The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 11, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
XI. C Jioriill, HMor and 1'tibthhrr.
IC.U. J. WATKtKS, Local 1!
ThttiVKStXO lUSKAI.t) ha a laruer clr
cutatton tn Wimmilmih than any other ;in
mbUnhtd, Hook open to till
subscription rates:
daily, dot rear W C'
Vkeki.t, per year -
Hntert-d tlh9 Poatornoe, at Shenandoah, I'M,
for transmission through the in nils
m nwl aIium mall matter.
Oollaotor Cooper's Oritlolam on
the Republican Circular.
"Wlmttlol think of tin? ii(llrw?
said Collector Cooper lt week to an
interviewer. 'Why, Hint It i boti
un wis und unjust. It Is timely, ul
together too timely, if tho purpose 1
to ruin rallior than to correct.
loaves a doulil In every piw.tloal niliiil
If the. real purpose is not to injure lather
timu to oorreut. JBIse why cull into
review tlio iiclb of Senator wli
voted right upon every great pub!!
iutlloii iK'foiejLoiiiiresB itiuim-oil
bill, the Uritl ami silver? It is limln
ere. Hlnue It clmritwi rienutor Q 'y
with heiiK uhpoiidIuIu for unit
Olllc ("8.
' i Hko the nomination of IVlmiuitor,
the one no le root in the htate. He
invort (1 tlmt uomluulion. 1 opposed It
astliilniiuiy of the Stulwutt Kopulili
oaiiH. We llnully iiemuuded Senator
Otmv tlmt the nomination of tiencri
Ila-tliiL's would he liet for the parly
and when lie yielded homo of tlni-o
vory Kenllemen eHine out in an nnie
peudeut and reform luldrews declining
thai Delumater was the one niuii who
could heal be elteted, tin 1 these I'.irceH
over-peif.uaded Senator Quay to l el urn
touts nrsl ll'.outMii, no mm me lrajji
slbllltv for tlmt. ealutnity retts quite
tnueh, if not more, with these! gulitlo-
tuen than with wetiaior ijuiiy.
"1 huvo freuueiitlv acted inoiitndei
lv of and 111 opp Bitlon to Senator
(juav. I did it very plainly In tl
Natiouul Convention of lh88, when 1
favored Sherman, and my ell-ut W;
to constantly divide the tlekKatimi
favor ol Harmon, to no one can si
tlmt there has he en any subservient'
on niv nait.nor waauity ever rtnuired
I dlllered, likewise, Willi both Hi-nutura
in tlienoinlnullngeauvieibisoi ittuni
1SS-1, when tiny were fur Grunt and
Arthur and I was for Ulaino. 1 will,
in futuie, dlller where Judgment 8Ue
geHts an honest dideretice, hut not
''Take the uoininti loii of Bardsley.
Theeity Waiters opposed it, but Mayor
Filler, in obedience to the call of the
so-called reformers, favoied and pushed
lttoMiecem. llurdsley was the so culled
reform wutch do(? olthe Tieasury, and
he watched until ho had thoopporliin
ity to steal all of it. So tUat bad
nominations rnmo through any and
nil channels; the best come through
reuuiar cbaimels, where all of ttie
nartv are consulted at the priniarits.
"If these Kcnllcuicii, Instead of
leiidiiiit their nanus to every address
which comes along would enter politics
actively ami seel; to make themselves
useful in ways loyal to the parly and
its omanizatloii, they would do eood
"Tlie stand-oir plan of shouting ad
dresses at Individual leaders will never
lead to political haven. The bar
barian -who ti led to moui t to the clouds
on tlio skeletons of liN victims fulled
in every tl(iii.t. Wbtlnm Would
stiL'gest that It is better to build than to
teai down.
"Senator Quay has battled with
many storms. The gentlemen who
believe him to be a little man, hut
prove the uarrowueas of their own
surroundings. Ho isone of tlio party's
lender not IU uo.s; surely, not my
boss nor yours ami If he contuiues ac
tive in polities, lie will doubtless, us
in tlie past, see tlie removal ol all
serious obstructions to it publican
. "Tlmt was the i att which ho played
(luring and after the ordeal of '82- 83,
nnd I have a right to premium tlmt
ins nam! lias not lost lis cunning nor
1H-) Head Its wisdom. It lie so net
we will march to success, despite
tuese Juno mowers which now cloud
the horizon."
What a Prominent Phyaioian and
Chemist Bays After Analysis
and Practical Tost.
Dr. J. Lytler, formerly of Jlcllevue Hospital
MnUcn Vollege mid Luna St hi ml Oullrye,
New Yoaic, October 25, IS!).
AlvttH llmzlllitu ptolllo Co., U Wall lt ct.
OonU: Tliusnupv ot yuur CaclUD lilixxl
Cine, wlitcli I 1m iiKlit autibbls, i imn
ku tilt oi ixl lo n very llioroueli lo l, unilcjiii
lluu uot a bliiRlo tiucool mlucniloruiprcur id
pr6i.niilon lu It Mliatevtr; ntd, osllmvo
iiact coiihti1erali!e a )ierluou In lUron'tldi
tloiial iltict la M-rUIn (IImwvs nlieady
Knowa to ymi, t ooiioliter It tlio saftiht uuil
bitt vcgc-latl.- bliHid rnrlfler In I bo muikct.
Yours rt-HiMHlMlly,
U. J. I.Y-.TKI1. 1'h I ..M.I).
Bold at Klrlln's Prug Utoic,leriusoa House
Some lmsands nro very IndulRont in
fact, they induljo too much.
Shiloh'a Consumption Curo.
ling in loyiiuQ (juemiou llio iioxt sue-
reoiui cougii m-iicnie veluiveevt-raiWd,
a few dowey InvurlHlilv diirft tli uniht nti.i. (W
Cougli, I'luup, aud Dniuclililh, wlille IU Hon.
cuu fcUtnd. Ji yuu liave u I uniili o earuentiy
"kyou to try n. Price 10 i-eutif. Wwntii, abd
1.(U. If your l.uiinnBre Kite, (.litut or linen
lame, ni MiIIoIi'h I'oioub l'latti r. Hold bv
M.iUneiibucu, tt. K. comer Main ami
Uoyu Hiroetn.
Some runners liavo already coinineiiced
tliratling their Krain roi.
A HuBbatidVMlstake.
JIuband Umorien lie lutt wheH, nnd mr
OOU tlieir children,
pii, in ntiimr iriiut ueHuueue.
oiHiuvn, neuralgia, Meepioaneta. Ill, ner-
voimiiwii, vrneu ny nie one ol tir. MMfiT
Itaalorallvo Nervine lucli kerloun resulu
could uuDlly be iireventad. DrimglHin etry
Mlicre my It give inilverml suilefT.c loo, aud lunneuee rale. WoodHortli Co., ol
Fori Wayne, Iud.j Hnow A. Co., if Hyriveui.0,
N. Y.;J.O. Wolf, Itllwdule. Mlcb.j aud linn'
d idiiol ollieru any "11 Is the greti-t teller
they ever teuew. it couta)n no opWlm.
Trial boltlea and Hue book ou Nervoun
JJIbuues, free at 0, II, ilagcubucu'a.
uiii; fn ii me tur ci I'liutuiiiuiiou 1
wltrioiu a liarullel In Die bUtory of tutdivlue.
Blue It's iintdlMMivery it I us been cold ou a
guaruUlee. a ten wlileh 110 oilier iiihi1i.Uh.
Wealthy young Parisian Shun
nod for His Paronts Orlmo.
One of the most remarkable of
recon t Kuropeau marriages was tlmt of
riuce Alphohso do Cliltnay to the
itranddiiughler and heiress of n mai
ell known in Ii ris In the days f
''jgeileHuea8"Jllohael the Astacsln '
A number of ytars ago a very wealth,,
miser win n urdered In I'arls und' r
he most mysterious olrcdnntaileic,
and the valet and cook wero urrestcu
ou HlMilolon. There was no pronl
whatever of tholr guilt, except th
fact that tlio cook had been ninth
under her master's will his mile ho!r.
In the minds of the people, however
there wa ft belief that the valet hail
comiultt-d the murder In order l
nmiry the cook, who lie knew would
nave a great fortune, i tiocoupie wen
(IlKclmrgi l alter n trial, anil imuiedi
atclv coiillriti'd the noriiilar ftiixplcloi
of foul play by getting ni.irrltd. li
this worthv Pair wtw born a Kin, win
was reared and eduoated wl'li tut
Kioalest care. In time he fell In lr ti
the enormous fortune of His parents
He built a tiiHKiilllceut Jeeidence u
Ku du J!ic, near the Jion march
and had h large retinue of servant,
in the midst or ail tins enietnior tu
son ir ' jllcln.el tho AtsaMin" liven
solitary a .d mlKerable. He hud not a
i-luKle friend but his wa-dicrwomai
iiraiided liv the supple (ins msteued
ou bis father, the youug niilllonHlr-
whb slum net! by every one. Jri
consoled hlntpelf by devntluK hi
attention to hi. staliles and to his stud
of blooded li'iisi'H. He bad lhegrande-4
turnouts in runs.
Jiaeh tlmo he drove out the "younK
ausHs-in," as no whs Known an tt
boulevaids, abtonishtd the frmuente
of (he Hols by some new and unique
cq u i pane, jnow it would no an J'j"g
llsh drag quite a novelty In tli-toilHj
of the empiie; now n victoria, uucu 1
ri se satin and drawn by six whit
hoists: a nrlvato hansom, respleudei
with armorial bearing", or a inasslv
IjouIs XIV. coach, varutshed an
glided, with the seivauts gorgeous 1
gold lace, pluih ahd powder.
He readied tlie very climax of his
glory when ho startled I'arls by bring
ing out n carriage inn'io exactly 111.
that in which Nuooleou III. an
Eugenie took their airing. He had
the same number of postilions hi
hones were of the same color, and lit
coachman and footman wore a slmils
hvcij to that of the imperial houst
A slory I- told in conipctlon wit
this venture of the "young assassin.
under tlie Arc do rrlomplie, ttie gat
way from wlilch radlato tlie gran
avenuts of I'arls, tlie iimperor aloi
was emit ltd to drive. Un n brlgl
spring evening, however, when 11
avenues were crowded with vehicles
and everybody was driving to the Bole
tlie "assasiln" dtovo under tlie arch
tin -becked, his carriage being taken
for that of the Ifimperor.
At last one day he wa9 missing from
the liois. and I'arls read that he had
just died in hts splendid palace.
Whnt the Druggists sa.'
of Neiskell'sOintment:
When e ore aMceil to reconilneml a preinra-
iiuii iur pkiii inwii,,,, nu iiuuu iiui Ji s
Ojntmknt, with every coiitldencu of llssuceees
iui ireAimfnc or mo uiHeuee."
J. U. ltEbicK, s Main St., Butler, m.
"I imvobeen selllnz 1 Ikinkei.t.'h Oiktmknt
ror eleven yearn, kkivl-h (.nivereul CMtlsuictlo-
jb win eure I KTTKH.
CI. W. IIackinbekhkr, nalnbrlilge,
" wo nnve evidence or tlie curative nronertk
ui iiRi.MvLi.n umiiiuMT Ill-re. J in u gour
feiiauie uintineni.
1'LKMiNo A, Turentura, Tn.
"In all nkln dheivifi, I Invariably recomined
4ta.,nivL.i.ij nuiniHK I .
J. J. Keil, f-'lmrraturg, I'm
"TlEiaKPLVH Ointment curcn when nil elsa
ittiiH.-- AICVUU.I.A.W a jtEKb, j'reeport, l'a.
" IlEtfllCULL'S OlVTTKMT 30llS Oil Ita own
Jtl. 11. 1111.TON. JVUUUIUIU. I'll.
IClccIrlilty In Iron W01UI112.
T)r. Stephen II. luinmens, of Kminens
I'enn., who is known to fame as the
Inventor of tlio powerful exploslvo
which hears Ids name, assorts that lie
lias worked out into practical shape
process of direct conversion of pig iron
into wrought iron by means of elec
tvieitv. Tim nrocosH is shnolv
elaboration and adaptation of ex-
istimr methods of electrical deposition
and by this means Dr. Emmons claims
to lie able to produce from any grado
of rue iron, a ductile malleable Iron of
almost chemical purity, which only
needs waslilntr, heating and roiling t
make it equal to tlio best quality of
Swedish iron. Tlio inventor of this
novel process claims that he can pro
duce wrought iron by this method at
lower cost than the ordinary proooss o
puddlimr, and that still further
economy results from tho use of low
grades of pig iron made from ores that
are too impure to lie used by existing
processe of conversion.
It is said will sell anything, this li
true in a measure; but for vtaying
qualities,- merit is tho test. ExUukIv
advertising may sell anything where
it is now or unknown, but after
comes Into general u.;o, it la judged
according to its worth, Tlie continued
and steady growth of Swift's Spoclfio
Is the best evidence of its uxcellcnce.
It is most popular wliero it is best
known. Every bottle Bold, sells ton
others. Every one that takes it be
comes its friend, and recommends ii
to tholr acquaintances.
Treatise on blood and Skin Diseases
nailed free.
Swirr Spbcii-io Co., Atlanta, 0
tUvcrurfd niuu .huudna rsi. Curt'uuai proM,'.,, ,
nahlll 4IWUKU, b Un day-; at la.t (,, 'I.,, k 4
'TTS 1 "VSIf'1 ffe fooi: -
uii, Mna mil in tnunpu lay im
lo Una .lliM Itenclicd
Ill 123ll
Jump and
Yenr nml i'nii Itnn,
Wrcntlo Loiix Lire
tlnrk, nil lrlliiiiaii.
of Hduunl
l'or heartiness In old ntro Edward
lhirkeof lSl-ltfouth Third street. St
Louis, will yield to no man. lie says
he H 1 23 years old,
and to prove It to
the, satisfaction of
nil lie sent to Ire
land for the parish
records. Illshome
1" w 1th his
daughter, Mrs.
Mary Olynn, a
widow of "un un
certain aire." but
Who thinks Bhe Is
about UO. lie was
r.nwAiin nuiitc.
liorit near llally
l"fa, County Mayo,
reland, on Kaster Sunday, in the
year 17sa. He followed the trado of
weaver lor many years aim men mm,
of a. miller in his native country, lie
was married nt tlia ago of 18 years and
was the father of eeven children, six
sous and tho daughter referred to
above. His first wife died many years
ago. and most of bis children are dad,
but he lias over forty living granu-
hildreu nnd more preat-irriilidcliilnren
than he can count. a he laughingly
savs. Two sons and mnnv of his other
descendonts live in Bt. 1-ouls. lie came
to this country first so long ago that ho
cannot fix tho date, but ho has been
tuck to the old country twice, anil las
third arrival in America was mure than
forty years asro, since which time he
married his second wife, who died
many yenrs lnca without bearing him
iinv nliilclreri.
His father was n physician, nnd died
at tho asro of CO years, but three of hi
paternal uhcles uvea to more man iou
years of age. and one of them was over
1 111 venra old when he died. A brother
died a, few years iiineo who was also
more than 100.
Mr. llurk was never sick, and never-
from nnv cause, lav in bed half a day
durinir his lontr life. Although not a
total abstainer, lie seldom orinns in
toxicants, but in h'.H early manhood he-
was nn active producer of the
mountain dew, Avhieh never paid a tax,
and he dellshtBVo recount tho expedi
ents, some of them very amusing, by
which Iip evaded the excise omcers,
lie is still astonishingly vigorous for
man of his aire, and declares that h
can beat any of his descendants dancing
a brenkdow'n. Although not a large
mnn. bennr only alKiut S feet 8 niche
In height, he was formerly a noted
wrestler, aud now firmly believes that
he can really ovorcome in suoli an en
counter any of his erandsons.
1 1 is ovesie ht has ul wa vs been so good as
to render needless tueucoi specvacies,
ind he now threads her needles or his
daughter in tho day or night lime.
without anv difficulty whatever.
Ho never used a cuno in his life. Ho
has smoked moderately sinuo boyhood,
His hair has not fallen off and is iron-
gray in color. The old gentleman is a
f.V.I .-11 I .1111
good memory, which maitcs nis narra
tives of tho long ago very interesting,
corriuuffTio ,
Aniirnlaeent Deep Ulnek PnlUli.irhlchlutieii
Men'a boota n week, and oa Women'a a muntli.
25 Dollars worth of New Furniture for
25 Cents. HOW? By painting
25 square feet of Old Furniture with
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Pblladelphla.
221 W. CD tro Street,
Formerly kept by MmY. .nvillo. The above
hotel la uow kept by
Formerly of the Kejslono Hotel, Qllberton
Ilit of arenii, tluus for
Peririnnont and Transient Guest
The harU Hooked Willi the beat brands ol
clgs.s, ale, beer, put If ratid liquors.
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agent,
OPFIl'K Hudoai.i.'s IIiuluinu,
Cor. Main and Centro Straets, SHENANDOAH, PA.
i-A two and one-half slory double frame
dwelling house, wnu t ire-room audroa
taurant, Lomted oa Hast Centre street.
JJ-A valuable property IoUed on Houth Jar
din fclieet.
3-Hoven dwe'llng hotuca at the corner of Gil
bert and MpydHtruots. aoodluvcatment.
Terms leasauable.
R (T ffra f Pi-H anillannunl, hnvon,poornipetlto,nnl ,
Hfl Sp9 3d CSfQu them is a lock of nnnlinllattonof food, It Is an V
f UO 3 $(JJa S, xGCSB lt.ll".Itlpptmitthesyatcml8Vccftkenod,nnitrcn- 5
blood rkftds iii"i"fylhftTiji!l tl.senerfl( Mem
all Uprlng t mu'i-Bi jwn'b fitrs.ii rl ' l(i-
nroTfn'Sfaiii'jMrin-i Ii a(OtT mcilIa. t Know this as It has been fa the Italics;
of my filks, oi.'l 1 ii prunouneed by them 10 le tho licit of all the fnrnopnrlllnH fcr J
tlio blood, niul m-IMkm k n niiden otter clhei a have rolled, aud vore I In need of anv S
medlcliio fur the !.irol 1 vutdd Uk that I" prtfereneo lo nil oihors for tho blood,
UhUieya.llvor (Oh, nn 10
mi &51
In the lattor part or tlio winter and i-pi-ln? or ltwft, I ftl(r-I don't know how ) uo lilt ; 5
no ambllion ; no aticnirth ; ibowsyi :i epinMlto worth min.lng, nnd no rdlsh for jj
Nvlmt lllllo I difl eut." I honglit a bot'leof llronu's Prioiarli;a. tt seemed to do 1. ;
good until nearly gone, ,lion a tremondom l'ehlliif of my it nd legs comnieiu'i-c. ; 3
I continued till 1 hl lined six liottles ; my upiiellte relnrncd, mj fcull toated nntur: .,
aud f, thouifh now J3 years of age, feel as well nnd lively us I have for twenty yeans S
I ouuuot apeak too highly of Ilrowu'a Uaraupniillo.
lours truly,
' ork Confer, Jte.
A I'Artr (imitT naas dIiaw 1 11 ts
whatnrown's 8araaparlla will do for the children la thatof the llltledanglitsr of Don ;
A.H.iowcin,Eaii.,6r lloul(oe,MaIne,brotherof ox-Coiigreasman l'owcrs.and one oTtli K
leadlriK lawyers of Aroostook county. HIE llttlo five year old girl had been In delliSBt-) r
health, pale and with little nppetltcforaonie time. Mr.l'owers had never tried any nil- f
cntmedlelnoa,aud had little faith In tl:oni,hutao numorous and strong were the weri ','
of commeudatlon that came to Iiliu from neighbors aud through tho preaa, that lm r
was Induced tn trv n bottle of Ilrown's Siiraonaiilla for tho llttlo ouo. 1 his waa iikc-i ;
according to directions, and a secuntl one pur
cliaeed. What was the result? Mr. Towers
! says the variable appetite gave way to a luttu
! ral aud hearty doalro for food, increased vigor
iand Vivacity wero noticeable, glowing cheeks and bright eyes took theplneool ti.j Y
, pallid face and sallow look, and tho hearts of
2 proselon by tho wonderful chungo which had taken place In their durliug.
Anule 11. Illodgott of Msbon, N. If., writes : My husband and my nloee have ho". '
S taken Urown's 8nrsaiarllla by my advice, nnd we would not be wil hoot a bottle ofl
in the house. It has rellevedne of many pains wlilch l havosutrercd from for yeni- j
; I have great faith In your inodlclno nnd wish I could commend It personally to ul. j
who are sutreriug from tho many complaints
At nil Dmgglsts 1.00. 0
Brown's Sarsaoariik
DON'T tako Something else "Just ns good," IT IS HOT.
t AnA Wariien fc Co., Eole froprietore.Baugor, Jte.
Has no rival lu the world. 800 years' cx
rerlenee In llrazi' and two vearfl In this couu
try. It positively cures all diseases arising
fro in Impure blood, bo mineral, no failures,
no relapses.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store,
Ferguson' e JMel Block, Shenandoah, Pa.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10. 1891.-
Passenger trains will leave Shenandoah fui
Mauch (lliunk, Lehlgbton, Hlatlngton, Cats
nauqua, Allenlown. Bethlehem, Kaston, Phil
iiU'lplilaandMew York at 5.17, 7.40, 8.08 a.m.,
122, 3.10, 6.28 p.m.
For Uelvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
itroudiburg at 5.17, a. m., and S.2tjp. m.
For Lambertvllle and Treuloa, 0.04 a, m
For White Ilaveu, Wilkes-Barre and Fitts
ton 6.17, 0.08, 10.41 a. in., 3.10 and 626 p. in.
ForTuuRhunnock, 10,11 a. m., 3.1Q and 5.2t
p. in,
Por Auburn, Itbacai Geneva and and Lyonc
10.41 a. 111., and 6.26 p. m.
For Lacey ville, Towanda. Havre, Waverly,
ICImlra, Hocbraier, lluUalo, Niagara Falls
Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,aud
5.26 p. in.
For i lmlra and the We6t vlaBalamanca at
3.10 p.m.
l'or Audenrled, Hnnleton, Htockton,
her Yard, Weatberly and l'enu Haven Juno
Hon at 5.47,7.40, 0,08 a. m.aud 12.62, 3J0 and
"tfii p, m.
For Jeaueavllle, Levlatou and Beavei
Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a. m. aud 6,28 p. m,
ForScraulonal6.47 0.08, 10.41a. m. 8,10 and
5:20 p. m.
For llazle llrook. Jeddo, JJrlflon and Free
land at 6.47, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m 12.62 3.10 and
5.20 p. in.
FurUoakake at 5.47 and 0.08 a.m., and
i.10 p. m.
For WlggaoB, Qllberton and Frackvllle at
5.D0 aud K.08 a m and 4,10 p.m.
For Yateevllle, slahanoy City and Delano
S.47, 7.10, 0.08, 10.41, 10.68 a. m.,12.62,3.10,5.20, 8,03,
H. a and 10.27 p. tn.
For Lost t rees. 31rardvllle and Ashland
I. 27, 7 46,8.62, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 0.35
S.10 and 0.14 p. in.
For Darkwnter, HI. Clnlr and Fottsvllle.
I. 40, .08, 10.58 a, m 122, 3.10, 4.10, 6.20 and B.U
For Mountain, New Boston and
Mores, 7.40, 0.08, li M a. u.., 1ZS2, 8.10, 6.26 aad
1.08 p.m.
For Haven Run, Centralis, Jit. Carmel and
Kbamnklh, 8.62, and 10,15 a, in., 1.40, 4.41'
nd 8.0ti p. m.
Trulna leave Bbamokln lor Bnenandoab,
7 An 11.55 a. 111., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.80 p. in., arriving
Ht Shtaanuoah, 0.05 u. IU., 12.52. 3.10, 5J!U aud
II. 15 p.m.
For Unit Creek, Ulrardvlllo and AahlauO,
tl.V), 0.10 11 a. in., 2.45 p. m.
For Darkwuter. Hi. Cialr aud I'otUvlllt.
i50, 8.00, 00 . m.. 2.45 p. in.
For YHteavUle, Aiubauoy City and Delano,
8.00, 11.35 a. lu., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. In.
For Lolly, Audenrled and Haileton, SSX
a- in., 1,40 p. mi
Fur Mauch Chunk. Leblghton, Blatlugton,
t'alnxauqna, AlUntown, Bethlehem, Kastoi
aud New York, 8.0U a. 111., 1.40 p. in;
For l'hlladelphla, 1.40 p. m.
Uen'l l'aia. AgL, Bethlehem,
lo c uitrnct rer'otls tllseiise. ' The i
rea a bulhllng uu by, tlio best if
ErpiNn, K. If., May 6th, IS).
' 3 and atomnch. :
Can I.D.Man tile,
Krplng, N. H.
ipaniitt iur um nuiu uuv. aui ,,o h.-.
- System m$M
the parents were gioaaenea Deyoua ex-;
of women caused by poor 010011. ;
bottles for 0.00.
11..1.1M ir
guild Up the
3XTorfc to Bi3ljL"&2
ITQ't to SPlstcolosyg
flams & Bro.
Chamber Sets,
Wash Stands,
Dressing Cabinets,
Easy Chairs,
Parlor Cabinets,
Easels, '
Muslo Cabinets,
I'lnno C hairs,
Hall Stands,
Hall Tables,
Fancy Tables,
Wood Mantels,
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Dining Tables,
China Closets,
Dining Cnilrs,
Smoking Chairs,
Card Tables,
Tea Tables,
Parlor Suits,
Book Cabinets,
Sewing Machines.
'Itna trjublail with t)ioenay!r Irr&fiulitrttii
-fcure, or Trou
to their mr, rhc";
Ue Dli DuCHOlK-'y 0"trmea
tl'tyr Utrtt9gtbiiliiif tnluu eut!r4 fcjet
a mH(Mtic ft i)i-oH)lfaiiPtiujisTiOtiw
A newly discovered MlNlIlAli WATER
the me of which will cupply lrr-portont ele-
menis neetfBtiiy to ncaiiu. ii win cure the
Kidneys, l.lver, Stoinnch, and all Bowel and
Bladder diseases. It will dissolve calculi and
remove 1 hem. It removes Ihenilnnewi r,-n,
the blood and tbua destroys Malaria and
Chills. It cures Brlght's disease, and Is es
pecially recommended for people advanced lu
lire, and for general debility. For undoubted
proofs or this send for ramnhln civimr mil
partlculais. to J. H. I'EimY, Water ol LUe
hi and aftrr Kov. 24, 1800, traltu uUl tea
Hhetuoiuonn at louowsi
For, Wlggau, Ullbcrton, Krackvllle, New
tealle, HI. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9.19
m ntiil 4. Iff n m .
Sundays, 600, 9.40am and uOp m.
For Pottsvlllo, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 p m.
Sundays, 600, 8.40 a m and 8.10 p m.
For Heading, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 p m
anndaya, duo, 9.40 a, m. and 8.10 pm.
For Puttatown. Phoeuixvllle. ftr-mslo-fta
nd Philadelphia (Broad street iital)on. 'S:0,
1.10 a m. ana 4.16 p tn week dayu
Mnndaya, 000, 9.40 a m 8.10 p m
Trains leave Fraokvlhe tor Hbononflrflb
0,40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,00 p m. Husdaya,
1.1R a m and 5.40 p m.
Leave Pousvllle lor Shenandoah, l'j.ts and
1.48. a Z3 7.15. 0.43 n m. Hnnilava. 10.411am
1,16 p in.
ijeavoi-niisnoipnia uircwa street nntioii),
ir Pottavllle and Hbounnilnah. r. S7 1fl'Al ,n, 4.19 and 7.00 p m week days. Kuudaj
i .11 and p. in.
FOT WX0IK,TI.JJ,4.U3, 4.4'), .S6, .'M, 7.80,
.H08.3n, .60, 11.0l)andll.l5am,17 0' nor-nlfl'm'
"i expross, i.vo aim t.av p m.) 12.41, 1,40, 4 u0,
I JO, i, B, H, B.SU, 0.0U 7.1S B.12 SUQ IU.00 11 tn. 12.01
ughl. 1
oa Sundays, S.20, 4.05, 4.10, 6.16,8.12,8..' ' d.sfl, 1
a m. anft 12.19, 8.20 limited 4.ou,, e 2ti, t-. m, i.gO II
lUI P.1JI P Ul HUH I..UI uiBllb,
For Bee, Oirt, Bpnng Lake, Belmar,
oean Ornv, Asbury Park, and Lone linuwh
4.20, 11.15. a. JO, 4.00 P. ui. weea a-iyr ror
Frrtilioia, W,p.m. week aays.
imlllmor" and, WsDi'..i,.nn, 8.60, t.t
) 10, li, 1 LUn m, 12.""! ib.iiltert ejr.. 4n
i 41 p v an 7.4U p. m., .ina a us uigut. r,-,'
tiailt-nore my i.rn, 4.1., nana 11 uu p
uy i.m. 4.1 ,. i and 11 w v ui 1
)g rt'indays.8.60. '.ll!-a ll.U a ti.. IjatVJ
-. J.l n 10(11 ntirl.t Eldlllmitrn r.,.T.."l
lUeano n.aupm
1'ot atlshmontl add tho Hon' n 1M ll.i-a. 10,,
Limited Kaprass lit3!i p. ni,,)12.03nigbt,weclr.
lays, uumujys. jjoia. m., uuanigni,
Tralna lave ItarrlabuiK mi finmnri a ft
he west every day at ' R.S-'- anr1 ",u an a- d
1.00 mnttedj aud 8.49 1 m. Way ft). Al'non.,
.14 a m ana 1.10 p m every aay.
For Pittsburg- only, n W a & c Hi am' b' '.'0
m week iyi.
i,e&ve Huubury tor WlUiaruSfort, Mmlra,
uueudalgua, Hnehsster, l'in'aluAti l...ra
'alii 6.10 am dally, and l.ii pin wee1' or-a. 1
fror ratklbs, S.30 p m weok rinys.
Vor Kris and iutemieduit 1 trt'i, .." .1 .
Jaily. For lxoK -Haven,, Krd ' . i .1 m,
lallv. 1U and S-SP i. in. week coih. r
Killoh 8.10 a n 1.48 sud 5,8i. c ww1 dR- ,
'.tOR ta tiUli(lRF.
J. R.WOOjJ,'
IT PUtiil,
fJsn. Man''
'if- "-. f I't
PhiladolphJa and Heading itallrcd'
Time Table in rBect 21 w 10, 181-1
For New York via Philadelphia, weok days.
2..0 5.25, 7.20 n, m, and 12 85 2.C0 aud ".5S
p. m. Sunday 2.10 and 7.4J a. m, l'or jNew.
York, via Mauch Chunk, week days, 5.25.
IX), a. m. and 12.31 and 2.60 p. m.
t- or iteaaing ana I'niiaaeipuia weei. uaya,
10. 5.X). 7.20. a. m.. 12.35 2.60 and 5.5a P. m.
-luuday, 2.10 and 7.43 a. m.
ror liarrisourg, wteic aays, 2.iu,7.ju a. m,i
.0. 6.65 n. m.-
for Allenlown. week days. 7.20 V m. 12.35
uu p.m.
or roxisviue. weea uaya. z.i". rjr
1. .11.
i'nr TMruauua ana aiananov uitv. woec
lays, 2. 0, 5.26, 7.20, a. m., 12 3 2.0 and
m. Hiinilav. 2.10 and 7.48 a. m. Additional
'or Mahanoy City, week days 7.00 p. m.
ror ijanoa-iier ana utnamuia, wook auya(
una, m., p. m.
rur w HiiHiiiHiiuru nuuuui uuu ugniAuuini
neek days. 8.2), 7.20 and 11.80 a. m 1,35, 7.00
,1. m. tsnnaay 3:23 a. m.
tor Mahniiov Plane, week days. 2.10 3.2j.
a. m. ).t-o v. in.
2-10 2 . 7.48 a. m.. 8.05 D. m.
i m. nunaay m., a.uo p. m.
ill a Til 1IM Am n fill vi m . I'J 1
uieht. BundHV. H.0U n. in.. 12.15 nlent.
i.eave jnbw xors: via maucn uunus. wees
days, i.SLi, 8.45 a. ru i.uu ana 4.oj p. m.
ann nil nurhi I anil N-lin m. anil 11 Till n m
fYnin uth r.nv ..r.uari Mnniluv U.lia A.
m. 11.10 P. m. from 9th nnc U -eu.
1 . n .tn ,,Mrtlli. rtntra 1 -1. III ,11,
10.10 a. m.
i,eave 2'oiisviuo. wecK cava. ii.iu. a.m.
n. m.
ljvave Tamaaua. week davs. 3. 10. 8.48 and
11 2 i a. m., 1.21, 7.13, and 0.18 p. in. Unnday 3.20
h. ui. aud 20 p. in.
i.:avj Aianunoi uir, ween aays. a.m. ..'
iiiui.ii n. a,u., i.i. niiu p.n u. ,u. uuu,
day, 3.40 a. in., p. m.,
I.n... Uulinnnirl'la.iii Aaira .!'. J
iiuju p. m. Bunany i.i , .w, una a.
ii , p. m.
lAiave tilrantvllle (Hnnnahanuock Statlou)
weok days, 2.47, 4.07, U.S-j, and 9 41 a. m.. 12.05,
51.. 2, 6.ZC, 6.82, 8.03 aud 10.00 p. m. Huuuay.iLIT,
4.2J, 8.2(1 a. m. a41 p. m.
l.(ho w luiamaport, wees aays, h.w,vm ana
11,56 B, m. 3.35 and 11.15 p. m. Sunday 11, IS
P. m. ,
For Baltimore, Washington and the wesl
?la B. a O., through Trains leave Glrard
illVUUD BUllUll, 1 iiiiuuc.i'Uii., II , U, IV, 1, 1.I
at 4.10, bOl and 11.27 a. m., 1.84, 4.24, 6.D5 and
;,23 p. ni. Sunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a, m., 4,24
i.K ana ?;u p. m.
Leave Palladelphia, Chestnut street Wuarr
na Uouth Street Wharf.
For Atliintlc CJtv. vs Exmcss 0.00 a. m. nnd 2.00.
4.00 p. m. Accommodation, 8.00 a. m., 6.03
p. za.
Sundays. Expreas, 9.00, a. m, Accomnao.
atlon, 8.00 a. m. and 4.3U p. m.
Hoturnlng.leavo Atlantlo City, depot corner
xtlautlc and Arkansas wpeh-daya
-Ksprets, 7.S0,, 9.00, a. m. and 4.00, p. m.
Vnoomuiodatlon, 6.00, 8.05 a. m. and 4.39
(.80 p. m.
Buadays. Express, 4.00 p.m. Aooouunola.
llou, 7.30 a. m. aud 4.80 p. m.
V. G. HANCOCK, Gen'l Pass'r Ag
V A. .UoLKOIi. Pres. A Geu'l Manacer.
uwieiaote tnrneel May, 10,1601.
Trains leave Reading (P, & It. station) for
Gibraltar, Seyfert, Blrai-boro, Joanna, Spring
Held, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle.West
Chester.Cliadslord J nnctlon, B. a O. Juuctlon,
Wilmington and lnlermtdlaleatatious, dally
ii. m. wnnnnv nn v ni. ili in. Tn li. ill. DuuiiKV uuiv n.ia u in-
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
Saturday only, at 12 in.
For Baltimore and Washington IB. O. IE.
K.) dally except Sunday at 0.25 and 8.80 a. in.
and 3.16 p. m. t-unday only at 8,05 p. in.
Trulna arrive ul Beading (P. li. tuition)
from Wilmington, II. & O. Junction, Mont
chanln, Chaddslord Junction, West Cheater,
Lenape. Coatesvllle, Waynesbui-g Juuctlon,
Sprlugneld,Jnunna,i:irdsboro, Gibraltar, Sey
fert and Intermediate atal Ions, dally except
Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 5.52 and 8.17 p. m, Sun
day only at 11.24 a. in.
From St. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate
stations, dully except Sunday, at B.2J a. m.
and 2.25 p.m. Sunday ouly at Up. in.
From Ulidsboio and Intermediate statlous,
Saturday ouly at 1.40 p. m.
From Washington und Baltlmoie, dally ex
eeptSuuday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m
Sunday only nt. 11.21 a. m.
llOWNESI-l llItlGUB, Gen'l Pass. Agt.
Wo, tho undersigned,
are entirely cured ol
o. ..... t"".'.V.'.'.f
"niciii o-u ftreu ni., i-iina, lunmas is.
Hartuug, New Blnggnld, Pa., I. 'audt, Woulh
Eaauiu, Pa., L. P. A O. A. Deturck, O ey, Pa
It. O. Hlnnley, 421 Spruce St , Lebanon, Pu., A.
Schneider. Locut Dale, Pa.,D, B. Noll, Lime
kiln, Pa , Win. E. liar enatlne, Phoenlxvllle,
Pa W. M. Lflnbach, 624 Wiifhligton sti.
Bending, Pa.. J. O. Lyme 1810 W. HownrdSt,
ltarrlaourg. Ph., C. Ktehn. Donaloasvllle, Pa.
Dr. MAYER la at, UnlelPenn, Heading, Pa,,
see blm.
f It. BRICKER, M. D.,
No'. 9 East Centre Street; Mahanoy City, Pa
Skin and all special diseases a speolalty. Si