Evening Herald. rUl!Mfitim DAILY, SUNDAY ItXCIilTlMi jr. O. nor I'll, JMUnr and I'nlitltlirr. IfM. r. IIMI7i.V.S, .nceif IMItoi: A Happy Thought. Mr. GootUellow (rnonilizlnglyi Alas, thnt oue cnnnot nlvvays ceo things ns lis ought. What one needs Is more light. Mrs. Goodfcliow (quick to see nil oppor tunity lir (lie dimly burnltiK ns) Shall I ting for lamps, dearr Detroit Kree Press. ALL THE NEWS FOfl ONE CENT Ttu KVKSIXQ MCRALDhma Inner cir culation in ienanWi than any ollur jwper jmblMrd, Jiwkn f.)fn lo . SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily, tier year - Wr.tKi.T, lr year - ...W W .If Entered it toe HoMtofflee, at FHutuMMlofth, l for transmission threrauh the mall wmil olasn mall matter. MASS MEETING OF FARMERS" Ihn lCxirclcs 1'rimlilMl Ornr by l' I'nlk. Prankmnvilue, N. Y., July 18. Tin State Farmers' Alliance liml a mass mee. ln in Lime Lake Grove, upward of 1,511 people being prenent. The promiiieiil SlHle Alliance men preset J. waro Presi dent Arnold, of Arcade; S. H. Venner, ol Knst Anrors; Cbnrlcs Moore, of Canistotn: Prank '. Hulett, State lecturer. The spe'iker or the ilny were National Preei dent 1- h. Polk, of North Oarolinn; llidpli lieiumiout, of Washington, and JE. P. Dibble. The exorcises wero presided over h President Arnold. Polk spoke for nil hour and a half, setting forth the op pressed condition of the funning clni mid calling for action. Ho pictured the prosperity of the cltlos nnd townH In contrast to the country, declaring the unfavorable comparison was not duo to the lnzlness or oxtravagnnco of the farming class, and declared that no class of mou work so hard and got so llttlo for tliolr labor as does tho farmer. Tho statement wan made that 100 farmers could be found at the plow in the Alliance States who can bettor copo with the economic questions of tho day than the average men of Congress. The depression In ngrlculturul matters was due to overproduction, tho cause of which Is under consideration, l'ho gov ernment, once tho palladium of tho peo- tilo. bad beun transformed nuo n nm chine for manufacturing p.mpers millionaires. Ignorance Eastern Man I should like you to meet my partner, but bo Is not here today. He lias not been well since the lost bllsxard. I presume you know what a bllward is, ehf Western Man -N0-0: I have not been east long. New fork Weekly. Tim I1 .rson's Smile. "Your engagement, this evening, John," ventured the clergyman's wife, "ta of u binding nature, 1 presume." "Particularly so, Mary. I bavo a mar riage ceremony to perform." Detroit lfrea Press. A Hnonallo Kplnwln. The Cutter Do you want anything else sn Urn stone besides the Ijoy's namef Herenveil t'ju-ent Well, yon might just out i vir 1 f HklvUm."Hn8t0ll fimtr" POOR FOOLISH MEN! A TALK WITH BLAINE. 2Io Ltuglis t Tlione Hlllr Reports lie irni-ellng III Health. IUn HAiuion, Me., July 10. Mr. Blaine returned from a long drive at noon, and ns he passed the lodge at Stanwood and stnrtod to walk up the gravel path he was met by n reporter. As tho Scoretnry of State approached the wilier was enabled to get a good view of him and itoto his physical con dition. Ho walked (Irmly and without effort, and seemed In no way changed from the condition ho was In whon ho ar rival! home from his European trip throa years ago. He stood erect, ppoko without effort, nnd his eyos wero bright with tho glow of returning health. His face was round nnd full, and there was nothing about him to betoken tho ln-alld. A) lie stood there conversing the corres pondent thought that his recovory from so serious au illness so quickly was as tonishing, nnd only demonstrared the wonderful vltnl powers that ho possesses. "I am convalescing, as you see," Bald Mr. Maine, "and have just returned from n very delightful drive." "1 had feared to Hud n very sick man, Mr. Blaine." "What a bother theso oorrespqjulerits nre making over rao," said the Secretary, and his eyes twinkled with amuse- I ment. I "Hut I pay no attention whatever to I thoui. There is not a word of truth in j any of those reports nnd reputed inter 1 vlows. I have gained every day since I 1 came to liar Harbor, and, as you see, my , vacation Is doing me a world of good. I bavo taken no mcdloliio since I came I here, nnd the bracing air nnd tho rest I am enjoying afford mo nil tho tonics I need." I After a brief conversation Sir. Blaine said: "I "take my rides dally aud on joy them." ALLIANCE LOANS. UEISKELL'S M Q OBNTMEN' 6q& eveh'y Vormof SKIN DISEASE Prom Simple EMmnlcs to olintlnnte KCKlSMAi also irfcilINO IMI.IiS. 3-8cttcl for" Hint H for Kllclton null Bleb. Xxonm," a hand book for tho household. FltEE. LAK ESIDE! Tho finest in tho iutorior of tho State. Only available health and pleasure grounds in the Anthracite region. Summer Resort, Pic-mc and Pleasure Grounds I and COMUaBTlD 1 TAKE A WOMAN'S ADVICE ANO USE WoHfsACMEBIacking A marolticent Peep III n rk Poll nh, which lasts on Mon's bootR 11 wccll, and on Women's a month. 25 Dollars worth of New Furniture for 25 Cents. HOW? By painting 25 square feet of Old Furniture with The Allun Outline Hotter. New York, July 13. The condition of The Alloa is improving, and Dr. Donlln, his attending physician, has great hopes of his ultimate recovery. WOLFF & tlANDOLPn, Philadelphia. SPECIAL NOTICES. "What n Prominent Physician and Oh&miBt says Aftor Analysis and Practical Tost. Dr. J. Lytter, formerly 0 Hellenic lloipital Mrtlimt College and Long Ihlund (Juliette, weak as loUuws : NEW YOHK, October 2ft 1800. Alvan Hrazlllau pccllle. Co., 0 Wiillur-et. (JentH: Tliesnmpu of ) our ChcIiih lllood Cuie, which 1 li' tight fir nmilyi-lH, I hae Minjecied to a very luoruugu len.nnaoun Una not anluulo liatoof niluiriilorincreuf al piei'nratlon In It lmlcrr; and, ns I have linil conslOemblo experience. In ilscontl'n tloiml ill'ict lu ceitnln tUcuts iilreacly known to you, I cont-lrter It Iho safest nnd best vegetable blood iiirllier In tho uimlict. Yours tuhpeet'.illy, 1). J. I Y-.TKH. Hi I SI. I). Bold nl KlilIirsl)iui;Btoie,bersusoti JIouso Illock, ihuunndoai . People nro now running away to tho sea sWoi and mountain roforts. Shlloh's Consumption Curo. Tills Is beyond quei-tlou the luosl soc- cesslul CohkIi Medicine e have evu sold, u lew doses Invarlnbly cure the woist ram ol Cough, Cioup, nnd llroi.iblllR, while Hr won. derlu! sucews In the nire of Consumption is without n parallel in the hlstoiy of medicine. Bluco It's tlrtt dlbcove-y it I as been iold on a guumnlee, a It&t whlcn no oilier medlclno can stand. Ii you have a l ough we earnestly usk you to try 11. l'rlee lOccutr, 60ct ills, and 11.10. Jf your 1. lings aie-Hire, Cliest or Uark lame, use Hhlloh's I'oious l'lubter. Ho'd by O. H, llneeubuuh, W. li. comer Wuln and Lloyd streets. Butler milk is than Ice wator. a better summer drink A Husband's Mistake The veKlIbulfrt compartment n' eplDR car recently tnlfidtn e-i ? thp e;h1'tfo, i!. I au. aud Kaiisiis i.'ity Itatlrtay :m uitulels 01 coi toil, oonvenl nee lud luxury. .Uiy patron o' tho sl(-e.li); car tsenat-led, by t'-o lr.tr.nlne tlinol bene cow phi unwit cars, 1 heeure II aiiiue privacy untl oiivt nience that b tvoiitu In the best hntei. ffo olliet' Hue wcl eift hl -aKoruns ihe eoir.perti..Li)t rars. In add t'.ou, tho Huh saio equipped w 111 the recul oieu t'uPmau sleeper, givlug pao-.eiiKcrK their cliolro. Tie ell lug ear service Is lullyupii thurtiiulrementsoi 11 odem lallwny kervlce An t'xe'enc-nL eiltsuie, itronipiiy Herveee amie elegant sitrftumllnKK, m moderulo -lui'ib leaves nolhlogiioi; to be dewlrod. Any oloui neiuiln aiiiteiMiibiilnK inrlnlouny part of Hie west or norlhwent oh u not io(.lbly securi-lu-iter nremiitnui.allullH rr lower rules thin by addreHlUB VV. P. uooley, Oeneiul Aiitnt.iM 1110 1 sm nger ueiiuiiuuui,rou vuwimuou Philadelphia, IU. WII1TK l-BAKS AUT) DAI1K CANONS. Colorado Is a laud of Miaip roittrasls, ol brllllunl miits, nl Intense) blindi lis; a laud where l.clKhls anil elopllis mske obvious the meaning of tbo uoid aullthebh.; a laud where fiverv mood In nil- d can Unit uu anHUetli.or n ooil in natuie. The liliih, white inluaietH of tho n.ointalu, fioin nlieibe slender plun cles llotii thu wind-blown bunuers 01 thosnow, ni penl with slli tit eloqueceo 10 the lolly usplm. ilouboi' the soul; the sombre chusms clell liy Titan loices tluougli Krnnlte-henrted hills -lliinvhu.,0 depths dark blmdows throng and swlillnic louents nahspeal; to t lie heart. a language that thrills, injures and nwea. It dues 1101. follow that lhe,o gl'Tles ol whllo ni ales and luobe em on s oi U1.1K c 'iions pre cltido tho pleubutit Intereals. Hie sunny meadows or the secluded nooK wlieieln the tired mind or wesrled bo ly amy Hud neuee- ful rest and refuge from turmoil aud toil. To ono mailing a Journey in Colotudn, New Mexico or II lab, or tailug a transcontinental tour from Kai-t 10 West, or t ire r-ja, 1 ho IMl ver null Itlo Qrnude lUlla ud oil rs aeci '0 modHtlons equal In elegauecconvenieuce and luxury l-i niobo e-i any oiuer line wuu me aa deel ultiaetlons of tbo unrivalled sceiury along ns line, auouuuiug 111 a mngaineem onulenco elf while Denies aud elark canons. Tho month of November, IbliO, wltvossed one 01 1110 moHi luiiioriniu improvomenis in roil A Commltlen to Ileal Directly With I'nst em Ulnuey Lenderfl. TopnKA, Kas., July 13. Prosldont McQrath of the State FannorB' Alllauco lias announced the appointment of n com mittee to take charge of tho placing of loans for members of tho Alliance. It will be tho duty of the committee to deal directly with Eastern tnonoy-louilers. thus saving tho borrowor the agents' commissions. Men having mortgages comlnir due which they are uuablo to meet will be nsslsted In securing cxteu slons when they nro deemed worthy of it, and if necessary to prevont them losing their homes. They will bo provided with additional oollatteral to secure the de- Ired extension. Sir. McQratli says that tho committee will bo of boueflt not only to the borrower but to tho leudor, and that It will establish between them better understanding. lie insists that tho rank and 11 la of the Alllauco are meu who intend to pay tliolr honest debts, and thnt they must not be held responsi ble for tho doctrine, of repudiation, so in dustriously preached by a certain class. Iho committed will devote Its entire time to an examination of the mortgage indebtedness of every farmer In the State nnd will not rocommed any extension of time or placing of new mortgages on anything but flrst-clnss securities. By this plan thoy expect to Improve tno credit of tho State atul savo tho land com pany which oporatoa through them from los1). DOM pedro'S'allowance. Iluobands too often penult wives, mid par .. . I.t l. 1.1 . ... t, ...v. nrl....l... dizziness, neuralgia, sleeplessness. Ills, tier- load luelllileb that lias yet been nisde I1110I wnen ly llie use in itr. fines' vmiNnesa. when bv Kestoratlvo Nervine such terlous resulls rould euslly be provinted. DrueglslN every where sny It gives unhcrsnl satlslacilon, und Illegal Immense sale. Woodveorth 4 Co., ol Fort Wayne, Inel.; Hnow A. t o., of Byraeuse, N. Y.: .l.ii. Woll. Illlisdule. Mlcb.-.and hnn- rt edsot others say "It is the greatrtt seller they ever know.'' It contains no opliles. Trial boitles nnd tine book on Nervous Diseases, frco al C. 11, Jlngcubucirs. Trozon banana pudding is a fashionable tidbit. A Curo for Constipation and Hoadaoho. Dr. Silas Lane, wliilo in tho Rocky Mountains, discovered a root that when combined with other herbs, makes an easj nnd certain curo for constipation. It is in tho form of dry roots and leaves, nnd It known as Lane's' Family Medicine, It will euro sick headache!. For tbo blood, livor and kidneys, and for clearing up tho completion it does wonders. Druggist soil it at 60 conts a package rudo and the West. Tho completion of the standard gatikeol the Denver and JtloGninde lcnuroitn ironi Denver, ejoiornno, over til' mountains to Oadon. Utah, which five year ago was eleemeu au Impossibility, Is certainly a triumpti 01 uariug ami engineering sum, Tho new line Is b ibewnyol Irfadvllio, tun. uelluirTennes-eel'ass. tiireadlmr tho canon of tho 1 agio and Ormd Klvers, giving a view ol Iho .Mount of the Holy CTosk, enioute, tak ing Its trains throusti Qlenwood borings a'ld down tho Qrand Hlver to Grand Junction, tbence to Kult Lake City, Ogden unt fan Krancleeo. llv this route 0110 18 irlven an ein- pori unity to behold the magulltceuceof j-'agle lllver Canon and the murvelous tcnuty and grandeur of the Canon of the Urand. 'Iho overland tialn is a model In every rested From the cugino to tho last tlist-clasa coach everi thing Is bright and new, ni,d of tho most elegant style of workmanship and umsn, If any reader desires to know more about these siupeunou8 we.rns 01 naiuro, wrue ton, IC. llooptr, (JeDeri.1 Passenger Agent, Denver, Colorado, and hewlll send vou. tree ol cist elegantly Ulubtrnted bcxiss. clvlnu a full de scription of the marvels of the 'Hoenlo Une."- Blanley Wood 111 the "Oreat Divide.' A very moderate stinimor this has boon to far. Ask Your Frlonda About It. Tour distressing cough can bo cured. AVo know it because Kemp's Unlearn within the past Tow years has cured so many ooughs and colds in this community IU remarkable sale has been won entiroly by its genulno merit. Ask some friend who has used it what hu thinks of Komp't lUlsain. There Is no medicine to pure, nonoso effective. Lsrgo bottles COo and $1 at all druggists'. Watormolons are becoming plentiful. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed tho warning? The signal per linim e,r the sure annroHCU of that more ter rible dlneaso. Comumntlou. Ask yourselves! If you eau ntlord lor the sako nl savlug SO cents, to run 1110 rien ana 00 uoiuing mriu We know from experience that HhlloTi's Curs will Cure j our Cough. Jt never falls. This explains why more than n Million ilotiles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup and WhoniiliiL' Cough at once. Mothers do not be without It. For l.nme Hack, Hide or Chest, use Hhlloh's Porous Plaste r. Hold by V. II, llagcnbucb, N. K. corner Main und Uoyd stroeu. Tliero's an assortment of oyonlngftais this month, Saturn, Mars, Uranus and .Morcury. 0GenuinoJ, h nnd will ever 1)0 tlio bect Ilomet'- for rtnnf. Tn flu fin r.a. liaokuolie.' PolnH in thn Sldo. ChCBt and I Joints, Nouralgia, t5prainj, Szo Before you aoed to Day, obtsln sa-PREE OP CHARCE"E ,o valuable booil "Gnlile to Djalti," wltJii iriementa 01 promineat puywoituis F.AS.RlCHTER&.GOsi 10 Broadway, NEW YORK. 88 Prize Medals Awarded I . n 3lx T 3 "S loAni, Prsguo, llotterdara, Olteni 50 Oonts a bottle, For Salo byH i. r. KinrjN, II. UACJI-JNIIUOII, T AKKSIDK (Kast JInlmnoy Jhnctlon)m!d J way between Mali inoy UitA and Tama qua, now mar aged by a new stock com pnny, will be open to the publlo wlthlu n lev weeks, and dales can now bo fecured. A number of societies have already been booked nnd others wishing deslinblo dntes should ninko application without delay. Under the now management many Improve nientt will be made, some of them being uove underway, thnt will make 11 the plc-ulonnd pleantro grounds of tho region. A lrgo dancing pavllllou nnd n trntllne park nro umnng the new additions. Thobcsi horses In tbo Blnlowlll botccuied to tun or trc. this season. TJ10 natural nttrnctlnus and mr.gnlfl- i cent ecenery of tlio nlace aro tin- tqimlled, aud a day of recrea- 1 1 1 lion and pleasure may bo epeut in it to advantage. Tlipro is good Ashing and ' "" bathing In the twin lakca " , , Biirrotiudiugtliegrounda. Boat bouses will be built ou the lakeside and rega'teswill be freiiiientthis season For Sunday Schools, Lodges, &c, The grounds are most EUltable for pic-nics and outings. For dates and othei lnfoniiatlon, call on or address, O. A. KEIM, Excursion Manager, SWENANDOAH, I-A. AJi SXovfiltiont every WATERPROOF COLLAR or GUFF THAT CAN BE RELIED ON -fro 3i3llt;2 XToi; to BE UP TO THE Itf AE?K BE.U THIS MARK. In llrazll toJIReiiuw Ills I'misloli Pakis, July 13. A Itlo Jnnciro dospatch says that there is n growing public, de sire to ronow tho allowance to Dom Pedro, tho ox-Emperor, on tho same terms and for tho snmo amount ns when he abdicated the throne. This allowance has been withheld on tho ground that Dom Pedro has not abandoned his claim to tho throno nnd was still nt work in a quiet way trying to renew Ills power In llrazll. For some time past it has been evident that Dom Pedro had nltogothor surrou elored any idea of tho restoration of monarchy lu llrazll. Theroforo the movement to renew his pension is rapidly gaining strength. THE GREAT DISPUTE. Kx-Gor. lllnli- Tnkos a Hand lie the Mo-Clure-Klculay Ceintrnvoi-sy, Jackso.v, Jllch., July 18. Ex-QovernoT Blair, spenking rolnlivo to tho dispute botwoon Editor McCluro nnd Col. Nlcolay ns to whether President Lincoln opposed tho nomination of Hannibal Hamlin for Vice-President in 1601, saidi "I was a dulegnte to that convention nnd was ohalrmau of that couimitto or ganized to Investigate tho report that Mr. Lincoln wanted Andy Johnson nom inated instead of Mr. Hamliu. I dis tinctly remember thnt tho committee was unanimous that Mr. Lincoln had taken no paart either for Mr. Hamliu or against his nominntlon." 1'1,-ht tilth Clroiin Mhii. iNDiANArous, lud., July 18. A dis patch from Shoals to the News says that after tho performance of Sells' circus Friday night in that city n fight occurred between tho circus omployes anil local toughs, in which rovolvers and clubs were freely used. James Itlchey of Shoals was struck on the head with a stake. His skull was crushed and he died a few hours afterwards. Several of tho circus employes were injured. The circus train left Shoals for Washington and no arrests were made. HEEDS KO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LI NED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. SHENANDOAH, PA., and otucr arucgisu. tVeinlher lndloutluiif. Wasiiinoton, July 13. For New England, Eastern New iork nnd Now Jersey! Fair, slightly wuruior, southerly winds. For Westoi-n New Yorki Futr; slightly warmer; southwesterly winds. NK1V YOltlt 31. VUti UTS. New Voiir. July 10, eeisy at pur cunt., 4Us, 1891 Hog. Money on cxill loans! 110NDS. Lehigli Valley Railroad. ARRANGEMENT OF l'ABSKNOEK TUA1N8. MAY 10, 1891. Passenger trains will leave Hhenandoah fct Mauch Cliunk, Lchlebton, Blatlnijton, Cats sauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Plill aelelpliiaauclNew York at 6.47, 7.41), .Mu.l., 12J52, 3.10, 6.28 p.m. Knr ltelvldere. Delaware Wnter Oan and -it rourlsburg at 6.47, a. m and 6.20 p. m. For Lnrauertvllle aud Trenton, U.lw a, m For White Haven, Wilkes-Barre and Fltte ton 6.47, U.08, 111.41 a. 111.. 3.10 and 620 p. m. For Tunulianuock, 10.41 a. m 3.10 and 6.26 p. m. For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyons 10.41 n. in., and 6.VM p. m. For Lacevvllle, Towanda. Bayre, waverly, h.lmlra, Itochesier, Uullalo. Niagara Falls, Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and v.2P, m. For Hnilra and the West via rlalamanca at 3.10 p.m. For Audenrled, Haileton, Btockton, Lum ner Yard, Weatherly and Fenn Haven Juno lion at 6.47, 7.40,11,08 a. in. and 12.&2, aiO and WW p.m. For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and lieavet Meadow, 7.40, 8.08 a. m. and 6.28 p. m. For Hcrannmut 5.47 von, 10.41a. m. 3,10 and 5;2 p. in; For llaile Brook. Jedilo, DrlRon and Free land at 6.47, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m., 12A2 8.10 and 6.20 p. in. For (luakaae at 6.47 and 9.03 a. m and 1.10 p. 111. For Wlgeans, Gllbcrton and Frackville at 5.60andtf.08a m and 4.10 p. m. For Yatesville, Mabanoy City and Delano 5.47, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41, 10,63 a. m.,12.52,3.10,5.20, 8,03, 0.2 nnd 10.27 p.m. For Lost Creek, 31rardvllle and Ashland 1.27, 7.46,8.52, 10.15 a. in., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 6.S5 4.10 and 9.14 p. m. F'or IJarKwater, Bt. Clair and I'otUvllle. 7.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. m 122,3.10,4.10, 6.26 and 8.(to P. m. F'or Duck Mountain. New Boston and Mores, 7.40, 9.08, 10.63 a. lu., 12.62, 8.10, 6.2S and s.03 p. m. For Haven Ilnu, Centralla, ML Car reel and shamokln, 8.62, and 10.15 a. m., 1.10, 4.11, aid 8.0(1 p. m. lrainH leavu niiaiuumu lur ouguhuuuhii, l.K lljbi a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.S0 p. m., arriving at Sheuanaoah, 9.05 a.m., 12.52, 8.10, 6.26 and n, in p. iu. SUNDAY TltAINH. For iost Creek, tilrardvllle and Ashland, 0.10 11 .85 a. m.( 2.45 p. m. For Darkwater, Bt. Clair and l'oltsvllle, .M), 8.00, ;0 1 . m., 2.45 p. m. For Yatesville, Mahanoy City and Delano, s.uu, iijo a. ui., i.w, d.iu ji. ui. For Lolly, Audenrled and llaileton, 8.0 a- m 1.40 p. m: For Mauch Chunk, lieblghton, Blatlngton I'ataviuiqiia, Allentown, llethlehem, Kasto) and New York, 8.00 a. in., 1.40 p. m;1 For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m. k. II. UYINGTON, Uen'l I'aMi. Agt., liethlebem. 1 illiams d Bro. Chamber Bets, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Wash Stands, Conches, Dressing Cabinets, Wardrobes, Armolres, Bldeboards, Dining Tables, China Closets, Dining Chairs, Buffets, Brooking Chairs, Card Tables, Mirrors, Boras, Tea Tables, Parlor Bulls, Closlni Closlnf Saturday. To-ilur ,...IU0 10QH IDU lOJjf 11U lHOl I'nun s, 1007 lteg 11BH a, 1907 Coup.... IS..AIW BtULli ilAllRlTl, C'lodlnu Closlnj Saturday. To-Uay. Canadian Paclflo W) 81 llentnil rueltlo. 30 30 ('liioago, Bur A Qulney 80X Deluevaio & lludsem 1V8M 1UU Del.. Lack. & Western iaJ 133H urie iu j:rlepret 4814 48 J.nkeMiore IIkAm Louis, it Nash 742 .')! MloliWsii c entral H7 88 Missouri Piiultlo 07 U ml NewJiro ivntval I13M 114 Northw, litem 1U4 105 OrtKim Navigation 70 70 Fiuilno Mull 3511 S3 Itenillng U8i no itooklbland 7314 BLl'aul 04)4 ml Union l'aeltlo '4i i Westttra Union.,,, , 7U lift FIEE INSUKAUCB ! ttfiit ni Sldiil ftllillt ftnlj Cult hsjnlii Heprescnted by JAVlDrAUSTC Jardln Btrest B11ENANDOAH.FA FOE ! mm for LOSTerlMILItlO UAMHOOni lo.l o,l tiERVOUs DEBILlIx: Wualinciior iioay anauLtca, aulcu of KrrorlorEiccuel InOldorYouij. uubj,l. nidlliicii ninj iiMiorto. "",lrn'-,r--i" irAMii5iK,l!istiOTseoel,,s'"?' . ....if. t.. ii.Ui.i.i.i t-rrfirrt Cfomtri- Writ IbtMa Ulrni CR1 filLDICAL CO., UUr FALO, N. Vv Jmllexl Uxpiess 12.85 . m.012.03 niKLt,weet. ij-a. .-.MiiuHn. ,.u n. ui., i.uo uiyilt,. trains leave Havrtabuiir for I'llisounc end PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. I SOUDTLKII.I. DIVISION. and aftrr TTov. 24, 1890, (ra(n w(H Kas Shenandoah at follows; for WlgKan, uilberton, Frackville, New astle, Ht. Clair, and way points, e.tM, 9.13 tn and 4.15 p in. Jnndays, ooo, 9.40 a m aud uop m, fc'or IotUvllle, .oo, 9.IU n in and 4.19p tu. nnday s, 600, S.4n a m nnd 8. 10 p m, 'or Rending, 6.00, 9.10a m and 1.15 pm. iindays, MX),9.4Ua.m. nnd8.1Upm. VfTv J,"lJIx'S'.n' , .Vboenixville, NorrUtown id Fblladelphla (Broad street ktatloni. H.W. 10 a m. anil 4.15 n m wee clays ' euudays, 600, 9.40 a m 3.10 p m rralne leave Fmcivilie lor Mhenaudoah nl '.SSmnM'p'J:42- Al .ISjlWu i.savo rniiaaeinnia (uroaa strct Untlonl , PoltsvUle and BhenanrluHh. s bi in 'S -J: 1.10, 4.1uand 7.00 p m week days, Buuday R,w i a ana i.iu p. in "or WYOrfc, 8,20, 4.05, 4.10, 6.86, 6.50, 7,811. i.m, U.0oandll.l6am,12(J(lAewn,(IJm, ect express, l'.os and 4,50 p m.) 12.44, 1,40. iao. til. 4, 5, u, i-..U), 8.60 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p m, 12 ui lent. in nuneinys, a.aj, .ua o.ho, b.iz, 8,80. 9.50. m.aud lllmlled 4.501. fi.il. (i.iL rj1 .18 8.11 p to oad 12.01 night. t-or nea win, npima iar,e, uelniar. cean timve. Asluirv Pai k. anel Ixinc Hn.nih ), 11.15, a. ni, 4.00 p. ni. wens davr For reenoia, n.v . p. m, ntcK days. atiiJnor" ann wapnuu i,n, a.su, 7,30, 8,HA ;('. i.2(l. J L18 a in. 12."S lltmlted exnrniwl 8.48 41 817 nn' 7.40 o. m . and 12.0J iilplii. Kn- lalti nore my J.02, 4.) ., frnsand I18O p. m 1 n uioayn, o.du, , , b li'iu.ci 11. 1 a. In. 4,41 u. l 40 0 ui. lil.08 nlKht (iHlI'morn nnlv 03 and 11. SO pro .''or Klehmond uid tiie Houtn 7J0ll.i8a. m., is west evorv elav at 12.35 and 8.10 a m a,ic1 XKlliallod) and 3.40 p m. Way for Altoemu. '6 a in ana 4.10 p m every uay. ITor Plttsbnrt! only, ll.SO a mi nally and 10.20 oj v. be -c tiayH. oave Knnbnrv lor Wllliamsiiort. Klmlra. " -iTipndalfroa, Boehi!ver, BaRaloana Nlairaru .,!Is 5.10 a m daily, ami 1.48 nm week elnvs. 'or 'atsirs, 5.30 p m week elsys, far Krle and lnteriiiecllate noliits. 5.10 aire.. tally. Pot i.ocs Haven, 5.1(1, and n m. lally, 11 and J)0 p. m. week days. For ionovs 0,111 a iu i.h oua u,;n. p m weec aays. 10 a. m Kaudays, 'ia'j. a. I'ljua, j. h, wtiou. nan. Man'' 'sn fane. agl. Philadelphia and Roadiug Aailroad'' Time Tabic in cEect Mat 10, 18V1 TRAINS LEAYE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS 'for Mew York via Philadelphia, week days. 12. 0 5.25, 7.20 a. m. and 1285 2.60 and 5.5S 1. m. uanday 2.10 and 7.48 a. 111. For New c'ors:, via Mauoh Chunk, week days, 6.25, mj, a. to. ana la.di unu .ou p. in. For Headlnc aud Fhllaelelpnia week days. 2.10, 5.25, 7.20, a. m., 12.35 2.60 and 5.55 p: iu. -uuuay,ii.iu uiu 1,10 u. ju. , For iiunisonrg, wees: aays, a.iy,i,zu a. m x .CO, 6.56 p.m. , . lor Allentown, week days, 7.20 1. m 12.3ei ,10 p.m. 1 jr roltsville. week days, 2.10,7.20,a. m ,2.3 1 2.50 and 6.55 p.m. Bunday, 2,10 and 7.48 For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week ays, 2. 0, 5.25, 7.20, a. in., 123) 2.50 ana 5.M1 . in, Sunday, 2.10 and 7.48 n. in. Additional ,ir Mahanoy City, week dnys 7.00 p. m. l'or Lancater ana uoiumoia, wbok ubjo, ,20 a. ra., 2.50 p.m. Eur v Jlliltuinuui l, ouiiwinf uDnnuuiui fottL days, 3.23, 7.20 and 11.30 n. m 1.35, 7.00 , m. wunuiiy b:.j a. m. or juanauoy nanc, weeia auye, a.iu 0.1, I' xo, .iu anu icon a.m., i.m, u.w. 7.00 anc il.2.t, p. in. Bunday, 2 10, 8.23 and 7.4S a. m. i.i;o t m. Lounges, Divans, Easy Chairs, Parlor Cabinets, Easels, Muslo Cabinets, 1'lanoCbalrs, Hall Btands, Settees, Uall Tables, Fancy Tables, Wood Mantels, Book Cases, Writing Desks, Secretaries, Book Cabinets, Pianos, Organs, .Sewing Machines. UPHOLSTERY GOODS. BOTTOM PRICES. J. P. Williams & Bro. SHENANDOAH, PA. I a. in 1 - l.ii. n. m.. R.I15 11. m. nor Asuiana nna Bnamomu, wees: uays, .21,5.25,7.20, ll.Si) a. m., 1 83, 7.00 and 9,26 U.mnn -J IU n D IA n m -I'HAINH Kll!l'HHkNANDOAU: Ijeavo New York via Philadelphia, weeK lays, 7.45 a. m 1.80, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.10- eight. Bunday, 6.00 p. m., 12.15 night. xjeave, huit xuijl vm muuuu lays, 4.80. 8.45 n. m., 1.00 nnd 4.0) p. m. Leave Philadelphia, weez days, 4.10, anct 10.00 a. no. 4.00 and 0.00 p. m.. from Broad itnd Caliowuill ana b.h.) a. m. ana ii.su p. m from 9th unc mveu ttrceta. Buuday 9.05 a. m. ll.SO p. ro. from Bth anC u-eeu. lieave Itc-adlnn. week aays, i.ai. 7.10. iu.10 ind 1LC0 a. m., 6.63, 77 p, m. Bunday 1.S5 ana 10.48 a. m. .... Leavo rotuviue, wees: aays, i.iu a. in., 13X0, 6,U p. m. Bunday, 2.40 a. m. and2.C6 p. in. loave Tamaqua, week days, 8.?0, 8.48 and 11.2 i a. m., 1.21, 7.13, and 9.18 p. m. Bunday 8.20 . mi find ARll . m. 4 LeaTJ Mahanoy City, week days, 8.40, 9.1 1 ind 11.17 a.m., 1.51, 7.42 and 9,41 p.m. Bun Jay, 3.48 a. in., 8.20 p. Hi., Lenva Maliutiov Plane, week days.2'4.4.tt 8.30, 9.35, 11.L.9 a. m.,1.0B, 2.C0. 5 20, U26. 7.57, and iu.uu p. m. nunuay a.i , aw, unu rw, a. xu 4i, p. in. Leave Glrardvllle (ltappahannock Btatlon) week days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.30, and 9.41 a. in., 12.03, 4.12, 6.26, 6.82, 8.03 und 10.06 p, in. Bunday, 2,47, 1.27, 8.26 a, m. 8.41 p. m. ijeave YviiuameiKjii, weDxunfB.uv,tr.niiiiu 11.55 a. m, 8.85 and 11.16 p. m. Bunday 11.15 p.m. For Baltimore, Washington and the west via B, & O. it. It., through trains leave Glrard Avenue (station. Philadelphia, (P. & H. 11. It.) at 4.18, 801 and 11.27 a. in., 1.34, 4.24, 6.65 ana ;,23 p. m. Bunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a, m 4.24 AiijAieiiuejii i niyiDiun. Leave Pnlladelphla. Chestnut Btreel Wfcarl nd BonthBtroet Wharf. For Atlantic Citv. WeekKlays Express 9:00 a. m. and 2.00-, 4.00 p. in. Accommodation, 8.00 a. in., 6.00 P-."L . ounuayn. iLzpreMi, t;.w, u. ju, accuxuiuu datlon, 8.00 a. m. and 4.80 p. m. Keinrmug, leave Auaniic iviiy, aepoi corner Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Week-days -uxuress. 7.3U, v.uu, a. m, anai.uu. p. m, Accommodation, 6.00, 8.96 a. m. and 4.89 (.80 p. in. uunuays. ixpresB, s.w p. m. Accommoia tlon, 7.80 a. in. and 4.30p. m. u. u, ji uejuA., uivu i roan r akii i, A. MOLKOD. Pres. b Gen'l Manasccr. ILMINGTON it NORTHERN R. 11. jmeiaoie tneneci May, 10, istu. TralnB leave IteadTnc (P. & It. station) fat Gibraltar, Beyfert, Blratboro, Joanna, Bprlnr; Held, WaynestiurB Junction, Coatesvllle.W!1 Cbester,CnadsfOrd Junction. B, A O. Junction Wllmlucton and Intermediate stations, dally except Bunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. aud3.lt p. m. Bunday only at 3.05 p. m. rui wnrwica, nuxeeern aim luiDrmcuiuK Btatlons, daily except Hunday, at 9.20 a.m., and o.isp.m. eunoay only e.io a. in. F'or Blrdsboro and Intermediate Btatlons. Batnrday only, at 12 m. . v. i ror naiiimorc anil w atiiiiiKiuu iu. .v w. . U.) dally except Bunday at 6.25 and 8.80 a. in and 8.16 p. m. Bunday only at 3.05 p, m. Trains arrive al Heading (P. & It. nation; Irom Wilmington, B. & O. Junctlon.Mont chanln, cnaaosiora junciiun, west iMiiescer Lenape, Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction npringneiu,JUnuun, tiuueuutu, uiuimuir, nej, fen. and lnleimediate stations, dally excen: Bunday at 10.20 a. m. 5.62 and 8.17 p. m. Bun aay only ui, ii.t u. in. From Ht, Peters. Warwick and Intermediate stations, dally except Hunday, at 8.2J a. m and 2.25 p.m. Bunday only at 0 p.m. F'rom lllrdsboro nnd Intermediate stations Saturday only at 1.40 p. m. Fiom Wat-blngton nnd Baltimore, dally ex cent Bundav. 10 20 a. m. fi.52 and R 17 n. in Bunday only nt 11.21 a. m. iiuwuiivirt liuiiiUM, oen'i pass. Ag. A. G. McCA UBLAND, BupL RUPTURE, MAR R It RINCL" Vhun tablM v?ttb tbtKbacnoInt Irtesult. itlc 'r-a,, ,,,-! tn I Inn In ill n, (ir I IBflrlirB. or froLv ( ' iiltuUonal Ueuknesset t,. .raUurto their ez, shrtiii 11km DB DuCH01NE8 Cn ebrutea FEMALE REGULATING PILLS TbcfBrv StrtiDgtheulnff to tho entui jtrr , ip.PW one, Tigorftnu itiwrn uo loroeio an innciionsoi Qr, HurtcirModlclPoCo..ST.L0UI3. U0 We, the undersigned nre entirely cured o ltunture bv Dr. J. II MAYER, 831 Arch Bt., Phlla. Thomas II llarluug. New Ringgold, Pa., I. Pandt. Boull luiBinn, rii., ii. i'. , u. a. ueiurcn, u ey, l'n, It. II. Hlnnlev. 421 Hmneo Ht . Lelinnnn. l'n.. A Bchnelder. Locunt Dale, Pn.,D, B.Noll, Lime nun, i-a., w in. r.. liar ensiiue, i-uoenixviue in., vv. oi. iinnacn, on vvnfciimgioii ni. Reading, Pa., J, 0. Lyme. 1310 W. Howard Bt llarrlstiurr. Pa.. O. Keehn. Douelaesvllle. Pe Dr, MAYER is at UolelPcnn, Reading, Pa on the 2nd Baturday of eaeh mouth. Call t see him. pj- R. BRIOKER, M. D J PHYSICIAN AND SUIIGEON, No'. 0 East Centre Btreet; Mahanoy City, Vt null ana ui specuei uisewea a upecuuur.