The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 13, 1891, Image 3

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    shenandoa H
Is the hi nd centre of the Schuylkill
conl region, thirteen miles from
the county peat. It Is en the
line of til Philadelphia and
Heading, Pennsylvania mid
Lehigh Valley railroads,
thus ofVrhiK excellent
fucilltlee for trnvel.
Not iulte 4 hour
ride from theelty
It posppisesthe greBtestln
dufements for the lntmtlon
of fuatnrlf, niillg, tea. Ex
cellent water supply, ftietpleti-
tlful and cheaper tlian any
"fa where elto. Educational nil
vanlutes utnuiriinswl. Pure air,
pure water, eleetrlo llttbt, &o., &c.
Crmuul to rieca.
Wilmington, Del., July 13 Roliert. II.
Din!, nltfht watchman ot the Booklnud
Paper Mill, toll Into the cogs ot a re
volving wuterwheel anil was literally
prouud to pieces. His head mid arms
were torn oil, anil portions of his body
were found hanging to tho wheels.
Superintendent Harney Mrovfnetl.
Font Ticondkiwoa, N. Y., July 13.
of the Lake Oeorire & OhampUin trans
portation, with hoadqiiartors
at Burlington, was drowned here during
the day.
Drowned In blieopsheail Ituy.
Nkw Yoiik, July 18. Arthur Miller, a
young man of Brooklyn, was drowuod In
Slieepsucad Bay last evening by the
capsizing of a small yacht.
Presents in the most elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative lo perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak Or inactive
condition of the
It Is the most excellent remedy known to
, When one is lltlious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
W. Baker ft Co.'s
from which tho excess of
oil has beon removed, is
Absolutely Pure
and it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro used in its nrennration. It has
1 iSf 1) ore than three tunes the strength of
or Sugar, nnd is tliereforo far more
economical, costing less than one cent
a cup. It is dellcio'" t nourishing,
strengthening, EAuiiA' digested,
nnd admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Grocers ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agent,
Cor. Main and Centre Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA.
l-A two and one-half story double frame
dwelling house, with store-room and res
taurant. Located on East Centre street.
nnhln nrnnertv located on Boulh Jar-
3-Beven dwelling houses at tne corner 01 uu
bertand Lloydstreets. Good Investment.
Terms reasonable.
O'Connor Says Ho is tho Man
to Succeed l'arncll.
Ha Mult Eotira from tlio Leadership of
tho Irish Party.
l'nrnell Will l'lislit On The Tory Vutor
II In Only Siiiiorter-Tlic l'l.ctlmn
Mny Unite Under Dlllnn S xtun He
fusoa to Accept the Leiulnrahlp anil
ll-nly'i'imis U Not Mentioned.
London, July 18. Sir. T. P. O'Connor's
paper contains a significant article on
tho Irish situation, written, doubtless, by
the editor.
Tho writer says: ''Mr. Parnell will
light ou, although tho battle Is hopeless.
T'e Is a proud, masterful man, who will
never be content with nny but tho fore
most position;-and the process of beating
him down will be slow but suro."
The article further says:
"No intelligent observer canj have tho
least doubt that he desired to wreak
Veufieance on tho two olasses, tile Llhor
nls who made his leadership impossible
and on tho Irish people who refused to
follow him.
"It is no longer a question of getting
tho leadership of a united people or a
united party. That, he knows, Is ad
mitted to he impassible He did at tho
bottlnnlnK of tho Btruggle calculate to
! ahfhU p, anlo dr o
public life all who opposed him. Somo
of tho shrowdest membors of the Irish
party were of opinion that Mr. Parnell
would sweep tne country Deioro mm, out
tho calculation was wrong. Mr. Parnell
now has nothing behind him except the
full Tory voto and tho party of folly and
Mr. O'Connor nnnounces that Mr. Jus
tin McCarthy is sick and must rotlro
from tho leadership of tho party, which
means "his party is sick of htm."
Tho article then goes on to declare:
"Mr. Sexton is tho natural loador and
the ablest man of tho Irish party, who, It
ho would accept it, would have the loyal
I support of the party." But Mr. O'Con-
nor announces that Mr. Sexton declared
I Inst woek definitely that he will not nc
I cept tho leadership, and therefore tho
1 party turns to Mr. Dillon, who is prob
1 ably tho only otitor man it would unite
Tho nrtlcle. concludos with tho follow
infl wprds: "The circumstances which
stood in the way ot his acceptanco when
it was offered during tho Boulogne nego- 1 ter ,aralgnmeut of Colouel Itobert 0. In
flations uo longer exist. It Is no longer cor3oll. or "Robert lo Diablo," as ho call-
I In tho power ot Mr. Parnell to make the
1 1 1 I . . 1 , -M.I .
I leatiersuip 01 any uiuur man uuljussiuio,
nnd If Mr. Dillou wore olectod ho would
find behind him a practically united na
tion. Even some ot tho factions which
still adhere to the cause ot dissonslon
would be induced to stand asid nnd to
allow tho avenuo to romaln broad an d
open along which tho Irish race Is ad
vancing rapidly, steadily and visibly to
the attainments ot its rights."
A Daring ltltlo tn Itomlor Fluanclul As
sistance. Jefferson, TexaB, July 18. Qoorgo II.
Howell of Atchison, Kns., hearing of the
financial disaster which threatened tho
Jefferson Lumber Company of this city
In which ho is interested, chartered a
special ongino over the Memphis route to
Iloxle. Ark.
The closest figuring would land him at
Jefferson at 3 o'clock.
He Interviewed tho onglneor nnd
crossed tho llromon's palms with gold.
Two minutes after reaching Hoxio ho
pulled out ot town.
The timo of the journoy was shortened
by throe hours, nnd before noon his
arrival with tho necessary collatterals
had quietod tho creditors and prevented
the collapse of tho firm whoso business
interests exceed $3,000,000.
lleuly'a Foul Attacks.
London, July 13. Owing to tho foul
attacks of Timothy Healy upon Mrs. Par
noil, n reaction is setting In tn favor ot
tho Irish leader both In England and
Ireland, and Mr. Parnell has received a
number ot letters to the effect that while
not agrooing with him In politics they
aro not in sympathy with Hoaly's dis
gusting abuse of his wife. The triumph
of the Roman Hierarchy ovor Parnell Is
causing a good deal of a stir among the
Nonconformists, who ure the sinew ot
the Liberal party in England nnd more
opposed to Catholic domination In poli
tics thnu tho Church ot England itself.
A lending R.tdlcal remarked In the lobby
that it tho Churoh of Pome taught peo
ple to oppose Parnell politically on ac
count of a marriage whioh tho law of
the, laud recognized as legal, but whioh
was opposed to Church lnw, then
Protestants had just as much right to In
troduce religion into politics. The
Tories are doing all thoy can to stir up
this feeling, and apparently with success.
Mlntiter Douclaas Will Not Return.
Wasiunotos, July 18. It Is said to bo
definitely settled that Minister Douglass
will not return tollaytl. Having brought
back with him ft reciprocity treaty with
Haytl, he is said to bo satisfied with his
mission and reRdy to resign. It will
probably be a long while after he re
tiros before another Minister is appelat
ed.' Kilted In a I.ntut Claim Dlipute.
Biixinos, Mont., July 13. J. It, Dll
worth, president of tho Dllworth Cattlo
Company, was shot and Instantly killed
at his ranch, 100 miles southwest others,
yesterday by a young Pienohman named
Humor In n dispute over a land claim.
Bemnr surrendered himself. Dllworth
came hero from Lenvenworth, Kan,, seven
years ago.
Designer llurffess Dent!.
Boston, July 13. Edward Burgess, the
naval archlteot, died last night at his
home, No. C03 Boacon street, of typhoid
fever, by whioh he was attaoked about
six weeks ago. IIo leaves a widow nnd
two children
Fnuglitn Duel With Sabres.
PrsTn, July 13. MM, Gayary and
Polonyl, members ot the Hungarian
House of Deputies, fought a duel with
sabres, M. Polonyl was severely wounded.
No Orauce Lutlxesiu the Army.
London, July 18. The Duke of Cam
bridge has issued an order forbidding
tho existence ot Orange Lodges in the
highest of all in Leavening Power.
The Vlllncn at I,nrkavllln In Danser by u
Midnight Crush.
WiLKKMutuiB, July 13. A disastrous
cave-in occurred at midnight at tho old
slope ot the Kingston Coal Company near j
Larksvllle, live miles from this city, and
tho inhabitants ot that village, which is
dlrec'ily over the mine, were in great fear
of their lives nnd their property.
Tho cavo was o-iusod by the snapping
of tho old limbers in the slope directly
Under the fan houso. The surface sank
so suddenly that t .0 upward rush of air
lifted the roof off the fan house.
For hundreds of feet In all directions
the surfaoe is covered with scams and
cracks, somo ot them a foot wide nnd ex
tending down Into tho workings. A
number of houses in the vicinity are dam
aged. A dozen men were at work In the mines
nt tho time, but thoy escaped through a
second opening. This company has been
particularly unfortunate On May 5 their
two largo breaker were dostroyod by
Tho Guests Iltcnpe In Their Nlcht Clothes
llarly This Mornlnz.
Dulutii, Minn., July 13. The Hotel
St. Louis, tho second principal hotel In
Duluth, .was discovered to bo on flro
1 oarly this morning.
I Tho guests escaped as fnr as known,
many In their night clothes. It is im
possible to estimate tho value of the four
stories destroyed, but it will not fall
Bhort of $loU,UUU.
Iter. Sam Small nt Aabury I'arlt.
AsbuhtPauk, N. J July 13. An audi
ence ot 5,000 filled every part of tho As
bury Park Auditorium last evening to
hear tho Key. Sam V. Small, the noted
ovanKelist and ex-president of Utah Uni-vAraltv-
Dr. Small's ndilross was a bit-
ed him, and his school of Infidelity and
agnosticism. In tho opening of his ad
dross Dr. Small alluded to the great
amount of space given in the dally press
for promulgating Mr. Ingorsolt's doc
trines, or no attention would ba paid to
j ng religious teachings. He said the
Bible would not bo overthrown although
Colonol Ingorsoll doa3 not boliovo in it.
Dr. Small was constantly lnterruptod by
Tli Cnhensloy Letter.
Baltimore, Md., July 1U. Cardinal
Gibbons lias received from the Pope tho
letter regarding tho Cahousloy Memorial,
to which reference was m ido in a rocont
cable from Rome. The letter says that
tho fears created in America by tho
I Memorial are groundless, and that tho
Holy Father has uo disposition to accede
' to any proposition that might disturb tbo
harmony of the American church. No
Innovation regarding the established
method for the appointment ot bishops
will bo toleinted.
ihotild be displayed In buying umxTV
line above all things. In selecting a
remedy for any disease, you should bo
positive that it contains nothing inju
rious to the health. Many remedies
on the market leave the patient in e
much worse condition, than bvloza
taking them.
a s. s.
Is purely vegetable, nnd perfectly
harmless; the most delicate child cu
tako It with absolute safety. It contains
no morcury or minerals of any kind,
and yot tt never fails to cure the dis
eases It is recommended for.
Book on Blood and Skin diseases fro.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Q
A safe nnd infallible neu'rallzernnd elmlna'
tor of Impure Mood, andn radical cure for
rlionmntlsin, gout, nnd skin diseases. Cures
tpecllto poison In a few months, aud eating
ulcwr in as many weens no uuures nna nc
Sold at Klrlln'6 Drug store,
Ferguson'! llottl Block, Shenandoah, Pa,
Or tlio J.liuor Jlunlt, l'osllltely t'urtu
by uumiiimcrmir )r. name'
UoMpil NlMHlflr
It Is mstrafaotured s powder, whioh can be given
la glaas of twer, a oup of coffea or tea, or In lood,
without th knowtedga ot ihe patient. It la abaoluUl
harmless, and wlU etfeot a permanent and speedy
..m whuthM tttA natleut la a modarata drinker of
an alooboltowreolc It has beon Riven In thousand
01 cases, ana la ever? instance a peneoc cure nas ioi
lowed. It uetrr Falls. Theeystem onoe Impresnat
ad with the Bpeoiac.H becomes an utter Impossibulty
S page book of parUeuIars free. To be bad of
C. H..HAGENBUCH, Drufjfllet, Shenandoah
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug, 1.7, 1889,
A Movement to Kxlemt tlin
Snolely All
Over tli. World.
MtNNEAroi.ra, July 18. Hev. A. A. Fill
ton, ot Canton, China, arose In the Chris
tian Hmleavor Convention imd announced
a now "schomo," or. as he called It, a
"Christian E.itleavor Scheme, " which was
for each member ot the society in the
house to give tlve cents each to send
Father Endeavor CI irk nrotiutl the world
to extend the society a I over the world,
to make It Inter-comiuental Instead of
International In its scofle. He asked for
000, tho remainder to bo raised outside.
Jliss Mariraret Litcli, ot Jallna, Ley
Ion, India, then spoko of the work in tlio
missionary field, and asked for 10,000
missionaries from the Society of Chris
tian Endeavor and to he supported by
them. There being 10,000 societies now
in existence, with 1,000,000 members,
gives an avera to of 000 membors to each
society. She pleaded for each society to
send out nnd support ono missionary.
This brought the convention to tho
children's or Junior Endenvorors hour on
tho programme Tho central sections of
the main hall wcro thon cleared, nnd
800 ohihlreu marched In singing "On
ward Christian Soldiers," taking tho
places vacated for them. Mrs. Alice May
Scudder, of Jersey City, the originator of
tho Junior Endenvor movement, deliv
ered on address on "The Child at Work."
Slio Baid that as children wore full of
life and energy thoy must be put to work.
Hich Tides Work r,.it Havoc on
Mersey ltlver.
London, July 13. Tho high tides which
hnvo prevailed in the Mersey for tho Inst
twenty-four hours so weakened a tem
porary dam built part of tho way across
that stream that to-day tho entire struc
ture, comprised of 10,000,000 tons ot tim
bor nnd masonry, gave way beforo tho
extraordinary pressure, tto dam was
250 feet wide, and the Immense quantity
of debris was swept down the river, .com
pletely blocking tho Thropshlro Union
Canal and choklug up a section ot tho
Eastorn Ship Canal.
The latter wntorwav will bo ontlroly
swamped by the next high stago of wator
unless a new barrier is immediately
erected. Thousands of workmen have
beeu put to work constructing a new
dam and removing tho wreckngo ot the
old ono.
Mnn nooelvae Tlve Mullets
on Ao-
count of a F1.U.II7 Quarrel.
BuTLxn, Pa., July 18. Adam Mlnlngor
fired five bullets Into tho body of his
brother, John Mininger, lu Jefferson
Township last night, fntnlly wounding
him. Four of tho shots took effect in his
head, and the other entered his breast
above tho heart. Ha cannot recover.
Bad blood has existed between tho two
brotheis for some time. List night John
drove to Adam's barn to feod his horse.
Adam refused him permission to do so.
John thon Insulted Adam's wife and ad
vanced toward his brothor In a threaten
ing manner, when Adam fired with tho
above result.
Murdered u Child for Splto.
Parkersburo, W. Va July 13. -Cyn
thia Adkin wasnrrested at Barhoursvllls
for the murdor of a daughter ot James
Croamlus. For somo time the alleged
murderess has had a grudge against tho
family. The child was found murdored
by its mother, who had returned from
an orranil, having left the little ono
asleop. It body wus discovered in an open
grate covered with ashes and bleeding
terribly, Tho child's neck had been
broken by a blow, and the little ono was
thrown Into tho ashes to stop the blood.
The murderess is unmarried, about 80
years old, and of excellent family.
An Opium Capture.
Chicago, July 13. Au opium capturo
was effected last night to which the po
lice and United States officials attach a
great dosl ot Importance. Deputy Unltod
States Inspector Captain Crowloy has for
months had suspicion that opium was
being smuggled into the city nnd sold to
the Chinese laundries, uo nns Kept a
watch ou certain individuals, and last
night called upon the poltco to arrest at
No. SO South Canal street a man who
gives the name of John Reynolds.
Dr. Grosvenor's
1 m
Hbpamathm, neuralgia, plorieyand lambasoRfl
"OhmI at finca. fliiuinm fur u.1h Iiv all DruirsTmti. Kl
ItiMeurel Aiuv thousand
htspeleu by tht Wit nliyst- iai
rtpiiily dlsper, mni In tn
Vtx ti tue cice ti..t h
(. It ivt VwrMliIriU f .
uonUis f mir- rr 11 h A V Q "
kculout cure I Ulf !Jfil O tnm
ntnmi irr feint ved
S---11 f. r j-'nt-c mooi: m v ti
(itrarr ii null
tiUI, fterul ten rer
, ftemt ten rers 'n tuit'ts 1 . a v ' jo fJEHi" l
I'd I H - id J
A newly discovered MINKHAI, WATEll,
the usoof which will supply Importaut ele
ments necetssry to health. It will cure the
Kidneys, Uver, Utomuch, andi.ll Dowel unci
lllsdder diseases. It w 111 dissolve culcull and
remove I hem. It ri moves Hie uilo acid fro n
the blood and thus destroys Malaria sud
mum. x, cures liriEiirs aiseae, anil is !
peclally recommended for neonle advanced in
life, and for genera! debility. For undoubted
particulars, loj it. 1'EilKV, Waler ot Ufe
Co., Si Bouth Main St., Wllkes-Barre, to.
prooisoi mis senator pampniei giving nut
l iue .iu m-re miiing to lu o Ul l10uge, hRd tlrae t0 get outside the
JoT'0'.11 ",' ,lhre WBoverl buildings, but before thoy could escape
13,000 delegates In tho hall and not one " ' . , ' . , . . ,
remained In , Is sent. This guaranteed i from tlla "dvauclim torrent of d.brl.
Forty-ono Persons Buried Un
dor an Avalanche.
The Oooupants Oarriet Along at a Fear
ful Velocity.
A Woman Dnilimt lo DhhIIi llumtrrils of
Feet lli-low llr ltswtilmioe-JDxt of tin'
Drnd Wero Inilliins-Tno Slide JL hat S llOW lie rCaSOIlS.
Missed a Canning ltull.11 It..... rjjl
v""W,Tn"taM , 0 wl beth's "pearl top" or "pearl
NANAtMO, 11. 0., July 18. One white, ,, I , ,t r
womau and forty Indians were burled glaSS, tOllgh glaSS, transpttr
uuder a landslide on the batiks of the gnt, clear, not IOggy, fine, of
Skenn lilver, at tho North Pacific Can-1 r;ght shape and uniform Jc
nAt0a.m. those residing near the oan-' him VOU'H pay him a nickel
nery heard a great rushing noise In the more a niece, and that Will
dlreotlon of tho high, steep mountain at
the back of the oannery. In a moment,
an iivalntiohe
were upon the
of rooks, earth and trees ;
doomod settlement, car-
rylng everything before it into the ,
slough byth. cannery. The occupants t
thoy were oattght anil carried along at a
fearful velocity. In all nine houses
with their oooupants were destroyed, In
cluding the mess house and residenoe ot
the foreman ot tho cannery.
In the mess room wai tho young
Swedtsli wife of the foreman. She was
carried along lu the deadly current aud
dashed to death hundreds ot feet below.
Indians clntmthat among thoso destroyed
were about 40 ludlans of tho Port Simp
son, Sitka Metalakatiah aud Katimat
Two days after tho slide 13 bodies of
the Indians had been recovered. Tho
body of tho foreman's wlfo has not been
recovered as yet, but there is not the
slightest hope for any 1'ving thing with
in tho range ot the terrible slldo of
bowlders, trees aud earth.
Tho slldo Just missed tho cannery build
ing about two foot. Had the slido struck
the cannery or occurred half an hour ear
lier tho death roll would have reached in
the hundreds. It had been mining in
torrents for the pre ious four days, and
it Is thought that the accumulntlou of
water in the ravines on the mountalu
side broke nwa , carrying death and de
struction beforo it. Tlio Indians are
greatly excited over the disaster, nnd are
mourning bittorly for their dead. v
Young Itallies to l,o Put ou Trial for
Ills Life.
Washington, July 13. A gro it deal of
Interest Is manifested hero in tho caso a
young Thornton Raines, whoso trial for
the killing of Edward Itannogan in self
defenso begins at Hampton, Vn. , next
Wednesday morning. Mr. Raines will
bo defended by Colonol Shlllington of
this city, Hon. John Qoodo t, ox-member
of Congress from tho Norfolk district,
Colonel Troo aud Mr. Whoeler of Hamp
ton. Several mombors of his family left
horo to-day. Some of young Rauuegnn's
friends hnvo employed tho professional
services ot Mr. Llpscombe, an eminent
lawyer here, to assist In tho proseou
tioo. A bontmnn on tho river says that both
Raines audRannegan had pistols 011 John
Paul Jones' yacht, which tho young men
used on this eventful trip. Raines
sticks to his first nssertion that he ucted
solely in self dofonse, and tho nogro wit
ness to tho nfC tir rc-nfflnns that he saw
Hanuegnn raise his oar to strike Raines
beforo tho shot was fired.
Many Teachers in Toronto.
Toronto, Ont., July 13. To ichers
from all p .rts ot tho Dominion aud tho
United States aro crowding into tho
city. Thoy aro horo to attoud the Inter
national convention ot teachers. The
executive oillcers stato that they uover
know of so many an I villa during tho
first week ot tho annual gathering, and
from this fact prodict that Toronto will
I havo'the biggest crowd yet,
tnu arrivals
so far are mostly from tho Southern ami
Southwestern Statos, Missouri con
tributing 400.
A New Diplomatic l'it7zlo.
London, July 13. Tho action of tlio
Porto In limiting tho privileges of the
Greek Christians at Bethlehem has
cnused an appeal both to Russia and
Greece. Since tho recent riot several
more fights have taken place between
the Greeks and the Catholics for the con
trol of tho sacred grotto, aud It is said
that worshippers go armed with stout
olubs tor tho purpose of fighting their
wny in aud out.
Ilppaless Hunt for Stolen Diamonds.
Chicago, July 18. Central Station do
tectives aro engaged in what seems to bo
a hopeless hunt for over $1,200 worth of
diamonds tiiat were stolon last Tuesday
evening from Mr. and Airs. J. K. i'orter,
Jr., of Philadelphia. The robbery has
been kept very quiet, nnd was not given
out until to-day, Mr. Porter claims that
the Jewels, whioh wero in a small satchel,
wore taken whllo. ho was registering ut
the Palmer House,
The Mnn-of-War Chicago All lllsht.
Nkw York. July la. The United
Statos man-of-war Chicago nrrivod last
evening from Norfolk, Vn., and anchored
In tho North Illver oil West Twenty-sev
enth street. The Chiogo h id been somo
time at Norfolk having her engines re
pairod, She is nil right now and will
participate lu tho oomlng uaval instruc
tion exeroises.
Hays He Will Up.
Lawhenckbukij, Ind July 13. The
treasurer of this county Is $20,000 short
in I1I1 accounts. At first ho said his
predecessor had not turned that amount
over to Mm, but on tho showing of re
ceipts he said he could not uooount tor
the Bhortage, but would make It good, as
he Is able to do so.
Filed 11 Mbet Aenlust the Itnta.
Lob Anoeijbs, Col., July 13 Tho
United States Attorney has filed a libel
against the arms and ammunition on the
Itata at Han Diego, rno writ is maue ro
turnable August C. This Is dono on In
structlons from Washington.
. Who rules in this town ?
Depends on the question up.
The lamp-chimney ques
tion what sort do you break ?
Whatever sort your dealer
deals in.
Mow, do you think, ho
selects his chimneys ?
He buys those that cost him
least; he can get the regular
price for them; and the faster
they break the more he sells.
cover his extra costs twice
over. X CU I11I11 yuu uun l pi
oose f0 break anv more. Try
. , rulincr
yO 'r hana at
20 other styles ft-.Y Nets, i
: '! to en, 1 ufl
I, JltlllHMO I'll
foJu by 1! ile.
I'Meheattr' Kualfah,1 R...
O.t.'nrlftu.J Oi.
- lilt,
1 MIlA
ria i
W t'ttttW
cricntl lv
t 1 moiiltU and
' .f, ., Uv return
Alxit. ti .? 1 .
9oii tf 111 Dr gs'tu.
Auk itir nffrnts for W. I
I)ouglnN SIi nr.
11 it" 1 lur miie 111 your tHiicc hnU yu
ntrouoy and itct thfiii tnv yuu,
S3 SHOE GFMftStoen
It ia 11 h uilikv) Mliot'. It li no tmrlffl or tvnx thr. ml
to hurt tlio feet; muilo of the best flue cnlf, ntylisli
unci t'ust ami bcruuoe we make more shoen of th
ttntih than any i.ttn r nianufai titter. It t'fjuala Iiauil
Hl'Wfll hll.tL'S COhlill f iioin h w tu XUU.
(bn. 0 (iMiiilito (liiiiil-ntMti'clt tho fluent cnlf
iftJtm Mum t'ver otTt-rcii for rqualt. trench
lintinrtcd Hi un s whli'li curt from Ri.into ftl'Jijt).
ffiJ 00 liaiiil-M'wnl Witlt hor. flnc rnlf.
Btllsli, couifortahlo ami durable. Hit? bust
Hlioe ever oilt'icil at this prk ; dame Kratlo as cus
tom mini" Hhoi, I'ljtttlnif from Sfi.fJU togH.iX)
fibS 30 INillco KIiimm Farmers, liallmod Tcii
vwi nti-1 LettcrfaiTlersall H-earthemi tlnocuir,
Hcamles-t, sitiitdtli itiHltlL liifty tbreu wh-a, exteu
sion idt, t uo pntr will w iar u ear.
t liis nrk'f : ono trial will rimtliiuo thosa
ho uuut u sdtn' for comfort uml service.
fjirs vi anil J.(M Voiltlntrmnirn snoa
w Jk ure vurr tttroiiir ftinl iluralitf. TIwira wlm
lin.o given tliem n trial will wear no other muke.
SI .(MI ami wi.7. Kcuooi fttint-H nro
Wuru livtbo ljoHBVervhtru: tLeVfiell
on their merltn, nt the InereashiK sales hIiow.
!JmCU ICiO DoiikoIu, M.TV6tylinli;ciuuUFrcUL'll
miKirtPil RiioeHcoiilliiK rmm fl.iM to Rdut.
I.n.lli.k Sll. IHI mi. I 4l .T"; hnn for
MUjtaaro tlio hefittlueUunuoiu. StyllHl.autl durable.
i'uiitluii heu limt V. L. tumulus' tiamo aud
nrk-o aro t tarn pet 1 on the lM.tttun of each shoe.
171 OKKS, hlolohfi, rimrlf. Hot
Mi ..-'i.Tliruil. IrrlUtlODi.Hoftld
inrt, Intlaumfttl Kldner
l)ri.Tiii. Pil, Ucttoobolr
Wekkoeii Debility, ImpIret Mfrroorj sod Dy,&tr1ctnrttv
UltlUtUiei reu'ting from ji.mhful err ri orfioiaorerwork
Old, Young cr Middle Aaada'ttatrtr nj longer,
mre 1 ccrtilu, no eipenim at 1 b7 Terythlng known lt
mtJtctl An4mrB.CkUoicQo,otJtiLiti(Jo.JcJiol.ctIftlr
do mtttcr wtiotttlleil relief toice. rmott oihi oorod la
to 10 dtj: EuropckO Hpltt i xperUuet to OermtDj. Enp
U&J. Fr&noa n lutilk, u -ertlflotle ani diploma pro?
and U Tiir i.ractlfal r .f .rlenco 18,0M cuea rurol yearly
HI C nflfb VL'lboiieUdtoaDadTrrtialngdoetar.vh
D l.kM)JJlJ can t-rot aa grraiakO), know)d(t ui
iptrlcnoo and who can ahow aa inany patient! ptrmani'ntly
grcd aa I nan after qtiaeka and aafvrtlnlfif doctor bt
ruined tbem. Seu.lSc iinnp for book "TRUTH" and aw or a
OtitlrnooItU eiixMtug and ndfvrtfaloc dooiori with
their falaa and Tftuduteut tuarantpea aii'l tutatrtnonlal, thclk
lipcrlroce. Ih?y do not icv and tlie.r aobonie of refotj'llDi
money or frlcn lly talk and their cheap and wortnltM druy
uaUtier cf wblob cu,ra you. 1ml aro used dwoy tad teul
Inruln ofthuuand or contlllng fioilm. Onor Hocm
Kvery dy Irom V A. U lost' M. tmuiugf 6 U B. Wednt'c U
and Samnliy lenln. (r iiM-ie Smidnya fron tola, V3
Htftjraac ca Wuilnvbdaj aud Haturdar rbiU. TUa.
if you rontemploto
attenilliie Comircr-
I rlul Hehiuil. It will
pav jmt t lslt the 'Ittil'IlhhThK lll'SI.
hliHH UNIVKIIH1TY before d elding whefe.
ti'niiKli y u may live n llunuann n lie" wy.
It RlnnitH at the lead cif Hie llstnl rnmmer.
olal fcnoiilH In Its charncler aa an ertucHiloual
forre, an r ni(lluni tor pnpiilylnt the tuniluetH
men of Iheeounlry with Ufili nl am! rapablo
ntklstaiits, aa a nuniiH ol plaoInK amhllloua
young men aort wimifi. on Hie d to
fcUccr.-B, i nil (n the extent, el. uanrc t,nd coBt
ol II" iqulpment. Ttioroilfli COMMHIU JAIj,
i uu mmivs. llie Twenl) -M entn Anuuul
Catalot!"' will be maile.l toany addrtes.
All persona are hereby waroed
nelonglng to tho
Shenandoah Wator Company,
and all parties caught violating thla notice
will ho
Prosecuted it h Trespassers.
Jly order of
V W . TV