I'Oll- Picnics and Outings! Sovcrn, tho Grocer, ia bead quarters for line Cheese, Fruits and Vegetablcs,Ciinned Aleuts, Pickles, Crackers, Cakes, Con densed ilk, etc., suitable for picnics and excursions. New supply sliced Summer Sausage All new and frosb goods. Cor. Centro and Whito Streets. The Evening Herald. AM. Till) NKWH POK ONK CHNT. lias n larger circulation In Hhenandnah tlmn liny other paper publliilied, circu lation book open In all. LOCAL LUNCHEON. July is cool thus far. Flies are trouhlMome. A silver match-safe oomos in tbo Bhnpo o n cijrar. I hora are many bad sidewalks that need a tentlon. ' The small boys' attention is now on tlio green apple. A bui'lihorn handle on an umbrella is eocial'y authentio. ti onandoah has a good many Dno turn outs on its streets on pleutant evoninits. lh pleasant, cool weather is keeping pmiplo with vacations away from the soa shoro. Many poor eolo ambilinut of social diminution are kept down by trying to koep up. Tho small boy has a year in which to torget his burns and to get ready for the ri'-xl Fo.rtb. 8"Vural hulloe and gentlomon of Lost C'rok and Ashland regaled thomolvos with tho sweet strains of tho Orant Cornet Hand last ni lit. One Trundled American delogatos lmv Just arrived lu London to attend tho lumuiil meeting of the International Con gregational Council which meets In Lon don July I t. On July 13 tho Americans will bo entertained at n publlo breakfast to bo given in their honor. It is ropoi-ted that tho New York Lifa Insurance Company him decided to sua tho proprietor ot tho Now York Times for libel, In having published artlclos reflect ing upon tho management of the com pany's affairs. Tho amount of ilamaues claimed will be about ?1,U00,000. Playing- Carda. Yo i can obtain a pack of best quality t laying cards by sending fifteen cents in 1 . -tago to V. S. Eitntis. Oon'l l'ass. Agl., J3 & Q.K. K. Chicago, 111, tf Buy Keystone flour, lie careful that the namo Lkssiq & Co., Ashland, l'a., Is printod on every sack. 3-3-3taw BtBt work dono at Urennan'e steam 'aundry. Kvorything whito and spotless. Laco curtains a specialty. All work guar anlend. Lakosldo Dates. July 15. Mahanoy City M. E. school July 10. Mahanoy City I'. 11. school. July 20. Qirardvillo 1. M. school. Suittiay Sunday Sunday July 21. Herman societies of Reading, Shatuokln, etc. July 28. Win. I'enn Sunday school. " 21. St. Nicholas Sunday school. " 23. The Washington Hook & lad der Company, of Mahanoy City. July 20. Trinity Reformed Sunday school, of Shenandoah. July 30. Young lion's Republican Club of lluhanoy City. Aug. 3. English Baptl.t Sunday school of Shouandoah. Aug. 4 II. JJ. Sunday school of Man- Btioy l'lano. Aug. 6. Evangelical Sunday school of Slahanoy City Aug. 12. Lutheran missionary festival. " 13. Episcopal Sunday school of llahanoy City. Aug. 1-1. M. E. Sunday school of Ash land. Aug. 15. Eistoddfod. " 19. 11. K. Sunday school of Shen andoah. Aug. 20. Trinity Reformed Sunday tchool of Mahanoy City. I)o yon Miller Willi Consumption, Coin lis or Colds? You can be cured If you take l'un. ilnaconh and (nnkmn,iti.-in I'.nra 'rial boltlas ireo at Jilrlln'a drug More. WALL PAPER ! A OAltLCD JUST AUIUVUD AT MBLLET'S Blanks Bo Gilt 8o Embossed ia l-2c Window Slmtloe, spring i'ollors..2CQ Curtain Polos 25o MOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Shenandoah, CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. Thoy Aro Splondld. Wo mean thewo Cheviot suits you can get at A. T. Jonos' "Famom" UlothMR itoro for f 8,60. Oomplotod to Doadwood. Tho IIurllnRton Itouto, 0., D. & Q. K. 11., from CIiIchru, Poorla and St. Louis, is now 0 )tnpletod, an J dally nasonRor trains aro running through Lincoln, Neb., and Cuitor, S. I)., to Doadwood. Also to Now cattle, Wyoming. Sleopinjj cars to Dead- wood. tf Entitled to tho Boat. All aro entitled to Uio bed that their monoy will buy, so ovory family should have, at onco, a bottlo of tho boH family remedy, Syrup of 1'hrs to cloanso tho sys tern when oostivo or bilii,u. For sale In 60o and $1.03 bottlos by all loadlnf? drug- RlftS. Coming Events. July 10. Ico croam festival of the Youne l'ooiilo's Christian Union, in tho English Hapli't church.' July ITJth. Festival and entertainment; Kobblns' opera house, under tho auiploes of Silver Wavo Castto. A. 0. 1C. of Al. 0. Dlod. TBAOY. On tho 8th Inst., at Shenan doah, l'a., Thomas Tracy, agod 21 years Funeral will tako placo on Saturday morning, 10th Inst. High Mass at tho An nunciation church. Had ho allied us. Well, we Imow we should say, Oil, spare the blow 1" Yam, wth streaming tears slioul 1 pray "Lord, wo love lnm, let htm ptay." In love lie lived, lu peace he died, Ills lire was nstied, hut. God denied. lllfl I.OVINQ SISTEttS, Japanoso Festival. An ico cream and fruit festival is being arranged by ono of our local secrotsociotius and will be held in August next. Thirty or forty charming young ladies will sorvo tho patrons with tlio delicacies of the sea son on Japanese platos, carried on Japanoso trays, and a Japaneto napkin will bo pro- lonlyd to each, Tho ladies will bo nltired in Japanoso gowns and havo their lioad-dros- arranged a la Japanwo. Tho hall will be profusely and hanlsomely docor ated with Japanoso lanterns and parasols, In fact everything will bo Japaneo, from top to bottom. Llowollyn, tho Palntor. W. 11. Llewellyn, tho painter and decor ator of town, ha9 just receivod tho largest stock of point over rocelved by any ono doalor in tho town. Mr. Llowollyn also has now on hand mora contracts for paint ing and decorating than any other painter in this district. Ho has finished tho paint ing of tho Shonandoah Ueof-l"ompany's establishment. This work wai incorrectly credited to Mr. Ilagenbueh. Tho latter paintod the tigns, but Mr. Lloweliyn did tho other work. Mr. Llowollyn has boon awarded tho contract for painting tho four largo school buildings in town and a school building in iiutler township. Ho has also just finished painting and decorat ing Ginl y's cafo in Qirardvillo. Tho lat ter piooe oi work is undoubtedly tho Quest dono In this section of ihu county for Eome time. Vealo's, Wilkinson's, Koediick's, ICochanowski's, M. Morrison's and sovoral oth'T town places havo pawed undor his skillful brush. Mr. Llowollyn to day commenced work on tho town school buildings. Mr. Llowollyn is also an ex tensivu dcalor in wall paper and has on hand piper that other local doalors know nothing of. Ho has flocks, ingrain, heavy and light weight press, lincruHcr walton, p ipur'Hiache, solid relief, etc. Urdorshr ull kinds of painting, decorating and pa pering will hi promptly attonUcd to. SHE'S DEATH ON SNAKES. A Barefoot Tennessoo Girls Killa Throo Sooro at Ono Timo. Mr-Jii'ins, Tknn., July 0. The country between Llltlo nnd Big Black mountain Is a great glnsing region, and uio rurKcr lanuiy ure noted us "ueugers." The girls go out barefoot In the mountain, (hough tho country is Inft'stod with rnttlesnalieo and copper heads, nud dltf tho ginseng, for which they get good prices tit the stores, and from which It Is taken to Ponnlugton Gap for shipment. But along Clover Fork anu up itattiesnaue creel; ure numberless reptiles. Beckio Parker Is about 10 years of age, Btrong, healthy looking and hand some, but with a very determined face. Him is a splendid rlflo shot, nud Is often with her Winchester. Bhe goes auer ginseng uaniooieu ana often alone. Tho roots are gathered in May and September, nnd durlnc the month Just passed she did n thriving business. uuo uay, nowever, euo came across 11 den of rattlesnakes. Shu. had only atones nnd sticks with which to flglit the despcrato battle. Somo of the snakesars considerably larger than n man's nnklo, and n few ns large as tho calf of one's leg. For hours she fought them as they hissed and rattlfd around her. Tho moun tains koemed filled with them, nud no sound could be heard hut tho incessant nud blood curdling rattle. But tho brave, determined girl battled with them until she exterminated every one that did not succeed 111 hiding among tho crovlees of rockB and in the dense brush. When she had crushed the head of tho last one to be boon she counted the dead, and thero were Just sixty-three. Tho Socrot of Suooesa. P. H. Ilugenbuch, til drugslst.belleves that Hie K'crxKir sucvevi 1, perseveiauee. There fore he iMMslsUtlu keeping lUe Ilm st line ot perfumeries, tolUt articles, cosmetic, it nun and chomtoulsou the market. IIe.otmcla'l invite all porsons who have palpitation, short bruHth. weaK or luiDgry spells, pain In side or slmulrter, oppre-slou, nightmare, illy cough, smoilierlug, dropsy or unit rtlfceaso to tiy Dr. Miles uueyualed New Ili-art Cure, lie me It Is too late, ft Ins tue largest sale of any similar remedy. Kine book nftestlmo 11 In la free. I)r Hllst' Hestorullve Nervluol iinsuriiHswrt for a eeplessnewi, tieudacbe, tits, etc., nud It contains no opiates. To Our Readers. Areyou troubled with Consumption or a deep seat' & Hjld. if so tato healiliy exercise, live in open air, use ran Tina Cough and t'insumnflon Cure, nnd be cured, Don't delay Trial bottles free at JUrlla's drug store. JpOU CONSTITUTIONAL! CONYKNTION JmitcH J. Krtmcj. OK HIIKNANDOAU, Buujcct to Democratic rules. PRIVY : WELLS : CLEANED I AT IIEASONAM.E ItATl'S. Commercliil Hotel, Blienutidoah EAGLE HOTEL! 221 W. Ce.itre Street, Formerly kept by Mrs Omvlllo. Tho nbove Hotel 1 now hepl by JOHN XV. W13EKS, Formerly of the Kejstone Hotel, Qllberton Ilrst of acoommod'.tlous for Permanent and Transient Guest The bar I Mocked with the bent brands of clgo .8, ule, beer, portc r and liquors. EXCELLENT FllEB LUNCH COUNTElt, LOOK HEBB3 A grand opportunity lor Joining a new society, The Beneficial Older of Equity, A fraternal society for both sexes. Pays From $200 to $5,000 ! IN SIX YEARS. Advancos money to buy homes, cancels the iiiui-uieiiuuvi in i"nu 01 uiHuiiuy or neaiu, luiynbicjt auu ueain ueiieius. For further partloutais call ou or address, UANIISL DHAN, Deputy Supreme t'rosldent, &i pi. main m., nueuuuuoau, fa. John R. Coyfe, Attorney-at-Law Real Estate Agent OFFICE llRDDALI-'S Hoildino, Cor. Main anil Ccnlro Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA, PROPERTY FOR SALE: A two and one-half story double frame dwelling house, with store-room nnd res taurant. Located on East Centre street. 3 A valuable property located ontSouth Jar- din stiect. Keveu dwelling houses at the corner of Gil bert and Lloyd streets. Good Investment. Terms reasonable. QUEE CO. Tim frmons firm or OCTMRTS and OITICIAXS Of 1'iiii.Anr.Li'iiiA Havo arranged to send one of tholr lK'vlitllsts ou the UVB TO SIIENANMOAK, Saturday, July 18th, 1891, He will be at the Ifovguson Xouo? IromS 30 A. M. to 5 1'. M. Tbnso wlinH nvs lira cntlslnir dlsnilnifnrt. should call upon our Mpcclnllst, and they will recoiveimeuigeui auu bkiiilu aiiemton. 24 CUettnut&t., Vhlladtlpltlu, PUBLIC SALE ! Steal ISsfedte Serial Buildingand Loan Associ'n Of ainlinuoy City, Will expose at public vendue on the premises In tho borough of Ubenuudoah, ou Saturday, July 11, '91, AT 2 O'OLOOK IN THE AFTUItNOON, The following dosonbed real estate: Two half-lots situate on iV est Centre street, with the-buildings thereon, consisting of four dwellings, f two on each half lot) and known ns the Mrs, Mary Keating property, renting for tho sum of thirty-three dollars per mourn. A. K. SMITH, President. 7-7 5t J. A. LATHAM, Saoretary. -CIO TO- Neat, Cheap and Stylish Straw Hits from 20o to 01,50 tihort Hpray Flowers..... 63 to 1.00 Wreaths...... JOoto 1.75 Infaut3' Christening Hobo, Uio to (3 Iafiuts' long and short coaU...il, uptbf50. 60,000 LADIES WEAR Tho SELF-SUPPORTING CORSET Why don't yott wear onef NELLY BLY CAPS ! All Colors, at 20 oeuls. WANTS, &o. GIUL WANTED.-A ROOtl ex perienced fl wanted for general house work, Wo ot.Vr need apply. Callat Itr.itAi.n ulllco. Fast Goal street. 7-3-tf 1!?OJt HALE. Several very deslra - ble tiropertles. Tortus reasonable. Ap ply to ricrm Walker, J. I'., comer of West and Cherry streets. PEHIRAllIiE PKOl'ERTY FOR XJ fuls. One of the most desirable proper- terms. Apply ni Hawse's grocery store, cor iicn i.i tt cab w.. k BLnni. ii,r Hum nil rHjiKiiiiRDin ner Jardlu and Oak streets. Hhenandoah, l'a. IFAN i ICI)-An active reliable man V mla.n Awn t U n in.ikln ... 1 1 H r-ro'itta In r.nnunnl Ik l.la n sponsible New York House, llelereuces. uianviAviun.it, iaivk mt looa, flUW 1 lira. FOR RENT Sloro nud building njw occupied by the Bhenandoah UakHry Co. lor mn ufacturlng on t retail iandy btislne. Two fl xirs K feet. Apply tj J. J. Fraacy. 5-'0 tf LOST. At the corner of Centre and Chestnut streets, J20 Finder wl 1 be suitably rewarded by relifnlng same to John tiovan, corner Centre and Cbeslnut streots. (K)Mw. CHARTER NOTICE. Notice Is hereby glvon that an application will bemndo to the Governor ' f IV nnxylvaula on (hetlitrdd.iy or Augmt, 1691, ly .l.JI.UIIck, Moses Mervlne, Christian F.bfrlo, Blmou Swoycr, Z loUnry T. Trout and J. II. lloelman, ULder the Ae of Assembly entitle 1 "au act to provide for tbo lncoTporatlon and legula tmn of certain corpomilons approved April 29, 1871," and ihf supplements ther"to, for the rhaifer of nil 1'iteiided corporation to be culled "Fnllon Water Company," the charac ter and object of which Is the supplying of water for tbo publlo at tho borough of Glrird-VI11-, In tho county of Hchuylklll, nnd to per sons, pjituershlps an 1 iissoeluluus residing therein as may de'lro tlio same, nud for thtse purpesps to have, possess and enjoy all the right, boueflu and privileges o( said Act of As'einbly and supnlemeiits itiere'o. .) II I'OMUKOY.Bolloltor. GiRAtnvibLE, July 7, lb'Ji. 7 7-td D1TIDE&D NOTICE i Fiiist National Dank or Hnr,vANDout. t July 0,1691. Tho Board of Directors has this cuy de clared a fcciiil-annii.il dividend of Ave (.) per coot., payab'o on deirnnd 70-lw JUIKVll LE aENHING, Cashier. FOB S-A-XjIEj ! The undersigned, desiring to retire from bus iness, will dispute of h s stoeK otdry goods, groceries Ac, cheap Purchaser can also ient the storo room at reastiuablo terms The Htand Is a good one and lu the hands of a live ihiiu oan be made prod table. T. I. IAVIS, zoo rortli Jnrclin St. 6-10 tf The Cheapest Place ! -TO 13 UY- Gents' Furcis'iiig Goods, Houtry, Etc, IS AT OHAELES : YAROWSKY'S, a West Centro ht , Shenandoah. -J"XJST OUT- Itbats everything In tho market, and the pneo is just rigni w suii. i.no nines. It will pay you to come auu Bee It. I am prepared to do the following at the prices ouoled: Tin rooflni,' -..do per foot and up Tin rojf paint In? fyc " Tin oonduttor bin .l!Tj ' " Tin banging gnllcr 1IM " " uatvanizeu cuimney si.acit....H...uu iiur puuuu Hcpairs ior nil eiovos a spsciAiiy. VM. IR. PRATT, 7 0 3m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah IrREEN: TRUCK! Oysters, Clams and Poultry Kcceived daily at tho old reliablo stand oi WOMEE'S North Maia St, near Lloyd. "Wliolcsalc autl Kclail. Picnics, festivals and private parties euj plied In quantities at shottnotlce. BIG ATTRACTIONS AT Duncan & Waidley's. Our goodu always attract tho oye, our prices alwaya suit tho purse. In fancy goods we have some of the latest importations of Vases and Artistic Pottery. Our 5 and lOo counters al M'ays bright with new goods. As the fruit season is at iiaud we wish to call your attention to tho fact that we are head quarters for Jars, Jelly Cups, Crocks, &C Big values in table cutlery. Duncan. & Waidley, Ho. 8 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa M. S. SCHEIDER'S B.ICE3K;3r! AND CONFECTIONERY, No, a7 Boutli main St., Slieuautlonli Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies. GUAII.VM 11 HEAD A SPECIALTY, A fine line of Confectionery, Kino Ice vreuiu x armors uuuciieu. Jow Is the time to chtnge your u tide-wear. Yotican gel at Scaulau'4 a suit ot good Summer Underwear at 50c A little better for K0e. Dnnrl 4nmm..n..lin. Hhlrls, 2oto(l. Goto 'canlan's and get the newueniury nrace-iiu best Hummer llraie in themarket. At Hcanlan'syou can gel a good SOPI HUT for 50c. No more bother with hats that do uol fit, as Hcan laa has a new Hal Stitcher for Shaping Hats to fit the head. Onlr two dozen more SBoneckwearloa. 'icaulanwlli Hlyou cbeapbatBand caps, latest styles and colors. Cheap Overalls and While Huirts. Xtj Sotitlt sialn St. Attention, .House Cleaners ! Tliejwaruj weather is here, nnd house-cleaning Is the noxt thing iu order. Anil at such times most everybody needs something to brighten up the home, so If you ue-'d a g tod carpet of either Veuet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brussef, TWO OR THREE -PIV INCBAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! You can find a full assortment at PRICE'S. L taw 7 Curta n j Vludow Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when quality is considered. No misrepresentation one price to nil. , J. PRICES'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. We mean it in every sense of the word. Wo ofler you good all-wool suits for less than their value. Our light goods must go, regardless of cost; so If you want to purchase n Men's All-wool Cheviot Suit for $6.50 call 011 us. Furnishing goods also to be had at lower prices thnn you will find them elsewhere. Wo make no boasts merely for advertisement, but what we advertise wo will do. Call and examine our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret it, THE "FAMOUS" 01-PRICE CLOTHIER, 11 JV. Main Street 9 Shenandoah. A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Loases, Mortgnses and Honda written. marriage licenses ana legal ciaiius nrnmptly attended to. Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. General I'lra Insurance Business. Represents me rvormwc'Morn i.ue insurance wo. OFFicjc-Muldoon'h building, corner Centre and Woit Sis., Huenanduali, l'a. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. 1, A two etory double trame dwelling house, stOienud restaurant, on Eat 'Jentre Ht. 21 A dwelling and restaurant on, Kast Centre htreot. a, Uefclinble property on corner Centre nod Jaullu streets, nuuaDio (or nusiness pur poses. , 1, A two story double fratno dwolllug, on Weit Llora atreet. 5. Two 2 story frame dwellings on Wett Cen tre strcol. 6. Two 2 story dwelltngJ on tbo corner ol Coal and Oliestnut Bti eels More room In one. 7. Two-story Hlngle house on North Chestnut Btreet with a large warehouse at the rear. 8. Three two-story double, frama buildings corner or l.loyd and Ollbort streets. The 3?liotograpier Is loiattd at No. 14 North White Street. Having nan his gallery greatly Improved, he in miwuuuer. prepared uaH ever 10 meet the wants 01 tho jm'..ie lii . e photo, graphic line. The ' pi loIO sraphs at lowest il.tr. Crayon Work a Spooitilty. New Jilrm. New Stock. Green Truck, Fine Groceries, FRUITS, fxc, Delaware roe nhad and o'.ber fresh fish right from the boats on I'rldays. Fresh Uretms from the Houth. Evan's Euildinr, E. Centre St. (J.& milium' old itand) Everything new and resh. Ooodsdollvered to any p.irt of town. R. C. KNXGHT & SOW. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraoidlnary Uneol Vats, Caps and Dents' Furnishing Goods and makes n specialty of Nellie Illy and Mary Anderson 0ap8. e BABr OBNTRB ST. ! 0 11 M National Bank, THEATRE nitlLDING, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. A. W. Leisennng, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisennng, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' i Cashier. Open Daily From 9 io 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! Pntcl on HnvliiKS n'cposlls. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Slioe Store, (Mosteller'8 old stand,) Corner Coal aud Jnrdln31s. ilr.Hnydcr will always keep In stock a One line ot boots and shoes. Custom Worlc nnd Ilepnlrlnj; done In the best style. Ho guarantees to sell cheaper thau competitors on Main streot who have big reuu to pay, aud guarantees a genu. Ino bargain ou every purchase. "SOlEIDER'SlAKERY, t!0 Vast Centre Street, SUJiir.lXJOOAir. Bread, Cakes, Ice Creaia anil Confectionery! -Olf AM. KINDS. Q. M. HAMILTON, M. D., " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OfflOe 2fl Vcntr.1ovd Ulreat R.,.rtnl. " . . . v , WUUUHMUWUU nil Ti mild roes 1 IV l&