr or Muhnntongo John Klluelbeny.
Union. Francis Koitzer. HIIhr Miller- alter
nate Gideon Becker,
Union East, Nelson Brandon, Geo Knechtt
nbernato LTBrandon.
Union North, JohuU Davis, J N Lutz: alter
nate W Fetheroll.
Walaer. W US hock. Samui-l Hels or: niter.
nntoOH Enterllno.
Wet Ponn B..uth (Lc bv's). J II Miuintz.
Jooob Loogncckcr.
weti'eun niortneast (uattz's), w jiauntz.
David tlhe
WestPcnn Northwest (Wren's), Ttoa Bill
man, Henry Tyson.
Wnsnlneion (Batdorf's), Lyman G lteed,.
George Bell.
Wufblngton (Iloek), John Fertlir. W FMslz.
Wayne, Nqrtli, Daniel Yolih, O D lteed.
Wnyne, South, James A llelluer, Finnic
Y'orkville, Isaac Illch Henry Becker.
D. D. PHILLIPS, Chairman.
Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad,'
Time Table in effect May 10, lShl
for Now York via Philadelphia, week days.
2..0 5.25, 7.20 ii. m. and 12.35 2.50 and 6.55
u. m. Sunday 2.10 and 7.43 a. m. For New
York, via Muucb Chunk, week days, 6.25. , ,
7.20, a. in. and 12.35 and 2.50 p. m. i
1- or Heading and Philadelphia week days
2.10, 6.25, 7.20, a. m., 12.85 2.60 and 5.&i p; m '
-iuu day, 2.10 and 7.48 a. m.
For Marrlsburg, week days, 2.10,7.20 a. m,i
Ltd. R.G5 p. m.
j or Aiie-iuwn, weeK uoya, f.u ui. i.u
to p. m.
i or Pottsville. week days, 2.10,7.20,. m..
12.3i 2.E0 and 6.55 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 and 7.48
For Tamaana and Mahanoy City, week
lays, 2.10, 6.25, 7.20, a. ra., 12 35 2.10 und 6.5S
ii. m. Sunday, 2.10 and 7.43 a, m. Additional
lior -tancaier uuu -iuxuuia, ww- uay
.20 a. m., 2.50 p. m.
Ua- Tirilllnn.-M...l U. nV1.w .. n
.UI TT lllllW"niJJl l. "UUUUl J auv. uvni'iu.K,
week days, 3.2, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.01)
m. Sunday 3:25 a. m.
hor aiauanoy naae, weeK aays, .iu
a. in., 12.8-5, 1.3j' 5.65.
Sunday, 2.10, 3.23 and 7.4
21. 7-2U ana u;s a.
.00 anc ., p. ra.
. m. i.uDu.m.
10 . 2 ,. 7.48 a. 111.. 3.0a tj. m.
-or Ashland and Shuinokln, week days.
.21,5.25,7.20, 11.3)a. va 1.35, 7.00 and 9,35
- in. nuauuy .-) u. iu., a.vo v. iu.
Leave Ne York via Philadelphia. weeK
days, 7.45 a. m L80, 4.00. 7.S0 p. m 12.18
aleht. Sunday, 6.00 p.m.. 12.15 night.
leave now xora via -lauoo luuiu, wdw
days, 4.30, 8.45 a. m 1.00 and 4.01 p. mi
Leavo Philadelphia, woez days, 4.10, audi
10.00 a. ra. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m., from Broad
aud Callowuill and 8.35 a. m. and 11.30 p. m.
from Hlhauo oroen slreela. Sunday 9.05 a.
m. 11.H0 p. m. from Cth anc eu.
Lsavo Heading, weea days, i.a. 7.i.
and 11.50 u, m., 6.55, 77 p, m. Sunday 1.35 and
10.43 n, ta.
Leave Pottsville, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.,
110, 8.11 p. m. Sunday, 2.40 a. tn. and2.W
, m.
. . . .. ,.H .nn o nn o .Q n
U2ia. xn.. 1.21. 7.13. and 9.18 p. m. Sunday 8.20
a. m. and 2.60 p. m.
uave mannnoy uity, wees: aays, a.iu. wo
aud 11.47 a. ra,. 1.61, 7.42 and 9.44 p.m. Bun.
day, 3.46 a. ru., 3.20 p. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2-41, 4.10
3.80,9.35, 11.09 a. m.,1.05, 2.00. 5 20, 620,7.57, ana
10.00 p.m. Sunday 2.4, 4.00, and 8,S0,a. m.
k, p.m.
Ijeayo Ulltini vine icutppHuuiiuouiL duiuuui
. j.t Am a,J A a .11 . K,n
nCVID. A9.Jfn., u.ou, uuu . ., 4.V
i.:2, 5.26, 6.32, 8,03 and 10.06 p. ra, bunuay, 2,47,
I. 2J, 8.26 a. ni. 3.41 p. m.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 8.00,9-45 and
II. 65 a. m. 8.35 and 11.15 p. in. Sunday 11.15
rur xiuiLimure, yv.uiu.uju uuu iuo
la B. A O. It. It., thron.h trains' leave UlrnrtJ
. . ..." 1 1 '. . I .1 1 1, . id f. 1 , I, 1 .
.Tvuiia pin uuu, . uimuoifum, i u, ... . -
jit 4.16, 801 and 11.27 a. m., 1.81. 4.24 , 6.55 and
,,j p. in ouuuay, .io o.u- u, iu., .n
oo anu .-i p. m.
-.oave Pnlladeiphla. Chestnut Street Wharf.
-nd South Street Wharf.
Vor Atlantic City.
WeekMlsys Express 0:00 a. ra. and 2.0O.
4.00 p, m. Accommodation, 8.00 a.m., 5.00
p. ra,
Sundays. Express, 9.00, a. m. Accoramo
flatlon, .00 a. m.and 4.80 p.m.
rteturning, leave Atiantio i;ny, aepot corner
Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues. Week-days, 7.30, 9.00, a. in, and 4.00, p. m,
ArMom&io-atlou, 6.00, 8.05 a. ra, and 4.30
L30 p. m.
uunuays. j-xpress, t.ujp. m, Acoomraoa
lion, 7.80 a. m, and 4.S0ju. m.
. A. iloLEOD. Pres. Ken'l Managor.
.imernote in rneci juay, iu, Jbui.
Trains leave Beading IP. A II. station) for
Gibraltar, Beyfert, Blratboro, Joanna, Spring,
field, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle.West
uuesicr,-uaasiora junction, a, su.juiicuod,
Wllmlneton and intermediate stations, dallv
except Sunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 8.15
p. m. Sunday only at 8.05 p. ra.
For Warwick, St. Peters and Intermediate
stations, dally except Sunday, at 9,20 a.m., and
o.iv p. ru. cunuuy omy a. ru.
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations-
Saturday only, at 12m.
For riaiiimore anu wa&nineiou n. w j. jv.
R.) dally except Suuday at 6.25 and 8.30 a. m.
and 8.16 p. ra. Sunday only ai 8.U5 p. m.
iruius arnvo i xieuuuiK i o- .v. buhiouj
Irom Wilmington, H. & O. Junction, Mont.
cnanin, uiiauasioru
T .,....e.rlll-
chanin, Chaddslord Junction, West Chester,
nr. iTuiuwuurK juueiion,
ia, Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey-
Snrlnaneld.Joanna, .
fert and Intermediate stations, dally excent
Sunday at 10.20 a. ra. 6.52 aud 8.17 p, in, Sua
day only at 11.24 a. in.
From St. Peters, Warwick nnd Intermediate
stations, dally except Sunday, at 8.23 a. ra.
and 2.25n.m. Sunday only at 6 p. m.
From lilrdbboro nud Intermediate stations.
Saturday only at 1.40 p. ra.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex
cept Sunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. tn.
Bunday only at 11.21 a. m.
BOW NESS BHIGG8. Gen'l Pass. Agt.
Wo, the undersigned,
aro entUely cured ol
ltuiitiire bv Dr. .1. Tt
MAYER, 831 AroU St., Phlla. Tliomaa U.
Hartuug, New Ringgold, Pa., I. Handt, South
Easti.n, l'a., L. P. Ai C. A. Deturek, Oicy, Pa
It. G. Stanlcv. 421Bnruee St.. Ijebannn. I'n.. A.
Schneider. l.ocut Dale, Pn.,D, B. NolbLlmn.
kiln, l'a., Wm. 15. Hanenstine, I'hoenlxvllle.
Pa., W. M. Lelnbach, 021 Waihlngton St.!
Heading, Pa., J. 0. Lyme. 1310 W. Howard St.,
Harrlsbiirg, Pa., O. Keehn, Douglassvllle, Pa.
Dr. MAY lilt is at Hotel l'enn, Reading, Pa.,
on the 2nd Saturday of eaoh month. Call lo
see him.
No'. 9 East Centre Street; Mahanoy City, Pa.
Skin and all special diseases a specialty,