The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 10, 1891, Image 2

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Evening Herald.
jr. C. linriUl, lldllor and VulilUhcr.
IC.W. .. WATKIXH, Local IMMor.
TheKVKXIxa tlKHAl.Hhata larger etr
ciiurtem in Shrnanitnah than any other jmijici
IwblHtMi Hi"' 'V" to all.
tUBscniPTioN rates:
Daily. Wr year W "
' rear ... i a
l!ntetl Ulne
Entered Wtttv l'ostomos, at 8liafttidnu, Pn
for tmh.mUMon tbroaguthe mat If
h sewrad class mail natter.
Extraordinary Power Assumed by
Governor Pirttison.
l'liiiH. Evening Htar.
Tke Nmv York llncoruer has foinr-
DrewTiftBuTretiiarks tiiioti tin- couiee of
Govtmioj- l'atilkon In vetoing nidi
largeniuibcr of (lie itieanures piiMi'd
liy the JjeRlRlnture and f tilunltttMl I
liim at rtieloKf of the miin for lain
HiiprovAl.Tliwe nnliuml veri Ions conic
Hwm upon uie I'oiinnfiiuuiiMUB oi in
Governor by tlio Ledger, the Timm
the 'JWytaph and otlitir nevriHi.ern
inlicellanttotiH in their political sym
pathies These journals would lend
us to upioie that the Governor h:id
8HVfd tho slate frfin an nvnlnni!ho of
bad legislation, nnd Hint but i'ortlio
serene wisdom of the Governor, inao
oefeallile nnd secure on Its Alpine
heights of virtue, there is no Knowing
what distaste r might have tie fallen,
'i'ho Recorder, however, takes another
view, and suyn:
"CondltloriH nuiy unhappily nrlpe
when a Governor is justllltd In ajip'y
lnt; lo liglRtation the leeson learned in
the tthu)ui)lcH. Jlut no Mich condition
cxitttti in Ve nnsyivanWi, nor at this
tinio hi any either Ainerican plate.
Tho veto jiower has been yiveu to lle
lixeeuitlve as a sai red right, or t-pocinl
privilege, to lie MmrniL-iy ue(l, to cor
reot i-rrorB luto whic ii even tlio most
prudent aei-oiiilil'e might fall, and not
that the Executive should be the
master of the Legislature."
There Is force in the argument that
when executive interference is neces
sary to suppress the will of the )eop!e
a cxprB4H by their representatives
something Is wrong. Governor Paul
son is one man, entirely fallible, wl'h
out extraordinary capacity, of fair but
limited experience, and who in the
consideration of legislation bubmittcd
for his approval lias lml neither the
advantages of debate nor of the reports
of committees, nor of buch Informa-
lion as always goes ueioro legislative
assemblies, nor of an interchange of
views with the members -many of
them specialists, nor of the machinery
nnd processes of development out of
which legislation matures. To tako it
(or granted that any executive, his
uiiml burdened with many duties, can
in a few hours sweep through a niahs
of legislation, killing here and theie,
and make no mlhtakrB, is absurd.
Such a power like that of slaying the
innocents at the I'asaover was never
inteudtd In any representative fo ni of
government. 11 wo adopt it in i'enn
sylvan la we may as well abolish the
system nnd lnlriist all power to the
The veto was intended as a legisla
tive corrective, to bo sparingly used;
really a sacred power only to he in
volted in times of emergency. Laws
passed under a misapprehension of
facts, or under some impulse of pas
slon. or marred by flagrant, uutier
ceived error, of couiho invite and
ehould receive the veto. For such con
tingencies the veto was provided
Moreover, an occasion may arise, as
dtirint; the mania for inflation, when
a really great and intrepid President,
like Grant, may save the national
credit. Such Instances are rare inde;I,
out tney were wisely contemplated by
the veto, and in every Instance when
thuB Invoked its exercito was com
mendable. Sometimes, as was seen
under Jackson, Tyler, and more
especially Johnson, It becomes a
weapon of ofl'ense as acalnst n diss!
dent legislature, and then Invariably
leads to public scandal and Injury to
the state. Hut the veto was never lu
tended to bo an im-trument of vanity
or a political agency in the hands of
nn executive. So abused, it paralyzes
legislation, by submitting it to the
caprice of the executive, or by de
stroying in the minds of self-respect'
Ing representatives imv desire for
Ieuislutlon or debate. What reason
nble man with work to do at homo, no
matter how ambitious to servo tlio
state, will caro to emend his time in
Uarrishurg enacting measures, only to
see mom ppnngeu out in a lew saucy
sentences of "iSxeeuMvo reasons" in
t lie form of "a veto" by an ambitious
, uovernnr ever nroouing over tue
Now is there anything in the record
of Governor i'attlson to justify the
people In clothing lilm with this
autocratic, Olympian powei? We
Bliould liuve grudged it to Washington
or Lincoln, and why concede It to
him? Governor Paulson's pollthal
history is that of hii earnest Demo
cratic panUun, who having won every
ctep of preferment by llepublican sup
port Is now nn uncompromising Dem
ocrat. Ilia chief counsellor Is the
leading Democratic party manager In
the slate, u man who maiked bis ad
ministration of the Post OllU'e by the
KobesplerreHU policy of sending Ills
opponent to the guillotine. Mr.
wrlirht, the newly selected Tieomrer.
implies the same methods to hlsi 11 Ice.
we uo not especially liompluln or this.
These men ale Jucksonuins, and be
Jlove In the jHolisonlan maxim, detest
nble an it in, that to the victors belong
the spoilt). Nor have we any gilevauce
with Pattlson. We rather like the
young Governor, with his many on
gaging qualities. We simply want
him io rank where ho belongs, ns an
ambitious, audacious Democratic
politician, bent on his own advance
ment, and to that end constructing u
lolltlcal machine as cllectlvo as that ol
1111 in New York, and Gorman in
Mnrylnnd. We arc llkewho anxious
lliat tile most sacreu inucnnn oi im
Executive, namely, tlio veto power
hall not lie miuio an eiem-nt oi piuni
'iil ambition at tho sacrlflce of legis
lative Independence
Tlio unties o the uovcrnor nro ox
ecutlve. Korean wo help thinking
hat If tho mind of Governor Puttisoi.
had been more upon them than upoi
tho Destruction oi legiHiaiiou; n in
had thought moieof enforcing the law
'ban of vctoluit them, much of tin
present financial si-andal might have
boen avoided. Governor Pattlsoi
went to Ifnrrl-burii well informed oi
the liiatd" worklimBof the City 'lVas
urv.of the coudltiou of the Keystone
Hank. He knew how chy tieaBureis
enrned u liiitnlicil thoiisnnd a year
He knew that I he state money was In
peill, because of the influence which
irovernul our finances. A liBnk presi
dent, the one thing, which would have
been (xpectetl ol uovcrnor rauison
ihe moment ho reached Harrisbuig
was ihe Inking of such measures hk
would either have peelirtd the state
uionov or exn sed the evil methods
which brought It into peril. Not
until the Mavor.und District Attorney
1 1 ixl lain bauds upon tho Tittwurei
i.h a word said from Harrlsburg,
ThiM may be culled an extreme critic
ism, but Governor rattison and hi
friends Invite it, wheii they call upon
us to omuieiiil this mound ofslaiiKh
teied legislation at Hairishnrg unit the
Ulmcs, i,euijir aim -jetrgrapn -un
iiarudintr with bands of muslu to cele-
liitttu the tiiumnh of the Veto Power
at the expense ol legislation.
Il we are to nave government ny
tin ImitMl. lrresnonsible veto, let nag.
further and have government by u o
ciacv. 15utter no laeirlsiaiuie ai ai
tlian n ljeglstature oi weaKiingA uiraiu
tospeul: their nrud. Moreover tin
abuse of the veto, this handling Of it
for political ends, will destroy tt. Tin
emuriiencv mav come when tho credi
of the state must bo maintained
airnln-t socialism; when state fran
ctilses must i eproseivcd against i;rasi
inn lnononoIleB: when purtisansbli
may run wild. Why weaken, there
fore, so wicred an agency? We beheve
In the veto, hut we do not believe in
tho Government by veto. Wo bollev
in trenchant remedies wheu occasli
eerves, but that does not mean a dally
reuline oi drastic medicines, we in'
Heve in all the powers of tho stale
the iudlclal. the leKlelatlve, the rlgl
ot pardon, of culling out the troops, of
tlie veto, hut tney are sacied, to be
Ubed tenderly and with care, as they
may suve and servo the stale and not
as Instruments of personal ambltioi
and party gain.
What a Prominent Physician and
Ohemist says After Analysis
and Practical Teat.
Dr. J. Jjistfr, formerly of Jtelleviie IJospitttt
jieaicat uouetia una L.ony juana miiiege,
sitetiKs as follows :
Nkw Yomc, October 25. 18'JO.
Alva s nrnzlllan speclllo Co., G Wall sir at.
Oonts : The simp e of your Cactus Wood
Cuie, which I brught fix anolyhls, I lme
fculijccted lo a very thorougti lert, andean
Una uotn Rlngle tinceof mlucrnloriucrcurml
proi niallon lu It whatever; ur.d, lis I Inn e
had confclieiublo opcrleuco In llKconHlui
tlonul cll'tct lu rcrlnln ulcuahcH already
known to you, I consider It the Barest and
bekt vegetable blood puiitlor lu tho market.
Yours respcctlally,
U. J. i YhTKU, t'h I M. D.
Bold lit Ktrlln's Drug Utoieergusou llonse
Ulock, Hieuaudoari.
Weigh your words, and do not throw in
too many for good mctuuro.
Shiloli's Ooneumptlon Curo.
This lu beyond eiuesllon the irost Klie
cesilul Cougn Medicine we have ever sold,
a lew doses luurlubly cure the worstuiscKol
Cough, Croup, and lliouchlllB, while Its non
derlu! success In the cure of Consumption is
without a parallel in the history of intdlcluc.
Uinco It's tlrbt discovery it has been told on u
gunrantce, a test which uo other medicine
can Htitud. li you have a Cough we earnestly
UfaK uu io fry n. i'nee iu ceuis, oocnis, una
11.10. Jf your Lungs mo tore, chest or Hack
lame, use Hhlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by
O. it. llagenbuch, M. K. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
Tho can't-got-awny smilos whon ho ejn-
sults liia thormoiuotor.
What the Druggists say
of Hciskell's Ointment:
' Whennoaroahlcetl to n-couunwid r preimra
tlon fur Kkin dlKfiiso, uo humt nut Ukibkkll's
Ointiiknt, with every confldeuw of lUfcuceebi.
fill treatment of tlio (lfeuo.'
J. C. Ueiuck, 5 Main 8t., Uutlcr, To.
"I havobwn aeUInjf 1Iki8ki:lj,'s Ointuknt
forelovt'n ywirH. Halves unlvereul satl.fuclloa
Jt will curTKTrKit."
O. W. IUcKKNBKnorR, Halnbridee, T-
Wo have evidence of tho curative prorrcrtK
1'luuikq & KsLEit, Tarcntura, 1'a.
"In all skin dlmiwa I Invnrlably recomtuod
J. J. Kkil, Bbnrrcbnrg:, Ta.
"irKISKKLIH OiNTMHNT CUfPB When fill ?ln
faliB," Mt Cx.ei.lan A ltEEi), Kreix)rt, I'a,
"Ukiskkll'r Oiktmknt fietls on Ita own
merit u ii, jaroN. Kiltaunbii:, Va.
la and will over bo tho
Komcd for
Omit. Tiiflnonza. Bnokaoho.
Pains in tho Bide. Ohost ana'
Joint, Neuralgia, Sprains, &o
Eefoi'e joa seed to buy, oliUia
yaln&Die Doom uuwe to ui aim." wru
idorsemenU of prominent pbysioianB
SIO Broadway,
Prize Medals Awardedl
1 TT . Tl.1.14. J. T .
Kuremborn, KoBsUln, Lelpilo,
50 Oenta a bottle, For Salo by!
i. J . r. Kini.iN,
and otber drucguu.
Tlio finest in tho interior of
tlio State. Only available
health and pleasure grounds
in tho Anthracite region.
The naturnl attractions and msgtiifl-
cent scenery of the plnco are tin-
equalled, and a day of recren
lion and pleasure may he ,
spent in II to advantage.
There Is good Ashing and
' bathing in tho twin lakes
Burroundlngthe grounds. Hoat
houses will be built on thelnkcBldo
nnd regn'tjis will hefieiiuentthlsseBson
For Sunday Schools, Lodges, &,c,
Tlio gronnda are most biiltnble for plc-nlce
Information, call
3?tJo-t to
Has no rival In the world. 800 years'
rerlenco In llrazi and two years in this couu
try. It positively cures all diseases nrlstng
irom imimio uiooa. so mineral, no lanures,
no reiapscs.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa.
Loliigli Valley Railroad.
MAY 10. 1891.
PflBSCDfirer trains will leave Hhpnnnrinah fnr
MBllcli cnunE. L.ehleliton. Hlntlnctun. rtj.
shu(ur, Aiieniown, iiemienem, r'Jasiou, l-mi
adeiphia and Hew York at 0.47, 7.10, B.08a.m.,
11162, 8.10, 5.26 p.m.
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
Slroudsburg at 6.47, a. in., and S.2U p. m.
For Lambertvllle and Trenton, 9.08 a, m
For White Haven, Wllfces-Barre and Fltts
ton 6.47, 9.08, 10.41 a. ra., 3.10 and 64 p. m.
ForTunkhanuock, 10,41 a, m 3.10 and 6.26
p. m,
Knr Auburn. It linen, Geneva and and Lyons
10.41 a. m., and 6.21 p. m.
For Locey vllle,Tuwanda, Bayro, Wavorly,
Elrulra, Itochesier, Bullalo. Mapara Falls,
Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and
5.2B p, m.
For Mmlra and the West via Ualamauca at
3.10 p.m.
For Audenrled, Hailcton, Btockton, Lum
ber Yard, Weatherly and 1'enu Haven Jnno
1 ton at 6.4 7, 7.40, 8,08a. m.and 12.62, 3.10 aud
h;ia p.m.
Kor Jeanesvllle, Ixivlston and Beavw
Meadow, 7.10, 9.08 a. m. and 6,26 p. ra,
ForKcrantonat6.17 ll.OH, 10.41 a. m. 8,10 and
5:211 p. m.
For Haute lirook. Jeddo, Urlfton and Free
land at 6.47, 7,40, 9.08, 10.41 a. ru 1252 3.10 and
l''.,r tiuakate at 6.47 and 9.08 a.m., and
8.10 p. in,
For Wiggans, Gllbertou and KrucUvllle at
o.W and tf.oa a in,, and 4.10 p. m.
for Yatesvllle, Mahauoy City and itolano
AT. 7.4l. HAH. 10 S8 a. 111..11.1U S.10.(,.l. 8.0(1
o.v i d 10.27 p. m.
orlxt 1'ieelc, airardvllle and Ashland
iM, 7.46,8.62, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.10,1.10, 0M,
B.10 and 9.11 p. m.
For Darkwalcr, Ht. Clslr and PotUvllle
7.40, '1.08, 108 a.m., 12.62,8.10, 1.10, 6.2 and .
p. in
For Buck Mountain, New llmton and
Morea, 7.10, 9.08, 11 .53 u. m., 122, 3.10, 6.2 and
8.0a p. m.
For ltnven ltun. Centrnlla. StL Carniol and
tjbamukln, 8.62, and 10.15 a. in., 1.4U,
ana .uo p. 111.
Trains leave Bhainokln tor Uhenandoab,
7.66 11 i5 a. 111.. 2.10, 4.30 and 9.S0 p. ra., arriving
at HbeuHiiuouu, U.W u. ra., 12J2, 3.10, 6.26 and
11.15 p. m.
For Lost Creek, Glrardvllle and Ashland.
6.50, 0.10 HJtt a. m., 2.11 1; m.
For Darkwater. Bt. ulklr and 1'olUvlllf,
5.60, 8.9), 90 . m.. 2.45 p. ra.
For Yalesvllle, Alahanoy City and Delano.
8.W), 11 Si a. m.. 1.10, 1.10, :03 p. m.
For lxay, Audenrled and llaileton, 8J
a- in., 1.40 p. m:
For Mauch Chunk. Lcblghtou, Hlatlntton.
CaUsauqua, Allcntown, lfethlehem, KavU
and New York, 8.00 a. 111., 1.10 p. m;
For I'hUadelphla, 1.10 p. m.
13 11. BYINGTON,
Uea'l Vesa, Agu, Bethlehem,
Summer Resort, Pic-nic
and Pleasure Grounds I
T AlfESIDE (Kad MRlinnoy Juuctlon) m!d.
XJ way between Jlahmoy City and Tatno-
qua, ihiw manuged by n uer stock coin
pntiy, will bo open to tlio pubho within a few
weeks, nnd dales can now bo iccured. A
lumber of societies liave nlrcndy been booked
and others wl&blng dfslmble dates should
ninke apiilloatlon without delay.
Under tho now mnnngcinent mnnr Imnrovc-
meut will bo mndr-, somo of them being now
tinder way, that wlllmnknll the pio-ntonnd
pleasure grounds of the region.
A 1-rno (lmiclng pavilltiiu nnd n tr tllrg
lrk are among the new additions. Thebefct
horses In the Btntowlll beecurtd torn nor
irui mm 8Bun.
and outinps. For dates and other
on or address,
Excursion Manager,
g3lpllT 2
to X3ISCOI02? S
Williams d Bro.
Chamber Bets,
Wash Btanda,
Dressing Cabinets,
Dining Tables,
China Closets,
Dining Chilrs,
Brooking Chairs,
Card Tables,
Bo fas,
Parlor Bulls,
Easy Chairs,
1'nrlor Cubluets,
Music Cablnots,
Flano Chairs,
Hall Stands,
Hall Tables,
Fancy Tables,
Wood Mantels,
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Book Cabinets,
Bewlng Machines.
Williams Oro,
rfiuuntly fullowmgH fnld or i'icOBur, or frci ' i
uUtuttnudl WBiitujcpfcHf . iMMuUrJ-to thatr avs, -h"
Uva OR, DuCHOINE'D Ortebrned
' hnT lire Bti-oiiRtb" ulna ttibv oiittn wtiet , i.Tl,
t inifj. vlitur uikA iiifunifat La funic La uil trtu'l an . th
Or,Hartr fwHt oh 0C0..M.IOUIS. Ma
A newly discovered MlNlllAli WATEIt,
He use of which will snmi
ineutB nrrisssiy to health. It will cure the
Kidneys, Liver, Btomach, and all Bowel and
Ulsdder diseases, It wllldlsrolve calculland
riniovelhtm. Iticmoves Ihe uilo add from
the blood and thus destroys Malaria and
mum. ii cures unburn aisease, ana is
reclally recommended for people advanced
life, and for general debility. For undoubted
proofs or this send for namnhlet elvlne: mil 1'KllllY, Water ol Lite
v.o., si couiu jauin m Yi iixcs-uarre, ra.
County Convention
The members of the Homibllcnn nnrlvof
Bchuylslll conn y ate rcquesint to assemble
in mcir resprciivo eiocnon tiisiricis nunc
places where tholtepubllcandelegateelectlons
weie hld Ihri jcurtexceptwherecliangos, no
iicesoi wniui win ue gien luroiigu me news
papers) on
Saturday, Aityttst 1, 1801,
between Hip boms of 8 and 7 o'clock ti. m. to
elect del' gates aud alternates lot lie County
uoneiiuon 10 no item austmsi, si lu o eioca
m.. in uentenniai nan, l'01tvlll. ai the
mo time and place liicinb rsoi llio Itenub.
licnn County Cominlttto and their alternates
tIII be voted lor la like manner hh deiruntes
to the County Convention.
i ii" lneni' crs rn m the Twenty ninth Sena
toibil district attending llioCrunty Conven
Hon will meet August lih. ntao'oiockp m.,
lu Centennial Hall, 1'nltsvllle, for tho pun oec
of plac ug lu nomliintlon two (2 inidldates
lobe voeirra deb gates 10 the Constitu
tional Convention.
The nn labors fiom the Thirtieth Hpimtnrlol
rtlsliloi attending tliot'ouuiy ( onventtou will
iiictji auku.1 no, hi a o coca p m., in vcnien
ulnl Hall, roUnvllli-. liir tho uurnnse ot rluc-
lng lu nomination two (2) caiicltdntes lobe
voted for as delegates to the Couitltutli.nHl
Ihe follovyinff nrrsons nnd nltprnntn lmve
nenii miimllllul tocoiiduct llm e ectlon;
Ashlanii First ward, David Da' Is, A S Lnu
boiiBtlue: alteruates John K Lvvens. J v Gar
Athianfl Beeo' a wnrd.wllllnm Cleaver. OAV
t-cllBtermAChifr: nharnatMM K a I.-uhru V M
Ashland Thlrrl wnrd. ('lirl. lironpi'. Aniltnw
Vatishll: nlternaies luum Yurnell. .lr. .1 f)
iVshtnnd Fourth ward, .tamrii I I nU-n. w .T
Willlsm;.nlieriii.tei J it lb sel, George
Asbl .uifTKlIth ward, 0car I'etl.erofl, Wm.
uwiiuiaiui, aiir-rnHLes neniy rnui, j ciiuil,
Anburn. Dr. CllurlrH K Onull. .Inacnh Kind.
erieu; nlterua os, Jamis haush, T. V. .Mojei
i'iirj r.HRi, jubii iterry, r eiren: auer
mites, Itobeii Grieu Jr., Henry llo.lck.
ll.rry Wel,G. Hresllti, Joliu Koiuhnit; al
ternates, J F Bait, Enhrlum Yarnall.
liuuer iortii, own ' onroy, M. Costello;
hemiite. Harry Mctllnnes.
llilllcr Hast, klphnul l.'ivnn. .T..lm niimtli-
unuiuuie, 1 airii-j; ieeney.
miner "oinii. u r etienuan, u A Kleos: nl
teiliatt-, Joiin Dugau.
Duller NnrthWMRt. .Infl TTnrnbtotn. r3 R
oiaurei" aner' ale. John Mveonr.
BillllSUlcIC ISasl. II I) Ifoi'.h .liiimn Dclnncr
allernaies. I It Miitni-
uruiiijwicK vi ffi, jonatiiau Leiuy, trana
luM, iiin inuie, awiener,
Biylh. (Silver Creek). V J Matthews, More
Finicv: alternates. W Murrv. 1) MniiHitiir.
Blyihe (Ccmbolal. J Hevnolds. Daniel
lfnp; alter, atei. Itobert Thomas. 8 Thomas.
Blylhu (Katka Wllllaui), JoUa F Boyer.
Nicholas Thornton.
llrauoii. Juoeib Zimmerman. Tl F Luckcnblll:
nueruRies u w jianu'i, isaao Morgan.
Ctiss North, Patrick Ureuujfl, Mlohael
(jHSMlllth. ATniff-tii .TnnM. v T.viiph
(Jiessoiin South. John Beruer. O W Merke):
nlternaies G llollman. Itobert Asli.
Cre soua Nt.rlh. H llrif-er. n iirr-A Itned!
HiLeriiHies Lt it ioeicr, v itugnes.
uvih. ju. a auiriiu. murLiii nf-eu.
Eldred. .T D lletiler. .1 Hodenhemer: alter.
nates 1) H s-rallh. Daniel .i ltz
ti.ldred wist, W H 'lercstreser, Fremont
lf.,vt(r.l. ., T l.r ........ t .....I Tin..
Fraiiey. a l" miorstmi, o w iiuttei; alter
nntesNiiilmn JClricnger Emit Aidmau.
Foster, Joseph Hule fdgu John Hay; alter
nates Thomas Gray, Lewis Ueed.
iracH.viua j v rrice, amnuei wynn: auer-
nutes Wm D ivl. II T livulis.
uiMtovuie I'.nhi wura. .11 nn Lewis, ai
Howci: allernfltOT Nlchulas lilus'.. Thomas
(.Irani villa Middle ward. Louis Blass. Chas
uiiuiuvi'io w il 1 rice, vv 'ruv.
lor; alternates Thomas Kvans, Thomas
unuenon wesi warn, tviuiuin uensinger,
w inecnoiiy
GUbcrlon East ward. K Carey. K O Murray:
alternates 1" F Murnhv. W 11 Frvmvcr.
Hllberton Middle ward. M A Lcary. il II
Goidon, N Jl Frank. J i Bervls, Jr.; alter-
uaiCH i n iireuer, u u iiencu.
Hcglns Kust, James Dunklebcigcr, A
mauler; aueru-iio iiaurer.
lltBlUa II IDUl. ILOUJU.l, U , .IGbllUlj 111
if mates John Hlckert. A. K. Iiu lensliiL'ir.
Ilu- ley. W O Baltzer. HS Gilbert: nliernate
B Bowman.
Kline, Frank Ksntner, Isaac rnllllps, alter
uste J J Brei 11.
Luuaiocvine. Henry urumueuer. J Fuses-
eio-; aiicrnaie.w 1.1-iiier.
Mt. emboli, nenry hell, lionert uamroeii.
Klnnnelm Nor h fFocht'sl. John Gerber.
Davy chy; allernnte Jcro Uocht.
Muuhelm North (McDcrmotl's), A Btnrm,W
jtnue; Hiicriiuiu iv xeur
jMauneim jnrui inrowirsj, a itioriimer,
W Weaver; ulicrnato Geortro Wacnor.
Manucim ptoruitaieioisj, j j I'liuere, wm
Kliuau; aueruaie rrunauu iimaie.
1I1U UI1C1I11 0U11I.H iit;uci Ki, " 1 JICUU1, ,v o
Bhai ffer; alternates Charles Fisher, BH Ithlne,
Mnuanoy vvesi tijOfai urtekj, ueo v jonn
soo. Georeo Thomnfou: alternate W Jones.
Muhauoy West (Haven Run), Thomus B
rweruie, wiuiaiu auui iou,
Mehatioy West (Biownsvllle), Jas neato
B ltr wn: alternates J Price. J James
Mahauoy West (Wm. I'enn). Thomas May.
John lluches: alternate J Melz.
Mnluiiioy Kust (Lautgnn's), a Frost, George
Mahanov Kast (Cole's No. 1). Jacob Ulllesnle,
Dennis Wholen.
Mananoy nasi (L01esK0.ii, Jus .-Manillas,
Daniel Thomas.
Mananoy irost (inii'fi, Aninony Biacu,
William WrlL-ht. Jr.
Mahanov Cltv First ward. J J Coyle. 13
Morris: alternates D Klin -. Jl o'-llva.
Mahanov Oitv Becnnd ward. E Barlor. John
U1lll.lll UM.VB M UBU'U HUkUVd, u b....
I..II...,.,, l..UAil, tlxdVicj I.- Mllll
mtm. Jr.
fliananoy e;ny inira wara, 11 11 unciicr.
u urim: alternates jacon cecacr. v uen
Mahanoy CI y Fourth ward. WY Weber
A C Bliermau: alternates J A BcllEmun. T O
Mahanoy City Fifth ward. A Dower. Geo
Parffett; alternates Iteese Itosser, lsaao
Mluersvllle East wird, J Phillips,' John
uowmau: aueruaie uaiviu i'nee.
Mluersvllle West ward. William Faulkner,
Edwaid Bhlssler.
Mlddleport, Thomas Jennlngi.B W Bausier,
uiieruuies r a jjiicuey, j oiepueus.
New Castle. New Cattle. Daniel Weller,
Alonzo lteber: alternate Theodore Weller.
New Castte, Wad) svllle, J D Thomas, Tf B
Thomas, alternate James Head.
norwegian jinst, uurry s, w nuriou,
Bramley: alternate iVIlllam Ilodsors.
Norwegian West. Currnn'g. .1 Elsenburc.
Thomas Keatlnc: alternate J 11 Kelly.
riorwegiaa cast lownsnip, ju iiany, 1 rr
uunen; alternates james uoiian, w uonaia
ew Philadelphia, B W Jones, J Tanner;
altermile Philip Evans.
New lltugguld, David Vetler, II B Koch;
micruu'UMj a iiuusuciger, u l.eiscr.
Oiwlgsbuig, J A Dleleuderfer, A B Gosl
nlternaies Ii o Fey, A (J Elsenhuth.
Pluecrove boroush. A H Mauweller. G
Thlel; alternates 1) J Genscmer. Poler Kiney,
i-inegrovo townsuip j-nsi, a v iieDcr,
Yoder: alternates M Woikmun. LB Adams,
Plnegtove township West, Ezra Boughiner,
G B Blah); ulieri-uies George Adams, E,
Palo Alto, E T Priest, E Hay; alternates
Aiex uovan, wunam joneB.
Port Clinton, OC Hatch, Eugene Bond; al
ternates. A A Klrlln. A I" Hatch.
1 ort Carbon, Win Vtenlz, Henry Wana-
Port Carbon, (Mechanlcsvllle), Fiank Btur.
uinii, rtuj aduuuHi
Potior East. 1 N Evans. Hiram Dmwer.
Porter West, W Murtz, J Uroholtz; alter
natei. G W BchroD. Euueoe llnm.
Porter North, lidward Ilmitz. Jacob Itunipf,
alternates T J Davis, J btrousser.
PottsvtHe Bouilt ward, Arthur Bhay.Georgo
iVHluei; aneruaie w wniiney, jr.
PotUvllle t-out Ileum war ', ug. BtKnecht
G I'Bchrlnk: allernale J (1 Friek.
PollsvllleMlddle waid. Jnhn Kberl, Geo K
Bmtth; alien nlew J T Bujder. J M Fieck.
PotUvllle Northeast waid, 11 II Hill, EO
Nlchi 1; nlternaies W Bum, F F Wade.
Pottsvllle f orthwest ward, Owens, John
PotUvllle Seventh weid, Wesley Bailor.
u non oh picktou; auernaies Emst ueyers,
PotUvllle Nerthward, Giorge Owens, Jos
uavis; aiteiuaie Aiei leinj le.-"
jiaun, i nomas iiri auuiy, 11 (i v suer, alter
nates lavld Hughes, Thomas Downs.
Hush (Hauck). W A Btlttlcr, W W Kaup;
allernale Joellleln,
Itush tLutz's), H' U Job, E F Hampshire.
ltclily.Hei rj Zerby, Itobert Weir.
ltyan, Albert Kills, Joseph Matthews; alter
nates Daniel Jones, W v eaver.
Bchuylklll Haven Eastward, J U Sterner,
II Sllnnlcli: alternates WDfliinil tit
Blnkley. " "
Pciii.yiKiii iiaven Houlh ward, Chas Harbst.
DKctsbner.' alternHtes W Ittiu,a... .7
Knatr. u.
Hyhiiylkllt Haven North word, II Btcrner.W
0 Ituey; nliernate II F Iloblnson. ,lruerv
Schuylkill Haven Westward, GcoAHliner.
frr, Thomas Sleek, sllernute D Flanncrv.
KclUlVlklll tljWiitliln It l,'in,l,, ii
Btlmeli; alternates Charles DeLoug, F Brock,
at. Ciir Smith ward. Wash Orme, J Hog.
kLl,.',,?,ri'.Bi,l!r.".alp,, tiughos, W II Lee.
st. Clnlr North w.inl.George Blacker, Harry
Hellgman,- nl ernales Jrin, urth, T - ee v
M lilnlr Middle ward. B II Lee, It c lkiyer
alternates J Evans, o Ludklnblll
niicmimiKiui, i irsi ward, William Ilsuan
iihu Thurlbv- sliir,uiSi:m,TJ,,v:m-.ftlluse
n a1 'Sr LI ndlftl'; Snd wnrd, ChnrleS Phillips
OAKelii,- alternates Henry Goodmau, V
xl O file I QB
Blinsi doah, THrrt wnirt, Dr. ,1 Hteln E IC
Illttfrmnn: nlUnmliR .ini.V, n-. .."l..L" 'tt.S
Dadtlow. - r
Khenandnnh, Konrth waul, John A Lrwla
Kelw I) Beddail; alternates 'V Bentt Hogu"
Bhennndoah, Filth wnrd, Henry Wnrntck.
John Iliinn; nltcrnutes T owell. H niiel
i,Z?,.li;-.rv.VTrii, John.Merget, Iewls-
Vi .T , i.'.'i.11 "lassinlre.
la$W,SWLY.'!'(i- Davis. J CWalt.
ers: alternate F Dai,.
inriuuiil uo ouen. KnsL wnrrt. W Mivni
Tlmmas Coekill; nltornntes 0 H Hesser, ',
w1'!'eli"oul bnrongh, West ward, J Broner, Ci
Ml tin I tie
...wr - "nviiiniia in. a I1H1U. A It
Tlclnnnt tnwrftltln
Workman, Harry
Ilpj er Mahiintongo John Kllnejhouy.
union, PraiiclsHeitzer. Ellas Miller- 1
tO Gideon Itm-ltnr.
Union East, Ndson Brandon, Goo ICiucht;
nl'erimle L T Brandon. '
n.nrFhreroi;:,hu 11 nav,a' J N iM Mei-
n,,We,!.n',,e0.C, "
We't Penn Ki nlti tr.i.v'a t 11 m.i.
Jocob Longneckor.
T"PjV .cnuI,or,U0,,8t (Mactz's), WMaunts.
West Pcnn Northwp&i. (Wrini'si tm.., inn.
man, Henry Tyson.
ivusniiiBiou (iiaiaorra), Lyman G Heed.
Georgo Sell. r
wamngion (ltook), John Fertl. W FMstz.
Wayne, North, Daniel Yolih, G D Itord.
WBVne. Botlth. .TlimfR A llnHnai- t.-mh.
Hofr.ttu. '
Yorkvllle, Isaac Ittch, Henry Becker.
D. D. PHILLltH, Chairman.
Pfailadelpbiftand Reading fiailroad.J
Kins Table In etfect May 10, lHltl j
for New York via Philadelphia, week days.
0 5.26, 7.20 n. 111. and 12 85 2.C0 and b.5S
111. Bunday 2.10 and 7.4s a. in. For New
tork, via Mauih Chunk, week days, 6.26.
30, a. ra. and 12.3 ! aud 2.(0 p. m.
s'or Keadlnc aud Philadelphia weeJi dsva.
2.10, 5.26. 7.20, a. m., 12.35 2.60 nnd 6.55 p. m.
uuuity.z wwiu i.isa. m.
Far Harrlsburg, wetik days, 2.10,7.5X1 a. nQ '
.CO. 6.65n.m. W .
t or Alloiitown, week days, 7.20 1. m. 2J3S.
. 0 p, ra.
jr Fottsvllle, week days, 2.10, 7J,-. m.,
2.3iS.cO una 5.55 p.m. Bunday, 2 10
, ..1.
fror Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week
ays, 2. 0, 6.45, 7.20, a. m., 12.3j 2.E0 and 6.65
. m. Bunday, 2. 10 and 7.43 u. in. Additional
nr Mahanoy City, week dayB 7.00 p. in.
Fur Iianceviter and Columbia, week days,
20 a, m., 2.60 p. m.
(for WlUlamenorl, Snnbury and Lewlsbure.
xeak doys. 3.2i, 7.20 and 11 J a. m 1.33, 7.55
m. Bunday 3:23 a. m.
l or Mahanoy Plane, weekdays, 2.10 8.2i,
5. 7.20 and 11.39 a. ra.. 12.3.5. 1.35.
7.00 aaf '.ii, p. ni. Bunday, 2 10, 8.25 and 7.18
a. m. ,,f 5 1 m.
For uiraravine (ttappanannocc oiaiionj
n unia. i '. 0.7, ti.wi. cviiu ii.iMft, ui,
12.35. 1 R6 .uO. 6.6!. 7.00 andB.25. P. m. Bunday
2-10 2 , 7.18 a, iu S.t'5 p. m.
or Ashland ana Uharaokin, week aays.
.2,5.2j,7.20, 11.33 a. m 1.35, 7.00 and ,26
.. m. Bunday 3 21 a. m., 3.05 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, weel:
lays, 7.15 a. in., 1,30, 1.00, 7.30 p. in,, 12.10
light. Bunday, 0.O0 p. ra., 12,15 night.
Leave Ne York via Manch Chunk, week
lays, 4.30, 8.45 a. m 1.00 and 4.01 p. ra.
'iave Philadelphia, wees days, 4.10. and
10.00 a. ru. 4.00 and tl.00 p.m.. frum Broad
enJCallowhiUand 8.35 a. m.and. 11.80 p. in.
from 8th am ureen streets. Bunday 9.05 a.
m. 11.10 p. m. from th and ijniia.
Leuvo ittKtaiug, week days, v.iu.
.nd 11.50 a. in., 5.55, 7J7 p, m. Bunday 1,35 unC
id.43 a. m.
Leave Poltavllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a, m.,
lii,0.11 p. m. Bunday, 2.40 a. ra. and 2.1 5
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.18 nnd
11 2 1 a. ra., 1.21, 7.13, and 0.18 p.m. Bunday S.Sj)-,
1. ra. and 2.50 p. m. .
1 ava Mahanoy City, week days, 3.10, tt 1U., a.ui, I.UHUU v.11 11, ui. D1U1
lay, K.KI a, m., 3.UI p. ra.,
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2-4), l.tO'
9.3iJ,D-3i. 11. -a. m,,l.t5, 2.CB. ."20, 0 26.7.57, arid
lu.OOp. ra. Bunday 2.4 , 4.00, and 8,'.'0,a. m.
1 , p. ra.
i-cave Glrardvllle (Itappahannock Blatlonl
k days. 2.47, 4.07, 8.36, and 0.41 a. ra 12,05,
. 2, 5.20, 0.82, 8.03 and 10.00 p. m. Bunday, 2,17,
l.2i, 8.28 a.m. 8.41 p. m.
Leave WiUtamsport, week days, 8.00,9.15 ana
a.06 a. m. 3.85 ana J1.I3 p. m. Bunday 11,15
,', id.
For Baltimore, Washington and the weal
. la B. ft O. It. It., through trains leave GIrard
Wimie etatlon, Philadelphia, (P. a K. It. P..)
at 4.16, 801 and 11.27 a. ni., 1.34, 4.24 , 6.55 ana
,23 p. in. Bunday, 1.18 8.02 U.27 a, m 4.21
,65 and 7.2 J p. m.
Leave JPnUadelphla, Chestnut Htroet Whart
nd South Htroet Wharf.
For Atlantic CltV.
Week-days Express 9:00 a. m. and 2.00,
(.00 p. m. Accommodation, 8.00 a.m., 6.09
p. ra.
Sundays. Express, B.OO, a. ra. Accommo
dation, 8.00 a. m.and .80 p. xu.
jKeturulug. leave Atlautlo City, depot cornel
tUtntlo and Arkansas avenues. week-elayii
-Express, 7.80, 0.U0, a. m, andl.OO, p. in.
Vocommodatlon, COO, 8.05 a. m. and 1.30
1.30 p. ra.
Snndays. Express, 4.00 p. m, Accommola.
tlon, 7.30 a. m. and 10 p. m.
C. G. HANCOCK, Gen'l Fass'r Agll
v. A. MoLEOD, Pres. t Gen'l Manager.
7me table in effect Mav, 10, 1891.
Trains leave Heading (P. s H. station) for
Gibraltar, Beyftrt, Blratboro, Joanna, BprlnsSj-n
field, Waynesburg Junction, CoateBVllle,Vli-fC J
Chester,!, hudsford Junction, B. a O. Juuub'JI
Wilmington and intermediate stations, i-ffj
except bunday, at G.25 and 8.30 a.m. andtCr
p. ra. Sunday only at 3.05 p. m.
For Warwick, BUPetera and intermediate
statlons,dally except Sunday, at 9.20 a.m., ana
5.19 p. 111. Sunday only 8.16 a. m.
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
Baturduy only, at 12 m.
For Baltimore and Washington IB. A 0. It.
H.) dally except Bunday attf.25und 8.S0 a. m.
and 3.15 p. ra. t-unday only al 3.05 p. 111.
Trains arrive ai Heading (P. ft It. station)
from Wilmington. B. ft D. Junction, Mont
ehauln, Chaddsiord Junction, West Chester,
Lenape. Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction,
Bprlngneld.Jounna, Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey.
ferinud lniennedlute stations, dally except
Sunday at 10.20 a. ra. 6.62 and 8.17 p. ra, Bun
day only at 11.24 a. m.
From St. Peteis, Warwick and Intermediate)
stations, daily except Huntley, at t.23 a. 11a. .
and 2.26 p. ra. Bunday only at 8 p. ra.
From Biidsboio and Intermediate stations,
Saturday only at 1 40 p. m.
Fiom Washington and Baltimore, dally ex
cept Sunday, 10 20 a. ra. 6.52 and 8.17 p. m.
Bunday only t 11.21 a. in.
BOWNKSS BUIGGB, Gen'l Pass, Agt.
We, ttie undersigned,
are entirely cured ol
Ilupture by Dr. J. 1).
MAYEIt, 811 Arch St.. Phlla, Tlomas 11.
Hartung, New Itluggold, Pa., I. "aodt, BoutU
Easton, Pa., L. P. ft C. A. Dclurck, O oy, Pa
It. G. Btnuley. 121 Bnruce Bt . Lebanon. I'a.. A.
Schneider. Locu.t Dulo, Pa., D, 11. Noll, Lime-
klin, Pa., Win. E. liar enstlne. Phoentxvllle.
Pa.. W. M. Lelnbach. 1121 WashlUEton St.!
lteadlng, Pa., J. 0. Lyme. 1310 W. Howard Bt.,
Harrlstmrg, I'a., C. Keehn, Douelassvllle, Pa.
Dr. MAYEH Is at Hotel I'enn, Heading, Pa.,
on tho 2nd Saturday of each mouth. Cull to
seo him.
It. MUCKER, M. D.,
Mom East Centre Street; Mahanoy City, Pa3
bmju turn uii miecnu aueunuii u .peouuiy.