The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 07, 1891, Image 4

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Picnics and Outings
Severn, tho Grocer, is head
quarters for fino Cheese, Fruits
and Vogetables,Canned Meats,
Pickles, Crackers, CukoSj Con
densed Milk, etc., suitable for
picnics and excursions. Now
supply sliced Summer Sausage
All new and fresh goods.
Cor. Contre and Wliito Streets.
The Evening Herald.
all Tim news Fon oxt: cent.
llu a larger elrcnlatton In 8henndoah than
any other paper published. Olrou
latlon IkioIis open to all.
Trim out the shade troes
A bi(t potato crop Is assured.
Farmers are rejoicing over an abundant
crop of grain.
StrooU, alleys and gutters had n thorough
wahin(r by the heavy rains.
The man who "turns, the tables" takes
good euro that his chair remains at the
f-upid noyer bothers with the tlierraome
ti r June and December are all the same to
Entitled to the Best.
All are entitled to the best that their
money will buy, so every family should
have, at onoo, a bottle of the beet family
r' tni'dy, Syrup of Vig; W cleanse the sy6
'm when costive or bilious. For sale in
ric nnd (1,03 bottles by all leading drug-K'-ts-
L&kside Llnlngres.
Over 2,000 people from Mabanoy City,
Tamaqua, Shenandoah and other plaoos in
ihe county attended the picnic at Lakeside
Pr.rk on tho Fourth. Tho dancing pavilion
wa crowded all day by merrymakers. '
About three hundred feet of the race
'rack Inolosure was blown down by tho
Blrm Friday night.
A high wind prevailed most of tho da."
and for that reason the steamer win not put
upon the lake.
Four new, well modeled and handsome
row boats wore placed on the lake lat
week. They are named "Lakeside,"
Uella," "Maggie" and "Nellie." Tli's
week three more will be added. They
wVl be known as "Lillie," "Lottio" and
An Unknown Muu's llwlr Found.
HonbooT. N. Y., July. 7. The body of
an unknown mnn was fouud lathe Hud
eon off Ulster Lauding. It lb, believed he
was the person who was aeon by passen
ger to jump from the nteamur Dean
Itlcbtnond lnt Thursday. From papers
fouud on hts person he Is supposed to be
Rudolph Fix, of Skuuoatolos, N. Y.
Ifo llnvnlt 111 Mexico.
Washisotom, July 7. Senov Romero tho
Mexican MluUter here donloa emphati
cally the truth of the report published
in a San Francisco despatch to the ellect
that Mexioo Is ripe for a revolt ugalnst
the Diaz goveruiuout.
tlov. 1'attUoti'A Tour.
Cakuslk, Pa., July 7. Gov. Paulson,
Adlutaut-Geuerul McClelland nud party,
who are making n tour from Hnrrlsbuvg
to Bedford on borsebnok, spent tho night
At Doubling uap Springs, this county.
The Indies of the' party travel lnonrrluges.
Kx-Vloe-rrciMent Iliuulln'a l'tineral.
Baxoor, Mo.. July 7. Tho romalus of
ix-Vloe-Presidont Hamllu will lie in
fit u to in the Unitarian Church until to
morrow, when the funeral will bo hold.
The bereaved family havo received
tunny expressions of sympathy.
Dr. Spursoou SUahtly Ilrttsr.
Lonvon, July 7. Tho Rov. Dr. Spur-
geon Is slightly better.
Coming Event.
July aoth. Festival and entertainment ;
Robbins' opera house, under tho auipioes
L.f Silver Wave Castle. A, O. K. of il. O.
From The Nation's Capitol.
. X, II.. .. 1 1 1. I , ft f r ......
.111. Jt. .1, UUVUi I, MUIUIIUU J.VliKIJB,
fhe Famous Itetl Flair Oil. Is a perfect fsinlly
ineillolue, and lias ne etiuiil (or Itheumatlsin,
.Neuralgia, Sprains, Ctus, Bums, and n'l
I loally plu, l'noe i oeuts. At Klrllo's dr ,g
To Our Readers.
Are you troubled with Consumption or a
ifC) seaiea uow, it so iaxe ueaiiny exercne,
. miIii ouen air. use l'anTlua Couih aua
Uelay. Trl
ptloa cure, ana be curea. Don't
rial bottles frveat Klrllu s drugstore,
Blanks Go
Gilt So
Emboli 12 l-2c
Wln low i-!i;ide, SlU'ing rollors..25o
CurUIn Tolcs.. 25o
22 East Cinlre St., Shencnooah,
Doath at Pawtuokot.
YoHcrday, at l'awtuckot, lUiodo Island,
Mrs. Melinda Doyor, wlto of S. V. Hoyor,
and slstor of Mrs. James Fox, of VVm.
Venn, and dstor-ln-law of tho odllor of
tho ilKnALU, died, after an lllnew of
everal months.
Mino Surveying.
Every miner can learn onouuh of tnlno
urvoylng to qualify him to obtain a tnlno
foreman's cortlflcato of competency by
reading Tte Colliery Engineer, whlohoon-
tains a department edited ospoclally for
miners who havo not had much schooling
but who wish to prepare themselves to paM
the examination. If you aro ambitious to
rise in your profession subscribe for it,
Price $2.00 per year. Address Tho Cob
llery Engineer Company, Soranton, Pa.,
for lree sample copy.
Oonstable Otto, of Philadelphia, was In
town last evening.
Miss Katharine James, of West Coal
street, is on a visit to her sister at llornelU
vllle, N. Y.
John Morgan, who spent several months
in town with relatives, left last night for
Houkford, III.
Miss llerlha Ilolderman, a littlo miss
nine yosrs of ago, is pushing to tho front
line of local expert bloyclo ridors.
Miss Libblo Faust, with tho Colliery En
gineer Company, Soranton, is spending a
few days in town with her mother.
Uarry J. 1'arrolt left for his homo in
Philadelphia last night after spending
pleasant vacation with relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ivolswentor and
daughter and Mr.'and Mrs. Frnnk Schmidt
are taking In tho eights of Philadelphia
T. J. Fostor, editor Colliery Engineer,
Soranton, C. S. Fostor and Deputy Dis
trlct Attorney Sl.ay, of I'ottsville, were in
town tbis afternoon.
.foe Goldstein, formerly n resident of
this town and now ongaged as traveling
salesman for n How York clothing house,
was a visitor to town.
They Must Stop Fishing In Roar
ing Oreek.
There are a great number of fishermen
from Sbamokin and all the way up to
Shenandoah, v, ho go ovor to Roaring
Creek and do not pay any attention to tho
law protecting the stream. Tho law states
that no one thall be allowod to fish for three
years. Sbamokin parties having been
visiting Roaring Creek two or throe times
each week (luring tho season, claiming
there is no 1r.w forbidding fishing thorotn.
Ono of the gentlemou interested in protect
ing the stream says :
"This is a big bluff upon their part, for
if tboy know anything at nil about tho fish
and game laws, they know that they have
no business to fish in Roaring Ciook, nnd if
they do they are liablo to a fino of S3).
This is tho law, and it is so plain that it
cannot be misconstrued.
"We havo been at considerable oxponso to
secure nnd put into this stream a lot of
brook trout fry, and wo desiro to eoo the
law obeyod in regard to protecting them.
To aid in this wo will pay all costs In any
suit brought to prosecuto parties for fishing
in this stream where tho parties aro not
oonvlctod; wo will pay a bonus of ?5 to any
peison who will mako Information belore
any Justice of tho Peace of such illegal
fishing, providing such information is suffi
cient to convict. (Provldod, aho, that said
illegal fishermen are not residents of Roar
ing creek township, as wo have no desiro to
mix into any neighborhood quarrels.) In
addition to tho above wo offer an extra
premium of a box of good cigars for tho
arrest and conviction, for any violation of
this law, of any Shenandoah fisherman,
who, it seems, aro tho most rapacious of all
comlcg from neighboring towns."
Tho above is from tho fcjhamokin Jleraul,
Mernbars of J. W,
Lodge Oelobrato.
List ovoninK tho members of J. AV,
Stokes Jjodgo, No,
515Klndop on d on t
Order of Odd Follows, colobratcd tho third
nnnivorsary of their organization.
Tho altendanco was large and tho oven
Ing passed o(T most pleasatiily.
A muiical and litorcry progrommo was
preparod for the ocoaslon and it was carried
out successfully. After tho first part of the
ontortainment lemonade and cakes were
nerved, aud at tho conclusion of tho second
part thore wss a coneral exchange of fra
ternal groetlngs, whilo ioe croam, fruit,
cakes and lemonade wore eorvod in abun
dan co.
George L. Uafner was the matter of
ceremonies. Addresses on Odd Fellow
ship were made by Alessrs. A. E. L.
Leckie, Daniel Doiin and Dr. Matter,
John A. Latham, of Mahanoy City, Bonj.
llaskey and Misses JonM and Raugh ren
dered vooal selections.
J. W. Stokes Lodge Is on tho highway ol
prosperity. Two candidates wero initiated
last Friday night and, although the lodgo
is but thrde years old, it has invested for
the benefit of its members f 1,000. The
cash in the treasury amounts to ovor $600,
tho paraphernalia Is worth $000, nnd tho
total value of the lodgo is betweon 5,000
aud $6,500.
The Soorot of Suooesa.
C, 11. Hagenbuoh, the drugtlit.butlirvcw that
thekecretof suooess is perseverance. There
fore he persists In keeping the finest line uf
perfumeries, tollit nrVlclts, cosmetics, dniKu
and Qheiuteats ou the market, lie espocladj
luvlte all porsons who have palpitation,
short breath, weaK or hungry spells, pain tt
side or shoubter, oppresolou, nightmare, dry
o ugh, smothering, dropsy or heart rtkease
to try Dr. .Miles' ttneiiualed New Heart Cure,
brt'uio It Is too late, tt has the largost aale of
any similar remedy. Fine book ortextlmo
'llalsfree. Dr. Miles' Hesloratlve Nervine Is
unsuriasked for sleeplessness, neadaehu, llts,
etc., and It ooutalns no opiates.
Buy Keystone Hour. Jie caroful that the
namo Liiosio & Co., Ashland, l'a,, it
printed on every sack. 8-8-3taw
Advertise In tho Ukhalo.
(Omdnnd from firtt page.)
The Dratnl Jap.
Tho brutal animal Instincts that led
Juglro to murder Murl Comml was
WAllDEN nuowrf.
nwnkened, and ho sworo that ho would
never uo to tho chalr,buc would kill him
self. When trying to place him In a
barber's chair to shavo him this morn
ing he fought so that It had to be given
up. It Is thought that ho will try to
kill tho guards who take hlin out. lie
thinks bo is to bo placed In tho cbalr
and torn to pieces. lie has been brood
ing over tho pictures in a magazine for a
week, and wherever a chair appoara he
has turned a loaf down.
Best domat shirt in town,
Famous" clothing house, COc.
pants from 76c. up.
at "The
Serial Buildingand Loan Associ
Of 91nliHiioy City,
Will expoie at publlo vendue on the premises
iniue uoiuu;;u ui t-ueuanuoau, on
Saturday, July 11 ,'91,
The foil owing described real estate:
Two half-lots situate oil West Centre
street, with tho buildings thereon,
conslBttujr of four dwellings, (two on
onch half lot) and known aa tho Mra.
Mary Keating; property, renting for
tho sum of thirty-three dollars per
A. K. SMITH, PresliJont.
7-. 5t J. A. LATHAM, bsaretary.
Itbcals evory thtns In the maiket, and the
is ju
usl rliit. to suit the limes.
Jt will pay you to come
you to i
see 11.
Iampieparcd ' i do the following at the
nrlces auoictt:
Tin roofing 6c per foot and up
Tin rout painting ' "
Tin conductor bin ........2o " "
Tin lianRltiK gutter l-'c " "
uaivanizea cnimiiey siaoK .jopor pounu
iiepairs lor uu biQves n bpciuuy.
7 0 3m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah
A grand opportunity lor Joining a new
The Beneficial Order of Equity,
A fraternal soolety for both sexes.
Pays From $200 to $5,000 !
Advances money to buy hemes, cancels tho
Indebtedness In cae of disability or death,
p.iys sick ana aeuiu uenenis.
For further particulars call on or address,
Deputy Supreme President,
;a m. main si., fiieiiaijuoaii, ru.
Oysters, Clams and Poultry
Hecolved daily at tho old reliable
stand oi
North Main St, near Lloyd.
Wholesale and Xtclall.-
Plcnles, festivals nnd private parties sup
pueu m fjuuuvuies hi, siiurbnoiiw.
Neat, Cheap and Stylish
Btraw If its . from 20o to 1.50
ahort Bpray Flowers 6o to 1.00
Wreaths .COo t 1.75
Infants' Christening Kobe, 05o to $J
Infants' long and short,25
Why don't you wear one?
All colors, at SO cents.
FOH SALE A youujr horse. Ap
ply at Laudlg's stationery store, 0-11-tf
GIRL WAnTED.-a" good ox
perlcnced girt wanted for general house
work, Nobther need apply. CallnlilRiiAU)
olHce.Kast Coal street. 7-3-tf
T70H SALE. Several vel'y desire
A. We properties. Terms reasonable. Ap
Ply to Pierce Walker, J. l' corner of West
and Cherry stretts.
boarders, or for meals only, Qood loci
tlonnud first-class accommoUntlnus. Apply
U M. Sbeeler's, No. 110 N. Main street, Hlieu
indoah, L'a, h-5 lm
JL sale.
One Of LhB most dnslrnhla rvrntwr
ties og West Oak streot, for sale on rcasonablt
terms. Apply at llowso's grocery store, cor
ler Jardln and Oak street. Shenandoah, Pa
FOR RENT. A good live-room
house, with cellar nnd outside kitchen.
I'alnUd laid papered. Kent reasonable
Vpply to Henry Ii. Jonei,414 West Oak Rtreet.
6-28 lw
hereby Klven
X that on June 29, 1891, I purchased the
interest or win. 11. James In
the Cambridge
Ooal Commiiv. of Shenandoah Pa.
Shenandoah, fa., July 2, 1801. 7-2 It
LOST. At tho corner of Centre and
Chestnut streets. $20. Finder will he
lulttbly rewarded by relurnluz same to
John fiovan, corner Centre ana Chestnut
itrt-eui. 0-3 Mw.
UAi'Kn-An sctlvo reliable mnn
V salary S70 to 8Bo monthly, with ln-
trease, to represent In his own section n re
fousioie net7 l ors tiouie, iteierenci-n.
AyuFAntJitEK, hoot Box ices. New York.
17011 RENT Store and building
niw occupied by tho Shenandoah
Bakery Co. lor ma Mtfacturlnit ant retal
audy btixlnen. Twofloors63x20feet. Apply
to J. J. Kranoy. S-titf
JL Is hereby given that the honk and stx
lU.nery business horetoforo oouduetd by H.
F. Laudlg, at No. 4 North Matu si reel, will, on
intt arur Monday, June 29,1891, boconllnued
oy 11 F. Jyaudliraml I'rod. Hooks, under the
9im name of IjaudlgiS Hooks.
Shenandoah, Jnne27, 1S91. oh-w w
heieby given that an nppllcallon will
oe made to the Governor -f lerinylvaulaon
thethlrdduy or August, 1801, ly J.M. Gllck,
Moses Mcrvlne, Chrltlau Kberlo, Ijlmon
Swoyer, Zachsry T. Trout and J. II. Hoelmau
uuner me act. oi Assenjoiy euinie eiu mu
to provide lor the Incorporation and regula
tion of certain corporations approved April
i0. 1871." and the Hupn'euieiitS thereto, for the
charter or un Intended corpoialton to be
called "Kulton Wate Company," the chnrac-
ler anu object or wmcn is mo huppiyiug or
water for the publlo at the borough of ulrard
mi, in llie county oi twiniyinni, anu 10 per
jns. -nartnershlns and assoc'ailons restdlug
theiefu as may delro the same, and for these
purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the
rltrhis, benefits nan privileges of said Act ol
AHbcmuiy ana suppie menm mero'o.
J. Jl. i r
tOY, Hollcltor.
77-' a.
G tBABDVILLic, July 7, IK!)
FinsT National Hank op Siusvando in. i
juiys, isui. j
Tim Ilnarrt of Directors has this anv de-
clnrcd a seml-auunal dividend of five (5) per
cent., payable on aomsna.
Thnmirtnr!(niel desiring to retire from bus-
Inwia. will rilHmwA of hts stoek ot drv eoods.
groceries 4c, chea p. Purchaser can alfco onl
the store room at roasonnblo terms The
stand is a good one and lu the hands of a live
man can iu maao promaoio.
zoo Nortli Jnrtlln St.
0-10 tf
The Cheapest Place !
Gtnfs' FuraisMng Goods, Hosiery, Etc ,
18 AT
23 West Centre Ht., Bheuandoab.
X- X5. 30-3T3r3:33,
Coimnerclnl Hotel, Shenandoah.
Duncan & Waidley's.
OurgoodB always attract the
eye, our prices always suit tho
purse. lu.fauoy gooda wo have
some of the latest Importations
of Vases and Artislio Pottery.
Our 6 and lOo counters al
ways bright with new goods..
As the fruit season is at hand
we wlah to call your attention
to the fact that wo aro head
quarters for Jars, Jolly Cups,
Crocks, &c, 13 ig values lu table
Duncan & Waidley,
No. 8 South Main Sfreet, Shenandoah, Pd
No, 7
Sontli Mulu St., SlictinudoaU
Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pico
. . ,inA A, ivnf..iinn.K, Tm
Cream i'arloro attached, 4
Jjow Is llie time to chango yojr unde'wear.
You can got at Scnnlan's a suit ol goad
Summer Vudcrwcnr at 50c
A little bet'er lor 80c. Hood Summer Ou' Ing
Ihlrts, 23o to tl. G J to -"canlan's and get the
new Century Braeo-tlm bost Bummer llraoo
in tho market. At
.icanlan'syou can
jet a good
SOFT HA? for 53c,
No more bother
with hnls that do
not fit, as Scan
inn has a new
tretcher for Shaping Hats
o fit 111 head. Only two dozen more
25n neckwear left. Bcaulan wlli sell you
cheap hats and caps, latest styles and
colors. Cheap Overalls nnd White
shins. XQ Huti, raoi st.
Attention, House. Cleaners !
Thejwarm weather Is here, and hotifie-cleaiilnB Is tho next thing In order.
Aud at such times most everybody needs somethlutr to brighten
up the home, so If you nowl a good carpet of either
Velvet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brussel,
You can find a full assortment at PEICE'S.
ice Curtains, Curtail -Poles of all Kinds !
Window Shades, Floor nud Table Oilcloths nnd Linoleums of .all grades.
Prices cannot be beaten when quality is considered.
No misrepresentation one price-to all.
J, J. PRICES'S Old Reliable Stand,
113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. i
Men's all-wool Cheviot Suits $8.00
" " Worsted Suits 10.00
Boys' " " " 7.6P
" " Cheviot Suits 5.50
And everything ele in our line you
AVo sell the beat 80c Domet
Tailoring a
No. 11 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Lenses, Mortgages and Bonds written,
luarringe licenses auu legal claims
promptly attended to.
Real Estate, Collection aud Insurant Agency.
General I'lro Insurance Business, Represents
tue isortiiwestern Lire insurance Uo.
Office Muldoon's bulletin?, corner Centre
aud West Hts., tjuanandoali; Pa.
Gcod Properties of All Kinds For Sale,
1. A two story doublo frame dwelling house,
store nnd restaurant, on Knst i !eutre fit.
2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre
3, Desirable property od corner Ct litre and
juruiu streets, suuarjie lor uusiness pur
tTOses. 4. A two story double Irame dwelling, on
We.t l.loyil street.
5. Two 2-story irame dwelllnss on West Con
tre street.
0. Two 2 story dwellings on tue corner ol
uoat ana unestnut streets isioro room in
7. Two-story single house on Korth Chestnut
street with a large warehouse at the rear.
8. Three two-siory double frame buildings
corner oi l.ioyu ana uurran streets. .
The Photograplier
Is located at
No. 14 North White Street.
Having ban his gallery rjroatly Improved, he
ib lunvuetuar luviiuiiHi uinn over luireeb
the wants of the public lu l' rplioto
graphlo line. The iww photo
graphs at lowest rice-.
Crayon Worlc a Specialty.
2iretv Jilrm.
New 8tocl$.
Green Truck, Fino Groceries,
Delaware roe shad and oVher frs'' ftb right
from tho boats on Fridays. I'resU
Qrotns from theijouth.
Evan's' Building;, E. Centre St.
(J. S. ViUla nt' ohl ttaml)
Everything new and rcsli. Ooodsdellvered
to any pnrt of town
Lambert, The Hatter,
Carries an extraordinary line ot
Hats, Caps and Dents' Furnishing Ooods
and makes a specialty or
Nellie Illy nud Mary Antlur?ou Caps.
a east aBSxrirua st.
Children's Suits $1 upwards
Knee Punta 20o "
Sateeu Shirts noo "
Men's shifting shirts 73o "
Host neoktlo in town 25o
will find down to the lowest prices.
Shirt in town. Merchant
First National Bank,
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. W. Leisenring, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenring, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Daily From 9 to 3.
Pnlil 011 UnvliiKO Deposits.
Boot and Shoe Store,
(Masteller's old stand,)
cornar coal nnd JnrilliilHta,
Mr, Bnyder will always keep In stock a fine
Hue of boots and shoes.
Custom Work, and Repairing1
done In the best style. Ho guarantees to sell
cheaper than competitors on Main street who
havo big rents to pay, and guarantees a genu
Ino baigalu on every purchase.
SO Unit Centre Street, SUEXAXDOAir.
Bread, Cakes, led Cream and Coafectioocry !
Oloaoct on &VLXxAn,-yia.
Q. M.IIAMtW'ON.M. 1.,
Ottlee-28. West Lloyd Htrret, Bhenandoah