fc Picnics and Outings! Severn, the Grocer, is head quarters for line Checso, Fruits and Vcgetable.s,Ciinned Meats, Pickles, Crackers, Cakes, Con densed Milk, etc., suitable for picnics and excursions. Now supply sliced Summer Sausage All new and fresh goods. Cor. Centre and Whito Streets, The Evening Herald. AM, TUB NEWS Bill ONH CUNT. Has a larger circulation hi Bhcnandoah dim any otlKT pjpr published, droit, latlnn book open to nil. LOCAL LUNCHEON. Fino evenings. lleauliful mnselr. Produce is plenty ami olieap. Fntronise your home merchants. Counterfeit silver dollars are In circula tion. There is a (trowing demand theso days for picnic Kood, (Jomu to tho II Kit alp oftlco when want inn fino job work. When u woman has an attachment for a man eho runs after liim. Sodoesamiin particularly If lio's a sheriff Everybody is eipectud to niakf way for tlio biby carriages during tho summer ovnninRs and pedestrians must bo oiroful they don't Ret knocked down. xiiq r.vaiifroiirai camp meeting com mnnces at Gordon to-morrow and will con tinuo all of thii week until next "VVodnes day. 91m. Davis LoavciNew York. New York, July 13, Mrs. Jefferson .Davis lins just left tlio city nftor pleasant sojourn of several woeka. Shi loaves without giving any decision us to ,).. ''sposltlon ol tlio rcmnlusof her Into lniRlwmil I' reported that she lia3 naked for a year lKCra Kiviug tlio dele gation1) from Hlchmotul, Va., liiid Jack kou, Miss., an answer. Plvo Gathered In. Tho polio took flvo drunks under their bettering arms Saturday night. Tho re- oord is a good one for a niglit botweon pays. Entltlod to tho Boot. All aro entitled to the boat that their nonoy will buy, 10 ovory family should have, at onco, a bottlo of tlio bot lamlly remedy, Syrup'of Fig1, to cleanse tho sys tm when costive or bllii.U", For salo In 600 and 81.03 bottles by all loading drug- lits. Coming Bvonts. July 10. Ico cream festival of the Younc I'oonlo's (JlirUtian Union, in the Kngllth IWpllst eburch. July 'JDih. FmUviiI and ontcrt'ilrimont; bobbins' opora homo, under tho nuipico f Silver Wave Oastlo, A. O. K. of Al. 0 Aug. 18. Ico cream and peach festival, in KoblriW opera house, tr dr tho auspices Camp No. 183, V. 0. S. of A. Tho Wonderful Olty of Chicago A maenitb'ont double pago of strikingly beautiful pictures of busy stroct scenes In Chicago is tho chief at1 Taction of Frank finite' Illustrated Newspaper this week. Amateur sports has a pago. Another full pago proients a picture of a child's lunoral in the Italian quarter of Now York. There aro also n pago of amateur photographs reproduced, a picture of Leslie's Alaska ( xploring party, and othor good things, I'rico. Ion oenU. (let it of your dealer, Ptinlod in Knglish and Oormun. Political Paragraphs. Tho Ex-Ureenbackor of town who has gone back to tho Democratic fold, in his 'ettcr to tho Sunday Kews oyor tho slgna ture of "Ja k Smith," is trying to poison the minds of the Welsh voters agains Judge Groon. It is a caso of ox-Green backers crawling back to wh re thny belong and trying to drag the Welsh pooplo with them. Tho result will bo awaited with interest. l'ottsvillo has not ono slnglo county official, favo tho threo Judges and Elias Keod, a ltepublicari. Chronicle. Well well. This is news. Tho II it h ALU has always been under the improwion that tho throo Judges and Ellis Heed were married men, and wo are nut convinced yet that tboy are not. The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. nillh WANTED. A good ex- A perlenord girl wanted for general house- .ora, nooinernoou apply, uiuiawiEUAM) nice East Ooal street. 7-3-tf FOH HAIjE. Several very desira ble ttrontsrtle. Terms reaonabl. An ply to I'icrrAi Walker, J. IN, corner of West inu imcrry streets. D" E8IKA.I3LE MIOPERTY FOIl sale. One of the most desirable proper leu on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable r'iis. Apply at Howse's grocery More, coi ner Jardin and Oak slreeU. Ubenandoali, ln Oil SALE. A crntid upright i. nlano. eatial to new. 8 clarionet. A. II & O. and ono llule. Can bo bought tn one lot, separately. Call ni McKcoue ' saloon, 7-ia iff -JXJST OXJT- FOIl KENT Store and building nox occupied br tho Shenandoa'i llakery Co. lor m i nfacturlng au t retal nnuy onsiness. rwonoorsuix-aneoi. Anpiy rraney. o-iuir The "HEW BROADWAY" RAKGE It beats everything In the market, and the lrice is just rwi io sun ino rimes. It will piy yon to come and Bee It. Iam prepared to do the following at the iirlcei nunted! Tin roofln? Ho per footund up Tin ro ir luinnng io Tin condu'lor - ..12i " " Tin lintitrlnir imtlpr 12c " ' Galvanized chimney stack 20o per pound nepairs jor no fciovos it spei ny. WM. K. PRATT, 7 0 3m 331 5. Jardin St., Shenandoah NOTICE Proposals will lie received till Julv 22 id. A. I).. 1801. to 12 o'clock noon, lor the plastering or the front roomi In ' lie basement of tho law court house and cor ridor, and also for the carpenter worn. Plans inu speculations cau oo seen ju luu ioiiiiuib lonors' oQlce. HAMUKI. O. llRTUItK., JAMK8 J. HOWI'tJ, KLl A3 K. II ED, Commissioners. Attest:-JoiiN 8. sn vnEii, Clerk. 9-11-td nil VRTER KJ lie LOOK A grand opporlnnlty lor Joining a new society, The Beneficial Older of Equity, A fraternal society for both sexes. Pays From $200 to $5,000 IN SIX YEARS. Advances money to buy homes, cancels the inueuienness incaia 01 uisauimy or aeaiu. pays stole aim aealli beu ntH. Tor further partlculais cull on or address. Deputy Hupremo President, 32 r,. Mam Hi., f nenanannn, ra. NOTICE. Notice) is eieuy itlvou that an nppllcallon. will ntnmrtntn theOovornor f reunylvaiila on helhlidday of August, 1801, hy J. M.GHck, Mm Merv ne. Our stlan Ebsrle. w moo Swoyer,Z 'Chiry 'r.Troutund J. II Hoelman unticr tiia act. 01 Asse'iiuiy cuiiuo i - m to provide lor the lneorpoialloa and reguhv tion of certain corporations approvtd April XI, 1871," and .he supplements thereto, for the barter or au Intended corporation to be -illert "Pillion Water Company." the charac ter and object of which In the supplying of water lor me puuiieHiineooroiigooj uiriru 111-, in mo county or HciuiyiKiii, ana 10 per ms, uirtnershlns an 1 nssocUtloiiB residing herein as may de'ire the same, and for these purposes to have, possess ana enjoy an ine lirilis, oenenis una itrivncgei oi bliot Sevorul Tlmos. Buiil-quk, lu., July 13. lien Marltoy, l,ia nltv. Hhot himself yesterday with suicidal lutuut and will dio. Ho tied tho stock of iv shotgun to tho bod post and then placed a atrlng around the trigger in such n maimer that when ho pulled on it tho gun was discharged, sending tlio entire load of shot into his left sldo. ill,! Kulsur Dollsliluil. London, July 13. Tho Telegraph says Hint tho Kalsur. In the course of an iiudP euce at Buckingham Palace, expressed himself, thus In regard to his visit, "lull everybody that I am most delighted with my woloomo. It has been a recep tion suoh as might havo beou oxpectod only lu Germany." l'u ml no Among th Iiibui genu. London, July 10. OllUlal advices from Santiago do Chill state famjuo prevails ninonu iusurgeutHat larap.ic.iaud Auto- fagastn. Tlio hardship and privation tn which they aro subjected has de stroyed all discipline amotig tho insur gent troops which havo degenerated Into the condition oi a moo. Roportors Gulled. Nioho'a' Bchu, omployed as a car cleaner at the Pennsylvania railroad station at this placo, while sweeping out a Lh!gh Valley caryoderday afiernoon, found a packago lying on ono of tho soats, which ho found uonlained bulk notes amounting to 10,000. IIo at'terward aio-rtained that tho pscksgo had been left in tho car through the negligence of ono of tho Philadelphia and Heading Coal and Iron Co., police, and turned it over to tboso officials. Chronicle. Tho aboyo roport is a fako. The truth is that when Ooal and Irou Policomen wore handing bags of money from tho car there was a slight Intermission Ono of tho men who had beon receiving tho bags on Iho latform asked, "Is that all?" To which ono of tho Coal and Iron Pollceinoii an- BWerod, "No. hero's anothor," and ho handed it out. It is not intended to take nrmlli. from any honost omploye, but It is follv to try and clothe him with ompty honors. Tho PotUvillo roportors woro tra posed upon. LAKESIDE DATES. tho Popu- EAGLE HOTEL! 221 W. Ce.tlrc Slreet, Formerly kept by Mrs Cmvllle. The nbov6 IlOlUl IN UUW ftl'l'l. JOHN W. WEEKS, Formerly of the Keystone Hotel, Ollberton IJC81 OI HCOOIIIUIUO 'IIUU3 V Permnnentanti Transient Guest Thebnrlj rtoehed with the bent brands of clgw.s.ale, beer, porwr and liquors. ICXCKLLENT FHE13 LUNCH COUNTER PUBLIC SALE Ths OSd Court House July 31, 1891, at 10 O'clock A. M. AXrH. l.tneolu' Kursn Doud at 110. Ciiioaoo. July 13. Jlrs. Josle Arm- Etroug died hero at tho ago of 110 yearn. Mrs. Armstrong Is said to be the colored woman who uursed Abraham Lincoln's wife, and It is alleged her sou plnyod with "Little Abe" before tho latter had the art of splitting rails. Completed to Deadwood. Tbo lluriington ltouto, 0., 15. &Q. it. I from Chicago, Pooriaand St. Louis, is now complelod, and daily passenger trains aro running through Lincoln, Nob,, and Custor, S. D., to Deadwood. Also to Now castlo, Wyoming. Slooping cars to Dead- wood. tf Playing Cards. You can obtain a pack of best quality playing cards by sending flftoon conts in postBgotoP. H. Eustis, Oon'l Pass. Agl., O. & O.K. It. Chicago, 111. tf Thoy Aro Splendid. "Wo mean those Cheviot suits you can Rot at A. T. Jonos' "Famous" Clothing etoro for ?0.60. Boat work'Zdono at Uronnan's stoam laundry. Everything white and spotless. Lfico curtains a Bpeaialty. All work guar antoed. WALL PAPER ! A CAllWIAD JUST AHIUVIID AT IsC IB Xj Xj IB T 7 S Blanks Go Gilt 8o Embossed 12 l-2c Window Shadas, spring rollers..2rio Curtain Poles , 25o Figures Domonstrato larlty of tho Resort. July 11. German Lutheran church, Mabnnoy City. July 15. Mahanoy City II. E. Sunday school. Jifly 10. Mahanoy City 1. M. Sunday school. July 20. Qirardvillo P. AI. Sunday school. July 21. Herman societies of Heading, Shamokin, etc. July 211. Win. Penn Sunday school. " 21. St. Nicholas Sunday school. " 27. femperanco Band, Shenan doah. July 28. Tho Washington Hook & Lad- dor Company, of Mahanoy City. July 20 Trinity ltoformed Sunday school, of Shenandoah. July 30. Young Men's Republican Club of Mahanoy City. Aug. 3, English Uapllst Sunday school of Sbonandoa.li. Aug. 4. M. E. Sunday school of Mah anoy Piano. Aug. 5 M. E. Sunday school, Ashland, Aug. C Evangolical Sunday school of Mahanoy City. Aug. 7. "Welsh Congregational, Maha noy City. Aug. 8. M. E, Sunday school, Oilbor- ton. Aug, 10. M. E. Sunday school, Oirard- villo, and Union Sunday school, Lost Creok. Aug. 11. Wolah IlAptist, Congrega tional and Melhodltt, Shenandoah. Aug. 12. Lutboran missionary festival. " 13, Episcopal Sunday school of Mahanoy City. Aug. 11. M. E. Sunday school of Ash land. Aug. 15. Eisteddfod. " 17. Luthoran Sunday school, Qi rardvillo. Aug. 18. English Baptist Sunday school, Mahanoy City. Aug. 10. M. E. Sunday school of Shen andoah. - Aug. 20. Trinity Holormod Sunday school of Slahanoy City. Aug. 25. English Luthoran, Mahanoy City. All llin nrnnnl nrnnerlv belomtln" lo Hi County ol Suliuyl nil, in ibooiu.couri uouse consisting oi paiiutonH, steam heatlnn apparatus C')aneri. snowing, In sena'-ati parts the clock nud bell In tlio on uouri uoiiso ,., a fixtures, flln hi'ldors. tllbks. clmlrs, etc., will be sold on the premises 111 ho bor- niiEli or l'oltsvilie, nnunifco iuuiBa'Ko nun .,... i,na (im . .iii i -ntif-t. H.itise. occeotlni; and reservii g tho buseaud also the two lare flaas or flat stones, one on each eutrauce to tho old Court House. , . ,.,. JAMK1 J. HOWES, El I VB K. It ED, iTniiimlftiilolier. Attist-JoiiNB.HKYDEn- 7-11-td ' BIG ATTRACTIONS AT Duncan & Waidley's Our goods always nttraot th eye, our prices always Biilt tlio purse. In fuuey goodawehave eomo of tho lutest linportfttlons of Vases nud Artistic Pottery. Our 5 and lOo counters al ways bright with new goods. As tho fruit season Is at hand we wish to call your attention to tho fiict that we are head quarters for Jars, Jelly Cups, Crocks, &,o. Big values In tablu cutlery. Duncan & Waidley. iVo. 8 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa MOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Shenandoah, CHAS. T. RICE'S OLDjSTAND, Tho Soorot of Suoooss. C. 11. Iiugenbuoh, the druggUtJiollevos that the secret of success Is perseverance. There fore lie persists In keeping the flmst Hue of periumerlM, toilet articles, cosmetic, drues mid chemicals ou the market- He eBpecla ly luvue an persons who nave paipuaiiou, short breath, weak or hungry pells,palu lu side or shoulder, onii'e-slou. nluhtmare. di v o ugh, smollierlng, dropsy or heart dlwime to try I)r, Miles' uneiiualcd new Heart luire. be'oie it Is too late, it has too largest sale ol anv similar remedy. Flue book oflestlmo nl,ila free. I)r Miles' Uestoratlve Nervine Is uusurpassed for s.eepleuiness, iieadaebe, fits, eio., unu H coniaius uu opinion. WANTS, &o. TAN Hn-Aii active reliable man I salary Am to sHu monthly, with In- rease, to represent In his own secilon a re onsiiie sew xors; uouse, Keierenees. AnUFACruREn, IjOCK 1JOX I-Wl, 1I0W TOrK jaow Is the time to change yo it1 uude-woar. You cau gel at Soa ilu's a snltol good Hummer Underwcnr nt 50c A little bet'er lor 80o, Good Hummer Ou'lng iblrts, 2io to 81. U.ito ctnlan's and gel the uewCentury llr.ice-Uu boit Hummer Uraie tu tbemarliet. At 8canlan's)ou can get a good SOfI HAT for 51c. No more bother with hais that do not fit, as Iran ian has a new lo fit lbs head. Only two iloren more Sionecfcwear loft, ""ciutnnwlli s.llyou cheap hats and caps, latest styles and colors. Cheap Overalls and White shiris. i9 M011II1 Mnln St. Attention, Honse Cleaners ! Thejwnrm weather Is herf, and houso-clea'dng Is the next thing lu order. And at suoh time most everybody needs something to brighten up the home, bo If you need a g od carpet of either Velvet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brusse, TWO Oil THREE-PLY INGRAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! 1 ooa aw Carta You can find a full assortment at PIUOE'S. H J ii'tain Poos all Kinds 1 Ak.nmhlv nnri KiinnlrmnnlH lliprnlo. .1. 11. I CIVUl , DIHIU'WI, GIRAKPVI1.I.G, July 7, 1S91. 7-7-td ITlOll CONSTITOTIONAIj CONVENTION James J. Franc. OF SHENANDOAH. Subject to Democratic rules. f. SI POMKROT, AT70IUier.AT-LW. uM.ll'r hnlldlnx rorinr lr end Oentti dividend notice IRST NATIOSAL IlANK OF BBEKANDOAH. I JUI) U, lOUi. 1 Tho Ttnnrr! nf Directors has tins cay de clared a semi-annual dividend ol five (5) per cent., payablo on demnnd. fl.lw JOHN K. I.E 8KNHIINU, uasnicr. POBSALE ! The undersigned, desiring to retire from bus- nes-i. wl II aisnose oi nia much oi ury kuou, groceries &c, cheap Purchaser cau also ieut the store room at reasonable terms The stand la a good one and tu tho bauds of a live man can ue juaue prouuuue. 0-10. tf T. I). DAVIS, too Nortli Jardin St. Window Similes, Floor and Table Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. Prices cauuot he beaten when quality Is considered. No misrepresentation one price to all. PRIGES'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 Nortli Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. We mean It in every sense of the word. Wo ofler you good all-wool suits for less than Ihelr value. Our light goods must go, reg ml Its of cost; so If you want to purchase a Men's All-wool Uhevlut Suit for $0.60 call on us. Furnishing goods also to bo had at lower prices than you will flud them elsewhere. Wo make no boasts merely for advertisement, but what we advertise Wo will do. CalPaud examine our bargains before regret It. purchasing and you will not The Cheapest Place ! TO 11UY Gents' FurQisMng Goads, Hoiitry, Etc, 'IS AT CHARLES : YAROWSKY'S 23 West Centra Hi., Hhenandoah. (jREER : TRUCK I FISH, Oysters, Clams and Poultry Kocolved daily at tho old rolinblo stand of -WOMBB'S North Main St., near Wholesale and Retail. picnics, feitlvals and nrlvate parties sur piled in quantities at snort nonce. A. J. GALLAGHER: Justice of the Peace, Deeds, .eases, Mortgages and Bonds written. juarriage licenses nna icgui ciuiius promptly attended to. eal Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. General Klre Insuranoa Business. Represents the Nortnwestern l.tre insurance t;o. OFricK-lfuldoon'n bntldlm;. corner Centre and West His., Shenandoah, l'a, Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. , A two story double framo dwelling bohse, s nrnnnii rAhrjinninr. on Eutri-enirflni. , A. dwelling nod restaurant on East Centre' svreei,. a. Uesliablo property on corner Centre and Jardin streets, suitable tor business pur loses. 1. A two story double lramo dwelling, on We-t Lloyd street. 5. Two 2 story frame dwellings on west Con- ire suee'. n Two 2sl.,iv dwelllnes on the cornor ol uoai ana wrieMnur, sireeis moru room iu one. 7. Two-stow single house on Nortli Chestnut slreet wlin a lame wareuouse at ino rear. 8. Throe two-9iory dohlile frame buildings corner oi Liioyaanu liuuort streets. -OO TO- KELLY'S FOR feat, Cheap and Stylish Btraw Hats from 29o to 81.60 Hbort Hpray Flowers 6c to 1.00 Wreaths Joto 1.75 Infants'Ohrlstenlng Hobe.O'ioto S3 Intents' long and short oouts...ll,23 up to (.5.60, 60,000 LADIES WEAR Tlio SELF-SUPPORTING CORSET Why don't you wear one? NELLY BLY CAPS ! AU Colors, at SO cents. QUEEN fc CO. The famous firm of OCULISTS and 0PTICUJS Of PIIIIADIi:i.PllIA Havo arranged to send ono of their bpeUallsU on tho EYU TO SHENANDOAH, Saturday, July 18th, 1891 He -will beat the Xorsnwon Houso, lrom S 30 A. M. tn 6 P. M. Those whom eves are caustns discomfort should call upon our Specialist, nnd they will receive intelligent anu bkiihui attention. QUEEM GO. 034 Chestnut St., J'lilliuMphla. M. S, SCHEIDER'S NBW- B-A.IC1E-- -AND- CONFECTIONERY, No, 17 Soutlt Mnlu St., Sliciinudoati Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies GUAIIAM I1HEAD A Bl'ECIALTy. A fine line of Confectionery, l'loo Ice urcam rariors ntiucnea. run 1 UUO NE- PR1 CLOTHIER 11 JY. Stain Street, Hhenandoah. mi National Bank niBATRR iiuir.iirrr;, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. The PhotograiDlier Capital, $ioo,ooo,oo. A. W. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenring, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass 't Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3 Is located at No. 14 North White Street, Having han his gallery greatly Improved, he is uowueuer prepareu iii.,i. ever to.meet ts 01 1 the wan cranhlo line. Tlie graphs at lowest he niviHc 1:: 1, 0 photo 010 - hi 1 1 ( 1 1, if. Crayon Work a Spooialty. New Jhirm. New Slack. y From 9 to 3i 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! Xnld an BavltiKH neposlts. Green Truck, Fino Groceries, FRUITS, &c, Delaware roe shad and other fresh fish right from the boats on 7 'rklays. Fresh Greens from theBouth. Evan's Building;, E. Centre St. U.S. Witltant'olditantl) Everything new and 'rosh. Goods delivered to any p,irt of town. R. C. KNIGHT & SON. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line of Mats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty of Nellie Dly nurt Jlary Anderson Caps. ' 8 BAST OHUTRB ST. W, S, $MY0ERS Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller's old stand,) Corner Conl ami JurUliiJstM. Mr. Bnyder will always koen iu stook n fine line of hoots nud shoes. Custom Worlc ana Repairing' done in the best slyle. He'snarantees to sell cheaper than competitors on ilatn street who nave big i outs to pay, and guamutoea a eenu Ine bargain on every purchase. SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, 29 -Es Centra Street, SIIEffAXDOAir. Bread, Cakes, Ico Cream and Confectionery ! OH1 ALT, KINDS, OlQMOcl 011 jSiT.axcan.-y Q. M. HAMILTON, M. B PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. pOUoo-M West Lloyd Btreet, Bhenandoah