The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 09, 1891, Image 1

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    (T h ix (ftVi it 1 11 tt IS iri Iff
S W(.U t 14414,
VOL. VI.--KO. 13 1,
To the Republican Electors of Pennsylvmta:
After consultation and correspondence with
the members of the Republican State Committee.
ana by their direction, I hereby give notice that
. the Republican! of Pennsylvania, by their duly
HkcAoten representatives, will meet in State Con
Vjfl'toi at ftarrtsburg, Wednesday, August 19,
IB'Wl, at lOo'ctock A. if., for the purpose ofplac-
" " tng in nomination candidates for the offlees of
State Treasurer and Auditor General, for the
111 nomination of eighteen candidates for Delegates-at-Large
to the Constitutional Convention pro-
flded for In the Act of Assembly approved June
0, 1891, and for the transaction of such other
uslness as may be presented,
f Notice is especially directed to the fact that, in
V ticcordance with the provisions of the last men
; tloned act, eath Senatorial district Is entitled to
.' 'a representation of three delegates in said Con-
sllluttonal Convention, two of whom only can be
members of the majority party in said district.
The electors of each district are therefore re
quested to make proper nominations for dele
gates to said convention, the rules governing the
nomination of candidates for Stale Senator to
I.- it
If rnariuiiiuMfAn it - nt...i- -.j i -
the attention of Republican voters to the recom
mendation of the State Convention of 1832, that
i lheti nltmn iho nuif ;.i AMnw.t
participation in the primaries consilient with
the preservation of the party organization."
t WM. IT. ANDREWS. Chairman.
Nobody believes that there will be
any lasting reforms until political
"considerations are dismissed from
f Jnlclpal allaira uutll it is known
T that neither the words Republican nor
I Demoorat are relative terms for hon-
a esty and dishonesty,
I Nobody believes that politics con
1, trolled these recent crimes. Because
I everybody knows that the "combine,"
u which has managed the people's
i money in its own Interest has been
j impartially Republican and Demo
j cratic You caunot hit ri Ropublican
f head among tho Treasury thieves
without a Domocratsqueallng. Noth-
ing gave the late Treasurer more im
$.punlty in bin flnnuolul transactions
4 than the failure of the Democratic
Governor lo look after the State
money, or to apply us Governor the
knowledge he had acquired as bank
4 president.
Nobody believes that Bardsley 1b
L the only one to blame in the financial
I uumu
!,) by w
business that he has been anything
e than a factor in a corrupt Bystem,
which poltt!c3 becomes a trade for
the illegal acquiring of money. His
& sin was that ho wa9 found out. Why
C333NTTS per yd for the
"Sold In other stores for Sic. All floor
Oilcloths reduced. Call for bargains
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin SL, near Centre
"Srortliwesterii Daisy !"
A high grade Patent Floirthe Choicest Minnesota
Wheat used. Maltes more bread than ordinary
L Guaranteed Equal in every
in the marltet,
Jior sale only at ICE TIER'S.
Fine Natural Color Plcltles
Bloater MaoJeorel large and fat.
JBancy Table Syrup pure goods.
Jiresh Dairy Butter,
(strictly Pure Lard.
Ilrnzil Nuts New Crop-Comuioiily called Cream Nuts 4
pounds for 25c.
JAVA COFFEE FrcsU Roasted.
New Oil ClotliH and Itrusscls Carpets
did ho not walk with prudence like
those who preceded him?
Nobody believes that Rardsloy told
tho truth, meant to tell tho truth, or
would have been allowed to tell the
truth lu his statement. Phlla. Star,
Governor Pattlson Is convulsed Into
spasms over tho enormous wickedness
(?) of a Republican legislature, repre
sentlug this overwhelmingly Repub.
licau state, which, in its legislative
capacity, refused to apportion the
Commonwealth In tho interest of tho
Domocratlo party. His Excellency,
therefore, rushes to the relief (?) of the
people armed with the veto power, aud
ruthlessly slaughters tho congressional
nnd legislative apportionment bills for
no other reason except his determina
tion to serve his party at the expense
of the Interests of the majority. Mr,
Puttlaon may succeed in woollng a few
credulous people, but the masses have
him labeled as a demagogue of the
first water, a man thoroughly in sym
pathy with political trickery and all
manner of political ohlcanery provided
its object Is to defeat the will of the
people. In evidence of this assertion
we call attention lo the fact that he li
In thorough sympathy with the In
famous legislation of Ohio, New Jer
sey and Indiana by which aud
through which the people nro abso
lutely denied a fair and free expression
of their choice of lawmakers, both
state aud national. The specious
pleading of such a tin-foil patriot, for
fairness aud decency, is enough to
make a dog laugh and to cause the
Hold It to tho Light.
Tho man who tolls you confidentially
ust what will cure your cold is proscribing
Kemp's Balsam this year. In tho prep
aration of this rornarkablo medicine for
coughs and colds no oxponso is spared to
combine only tho best and purest ingredi
ents. Hold a bottlo of Kemp's Balsam to
tho light and look through it; notico the
bright, clear look; thon compare with
vithY1 romodies. Prico 50c. and ?1
. . ...
A Now Buainoss.
P. J. Cloary has opened a storo in the
Ferguson's building, on East Contro street,
and is propared to furnish tho local trade
with Ono loathor and shoo findings and all
kinds of shoomaker's supplies. His stock Is
a largo ono and well . equipped to fully
supply all demands of tho trado. G-15-tf
Best domet shirt in town, at "Tho
Famous" clothing house, GOc. Shifting
pants from 75c. up.
respect to any Fancy Xlour
solid and sour.
I'atteriis tor tlic Fell Trade.
Tho Upper Part of His Faoo Dis
flgurod Almost Boyond Recog
nition Tho Brldgo of the Noso
Burnod Away.
Ily National Press Association.
New Yorut, July 9. In an Imitation
rosowood coffin in Undertaker Froderlok
Hulbere's establishment, No. 265 West
120th street, lies tho body of Harris A.
Bmller, the murderer electrocuted lu
Sing Blng prison last Tuesday morning,
It was brought from Blng Sing last oven'
ing, and shortly afterward Mrs. Smilor,
ncoompanled by her slster-ln-lnw, called
at the undertaker's and looked upon the
Tho body was not as mutilated as
might be expected, while the face show.
ed evidences of tho work of the deadly
ourrent. me cnoelc bones bore bright
scars about an tneli and n half to two
inches in length, tho edges turning up
and forming a ridge. Tho bridge of the
nose was gone, while dtsooloratlons on
the temples showed where the strups had
passed. There was also a burn on the
chin about the size of a dime. Tho head
was shaved. Tho body was dressed In
the same suit in which 8raller went to
tht fatal chair. Tho eyelids weri closed,
and tho eyes appeared to havo been re
Mrs. Smiler stated that tho funeral
would toko place this afternoon from
the undertaking rooms and that tho In
terment would bo at Woodlawn.
Dr. MeDtimtld'a OMoiul ltunoil.
Aujanv, N. Y.. July 0. Dr. Charles P.
McDonald, the official nhvsiolan of the
four electrocutions In Blng Blng prison,
informs tho press that it will bo quite a
few days before tho autopsy is ready.
Tho law provides for its filing with the
County Clerk ten days after tho execu
tion. Warden Brown will therefore file
It with tho Comity Clerk of Wostchostor
county. The complete list of witnesses
will be filed at tho same time.
No Secret Exocutlons.
New York. July 9. Assemblyman
Stein, who introduced in tho last session
of the Legislature a bill to repeal the
law for electrical executions, said to-day
that he would reintroduce the bill next
session and use his best endeavors to
have It pass both tho House and Senate.
The bill passed tho Ilouse last session ,
but did not reaoh a voto in the Sonate
on aooount of the deadlock.
Hurled In Qulokllme.
Snro 8ino, N. Y., July 0. With no
oeromony, religious or othorwiso, tho un
claimed bodies of the threo electrocuted
murderers, Slooum, Wood and Jugiro,
were buried in tho prison cemetery.
Nine convicts lowered the coffins, ono af
ter nnother, Into tho graves, and tho
graves quickly filled up. Tho bodies
were buried in quicklime.
X Western Court So )eclaro the Famous
Comieotlmit rlillAntlirnpUr.
Kansas City, Mo,, July 9. Mrs. Eliza
beth Thompson, tho noted philanthro
pist, of Stamford, Coun.. was adjudgod
insane in the Probate Court. The Inqui
sition into the mental condition of Mrs.
Thompson was a more than ordinarily
interesting proceeding, 00111 on account.
of the prominence of the lhdy and tho
facts brought to uguc in me course 01
tho trial.
Mrs. Thompson is well known all over
tho United States, She has probably
given away to oharltable societies more
than any other woman lu America. She
will bo remembered as tho friend of abo
lition during the lato war.
Mrs. rotter 1'Almer's Sucot-AAful Mission.
pAnis,July 9. Madame Carnot, wife of
President Caruot, granted a private audi
ence to Mrs, Potter Palmer of Chicago,
ond this evening, by special iuvlta
tlon, Mr. nnd Mrs. Palmer will oocupy
President Carnot's box at the opera.
The French uowspapers refer at length to
MjT. Palmer's Ladles' World's Fair Com
mittee, which was recently organised here.
It is Mrs. Palmer's intention to pro
mote tho formation of a similar commit
tee in London, where Princess Christian
of Schleswig-Holsteln has promised her
btole the Counteis JwU.
Lonpon, July 9. A clerk named Ed
ward Wilkinson is under arrest who con
fesses to having, with two accomplices,
stolon tho Countess of Dudley's Jewels at
Euston Station four years go. In his
confession Wilkinson says that while one
of his accomplices attruoted the attention
of the Burvants of the Countess, the
other Btole the parcels, which wero sub
sequently sold In Amsterdam, Wilkinson
receiving $10,000 as his share of tho pro
ceeds. Since the robbery one of tho
prisoner's purtners In tho theft has died.
Wllkinsop was rumanded.
Wounded the Olrl mid Killed niiuieir.
New York, July 9. About noon Fer
dinand Kolchert flrod a pistol at Annie
Douglass, wounding hor in tho neok and
wrist, aud turning the pistol upon him
self lodged three bullets in his own
head, lioth wero takon to tho hospital.
Reiohert's wouuds ore fatal, but tho
girl may recover. The suootiug ocourred
iu Buumau's, No. SO Dlvlslou
street, whore bolh were employed,
ltelchert whs drunk and became angered
at the girl because sho eout him on an
ArrAud. .
Loaded Itevolver Among a tot of New
n a Healer's Store
New Yoiik, July 9. Mrs. Jesslo Judd,
U years of ago, was accidentally shot
...... u.. iiimiij wounaea by her bus
band, John R. Judd, a dealer in snorts
man's goods at 1804 Broadway.
Mr. Judd WAR rmttlnr- .. . i .
altar, for a oustomer at the Catskltls,
jmujteu eacu revolver In a
" "B """tipped the trigger mechanically.
Mrs. Judd wm Btanu i. .
i l , , . "s uiuso uy ner Hus
band whilo ho was ongaged iu packing
- m buu UOX,
Mr. Judd Iinil ninf..J 1. .-I
two of them nnd put them in the box
me imra ono from the shelf,
and as he snnnnafl If ttiA.n ....... .. i
rt -..w.u ,.n ci IUUU
report, Mrs, Judd exclaiming "I am
ouui., auu ion to me uoor.
PllVsicfnna Wnra ct,n.,nn.1 I.. --,.1
that Mrs. Judd's condition was critical,
UCI .luiu-uionom statement was
taken by a coronor. She told the coro-
UUUlUUUMll onu
exonerated her husband from all blame.
f ... . was arrested and admitted to
bail In the sum of fl.000.
Mr. Juilll mnirnt .L.
belni? in tlin ntatnl ....
ory that It was an old one which had
been put in with tho new ones by mistake.
All Atreil ClereTimiii tTi..,i...i t
Willie Crossing tho Street.
Wasuikqto.v. Julv 0 T!.ir r ivim
A. Sohubort, a retlrod Episcopalian Min
ister, uu years of age, was accidentally
killed durlntr the
O ...-.J UWj,
named James Qaut.
Tho old crentlomnn u-Vin ,.i.
foeble, was cros.ilm- tlm i.i.
homo and tlin hnv wna i... -
bicycle. Just ns he ueared Dr. Sohubort
the blcyclo struck a stone and the boy
was thrown with groat forco against Dr.
Sohubort, who foil hoavllv to Mm nni,.,n.
lie was carried to his homo and died
shortly afterward.
ihe boy was placed under arrest.
Dr. SfllinhftTf. n,.. I. 9 T
Jorsoy a fow years ngo aud was widely
known as a student nnd a writer. Uo
Was eUBUtted on ll rnllrrlnna ),nnl. ... 1...
time of his death.
Death, Insanity mul Starvation on the
Lnbrailnr Coast.
Montreal Quo., July 9. Tho grip opl-
domic is having terrible results on the
Labrador coast. At River Pentecoste,
Polut Aux Esquimaux, Plaster Covo and
Melgan dozens of people have died,
dozens are dying, many have gone in
sane, and, to make matters worse, pro
visions have run short.
Bishop Bos9a is down with the disease,
his prelate is dead, and a number of
nuns are also among the dead.
The Dutch Cabinet has resigned.
Brnlnavd T. Arnold, hotel keeper in
Broadway, New York, has made an
assignment without preferences.
Senator John Sherman, of Ohio, has
written a letter defining his position on
tho silver question.
Ex-Secretary of the Treasury Bout
woll celebrated his golden wedding at his
home in Qroton, Mass.
The naval militia of Massachusetts
continued their drills on board the ships
of tho squadron of evolution in Boston
It was given out In Paterson, N. J.,
last Right that Gov. Abbott had appoint
ed Alfred A. Van Hovanburg lay judgo
to succeed the lato John J. Warren.
Genoral Booth, the Salvation Army
leader, proposes during bis tour of the
world to buy land lu the western part of
the United States to found n social col
ony. Prof. Mcndenall, of the Coast and Geo
detic Survey, aud Prof. Meniam, of the
Agricultural Department, have been ap
pointed as the American Behring Boa
Gov. Hill has signed tho extradition
papers of Walter S. Beresfoid, tho young
English su lndler of alleged noble lineage,
and he will bo sont back to Georgia to
be tried for forgery.
An aged man named Thomas dervlty
partook of a tough steak in a Bowery
restaurant in New York. It lodged In his
throat and tha doctors oould not get it
out. He died in Bollevuo Hospital.
John F. A. Hood of Buffalo, N. Y., was
arrested at the bturtevant ilouse in New
York during the night on a dispatch
from the Chief of Police of Buffalo,
charging Hood with forgery. Hood was
remanded to await further particulars.
lie Goes to thelltlue Vlslillic Giouuds on
the Cutter XlHlnllton.
Philapkltuu, July 9. Capt. H. T,
Blake, of the revenue outter Hamilton,
received positive sailing orders from tho
Secretary of the Treasury to-day and left
Philadelphia at au early hour in tho
morning for Cape May Tolnt, where the
cutter will take aboard t ie President
and party to go on a Ashing excursion.
The President has heard so many
stories of the wonderful Bport afforded
bv the blue llsh In tho dseu sea fisher
men's paradise of Auglcsea that ha has
been auxious to try his luok and will
leave this afternoon for that place. Tho
urounds where the President will prob
ably fish llo about eight or ton ratios to
sea off Flve-Mllo Beach.
I Boat work done al lironuan's stoin.
laundry. Everything white and spotloes.
Lace curtains a spociaUy, All work guar
A Firo Oroatoa Excltomont Among
mo laments ot wnito Street.
Tho Paul Summa Burglary.
Personal Mention.
uuiuui IJ-inil Will D vn on
opon-alr concert on tho awning in front of
u.o nratson nousp thU evening, commenc
ing at ixm o'clock. Tho following .,r.
grammo will boofforod:
'Army" march (tew) '. hv I'lfkr
Concert overture (new) ... Mevlii5r
1 QCna VuU Flowere "
"?lwieUIUg ' Bl'rln."ai7;)'soi'o h'y'ilacli
VUB"' ................nrranged by b Zeltz.
Kusslau Carriage Hong (new)!...'. Thornton.
Grand Chorus and starch (new) -v,innr
?,0"veulr to Cornwall- (new).... eif,'
Llederkranz over German Horws V .Vw
Circumstances that Throw Guilt
on Town Parties.
No arrests havo boon nm.ln in r.n.,i:
with the burclarv ami nfY M,:.,..
Summa's on South Main. It has been
icarnoa mat mo minors' tools loft behind
by tho burglars
dorKincaid and anothor carpontor urn-
Hiuyuu m mo rmnK ItlUgo colliery. The
tools wore Etolon during iholattor part of
last week. Ainone tho niocn itn
an cxcollont braco bolonging to Kincaid
A Fa... A .,-"- , - .
uuyo uuiuroinosaio was blown open
tho Shenandoah Fnnd ,.n,i t...v...
- J.UIUU111
Company's offlco a fow months ngo tools
wuro sioion irom ropalrsmon of tho Plank
umgo colliery. And just prior to tho
blowing of a Bafo In Itinirtnwn mn). un...
stolon from tho eamo colllory. Those cir
the parties are not unacquainted with tho i
workings ot tho jnino montloned.
It is said that Summa, contrary to advlco,
les boon harborinir strancers of tusnielons
iharactor. Thov havo boon rjlavinc unon
his piano and havo nmused his patrons
with songs in return for liberty of the
houfo. Betwoon curtain falls thov hav
studied tho host's habits and, with tho as
sistance of town toughs, wound up their
caroor with tho grand finalo of yostorday
Interesting Notes Concerning tho
Now Famous Resort.
Carpenters havo finished work on tho
dancing pavilion and tho painlors started
wbrk to-day.
Work on tho rsco courso Is progressing
The grounds about tho dancing pavilion
and hotel aro being greatly improvod.
Bloomsburg parties wero on tho grounds
to-day negotiating for a dato on which to
hold a grand picnic.
Tho Indications are that boforo tho close
of the season dales for picnics will bo
sought by parties along tho Philadelphia t
Heading railroad as far as Heading.
Tho Grant Cornet Band will compote lu
tho eisteddfod at Lakosida on August lGtb.
Lanslord will also havo a band on the
It is rumored that tho Third Brigado
Band of l'ottsville will try to lako tho $76
and gold modal.
Among tho societies that will attend tho
musical festival at Lakosido on July 21st
will be tho Harmonle Maennorchor of
Heading, Qermania Baengorbund of liar
risburg, Pottsvillo Lledorkranz, St. Clair
Maennochor, Ashland Maennechor, "Will
lamiportTurn Vorein, Conoordiaof Ilazlo
Ion, Ilazleton Maennochor, Hhamokin and
Gjrardvillo Maonnechors, and two addi
tional Shamokin coddles.
l'ragres ot tli lllg I-eurr nft,
..nT Tl T Julv 0. Tlin tn its
Ocean King and E. F. Luckonbach, hav
ing in tow the big Leury raft of logs, ar
rived in UUICU lliiruur uuiiiik .uu luuru
in.. Tim wind nml sen woro so lilah
that it was thought best to mako a har
bor until tho weather uocauie caimor.
It..Jnoteil the Governor's Komlnatlon.
nnRTON. July 0. Tho Exooutlvo Coun
cil rejected tho Governor's nomination ot
Mr. Chauncey tsmitu to do mo successor
ot Oeorgo M. Crocker as Itallroad Com
missioner, only one voto being cast In
favor of It.
Double Hcull lines Arrimseil,
t-nnnwrn On Julv 0 A douliln snnll
lunin.u, w...., - --
l.BVAI)n n'Pjinnn? nml Hflnlnn find
Qaudaur and Mackay has boon arranged
.1 T. I . .? i . 1 ,1 ... 1. . ..
It will bo rowod.
Death fn 'Yil Knnwn Actress.
miLAOEU-niA, July 0. Dora Shaw, at
one tlmo a woll known actress and lead
ing lady, died at the Forrest Homo last
night. She beeu uu inmate ot the
Home 1USS.
America and Labor Day.
Editor Hkhaum-I notice In tho
ounty seat p.,pers there teems to bo
quits a lively controversy between tho
members of tho O, A. It. and the Sons of
America over the dnta d
ujruu uj H(IT
I ITIIlOr OrL'AIllKfl.tnn f.- . iit. ,t
onumontdedioKtedto the defenders of
io Union in the lntn ri1ltrt m. .1
" ivu ui.vtfiiini? inn
selected for tho dedication is Labor Day.
On September 3d.
tion of the Jr. O. ir. A.
of A , held in this town, it was decided
that tho next parade and convention of
tlieso two organisations, representing a
mflnihlltlllln in nnn . ... .
.........,.,,, , uvt.r snouia hi hold
in St. Clair on Labor Day (September 7)
and not. as has an ur.-,,n,,,,.i .i
uwiibij suueu, on
Soptombor 1st. Inasmuch as thU date wa$
dfoided unon ono venr trn ..n.i .....
ernlly known by the public, wo think tho
...uuiuers OI tuo U. A. It. of Poltsvlllo
nouiu arranga another date for the dodi
'atioil. It WOUld ha fnr lhn nii.1,,.1 n.
' all liartios ooni-nmnil on,t .u-.-
n,,, UTTTIU09, iiiueu
two organization! should bo the last for tho
. A. K. to unUi(7oniA. Tt woe r. i
organizations the O. A. It. received its
groatost assistanon nml ,. . i
their iioblo undertaking. For tha benefit
of tho members of all tli
..... u.fciiiai.iuu9
ouncerned north of tho mountain, who do
siro to participate in both thojoint parado at
St. Clair and tho dedication at Pottsvillo,
I trust the matter will be amicably settled.
Got together, gentlemen.
bhenandoah, Pa., July 9, 1801.
That Parado Notico.
Editor Hkkald : I was tomowlmt i.r.
prised in my porusal of yesterday's Hmi
ALU to And you Unpolled to givo an ex
planation of tho origin of tho joint parado
notico published in your paper last woek.
It is, lo say tho least, a sad commantarv on
tho fair-mindni-ss of our townspeople, that
thoro should bo any necessity for this.
nut was not all tho talk about tho notico
really much ndo about nothine? Nothing
but tho sheerest narrow-mindedness would
prompt any person to llnd fault with it. or
to criticiio those whom they supposed to
nave originated it. As if tho Ubuald, tho
Columbia lloso company, or "Com-
issued similar calls horotoforo and whoso
business Isit, anyhow,, when tho call is
issued in good faith and for a laudabla
purpose, to bring tho matter into question 1
hat's tho motivo? Is not tho Fourth of
uly a univorsnl ono in this land of ours.
and doar aliko to overy ono who accopta
our citizenship? Had tho IIeuald origi
nated it, it would havo been but anothor
ono of its progrosslvo moves in tho intore6t
of homo enthusiasm and advancement.
Had thu Columbia lloso company, that has.
always labored In the interest of tho town
at tho most hazardous moments and with eo
much personal sacrifice, doeorvos well of
our peoplo In overything tho company un
dertakes to bettor its condition. Ho who
furnished tho notico to you has no apology
to make, but rather prides in 'having taken
up what had boon overlooked by others,
for thoro aro certain unalienablo righla
possessed by all of us in this land of tha
froo and uo irrepressible selfishness or In
tolerance that may crop out horo and thoro
can in tho least intorforo with well-meant
and appropriate oxorcises of those rights.
H! enandoah, Pa., July 7, 1801.
Roolcy Mountain Cure.
Tao druggists claim that peoplo call
laily for tho now euro for constipation and
jick headache, discovered by Dr. Silts
Lane whilo in tho llocky Mountains. It is
'aid to bo Orogon grapo root (a great
romody In tho far West for thosolcom
plaints) comblnod with elmplo horbs, and la
mado for use by pourlug on boiling water
to draw out tho 6trongth. It soils at 60
cents a package and is called Lano's
Family Modloine.
To NorvouB, Debilitated Men.
If you send us your address, wo will
nail you our illustrated pamphlet explain
ng all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Klectro
v'oltalo Bolt and Appliances, and their
iharming oflecU upon tho nervous do
nlitated system, and how they will quickly
-eetore you to vigor, and manhood. 1 amph
et free. If you are thus afflicted, we will
tnd you a Belt and Appliances on a trial.
VOLTAio Belt Pp.. Marshall. Mich,
This season will be a great ono for fruit
Don't Pay 5 Cents
For what you can get for
half tho monoy. Our
Spanish Panetollas at two
for live aro hotter than
half tho Cigars- you pay
fivo conts for. Try thorn .
$1.10 a hox.
No. 122 North Jardin Street.