The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 09, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
jr. C. lloriHt, Jhlllnr iinil J'ubllntier. " .r. it ATKixs, iMctit mitoK.
The. liVKSlNCl JIKllALD Im a titryer cir
culation in Mienantloah tlMfi rmy other imptr
imllitheit, Jlook) ojien lo all. i
lUTT.v.wir Tftur ....18 00
Werki.t. rr year 1 So
Entered t the PiMloCHce, at Shenandoah, Pa
for transmission through the main
as wonii.l elasi mall mUer.
The (Hants Have Nn Tlnnbloln Defotttlnj;
AT nrrsBuno.
New Tor a o 1
rittJibilnr 0 1 0
1 4 0 8-11
0 2 0 10'
Batteries -Welch and
Clark! Baldwin and
Chteniro 0 0300110 3-B
Philadelphia 0 8 O U 0 1 10 0-7
Batterlis - Hutoltltmm Hud Klttridges aim
sou and Clements.
Cincinnati 44001000 0-0
Brooklyn 10000100 !l 3
llntturlos-llhlnfls and HarrinKton; Terry,
Kluslow and Daly.
Cleveland 0 0000 010 0-1
notion u iiiuuu-
UatferlesViau and Zluitner Clarkson and
The National Lcaguo Ilocord.
Otib. iron. Lost (ft
New Yorlc..30 2a .010
Chlongo....a7 87 X7B
Boston ....3(1 87 .Ml
Cloveland..3:J 31 .485
CltlM. trim. JVwt. cr.
VhllMorn..:u :k .'102
Brooklyn ..111 !M .481
l'itubur(f..4 :i7 .ni:i 30 .301
Astioelatlim Oiimos.
Boston 1 0 0 1 5 0 0
st. Louis o o i o o l a
ButterltH-O'llrlen and Murphy.
GriQItli and Cook.
0- 7
1- 8
Tlie giimos scheduled nt riilladolphla, Balti
more and Wiislilngton wero potiod on ao
oouut or ruin.
Tito Afttorlutiuit Ilocord.
Club, iron. Lout. (Tl
fltih). Wnn. TlL ft
Boston... .4 24 .yew
Coumbus..3t .10 .400
fit. L0lli.,l3 a.
Baltimore 3D S8
Ciuetun'tiaa an
,(M4 Ain.etio....:w ;:i7 .tot
IM! Iji..Vllln... .'JO 40 .387
.408 Wusu'ton...'4 44 .33J
Kastnrn League,
Albany 1 0 0 10
Lobanon 0 0 0 0 a
0 3 Z 0- 7
0 3 0 20
Batteries Deellu nnd llrown:
Taylor and
0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0-5
llattorlos-Kllroy and Mjers; Uraunn and
Pyracusa- 3 0001031 1 7
Toy..rr:7.........o 00003000-3
lliittcrlci CoualiUn and Myers; Shea and
nntterlos Horner und Tttcuuni Uilu8u.i(I
rrovldeneo 0 3
Itoelunler 1 0
3 0
4 a 1-14
1 1
-Uyan und llerko; SUrovo and Col-
Jin Interptttnt; X'lijiur llpnd lleforu the
Amurlctui Jntltuto of Iuntruotluii.
Bethlehem, N.U., July 0. Tho morn
lng'n KBsslon of tho American Institute
of Instruction oponod with tluvotiomil
oxorclsos, conducted by tho Itov. W. N,
Ackloy, of Narragansett Pier. 1i. I.
A pnper on Esthetic Physical Culture
was read by C. Wesley Emerson, 11 D.
LIiD., President of tho Emerson College
of Oratory, Uouton, Mass. Tho paper win
quito lenjtthy and was listened to with
considerable Interest. Among othor
thltiKi hu said :
There were three gnldlns Ideals in the
education of the body. Tho prevailing
Ideal was that tho oxerclse for physical
oultnre should rt"onible, an far .Jt pos
sible, the movements of manual labor.
Some advocated physical culture from a
military standpoint.
Tho speaker viewed physical culture
from a standpoint not antagonistic of
these, but from nn ontlroly different
atnudpolnt. Ho held Hint tho education
of tho body by the wimo principles as the
mind was educated, was tho surost way
to dovolopa tho highest denreo of health,
strength, supplonois, poivor, onduranco
nnd beauty. Tills wiw psycho-physical
culture, nnd that wus tho system he nd
l'hlladnlphlu'i Invustlifiitlni: Coiumlttoo
to AIllHt Tfl-lUOl'l-OlT.
PntLADELriiiA, July I). An Important
mooting of tho council' Investigating
cnninlttee is booked for to-morrow.
Munaging Editor JIoKenu and City Edi
tor MoWado, of tho Ledger, have been
notified to appear and give testimony In
ronnrd to tho suppressed Hardsloy con
fession or statement.
Postniaster-Ooneral Wnnamnker and
Efllnghnm H. Jlorrls, president of tho '
Olrard Llfo Insurance Annuity nnd 1
Trust Company, have also been notified
to appear. H. II. nrd, who Is now un
der arrest for conspiring with Bardsley
to load public money, has been ordered
to give testimony on the samo day In re.
latton to the city's deposits in the Key.
atone Bmk and other matters incident
to Uardsley'n misappropriation of State
nud oHy funds.
Threaten to llrlvo Out the Turks.
CoNBTANTiNortjc, July 0. Tho Sultan
is in a fair way lo loss all Arabia. The
Wahabees, who had been dormaut for
n number of years, have joined the in
aurgents, and thruaten to drive the Turks
into the sea. The Wahabees are fanatical
lighters, and neither ask nor vo quar
ter. They have a lon score of wrongs
to avenge upon the Turks, aud could find
no bettsr opportunity than tho present.
Prom Tho Nation's Capitol.
n.,Mr,iA' '.Wf'.t Wellington, D. 0.,says:
7,,1f.mtms,Jf1 hus 0I1' iWeriwHamlP;
rjJS,1,'? n?'''irt J""""" 'QUalforltlieumatlsm,
Neu ftlKla,nrrtln, Cuts, liurns, and all
hodUy palnalrf ce i eem,'. At Klrllu'i drug
LaltGBldo Dates.
July 15. Mahanoy City M. K. Sunday
July 10.MBlianoy City 1. M. Sunday
July 20. Glrardvlllo P. At. Hunllaj
July 21. (lormah soclotioa of Reading,
Shamnkln, etc.
July 23. Wm. Fenn Sunday lohool.
" 21, St. Nicholas Sunday school.
" 2?; Tho WaihitiRtofi Hook & bid
der Company, of Mahnnny City.
July 20 Trinity lioforiiuU Sundaj
school, of Shonandonh.
July 80. YounR Mon's l.epuullcatiClub
of Mahanoy City.
Auj?. 3. Engllih Baplut Sunday school
of Shcnandnnh.
Aud. 4. SI. K. Sunday school of Mali
anoy PUno.
Auk. 0 Kvangollonl Sunday echool of
Mahanoy Oily.
Aug. 12. Lutheran tnlnlonary fwstl'al.
" 18. KpUcopnl Sunday soliobl ol
Aug. 11. M. K. Sunday echool of Ash
Auk. 15. HUteddfod.
lo. 11. K. Sunday school of Shen
Aug. 20,-Trinity Kelormed Sunda
school of Mahanoy City.
What the Druagists sny
of Heiskell's Ointment:
" When we are asked to reeommeni) a iirepma
tlon for skin iliawie, we hand out ItuunOii.i. s
Ointm hst, wldi every oon iwwice of lis success
ful treatment of the duieasi."
J. C. ltHDiCK, ft Main K., nntler, IX
"I hovelwen selllnft HitisKKi.t.'s Oihthbkt
forelevmi yearn, llglves i.dIhtsuI SHtlsfactlov
Itwlll cure Ticttkh.
tl. W. IlACKBMKROa, llalnbrldge, IV
MVhnvoevlilenoeof the curative properties
Of HHllKKLt.'S OlNTM KNT llflB. It is a gOOl"
reliable ohitrnent. "
I'l KMi-io A I3lh, Tarentum, Tn.
"In hll skin lilaeosro I invariably rwommed
J. J. KfilL, Sllarrnbarg. rn.
"IlnisKri-t OiwtmBnt curus Then all els
falls." . McCluixam HEI, rreerort, 1'a.
"TlKISttftLI.'S O I NTH EST wllS on 1(8 own
tutit " H. B. HlLTOK. KiLUuintat. I'u.
The vestlbuled comnartment Blfenlneeari
rt-renllv lntrodured oti the Chtoaeo. Ht. J'au
and Kansas Clt.v Kalhvnv are models ol com.
rort, convenience ana luxury. Any patrou m
tlie Hit-eping car is euaiueu, ny tne loiroant
tlon of i bene compartment cars, to secure Hi
same privacy and onvinlence that he would
In the betit hotel. No other line west of cm
cago runs tho compartment cars. In addi
Lion, the tralnsare inn I lined w 111 the rcwulm
open Pullman sleeper, giving passengers thelt
cnoire. iiiom lug rur serviw; im iuuy vii u
the l'pnnlrementa ol modem rnllwov service
Au excellent cuisine, promptly served amia
cleaant surroundings, at moderate chaiRes
leaves Homing now to oeaesirea. jvny oioui
people contemplailng a trlpto any part of th
west or northwest cannot ioslf)ly securt
letter accommodations or lower rates thai.
by addressing W. 1. Coolcy, General Agent 01
ue rapsengcr uepaiiiut'iii, wo ViiebiuuiDL..
riiuaaeipuia, rix.
every muod In mtnd can And nn nnauonno
mood In natnro. The high, white minarets of
. .T v i t ""oiOBienuorpinnaclhS
uu.,,, mo wiuu-uiuvvn uunucisoi tnesnow. ai-
tloiisot Ihosoul; the sombre chasms cleft by
iitau lorcea through granite-hearted hills
lihlnvhose depths dark shadows throng
nnd swirling torrents dashspeak to the heart,
a language that thrills, inspires and awes. It
does not follow that thef o glories ol while
iivuiio uuu iiiuau Kiuuiuboi uaiK canons pre
clude the pleasant lnlcrals, ihe sunny
meadows or the fecluded nooKs wherein the
tired mind or wearied bo-ty may find peace
ful rtst and rclugo from turmoil and toll. To
V, . v,K jouriuy in Colorado, wew
ur uiun, ur lining a transcontinental
tour from East to West, or rice iwjra, the Den
Ver and Klo Grande Kallroad oilers accom-
moaatious equal in eleganre.convcnlenco aud
iiiiui j vu iume oi any uiner line witu the ad
ded llltraollons of the uf.f.Mf.r.7
along Its line, abounding In a magnificent
opulence of white peaks nnd dark cations.
Dm month ot Nnvember.l8W), witnessed one
in me iuii luiponunt improvements in rail
loud laclllllcs flint has yet been miida in t'ol.
orado and the West. The completion of the
smndiud gauge ol tho Denver and IlloGrande
Hnllroad Irom Denver, Colorado, over the
iiiuuuuiiim 10 ugaen, utan, which live years
ago was deemed an lmponnblllty, Is certainly
. ............ ... uiius iiuu eugiiiuerillg Sltlll.
Ube new line Is hv tho wnv nr iniiviiio
nellug TenUis-ee Pass, threading tho canons
of lie Kiigleund Grnd ltlvers, giving n view
... ,.,v irainui mo nuiy uroii, enrouio, tak
ing its trains tiirough Olenwood Uprlngsaud
down the Grand lttver to Grand Junction,
thence to H.ilt Lake Cllv. Otden and Han
Hanclfco. ily this route one is given an on
pormnlty to behold the magnltlcenceof Kagle
Hlver Canon nnd the marvelous t canty and
griiiincur in the uanou of the Grand 'the
ovfrland tia'.n Is a model In every respect.
Irom the engine to tho last Hrst-claM coach
overythlng is bright and new, and of the
most elegant style of workmanfchlp and
it any reader desires to know mora about
, ' ! peiiiiouH ivitkb oi nature, write ton.
!i. liofinrr. Goner,,! Mtifckt.tifrf.r A,rot
Colorado. And lie wilt mtirl vnn Irva'nl nD'
kcrlptlon of the marvels of the 'fceulc
VflTKUlf(l UlllBirHIfll ItfMlKH. fTIVItltf n 11,11 .1 o.
uuie.-- oiuuiey woou in tue "Great Divide.'
V iM!3.SrlSBe?.rlB 4
Is and will over bo tho
Eomody for
'Grout. Influonzn. Bnokaolie. '
FPaina ia tho Birio. Chest ondl
J J oints, Houralgia, Sprains, &o
Before you aeed to cay, obtain
i tae vslnaWa tooki "Qolde to Balth, wltbl
enaorBSDioms oi promiueat fojrBiciHiu,
310 Broadway,
Prize Medals Awarded!
European Houses! Rudolttsdt, London
Vltuna, Prague, Ilotterdau, Olton,
Hutcmbsrtr. Komteis, Lslnslo.
50 Cents a bottle, For Balo by
J.'. J. ICIltT-TN.
c. li. iiA-oaaivisTJCir.
Row frown thf. un irod on tho iintililanil dark,
And turns away tho brightness of lii faee
From hfil an-l Nhore nii'l s.'a a lire irv ! 'co,
AnilKlllh thoKli Homo il igln of lie' lai k
Kow lies the northlanJ all snow ahe-teil. stark,
And steel cold si lei an nn sUvp 'il In lilht,
Save where tho 'leio.i I'lves 'lance inBiher light
And Kleinnlntc stai li rap eye's limit mark.
llence comes It thut He' fiery uorth'aiitl heart
Is toucte'd iv ilh sot ii.v, an-l tho tule u" durmv
And sines the wiotei s dsi'D Bncirelln' gloom.
la living words, wheuca so il fires glowing, darti
That mighty thought like wflj auroras swoop,
4nd lllng their sple'utori o'er tho nni l nern il.-op.
J. J. lWdano Uurgewiu CtMmneri .hniroeX
A mntl-t'H Iteiiinrltalilu Artloni Duo to
the Iiiflnctieii of u Out's Tooth.
A coiresuondent Bent the following let
ter to the editor of Hall's Journal ol
Stit A rase lias lately come lo my notice
which it o, ourrcd lo me mlwht he f Intcrct to
your reader. You are douotless familiar Ith
a process in 'lentlitiTf known ae tue implanta
tion of teeth which ia simply sulfc'il ill i of n
natural tnoth in nlAoeof a lost one, cither in
its vacant eav .'ty nr, m In some Instances, by
Insertion In a m-v and artinciaUy roruicu one.
The wTilcr has a dentist friend who was an
enthusiast rcgiirdmg Ills firofesslon, and espe
cially In respect to transpibntatiim, and liko
otlierlevotoes to scienos lisdiduol lievitate to
experiment npon himself by Inseitlng in his
own Jaw, In place of a newly extrni led Innth, a
veritable oat's tootti,mttrMteil pnlknilyupon
the result of tho experiment. In dim time tho
tooth beruune 'borough I r rooted, but the eireci
upon Its possessor was .something -x iraordl-
nary. His whole demeanor unn 'rweni a
change, and by no means for tho better.
Instead of hli wrmtou onercry a.ia iievoiion
to huslnewi ho showed a disposition to lounge
about the bouse during the day tune, soiecttng
tho sofa, divan, eaay Chairs or even the hearth
ru as a temporary dormitory, where he would
Ho for hours tinetJicr in a Kind oi muinir. uui
no Booner woald tho night appear i ban ho was
all alert, rnanifoating nreat disquiet me anu a
desire to roam abroad, lMrttculmly In the
neighboring back yards, dUplaying great abil
ity in bcalintr tho fences. Ho would be attract
ed by any little scratching none about the
honso, while Hie least movement of annrtlclo
would cttor.0 him to dart forward, with fingers
widely spread, to neifce 1 1. From being f ormer-
lv a croat lover of dons, bo Bhoivcil an over-
w;en'ng drewl of them, and on one occasion
souirht safety by shylnir tin a tclou-awi polo.
un mooniipitl w emuua no wua v1' iiumiij
IU at ooae, arid insisted upon being aduilttod to
tho hou?o roof, whonce ho would wander from
roof to roof, ocarionally emitting fconnds in ex.
act imitation of the fascinating imitations
which romantic felines extend lo ono another,
hut now nnd then interjecting an angry pro-
tost as if spitefully repelling some obnoxlone
intruder. Pin.illy this stnto of things became
unbearable, not only to tho members or hU
immediate housohold, but to neighboring ram-
iliea In the near vicinity, and tho henlth of my
friend becoming also seriously impaired he
was penmnded to uacrifice the presumable
causo of his nocturnal eccentricities. I am
happy to bo ivhlo to etate that my friend has
partially recovered his former mental status,
only now nnd I hen, under a fancied provoca
tion, "gettiug Ills back up."
Dni'ger 111 a Well Lighted Itoom.
Tho occupants of every room Bhould take
Into consideration that the amount or nn
rendered impuro by the; lungs and tho skin
of each person has been estimated to bo a
little over throe cubic feet per minute, and
that every gas light or lamp consumes a
qunntity of oxygon, nnd throw3 oft Its
poisonous carbomo substances, wnicn,
when tho nlr is motionless, must bo taken
Into tho lungs, nnd with their sickening
Influences scattered broadcast through tho
entire system. Because you cannot smell
anything disagreeable In tho air which you
breatho is no safe test for its quality, for
"custom breeds d habit." and hublt leads
f tnlercnm. and whero tolcranco 13 ostab
numbed, and tho atmosphere, although
reeking with filth, Is no longer offensive to
one accufctomed to its smell.
Becoming habituated to any deleterious
odor does not insuro immunity from con-
tngious ills, as many are in tho habit of be
lieving, nnd If they do not affect the, breath.
er'a henlth immediately, that they aro not
uio less injurious. There is no human con
etitution that will not prematurely sink
uy continually ltinnllng n foul and con.
tnmlnnted nir. Tho time of endurance de
pends of corn-so upon tho strength of the
Individual, yet no ono of any intelligence
will doubt that diseased conditions will
certainly follow a prolonged stiitoof lung
m.rvanon. null's .lournai 01 Health.
What a Promlnont Physician and
Chemist says After Analysis
and Practical Tost.
Dr. J. Luster, forma In of itellerut TTmn:i,.
Mcittc u Culcje and Lima It'.and College
"1"" l"fJ i VfllflV nMrtl.n-o-. IIIOA
Alva s Ilrnzillau tspcclllo Co.. 0 W'nlt nr. el
Gents : The samp a of yonr Cactus Wood
v.uiu, niiiiu i nnugui mr nnaiysis, I have
subjected to a very thorough tet, and can
nna not a tingle tiaco of mineral or
liicpuiHiioa in n whatever; aLd, as I have
had cpuslderablo o perleuco in Its ooiiitllu
uonni tu.ct lu cerlaiu diseases already
known to you, I consider It tho safest and
ucbi, vtgeiuuio uiooa puriucrin tnomarfcet.
Yours resiieefally,
11. .T l vyrwit i.i, T. ur Ti
.Bol,d at Klrlln's Drug Bloio.lJeieusou House
J. ho prospects are good for a lino sour
kraut crop noxt fall.
Shlloh's Consumption Cure.
. , v! ueoua question the most snc-
a lew dosos Invniiahly cure the woiBt of
Cough, Croup, utid Uioijchlllu, while Its won
derlui (.uccets In tho cure of Consumption is
Since it's first discovery it has been sold on a
suttiumci', u iebi wnicn no oilier medicine
can Stand, li VOll lMVe n IVillch 1rfnnrnfEMv
Mb you to try it. Price lOcenU, OOctnle, and
II AO. Jf your Lungs ore sore. Chest or liack
iwuie, um, rinioirs j-orcus nasur. bold by
C. U. Hagenbuch, N, K, corner Main nnd
uiuyu nireeis.
Money spent on excursions and picnics Is
sometimes savod on doctors' bills.
Oh, What a Cough.
Wlll.VOUheedlhnWflinlnfrt Tl,o slnnnl
bans ol the mire ttmirruicit r ihot V...
rlble dlieaise. Consumption. Ask yourselves
If you can allord for the sake ol saving 50
'ents, to run the tUkand do nothing foriL
We know from experience that Hblloli's Cure
n.,..u,Bjum luiigu. ii uevir nius. ims
explains wliy more than a Million Pottles
who sold the past year. It lelleves Croup
AMI whonmmr fntnli nl fmot, Mr,n,bn, .i
not he Without it. For Ijime Back, Bide or
p-il. UngeubuoU, N. K. corner 'sjalu and
JhomaeculinesMh has heoomo a buck
number and beans a seedy look.
A Husband's Mistake.
IlUibandB too often wnmlt wlven. Hnrl unr.
uu their children, to suffer from headache.
illness, neuralgia, lilei nlet fcini. 11 u. ner.
votiHuess, wbeu by tlie use of Dr. Miles'
Itestoiatlve Nervine such serious results
could easily be prevtuled, Ilruggists every
where sav ltlrlVf-fi nnlv(.ri.ci1 t-iiltsniriilfin n,l
i1.' ar Immense sale. V'oodortb A Co.. of
I'ort Wayne, lud.j Hnow A Co., of Syracuse,
N. y.j J.o. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mlch.l and linnl
d eds ol others snv 'lt lu th vtmiiceI cnllor
they ever lmow.,r It contains no uplilis.
iriai uouiee and nue book on Nervous
Diseases, free at 0. II. liagenbuch's.
IBIn a short time proaolers will be at work
on harvest iermone. '
The firuat in tho interior of
tho Stato. Only available
lipaltlnmd pleasuregrounds
in tho Anthracite region,
The natural nttrnctlotis nnd msgnlll-
, cont uconery of the place tire un-
equalled, nud a day of recren- "
' tlou antl pleasure may bo
spent in it to advnulrtge.
There is good fishing and
bathing In tho twin lutte
surrotindhigtliegrounds. Boat
houses will be liulll on the lakeside
nnd regattas will be frequent this season
For Sunday Schools, Lodges, &c,
The grounds are most tultnblo for plc -
information, call
Tro1: to
Has no rival In the -world, 300 years' ex
perience in lirnziJ and two yenrs in this coun
try. It positively cures all Ureases arising
fmm Imnnio lilnntl Ninmlmirni ... 1 1
Sold at Itlrlfn'o Drug Store,
Fergusorit Motel Slock, Shenandoah, Pa,
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
MAY 10. 1891.
, t'assenger trains will leave Bhenandoah for
i.inucu ,,uuuis, x.eiijguion, Biaungion, Cata
i i,,' i"';"'v",Aji uDiuaucm, jLUBion, imi
12.62, 3.10, 5.2(1 p. m.
t or Lambertvllle and Treutoii, 9.03 a. m
r.l!ie,H,lycn' Wllkes-Barre and hlti
ton 6.47, 9.08, 10.41 a. m.. 3.10 and 5.2B n. m
For Tunktunnock. 10.41 a. m.. s.m unit b ,
p. m.
,nor Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyons
10.11 a. m and 5.20 p. m.
"f cejviiie, rowanaa. Bayre, Wavorly,
. , . ' uuaiu, Niagara f ans,
Chicago and all nolnta WcnI. t in I a
5.20 p.m. '
For Klmira anil tlie Went viu MniamanM n.
O 1,,. n ' . M ...... lit, UV Ml
U.IU JJ, ill.
utir Auaennco, iiazleton, Btockton,
ber Yard, Weatherly and Penn Haven Juno
tlon at 9.08 a. m.anrl I'l.w Jin
For' Jeanesville, Levlston and Heave)
Meadow. 7.40. 9.08 a. ru. and fi.5 m
For Bcrantou at 6.47 0 0. liuin. m aniunrt
C4MH ' -, - -
ror uazie uroou. jeoao. nrlflon and Free
land at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. tn.. i2fH in nnn
5.20 n.m.
Forlluakake nt 6.47 and 9.08 a. m., and
,or "igfttns.uiiberton and Frackvllle al
6.50 aud 9.08 a m., aud 4.10 p. m.
For Yatesville. Mahunnv f'ltv ii,,,i T,.:nMn
5.47, 7.10, 9.08, 10.11, 10.68 a. m.,12t52,3.10,5.20, 8.03;
9,2 aud 10.27 P.m.
. i"l.V?8ii?ef?!.ilraravllle and Ashland
1.27. 7.18. 8.(52. 10.15 u. m.. 1 .nn l in nn
8.10 and 9.14 p. m. ' ' '
For Uaritwater, Bt. Clair aud Fottsville,
40, 9.08, 10X8 a. ra., 12X2,3.10,4.10, 5.28 and I 8j
. m.
For Bnek MnuntAln. Ki.iv tid.a..
Morea.7.40. 9.08. IdXSh. ... un n in
8.03 p.m. ' ' ' ' -
For ltaven Itun. Centrnlin mi iini
Hbamokln, 8.52, and 10,15 a. m.. 1.40. 4.41
and 8.08 p. ra. '
, Ir?,,5-S lfcuveo Shamokln for Bhenandoah,
7.65 UXo a. m.. 2.10, 4.30 and 9.E0 p. ra., arriving
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12X2, SdO. 6.2B and
11.15 p. hi.
For Lost Creek, aimrrlvuin n,.i ci,i
1.00, 9.10 11.35 a. in., 2.45 p. in. "
For Uarkwater. Kt. f.'iuir nnrt tnifouiA
6.60, 8.00, 9.80 u. lu., 2.45 p. m.
nor xaiesvme, wauanoy city and Delano
.00,11X5 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 6.ttl p. m "muo'
m., 1.40 p. rn: 1
For Maueh Chunk. Lnhlirlifnn.
Catanauaua. A 11 en town, itethlnham. v.fn
and Kew York, 8.00 a. tu.t 1.40 p. m:
Jk - M11MU01J'1U X.1U U. 111.
Uen'l Pass. Agt,, Uetuiehem.
Summer Resort, Pic-mc
and Pleasure Grounds I
LAKESIDE (Kast Mahanoy Junction) mid
way between Mahnnny City and Taroa
qua, now managed by a new stock com
pany, will be open to the publlo within a lew
weeks, nnd dates can now be tccured. A
number of societies have already been booked
nnd others wishing durable dates should
make application without delay.
Under the now management many Improve
ment! will be made, some of them being now
under way, that will make it the plc-nloaud
pleasure grounds of Ihereglon.
A large dancing pivllllon and a trotting
park are among tlieuewnddltlons. Thebest
horse In the State will beseemed to run or
trot this season.
nlca and outings. For dates nnd other
on or address,
Excursion Manager,
ft n
rg un
E$jpsl&-& I
Spi-t to Discolog 2
'" MARK'
Williams & Bro.
Chamber Sets,
Wash Stands,
Dressing Cabinets,
Dining Tables,
China Closets,
Dining cnirs,
Smoking Chairs,
Card Tables,
Easy Qhalrs,
I'arlor Cabinets,
iMuslo Cabinets,
Piano Chairs,
Hall Stands;
Uall Tables,
Fanoy Tables,
Wood Mantels,
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Book Cabinets,
Tea Tables,
Sewing Machines.
Parlor Sulut,
Vhen tiyubled with taoi aitmiying Irragalftrttir .
,;minii louuwiitgn run u xpontirc, ar rroci t,
U-0 DC. DuC!!J'5:i:;:M fi-lhrtl
hsvarfi HiTKnatbnnf -
4jit. vaar hiT iniLri. i.
ht) Milt i
iiiil niliiJ. Sunt iiv i-
' " t uil fnuotioasi f
Bsj it I nt i
Or,Hartei-IV.f 1
A newly discovered MINinAli WATEIl.
the use of which will mpply in.portant ele-
ineuis nrrti-Bury to nraitii. ji will cure Ins
Kidneys, Liver, Htomst'h, and all Bowel and
Bladder diseases. It -u 111 illunhn ri,,n h
remove them. II removes the urlo acid from
!.he,bl0J? alld i1,u. destroys iinlarla end
Chills. It cures BrlEhl's disease, and la cs.
, it, iicojiie aavanced m
life, nud for central dehllltv. Vnr
proofs of this send lor pamphlet giving full PEKRY, Water ol 1Mb
Co., 81 Boutli Main St., W.lliei.Barre, Pa.
FhiLadolphia and Eeading Eailroad
Time Table in eHect May 10, 1891 W I
For Now York via Philadelphia, week days,
0 S.25, 7.20 n. m. and 1285 Z.C0 nnd iU
m. Bundav 2.1(1 and 7.4X n. ni. l-n, ms.
ork, vla.Maucli Chunk, week days, 6.24,
20. a. rn. and 12 3? unci 2 nn m '
or Heading and I'hlladerphla week days,
10, OA", r.20, a, m., 12.83 2X0 and 5Ai p. in.
VTf f J wl8burg( week days, 2 10.7.20 a, iu,
op.m. '
..3.150 aaa6.56p.m. Bunilay, 210kLd7.fJ
For Tftmnnnn nnd u i.. t
IV. n n eft- viiyi wee
For Wlulaninnnrt. hm , ...
-ltdays,l!.21 7.26 and l i ?Tr"-,'SA
m. Sunday 3:2 j . m.
;Wnto? V-.m- 8aJ,2,l0,T25and73
11S5.1S5 KXO,fi.65.7'.O0Tmdt).23:n f
III 9T.Hb m o im -x. r ' I-
o ,5nA8-J1n'J,?nd t'i'anii'klo, week days.
,2 1,5.23, 7.20, 11.3J a. m., 1.15, 7.U0 and M
m. Sunday Mi a, m., 8,u5 p. m.
TKAIhS 1 oil KHMN A M tlflAH
ueavo New York via Philadelphia, week
if,'T. a. m., 1.S0, J.0U. 7.30 p. m., 12.1B
light. Bnmlay,6.0U p.m.. 12.15 ulgnt. 4
jfeuveiNow Kork vnn Muiti'ti ;Uunk, w
lftl-S. t. ID. K..H . tn t OOnnrl .1 HI n . K
1ba iiiiiuH,i;,.. .. . 'JL' t.n . VT
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 n. m. fr ra ErcMi
iuuunmwmuaua8,ia. m. ana 11.30 p. m.
from 8th anc 'ireuu streeia. tsunday 9.05 a.
m, 11iO p. m from urn mh t un.
ieave IteadLnK, wcc days, 1 3i. 7.10, 10.05
tUd U..50 ft. m.. Km. 7J17, HlmrliLV I Kotin
i.48a. m. '
, ,1rfHy?,i'0,",vlUo weefe days, 2.40, 7.10 a. m.,
I W0, 6 11 p. ur. Sunday, a,40 a, m. and 2.05
ixiave Tamaqua, week Oaya, 3.70, 8.43 and
d.2ia, m., 1.21, 7.13, and .li,p. in. Sunday 8.10 '
i. in. and 2X0 p. in.
uava Mahanoy city, week days, 8.40, 0.18
md 11.47 H. m.. 1.61. 7.42 and U.44 ,.m. :-Hin.
iay, 11.40 a. m 8.20 p, m.,
Lieave Malianoy Vlane, week days, 1,4.10 '
j.SJ, BJ3, 11.L0 a. m,,l.u5, a.0. 5 20, 6 20, 7.57, and
10.00p.m. Sunday 2.4, 4.00, and 8.ti,a,m.
, i. m. ,
iic&ve (iirardvllle tRann.itiannor'.lr Rlnttnn
ffeek days, 2.47. 4.07, bM. and B.41 a. m 12.0i,
I.i2, B.28, .2, 8.03 and 10.08 p.m. BUuday,S,47,
I. 27, 8.20 a.m. 3.41 p. m.
loavo WllUarnsport, week days, and
II. 55 a. m. 8.35 and 11.15 p. m. linnday 11,15
P.m. ,
Hot Baltimore, Washington and the W6st 1
ia 13. & O. It. K., through trains leave Qlrard '
Avenue station, riilladeluhla. (P. & K. K. HA
at 4.10, 801 and 11.27 a. m 1.81, 4.24, C.55 am ,
p. ill. DUUUtty, 9.J.0 iit a, m., t.xt
t.oo ano 7.zsp. in.
iave I'ulladelphla, Chestnut street Wharf
ma South Street Wharf,
War Atlantic CHy.
Week-days Express 9:00 a. m. and 2.00, '
1,00 f. hi. Accommodation, 8.00 a.m., 6.00
bandays.Kxpress, 9.00, a. m. Accomme.
tatlon, 8.00 a. m.r.ud 4.30 p. m.
returning, leave Atlantic City, depot oi
Uantlu and Arkansas avennes. YVeeAj;
-txDreAS. 7.30. 9.00. a. m. and 4.00. D.
ecomuiodatlon, (1.00, 8,05 a. m. and
i.30 p. m.
Munlcys. Express, 4.00 p.m. Accommola,
ion. 7.30 a. m. and 4.30 p. m.
U. Q. H AN COOK, Uen'l Pass'r Agll
.. A riioiuaiijii. j'roe. a .ironi aianacei
scnnvi.Kiij. DIVISION,
On and after Nov. 24, 1890, froitu vjlil Uai
Shenandoah at follows:
rtir munmii uuuniiuu, x.it4uiiuic, ni,i
Castle, St. Clair, and way points, 6.W, 9.131
a m auu 4.10 v m,
Bundays, 000, 0.40 a m and 3.10 p m.
For Fottsville, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 p mr
bund ays, t00, 9.40 a m and 8.10 r m,
For Heading, 8.00, 0.10 am and 4.15 pm.
Hundavs. 6O0.9.40a.m. and 8.10 Dm.
For 1'oltKl.own. Phoenixvllle. XiorristownJ
And Philadelphia (Broad street station), 0.00,1
i.iv a in. u 9,io p ui wvei aays
Un-MAairo WV1 Q ill n. r.1 SKI n m
.nlTTZT. ;r" ''rockvlUo tor Shenandoah all
t0.40am ana 12.n, 7 42, io,iiP m. wandaiB.'.
11.13 am and 5.40 pm.
Leave Poitsvllle lorBhenandnnh. in ir. d,a.
11.48, a ra 7.15, 9.42 p m. Sundays, 10.40 a raj
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station),
for Pottsvllle and Shenandoah, 6.67,10.25 a m
2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p mweek days. Sunday 9:&
we (. buu itiu ft 4- li
S?J i2-19' s-w !nilted 4.60), 6. 23, 8,30, 8,60-1
7.18 8.12 p m ana 12.01 night. I
For Sea Hlrt, BprinK Lake, Betv,
ucean Orove, ABbury Park, and I.onc 2x4
3W, 11,15, a. m. 4.00 p. m. week a&yrjBiK'
Ifreehold. 6.0 , p. m. week nays.
Hnlllmnw. mill WnuhlntrTnn 9M) o u,
9.10, 10.20, )U18a m,l-i."i (limited express) 8.49
1.41 8.17 anr 7.40 p. m., and 12.03 night. For
Baltimore niy is.02, 4.t 1. 5 08 and I1.8O p. m.
On Sundays, 8.50, 7.20, 0.lUnnd 11.18 a. m, 4.4i
iW 45 P. S1- 12.03 nihU Balt'jBiore only
5.08 and 11. Son m.
For ftlchmondand the Bouth 7.2011,18 a. m..J
.Limited Express 12.35 p. m.,)12.03 night, weekly
iiuuuftjB, v n,ui., j.iu lllgni.
JTains leave Uarrtsburg for Pltusuurc ana
the west every day at 12.25 nnd 8.1u a m ann
LOOdimited) and 3.40 p m. Vay ror Altoona.1
' ' -" ' - M.uv. I.'v ... j iirty ,
For Pltlsbure only, 11.20 a ru dally aud 10.20
m week days. J
Leave Bunbury lor WilliamsDort. Klmim.' 1
Jauandalgna, Ilochester, Bnllaloand Niiigara i
ivalls 6.10 am daily, and 1.43 pm weokdays.11
For Vatklns, 6X0 pm week days. 1
For Brie and intermediate points, 5.10 a ra-.A
tally. For Lock Haven. fi.lil. nnd Ofi'l o
dally, 1.84 and 6.80 p. m. week days. F01S
Jtenova 6.10 a m 1.43 and 6.S0 p m weelc days,
Hen. Mrni'r ten. PrsSi Agt,;
. Jme table in trrect Mali. 10. 1891.
lramS leave TtPnriiniv fl A R Dfnflnnl fsir
Gibraltar, Soyfert, Birni-boro, Joanna, Spring.'
neld, Waynesbum Junction, Coatesville.West
uesier,i.iiuasiora Junction, a, a Q. Junction,
Wllmlncton and lntermedlAiuiatniinnfi. rtoiiv
except Sunday, at 0.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 8.15
p. m. Hnnday only at 3.05 p. m.
i-ur mirwics, ni.t-eiers anil intermedials
statlons.oally except Sunday, at 9.20 a.m.. and
fi ill r TV. Mnniln., v.1 .. D , r -T .
For Blrdfeboro and lntemieritntA fitatir.ntf
ouiuruay ouiy, at, iz m.
ror iianimore aud Washington (B.
It.) daily exeentSnnrlnv Rt. t?r. .ml ane
an" p. m. isunaay only al 3.05 p. nl
. irninn arnveai iteaaine IP. S It. st
irom Wilmington, B. A O. Junction, Wont
chanln, Chnddslord Junction, West Chester,
Jrc3aPej poatesvllle. Waynesburg Junction,
Sprlngneld.Joanua, Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey.
fertand Interinpdlntn ntntinnii. riniiv -rAnt
Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 5,62 and 8.17 p. m. Hoar
un,v uuiy ul u.zi a. m.
From Bt. Peters. Warwick nnd tntermpillciln
stations, dally excetit Sundav. at 8.2:1 n. rn.
nuu cm y. 111, DuiiuHy uiiiy at o p. m.
jTuiu iiixuMuuru aim iniermeaiate stations.
Sat urday only at 1.40 p. m.
From Washington nnd Baltimore, rlnllv it.
luiib ouiiuiiy. iu u. ill. n.iat Hnn K 7 tyi.
Sunday only at 11,24 a m.
liuwaKHH liumoH, Gen'IPass. Art.
!. ... n w orrAiiiim, UAl.llliullI
tnrl undlllSllVOUS BiBHIIYi
T. T1; , Tl, tttv- ...
r?'!'.'. m Errors nr Excee In Old o? Y oumr.
iW.lf . MMl. HOSE TIlUTIItST-KtHll. I. ".
Sj.n In' I, ft. -n ,uUt .nil l-.lp, CUiilrln. Writ, ttitnl
li lr'''t .no I'rn.i. m.n.a f...iTd rr...
euiR rfgoicAL oo duffaiLo, n. y
iJ155U ,rntt- Vrgctaofo Reraeulofc
?!. TJJS, c'""' Curt i"""" vi"" i. "
(Uve cured rhaitv th
rapidly disappear, aiu!
fiysi. tjus rrom (in.1 dose 'imiit'im.
. In tm dai-. n I -HI rwn.l,,,,. .,f
uonuiiuriuir- TCU mun iri.., Kr.i V.
!hk. .rmje HUOI. of teitt.
iculouicutn. ILI. Ulllo fl.rai.h.dl' litt -
L pyman. yj'il i IIL.U vou order
. ... ... mii.M a BOAS. ATLANTA. A