The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 11, 1891, Image 3

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Present In the rnmt form
of Tim
Combined with the
virtues of plants known, to be
most beneficial to the human
system, founiug an agreeable
and effective laxative t penna
r.eutly cure Habitual Consti
pation, mid the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It l the moit oKellttit remedy known to
When oue is Bilious or CuolUpated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with ty.
Largest ni MIMFjrelj Cast Csamt
tlaprt'nUIt by
liu li, Jarulu wi
errsTi... rMivn,,ii t, I
. dent to a bilious state of tbo system, buoq a3 ,
Dizziness, nausea, uruwriuoua. uisiresa aitev
eating. viia in the BWe,&c Whilo tholrmoaS 1
yejEailcablaeuccoaalias been thown In curing
foaaieho, yet Carter's Littlo Live? P1119 aw
equally valuatilo In Constipation, curing and pro
venting this annoying complaint, whlla they also
liver and regulate tho bowcla. Evon Jf tUoy only
fAciathoy would Boalmc8tprlcclos3 to thosawha
i suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortu
' soately tbelrgoodnoss dooa notondbere.and tuoso
.who once try them w 111 find theeo littlo pllla vala
lablelnsomany ways that they will not bo wll
Mug to do without them. Bui after allele!: bead
'lathobacoof so many 11 oa that horolswhoro
tvemakeourereatuo&gi, vmpmaciireHwauu
Others do not.
Carter's Mttlo liver TUls aravery small and
verv casv to take. Ono or two l.llla xnakoa doso.
i They arostrlotly vegetable and do not grlpa or '
iniir. lmtii fhniroentio action nloasoaU who
ituwtheni. Invlalsnt23centi flvofor$t. Boia
lfcyarugglatoTeryv,hero,orBontbyuiaU. I
fA?11 MEOIOIHE CO., Now Vork: ' boys who had died in action, ho remind
SHALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SHALL PRICE edhts hearers of the debt of gratitude
they owed the brave survivors of that
W. Baker & Go.'s
from which tho excess of
oil lias boon removed, is
Absolutely Pure
and It is Soluble.
aro used In its preparation. It has
more than three times the strength of
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
nnd ndmlrably ndnpted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorxhssfer, Mass.
Or tlio liquor fXablt. I'usltUely Curctf
tmiutiiUffrlitfir Jr. Halite
4Jo!leit Nlcvl!lt.
It is manufactured a a ptmdr, which can be Riven
in a class of beer, a cup of oof-foe or tea. or la food,
without the knowledge ot the patient. It la absolutely
bartnleae, and will eiTeot a permanent and epeedy
euro, whether the patient It a moderate drinker or
an alcoholic wroolt It ha been given in thousand
of coeea, and in every inetanoe a perfeet oure hag fol
lowed, ll never Full Tbeeyatem oaoe luiprefruak
ed with become an utter impossibility
(or the liquor appetite to trnUt,
48 yatfe booW of partloulare fre. To be had
H. HAGENBUCH, Drugalst, Shenandoah
m nm
IWoaknetaof Body and MiniJ.EtfttU
Jlol Erroraerx-xccaBtBinuiacr mnij,
H.bu.t. Hi.1.1. lUOnfu M r-'l. Ilow l.lar n
rifHUHi anil n(iMiwn wi -
rr. : 1 ,.,:n. ct 1. a
IMIAUll Willi 0iius;ii,4uiuniuub
-J" r- a 1
" economical, costing less man one cent
doloqel of tge FourtJ
&K ptorjf of th.e Lata Wa?.$-
Author of "Loyal at Last," "My
Lftay Fantastic," &c.
' cilATTun XIX
Whenever a railroad train rollefl up
to tlio station Rt Meltonburg Its pnaan
jrors were aeeuatomod Id smilingly re
mark that evnry man. woman and child
In the phtce whs loiiilnir on It platform
to iraee nt thearrivals and departures.
What, then, .must thoy have thought
when one brlpht Augntt morning the
oipross from Columbus dashed tip to
the little depot with a series of jubilant
shrieks that showed that the onginser
was In sympathy with some unwonted
oxcitement, and tliey saw tlm depot
draped In fluttering- bunting and alive
with hundreds of country folks arrayed
in their best, while a local band, with
moreiencrgy than lmnnony, brayed the
air of "See, tlve Conquering Hiiro
And the conquering hero who camo
to Meltoaburjf on that sunny mornlug
was none other than Frank ltesnnt,
who was dumfounded at his noisy re
ception, which was really duo to tlio
energy of the editor of tho Weekly Ad
vertiser, who had roused tho honost
rustics to what ho afterwards described
in the columns of his journal as "a red
hot burst of enthusiasm." And, when
the village president, an aged and es
timable hardware merchant, stopped
forward and flred nn oration at him,
which was a littlo personal at first, but
soon drifted Into a lourtli of July
screed, that Frank thought ho had
heard before, tho yonnff soldlor felt
that he would rather enduro nnother
Chlckamauga than go through tho or
deal. Hut ho had to face tho music to
hear ftcv. Lubin Ferry comparo him in
dulcet tones with every ltiblical hero
from David downwards, nnd declare
that his ma thought this a day that tho
Heltonburgers would forever be proud
of and to accept at tho hands of a com
mittee, of which tho Advertiser man
was spokesman, tho presentation of a
sword, on which was engraved a list of
tho battles in which ho had or ought
to have taken part. As tho Advqr
tisorsaid, "it was a high old time, and
tho welkin rang with tho plaudits of
thousands, when tho youthful hero, In
fow but appropriate words, gracefully
acknowledged 'the tribute to his brav
ery." Hut they let him go at last. Even tho
littlo boys, who had shouted themselves
hoarso, had sense to leavo him, when
he opened tho garden gato and turned
nn flirt rtvpnnn nf wrilnn s tn liU hnmi
UP, V, ,, ,,, 01 "annus to nis nome.
1 "Mother!
"My boyl"
I draw tho curtain over tho tender
scene and leave them to their bliss.
And Grace camo, too, blushing nnd
trembling, nnd ohl so glad, that Frank
took her In his arms and stroked hor
hair and rained kisses upon her uplifted
face, just as though ho had a right to
do it and she was his allinnced bride,
not at all In the subdued, yet affection
ate manner in which ho greeted cousin
Kate. Why, tho two receptions would
not bear comparison; and was she not a
happy girl? Hut sho was happier when
that night tho young soldier told her
tho old, old talo of love, which in her
cars sounded a3 sweet and fresh as
though teons of ages ago it had not
called tho blush to tho damask cheek of
And when on Sunday Mr. Brentwood
Tvreaelipd to ti crowded eornreimtlnn
prcacueo to a crow ucu congregation u
memorial sermon, In which, after a
touching tribute to the Meltonburif
awful struggle, you should havo seen
the widow's eyes blazo with triumph.
She did not now look down in trembling
confusion, nor did hor boy hido his faco
or sicken with shamo at tho words of
the preacher.
And Frank's sympathies wcro with
tho minister too, when ho added: "We
are a proud people this day, exultant in
victory, almost for tho moment forget
ting our tears for tho loved ones who
havo fallen on the battle-field; butthero
is ono thing wo havo not thought of.
While wo pour otit heartfelt gratltudo
to tho heroes who havo maintained tho
metonoray of this mighty Nation,
whoso noblo docds shall inspire tho
poets of unborn generations, can wo
not spare from tho overflow of our ela
tion some sympathy for those who
fought for a cause they believed to bo
just, and who now havo to add to tho
desolation of blighted homes and ruined
prospects tho bitterness of defeat?
Wo can afford to bo generous. Perhaps
It is old ago that brings on mo tho spirit
of prophecy, but I can seo tho tlmo
when wo shall record with prido tho
courage and devotion of tho people of
tho South, whoso marvelous enduranco
has no parallel In history, and say ex
ultantly, 'And theso men wero Ameri
cans;' whbn tho gallantry of and
Jackson will bo remembered without
robblngtho crowns of Grant, Sherman
and Sheridan of a single laurel-leaf."
Though tho peoplo gonerally wero
not rlpo for tho expression of such lib
eral criticism, tho soldier olement of
tho congregation nodded approbation.
Tho countenances of Miss Kuth and a
fow others, however, manifested do
termlned sicms of disapproval and Rev.
Lubln afterwards remarked that Ids
ma considered Mr. Ilrentwood's sontl
ments hardly decent.
The pastor's sister, too, had-anothcr
Bubjcct which caused discomfort.
"I declare," she said to Grace, going
homo from church, "that Mary Ilosant
does not look twenty-five years old to
day tnioss it's that bonnet siio uaa
from Dayton does it."
Jlut Graco know that her frlond's ra
dlant looks wero duo to a heart full ol
tho sunshine of thankfulness, so she do
murcly replied;
"Mrs. Bosant alwa;s looks ypuncer
highest of all in Leavening Power.
than lier yrars, but to-day Sho is partic
ularly hrlRht and pretty. Perhaps tho !
contrast of this morning with the day I
when last ho sat in church with Frank,
may have something to do with her
"Oh! yes, I remember when she made
such a fool of herself. Well, p'r'aps you
are right, far, Indeed, it is natural sho
should feel (jood over her boy's splendid
Inck. His not every widow's sob that
goes to tho war who comes baelt n
"r.uckl Frank's luok, auntie! Do you
dre to call the reward of heroic deeds
"Yes, I do, ehild. So you needn't
snap my head oS. Look at poor .lames
Lawson, who entered tlio army th
same day he did, and never rose beyond
tho rank of private, ltut who Is that
distinguished - looking man sliaking
hands with tho llesanls? Just ooinoliy
train I shouldn't wonder, breaking the
Sabbath; but he's a fine, handsome man
for all that. Hurry, up, Grace, nnd we'll
get introduced."
IJut as the stranger joined the Uesaut
part Frank nnd his cousin fell back to
tho Miss Urentwoods, leaving Mrs.
lieeant to proceed to Walnut House with
thclr now companion.
"Who is your friend In tho silk hat,
Frank?" Miss Ruth asked, in her abrupt
way, when they had shaken hands.
"Colonel Hopkins, of Ours, Miss
"Oh! what do you mean by 'Ours?'"
"Why, of our rojjimont. It is a way
wo have of speaking."
"Aro thcro two Colonols to a regi
ment?" "No; only one."
"Then, you are not a Colonel after
all?" .
"Yes I am. no resigned In my favor
just before we were mustered out."
"Ohl ho resigned, did he? What made
him so eager to sacrifice himself for
your interest?"
"I am sure I do no not know," Frank
laughed, 'Vnless it was to encourago
"But I do, young man; if ho is the
person I take him to be, and I'm not
quite sure, for I haven't seen him for
mora than twenty vears; but if he Is, I
know quite well why ho dropped that
pretty plum into your mouth,"
"Would it be indiscreet to nsk why,
since you aro so well informed?"
"Ohl ask your ma. P'r'aps she'll tell
you and p'r'aps she won't."
And with that parting shot Miss
Ruth started up a path that led by a
near cut to tho parsonage and left tho
young peoplo to themselves.
"I am sorry aunt was so rude to you,
Frank," Grace began, in lame apology.
"Pshaw! my dear, don't let that
worry you. We all know and make al
lowances for Miss Ruth's eccentricities;
but I do wish sho wouldn't bo so con
foundedly enigmatical."
Then Kato Lester interposed.
"If you will accept me as the .reader
of tho riddle," she said with a laugh,
' that showed two rows of teeth like
I pearls, "I should say that Miss Brent
1 wood means to Insinuate that you found
favor in Colonel Hopkins' eyes because
' you wero your mother's sou."
'And why not? They were menus 01
long ago."
"Ah, why not? " nnd tho young lady's
eyes gloamed with mischief.
Meanwhile tho Colonel and tho widow
wero wending their way towards Wal
nut House, side by side, utterly uncon
scious of tho remarks they had oxcltcd.
I could not wait for your answer to
my loiter, Mary," ho wua saying, when
they were quito out of ear-shot of tho
party, so I camo on from Uhlcago by
the express last night to learn my fate."
Sho never helped him by a word, but
ho saw that she was much ugituled.
"I am a plain, blunt man, unskilled
In tho art of eloquence to plead my suit,
but I loved youbeforo we married, and
I lovo yon now. I know that I am aslc
lng a fjreat sacrifico of you you with
all tho beauty of your youth retained,
and I, so old and battered but T would
Tiako yon happy as my wife. My love'
for Frank, too, should plead with you
In my favor."
"And, yet, It is for Frank's sake,
Jack, that I must say no to your re
quest. Kay, do not think me hard and
ungrateful for tho honor you havo done
mo. You do not know how much tho
refusal costs mo."
Jackl Sho called him, as sho used to do,
by the old familiar name. Ho was too
good a Boldior to retiro beforo such an
Ill-defended position ns this.
"Then if tho only obstacle to my suit
is your son's possible objection, may
Sho Interrupted him, with tho samo
look on hor face that ho Hod seen thero
noarly flvo-and-twonty years ago, when
ho had asked the same question.
"No, once and for all, dear friend, It
can not li. Bollevo mo I have not
mado up my mind to refuse tho lovo of
a man of your worth and true nobility
of character, without hours of painful
thought. You must take my answer as
"Then, good-bye, Mnry!" ho snld, for
they had now reached tho garden-gate,
and without another word he left hor.
Half an hour later, Frank oamo in.
"Is dinner ready? Whoro Is Colonel
Hopkins, mother?" were his first ques
tions. Now, though tho pretty widow had
bathed hor oyes and used all tho littlo
arts of tho toilet, with which women
aro so adept In concealing tho trncos of
their emotions, thero yet Hngerod In
Mrs. Rasunfa foca o tall-tola sum oi
TJ. . Gov't Report, Aug. X7, 18S9.
slftf PURE
sorrow that caught her 'son's attention
in n moment.
"Mother," he unid, putting Ills arm
around her waist, "there Is something
wrong. Where ha the Colonel gone?"
"I am afraid he has loft us perhap
ho is at the hotel there is no train
North till this evening," wa the in
coherent answer, while the lady's
oliceka blushed f nrlooaly.
"Gone to the hotel! Have yon ud he
been quarreling?"
"Not quarreling but not agreeing,
perhaps? Now, darling mam" very
ooaxlngly "you and I ure a little more
than mother and son, for we havebeen
boon companions over sliioe I eau. re
member, thou is It not a little lRte in
the day for one of us to have a secret
which the other can not share?"
A fond pressure of tho hand was h
"Have you no secret, then?"
"Not one you ought to know."
"Nor ono I ought not to know, I nm
sure. Forgive me if I seem abrupt,
darling mother, but has Colonel Hop
kins asked you to be his wife?"
"Yos, Frank." Tho niiBWor was Jn
tono scarce above a whisper.
"And you said?"
"I said 'No,' Frank."
"Because you did not love him?"
"That is not a fair question. Yov
really muBt content yourself with your
own love adventures, , Frank, without
interfering with tho indiscretions of
your ciders."
She tried hard to get up a light laugh,
but it was a failure.
"Mother, you must answer mc'"
"What shall I say?"
"The truth."
"Now, suj pose I had told him 'Yes;'
what would you have said?"
"That you wero a lucky woman and I
a happy man. Ah, mother, you do not
know the real worth of tho man you've
turned away."
"Oh, FranUl"
"I say," he continued, hotly, "you
don't know what a gentle, lovable,
pure, brave, honorable man ho is the
noblest fellow I ever mot, except my
"I know it, Frankl" tho widow sighed,
with such conviction that light dawned
on her son's doubts.
"Ah! you do lovo him, after all?"
"Well, pcrliaps really, Frank you
aro odious to-day but I will confess
that I think tho Colonel"
"Sparoyour blushes, mamslo!" Frank
cried, gleefully, "for I urn off to bring
him back." And beforo she could In
terpose ho was gone.
Mrs. Besant was in o, pretty state of
dismay at her son's Impetuosity. She
declared to herself that sho would start
for tho Urentwoods at onco and spend
the day with them; that if sho did stop
at homo it would only bo because It
was hor duty to presldo at her son's
tablo when ho had guests; that sho
would be barely civil to that horrid
Jack Hopkins, who had placed her In
such a ridiculous position, and then
sho went to her mirror and decked heri
self with a bit of ribbon of tho color bho
know was loved best by that obnoxious
Thero was a double wodtung at niel
tonburg, and didn't tho tongues wag
when tho gossips learned who tho par
ties to tho contracts wero? It was all
very well anu to uo expecieu uini
Colonel b'rank should weU their village
beauty, but that Mi's. Besant should
have captivated a handsome husband
with an enormous fortune, was news
that set every old maid's and lono wld
ow's heart fluttering with' envy and
Colonel Hopkins insisted on Frank's
taking the wlwlo of his father's fort
une, and moreover built him a namt
some rcsldenco, far larger aud mora
consequential than the Walnuts; where
he now resides with his growing fnnr
In the outskirts of tho village Jamos
Lawson's widow and son live In a prot
tv cottase with his father, who is never
tired of talking of his boy Jim, who died
on tho Held of bnttlo, defending tho
Union flag. Ho and" Miss Ruth often
mingle their eulogies of the ill-fated j
young man's career and say some very
sharp thluga couuernmg tlio ingramucio
of his country, and Frank has novel
dispelled their illusions. Even when
Jim's widow, somo years later applied
for a pension (and gpt It) ho mercifully
held his tongue.
Mark Henderson, of cottrse, married
Kato Lester, and it was on tho occasion
of this wcddlne. which, was Held in
I f . I) . XII I
mtcngo, that irrankmct Jlcir uregory,
who was Mark s best man.
'Havo you heard what has becorao ol
Charllo Fulton?" ho asked, when as
Jack said, tho couplo had been "turned
oil," and thoy had leisure for personal
"Oh, yes, he Is married and gone Into
cattle-raising with Will Jefferson."
"Married! Not to Miss Laeeelles,
"No; she's breaking heart In Paris,
t.1. .11.1 t ...,.wm.t.M n
Huke. They had her picture in the
London Graphic a few weeks ago."
"Anil flimHoV"
"Married Doc Saunders' daughter, '
n sweet) v pretty littlo girl with a j
fortune she Inherited from her uncle."
"And you,
"Oh, I'm
the one man
of all our
crowd who h had the courage to null
his colors oud refuse to yield to the t cpa fncT(rv f,np nf
fair enemy. Now, Master Frank, have j cn Clear, not IOggy, line, OI
you drawn a prize or a blank in love's ' right Shape and Uniform. 1 Cli
lottery hut, if the latter, poor beggar, Jjim you'll pay him a nickel
you would not dare to say m, so what is . 1 , . .
thegoo.iofa.king?" more a piece, and that will
"I have drawn a prize so rich and rare, COVer his CXtra COStS tWlCG
Jack, that 1 have no words to tell you over fell him you don't prC
oi Its .value." - . , , J Vr,
Jack smiled. He had heard young 'poseto break any more. Try
married men say tho same sort of thing your liaild at ruling.
before. I ntutrarg. fUcA.MACBlTH&Co.
"And you are going into politics, I
hear?" he asked.
"Yes, In a small wny."
"Pahaw! Besant, do not talk like that;
why, man, you could not do things In a.
small way If you tried."
Jack's prophecy proved true. Riches
and honor hare been heaped upon
Frank in his civil career; but no dignity
he has ever attained, no publlu favor
ho has ever won, no ambition ho lias
over crowned with success, has given
him ono tithe of the thrilling delight he
felt the day they mddo him COLONEL
Culmination of a Scoundrel's
Twenty-two years ago there lived
in a small town in Texas a respectable
family named Paine. A ton wa--hot
n aud christened Itinsom. Not
long afterward Mr. Pidnehad a fight
with a man named Wyne, who bore
several aliases and was an imp lucipled
suoundrtl. Tho hitter win woistcu
In the light nnd sworo vengeance
l'he Puines lived in peace until
their Hon was two years of age aud
.Mr, Palue had forgotten the threat.
Oue night Mr. Palue was called
away from hnme on biiHlnet-s, leaving
his family nlonu. The boy was sleeping
in a crib in tho mother's mom near tin
open window. Mio was foiced to leave
tlio room rora lew minutes, anu upon
her return was lioiritled to lind the
trili unpty.
Tho fiautio woman ran to her
nearest neighbor mid a posse scoured
the country. I lie litisbauil wua kpii'
for and eve'rv means employed to dud
the inUsiug child, but without avail.
I he search was Kept up lor we kh, hip
:iiriiilzd father siiomIIiik largo sums
cf money In the search.
I'luaily tlio pureins iiecnmo ins
ciuriigul and nave meir son up in msi.
'I lie father resolved to leavo the scene
of ids great ttoubh, und a tew month
inter moved to leiineesei", locating in
Huron. From there they moved to
In tho meanwhile a clrl was born to
them and was ehrlstwiHl Nina. The
father embarked in rial estate biislnes-s
there, and accumulated coiifiderable
1UU11UJ ,
The girl grew up neuoviug in i sue
was the oniv eilliu. one uevempeti
fronivearto year until the is now a
beautiful maiden, much admired tiy
tho young men. About a year an a
young man camo to tins city irnm uai
v.h (in. 'rex. liavimr some en uu ne
onenctl a lame mercantile eStabli-h-
inpnt mill. enierniK inw bouil-iv, win
much eought ufter by the mamma"
n iir, l.-iiKW of his financial staudini;
MI,s Palue several motitlisago niaiie
her debut Into society, anil irom mo
ilrnt i mutual love suram: up between
the two vouiig people und thoy were
soon engnged. On Monday last they
were married in a maimer oeuiuug
lliplr unci Ml Kl 1111(11 11 L'.
Tuesday niorniug the groom received
n noto neuiu'd in a siruugu mum.
HiiiHm- that the writer hail r-ome im
nortant news to ten nun iimi mui. no
- o . . 1 , .1.... 1...
would bo in Milan on Thursday. On
that day a rough man alighted from
tin. Mpiiii his train and wenlloJNr.
Paine's olllce. After conversing for a
short time the stranger's manner
changed, and in au lusoleut tone he
"John Pnlne. don't you know mc?
Don't you know the man who luisonly
t .... ........ ......nll.ll'l f1!,.,.,. Villi
UUU Ifg Ull Jinn ui;vwi,n. j
the hour for my vengeance is here. J
uii, l(l vim!- Iinv and took him to Pari
then to GalvoHton, and a fileud of mine
took him and adopted ins cniiu
and raised liim well. He has com
tilprfd uiv vonuennce.
"To he nlain. vour son that was lost
is married to your daughter." AVyne
returned, and ifcauuht will bo lynciied
Tne youug woman is piobably dying
from prostruiion.
Dr. Grosvenor's .
atwt$qvtek ttlltf
ruut fain.
Tf htimt larrt nanpolirlai ntunHpVftnd InmbUO
cuitKi uucu Ufayifl) emu uj wi umiBwi
OUloo Bedd.H'l bnlldlnc corner Oenln
Who rules in this town ?
Depends on the question up..
The lamp-chimney ques
tion what sort do you break ?
Whatever sort your dealer
deals in.
How, do you think, ho
selects his chimneys ?
He buys those that cost him
least; lie can gci uie rcguuu
price for them: and the faster
t. . . . . ..
they break the more he sells.
1 hat s how he reasons.
Tell him you want Mac-
oetus pean top or"pcaii
fjlaSS, " tOUgh glaSS, transpai-
20 other stylps 6-A Nets, i ,.v i., m (
Wai. A v iiks woMi, rin i.Ai'trii i .
SoJu t y nil ,:i'. i-
thtrhivter'ii Knallith niminil nritnit.
Ui-lrDinl litl'I MliV
'rc. kin . .- lit i.
t lmor.til, ami
- 1 rrtora
Si it. rirn
IH' f,
f-T L.f In
i-i fit, .
Other. ttr "'i i
fin. ny !
'ludfc. 1-5
. Alt tnr nzeniM for W. I.
lloilfflnft Hhnrq.
it lull Itn Hnli. l,i .
for cntuloaiie, neouru tliu
ngrn 'y. mid art tlit'in lor jou
ll, nfiltl
iv r.
It Is a HfauiIorURhot1, . Ith no tacks or snx thrrnd
to hurt tbo fectt matlo nf tho lieht lino t-nlf. stllih
ftud puny, and been use ice make viore shiw of this
arue'e titan unit otlu-r mannfactuiert It cijualfl liand
CtVL 00 (U'liulni IIiumI-hi'MciI, tho finest calf
ulioe ever oiTtTftl for $5iUj equals Frcucli
Imported slit x i u blch cunt f mm 83.0) to St'J.iW.
Oi) Iliuul-Sonfil W'vU Mint, lino calf.
sboo out uiTuivd ut llii- prieoi baiiio Krade as cus
miii iiiiiut jt'ii 11 -h ruprniK in tin sh.iKi io
CCQ SO Toilet Miot't Kurinors, Hull road Mru
K2m and I.('tt'rCiirrli'rsnU wcaribem; tlimcnlf,
Riainti'H-i. mnoiiUi iiiHltlt ht'.iv tlirpu uuloa. eiti n-
Hlon I'dwe ony jalr will wear n eur.
633 oii llin'fiilli no iiettrr mum) ever ofTered at
39cC Ill's prliv; nno trial will couviucu thoso
wh'i want u nlmn for comfort nnd servleo.
ffiO 5 and (,0() Workliiuruinrn shoes
JSfcAa nro viTjr Ptrout: nnd durable. Tbono Uj
ne cicn tlicm a trial will wear no otber nitike.
Rrvlc' 9-J.Olt Htid SI.?. Hihool boLt am
EJUjfO worn hythelwineverywhrre; tbcyscll
n meir meruit, an tne im reumnn buics snow.
QfHioC wii.llll Iinini-fni'H mine, oc'ii
a ICS Doiiirolu. von stvllsh: (MiuaUi rLUch
linnnited sboes eontltiKfrmn tn (.(.
I Irtst-s oro the licit ilnt- liungolu. btyllsb autl durable,
('iintlmi. Sec (hut W. L. Doiiulas' namo aud
irico aro stamped on the tKtttnm f pucIi shoe.
-o North Fpurtit
1! r H relintj! RQit moreMtul
1'xiiHit for miiiuei eflvth
Serf ial Discascs.BIooJ Poison
Via U4, Llotoh!l, I'itnfUi. 8or
MuLill.Tt.roat Ii'rltttlPD, Hctld
iii-, iDrtannittlni, KtdncfB
)ilJ(1r,Lorli.lttj, Weik back
DffrPffM'.t. rile; UtlftOcholT
Vkknfl Uebllltr. Imeilrf JUniorT tadDactr.Eitrktsrti.
ill diaeiieBrciu'tiDK trom juuthiul error or from orerworX
01d,Younsr Middle Agodtfoi.'twtrer ny longii
ore) ccrttiu, no eip'i imL!tt 1 Luve tTerjtttlng known t
m1ial ftad or(ii'jl oleoc. oLtlnle knd old ici loiivina,
co tnRtter who (tiled n llffftt ouei FrrtbetiM ored la 4
to 10 Ant Euroiiem Hospital eMrtenei In Uerminj, lot
Unit, I'rtnet md AuitiU, M"urtitt04leiinI dlploniM prote.
inlH yetn fraf tictl t r tne o,DMoiseurea jearij
lUoVJUif Mnnrn rr-at tklll. know edit Alld
oipcrienoo and wlio cao thaw as man pallcnti permanently
jured ai loan adcr quaoki aod tlrvrttalnc doctor bav.
ruiD4tnm. BetiJlc t.rap ror dook "l u i""' waiwoiu
irallmontala aiboHiof quaoka anl aJtiTtUlnc docton will
their C.U rd4 fraudnfrnt fuaranlea and tnatlmontala, tbeit
rerience , i
ui'Miey oi
Rffrv dy frnni A. M toiPM pieninnaS to. Wodm if
and Saturrt'j i vtniuit fr me -14, HutuJaji from S toll 1T3
"tern..t; Wdnoadai and aiurdaj rbUt,.Tlus.
If you couli'tnplnta
ultniilli.K Coiunier-
I clal Hchuol. It will
to visit the 'Iti ( lll-HTI K 1I11H1-
HH UNIVERSITY tu'foii (l.cldlnor where.
HioukIi y u may live n thou-uno ii.lliniiwny.
It Blamls at llio licad (if the lint ol coinraer
a'nl bciioi1 In its cliarnctf r nn tin eUuritllnnal
for. e, ii h h nit d1 tun tor .npplylnit tlip I'uMucfo.
men of Hie coiinlry with trtdiied and cnnahle
uvi.utBDtij.HH u niennij ol tilHoluaraniliftloua
yoiiDg men and woium nn I he 1Ik1i ro U to
MU'Mi, nd m the ixient. pit kbhto nd roRt
ol IN qniiiinont. ThoniUBhciiMMICItl IA1.,
I'OU 'HK-. The Tweiity-Menth Annual
L'Hlnl(igU will b mulled tunny uddrisB.
j. v.
All lisisona aie hereby warned
l)longlii to the
Shenandoah Water Company,
and all partlf taught violating thl notlco
will b
PrascctitccI ns Trespassers.
ny order of
I3k Af 22
floUbra.lir.uc tl