The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 11, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL. VI.--NO. 13G.
To the Republican Electors of Pennsytv 'nia:
After consultation and correspondence with
the members of the ItepulMcan Utale Committee,
and by their direction, I hereby Dive notice that
the Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly
f,tosn representatives, will meet in mate Con
.ventlon at Harrisburg, Wednesday, August 19,
M391, at Wo'clock A. 31., for the purpose of plac
ing in nomination candidates for the offices of
State Treisurer and Auditor General, for the
nomination of eighteen candidates for Delegates-at-Large
to the Constitutional Convention pro
vided for in the Act of Assembly app'oted June
II), 1S91, and for the Iranstctton of such other
business as may be presented.
j'olieeis especially directed to the fact that, in
accordance with the pyovlslons of the last men
tioned act, each Senatorial district is entitled to
a representation of three delegates in said Con
stitutional Convention, two of whom only can be
members of the majority party in said district.
The electors of each district are therefore re
guested to make proper nominations for dele
gates t i said convention, the rules governing the
iiiminata of candidates for Sate Senator to
be applicable.
In this connection the Chairman desires to call
Vie attention of Republican voters to the recoil
tnrndallon of the State Convention of 1882, Oiat
"they allow the greatest freedom in the general
participation In the primaries consistent with
the preservation oftheparty organization."
'if. If ANDREWS, Chairman.
The McKlnley bill and short crops
havo brought Germany and Fruuce to
their senses in regard to Auiericau
breadstufts and meat. They Hud that
ur pork is nottrichinous after all, and
may bo eaten with safety by both
Frenchmen and Germane, and that
our breadstuff are equally healthful
If the Democratic press and leaders
can be bolloved there aro no new In
dustries growing up in this country,
no lieldsof enterprise being developed,
110 new factories beiug started, no
growth of prosperity in any direction.
It is the wish that is father to the
false assertion. They do not want the
country prosperous because they fear
prosperity will defeat their designs ou
the national government.
They haven't got compulsory vot
ing out in Illinois, but they have the
next thing to it. A law recently en
acted requires the election clerks in
every precinct of Chicago to make a
list of voters who failed ,o register.
This list Is to be used first In drawing
jurors, and until it is exhausted the
ff 0333STTS per yd for the
Sold 1 a other stores Tor 85c. AH floor
Oilcloth redaoad. Call for bargains
Store, 10 South Jardin St., near Centre
u Keiter is now receiving a new
Brussels and Ingrains in
Just opened a large assortment of Choice JVctw Patterns,
in all widths.
JjlNOLETTM2 yards ivlde,
r fij jt arjzjjj.jj jjx isxjiuj..
PTIie Finest Table Syrup wc
II envy Hotly,
Light Color,
Splendid Flavor,
Strictly Pure Cane Syrup,
Not mixed
Also a Fair Sugar Syrup at O
"Northwestern Daisy.!"
Is a high grade Patent Flour Made from choicest Min
nesota Wheat. Makes more bread than ordinary
Guaranteed JSqual in every
Hour in the marJtet,
$0.00 BBlt
Dor sale only
list made from the poll books of thoeo
who register and vote Is not to bo
touched. Under this law, Bays tbo
Boston Globe, those who neglett to
vote in order to shirk Jury duty will
bo In far greater danger of being drawn
as jurors than those who go to the
polls. Let it be tried in this county.
Tjikv aro trying to raise camphor in
Florida, 80 far they have been sue
cessful. They have found that the
trees will grow luxuriantly, and havo
hopes to be nble to make a profitable
business out of producing the gum
Inside of the next ten years. It will
be a proud day for American Industry
when its defeated free-trade, English,
toadying enemy will have to calm his
painfully throbbing nerves with ap
plications of American camphor.
We now import about 3,000,000 pounds
of camphor a year, worth about
The building of a remarkable rail
road, running to the sumpilt of Tike's
I'eak, will long bo remembered as a
wonderful piece of engineering. This
point will now form ono of the great
centers of attraction for tourists, who
will gladly tako advantage of an op
portunlty of a journey to the clouds.
The summit of Pike's Peak is ono of
the highest habitable points ou.tlie
globe, being 14,147 feet above tho love!
of tho sea, while tho starting point of
the railroad is more thau 112 feet
higher thau the summit of Mount
Washington. Those who undertake
this journey, however, should be
cautioned to take with them a sufllc-
lent supply of heavy clothing, because
within a few hours the tourist will
(hid that he has passed through
climates of spring, summer, autumn
and winter. It Is another trluruuh of
American engineering, and will be
the subject of much comment in all
parts of the globe.
Hold It to tho Light.
Tho man who tolls you confidentially
ust what will cure your cold is prescribing
Kemp's Balsam this year. In tbo prop
aration of thia romarkablo modlcino fot
coughs fiml colds no expense is spared to
combine only tho best and purest ingredi
ants. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsum to
tho light and look through it; notice th
bright, clear look: thon comparo with
.ithir remedies. Pnco 60c. and $1
Biliousness, Uoustf patlon, I'oor Appetlio aud
all evils urMng from a disordered Liver usu
Ur Lee's Liver Itojulator. Trial bottles free
at Klrlln a drug store.
stocU of Tapestry and Body
hdndsome new tall patterns.
from $1 vp.
Unvc ever liacl for tlie price.
with Corn Syrup and Glucose
rcsiiect to any nigh-prtced
The Other Had Hla Spine Badly
Injurod Both Men Wore Re
moved to the Minora' Hos
pitalTheir Condition.
Miko and George Vatijura, brothers en
gaged in a gangway of tho Ellongowan col
liery, mot with a serious accident this
morning by a fall of coal in tho place
whero thoy woro working.
G orge's leg was. cut off and covered by
so much coal that it was not recovered up
to tho time ho was removed from tho mine.
Miko'B spine was badly Injured.
Tbo men woro sent to tho Miners' Hos
pital in the Indian ltidgu colliery ambu
lance Tho condition of the men is critical. Tho
njury to Miko's spine may provo fatal.
Those accidents make seven Polish cases
n this district for this week.
Tho Lakesldo Eisteddfod.
E O. Tho prizo otlbrod for tho band
contest at tho Lakosido eistoddfod on
August 15, next, is $75 and a gold medal to
tho successful conductor, providing two or
moro bands compete. If only ono band
competes tho urizs will bo 50. Thus far
tho Grant Cornet Bind, of Shenandoah,
and the Gentrnlia and Lansford bands have
signified an intention to compete Bands
of Ashland and Hazloton will decide
whether or not thoy will compete by the
time tlio eisteddfod committee moets again,
which will bo on Tuesday evening, noxt.
Tho committoo will meet at 38 ivial Centro
street, Shonandoih.
Log Out Off.
Jamos J. Wheelihan, of town, mot with
n serious accident on tho Philadelphia &
Heading railroad, noar tho jig house ho
twoon St. Nicholas and Mahanoy City, last
night. lie jumped off a coal train on
which ho was brakoman to lock a switch
and upon attempting to get on tho train
again bo fell. Tho train was moving at
tho time and passed over his left leg, cut
ting it off just above tho anklo. Tbo
injurod man was romovod to the Minors'
Popular Exoursloa.
Ono of tho most popular and cheapest
summer excursions is tho annual Heller
excursion over tho famous and picture-fiuo
Lehigh Valloy railroad, to Niagara Falls,
which takes placo this yoar on Sat
urday, July 25th. Tho faro is only
$8.50. Tickets aro limited to 10 days
and good to return on any regu
ular train. Stop off privileges aro allowed
at Buffalo and Elmlra (returning) afford
ing passengers an opportunity to tako in
Watkins. This is cortainly ono of tho best
offerings for a summor outing, as tho faro is
very reasonable, within tho reach of all. I
7-11 -2t
Abandon tho Lamps.
Thero was considerable excitement on
South Main stroet last night. A Polish
grocer wont into his collar with a coal oil
lamp in his hand and ilia lamp acted in a
manner that indicated it would burst.
Had it done so there would havo been a
big blaze, as tho place ' was an excollent
placo far flames to oat their way. People
should tako lanterns into .cellars, and not
Bright as a Pin.
Tbo Kondrick House is inow ono of the
most neat and protty hotels in the county.
William Kendrick, tho proprietor, has just
expended several hundred do'.lirs in I in
provements and foels ut proud of the
result. Thi) cafe has beon much enlarged,
thoroughly renovated. Tho bar has boon
altered and fitted up in metropolitan style
and Is surrounded by a handsome brass
guard-rail made expressly for tho place.
A How Business.
P. J. Cloary has opened a ttoro in the
Ferguson's building, on East Uontro street,
and is prepared to furnish tho local trade
with Due leathor and shoo findings and all
kinds of shoemaker's supplies. His stock Is
a largo ono and well equipped to fully
supply all doinands of the trade. C-lC-tf
Business Ohango.
A. Womor has sold his fruit and green
truck business to Edward Itosewald, Sr.,
and bis son, William, of Wm. Ponn. Mr.
Womor will contlnuo In tho .wholosalo
green truck budnoss.
Mllos' Norvo and Liver Pills
Act on , a new principle regutating the
Uver, stomach and bowels r ounh the nerves,
A new dUoovery. Ur. Miles' 1MIU speedily
onte Muousneg, tau lasie, lorpia uver, puui,
nnnfttlnatlim. Uneminled lor man. women
children. Smallest, mlMekMuraatl Sldosos,
25cU. Ham pies free, at U, 11. Uajeuhuch'a
a rug store.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the
name Lkssiq & Co., Ashland, Pa., It
printed on every sack. 3-3-3taw
Sunday Specials.
English l.utlicmii church, Uev. 1). U
relbley, pastor. Services Sun Jay as fol
lows: 10:80 a. m. and 0:30 p. in. Sunday
chool at 1:30 p. in.
Ebent-zer Evangelioal chtiroh. Ilev. II
J. Glick, pastor. Services Sunday at
10 a. m. in German, and 0:30 p. m. in
English. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m
All are heartily invitod to attond,
P. M. church, cornor of Jardin and Oak
stroets. Services S inday at 10.30 a, m.
and 0:80 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m.
Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor at 0
p. m. ovary Sabbath. 01aw meet Tues
day and Wednesday evenings at 7 o'clook
and Sunday at 11:80 a. m. General prayer
meeting Thursday at 7:20 p. m. H. G.
Itusscll, pastor.
Welsh Uaptlst church, cornr West and
O ik stroele. lt ,v. 1). I. Evans, pastor.
Services Sunday at 10 a. m. in Wolsb
nud 0 p. m. in English. Sunday school at
2 p. m. Prayer meeting on Monday even
ing, at 7 o'clock. Glass mooting on Thurs
day ovening, at 7 o'clock.
First Methodist Episcopal church. Kay.
Wm Powiek, pastor. Divlno worship at
10:80 a. m. and 0:30 p. in. Morning tub-
ject: "Tho Moral Proforancos of a Godly
Uharactor." Evening subject: "Tho Mo
tive Power" being tho filth sermon of tho
series on ''The Voyage of Life." Sunday
school at 2 p. m., to ho followod by tho
dovotional meeting of thoEpworthLosguo.
Monday evening bible study and sociable.
General prayer moetlng on Thursday
evening. All are cordially Invitod. Scats
Rooky Mountain Cure.
Tho druzgists claim that peoplo call
Jaily for tho now euro for constipation and
nek hoadach", discovered by Dr. Silas
Lano while in tho Kooky Mountains. . It is
laid to bo Oregon grapo root;.(a groat
remedy in tho far Wost for tboso com
plafnu) combined with simple herbs, and Is
mado for use by pmring on boiling water
to draw out tho strength. It sells at 60
cents a package and is called Lane's
Family Medicine.
Ho Wasn't In It.
It happened that a Welshman of town
was the gueu of the Stongorbund during
their trip to Newark but week. Ho woro a
merabor's badge, and as soon a3 they
reached Newark a mumbor of tho Phila
delphia Mio'inorchor walked up to tho
Wolshman and began to talk to him in
German. Tho Wolshman answorod him
in tho language of Gwalia. Tho Teuton
eyod him suspiciously for a while and thon
asked In English:
"What part of Germany do you como
from, anyway 7 I know the dialect of
every province, but I'll ha hanged if I can
catch onto yours."
"Don't como from Germany."
"You don't?"
"No, 1 was born in Wales."
"Well, I'll be ," said tho Philadol-
phian. "Let's go und havo ono," and they
A MIno Foreman's Oertlfloato
May bo obtained by any miner who will
read The Colliery Engineer and study
The Colliery Engineer l'o:ket-liook. Send
SV50 to the Colliery Engineer Company,
Scrantnn, Pa , and get tho journal for ono
year and tho Pocket-Book bound in cloth
Tbo latter contains ovor 'lOOpagos of tablts,
rules, and formulae for mine official;, mill
ing ongineors and students of mining,
Samplo copies of The Colliery ICngincer
Notlco 1 1
Any person or persons finding or return
ing to mo, valuable papers which woro
taken from my safe, viz : Naturalization
certificate, tillo deods, receipts, &c, from
Willies-Harro, Pa., and a fire insurance
policy will rtcoivo a suitabio reward.
Paul Humma,
July 10, 1801. 3t
Lehigh Valloy Announcement.
The Lohigh Valley Kailroad Company
will run special trains to Pottsvillo to-mor
row (Sunday) for tho accommodation o
piople who may wish to attend tho cornor
stone laying. A special train will leave
tho Leblgh Valloy station for Pottsvillo,
via Frackvllle, at 1 o'clock, and a special
via New llotton Junction, will leave at
1:30 p. m, The fare for tbo round trip, via
Krackvillo and New Boston will bo 07 cents,
Train, reluming, will leavo Pottsvillo after
tho services.
Tromont liorough School Board wants a
good grammar school toacher with no loss
than four years' oxperieuce.
Tho School Board of Pottsvillo want
proposals for tho excavation und erection
of a retaining wall at the High street school
To Norvous, Debilitated Men,.
If you send ue your addreu, wo will
nail vou our lllustrattKl namDhlet oxnlain
ng all about Dr. Dyo's Celebrated Eloclro
Voluio Belt and Appliances, and their
iharmincr effects unon tho nervous de
lililsted lystem, and how they will quickly
estoreyou to vigor, and manhood. Paraph
lt freu. If you aro thus afflicted, we will
Hud you a ueit anu Appllaiioea on a trial
voltaic imT i:o.. Manuaii. Mien.
Waters' Weiss boar is the best.
Itoilly solo agent.
John A
Supervisor Davo Llowollyn ShowB
How It Works Whllo tho Bor
ough Fathers Look On It
Provod Satisfactory.
Following the; instructions of tho Uor
ough Council at Us last moting to unload
the stono crusher and engine and innlte
thorn roady for an official test, Supervisor
L'owellyn omployod a gang of men and
ha I the apparatus located on the mountain,
noar tho trotting park and southeast ol tho
Indian Kidgo broakor.
Tho piecot of machinery were very
heavy and it required no small amount of
labor to put them in tho required p s'tion,
but tho Sup rvisor succeeded In getting
verything in roadiness yesterday and
notified tho Horough Fathori that tho ap
paratus was roady for tho tost.
At nlovon o'clock this morning Council-
men Holman, Scheifly, Moakliir, Phalon,
and Porlz, Supervisor Llewellyn and a
number of citizens visited tho placo whero
the crusher is located and gavo tho ap
paratus a test. A keg of b er and cheese
and summer samage and sandwiches were
pread about, as Fred. Portz unfurlod a
banner, of which tho following is nn illus
tration :
F J. P., P. D. H
J. K. P. S., D. L.
1 he engine was started and tho visitors
took turns In selecting rock and dropping
it into tho cruhor for tho tost. Ovor an
hour was spont in this way, during which
tho plant kopt up a steady crush, crush,
crush, mincing rocks ol all kinds. The
test was declared satisfactory by all and
there is no doubt about its accoptanco.
William Hilton, of tho Kohinoor col
iery, will havo charge of tho engino for n
fow days and thon John Warnick will tako
Councilman Phil. Ilolman put in a stono
with tho toast, "Hero's that we will soon
havo tho bost roads in Schuylkill county,
lion, Severn s toast was: "May our
stroets soon bo as good as tho crushor is."
Fireworks I
Mr. Kincaid Makes a Statomont
Concerning Them.
Alexander ICincaid, of South Jardin
streot, who is employed as a carponter at
tho Plank Kidgo colliery, made a statement
to a Hkiialo reporter last night concorn.
ing the tools stolon from that colliery
Mr. Kincaid says that tho hatchet found in
Paul Summa's houso on Wednesday morn
ing, nfinr tho safe was blown -open, w h
stolen from Eaianuol Schoup, a carponter
ofthol'lank Kidgo coll iry. Tho hatchet
was stolon botwoen S -day night and
Monday morning and v. the tamo time a
3-inch and a lj-inch chisel woro taken
Oil Tuesday night pieding tho burglary
at Summa's, which is said to havo taken
placo at about 3 o'clock Wodnosday morn
ing, a brace, a 3-lnch chisel, a scrow driyor
and an oil can belonging to Mr. Kincaid
wero stolon.
Mr. Kincaid also says that on tbo night
tho Shenandoah Feod & Lumber Com
pany's safo was blown open a brace, 3-inch
chisel, 2-lnch chisel, 1) inch chisel and a
10-inch mill saw file woro stolen from his
collection of tools at tho Plank Ridge col
liery. t
Mr. Walsh Named.
Editor Hkiialu : I obsorvo that tho
papers of the county are devoting consid
erable space to tho announcements of can
didates, tbo Democratic aspirants for
Sheriff roceiving special prominonro. The
Kopuhllcans are mum on tho subject ot
Sheriff. Why thny should bo so I am at a
loss to uxplaln. Tuoro.aro many good mon
to be named and I will start tho ball roll
ing by naming E. F. Walsh, of Browns
villo, v,ha is a consistent Kepublican and a
man who is wholly capablo of tho office of
Sheriff. A Uki-uhlican.
Shenandoah, Pa., July 11, 18U1.
Pennsylvania Spooial
Tho Pennsylvania Kailroad Company
will run a spocial train to Pottsvillo to.
morrow (Sunday) for tho benefit of people
who may wish to witnoss the corner stone
laying. Tbo train will leave tho Pennsyl
vania depot at 1 p. m. and, returning, will
leave Pottsvillo at 7 p. in. ,
Thoy Aro Splendid.
We mean thoi Chi viol suit you can
got at A. T. Jonas' "Famous" Clothing
etoro for p0 60.
Advortlso in the Hkhald.
Joshua Crawshaw, of Mahanoy City,
pont lo-day in town, tho guest of his
cousin, Joseph Townsend.
Tho Mmcb Chunk Daily Times says t
William Swoeney, of Shenandoah, wag
in town jetterday and made arrangements
) niovB hi family to Katl MhupIi Chunk.'
Miss LiMiu It. Ijmtig lft town tlif s-
mornlng for tho Oatawism Valloy, whoro
sho will spend her vacation.
Jim Daniels and his latcily returned
homo last night from tho Eastern states,
whero they spent the pat two weks visit-
ng friond
Martin Djlaney, who was formerly en
gaged in the furniture and undertaking-
business in town, has sold out his Minera
ville businss and will move to Homestead,
near Pittburg.
Donations to Veterans.
A few dajs ago the Hkkald reported
the presentation ot a purso to John M.
t'rioe, an old soldier of Brownsville, and
the sub-criptions to the purse wero Incor
rectly credited to tin G. A. K. Post. Tho
subscriptions wero mado by members of tho
Port and soveral promlnonl gentlemen of
town who aro not members of it. SatoUtl
Cannon, nnother old soldier, was also pre
sented with a substantial par) some timo
ago. Mossri. John Watson, Henry Eison-
hart, Charles Gibsoo and William T. Kicb-
ards had chargo of tho donations. They
being members of tho Post, tho organiza
tion was credited with the subscriptions,
while, properly, genoral subscribers should
havo been credited.
A Good Suggestion.
For several years pt thero have been
discussions in and out of the School Board
mootings regarding tho propriety ot putting
a t wn clock in tho tower of tho White
street fchool building. It has been con
ceded generally that it would bo a good
'.Jut, but the question of oxpenso has nl-
ways provontod it being carried out. A
gentleman of town now suggests that iho
opportunity has arrived. On tho 30lh inst.
tho clock of tho old Pottsvillo court houso
will be sold at public sale. Would it not
be a good idea for tho School Board to bid
it in 7
A Fatal Scratch.
Patrick ICoefe, of Gilherton, received a
telegram yostorday that his daughter,
aged 7 years, had died in a Philadelphia
hospital. The girl, it will bo remembered,
had one of her oyw scratched badly whllo
playing with a cut. Tho oyo becamo vory
soro and painful and tho lltllo one was cent
to Will's Eo Hospital for troatmont. It
was found upm examination that a tumor
had 6et in on tho imido of tho oyo. Tho
head physicians of tho hospital performed
an operation Thursday, but tho'child'a lite
could not be savod.
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the waniluif? The signal pcr-
s or tno Mine appro.icn oi mat more ier-
dlxenso. consumption, ask yourselves
If you oau ntlord for the anko of saving GO
cenU, to run the risk and do nothing for it,
SVe know from oxperieuce that Bhlloh'B Cure
will Cure j our Cough. It never falls. Thla
explalua why more than a Million llotlloH
weio Hold the pant year. It relieves Croup
and Whopping Cough at once Mottiera do
not bo without It. For Lame H ick, Hide or
Client, UMeHhlloli'B l'orous l'lnster. Mold by
O. II. Hafleubucb, N. B. oorutr Main aud
Uoyd blroeU.
Chicago to Sioux Falls, South Da
kota, Travolors en route ta the Northwpst aro
Informed that tho Great ltock Island
Route began running, Juno II, a Through
Bullet Pullman Sleeper, Chicago to Sioux
Falls, South Dakota.
This car leaves Chicago dally, except
Saturday, on tho C, K. I. & P. No. 1, at
IsOO, noon; roturning, nrrivcn at Chicago
daily, except Monday, at 8:05 a. m.
Maps, Folders, and further information
sent on application. Jno. Sobastian, Gon'l
Tkt. & Pass. Agt. E. St. John, Gonoral
Managor. Gonoral OQlco, Chicago, III.
0-25 a
Golden Eagle Anniversary.
Atu meeting of tho District Grand
Chiefs und rteiirefoutittlvm of tho K.
G. E., hold in Aslilnnd, on Saturday,
it was determined to hold u oounty
parade Octnbir Itit of each year, it be
inir the anniversary of the iutrodupluu;
of tho order Into Pennsylvania. Tho
II rat ivirade will tako place at AHliliuni
ou the 1st of O 'tobur, next.
Don't Pay 5 Gents
For what you can get for
half tho monoy. Our
Spanish Panotollas at two
for live aro bettor than
half tho Cigars you pay
jivo cents for. Try thorn.
$1.10 a box.
No. 122 North Jardin Street